NOSi brochure 2012

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Dare to Innovate Dare to Innovate

NOSi Dare to Innovate

Cape Verde achieved independence in 1975. Consisting of 10 islands with few natural resources, few were those who foresaw the feasibility of this new state. After 35 years implementing the State of Cape Verde, many successes have been achieved. A country that recently became part of the group of middle-income countries. A country that in 10 years changed its indicators for INTERNET penetration from 1% to 30%, and was recognized in the last two Doing Business reports one of the of 10 Most Reforming Countries in the world and is listed as number # 1 in the West Africa Sub-region in e-Gov, and sustained much of its modernization process with the dynamics of new information technologies and, more, specifically in Integrated Electronic Governance. This approach to e-governance has earned worldwide praise, mainly because it is different from the models used in most countries. The way how the integration of electronic governance has been carried out allows to solve problems related to dispersion of information organic and systems involved in e-government. In other words, the model adopted by Cape Verde of having the integration of systems on a common technology platform as the central assumption minimizes the challenge of interoperability faced by many countries. Cape Verde’s goal in e-government is to devise Technological solutions that help citizens and businesses in every stage of life, and for this has been developing and providing quality services, arranged according to life events across multiple service channels (personalized customer service, Web and Voice). NOSi covers all phases of the development of integrated solutions. With a team of over 200 employees specialized in areas of innovation, NOSi designs solutions highly adapted to the context of the client, providing technical and legal advice to solve complex problems related to technology, change management, selection of cutting-edge technology, including on-thefield development and implementation of solutions as well as training of human resources for effective ownership of the solutions developed by customers. NOSi is today an institution of excellence, young, bold and dynamic, and within its competence, has been mobilizing the society, the private sector and public sector, by developing integrated e-government solutions supported by a modern technology platform and highly qualified national experts.

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Solutions i-Gov. The integrated model of Governance One of the major constraints of Public Administrations is the traditional organization in silos, focusing on institutions and not on the real needs of its citizens. Changing this paradigm is virtually impossible in most advanced countries where sectorial powers are more solidified. For developing countries it may be an opportunity to grow at more pronounced. rate. In response to the needs of citizens and businesses, NOSi developed IGRP - Integrated Government Resources Planning, an innovative model based on a single technology platform, that is customer-oriented, providing an integrated package of solutions for governance, with efficiency gains in the public sector. The IGRP model prevents duplication of resources and maximizes investments through integration, improving transparency and accountability of government functions that, in turn, should contribute to cost reduction in public administration.

_Advantages of IGRP 1. Model adaptable to other realities; 2. Aligned with internationally recognized quality standards; 3. Bases all its logic on the principle of “Write Once, Read Many”; 4. Supported over a single State communications network; 5. Anchored on the basic principles of dematerialization and absence of territoriality 6. Widespread access to information by citizens; 7. Promotes inter-sector collaboration; 8. Provision and access to services through mobile devices

_IGRP provides a package of integrated solutions for a wide range of areas: • Financial Management; • Education; • Identification; • Infrastructures; • Health and Welfare; • Justice; • Electoral Management; • Registries and Notaries; • Business Environment; • Municipalities.


_Some gains from IGRP: • Greater Celerity, Transparency and quality in the provision of services to citizens; • Improved Business Environment / Entrepreneurship Promotion - Creation of businesses in one day (from 52 days to 1 hour); Company Licensing (from 15 days to 48 hours; • Greater transparency in budget management within the State apparatus; • Increased efficiency / productivity; • Online monitoring of State collections, transactions and expenses. • Free access points to the Internet scattered across the islands and municipalities of the country for free access to information and knowledge, and online public services (30% of the population with Internet access, ITU, 2011). • Increased efficiency in Electoral Processes (Publication of 2011 elections results in 2 hours) • Improved Good Governance Practices; • Promoting growth of ICT sector in Cape Verde; • Promoting strong technological culture particularly among young people; • Promotion of academic/scientific studies on ICT • Online Certificates (Issuing time down from several weeks to just one minute, for in the country and in the Diaspora); • E-payments (real time payment of contributions and taxes); • Online booking of hospital appointments; • Creation of a one-stop - shop for provision of various Public Administration integrated services to citizens and businesses in the country and in the Diaspora through the customer service channels: Personalized service (House of Citizens’); WEB (; Phone (Contact Center). • Cape Verde is amongst the six (6) African countries and the 1st in the West Africa Sub-region in the field of Electronic Government. (UN Report, 2012) (UN Report, 2012)

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_Integrated Solutions: • SIGOF - Integrated System for Budget and Financial Management. • SIM - Municipal Information System • SIT - Territorial Information System • SIS - Health Information System • Special Regime of the Land Registry • SIPS - Integrated Social Security System • SNIAC - National Identification and Authentication System • MUNDU NOVU - ICT at the Service of education • SIGAE - Integrated Student Management and Monitoring System • Registration and Notary System • Citizen’s House - a new paradigm of relationship between the public administration and citizens • A Business in a Day • Simplified company licensing • Online Certificates • Porton di Nos ilha - a privileged interface of interaction between Public Administration and citizens, allowing access to online public services. • Konekta • State Communication network- facilitates access to Internet, to Electronic Communication, and several management applications for Government and municipalities. • Management Module for Police Stations - National Police • Human Resources Management for Public Administration • DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM • WEBSITE DESIGN • Single Social Housing Registry • M-GOV certificates • M-GOV Payments • M-GOV Municipalities • M-GOV Health • M-GOV Education “In Cape Verde, thanks to a very efficient implementation team on the ground, a project to establish an electronic one-stop-shop for business life-cycles was completed on time at 29% below budget.” ICF 2011 Report


A Business in a Day Establish your Business in only one Day Most African countries face serious obstacles in setting up businesses. There is still the traditional model which is time-consuming, sometimes takes months, because of the complex processes and the need for involvement and interaction among various entities. This is undoubtedly the major constraint to the business environment and even to the development and competitiveness of countries. In Cape Verde we adopted the one-stop-shop model for business establishment, based on the logic of integration. With this initiative, it was possible to replace the various interactions previously needed with one single interlocutor. Before it took 52 days to establish a company, now it takes 24 hours using the “A Business in One Day” service. With the “A Business in One Day” any citizen or group of citizens can simply and quickly set up their business - joint stock companies/business corporations and / or limited companies immediately on the same day at the one-stop-shop service Since its launching in 2008, hundreds of companies have been created through the “A Business in One Day. This innovative solution has helped improve the business environment and promote entrepreneurship and innovation. The possibility of creating a Business in one day and the simplified company licensing helped Cape Verde to appear in the 2011 Doing Business Report ranking among the 10 countries in the world that have made more progress towards improving the investment climate.

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Natural persons,

juridical persons, both nationals and foreigners, either directly or through their legal representatives can create commercial partnerships.

_Integrated Model

“Business in One day” is part of the IGRP (Integrated Government Resources Planning) model proposed by NOSi - Operational Unit of Information Society, which provides an integrated package of solutions for public and private institutions with view to improving the provision of quality services to citizens, focused above all on efficiency gains, improved transparency and accountability, reduced costs. IGRP bases all its logic on the principle of “Write Once, Read Many”, that is, information is not duplicated within the Administration and can be accessed across departments. Dematerialization and absence of territoriality are other basic principles of this vision.

_Results • Increased alacrity and comfort for citizens and businesses • Improved quality of services to citizens; • Simplified administrative process for opening a business.

“In Cape Verde, thanks to a very efficient implementation team on the ground, a project to establish an electronic onestop-shop for business life-cycles was completed on time at 29% below budget.” ICF 2011 Report


Special Regime for Land Registry Growing with the Housing Market Land management and registration of tourism and real estate developments are major challenges and critical factors for the development and competitiveness of countries. In many African countries there is still the traditional model which is time-consuming, sometimes takes months, because of the complex process and the need for involvement and interaction among various entities. In Cape Verde we adopted the one-stop-shop model for Land Registry, based on the logic of integration of systems. With this initiative it is possible to perform a Land Registry act within 48 hours. The system computerizes all records of acts of disposal, transfer and encumbrance of property for tourism purposes. Land Registry. What once took 30 days, now takes place in 48 hours using the “Special Regime of the Land Registry� service. The aim is to simplify the land register of properties included in major tourism resorts. Enables real estate dealers to apply for registration and association of their enterprises to the City Council in the area of the project using a computer application integrated in a single interface. This is to respond and meet the expectations of the real estate market in a timely manner and with the necessary legal certainty and security by making use of the potentialities of new information technologies and offering a modern day solution. For its implementation, NOSi - Operational Unit for Information Society has developed a system that integrates the services of Public Administration, Municipalities, individuals, notaries and registration, and brings back into the system the electronic relationship with lawyers, customer representatives, banking system and real estate sector itself.

_Main Beneficiaries:

Companies whose businesses

are related to major tourism developments (Real

Estate Tourism Activities)


Immigrants and foreign investors can buy property even from outside the coun-

try, when represented by a lawyer associated with the special regime.

There are numerous advantages because of the legal security in information, efficiency and transparency, translated into gains in terms of celerity of notary and registration acts.

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• Allows completing the whole process of the Land Registry over the Internet; • Facilitates and streamlines the relationship between public and private sectors in land legalization, • Municipalities, Land Registry and Notary Services receive concurrent requests and respond in a integrated and complementary manner; • Legal certainty and security as to the identity and ownership of property • Promptness and transparency; • Monitoring the management of tourism developments;


Business Licensing The development challenges facing Africa are many, particularly weak institutional capacity, making it difficult to achieve results. Our main purpose is to have improved systems that provide services to make life easier for citizens. Cape Verde’s approach to improve the efficiency of the service entails a holistic approach to this issue. Indeed, a strong informational complicity between the different public services involved, presents itself as the critical factor for increased speed and security in the licensing process. Cape Verde has developed a Framework for the business environment based on massive use of new technologies and electronic information sharing among different departments.

_Objectives • Establishment of businesses, by expanding the current model of the House of Citizens’ and through various forms and channels of service delivery; • Improve or develop solutions in the “Cross Systems of Support” to ensure greater efficiency in supporting the licensing process • Development of decision-making support systems for Chambers of Commerce, Municipalities; • Municipalities, DG Trade, DG Tourism, DG Industry and IGOPP; • Simplifying and reducing the costs of the licensing process for trade (retail and wholesale), tourism and travel agencies, industries and construction sectors; • Simplifying and reducing the costs of the processes of foreclosures, bankruptcy and suspension of businesses

_Lifecycle of a Capeverdean Citizen

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In the area e-government Cape Verde’s goal is to devise solutions technology that assist citizens in each stage of his/her life, therefore has been developing and providing quality services, arranged into life events to facilitate access to various service channels (personalized services, Web and Voice). The modernization and electronic availability of these services are crucial to the ef-

fectiveness of businesses with a direct impact on investments and the development of the country. Most companies require licensing in various economic activities to commence business. The licensing database model was also designed with an integration perspective

enabling the various licensing entities to share information about the company’s situation. This will ensure sectors have greater control of company activities and also ensure to avoid duplication and inconsistency of business data. All sectors will have the same view of the company. The licensing process that took several days, is now being done in the simplified regime ranging from 48 hours to three days. Currently, this important tool for improving the business environment has developed five licensing applications, namely: • Simplified Licensing of Industrial Activities - in three days; • Simplified Licensing of Wholesale Trade - in 48 hours; • Simplified Licensing of Retail Trade - in 48 hours; • Simplified Licensing of Travel and Tourism Agencies - in 3 days; • Simplified Licensing of Construction Companies - in 10 days.

An application of companies closing down was also developed. To note that the platform developed was done in an integrated system that enables communication between the various public and private services engaged in licensing.

“In Cape Verde, thanks to a very efficient implementation team on the ground, a project to establish an electronic one-stop-shop for business life-cycles was completed on time at 29% below budget.” ICF 2011 Report


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