2008099 • 06-23-08
“Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead and live their lives within space and f u n c t i o n a l i t y. N o m at t e r w h at t h ey d o, eve r y p e r s o n o n earth plays a central role in the history of Architecture. A n d n o r m a l l y t h e y d o n ’ t k n o w i t . I t ’s t h e s i m p l e n e e d s i n life that are the most extraordinary design tools; only wise a n d h u m b l e a r c h i t e c t s a r e a b l e t o u n d e r s t a n d t h e m .” Dan Lübel
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
T a b l e O f C o n te n t s
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
Essence Concept Introduction Thought Concept Introduction Conceptual Opportunities and Constraints Conceptual Land Use Plan- Alt One Co n ce p t u a l L a n d Us e P l a n - A l t Two Conceptual Amphitheater Conceptual Club House Futuristic Villa One Fu t u r i s t i c Vi l l a Two Standard Villa One S t a n d a rd Vi l l a Two A S t a n d a rd Vi l l a Two B F u t u r i s t i c R o w To w n h o m e
F u nction
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
· Turning structure into art (light, shade, and shadows) · Using form to create interest (visual stimulation through shape, texture, and materials) · Compatibility for harmony · Circulation hierarchy for fluid movement (varying street widths to understand place and to give rhythm to the community) · Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces) · Clarity through solids (utilizing glass to enclose spaces, but using the transparency to see through them- creating feelings of openness) · Stable environments in floating spaces · Synchronization as structure
E n v i r onmenta l l y F r ien d l y · Using all to create a whole · Health through nature (encourage healthy lifestyles by creating wellness opportunities) · Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain (solar and wind power, rainwater recycling) · Collection and Reuse (collect rainwater and greywater to put back into community for irrigation and plumbing) · Less travel, less use of the machine, more living · Integration between the manmade and the natural
Di v e r s it y
· Flexibility of a use to transform into another · Sight and sound to excite all senses · Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often) · Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education) · Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city) • Diversity of masses for different functions
· People are the core of the community · Day to day needs are the core of the design · Cultural events are the core of intellectual enrichment · Education as a priority and core of society (schools should be centrally located throughout the community) · Art for everyone is the core of an educated youth for the future · Organization is the core of a harmonious society
F u nction
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
· Turning structure into art (light, shade, and shadows) · Using form to create interest (visual stimulation through shape, texture, and materials) · Compatibility for harmony · Circulation hierarchy for fluid movement (varying street widths to understand place and to give rhythm to the community) · Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces) · Clarity through solids (utilizing glass to enclose spaces, but using the transparency to see through them- creating feelings of openness) · Stable environments in floating spaces · Synchronization as structure
E n v i r onmenta l l y F r ien d l y · Using all to create a whole · Health through nature (encourage healthy lifestyles by creating wellness opportunities) · Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain (solar and wind power, rainwater recycling) · Collection and Reuse (collect rainwater and greywater to put back into community for irrigation and plumbing) · Less travel, less use of the machine, more living · Integration between the manmade and the natural
Di v e r s it y
· Flexibility of a use to transform into another · Sight and sound to excite all senses · Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often) · Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education) · Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city) • Diversity of masses for different functions
· People are the core of the community · Day to day needs are the core of the design · Cultural events are the core of intellectual enrichment · Education as a priority and core of society (schools should be centrally located throughout the community) · Art for everyone is the core of an educated youth for the future · Organization is the core of a harmonious society
E nt r y G ate w a y
Limite d H igh w a y Vi s i b i l it y an d A cce s s i b i l it y
Limite d i f A n y E x p an s ion Po s s i b i l it y
Limite d i f A n y E x p an s ion Po s s i b i l it y
Potentia l E x p an s ion A r ea
44.3 AC
Potentia l E x p an s ion A r ea 51.9 AC
404.0 AC
86.1 AC
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
154.0 AC
242.9 AC
Limite d i f A n y E x p an s ion Po s s i b i l it y G o v e r nment Lan d Un k no w n A cce s s i b i l it y to O u t Pa r ce l s
Conceptual opportunities and Constraints Map
E x ce l l ent La k e F r ont O p p o r t u nit y
C omme r cia l T enni s / C r ic k et
F u t u r i s tic Vi l l a s
Schoo l
Schoo l
18.2 AC
6.5 AC
De s tination M a l l
La k e Pa r k
F u t u r i s tic Vi l l a s
M i d d l e I ncome H o u s ing / C l u b
5.1 AC
A m p hitheate r
15.2 AC
C omme r cia l
5.0 AC
La k e Pa r k
Schoo l
IT SEZ C omme r cia l H ote l
17.2 AC
Vi l l a s / T o w nhome s
21.9 AC 19.7 AC
14.9 AC
H o s p ita l
5.0 AC 7.5 AC
64.3 AC
31.7 AC 13.1 AC
11.9 AC
3.2 AC
Vi l l a s / T o w nhome s
10.5 AC
3.3 AC
215.2 AC 10.9 AC
25.8 AC 15.9 AC 11.6 AC 11.7 AC
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
6.9 AC
Schoo l C omme r cia l
74.2 AC
4.7 AC
Pa r k Vi l l a s / T o w nhome s Metamorphosis
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
Lea r ning G a r d en
Golf Course
4.2 AC
Schoo l T em p l e Vi l l a s / T o w nhome s
Schoo l C omme r cia l Vi l l a s / T o w nhome s Re s o r t
Conceptual Land Use Plan—CONCEPT 1
F u t u r i s tic Vi l l a s Schoo l La k e Pa r k
Vi l l a s / To w nhome s
Comme r cia l
De s tination M a l l
T em p l e
M i d d l e I ncome H o u s ing 25.8 AC
Vi l l a s / To w nhome s
Schoo l F u t u r i s tic Vi l l a s
Comme r cia l
21.5 AC
Vi l l a s / To w nhome s
C r ic k et Schoo l
5.7 AC
M i d d l e I ncome C lu b
8.0 AC
T enni s
9.4 AC
Vi l l a s / To w nhome s
La k e Pa r k 14.0 AC
20.4 AC
H o s p ita l H ote l
25.6 AC
32.4 AC
13.6 AC 6.3 AC
4.5 AC
12.9 AC 3.2 AC
6.5 AC
4.7 AC
229.3 AC 11.3 AC
3.1 AC
5.0 AC
8.1 AC 6.2 AC
Comme r cia l
25.6 AC
4.9 AC
2.8 AC
Vi l l a s / To w nhome s Schoo l
3.8 AC 11.6 AC 6.2 AC
37.1 AC
7.3 AC 15.7 AC
10.6 AC
5.6 AC 44.1 AC
Comme r cia l
4.7 AC
Pa r k Lea r ning G a r d en Schoo l Vi l l a s / To w nhome s
C o n c e p t ua l L a n d U s e P l a n - A lt 2
4.2 AC
Schoo l G o l f Co u r s e Vi l l a s / To w nhome s Re s o r t Pa r k A m p hitheate r
P r o j ection Sc r een
E nt r y
Light w a v e C ano p y / Lighting E q u i p ment
A r ea 2
Wate r Feat u r e E nt r y
A m p hitheate r Pa r ti • L i g ht a n d S ou n d Waves • S ou n d waves overlap to create a comple x it y of sou n d that touches the huma n co n ditio n • T he desi g n is based o n the way huma n s e x perie n ce a n d e x plore their world throu g h li g ht a n d sou n d • T he characteristics of these eleme n ts are u n i q ue a n d should be celebrated
A r ea 1
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
A r ea 3
Wate r Feat u r e
So l a r Pane l
Stage With O p e r a b l e Sc r een Stai r w a y
E nt r y
• T he li g ht wave i n teracts with us i n a n erratic fashio n , movi n g q uic k ly throu g h our se n ses but always leavi n g a lasti n g memor y • S ou n ds are i n g rai n ed i n to our memories a n d move i n u n dulati n g a n d rh y thmic patter n s • T hese two disti n ct eleme n ts combi n e to ma k e a complete se n sor y e x perie n ce a n d desi g n compositio n • T he dy n amic properties of li g ht a n d sou n d are e x emplified by the versatilit y of the stag e desi g n . T he stag e a n d auditorium ca n be used to host simulta n eous performa n ces . T his is aided by the pro j ectio n scree n s i n each area • T he R evolvi n g stag e allows for q uic k sce n er y cha n g es , eas y tra n sitio n s from performa n ce to performa n ce , a n d the abilit y to i n teract with the audie n ce i n a n ew way
C o n c e p t u a l S k e t c h e s — A m p hitheate r
C l u b H o u s e Pa r ti • A bstracted F rom brai n C ell • D iffere n t masses e q uate to differe n t fu n ctio n s • E x trusio n of the n euro n ma k es for i n tricate massi n g that dictates the uses withi n • S olar P owered
C once p t u a l S k etche s - C l u b H o u s e
6100 x 6100 (min.)
Courtyard Below
Bdrm 4
4300 x 4550
Bath 4
Master Bath
Bath 4
4200 x 4000
Pwdr. Lndry
3300 x 2200
Courtyard Below
3100 x 1550
Bath 3
Master Bdrm
4100 x 5000
4300 x 4150
WIC Bdrm 2
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
Bath 2
4100 x 4300
Bdrm 3
4300 x 4450
4300 x 3600
First Floor 1,750 SF
G ro u n d Fl o o r 2 , 1 0 0 S F
5000 x 4650
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
3 , 8 5 0 SF
Ever-changing Forms - (allowing for flexibility in spaces to fit diverse user profiles) Flexibility of a use to transform into another
F u t u r i s t i c v i l l a o n e - S pa c e E v o l u t i o n
Scale 1:80
Backyard/Patio Garage
6100 x 6100 (min.)
Meditation Area
Bdrm 2
3,100 x 3,700
Master Bath
Family Below
Bath 1
4,000 x 3,700
4,300 x 2,600
3,950 x 3,350
5,000 x 4,000
Bath 4
2,500 x 2,300
2,500 x 2,200
Entry WIC
Bath 3
Master Bdrm 5,100 x 4,000
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
Courtyard Below
Living/Majalis 3,500 x 5,000
Bdrm 3
5,000 x 3,400
Balcony Water Feature
First Floor 1,230 SF
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
G ro u n d Fl o o r 1 , 7 5 0 S F
Scale 1:80
2 , 9 8 0 SF
Clarity through solids (utilizing glass to enclose spaces, but using the transparency to see through them - creating feeling of openness) Flowing of spaces
F u t u r i s t i c v i l l a T w o - F lo w i n g V i s ta
6,100 x 6,100 (min)
Backyard / Patio
3,600 x 3,000
Maid’s Bath Bath 3
Living Below
2,200 x 3,100
Master Bath
3,850 x 3,250
3,300 x 3,700
2,500 x 2,500
Master Bdrm
3,850 x 4,100
Bdrm 2
3,850 x 3,700
3,800 x 3,650
3,850 x 4,200
Bath 3 Courtyard Below
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur Bdrm 3
3,850 x 3,500
G ro u n d Fl o o r 1 , 4 3 0 S F
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
First Floor 999 SF
Scale 1:80
2 , 4 2 9 SF
Synchronization as structure with environment Using all to create a whole Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain (solar and wind power, rainwater recycling)
S ta n d a r d v i l l a O n e - S u s ta i n a b l e I n t e g r at i o n
Maid’s Bath Bdrm 3
3,650 x 3,000
WIC Bath 3
Bath 2
3,200 x 2,400
2,800 x 1,700
Bdrm 2
3,300 x 4,100
3,300 x 4,000
WIC Deck
Dining Below
Living Below
3,600 x 4,000
3,900 x 4,000
Master Bath
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
3,300 x 2,900
First Floor 672 SF
G ro u n d Fl o o r 1 , 6 0 4 S F Master Bdrm 4,000 x 3,400
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
2 , 2 7 6 SF
Turning structure into art (light, shade and shadows) Using form to create interest (visual stimulation through shape, texture, and light)
S t a n d a r d v i l l a TWO A - L i g h t S h a d o w
Scale 1:80
2,500 x 2,500
Deck Puja
Maid’s Bath
Bath 2
2,500 x 1,600
Garage Lndry
Bdrm 2
3,600 x 3,600
3,800 x 3,650
4,200 x 4,000
Bath 3
WIC Master Bath
2,800 x 4,200
Master Bdrm
4,200 x 4,200
4,450 x 4,000
Bdrm 3
3,850 x 3,500
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
Living/ Majalis/Study 3,700 x 4,000
First Floor 805 SF
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
G ro u n d Fl o o r 1 , 5 1 3 S F
2 , 3 1 8 SF
Turning structure into art (light, shade and shadows) Using form to create interest (visual stimulation through shape, texture, and light)
S t a n d a r d v i l l a TWO B - L i g h t S h a d o w
Scale 1:80
2,200 x 2,700
6,100 x 6,100 (min)
Bdrm 2
3,500 x 3,500
Bdrm 3
Bath 3
3,300 x 3,750
Deck Bath 2
Kitchen Pwdr
2,500 x 2,700
Linen Dn
Courtyard Below
Courtyard Dining
4,400 x 3,150
StarWatch Terrace
Master Bath 3,300 x 3,500
Proposed Integrated Township at Sriperumbadur
Master Bdrm Deck
2,700 x 2,800
Great Room
4,300 x 4,900
5,300 x 5,200
Ever-changing Forms – (allowing for flexibility in spaces to allow all users to make there own personal spaces). Appreciation of all will achieve goals and understanding (learning from others, valuing all- Celebrating Chennai as a cosmopolitan city).
Education as a priority and core of society. Using form to create interest (visual stimulation of the mind through shape, texture, and materials). Variety of people for an enriched environment (melting pot and emphasis on education).
People are the core of the community. Variety of uses for a cohesive community (the different land uses and functions of the community allow for people to get everything within and travel outside less often). Power from sun and wind, nourishment from rain and life from earth.
Scale 1:80
Roof / Terrace
First Floor 1 , 1 7 0 S F
2 , 3 7 0 SF
Compatibility for harmony with nature Meditation to complete inner self with universe
F u t u r i s t i c R o w T o w n h o m e - S ta r Wat c h
G ro u n d Fl o o r 1 , 2 0 0 S F