Disseration Proposal

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Have apps improved everyday life, or have they disrupted it?

ESSAY OUTLINE Life before apps How have apps affected our day to day lives Apps that are beneficial to our lives Apps that have gone too far To what extent do we depend on them? What happens when people unplug

WHAT WILL I BE RESEARCHING? Different types of apps in the lifestyle sector Different opinions on apps/digital era Statistics of mobile use, attention span and how many apps people use Do we have a content overload? How dependant are we on apps?

HOW WILL I BE RESEARCHING THIS? Books App Store Online Articles Confiscate housemates phones for a few days and record how they cope Tallycounter

PRACTICAL ELEMENT App for addicts App based on everyday task that I face which could be ‘improved’ with an app

PROBLEMS THAT I FACE Finding enough book sources Getting more relevant, primary research

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