Brief 9 Boards

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Brief 9 Secret 7

The Brief To design a record sleeve for one of the 7 songs that Secret 7 provide. The artist name or song title cannot be used on the design to keep it secret, and selected designs will be displayed and sold at Somerset House where proceeds go to charity. I chose Diana Ross & The Supremes song, Reflections - as it is one of my favourites.

1 Brief

Danielle Harrison

Brief 9 Secret 7

2 Visual Research

Visual Research Research consisted of looking at posters from the Motown era to see what colour schemes, imagery and aesthetic were popular so that could be reflected in the design. Since Diana Ross & The Supremes were from Chicago, design from this area and inspired by it were also looked into. The band themselves were also looked into as well all as their music, to be able to reflect them truly.

One thing that was very clear was the use of bright colours. They are very vibrant, and only use a limited colour scheme so that they stand out and keep the design legible. The look and feel of not only the designs from that era, but the music and peopel too, are very vibrant and lively which was reflected within the final outcome.

Danielle Harrison

Brief 9 Secret 7

Submission Here is the final design that was submitted. The whole aesthetic - from colours, textures and the content aims to reflect the song, era and band. Unfortunately the design did not get picked for the exhibition.

3 Submission

Danielle Harrison

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