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Yom Revi'i, Kislev ‫ט‬ "‫כ‬ , ‫תש"ע‬ Thul Hijjah 29, 1430AH Wednesday, December 16, 2009 Praise be to G-d of Abraham, the Lord of all the worlds, and prayers and salutations on our master Moses, and the righteous and sincere members of his Household. Your Majesties, your Excellencies, your Highnesses, Kings, Queens, Presidents and Emirs of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian states and all the nations, tribes, languages and people of the world. Peace be upon you, G-d of Abraham's mercy and His blessings. I am pleased to extend my very best greetings to the members of the Israeli Knesset and Sanhedrin and sincere wishes for happiness and good health. In 9 Nisan 5765/9 Rabi Al-Awaal 1426 A.H./April 18, 2005 CE which were days before Passover, a manifestation of the Divine Presence took place. There was a witnessed Divine decree given for my commission for the Kingship of Jerusalem and appointment as the forerunner for the soon coming of Messiah ben-David. Since then, I have exposed the dishonesty and the dishonor of Edom-Rome’s Bible translations. Edom-Rome has created distorted and mystical versions of certain verses of the sacred writings of the families of Abraham such as the Qur’an of Islam, Tanach of Judaism, and New Testament of Christianity. Most scholars and clergies of all faith do not want to accept neither desire to consider that a great deception has occurred. Each division of Islam, division of Christianity and divisions of Judaism have become products of the Edom-Rome ecclesiastical educational system. For 1700 years, Edom-Rome has freely accomplished their twisted scholarship to distort the correct intents of the writings of the prophets through their forced translations, which have resulted in hatred and animosity between the families of Abraham. It is by Divine preservation that protected truth remains unaltered within the original writings of the sacred texts. According to the sages, the Royal Messenger authorized by Heaven will and must reveal the shocking truth of these distortions of Edom-Rome. Evidences of ecclesiastical corruption will shake the core of all people of faith; however, it must be done, and expediently. The question is this for the recently formed body of the Sanhedrin: Is the 1 Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025

Sanhedrin ready to handle the truth that the Royal Messenger is about deliver? As the sages have declared: “Eliyahu will stand as the Interpreter of the Torah.” (Zohar, Ẓaw, iii. 27; Yemenite Midrash, pp. 349-50; Men. 45b; Ab. R. N. xxxiv.; Num. R. iii., near the end; compare also Jew. Encyc. i. 637a; Tosefot Yom Tov, Eduyot; Gilyonei HaShas, Shabbat 108a)

Eliyahu will have to settle all legal difficulties and decide vexed questions of ritual concerning which authors entertain contradictory views. All difference of opinion must be removed from the path of the King Messiah ben-David. (Men. 45b; Ab. R. N. xxxiv.; Num. R. iii., near the end; compare also Jew. Encyc. i. 637a; M. (‘Eduyot 8:7; B. Neahot 45a

All variations of opinions and distorted Edom-Rome interpretations of the Holy Sacred Scriptures, the New Testament and the Holy Quran must be removed to re-establish the harmonious agreement of Truth for all the children of Abraham. It is the perfect will of Heaven that the Royal Messenger declares the ultimate truth of Messiah ben-David and Messiah ben-Joseph. “Eliyahu will present himself before a duly ordained Sanhedrin when he announces the coming of the King Messiah ben-David.” (Eruvin 43b; Maharatz Chajas ad loc; Rashash to Sanhedrin 13b)

This official royal letter serves as to my rightful position as a Levite Cohen Gadol, a High Priest and the Crowned royal of the House of David; My appointment is for all the families of Abraham, as it was Divinely decreed by Messiah ben-David in the year 5765/2005. It is imperative that preparations for the Royal Messenger to ascend during Hanukkah season to the rightful throne as High Priest (Kohen Gadol) in order to teach, train, educate all the Levites for the Temple service implementing the Healing for all people (Tikkun Olam) and thus expose the false traditions of the Edom-Rome barbeques. As it was written by the Prophet Ezekiel: “The Prince will come to the Eastern Gate and open it at the New Moon.” (Ezekiel 44:3; 45; 46)

The Sanhedrin expectation regarding the coming of the Messiah ben-David must first acknowledge that my credentials are to appear as the long awaited Royal Messenger Elijah with necessary evidence of the “Vessel of Manna”. As the sages have written: “Eliyahu brings forth the vessel of manna for the last generation.” (Pereq. R. Yoshiyahu, BhM 6:115; Mekh. diR. Yishm'el, p. 80)

2 Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025

As a Royal Messenger, I have the evidence of the Bronze Age earthen stone-vessel of Manna, which establish the Royal Monarchy and Kingship of the House of David from the last monarch of the House of Judah. It is the scepter of the House of David. Keeping in consideration for the family of Islam, the vessel of the Exodus is the royal flag of Khorasan, the ancient relic of the Prophet Moses and Aaron that establishes the Kingship of Arabia and used as an instrument against EdomRome. For the family of Christianity, it is regarded as the long lost Holy Grail; the Exodus Passover vessel that contains the secrets of the Healing of the Nations. These three families of Abraham will be able to see and have the scientific and factual evidences that will remove all prejudicial hatred and misunderstandings and end all corrupt control of Edom-Rome’s ecclesiastical powers. As EdomRome has indeed known and profited by “Whoever controls the translations controls the masses.” Through their twisted pens of translation, their versions have corrupted, dishonored and betrayed the memory of the Messiah with their false doctrines spread through scattered verses. It is an urgent invitation for all these families of faith to come together for the Passover covenant meal and to celebrate for victory by waving the scepter of the vessel of manna and to express our thanksgivings to the Creator of the Universe for remembering the Covenant of David forever (Isaiah 55:3; 2Ch 21:7). As the sages have declared: “Eliyahu will show and wave the scepter given him by G-d Almighty.” (Pereq. R. Yoshiyahu, BhM. 6:115; Jellinek, l.c. iii. 72)

Thus as foretold, I wave my royal flag, the Passover vessel Khorasan (‫) ַח ְרסָן‬ [‫ ]ﺧﺮﺍﺳﺎﻥ‬at the direction of the East Gate that peacefully unites the children of Abraham. The two main branches of the children of Abraham have preserved the memory and distinct records of the long awaited royal Messenger, these manifested evidences of my life bear the testimony of all evidences fulfilled as the long awaited royal messenger [Hazrat Mahdi]. The documentation (still in progress) of my appointment is included. “Eliyahu will appear in Jerusalem and induce Israel to repent when the Messiah ben-David is about to come.” (Pirqe R. Eliezer, ch. 43; Ecc. Rab. 4:1) The fighting without united worship among the children of Abraham at a House of Prayer for the nations because the children do not love each other has been an abomination to Almighty G-d. The fact is that all of us in this generation have suffered directly from the corrupt ecclesiastical traditions of Edom-Rome. The royal messenger now makes an official call to prayer for implementing the unity of all of the prophets. 3 Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025

I pray to G-d Almighty that this official royal letter serves as my living testimony and for every one of you to ponder the seriousness of the matter. It will be of great blessing to the Sanhedrin members to recognize that the Royal Messenger has made contact with you and that my conscience is clear upon this truthful matter. It is now, depending upon your decision, to take righteous action on the matter. Otherwise, the Sanhedrin will suffer a great loss of credibility and reputation for not taking proper action and will lose further blessings. The honor of the Royal Messenger Eliyahu foretold to be officially received by the duly formed Sanhedrin, thus shall be your blessing for official duty. The evidences of the Exodus Vessel of Moses and Aaron are fully illustrated and ready for view. It is time for the sacred vessel to return to Jerusalem. In closing, I request your attention for an official response concerning this matter. Thank you. Shalom Aleichem, Peace be upon you, G-d's mercy and His blessings.

Hazrat Mahdi Eliyahu HaKohen The Monarchy of the House of David

Ps. I want to address the improper behavior of one of your Sanhedrin’s representatives whose behavior was as such of the worst of infidels. I met with him face to face as he whispered saying “If Elijah was here to explain this matter to us.” This individual did not realize that his prayer for Elijah at that moment had been answered. He had experienced a personal encounter with the Elijah Royal Messenger and yet this Rabbi proceeded to purposefully and nastily insult, reject and endeavor to humiliate me in front of scholars and guests gathered in an appointed hour to hear my evidences. At that fateful hour, as this Sanhedrin representative behaved in his most obnoxious childish behavior, it was by Heavens Decree declared that this particular man, a Rabbi of the Sanhedrin, is not suitable to hold any position of religious authority.

4 Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025

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