Still Trading Your Time For Money? Start Living Your Lifestyle and Get Out Of That 1950’s Way Of Thinking /still-trading-your-time-for-money-start-living-your-lifestyle-and-get-out-of-that1950s-way-of-thinking/ admin
To many people live the 1950’s life where they wake up get ready for work, commute to work, to do a job they dislike and spend all day doing it leaving themselves only the night and weekends to spend with their family and friends, I know this because I was one of those people not so long ago, so this blog is to show you a better way so you no longer need to be trading your time for money We live in a digital world now and we can find just about anything we want from the internet, most businesses are now online WHY.. Because that’s how most business is done now..
Eg: We buy online, we sell online, some work online and we even talk online.. yet you are still trading your time for money because we are programmed to do this at an early age however… Today I wanted to reflect on Robert Kiyosaki’s CASHFLOW Quadrant, and how after reading his book Rich Dad poor Dad, I was able to transition from employee to business owner which has made a significant difference to my quality of life.
You really can’t help yourself but be addicted to what you do when your phone starts vibrating whilst you are away In Thailand just sitting on the beach relaxing after an amazing day exploring islands, only to check it to see that you have made another sale online its INSANE!
I am very grateful that I came across Robert Kiyosaki book Rich dad poor dad, along with another book I’d like to mention called the Four Hour Work Week By Tim Ferriss and both of these books are a gold mine full of things I’m sure will blow your mind.. Around the same time found the vehicle to be a business owner that has systems that work for me and you can too. If you haven’t read Robert’s or Tim Ferriss’s books and want to learn about the concepts that 95% of the wealthy
people know, I suggest you get your hands on a copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad and Four Hour Work Week If you have read the book and are still looking for a way to become a business owner and have systems work for you, then owning an online business and learning the skills of online marketing may be your vehicle.
These are the very same systems that my mentors Stuart Ross & Jay Kubassek have taught thousands including me and now I can say that I live a very different lifestyle making more money online than I was or could ever working for someone else and guess what‌ I love what I do. Have a great day! Hope you enjoyed. Please like, comment or share if you feel you got any value from this post. To your success
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