1. Personal exhibition «Glasshouse Conditions» c/o Schocke, Hamburg, 2018 Having transformed a Soviet refrigerated display case into an incubator, the artist places the visitor inside this display case, similar to a fragment of the icon "The Last Judgment" depicting a human soul enslaved in the Satan’s shell*. Further, having converted the exhibition space in a residential apartment into a terrarium filled with soil, with anthropomorphic objects packed in polypropylene bags sprouting from it, Galkin approaches the issue of nationalism’s origin and consequences, i.e. creation of glasshouse conditions for the thriving of far-right movements which often act as lynchers of those unacceptable to their ideology or those opposed to it. Apart from the need to punish the self-proclaimed judges, the work questions the viability of the historic development trend of a “rooted” nation, it being a completely immobile organism deprived of the opportunity to grow. Regardless, nourished by the rays of a Black Sun**, the infertile seeds are gaining pace in their uncontrollability with the unspoken consent of the government controlling them. * Satan in hell with Judah’s soul in his hands. Fragment of the Last Judgment icon. Novgorod school. Mid-15th century. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. ** Esoteric occult symbol widely used in German neo-pagan and Nazi mysticism. Currently employed by Neo-Nazi, alt-right, White nationalist and other related political groups.