The True Religion of the Hanif moses

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The Evidence of True Religion – The Hanif of Moses The prophet Moses (PBUH) wrote in the last book of Torah, Devarim (Deuteronomy) that there would be a blessing upon Mount Gerzim and a curse upon Mount Ebal.1 Most people have read over these words that remain un-translated just transliterations from the original Hebrew language. Insights regarding the long lost instructions reveal the origins of the religious conflict world-wide today. This study out of Deuteronomy 11 and reveals that our patriarchs knew all about the two camps of religious practice: those that reject the covenant of our Creator and those that fully accept and obey the covenant stipulations of our Creator. For the blessing, the Hebrew word for this particular blessing is the ‫ ברכה‬pronounced ‘baracha’ which is widely used for blessing given heavenward, a blessing given towards the LORD GOD. The most common expression within Judaism is the ‘baracha’ for pronouncing the blessing such as one example: “Blessed are you LORD our GOD, King of the universe who has sanctified us by His commandments and has commanded us to wash our hands and feet…” Another “Blessed are you LORD our GOD, King of the universe who brings forth the fruits of the earth.” These are commonly ‘baracha’ which are said within Judaism today. The blessing ‘baracha’ of the LORD our GOD was towards Mount Gerazim. What was intended in the original? The Hebrew word ‫‘ הר‬har’ meaning mountain also expresses a patriarch and a scholar of the law.2 The Hebrew word ‘Gerazim’ means a “nibbling of fruit.”3 The widest expression of the original intent of the message from the prophet Moses (PBUH) is that one most blessed was to become a scholar of the laws of GOD given to our patriarch’s and be blessing the Creator GOD for his fruits of the land. The curses were upon Mount Ebal giving a distinct opposite. The Hebrew word ‫הקללה‬ ‘hakallh’ for the curse means “the dishonor due to dishonesty.”4 The Hebrew word ‫עיבל‬ ‘Ebal’ currently not translated is revealed to mean Edom!5 It is widely documented within Judaic literature that Edom is a code word for idolatrous Rome. The prophet Moses (PBUH) wrote much about the dishonor of the dishonest idolatrous Edom-Rome and that religious system that has forsaken the covenant of the Creator. Yet, the modern versions of their canon translations have withheld that detailed incriminating information from the modern English reader. So in the summary of the prophet Moses (PBUH) giving a written documentation of a curse of Mount Ebal is meaning those scholars that dishonor due to their dishonesty coming forth of Edom-Rome. The historical facts of the Graeco-Roman agenda to outlaw the writings of the prophets and especially the prophet Moses (PBUH) by the corrupt ecclesia that remain staunchly rigid to carry out the ancient disapproving prejudices towards the writings of the prophet Moses (PBUH) and those that faithfully have carried out the prophet Moses’(PBUH) instructions.


Deuteronomy Devarim 11: 29 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 365 3 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, p. 267 4 Sefer Molim Dicti onary, M. Jastrow, p. 1378 5 BDBG Hebrew Lexicon, #5858, p. 716b Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyright©2009 Faithful Covenant 2

Among the three communities of faith, for example, the orthodox Judaic community remains within orthodoxy stating the blessing ‘baracha’ prayers before and after the meal according to the stipulations given by the prophet Moses. As Edom-Rome has largely controlled the church for over 1700 years, there are rarely found Christians that obey the commandment of the blessing ‘baracha’ towards the Creator before a meal. What is observed is the custom instead to ask the Creator to bless the food. The Christian asks the Creator in a short illustration, “bless this food, amen” instead of following the prophet Moses instructions for blessing the Creator for His providing the food. This is the overlooked yet critical difference. The Christian community at large completely misses the blessing ‘baracha’ commanded after the meal as stipulated in Torah: “When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the LORD thy GOD for the good land which he has given you.”6 The Muslim practice of faith states within Arabic ‫ﺍﷲ‬ ‫ ﺑﺴﻢ‬pronounced ‘BismAllah’ meaning “in the name of Allah” or ‘bismillahi’ meaning (I start) in the name of Allah” at the first portion of the meal. The meals are then eaten with the right hand only. At the end of the meal the Arabic words are stated ‫‘ ﺍﻟﺤﻤﺪﻭﺍﷲ‬Al-hamdu lillah’ meaning All praise is due to Allah.”7 The educational system of the Roman Catholic Church has heavily influenced the Islamic community by offering to its leadership their style of education teaching them up to the University level how to learn the Roman method of reading and writing. Thus Rome has given learning instead of what the prophets wrote giving instead their dishonest traditions. After a period of time of EdomRome’s practice of burning libraries and destroying educational centers, the illiterate communities never had the opportunity to learn that the dishonest scholars as foretold by the prophet Moses (PBUH) were still active and take short cuts of the ‘baracha’ blessings. The ones that controlled the translations conveniently offering their new and updated dictionaries to aid the students ignorantly studying in the Edom-Roman’s dishonest system thus controlled the education. What is identified within the study of the words of the prophet Moses (PBUH) is that the scholars of Edom-Rome have brought dishonor to the covenant instructions. Where the scholars of Edom-Rome have infiltrated and carried out ruthless control is well documented in books such as “Vatican’s Assassins” and “The Keys of this Blood” describing the geo-political war that Rome fights to bring all nations, all people from all faiths under its control. The patriarch’s scholar, the royal messenger Eliyahu emphasizes the original words as taught by the prophet Moses (PBUH). The three branches of faith have to start giving praise that is due to our Creator in specific blessings FOR HIS PROVIDING THE FRUITS THAT ONE NIBBLES. The prophet Moses declared the food offerings made to the Creator to be as the translator chose to tell us, ‘waved’ before the LORD. The Hebrew word ‫ הניף‬for ‘wave’ is pronounced ‘hanif.’ Is this really ‘waved’ or is it more a harvest-sifting action of winnowing8 for the fully ripe grain sheave harvest,9 sifting making fine flour10 for the 6

Deuteronomy 8:10 8 Sefer Molim Dictionary, M. Jastrow, ‫ הניף‬/ ‫ הנוף‬p. 888-889 9 Ibid. 10 Ibid. p. 889b Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyright©2009 Faithful Covenant 7

shoe-latchet (foot shaped) shoe bread? Remember the foot shaped bread is the shape of the pure spelt with grape juice, olive oil and salt providing a wholesome healing bread of the covenant meal of the patriarch Abraham (PBUH). The Arabic language also uses this word ‘hanif’ ‫ ﺍﻟﺪﻳﻦ ﺍﻟﺤﻨﻒ‬for identifying the true religion,11 the orthodoxy where one ‘hanif’ ‫ ﺍﻟﺤﻨﻴﻔﺔ‬who scorns the false creeds around him and professes the true religion.12 The true religion of the prophet Moses (PBUH) and of the patriarch Abraham (PBUH) thus will differentiate itself from the dishonorable scholars of Edom-Rome and seek the scholars that bless the LORD GOD for the Creator’s fruits of the land before and after the meal according to the prophet Moses (PBUH). There’s evidence that the knowledge has been there all along for within the Arabic language, the foot that is disabled13 is called an ‘ahnif’ ‫ ﺍﺣﻨﻒ‬from the root ‘Hanf’. A disabled foot shaped stone is that monument which reflects the left foot of the Rock of Abraham or Rephidim foot-stones in modern Saudi Arabia. This location where the monument preserves the memory of the shape of the covenant meal of the unleavened bread, shaped as two feet remains with a stone imagery of the accompanying Elijah cup right in front of the left foot stone. Consistently through out the region the engravings show the right foot is wider while the left foot is narrower and seemingly with a heavy side imprint instead of a full impression. The millions of engraved shoe sandals throughout Arabia and also around the world remain as a hard testimony of how to shape that covenant meal of the ‘Hanif,’ the orthodox believer. The Creator knew that mankind would become disabled in the foot-shaped offerings, the orthodox practice of the covenant meal directly due to the dishonor of the Edom-Rome scholars. The invitation is now to return to the orthodox practice with a new yet very ancient name, one that the prophet Moses used, ‘Hanif’ for the true faith and practice of true peace among all of the family of Abraham. The invitation includes resuming the blessings given to the Creator for His fruits that one nibbles upon. The evidence of the Edom-Roman scholars altering the words of the prophets is there if one investigates the literature. The remedy for the true religion is using the Elijah messenger’s foundational investigation “There’s Fishy Business Going On”14 demonstrating where Edom-Rome altered the historical texts of the prophets. Indeed, the prophet Moses (PBUH) did warn us of their dishonest evil pattern. The true religion will sweep away the filth that EdomRome has attempted to do to the beautiful covenant meal remedy and promote the start of the process of healing without delay. Then instead of fishing poles of the big fish religion and its fishy idolatrous sun-disk shaped wafer business; the true religion has its harvest instrument to gather in the sheaves for the Creator’s festivals of health with the shoe shaped bread. Thus the ‘Hanif’ is the measure of truth determining whether one’s religion is running away from idolatrous Edom-Rome scholars and blessing the Creator for His covenant meal with that ancient shoe shaped bread or following the corrupted dishonor of Edom-Rome’s scholars and their Sunday sun-disk bread worship.


Arabic-English Dictionary, HansWehr, Cowan, p. 210 Ibid. 13 Arabic-English Dictionary HansWehr Cowan, p. 210 14 See Royal Publications, Faithful Covenant 970 West Valley Parkway, #170, Escondido, CA 92025 Copyright©2009 Faithful Covenant 12

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