•Gender: Male •Age: 21 •Class: E -‐ C (S.O.C class) •Lifestyle: aspirers •Income Bracket: Low •Education: in employment •Ethnicity: White British •Nationality: British •Religion: No preference An example of a typical person who would watch my Lucozade sport would be someone called Ben Thompson, as I used a typical male in my advert to play the “Athlete”. Also I believe that the person would be an inspirer as athlete in the advert as the athlete is aspiring, with the help of Lucozade, to be the best athlete he can be. I also believe that the ideal person who’d watch my advert would have quite a low-‐income bracket. One reason for this is that trying to be fit is something anyone can do and is not restricted to a high class, another reason is that the setting for my advert was not a high class gym, it was a gym in someone’s house, showing that anyone can have access to getting fit. I also think that my ideal person would be 21 years old, quite a young age, This is because the main target audience for my product would be young people. Also, the main example for my advert of a person in education would be someone who has gone thorough the educational system and in employment, but in a early stage of employment, such as a first job, which can link to the idea of young people, as young people are both the target audience and most likely in a first job. Also I would say that the ethnicity and nationality of my ideal person would be white British, this is because due to the country this advert is shown in it means it would be advertised to the main target audience. I also believe that the factor of religion would have no preference, this is due to my theme of my advert (exercise) as religion would not matter within this subject.