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JUNE - DEC 2019
magazine Ñ! 4.0

About Ñ

is an educational project o Huron Hi h School in Ann Arbor, Michi an.

The ma azine aims to develop lan ua e proficiency by eaturin meanin ul, ori inal content o Spanish students and en a e our community in the study o world lan ua es.

Open Educational Resource (OER)

Ñ! is offered reely and openly or educators, students, and sel -learners to use or teachin , learnin , and research.

Diva Latina Playlist

Lan ua e based on B

in ormation and communication technolo ies.


by Man saab uru rom Noun Project
PLAY to Ñ! 4.0

A mediados de 2017 la comunidad rohin ya escapó de Myanmar cuando se recrudeció un conflicto histórico entre el Gobierno y esta minoría. “El uturo de más de 500.000 niños re u iados de Ban ladesh pende de un hilo”, alertaba Unice en septiembre de 2018.

In mid-2017 the Rohin ya community escaped rom Myanmar when a historic conflict between the overnment and this minority flared up. "The uture o more than 500,000 re u ee children

01. UNICEF Ricky Martin Puerto Rico 03. MÚSICA Jorge Drexler Uruguay THINKING RE ASYLUM CONTENIDOS Photo raphy:©UNICEF 4 16 8 14
Perfil Hispano Remarks on the UN Human Ri hts Council by Mike Pompeo, US Secretary o State. PRIMARY SOURCE The Sa est Sound
12 2019RiverRat
11 Freedom o Expression: Why it must be Protected 7
Writin Prize Winner

The Memory Project is a charitable nonprofit or anization that invites art teachers, art students, and solo artists to help cultivate lobal kindness by creatin portraits or children around the world who have aced substantial challen es such as violence, war, extreme poverty, ne lect, and loss o parents.

TheChristianStudent Associationo HuronHS, led by Mrs. Kim, participated in the project, drawin and sendin portraits o children rom the Philippines.

Welearnedthejoyo creatin thin s and ivin themtootherswhomaybe oin throu hhardtimes.

Senior Writers

Joo, Benjamin

Nakamura, Sota

Viurquiz, Briana

Wan, Charles

Junior Writers

Alvarez, Susana

An eli, Macie

Baker, Allison

Barrett, Vivian

Barruezo, Dai

Bass, Catherine

Baveja, Maya

Bowers, Madelyn

Charnetski, Griffin

Chettlebur h, William

Cotitsas, Stephanie

Dass, Karsin

Datar, Nikhita

Din , Michelle

Gonzalez, Juan

Gunal, Yasemin

Hejazi, Jacob

Hou, Daniel

Khanna, Esha

Kelly, Jacob

Knudsen, Scott

Lawson, Brid et


Christopher Erickson

Soyeon Kim

Kenyatta Tucker

Lee, Taekjin

Li, Elizabeth

Penoyar, Nathan

Ross, Elijah

Ruud, Samantha

Schmitzerle, Dylan

Schulte, Ryan

Shah, Sahil

Shaikh, Manal

Sims, Kadin

Smith, Alexander

Smith, Jadyn

Smith, Siena

Tibbetts, Patrick

Tran , Lynne

Van Alstine, Christopher

Wri ht, Elizabeth

Wu, Allen

Yi, Phoebe

Zhao, Benjamin

Zhen , Kristine

Sophomore Writers

Contreras, Leslie

Avram, Axel

Freshmen Writers

Wol , Ma ie

On the Cover magazine Ñ!
Daniel Verdu o WL Department Chair Belinda Ballí Dr. Janet Schwamb The Christian Student Association o Huron From le t to ri ht: Jiyoon Shin, Faith Yun, Emily Bok, Jeon in Bae, Ethel Kim, Stacey Choi, Juan Oh and Mrs. Kim

In its preamble, the Universal Declaration o Human Ri hts (UDHR) calls to promote “by teachin and education, the respect or these ri hts and reedoms.” With this didactic spirit and in celebration o the 70th anniversary o the Declaration, we present this new edition.


In this edition o Ñ! we develop an inquiry approach to the current state o some ri hts and reedoms included in the UDHR.

All human bein s. We present a selection o eminent women who, led by Eleanor Roosevelt, made their mark in the writin o the UDHR.

Equal pay or equal work. Next July 7th the US women’s national soccer team could win their ourth World Cup. We reflect on their pay claims.

Ri ht to li e, liberty and security o person. We sit with exiled Mexican journalist Emilio Gutiérrez to talk about the importance o establishin a social and international order where the ri hts and reedoms proclaimed in the UDHR are ully respected.

Free and equal in di nity and ri hts. We end this edition with a reflection throu h Favianna Rodri uez’s art. For a world without walls or borders.

En su preámbulo, la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos (DUDH) llama a promover “mediante la enseñanza y la educación, el respeto a estos derechos y libertades”. Con este espíritu didáctico y en celebración del 70 aniversario de la Declaración presentamos esta nueva edición.


En esta edición de Ñ! desarrollamos un en oque basado en la investi ación sobre el estado actual de al unos de los derechos y libertades incluidos en la DUDH.

Todos los seres humanos. Presentamos a un rupo muy notable de mujeres que, lideradas por Eleanor Roosevelt, dejaron su huella en la redacción de la DUDH.

I ualsalarioportrabajoi ual. El próximo 7 de julio el equipo nacional de útbol emenino de EE.UU. puede lo rar su cuarta Copa Mundial. Reflexionamos sobre sus reivindicaciones salariales.

Derechoalavida,alalibertadyalase uridad desupersona. Nos sentamos con el periodista mexicano Emilio Gutiérrez para hablar sobre la importancia de establecer un orden social e internacional en el que los derechos y libertades proclamados en la DUDH se respeten completamente.

Libres e i uales en di nidad y derechos. Acabamos esta edición con una reflexión a través del arte de Favianna Rodrí uez. Por un mundo sin muros ni ronteras.

DANIEL VERDUGO verdugod@aaps.k12.mi.us °
Ñ! 1

Crisis humanitaria en ENEZUELAV

Hiperinflación y crisis económica

La hiperinflación sume en la miseria a millones de venezolanos. El pasado julio el presidente Nicolás Maduro anunció que quitaría cinco ceros a la moneda nacional que pasará a ser el 'bolívar soberano'. La hiperinflación que padece el país ha provocado que hacer la compra con dinero en e ectivo uera casi imposible. La situación económica actual dificulta el acceso a productos de primera necesidad. La asolina, sin embar o, es prácticamente ratis: con un céntimo de dólar daría para 1,796 alones de asolina, el equivalente a repostar 40 litros de asolina a la semana durante más de tres años.

5.2 lbs. o chicken next to 14,600,000 bolívares. Its price is equivalent to $2.22.

Photo raphy: Carlos García Rawlins. REUTERS

09 de a osto, 2018. Rumichaca, rontera de Ecuador con Colombia. Laila Dalila León, de 3 años, mira a la aduana de Colombia sentada sobre los hombros de su padre, Jose Ramon León. Jose es pescador en Venezuela, de todo tipo de peces, pero ahora está viajando junto a su esposa y dos hijas hacia Quito, donde ha escuchado que se puede conse uir trabajo y alojamiento más ácilmente.

Au ust 9th, 2018. Rumichaca, border o Ecuador with Colombia. Laila Dalila León, 3 years old, looks at the Colombian customs sittin on the shoulders o her ather, Jose Ramon León. Jose is a fisherman in Venezuela, o all kinds o fish, but now he is travelin with his wi e and two dau hters to Quito, where he has heard that work and accommodation can be obtained more easily.

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Photo raphy: ©UNICEF

2018 marked the 70th anniversary o the Universal Declaration o Human Ri hts. Here we present some o the women who shaped and contributed to this important document.


“Livin’laVidaLoca” ue un éxito mundial, encabezando las listas en los EEUU y otros seis países.


Fue la Primera Dama de los Estados Unidos entre 1933-1945 y la primeraPresidentadela ComisióndelosDerechos Humanos. Ella desempeñó un papel undamental en la redacción de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos.

pero ¿sabías que el artista de pop latino Ricky Martin también tiene su día propio? Así es, en Puerto Rico, el 31 de a osto es el Día de Ricky Martin, un día de celebración y ratitud a uno de los puertorriqueños más relevantes de hoy día.

Nacido Enrique Martín Morales el 24 de diciembre de 1971 en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el cantante comenzó su carrera como modelo y cantante en la i lesia. Él debutó como actor en la novela “Por Siempre Ami os” en 1986, pero hizo la transición al mundo musical con su álbum debut, “RickyMartin,”en 1991, que alcanzó el puesto 5 en el Billboard Latino. Su éxito musical continuó con “LaCopadelaVida” convirtiéndose en la canción oficial del Mundial de Francia ‘98.


Fue una diplomática y líder eminista de la República Dominicana que desempeñó una unción esencial en lalucha parai ualdaddelasmujeres.

Además de su carrera musical, Martin también es un ávido de ensor de los derechos de los niños. En diciembre de 2003, ue nombrado EmbajadordeBuena VoluntaddeUNICEF y desde entonces ha viajado a países en desarrollo para combatir la trata de personas. Reflexionando sobre su viaje de 2016 a una casa de niños libaneses, Martin escribió, “Comopadreycomoserhumano, sientolaintensanecesidadde contribuiraaliviarelsu rimiento deesosniños,yalucharjuntocon UNICEFparaqueali ualquelo deseoparamispropioshijos, todoslosniñospuedanju ar, estudiar,soñarysobretodo,vivir plenamentesuin ancia.”

IconodelpoplatinoyEmbajadordeBuena VoluntaddeUNICEF Ricky Martin visits Bekaa Valley and Akkar in Lebanon and participates in recreational activities or children at sa e spaces in in ormal settlements. UNICEF has worked to provide protective environments or children to play and receive ormal education. Hemos oído del Día de la Raza y celebramos el Día de Martin Luther Kin Jr.,

o the UNICEF clubs pro ram, is dedicated to educate, advocate, and undraise on behal o the United Nations International Children Emer ency Fund.

In the 2018-2019 school year, we centered our service activities around a Theme o the Month and encoura ed members to participate. For example, in October we raised over $500! durin Halloween!

We also advocated and wrote letters to the senators o Michi an to support the MOM pro ram or health services or children under a e 5.

d SOME 700 .










d AGE OF 15 .

“Thinko thechildren” is one o our main oals in this club. We do not want any child to be le t behind, be that throu h education or access to basic services.


Fue la Presidenta de la Subcomisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer. De endió re erirse a los titulares de los derechos como “todos” o “toda persona” en lu ar de “todos los hombres”.

Fue la Presidenta de la Comisión de Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer. Ella de endió la inclusión de una mención a la no discriminación sexual en el artículo 2.


Fue dele ada de la Tercera Comisión de la Asamblea General. También, de endió poner de relieve la libertad y i ualdad y promovió la inclusión del artículo 16 como manera de combatir el matrimonio in antil.

Know more: Endin ChildMarria e:Pro ress AndProspects.UNICEF



Fe una firme de ensora de los derechos de la mujer. Se le atribuye el mérito de cambiar la rase de “Todos los hombres nacen libres e i uales” a “Todos lossereshumanosnacenlibres ei uales”

La selección emenina de EE.UU. pide i ualdad en el útbol.

El equipo nacional de útbol emenino de los EE.UU. demandó a la Federación

de Fútbol el pasado 8 de marzo -Día Internacional de la Mujer- en una corte ederal por discriminación por énero institucionalizada.

De acuerdo al New York Times, existe una ran brecha salarial entre el salario y los bonos que reciben los equipos masculino y emenino. Por ejemplo, en caso de anar la Copa Mundial el equipo masculino recibe 521% más por ju ador que el equipo emenino. Esta situación es inaceptable, particularmente en EE.UU. donde el equipo emenino con tres Copas Mundiales y un Oro Olímpico es el mejor del mundo y el equipo masculino es mediocre.


Fue una dele ada de la India ante la Tercera Comisión de la Asamblea General en 1948. De endióabiertamentela “universidad’deDDHH y se opuso con firmeza al concepta del “relativismo colonial”.

Hope Solo ha sido uno de los miembros del equipo de útbol emenino más vocales en su campaña por i ual salario #Equal playEqualpay. Ella insiste en que se trata de un tema de i ualdad no solo para el útbol sino para las mujeres en su conjunto

La cuestión de la brecha salarial debe abordarse no sólo porque a ecta a las vidas de las mejores atletas emeninas de nuestro país, sino porque es un tema central de derechos humanos.

Estas atletas y su lucha nos proporcionan modelos y motivación para se uir sus pasos. Nos muestran que si queremos convertirnos en ju adoras del equipo nacional al ún día, necesitamos continuar su lucha para cerrar la brecha salarial. También nos enseña a luchar por lo que sabemos que es justo y este es un mensaje importante que las niñas y mujeres de todo el mundo deben escuchar.

Los miembros del equipo nacional de útbol emenino de EE.UU. no solo luchan por la i ualdad en el campo de útbol, sino por la i ualdad para todas las mujeres. Es esencial apoyar su causa y trabajar por un mundo más i ualitario, esto es, un mundo más justo.


Fue relatora de la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer. De endiócon firmezalai ualdaddesalario paralasmujeres. Gracias a ella, el artículo 23 dice: "Toda persona tiene derecho, sin discriminación al una, a i ual salario por trabajo i ual".


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Members o the U.S. women’s soccer team are usin the slo an “Equal Play Equal Pay” to promote their wa e fi ht. From le t, Alex Mor an, Hope Solo and Me an Rapinoe. Photo raphy:U.S.W.N.T.PlayersAssociation

EMILIO GUTIÉRREZ had to flee Mexico a ter receivin death threats or his reportin on connivance between dru cartels and Mexican army officials.

Emilio now lives in Ann Arbor waitin or a final appeal to his asylum case, which has been unresolved or over a decade.

Cuando Emilio habló de su amilia ue muy emotivo. Me di cuenta de cuán a ortunado soy.

Emilio habló sobre los peli ros del periodismo y demostró pasión por el periodismo sin filtros.

La experiencia ue reveladora. Me sorprendió que otros países no tienen derechos undamentales como la libertad de prensa.

La conversación con Emilio sobre el e ecto de la corrupción en nuestros derechos ue muy interesante. Fue conmovedor escuchar su deseo de volver a México.

The Lan ua e Resource Center (LRC) is a unit within LSA that supports aculty, staff, and students involved in the study o lan ua es, literatures, and cultures at the University o Michi an

Freedomo Expression: WhyitMustbeProtected

Freedom o Expression plays a key role in a ree society. It is important to be able to express our own views without ear o censorship or retaliation. The Universal Declaration o Human Ri hts (UDHR) protects this ri ht in Article 19 “Everyonehasthe ri htto reedomo opinionand expression;thisri htincludes reedomtoholdopinionswithout intererenceandtoseek,receiveand impartinormationandideasthrou h anymediaandre ardlesso rontiers.”

The case o Emilio Gutierrez shows how reedom o the press can expose overnment scandals and help ensure elected officials’ accountability. As a journalist in Mexico, Gutiérrez’s investi ative reports exposed corrupt schemes between cartel activity and overnment officials. One ni ht, members o the Mexican military broke into his house and threatened him and his amily. At that point, Gutierrez knew he had to flee the country.

In 2015, the University o Chica o issued a statement on the risks o curtailin reedom o speech: “O course,theideaso different memberso theUniversitycommunity willotenandquitenaturallyconflict. Butitisnottheproperroleo the Universitytoattempttoshield individuals romideasandopinions theyfindunwelcome,disa reeable,or evendeeplyoffensive.”

Freedom o speech must be protected at all costs. Ideas must be allowed to be discussed and debated. Bein exposed to views that differ rom our own widens our perspective o the world and, ultimately, helps us understand each other.

Catherine Bass Susana Álvarez
Ñ! 7
Griffin Charnetski Jacob Hejazi Press Freedom by HeadsOfBirds from the Noun Project


Crossin an international border to seek asylum is le al. International re u ee law -which the U.S. helped create in the wake o World War II- reco nizes the reality that re u ees o ten aren’t in a position to ollow re ular procedures.

For that reason, the 1951 Re u ee Convention prohibits states rom penalizin asylum seekers based on their manner o entry. Moreover, several human-ri hts or anizations have documented systemic turn-backs at official U.S. ports o entry. In other words, even when asylum seekers have made their way to an official U.S. border crossin and asked or asylum, officials have turned them back into Mexico, in violation o both U.S. treaty obli ations and U.S. law.

"While the administration is sayin people should come here le ally and ollow a le al process, it's makin it impossible to do so," said the IRC's director o Ol a Byrne. "The members o the Central American caravan have been tryin to ollow a le al process. Many o them have arrived in Tijuana, but they have been denied access to any U.S. official port o entry.

TheInternationalRescueCommittee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and ain control o their uture.

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A man carryin a child in a suitcase walks towards Hamourieh where an evacuation exit rom eastern Ghouta had been opened.

In March 2018, thousands o people reportedly le t Hamourieh in eastern Ghouta (Syria), ollowin reports o fierce fi htin that resulted in civilian deaths and injuries, as well as dama e to civilian in rastructure.

At Dweir Reception Centre, with the local Department o Health UNICEF distributed Hi h Ener y Biscuits, plumpy paste, multi-micronutrient tablets and powder. Women and children are bein checked and screened or malnutrition and provided with proper supplies when needed. Further supplies are bein sent to Dweir to continue the direct distribution to evacuees.

Winter clothes sets are bein distributed or children under the a e o 14. UNICEF is also discussin with its partners the capacity to increase mobile child protection and health teams and the establishment o a Child Protection Unit at the reception centre.

A weekly podcast examinin the impact o crises and conflict around the world with leadin humanitarians, policy makers, and innovators workin to provide meanin ul aid.

Ñ! is an Open Educational Resource offered reely and openly or teachers. Use it to create activities or your Spanish classes!


Want to stay updated? verdu od@aaps.k12.mi.us jointhemailin list.

Ñ! 9
Photo raph: ©UNICEF

"Name and date of birth?"

TheSafestSound (fragment)

Thebagwiththedrugsays“HAZARD” in orange.

My name is Aviva Krimgold. I was born on March 18th, 1957...


Thisplaceisformal,white,andsterile:a medical,slowlychurningoffice,bureaucratictothe bone. TheHAZARDdrugis carboplatin (car-bo-pla-tin),bold,orange-bagged,veryoutof place.Thetwonurses,Name-and-Birthand Awkward-Smile,areatthecomputer, cross-checkingwithmilitaryprecision: name-and-birth, name-and-birth; aviva-krimgold, aviva-krimgold; carboplatin, carboplatin –– and hencetheclearliquidflowsdownthroughatube, downintotheneedle,anddownintomymother’s arm. Personalizedpoison,Mamacallsit––with affection,anedgedsmile.Isneakanothercracker intomymouth. Thenauseaisboundtoredouble tomorrow.

March-18th, March-18th,Ithink,and suddenlythesaltinecrackerdoesn'ttastelike anything. Howmanybirthdaysareleft,anyway?

Fromhergreenhospitalchair,mymama looksatmewithlaughingeyes,lightstheroom.

In2018,mypapaagessevendecadesintwo months:hegetssmaller,somehow,hishairturns whiterandhiseyessadder––butMamaturnsintoa child.Whenshecallstomehervoiceisloudand petulantandfunny,andwhenshegrins,hereyesfill upwithmischieftothebrim. It’sforsurvival,you see. She'sthinnerthanshe'sbeenforyears.

Oneday,sheascendsdownthestairsina dustyyellow-whitegown,wavingherarms,and twirlsinfrontofme.




Exactlytwomonthsago,mymotherwas diagnosedwithstagefourNSClungcancer,andthe internetsaysshehasabout0.5to1birthdaysleft.If she'sreallylucky—ifshe'sonetotwoinahundred —she’sgotfive. Today,sheturned61.

Itstartedslow,inDecember,when2017 wasdying.Severalmonthsago,itwasacough(they said whooping),andthenitpersisted(theysaid pneumonia). Theword cancer driftsaroundone’s headlikeaspecterandlikeathintendrilofsmoke waftingfromaburningtip.Wispy,terrifying,all overthenewsandineverywrinkleofold-lady gossip. Itstartedwithajoke,furrowedinto suspicion––itturnedintothefutureinthreedays. It’sbeenthepresentformonths.

Mymotherhadsmokedforfortyyears. She smokedvoguecigarettes. Peoplewillsay she had it coming, it’snotsurprising,butMamaneverwhines, neverapologizes,neverruesthepastaloud.She’d quitlastDecember,when2016wasdying. She must'vehaditbythenalready.

Itturnsmundanelydisbelievableand unbelievablymundanesoquickly,justthewaymilk goessour. Canceroccursoverwinterbreak,andI returntoschoolrebornintocynicism,disbelief,and periodicboutsoftears. MyPapateachesstudents withanew-foundvigour. Mamacoughs,pales, throwsupandupandup,cutsherhair. Sheshrinks downtoawomanwhoseemsnewtome,sotiredly thin,feverish,nauseous,unlessIlookrightintoher eyes.

Ellie Makar-Limanov is a senior at Huron High School and the winner of 2019 River Rat Writing Prize, a contest to encourage and foster creative writing by celebrating the exceptional writing of our current students.

Ñ! 10

The written word can convey new ideas, inspire movements, and ampli y otherwise unheard voices. It is or these reasons, amon others, that certain books have sparked passionate debates throu hout history.

Persepolis:TheStoryo aChildhood

Throu h this autobio raphical raphic novel, author Marjane Satrapi tells her story o rowin up in Iran durin the Islamic Revolution. Since its ori inal French publication in 2000, Persepolis has become a cross-cultural hit, translated into multiple lan ua es and hailed by critics around the world. But even with all its critical acclaim and success, Satrapi’s memoir has aced

controversial censorship in schools across the U.S. and is banned in the author’s native country o Iran or its political viewpoint.

Bi River,Bi Sea-UntoldStorieso 1949

Written in Mandarin by Taiwanese author and cultural critic Lun Yin -tai, Bi River, Bi Sea - Untold Stories o 1949 lends a voice to the stru les o amilies torn apart by the Chinese Civil War. Lun , whose previous works were considered instrumental to Taiwan’s democratization, spent ten years travelin and researchin or this collection

o historically revealin tales. While the author insists that her intention was to tell a story without bias or political motivations, the book was banned in mainland China a ter its 2009 publication.

“When the tanks rolled in, my sweet dau hter, I ran as ast as I could.”

My riend, a Beijin native, si hed as she recounted her ather’s story about the massacre in 1989. Thirty years a o in the Tiananmen Square, an estimated 10,000 Chinese students were brutally massacred by their own overnment or protestin peace ully or a more ree, more democratic China.

It all started when Hu Yaoban, a controversial General Secretary, died shortly a ter his removal rom his position in the Communist Party, in April 1989. He was known to be an incorruptible official who led re orms to make the Chinese Government more transparent and open to all.

Students, both saddened and hi hly suspicious o Hu’s sudden death, athered in troves at the ates o Tiananmen to mourn his death and call or democratic re orm. Slowly throu h the next seven weeks, the number o pro-democracy protests swelled to almost a million in the Square. Holdin daily vi ils and chants, and pressin democratic re orm throu h indefinite hun er strikes, the students started drawin attention rom the world.

In response, the Chinese overnment deployed troops and tanks in Tiananmen and fired indiscriminately at the crowds o students on June 4, 1989, effectively endin the demonstrations.

We mi ht never know the complete truth as the Chinese overnment heavily censors any internet discussions or in ormation concernin the incident. In act, criticism can even land someone in jail or indefinite time.

As the thirtieth anniversary o the massacre looms closer, overnment censorship has been heavier than ever. We can’t allow this oppression to o any urther at the risk o becomin enablers o the brutality o the Chinese overnment.

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Art by Geor

Thin s we inherit - Cosas que heredamos

Ñ! 12

Article 1.

All human bein s are born ree and equal in di nity and ri hts. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit o brotherhood.

The hands o Human Ri hts Las manos de los Derechos Humanos

Remarks on the UN Human Rights Council

The only thin worse than a council that does almost nothin to protect human ri hts is a council that covers or human ri hts abuses and is there ore an obstacle to pro ress and an impediment to chan e. The Human Ri hts Council enables abuses by absolvin wron doers throu h silence and alsely condemnin those who have committed no offense. A mere look around the world today demonstrates that the council has ailed in its stated objectives.

Its membership includes authoritarian overnments with unambi uous and abhorrent human ri hts records, such as China, Cuba, and Venezuela.

There is no air or competitive election process, and countries have colluded with one another to undermine the current method o selectin members.

And the council’s continued and well-documented bias a ainst Israel is unconscionable. Since its creation, the council has adopted more resolutions condemnin Israel than a ainst the rest o the world combined.

El Consejo de


Humanos -HumanRi htsCouncil- es el or anismo inter ubernamental dentro del sistema de las Naciones Unidas responsable de ortalecer la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos en todo el mundo, abordar situaciones de violaciones de derechos y hacer recomendaciones.

Tiene la capacidad de discutir todas las cuestiones temáticas de derechos humanos y las situaciones que requieren su atención durante todo el año.

The picture eatures the ceilin sculpture on the PalaisdesNations in Geneva, where the Council meets. The dome is a creation o Spanish artist Miquel Barceló and consists o many layers o paint o different colors, composed o pi ments rom across the lobe and sprayed onto the ceilin to enerate stalactites.

June 19, 2018, Washington, DC

The United States has no opposition in principle to multilateral bodies workin to protect human ri hts. We desire to work with our allies and partners on this critical objective that reflects America’s commitment to reedom.

But when or anizations undermine our national interests and our allies, we will not be complicit. When they seek to in rin e on our national soverei nty, we will not be silent.

U.S. withdraws rom U.N. Human Ri hts Council
Ñ! 14


“Ecosystems, species, wild populations, local varieties and breeds o domesticated plants and animals are shrinkin , deterioratin or vanishin . The essential, interconnected web o li e on Earth is ettin smaller and increasin ly rayed. This loss is a direct result o human activity and constitutes a direct threat to human well-bein in all re ions o the world.”

“Los ecosistemas, las especies, las poblaciones silvestres, las variedades locales y las razas de plantas y animales domesticados se están reduciendo, deteriorando o desapareciendo. La red esencial e interconectada de la vida en la Tierra se está haciendo cada vez más pequeña y deshilachada. Esta pérdida es un resultado directo de la actividad humana y constituye una amenaza directa para el bienestar humano en todas las re iones del mundo".

“Les écosystèmes, les espèces, les populations sauva es, les variétés locales de plantes et les races locales d’animaux domestiques diminuent, se réduisent ou disparaissent. Le tissu vivant de la Terre, essentiel et interconnecté, se réduit et s’effiloche de plus en plus. Cette perte est la conséquence directe de l'activité humaine et constitue une menace directe pour le bien-être de l’humanité dans toutes les ré ions du monde.”

Ñ! 15

Jor e Drexler .

El cantante uru uayo Jor e Drexler ue el ran anador de los Latin Grammy de este año. Drexler recibió tres de los

premios más importantes: Su canción “Tele onía” anó Mejor Canción y Mejor Grabación del Año, mientras que su disco “Salvavidas de Hielo” anó Mejor Álbum de Cantautor.

“Tele onía” es más que una canción de amor. En ella, Drexler elo ia los medios de comunicación, desde los telé onos hasta los mensajes en una botella y resalta la importancia de la tecnolo ía en nuestras relaciones.

En “Tele onía” Drexler vuelve al tema de amor: “Te quiero, te querré, te quise siempre.” La tecnolo ía puede cambiar, sin embar o, los mensajes de amor se uirán siendo siempre los mismos.

Diva Latina LESLIE’S Pick

Selena ue la primera mujer en interpretar énero “tex-mex” y ser reconocida en Estados Unidos y México. A pesar de su corta carrera, el éxito de Selena es excepcional. Fue anadora de Premios Grammy, ALMA y Billboard Latin Music Awards.

En 2020 se cumplen 25 años de su trá ica muerte a manos de su a ente. Selena si ue teniendo miles de se uidores por todo el mundo. Ella es una auténtica Diva Latina.

URUGUAY Perfil Hispano
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Salvavidas de hielo JORGE DREXLER


El Mal Querer ROSALIA

MejorCanciónAlternativa MejorFusión/InterpretaciónUrbana


El MalQuerer no es un disco cualquiera. La artista española,

Rosalía, interpreta la música Flamenco de la mano del Trap. El resultado de esta mezcla entre tradicional y moderno es un sonido innovador.

Rosalía basó su álbum en “Flamenca”, una novela rancesa del si lo XIII. Esta novela trata de una relación amorosa que acaba con la mujer encerrada en una torre por los celos de su esposo.

Cada canción del disco está acompañada de una ima en del artista Filip Custic. Este mundo visual creado por Custic está llena de símbolos que reflejan el lado oscuro del amor.

La ima en de la izquierda acompaña al Capítulo 2: boda - “QUE NO SALGA LA LUNA”. Este homenaje a Frida incluye símbolos sobre el amor y las relaciones.

Por ejemplo, los relojes simbolizan el paso del tiempo en un momento que los novios quieren vivir por siempre. La cadena, como unión entre las dos personas y las llaves de oro y plata como entre a de sus corazones. Por último, el Sol que da luz a los novios e ilumina su camino.

Cada símbolo creado por Custic en atiza la intención de Rosalía de reinventar la historia clásica de amor y mostrar el empoderamiento de la mujer. Su disco acaba en el capítulo. 11: poder - “A NINGÚN HOMBRE”

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Children’s Story Time 1st Wednesdays + 3rd Saturdays · 11 am Visit NicolasBooks.com/Event June 1 -August 31 2513 Jackson Avenue Ann Arbor, MI NICOLA’S BOOKS l

Somali Re u ee Diaspora by

There are many re u ees around the world, some estimates place the number at 25,400,000. Amon them there are Somali re u ees in U anda. I was a Somali re u ee in U anda or ei ht years. The camp was called Nakivale; it is ound in the Eastern part o A rica. I arrived in U anda in 2010. I le t my country because o civil wars and no education system.

Li e is very hard when you are a re u ee. There is no ood, no shelter, no education, and no security. Ima ine how you would eel i you ran away rom your country and came to another country as a re u ee when you are not a citizen o that country. There are a lot o thin s you eel. Fear was the common one. You eel like you mi ht be kidnapped or raped when you are walkin around.

I immediately enrolled in one o the ew primary schools in the camp; we used to have our classes under a tree. We missed school i it had heavily rained. All the lessons were in En lish, except or our courses in U andan, as dictated by the U andan curriculum.

Throu hout my primary education, I rarely heard about my home country. Most o my history classes were about U anda and when we learned about East A rica, Somalia was a side note. I can list all the different tribes in U anda and list the country's history and political system, but I know almost nothin about the people, history, and politics o my native soil. We memorized the U andan national anthem. I or ot the one o my motherland.

Now that I am in the United States o America, I eel educated, sa e, and protected.

Founded in 2005, 826michigan inspires school- aged students to write confidently and skillfully with the help of adult volunteers in their communities via high-quality, engaging, and academically-enrichingwritingprograms.Reachingmorethan3,500 students aged six to eighteen in Ann Arbor,Ypsilanti, and Detroit, 826michigan’sprogramsaredesignedtosparkstudents’discoveryof thepoweroftheirownuniquevoicesandgivethemthetoolstostay charged up about writing, learning, and their creative power. For more information, or to make a donation, please visit www.826michigan.org.



This piece was a reinterpretation o my classic Mi ration is Beautiul poster, which was ori inally createdin2012.Fiveyearslater,thesymbolwasneeded more than ever as anti-immi rant hate and le islation exacerbated under the Trump re ime. The monarch butterfly represents the natural act that is mi ration. Humanbein shavebeenmi ratin sincethebe innin o time.Weareaparto nature,andit'sinourhuman naturetomove,justasallotherspeciesmove.Borders were created by overnments - but they are meant to keeppeopleinorout,theyarenotanaturalparto our environment. This artwork ima ines a world without wallsandborders.

FAVIANNA RODRIGUEZ es una artista interdisciplinaria, or anizadora cultural y activista política basada en Oakland, Cali ornia. Su arte y proyectos colaborativos abordan la mi ración, la inequidad económica, la justicia de énero y la ecolo ía. Favianna da con erencias lobales sobre el poder del arte, la or anización cultural y la tecnolo ía para inspirar cambiosocial.

The concept o justice was at the center o many o our national debates in the past year: racial justice, social justice, criminal justice, economic justice. In any conversation about these topics, the question o just what exactly we mean when we use the term justice is relevant, and part o the discussion.

Justice has varied meanin s that do a lot o work in the lan ua e, meanin s that ran e rom the technical and le al to the lo ty and philosophical. For many reasons and or many meanin s, one thin ’s or sure: justice has been on the minds o many people in 2018.

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