Brief 7 Boards

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Brief 7

Design Something More

Danielle Harrison





To create a brand for a water supplier. Brands have a duty of care to make people’s experiences wonderful, and this was the main focus throughout the project.

Everyone uses it, so Waterhub believes water should be made simple. People don’t necessarily know where their water comes from, so accessible information and data should be provided whenever the individual requires it. By having access to this information, it should give people more control over how they use their water.

Waterhub primarily uses digital mediums to engage with its users. It is aimed at people who use technology frequently to compete daily tasks, such as banking. It is a water meter only supplier for two reasons. Firstly, all new homes are fitted with meters and secondly, it encourages people to be more conscious over how much water they use.


Brief 7

App The Waterhub app is the main focus, due to it playing a big part in how people interact with the brand. An app fits in most appropriately with the brand’s ethos. It’s right at people’s finger tips, the clear interface makes it easy to undertstand and it provides users with information and data whenever they require it.

Design Something More

Danielle Harrison


Brief 7

Design Something More

Walkthroughs These are the screens the user is presented with when they open the app. Walkthroughs show the user the main features of the app before they choose to sign up or log in.

The illustrations created are clean, flat and are paired with limited text to keep the users attention and make it easy to digest. The flat design reflects the contemporary aspect of the brand and makes the subject more fun without being too informal.

Danielle Harrison


Brief 7

Log in The user has to log in or sign up to access the app to help keep it secure.

Design Something More

Danielle Harrison

Log In/Sign Up

Brief 7

Navigation The navigation is a slide out side bar, and here it shows all the options the user has when they use the app.

Design Something More

Danielle Harrison


Brief 7

Track your Usage Users can track how much water they are using in their household via the app. They can filter by day, week, month, quarterly and yearly depending on their preference, as well as view previous timeframes. This is useful so they can track where they can cut down as well as see their usage patterns.

Design Something More

Danielle Harrison

Track Usage

Brief 7

Payment Paying is easy via the app, as the user only has to enter their card number. They already entered their address when they signed up to the app, keeping the process simple. They can also view a breakdown of their bill on the other tab to see where their money is going.

Design Something More

Danielle Harrison


Brief 7

Submit Water Reading Users can enter their water reading via the app which saves them ringing up the supplier or waiting for someone to come around, meaning they can do it whenever is suitable for them. To input the reading, the user just swipes the numbers on the dial to change it. They can also view their previous readings to compare them.

Design Something More

Danielle Harrison

Water Reading

Brief 7

Saving Water There are various tips shown on the app to help users see how they can save water. These are things such as using hose pipes, washing machines, jacuzzi, baths and running taps. This page shows how much water and cost a shower is depending on its duration. The user just swipes the water coming out of the shower to increase and decrease the time and the information changes as it responds to it.

Design Something More

Danielle Harrison

Saving Water

Brief 7

Notification Users receive notifications when a bill is due, or overdue. They appear as a push notification like this. They can be turned off by the user in the settings on the menu of the app.

Design Something More

Danielle Harrison


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