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Nine FIFA Officials and Five Corporate Executives Indicted for Racketeering Conspiracy and Corruption

“As char ed in the indictment, the deendants ostered a culture o corruption and reed that created an unevenplayin field orthebi estsport in the world,” said Director Comey. “Undisclosed and ille al payments, kickbacks, and bribes became a way o doin business at FIFA. I want to commend the investi ators and prosecutors around the world who have pursued this case so dili ently, or so manyyears.”


“Whenleadersinanor anizationresortto cheatin theverymembersthattheyare supposedtorepresent,theymustbeheld accountable,” said Chie Weber. “Corruption, tax evasion and money launderin are certainly not the cornerstoneso anysuccessulbusiness. Whetheryoucallitsocceror ootball,the ans, players and sponsors around the worldwholovethis ameshouldnothave to worry about officials corruptin their sport. This case isn't about soccer, it is about airnessand ollowin thelaw.“

On 20 July 2015, English comedian, Simon Brodkin gatecrashed a press conference at the headquarters of the football governing body FIFA amidst the organisation's corruption scandal.

He walked onto the stage in character as Jason Bent and threw a wad of dollar bills over the FIFA president Sepp Blatter, claiming that it was part of a bid to bring the 2026 FIFA World Cup to North Korea.

Brodkin was promptly led out of the conference , he was arrested and charged with trespassing.

ORIGINAL TEXT: Press release on Webb et al. Indictment by the US Department of Justice.

May 27, 2015 han sido los costos humanos y geopolíticos de esta operación.


Anirudh Venkat

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