Brief 11 Boards

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Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

1 Brief

Danielle Harrison

The Brief



I entered the YCN brief this year for Topdeck Travel. The brief was to present Topdeck to a UK audience as well as replace brochures as the main method of delivery while considering their tone of voice and Live Like a Local campaign.

To replace the main method of delivery, a website was created to provide a comprehensive yet enjoyable experience for the user. To accompany this, an app was also designed for when users want to casually browse for trips. Aside from digital elements, environmental design was also considered as well as social media and posters.

This project aimed to inspire, introduce, engage and educate people on where to go, what to do, how to live like a local and why Topdeck is the best operator to do that with. Since the target audience is 18-30s, there was a heavy emphasis on the digital aspects due to them being primary users of the Internet. All the deliverables aim to deliver in the friendly tone of voice Topdeck has as well as make them enjoyable since the service aims to provide fun and unforgettable experiences.

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

2 Visual Research

Research The biggest source of inspiration for me was from the new rebrand that Topdeck had undertaken. I wanted to stay true to this as it has been done really well, and reflects a young and fun brand. I tried to show how it could be applied across print, spatial and web. The use of colours, font, layout and illustration style have all implemented some way into the project to create a coherent and consistent brand. Block layouts, heavy imagery, a fun illustrative style are all characteristics of the brand.

Since I took inspiration mainly from their rebrand, I tried to stay away from looking at other influences so I could focus on creating something appropriate and specific to the project. I did however look briefly at some web design. I particularly looked at sites which have no margins and big blocks to make up their layouts which are image heavy. This was to see how I could incorporate that into the website I designed without being too overwhelming.

Danielle Harrison

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

3 Website

Danielle Harrison

ur o see yo Log in t et list! k app buc

Be Insp ir and Ex ed plore

es ictur p t n l va Rele ach dea e to

Travel in people spo for who do n’ have a nything t in mind

Home Page Since Topdeck’s audience is geared towards those who rely

Energetic and full of life, the home page reflects the

There is something for every type of traveller here - looking

on the internet heavily, a new website was created to cater

adventurous nature of Topdeck with lots of imagery

for something specific? Go to the search bar. Want the best

to their needs and expectations.

to inspire and show users what they have to offer. The

bargain? Check out the latest deals. Nowhere in mind yet?

Designed to deliver all of the relevant information from

contemporary design enhances their vision of growth and

Look at the travel inspo section. Want to get straight to it?

the brochures, as well as ooze inspiration and adventure, it

modernises how they are perceived.

Click on Find a Trip where you will be presented with the

showcases a mixture of the two in a digestible manner for the user.


Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

4 Website

Danielle Harrison

Search by landma rk

Select multiple months

Select con tinents, countries, states and cities on the map

Be specific about what you want

Filter When the user selects Find a Trip in the navigation, a

Since Topdeck focuses on making the experience easy for

As the user selects different options, they can see the

comprehensive search filter slides down. This is an integral

the user, it was only right that the website does the same.

amount of trips available to them change so they have a

part of the website as the main objective here is to browse

The filter aims to simplify the search process in a visual

clear, visual representative of how their choices are affecting

for trips.

way, and allow the user to be as specific or as vague as they

the results.

like. It provides the user with lots of choice and creates an

The map provides the most flexibility for the user, with them

interactive process - after all, exploring for trips is half the

being able to search for a destination, select areas on the


map, and draw their own route.

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

5 Website

Danielle Harrison

ey the k ds s e d i e Prov e user ne h t info

se of a e s nce oth Enha nd a smo use a perience ex

Search Results Once the user has selected their preferences in the filter,

Having both a map and photograph allows the user to see

they can see the trips that match their choices.

the destinations as well as get a sense of the feel of the trip.

A key aspect of this page is to present the results in a clean manner making it easy to digest. An overview of each trip provides the key information the user would want to know before deciding whether to check it out further.

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

6 Website

Danielle Harrison

Quick l ink to resu lts

Switch ta view ot bs to her inf o

Scroll to see more the itinerary

Click on th e pinpoints to j ump to that part o f the itinerary

Trip Results Once a trip is selected, this page gives the user all the information they would need about the tour. Since there is a lot to digest, tabs were created to allow the user to focus on the key information they want to read there and then rather than having to scroll through all of the content to get to the part they are interested in. From here, the user has the option to book the trip.


Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

7 Website

Danielle Harrison

Quick l ink to resu lts

Switch ta view ot bs to her inf o

Scroll to see more the itinerary

Click on th e pinpoints to j ump to that part o f the itinerary

Trip Results Once a trip is selected, this page gives the user all the information they would need about the tour. Since there is a lot to digest, tabs were created to allow the user to focus on the key information they want to read there and then rather than having to scroll through all of the content to get to the part they are interested in. From here, the user has the option to book the trip.


Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

8 Website

Danielle Harrison

Yellow tab to show selected page

Use arrows to switch bro chures

Click o n broc to enla hures rge

Brochure With the brochures being a big part of the brand, the user can request or download them from the website. An interactive slider allows the user to view the brochures, and the clean layout of the form makes the experience more enjoyable.

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

9 App

Danielle Harrison

Click on yellow tabs to switch form

Use social media for a quick log in

App Concept Users can explore and be inspired by the experiences available around the world. From this, they can save the experiences they would like to do to their bucket list, as well as see the trips they can do them on. It is all about exploring, browsing and becoming inspired. If they wish, the user can view more details of the trips they are interested in as well, creating that balance of exploration and informative details.

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

10 App

Danielle Harrison


Click or swipe to ch tab

Your Preferences To begin exploring, the user has the options of destinations

The areas they can explore match the tone of voice

they would like to visit and areas they are interested in.

presented in the new brochures, keeping it conversational

They can be as vague or as specific as they like being able to

and casual with phrases like ‘instagram opportunity’

choose multiple options, and swiping to see both tabs.

and ‘taste the fresh air’. The variety of options cater to all types of travellers, allowing users to find something completely suited to them. There is also an option to explore experiences that the locals do, tying in with the campaign.

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

11 App

Danielle Harrison

Add to bucket list

Drag up to

view trips

Experiences Up Your Street Once the user has selected what they are interested in, the

Using a card based interface, the results are presented in

Since the user can only see one card at a time, they retain

app generates experiences tailored to this for the user to

an easily digestible pocket of information. The user is able

the information more effectively because they have to

browse through.

to swipe the screen as though they are flicking through a

consider the content in front of them before they can see

pack of cards. Since they only require their thumb to do this,

the next piece.

it is the ideal interface for when people are on the move or

The user can add experiences onto their bucket list, view

do not have both hands free, which suits the browsing and

trips that feature these activities on them or just keep

casual nature of the app.

browsing through their options.

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

12 App

Danielle Harrison

Icons to categorise the experiences

Drag left t o view trip in more de tail

Bucket List and Trips The user has the option of saving experiences they are interested in to their bucket list, so they can view it again later or show their friends. By swiping upwards on an experience, they can view the trips associated with that activity. These swiping gestures that are prevalent in the app make the experience smoother and more enjoyable for the user.

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

13 App

Link to Website

Trip Details If the user wants to explore the further details of a specific trip, they can do with all the content optimised for mobile in a digestible way. All of the important information is retained here, and is presented in a simple format with tabs for easy navigation.

Danielle Harrison

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

14 Snapchat

Advertising with Snapchat As Topdeck already have a Snapchat account, this idea

When on a particular tour, an illustration could be created

shows how advertising with them could allow them to

for each destination which can be used when the topdeckers

expand on this.

arrive there. Documenting the entire trip through photo and video provides a real insight to what the tour would be like, and the illustrations add a more personal and fun touch to this.

Danielle Harrison

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

15 Posters

Danielle Harrison

Live Like a Local To encourage people to book a tour with Topdeck as well

The concept is to have incredible photos of different

The tone of voice reflects the way Topdeck want to

as to live like a local, a range of posters can be advertised

destinations which immediately captivate people, combined

communicate with their customers. This is a more human

throughout the UK.

with a message to promote the localised experiences that

and conversational tone which helps to engage with people

are available in these places.

on a more personal level.

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

Live Like a Local Here are two more variations of the poster. Different destinations which want to be promoted in the UK can be used on the posters, and a variety of local activities would be highlighted to show the range of possibilities travelling with Topdeck can provide.

16 Posters

Danielle Harrison

Brief 11 YCN Topdeck Travel

17 Environmental Display

Danielle Harrison

Live Like a Local To further support the Live Like a Local campaign, this

The concept is to have a giant board with a compilation of

The viewer can then view the appropriate trips online when

display could be installed in a variety of locations such as

different topdecker’s photos placed on it, showing a range of

they like, or talk to a Topdeck representative in that moment

shopping centres, or travel agents where Topdeck Travel is

destinations, activities, seasons and experiences. People can

to discuss it further.


then peel off the photos they are interested in for reference. On the back of the photos is further information about the activity, where it is and what trips allow you to experience that.

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