The Epic of the Exodus to be Heard! Dr. Heidi Yellen The most amazing evidence of a prophecy of extracting the sound from the recording of the voice of the Great Master Teacher Moses from the wilderness is found in the New Testament! The evidence has been hidden to modern readers but now when laser and computer technology has been used in experimental testing of extracting sound from pottery, the possibility is now available to this generation to hear the recording! The engineer that worked with researchers in previous decades testified to us that sound is etched in the grooves of the clay and just like one wonders how sound is extracted from an ancient phonograph, a vinyl record or a modern CD, technology exists now to extract the oldest recording of the epic of the Exodus. The blooming rod of Moses and Aaron is confirmed as the rough pottery scepter according to the New Testament writers and documents excluded from the New Testament by the Roman Catholic canon‟s are now translated for the Seven Miracles of Elijah confirming the importance of the Stone Vessel of Manna. Revelation from Hebrew-Aramaic Writings from the Sacred Scriptures: The Revelation of the Jubilee Stone-Vessel is fully established within the Hebrew-Aramaic writings of the Sacred Scriptures. The necessary comprehension of the factual evidence is with the urgency of „Wake up brethren, wake up!‟ The sages of Judaism have taught the following: “Elijah will come and lay the world dry through want of rain.” The confirmation of what rain indicates is found of what Moses wrote of God‟s illustration to us: “My doctrine will drop as the rain…” Deuteronomy 32:2. The following is a direct translation of Aramaic Peshitta Text‟s Galina 14:14-20: Vs 14 “And a vision beauty of the law and clouds idea of conversation of marriage shining with the look of gratification.‟ And a heavenly plan clouds idea of conversation of marriage to be set at ease of suspicious talk for getting well of her walls of Torah instruction. Of existence matrimony to it is a heavenly plan to have power a coronation crown of a color golden scarlet and in this same hand an ingenious brilliant designed sickle stone-vessel. Vs. 15 And a last royal messenger to come out at end to claim from manna the enduring capable rounded vessel‟s etched neck in it is a great master teacher‟s voice sound for those who of which dwell, a heavenly plan clouds idea of conversation of marriage: Gentile Roman your scroll and a harvest to cut. A burden of prophecy of which exists a special hour, that of harvest time. And a burden of prophecy, of which harvest time dryness [specific realizing a serious thirst for truth] of an earth‟s occurrence of diseases. Vs. 16 Gentile Romans those who of which have dryness a heavenly plan clouds conversation of marriage a sickle stone-vessel scroll a heavenly plan for earth diseased and the future harvesting of an earth diseased. Vs. 17 And a last royal messenger to come out at end from manna the enduring of which is in heaven. Of which existence even following the dictation of unto it an ingenious brilliant design sickle stone-vessel scroll.
Vs. 18 and a royal messenger last to come out at the end from manna table altar who exists toward it a ruler-ship power of office, a heavenly plan‟s light. And engraved transgressor field a great city capitol toward whosoever who exists toward it, an ingenious brilliant design sickle stone-vessel vessel pottery say: To strive unto your brilliant ingenious design sickle stone-vessel scroll. And grape cutting [initiation of persecution] unto a grape cluster [scroll of the law heirloom family treasure] vineyard [circle of scholars] of which is a battle ground [a land of darkness Babylon]. Vs. 19 And Romish Gentile woman, a royal messenger unto a sickle vessel scroll, in this battleground [a land of darkness, Babylon]. And grape plucking [initiating persecution] to vineyard [circle of scholars] of which is a battleground [a land of darkness, Babylon]. And Romish Gentile woman, within vat press [meeting translation room] a great city capitol which she‟s hot and angry at a GOD of the Hebrews. Vs. 20 And woman wife of which is threshing at a meeting room press vat, unto sifted grain from manna a Roman city district province and to result an end to resemble from manna a meeting room press. A witness perhaps, suppose unto undisputed facts a grape cluster [scroll of the law heirloom family treasure] of which are war horses [doubly fortified document(s)]. From place of destruction to train and teach and that for emphatic simplicity!
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