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3.1 Mars Architecture Biomimicry Design Mission
from Regulating Urban Surface Overflow Under Climate Change- Regenerative design of drainage system based
Mars Architecture Biomimicry Design Mission
Exhibition: novEmbEr 2019 at thE national musEum of natural sciEncE co-author: Yu-ting, lEE YEars: novEmbEr 2019 location: taichung, taiwan
The project is the first Biomimicry training in the academic year. It started from doing research of architecture design on Mars. After the research, the project’s most critical issue was identified and taken to the optimized part. To solve the problem and optimize the system, we learn from species’ function and translate to the strategies. At the end of the project, we provide a better method for the selected design to enhance sustainability.
Case Study
Water Resource
Agriculture system
Ecology system
Water Resource
Target project: ALGI
Reference: Instituto Europeo di Design(IED Madrid) & Manuel. A. Montegerin (2018) Spain - Global competition launched by NASA and HP
- Protection (Radiation) - Agriculture (food, farming and atmosphere) - Energy Production (produced by algi) - Waste cycle (both Mars and Earth) - Community ( interaction with different facilities and groups)
- Provide clean water
- Source water by drilling underground - Collect from the atmosphere - Store water efficiently - Filter water for later use
- Gills shape to separate sand, soil and water - The structural grid units can expand to find other space to store water efficiently - Hair-like structures filter fine materials - Counter-current system exchange air by diffusion without losing water