GSA . Y1 . 22/23

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DanielSoh MSAStage12022-2023

Lockkeepers House

The second part to the first project further opened our eyes to the possibilities within spaces. Through model making and architecture drawing we were taught to observe and infer the qualities of our environment. Only by understanding can we then make better informed design decisions.

01P1 01P1-B
to Scale


Room Survey

Our Survey and Observation skills were honed in our tasking to draw our dorm rooms (Thank God it is a small room)

Daniel Soh . 22087532

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023

(Bottom) Sketch of Work Space
Not to Scale Not to Scale
(Right) Dimensions, proportion and layout sketching
MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 4 01P1-B
Light entering my room at 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm (clockwise)
(Left) Detailed Plan Sketch of Student Accommodation Room, drawing is not to scale (Bottom) Study of How light enters my West Facing Room.

Room Drawings

Daniel Soh . 22087532

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023


(Bottom) Section Drawing of Room (Right) Orthographic Drawing of Room with measurements taken from initial Survey
1:50 N


Solids Experimentation

In Project 2, we experiment with Solids, Frames & Planes as a juxtaposition between the Tectonism and Stereotonism of Architecture construction. Through this project i gained a deeper profound understanding of these basic element’s role in spatial creation and manipulation



Daniel Soh . 22087532

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023

Model 1, Basic Shelter Model 2, Arch experimentation (Mid) Model 3, Using solids to prop support (Top Right) Model 4, Open dome (Bottom Right) Model 5, Deconstructed potato Model

Solids Final Model

Conclusion of Solids experimentation, Final model is a deconstructed, sliced and carved potato quadrant. Human scale is subsequently applied to the model which conveniently is adequately sized for apprx 1:50 scale

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023

Daniel Soh . 22087532
Not to Scale

Solids Orthographic Plans and Elevations

Scale 1:100

West & East Elevations & Section on following page

02P2 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023

Frames development

Abrupt application of rotational kinetic moment, to understand how the frame model holds up under unconventional stress

Developing the frame model through a process of subtraction and addition, allows for a deeper understanding of bracing and resisting lateral loads

Daniel Soh . 22087532

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023


Frames Final Model

Developing the frame model through a process of subtraction and addition, allows for a deeper understanding of bracing and resisting lateral loads

MSA Stage 1 2022
Daniel Soh . 22087532 - 2023

Frames Orthographic Plans and Elevations

Scale 1:50

02P2 Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 12
Planes experimentation

Frames Final Model

This Model has a mechanism to stretch and contract the model, making the planes attached the roof structure move and bend change the spatial qualities within the model

02P2 13
Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA Stage
1 2022 - 2023
02P2 Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 14
Frames Final Model


Previ Social Housing Project Lima, Peru

Project 3 is a Research Project, the focus of my research is Social Architecture. More specifically Social Architecture in the Third World. This is a massive and complex issue, while architecture remains the core focus, a basic understanding of regulations, beuracracy, best practices, social and cultural significance, government attitude, political willpower, NGOs, philantrophic outreach etc. are all needed to begin to understand the myraid of hurdles blocking equitable shelter from reaching all human beings. To help me, i employed reading a bunch of books, notably Building Brazil, Time Builds, Needs, People Poverty and Shelter, More Than Housing, Spatial Agency and many more (not to flex, but I am somewhat of an expert now) and i fell into a rabbit hole researching various movers in this space, from the likes of Francis Kere, BV Doshi, Yasmeen Lari and also architects in the First world such as Peter Barber and Neave Brown. That is a lot of research... Moving forward this project focuses on understanding the social qualities of social housing in the Third world, and to absorb reflect and digest what they can teach us, instead of how we can help them. This research project focuses on 3 distinct sites and case studies, 1. Previ in Lima. 2. Alexandra Road in London. 3.

Architect Peter Land organised the PREVI project. In it 12 typologies were implemented focusing on Low cost, incremental housing for their residents. This project developed into amatured, well diversified neighbourhood and is a case study for social housing done right.

Stage 1 2022 - 2023
Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA
N Not to Scale
Dharavi in Mumbai Educational Facilities Previ Social Housing Projec Masterplan (Left) Image Taken from Time Builds! (Fernando Garcia, Diego Torress, Nicolas Tugas)

Previ Social Housing Project Lima, Peru

(Right) Image Taken from Time Builds! (Fernando Garcia, Diego Torress, Nicolas Tugas) (Right) Shows Provided house with exposed rebar and space for future expansion.
Not to Scale
(Far Right) Shows what a family has done with the space.

Previ Social Housing Project Lima, Peru

Daniel Soh . 22087532

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023

(Left) Diagram showing how the given structure restricts future development. (Right & Far Right) Drawings of Houses being upgraded over time.
to Scale
Scale 1:200 Not

Alexandra Road Social Housing Project London, UK

Alexandra Road social housing estate was designed by the late Neave Brown. At the time of construction people hated the brutalistic nature of this concept. Preference slowly moved towards housing blocks. Under Margret Thatcher the UK’s social housing programme accerlerated in the devline. Neave Brown’s work stood the test of time, although controversial, some ideals have been fundemental to future social housing projects.

22087532 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 18
Not to Scale
Public Private
Circulation Diagram Housing Type Map Scale 1:500

Alexandra Road Social Housing Project London, UK

The Stepped Facade Creates Balconies for residents to overlook the street, this could have been to spark spontanious social interaction or create a semi-outdoor space within the flat. The Emphasis on the street is also highlighted with the stepped facade.

Images taken from

Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA

- 2023

Stage 1
Not to Scale

Alexandra Road Social Housing Project London, UK

Daniel Soh . 22087532

Alexandra Road Social Housing Project London, UK

In Studying the different typologies of houses, the one thing that stood out was the heirachy of spaces, with social spaces clustered to the front or bottom. It was always the furthest point from the entrance not by distance but by circulation.

Stage 1 2022 -
to Scale
Images taken from Scale 1:100 (Top) Type A (Below) Type C (Right) Type B (Below) Type D

Dharavi Informal Settlement Mumbai, India

Last but not least, i investigated Dharavi in Mumbai, Home of Slumdog Millionare (classic) and countless attempts to tear down this informal settlement. Recent upgrading works are spear headed by the Adani Group. The fate of the residents and craftsmen of Dharavi hangs in a perpetual state of uncertainty. Every top down attempt to formalise this space will be perceived as hostile. Instead i want to understand why does Dharavi exist and how does it function as a city within a city.

Apprx Scale 1: 25,000

03P3 21

Dharavi Informal Settlement Mumbai, India

Data retrieved from report ReDharavi by Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi from the Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies,

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 22 1: 20,000 1: 40,000 N
Daniel Soh . 22087532
1800s 1864 1897 1933 1969 Present Day 1: 40,000 1: 40,000 1: 40,000 1: 40,000

Dharavi Informal Settlement Mumbai, India

Dharavi along with the greater Mumbai area started of as a fishing village in the 1800s. Dharavi was one of many neighbourhoods at the time welcoming a large wave of migrants both from abroad and from the surrounding countryside. Over time there is a southwards shift and anchoring of Dharavi within the crossroads of mumbai. Making itself central to the city and the city to it. While land around dharavi has been slowly bought by private landowners Dharavi remained untouched. I Argue that Dharavi shapes Mumbai as a focal point and an indespensible labour pool of hardworking migrants.

Data retrieved from report ReDharavi by Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi from the Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies,

SRA Buildings

Private Land



Co-operative houses Communal space

Commercial Ambiguos Clusters

03P3 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 23 1:

Dharavi Informal Settlement Mumbai, India

The Street like Alexandra Road Estate is central to life, social and economic devices in an informal settlement. Incurssions into this space shows a willingness to connect

03P3 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023
Not to Scale Not to Scale

Dharavi Informal Settlement Mumbai, India

Images taken from slum-health-is-not-urbanhealth-why-we-must-distinguish-between-the-two-69939 website/story/opinion-covid19-are-slums-in-india-conducive-for-the-outbreak/354972

Not to Scale Not to Scale

Dharavi Informal Settlement Mumbai, India

Daniel Soh . 22087532

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023

(Left) Shows the Section of a house that stretches from the main arterial road to the inner street. In this house the ground level becomes an economic device for the owner and is space to store his craftswork. (Below) that you can see the circulation paths for potential buys and the owners as he moves to greet them. The outward incurssions by the shop fracture the circulation along the street, providing places to rest. Furthermore, the juxtaposition of his goods within the street creates a social dynamic with the neighbours
Not to Scale Not to Scale Not to Scale
(Right) More sections of houses and their uses as economic devices (Below) houses with similar form factor can easily be remodelled back into residential programme if circumstances permit.
Not to Scale Not to Scale

Dharavi Informal Settlement Mumbai, India

Stages of Upgrading in a Informal Settlement

The limiting factor in upgrading ones house is more often than not the lack of funds. This diagram shows how families in the process of upgrading their homes use stores as a means to double the space within their house to generate income till they transcent or diversify hheir income away from their homes and can reclaim back that space for residential acitivities. House upgrades also cost incrementally less as they near peak ‘Pucca’ as at that stage families might want to move out of the informal settlement.

Stage 1: Pucca Pro Max: Cost 5000 GBP

Stage 1: Ultra Pucca: Cost 4500 GBP

Stage 1: Mega Pucca: Cost 4000 GBP

Stage 1: Bigger Pucca: Cost 2000-3000 GBP

Stage 1: Pucca: Cost 1800-2000 GBP

Stage 1: Pucca: Cost 1600-1800 GBP

Stage 1: Semi-Pucca: Cost 1000-1400 GBP

Stage 1: Semi-Pucca: Cost 300-400 GBP

Stage 1: Kuccha: Cost 65-90 GBP

03P3 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 27
to Scale
the use of Hyper-house AKA store


(Top) Shows a perspective view of a informal settlement. In this sketch, the community is a place where amenities, space and utilities are shared. Residents cluster around access and resources. The scarcity of resouces help bring people together. Their community is accepting of all levels of economic mobility.

(Right) Section through Dharavi visualised, communities work together, craftsmen consolidate and spaces are used multifunctionally.

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 28
Daniel Soh . 22087532 Informal Settlement Mumbai, India
Not to Scale Not to Scale Not to Scale
(Right & Next Page) Common Facade iterations with and without the Hyper House architype

In Conclusion, after a sh*t load of research, i concur that the metaphysical systems of an informal settlement lies in the people and how the use, interact, shape, borrow, collaborate, innovate, utilise the space, materials and resources in their vicinity. A world seemingly without rules is bound by rules nonetheless, not thought out but rather a grassroot programmatic negotiation with the world around them. I believe we have so much to learn from these overworked craftsmen and their families in Dharavi, to formalise the space would be an insult to the social fabric they have created and a projection of an architect’s ego and “need” to intervene.

Not to Scale

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 29
Daniel Soh . 22087532
Not to Scale


Site Plan and Site Visit

In Project 4 we have been tasked to revitalise an abandoned Sawmill in Pollok Park. The building is part of a farming estate that has plans to be redeveloped in the future. In our visit to the Sawmill we were presented with magnificent open space and a weir that used to power the sawmill. To develop the sawmill we needed to first understand the site and the history as well as to see how has adaptive Reuse been done by other architects to construct our own proposal for this historic building.


Existing Elevations & Sections of the Sawmill

The Sawmill had been constructed incrementally over its history, Its spaces are not all connected and there are inaccessible areas which will need to be retrofitted to accommodate visitors with movement, sight and hearing impairment.

04P4 31
MSA Stage 1 2022 -
ElevationSouth N-SSection West Elevation Section N-W N-S N-S N-W N-W EastElevation North Elevation
Daniel Soh . 22087532
Scale 1:200

Daniel Soh . 22087532

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023

Scale 1:150 Scale 1:15

Disability Proportion Study

Scale 1:20

Sound Study & Shadow Analysis

Scale 1:150
Scale 1:250 Scale 1:250

Unscientific Sound study using a Walking Stick tip to tap various surfaces to undertand the relation between hard, soft and hollow materials. I realised that the ‘Perceived Sound’ Volume and quality is affected byhe Sound quality is affected the aggregation of various materials and the materials around them.

Daniel Soh . 22087532

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023

Vinyl Floor
Thicc CarpetNosing
58dB 60dB 72dB 77dB 80dB 80dB 87dB
Metal Grill Wood SidingPolished ConcreteThin Carpet
Strip Stone Tiles
Wood SidingPolished ConcreteThin Carpet Thicc CarpetNosing Strip Stone Tiles 62dB 58dB 60dB 72dB 77dB 80dB 80dB 87dB Sound Study V2
Vinyl Floor

Space Planning V1,2,3

Taking Inspiration from the programme and the Site conditions I begun to map out various spaces for Hydroponics, Aquaponics etc. I also begun use the fabric as a spatial device to change spaces and their possible programmes

(Right Top) Sketch of Thermal Envelop (Right Mid) Material Study building off of Sound study, material placement will affect sound quality and thus wayfinding for hearing impaired visitors

Daniel Soh . 22087532

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023

N Not to Scale Not to Scale Not to Scale Not to Scale
(Right Bot) Movable Fabric diagram
1:400 N
Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA Stage
2022 - 2023
Changes Made V1 Scale 1:500
04P4 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 38
Changes Made Design Iteration V2 Not to Scale

Space Planning V7,8,9

Last Design iteration aimed to clean up as much of the lackluster fabric moving purposes. Now every state of the moving fabric must have a purpose that ties in with the spatial planning and programme

Daniel Soh . 22087532

MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023

Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 40 04P4FINALDESIGNITERATION
04P4 41 Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 Scale 1:200 N 04 Site Plan of Proposed Changes

Plan of Proposed Changes

Scale 1:100 N

West Elevation Scale 1:100

04P4 Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 44 1-North-West 1-North-West 2NorthSouth 2NorthSouth 3 - East West 3 - East West
Section 1 North-West Cut. Cut Direction: Northwards Section 2 North-South Cut.
Cut Direction: Eastwards Sections NS & NW
Scale 1:100 Scale 1:100

Scale 1:100

Section 3 East-West Cut. Cut Direction: Northwards No Scale Sections 3 East - West Cut Direction: Northwards
MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 46
Daniel Soh . 22087532
Moving Fabric Diagram (Left) Sliding Roof allows users to shelter the vegetation area and also allow a greater amount of sunlight to touch the platform (Right Top) Swinging Doors is a sunlight control device, the degree of swing controls the amount of light that enters the greenhouse behind it (Right Bot) Sliding roof, is able to shelter the vegetation area or the outdoor seating area.
04P4 47
MSA Stage 1 2022 -
Daniel Soh . 22087532
Solid VS Opening Diagram
04P4 Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 48
Wall Removal Wall Additions Raised Floors Ramps Roof changes Skylights Movable Fabric
Structural Changes Changes Made V3
04P4 49
MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 9AM 12PM 3PM 9AM 12PM 3PM
Daniel Soh . 22087532 Shadow Analysis
Daniel Soh . 22087532 MSA Stage 1 2022 - 2023 04P4 3PM 9AM 3PM 9AM 3PM 9AM 3PM 9AM
Shadow Analysis

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