Ñ! #Fútbol·es·Fútbol

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FÚTBOL es FÚTBOL magazine JAN - MAY 2019


Perfil Hispano







is a Spanish project of Huron High School in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The magazine engages our students in the vibrant cultural scene of their communities as they share their work and reflections on learning a foreign language.

Equity project For a learning community free of barriers, biases and disproportionalities. Icon by Luis Prado from Noun Project

Playlist 3.0 Françafrique




PLAY Ñ! 3.0 │ Fútbol es Fútbol Icon by David Padrosa from Noun Project

2019 Finalist


est educational practice of Spanish as a Second Language based on information and communication technologies.

Photography: REUTERS Aficionado colombiano en un partido del Mundial de Rusia 2018.


After 36 years of waiting, Peru qualified again for the FIFA World Cup. In this episode, we tell the stories of how Peru’s classification for Russia 2018 marked the lives of two fans.

CONTENIDOS Perfil Hispano 01. FÚTBOL Diego A. Maradona Argentina 02. ATLETISMO Lorena Ramirez Mexico 03. MÚSICA .Jorge Drexler Uruguay






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A World of Languages


On the Cover


magazine Editor Daniel Verdugo

Pixabay is a community of creatives sharing copyright-free images released under Creative Commons CC0, which makes them safe to use freely.

The statue depicts former Arsenal player Dennis Bergkamp at the Emirates Stadium in London, England.

Senior Writers Barker, Bennett Gelderloos, Sofie Joo, Benjamin Nakamura, Sota Osorio, Gisselle Phillips, Niya Tittle, Luisa Viurquiz, Briana Wan, Charles Junior Writers Alvarez, Susana Angeli, Macie Baker, Allison Barrett, Vivian Barruezo, Dai Bass, Catherine Baveja, Maya Bowers, Madelyn Charnetski, Griffin Chettleburgh, William Cotitsas, Stephanie Dass, Karsin Datar, Nikhita Ding, Michelle Gonzalez, Juan Gunal, Yasemin Hejazi, Jacob Hou, Daniel Khanna, Esha Kelly, Jacob Knudsen, Scott Lawson, Bridget Lee, Taekjin Li, Elizabeth

School Director Dr. Janet Schwamb WL Department Chair Belinda BallĂ­ @AAPS STAFF Kristin Kubacki Soyeon Kim

Penoyar, Nathan Ross, Elijah Ruud, Samantha Said, Aisha Schmitzerle, Dylan Schulte, Ryan Shah, Sahil Shaikh, Manal Sims, Kadin Smith, Alexander Smith, Jadyn Smith, Siena Tibbetts, Patrick Trang, Lynne Van Alstine, Christopher Villalobos, Daniel Woodyard, Edith Wright, Elizabeth Wu, Allen Yi, Phoebe Zhao, Benjamin Zheng, Kristine Sophomore Writers Contreras, Leslie Avram, Axel Freshmen Writers Wolf, Maggie


DANIEL VERDUGO verdugod@aaps.k12.mi.us

Fútbol es Fútbol Americans may call it soccer, but let’s be clear: fútbol es fútbol.

Los americanos pueden llamarlo soccer, pero seamos claros: fútbol es fútbol.

In a World Cup year we could not help but dive into the sport that captivates millions of people across all hispanic countries. The Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano best captured this fascination with fútbol when he wrote that it is the only religion without atheists. He was right - fútbol does not have fans, but rather devotees.

En un año de Mundial no podíamos evitar sumergirnos en el deporte que cautiva a millones de personas en todos los países hispanos. El escritor uruguayo Eduardo Galeano capturó esta fascinación por el fútbol cuando escribió que es la única religión que no tiene ateos. Tenía razón, el fútbol no tiene seguidores, sino devotos.

In this issue of Ñ! Find French players’ national identities re-invented after winning the World Cup, D10S and two of the most memorable goals in the history of the World Cup, and a critical view at the state of professional sports in our Re-Thinking section.

En esta edición de Ñ! La reinvención de la identidad nacional de los jugadores franceses después de ganar el Mundial, D10S y dos de los goles más memorables de la historia del fútbol y una visión crítica del estado de los deportes profesionales en nuestra sección Re-Thinking.

Also in this issue Perfil Hispano features Lorena Ramirez and the Raramuri runners who are rocking the athletics world with their unique perspective on running. Ramirez is also the protagonist of Jorge Drexler’s videoclip Movimiento, a visual ode to migration and to people on the move around the world.

También en esta edición. Perfil Hispano presenta a Lorena Ramirez y los corredores rarámuri que están cambiando el mundo del atletismo con su particular manera de correr. Ramírez también es la protagonista del videoclip de Jorge Drexler Movimiento. Una oda visual a la migración y a la gente en movimiento en todo el mundo.

We celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with reflections of our students and Mafalda, the Argentinian comic character that became a symbol of human dignity and children’s rights.

Celebramos el 70° aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos con las reflexiones de nuestros estudiantes y Mafalda, la protagonista del comic argentino que se convirtió en un símbolo de la dignidad humana y los derechos de los niños.

And Don’t miss our showcase of alebrijes and our curated playlist on Spotify dedicated to Françafrique!

Y ¡No te pierdas la colección de alebrijes y nuestra playlist en Spotify dedicada a Françafrique!


From left to right: Olivier Giroud, Benjamin Mendi and Raphael Varane celebrate their victory on the World Cup final. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

JR is one of the 100 Most Influential People of 2018 by Magazine.

À la mémoire de Charles Aznavour 1924-2018

Ñ! 1

Playlist 3.0: Françafrique Editor’s Pick

Africa won the World Cup!


Controversy over World Cup Joke Up to fourteen players of African descent were part of France’s winning World Cup team. Mostly first and second generation migrants from former French colonies. Praise on their African descent by comedian Trevor Noah prompted a swift response by the French Ambassador to the U.S. via twitter.

Unlike the United States of America, France does not refer to its citizens based on their race, religion or origin. For us, there is no hyphenated identity, the roots are an individual reality. By calling them an African team, it seems that you are denying their Frenchness. Gerard Araud French ambassador to the U.S


When they are unemployed, when they may commit a crime or when they are considered unsavory, it’s the African immigrant. When their children go into provide a victory for France, we should only refer to them as France. /.../ I will continue to praise them for being African. If French people think they can’t be both, then I think they have a problem, not me. Trevor Noah . The Daily Show host .

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EPORTES// Argentina

n June 22, 1986 Diego Armando Maradona scored two of the most memorable goals of all time. The quarterfinal between Argentina vs. England was anticipated to be a high-voltage game due to the countries’ recent conflict over the Falkland Islands. Maradona’s two goals against England became a symbol of their own - an ultimate proof that D10S exists.

La mano de Dios

The hand of God

El gol del Siglo The goal of the Century

Este partido1 es recordado como el más famoso o el más infame, según el punto de vista. Maradona, considerado el mejor jugador de su época2, marcó3 en espacio de cuatro minutos los goles conocidos como “La Mano de Dios" y el "Gol del Siglo". El comentarista4 escocés Archie Macpherson estaba en el Estadio Azteca con otros 114.000 espectadores5 presenciando6 el histórico encuentro. "Como al minuto 54, creo que fue, Maradona entró en el área, el portero7 inglés, Peter Shilton, salió a rechazarlo8 con el puño, dos manos se alzaron en el aire y el balón rebasó al portero y terminó en la red", relató. Cuatro minutos después llegó lo que se considera el mejor gol en la historia de los mundiales. En jugada individual, Maradona dejó atrás a cuatro jugadores ingleses y marcó el 2-0. Con eso Argentina pasó a la semifinal y luego a la final donde se coronó campeón del mundo por segunda vez.

Text adapted from the bbc

partido1 - game

espectadores5 - observers

época2 - time

presenciando6 - witnessing

marcó3 - scored

portero7 - goalie

comentarista4 - commentator

rechazarlo8 - to reject it

Ñ! 3

Pique México utilizó un jalapeño como mascota del mundial. Su nombre proviene de picante: “spicy”

Perfil Hispano DIEGO A. . MARADONA

. .

by Benjamin Joo Diego Maradona es un exfutbolista argentino. Él nació en Buenos Aires en 1960. Es considerado uno de los mejores jugadores de la historia. A nivel nacional, Maradona ganó la Copa del Mundo Mexico 1986 con la selección de Argentina. A nivel de club, tuvo sus mayores logros con el Napoli. Con este equipo Italiano ganó sus 2 únicos scudettos (campeonatos nacionales) y una Copa de la UEFA.

Jugador controversial A pesar de su excelente carrera futbolística, Maradona tuvo algunos momentos difíciles en su vida. Maradona tuvo una adicción a la cocaína que afectó negativamente su carrera. En varias ocasiones, Maradona fue suspendido de jugar al fútbol por dar positivo en pruebas de drogas. También ha tenido problemas con su familia y la prensa debido a su temperamento. Photograph: Getty

Ama al fútbol sobre todas las cosas. Love soccer above all else. One of the Ten Commandments of The Church of Maradona.

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EPORTES// Mexico

THEY ARE NATURALLY THE BEST RUNNERS IN MEXICO Orlando Jiménez Ultramarathon organizer.




by Dai Barruezo

orena Ramírez Hernández es una corredora de la tribu rarámuri, en el estado mexicano de Chihuahua. Ella comenzó a correr a la edad de 17 años y ganó su primer ultramaratón a los 18 años. Su entrenamiento consiste entre 4 y 6 horas diarias de carrera en la Sierra Tarahumara y una dieta basada en pinole y frijoles. Lorena corre con un vestido típico rarámuri de colores llamativos. Además, en vez de usar tenis usa huaraches (sandalias) porque, según ella, los tenis son pesados y siente que puede resbalar.

In 2017, Lorena Ramirez became the first Rarámuri woman to participate in a European sports event. She completed the 102 kilometers (63 miles) of Tenerife’s Cajamar Blue Trail with a time of 20:11:37, the third best time in her category. Lorena is the protagonist Drexler’s videoclip Movimiento.

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Photograph: Gobierno de Chihuahua


USICA// Uruguay

Perfil Hispano

Listen to the best of Latin music of 2018 in our

Playlist 4.0



. .

by William Chettleburgh

orge Drexler es un cantante uruguayo muy popular y conocido. Su historia familiar ha influido en la letra de sus canciones: su padre escapó de Alemania por el holocausto y su madre se exilió en Uruguay durante la dictadura española. En “Movimiento” Drexler refleja su perspectiva humanitaria respecto a la migración.

Movimiento. Jorge Drexler Yo no soy de aquí, pero tú tampoco Yo no soy de aquí, pero tú tampoco De ningún lado, de todos y, de todos lados un poco.


En los Latin Grammy de este año Drexler ganó tres premios: Mejor Canción, Mejor Grabación del Año, y Mejor Álbum de Cantautor.

The “M” word


by Maggie Wolf ovimiento de Jorge Drexler trata sobre la igración.

Drexler ve el movimiento de personas como un proceso natural y por esa razón incluyó a Lorena Ramirez como protagonista en su videoclip. Para los rarámuri, el movimiento es parte de su identidad y de su herencia. Yo creo que cuando muchas personas hablan de la migración ellos están demasiado enfocados en las leyes, en si los migrantes son ilegales. Ellos pierden de vista el hecho de que estos inmigrantes son seres humanos y la mayoría de veces, solo vienen aquí para encontrar un lugar donde poder vivir en paz.

Photography: Tenerife BlueTrail

Ñ! 6


SPORTS In 2022, the world’s nations will send their best soccer players to Qatar to compete for the FIFA World Cup. In preparation for the quadrennial event, the country is investing $200 billion in infrastructure. But as visitors stroll vast promenades towards the pitch and scale stadium stairwells to their seats, they may not know that they are walking on the backs of victims of labor trafficking. In many labor trafficking cases, unscrupulous recruiters lure workers to another country and charge workers exorbitant fees, forcing them into debt before they even begin the job.





withhold and


their their

wages, giving workers no legal recourse without proof of their legal status. Change will require sustained pressure from the international community and leadership from






nations and corporations involved in the World Cup have an important role to play in ensuring the event is not tainted by the products of slave labor. The organizers, athletes, and visitors of the World Cup should not tolerate the Qatari government’s weak attempts



well-known problem.

Ñ! 7



Slavery at the World Cup by Christopher Plummer

Una mujer trabaja en la confección de un balón de fútbol en Yiwu (China) Photography: REUTERS

Human Rights First is an independent advocacy and action organization that challenges America to live up to its ideals. We believe American leadership is essential in the global struggle for human rights, so we press the U.S. government and private companies to respect human rights and the rule of law. When they fail, we step in to demand reform, accountability and justice. Around the world, we work where we can best harness American influence to secure core freedoms.



Written by Melanie Moore @MangoLanguages

Written by Jenny Vainberg @MangoLanguages

Understanding sport on a global scale

If you’re looking to take your Russian

International sporting events have the power to bring down walls of non-communication and rise above what separates us by using the common language of shared experience.

interested in learning more about Russian

International sporting events, such as the FIFA World Cup, are viewed worldwide. According to The Wall Srteet Journal 3,.2 billion peploe watched a World Cup match in 2014. Events like these are some of the rare moments when individuals on all sides of the globe are watching the same event unfold on their screens.

translations for globally minded bookworms.

One of the more famous examples of sports connecting cultures at odds with each other is alleged to have occured during World War I. On Christmas Day in 1914, the British, French, and German soldiers in their trenches emerged for a day of soccer, caroling, and friendliness amidst the hostile environment. Although conflicting accounts remain, this event shows the power that sport has to unite us, if only momentarily. Another example of sports bridging cultural differences can be seen through the work of an organization called PeacePlayers International. This organization hosts basketball games for kids in areas rife with ethnic and religious conflict. For example, they host basketball games for children within historically conflicting communities in the Middle East, Northern Ireland, Cyprus, South Africa, and also for different multicultural communities within the United States. One student, who helped coach one of the PeacePlayers’ teams, said of her experience, “I have learned how changing others’ perceptions can be very challenging, but seeing the outcome of young people from previously conflicting communities and backgrounds playing together and making friendships I know can last a lifetime, is incredible.”

language skills to the next level, or even just culture, check out our Russian language course or swing by your local library and pick up one of the following English

The Big Green Tent — 3еленый шатер A critically acclaimed 21st-century Russian writer, Ludmila Ulitskaya underlines the subversive power of books to spark change in her latest novel published in 2010. The novel follows the friendship of three schoolboys in 1950s Moscow as they journey into adulthood in a society marked by censorship, exile, and the KGB. A poet, a musician, and a photographer, these three young men seek the power of art and Russian literature to overcome the oppressive regime.

We — Мы Completed in 1921, this Russian dystopian novel has influenced many other works of dystopian fiction, including George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Set in the future dystopia of a totalitarian state (in which citizens are under the constant watchful eye of the Benefactor), engineer D-503 struggles when he encounters a woman named I-330 and finds himself intensely attracted to her, despite her refusal to conform to the structures of their society.

Become a sponsor! verdugod@aaps.k12.mi.us


is published twice a year and distributed in select locations of Ann Arbor. Become a sponsor and support the work of A2 students. Ă‘! 10

Celebrating Michigan’s Cultural Diversity

Can you find them? 1. Robert by Allison Baker



El alebrije es una artesanía mexicana un tanto surrealista, elaborada de cartón o madera. Tienen forma de animalitos de colores muy pintorescos y llamativos. Algunos alebrijes son una mezcla de dos o más animales o de animales con plantas.

Mi alebrije tiene cabeza de ajolote, cuerpo de teporingo, cola de quetzal, alas de mariposa, y patas de flamenco 2. Libera by Kristine Zheng Mi alebrije tiene cabeza de tapir, cuerpo de lagartija, cola de coyote, alas de luciérnaga, y patas de flamenco 3. Mixiote by Lynne Trang

B Alebrijes originated in Mexico City in the 20th century. The first alebrijes, as well as the name itself, are attributed to Pedro Linares, an artisan from México City, who specialized in making piñatas, carnival masks and “Judas” figures from cartonería.

Mi alebrije tiene cabeza de ajolote, cuerpo de teporingo, cola de cacomixtle, alas de luciérnaga y patas de flamenco

Paseo y ahorcamiento del Judas. Tancahuitz, San Luis Potosí, 1971

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4. Bellu by Michelle Ding Mi alebrije tiene cabeza de ajolote, cuerpo de teporingo, cola de cacomixtle, alas de hocofaisán, y patas de águila. 5. Don Pedro by Esha Khanna Mi alebrije tiene cabeza de coyote, cuerpo de flamenco, cola de cacomixtle, alas de mariposa y patas de flamenco.

Solución: 1A, 2C, 3E, 4D, 5B

D E Día de Muertos: Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity


n 2003, UNESCO proclaimed Mexico’s “Day of the Dead” Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The cultural wealth of this tradition resides on the fact that it not only blends Mexico’s ancient mythologies with European Catholic traditions, but also, it combines all fundamental elements of Mexico’s rich culture: family, food, music, arts and crafts, and a strong sense of community.

is a comic depicting the story of an ingenious little girl growing up in a middle class family in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Quino, the creator of Mafalda, has received many awards and distinctions for his work, including the National Order of the Legion of Honour and the Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities from France and Spain respectively. by Vivian Barrett



Mafalda es la protagonista de la tira. Ella es una niña con mucha vitalidad1 y está muy alegre siempre. Le gustan los Beatles, la democracia2, los derechos3 de los niños, y la paz4. La cosa que Mafalda odia más es la sopa5. Tampoco le gusta la guerra6 o las armas. Ella quiere trabajar de intérprete7 en la ONU porque ella está preocupada por el mundo y quiere ayudar.

vitalidad - vitality democracia - democracy 3 derechos - rights 4 paz - peace 5 sopa - soup 6 guerra - war 7 intérprete - interpreter 2

by Ryan Schulte

by Nikhita Datar





Susanita quiere ser una mamá y ama de casa1. Ella desea casarse con un hombre guapo y rico para tener muchos hijitos. El rol que asume Susanita de mujer de clase acomodada2 contrasta fuertemente con la actitud de Mafalda, más concienciada3 con la liberación de la mujer y de la igualdad4 entre los sexos. Susanita es clasista, no le importan los pobres y tiene comportamientos racistas.

Manolito es un empresario1 de corazón. Él trabaja en la tienda de su padre a pesar de que su padre es muy duro2 con él. A Manolito no le gusta la escuela y es muy ignorante. A él le gusta el dinero más que nada en el mundo, es un chico materialista1. Quiere ser un empresario cuando crezca para seguir el estilo4 de vida de su ídolo: Rockefeller. 1

empresario- businessman duro - hard 3 materialista- materialistic 4 estilo - style 2


ama de casa - housewife acomodada - well-off 3 concienciada -conscientious 4 igualdad - equality 2

Ñ! 13


by Siena Smith



Felipe tiene siete años y a él le gusta jugar. Felipe tiene una imaginación grande y el siempre esta perdido en sus pensamientos1. Por esta razón, él es inquieto2 e introvertido. A él no le gusta la escuela pero ama a Muriel, su compañera de clase, en secreto. A él no le gusta ni levantarse temprano ni las tareas de la escuela. Él es olvidadizo3 y está siempre pensando en otras cosas. 1

perdido en sus pensamientos: lost in his thoughts 2 inquieto: restless 3 olvidadizo: forgetful

¿Espectadores o Combatientes? by Elizabeth Li

En esta tira de Mafalda, Susanita lee el periódico y aprende sobre todos los peligros que ocurren en el mundo. Después, pone el periódico en el suelo, estira sus brazos, y dice, “¡Por suerte el mundo queda tan, tan lejos!” Lo que leí me hace recordar que es fácil desasociarnos de eventos desagradables del mundo. Muchas veces, no sentimos la necesidad de tomar acción y cambiar el mundo porque pensamos que no nos afecta directamente.

Mafalda is very popular in Latin America and European countries like Spain, France, Greece, and Italy. It has been translated into more than thirty languages.

Esto hace preguntarme sobre el futuro porque si las generaciones futuras no están dispuestas a poner el trabajo para hacer el cambio social y simplemente ser transeúntes y ver el mundo descender a la oscuridad, no habrá esperanza para el mundo. Por lo tanto, necesitamos asegurarnos de que estamos haciendo nuestro papel para hacer el mundo un lugar mejor.

Ñ! 14

A World of Languages In Ann Arbor Public Schools, we have one of the most diverse student bodies of all the MidWest. In Huron High School alone, more than 30 languages are spoken.

Icon by ATOM from Noun Project

Language is the center of human activity. Promoting and recognizing the importance of linguistic diversity fosters inclusion and participation in our schools. Here some members of the Ñ! team share their thoughts about learning new languages.

KARSIN DASS English, Assamese, Spanish What was the most memorable experience that you had when learning another language? মা মেমােরবেল মােম I হ ি িকং অসােম েস ওয়াস হােয়ন I ব তা ইি য়া তা িভিসট ময় ৯৪ যার ও গ ট গ া মা. স ওয়াস ভির বয়েস এ াক ড ইংিলশ বুট বটার এত অসােম েস. হােয়ন I ওয়াস টিকং উইথ হ ফর মেয়েক I ওয়াস ইন অসম, I লয়ােনড সােম অফ মা ভ ালুএবেল লাইফ লস .

YASEMIN GUNAL English, Turkish, Spanish What are the benefits of learning a new language? Benim için Türkçe bilmek çok yardim eti okulda çünkü ispanolca dersinde öğrenmek da kolay geliyor. Ve dunyada için tip kultur var ve onlardan öğrenmek çok ilginç. Arti, daha fazla firsatlar geliyor işler için.

AXEL AVRAM English, Romanian, Spanish Have you ever been in a situation where speaking different languages helped you? Când am călătorit în România, am fotografiat vechile mașini sovietice. Oamenii credeau că sunt politia și mă întreb de ce fac fotografi de mașini. Mi-am explicat că tocmai m-am interesat doar de mașini, și folosind cunoștințele mele despre limbajul pe care I-am evitat în conflict.

Ñ! 15

CHARLES WAN English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish Why did you decide to learn another language? 學習多種語言對我有很大幫助。大學畢業後我會進入商業領域,因 此了解多種語言可擴展我的投資組合,並允許我與許多國際商人進 行交流。 學習新語言有時很難,但 值得。

MAYA BAVEJA English, Hindi, Spanish What opportunities does knowing several languages bring you? एक और भाषा सीखना आपको अ धक लोग के साथ संवाद करने क अनुम त दे ता है । मेरे र तेदार अ छ तरह से अं ेजी नह ं बोलते ह, और हंद सीखने से मुझे उनसे बात करने क इजाजत मल है । दूसर भाषा सीखना नौकर और या ा के अवसर भी खुलता है ।

STEPHANIE COTITSAS English, Greek, Spanish How and where did you learn your language? Όταν ήμουν μικρή, μίλησα κυρίως στα ελληνικά στο σπίτι και έμαθα αγγλικά πριν ξεκίνησα το σχολείο. Από την πρώτη τάξη την έκτη τάξη, πήγα στο ελληνικό σχολείο μία φορά την εβδομάδα για να μάθω να διαβάζω και να γράφω στα ελληνικά και κατέληξα να αποφοιτήσω στην κορυφή της τάξης μου.


ll moves to promote the dissemination of mother tongues will serve not only to encourage linguistic diversity and multilingual education but also to gjjjjjjjjj. develop fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world and to inspire solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

Declaration of International Mother Language Day.

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Ñ! 17


A Future Professional, like Cristiano Ronaldo, Ronaldinho Gaúcho, and Ricardo Kaká by BABACAR DIALLO I was born in Conakry, Guinea, on January 19, 1996. I spoke Fulani and French. I liked to go to school and play soccer. I was one of the best players on the team. I started playing soccer in the street and playing one-on-one. The first game of my life I scored three goals, and I started thinking that I was a good soccer player. When I played soccer in the club FCA Bordeaux, I wore my jersey and shoes every day. Once, I missed the first part of a game because I was washing my clothes at home. They were losing 3-2, but my brother drove me to the game. Two minutes before the game was over, my friend Deko passed me at the ball. I took a shot at the goal. I scored at the goal. All my teammates were very happy that I made the score 3-3. It was an amazing goal because I was a little bit far to take the shot. The ball went right by the defense. I was very, very successful. We tied 3- 3. We played again and I scored two more goals. We beat them 5-3. Then we were able to go to the final. My teammates really liked me. They gave me my soccer team picture to remember my team and my country. They told me to always be good and do good in school to make my life better. They said, "Always keep playing because we know you are good." They told me to be a professional soccer player. I think about it and know they are right. I earned my nickname "Adriano," who is a professional player for Brazil. I have won ten championships from playing soccer in Guinea. I moved to the United States in 2007, when I was eleven years old. Sometimes I visited my family in France. I first lived in Detroit. My school was called Thomas Middle School. I met my first girlfriend, who was named Jada. I also played soccer. When I moved to Ypsi, I also visited my auntie in New York City, in a place called Tin Town. I learned English in Ypsi. I ran track in Ypsi at East Middle School, and we won one year. I started to play football this year. I work so hard to play soccer because I want to be professional. It is why I am a nice man and a success.

excerpted from Enjoy: Recipes for Building Community by 36 multi-lingual students in Ypsilanti

Founded in 2005, 826michigan inspires school- aged students to write confidently and skillfully with the help of adult volunteers in their communities via high-quality, engaging, and academically-enriching writing programs. Reaching more than 3,500 students aged six to eighteen in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Detroit, 826michigan’s programs are designed to spark students’ discovery of the power of their own unique voices and give them the tools to stay charged up about writing, learning, and their creative power. For more information, or to make a donation, please visit www.826michigan.org.

Ñ! 18

Icon by N.K. Narasimhan from Noun Project

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Sonali Narayan Huron High School senior "My poster is about gun violence around the world. This is such a big issue. I wanted to give the viewer a sense of guilt and make them question the meaning. The power is behind the people to change laws. Out of the 300 or so days of 2018, there have been 307 mass shootings. That is almost one per day, and anyone could be the next victim. I wanted the audience to feel scared and open their eyes to the problem we have in this world." The Michigan Supreme Court ruled in July 2018 that school districts in the state can legally ban guns on school property, upholding the policies of AAPS school district.

Latinx \ lə-ˈtē-ˌneks \

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Latinx was originally formed in the early aughts as a word for those of Latin American descent who do not identify as being of the male or female gender or who simply don't want to be identified by gender. Latinx purposefully breaks with Spanish's gendered grammatical tradition. Though Latinx is becoming common in social media and in academic writing, it is unclear whether it will catch on in mainstream use. Nevertheless, it is gaining noticeable traction among the general public as a gender-inclusive term for Latin Americans of diverse identities and orientations. From Merriam-Webster



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