FURPRO – 250 Warm Description/Process:
All raw materials have certified cat. 3 status from Rønne/Bornholm The product is a protein source produced using fresh trimmings from veterinarian inspected porcine meat. The product has also been added blood To be used as protein source with an interesting amino acid profile Low in ash. Safe heat treated product
Antioxidants: Antioxidants can be added in cooperation with costumer needs The product is heat preserved and kept at >75 °C to maintain hygienic conditions Chemical Composition*: Fat as is Fat as % of dry matter Protein as is Protein as % of dry matter Carbohydrates as is calc Ash as is Dry matter Microbial analysis Salmonella Enterococcus sp. Clostridia perfringens Enterobacteriaceae
12,4% 41,3% 13,9% 46,3% <3% <2% 30,0%
absence/25g <10/g <1/g <10.000/g
Fat Free Fatty Acid
Delivery conditions: Temperature Delivered in whole truck loads
±1,5% ±1,5%