“I think that the ideal space must contain elements of magic, serenity, sorcer y, and myster y.�
— Luis Barragan
F or m a s L i b r e s The librar y is a building containing a collection of books, periodicals, and other materials like films. Before, we were able to read books or other articles we played with assorted pattern block toys. As children, we played in a branch of mathematics that deals with lines, points, and angles as well as solids and voids.
L i br e s For mas libres is a design that takes the for m of these geometric shapes to create reading areas, communal areas, and other amenities useful to the Red Hook Brooklyn community.
T h e f or m f ollows b eau ty or, even mor e, f or m f ollows b elleza.
Daniel Cedillo (516)-474-7904 danielcedillo.arch@gmail.com