Super-Earth Newsletter #3

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2.0 February 2013

Evolution The Evolution Patch General Overcast P.1 New Plugins P.2

New Plugins

Bug Fixes and Improvements P.3 Donators P.4

With the Evolution Patch comes a wide variety of new and exciting plugins that will greatly improve the Super-Earth experience. Plugins like OnTime or NPCS for

What is the Evolution Patch All About? As many of you know, Super-Earth 2.0 first

But why are we making you read all this text to

resource gathering and trading

started in November of 2012 and has been in

understand the importance of one silly update? Because

takes place in the community and

“Beta Mode” ever since. That is, until this patch.

will offer much broader

The Evolution Patch officially brings the

opportunities for new players as

community into the “Final Release” version and

well as experienced veterans. P.2

we are pleased with the results so far!

example will alter the way

B ugs B ’ G one

Within the Evolution Patch is a wide variety of updates,

Like all patches, the Evolution

additions, fixes, and so much more to bring the

Patch comes with a huge attack

community even further into the future. Things like

on the bugginess that is minecraft

Donation perks, MCMMO glitches, the economy, and

multiplayer. Numerous bugs have now been eliminated thanks to the Development Team so make sure

more have all been worked on and improved to hopefully promote a friendlier environment for the player

to give them a big shoutout when

community to exist in and also to create a lag-free and

you see them! P.3

glitch-free Minecraft Multiplayer community that has never been seen. The Evolution Patch will surely bring Super-Earth into a Golden Age of Minecraft.

it is important and the community as a whole tends to enjoy being fully informed of a situation over having to guess and constantly ask questions. This is by far the biggest patch of Super-Earth 2.0 and one of the largest to ever hit the Super-Earth community past and present.

So What’s So Great About This “Amazing Patch?”

Plugins are a very sneaky race of code that never seems to want to work out well with Minecraft Multiplayer. Luckily, Super-Earth has been spared of this treachery and a few awesome plugins have been added to the server to be used. P.2

Well, the Development team has fixed loads of bugs and glitches as well as improved a ton of different plugins. For a Full list of fixes visit P.3

There has always been the want for more Donator Perks and improvements to be made to the current ones. Well, here you go! Lots of new features and commands to be used by the SE Donators! P.4

The Biggest Plugin Added! Though having been previously part of the community, Heroes

E-Patch! Is here!

(NPCs) has returned to the community with a big bang.

What makes this plugin so big and important though? Well, for one it allows the creation of new stories and quests for the community. This has been a long awaited part of what is Super-Earth 2.0 was and will be. It also allows for different types of events and activities to take place throughout the server.

How does it affect me though? I don’t like events or quests, so I see no use in it? Well, even though not liking those two things detracts from the server community experieince, the additon of NPCs will allow for

What New Plugins Were Added? As stated previously, the

(including enchanted items and

Additionally, a new plugin for LWC

Evolution Patch or E-Patch is

potions), item kits, permission group

Removals has been added to

bringing Super-Earth 2.0

changes, permission grant/denial,

automate certain functions associated

officially out of Beta! With this

command executions, personalized

with LWCs. For example, after X

update comes a bundle of new

messages, and XP to be automatically

amount of days now, protections will

plugins that will greatly enhance

issued to a player when they have

be removed from inactive community

the overall Minecraft experience

achieved a specified amount of daily,

members without the need for an

that is Super-Earth. But how can

weekly, monthly, or total playtime on

Administrator to manually remove it.

one figure out all of these

the server. Rewards can also be

This will surely help out town mayors

plugins? Well, you could start by

issued when players refer other

who constantly need plots cleared out

looking at the change log on the

players to the server, voted for the

of LWCs from past residents. In the

wiki via or

server, played for a specified number

you can continue reading along!

of different days, or they

“Plugins help me to

planned to create a

Follow us as we go through just

achieve status as a top

swing my epic Ban

custum LWC plugin

a few of the newly added plugins.

player.” This new plugin opens a large number of

certain rewards and abilities to be earned either through speaking with them or just killing them in combat. So there are perks for whatever type of player you personally are.

near future it is also

Hammer on cheaters far more damagingly.”

removal system to make every

One of the new plugins added to the

doors for the community

server is OnTime. As stated on the wiki,

to celebrate the top active users.

“Now every MineCraft server can track

Another plugin added into the server

the playing time (current login, daily,

plugin list is known as “Chairs”. Chairs

There were a few additional plugins

weekly, monthly, and all time) for all

allows for players to actually sit down

added and a full list is available on the

players with this powerful, full function

in Minecraft! This can be done by

wiki. Different Administrative plugins

plugin. With OnTime, a “top 10” list can

sneaking and then right clicking on a

were also added to greatly enhance

be generated in game, current and total

seat. Though seeming to be a useless

our ability to maintain a stable server

playing statistics can be displayed (also

function, Chairs actually can assist in

community as well as prevent

in game), and daily/weekly/monthly

giving Super-Earth a greater roleplay

malicious activity from taking place.

reports of all players can be generated

feel as well as aid those who like to

The Administration and Development

and viewed (off line). Administrators

take fun screenshots with their friends

teams hope you enjoy all the newly

can define OnTime Rewards which will

all throughout Super-Earth. Simply

added features.

result in econ amounts, different items

have a seat and begin your town


function 100% automated.

meeting or even sit down when you go afk to be safe.

In Other News: PJT0620 Works alongside PR to Make the Hardest SE Maze Ever!

Biggest Bug Officially Fixed! One of the most requested fixes involved a certain spell with certain PVP ability that was far too overpowered.

Pesky Bugs Have Been Eradicated from Eden One of the most important things a

The bugs that were fixed ranged over

team is committed to excellence and

Minecraft community can do is to fix

the course of many plugins and many

will work as hard as possible to

as many bugs as possible. The

permission settings. Bugs with many

promote a quality multiplayer

Development team has done just

of the classes permissions have been

experience. If you are interested in


resolved and a detailed list is available

becoming a Developer or SuperCoder

on the Changelog. There were also

please do not be afraid to discuss it

Thanks to the wonderful community

fixes to some MCMMO abilities as well

with Administration and the head of

that is Super-Earth, dozens of bugs

as the introduction of the long

Development, Pjt0620. Super-Earth

and problems have been reported to

forgotten and broken Integreated

is constantly looking for new talent to

the Development and Administration

circuit permissions.

aid in producing and improving Super-Earth.

teams. With this patch came numerous fixes to those stated bugs

In addition to the bug fixes associated

and plenty more are coming in over

with the Out of Beta patch, this also

the next few patches. Thank you for all

marks the start of a new initiative to

of the help in finding the bugs, without

remove as many bugs as possible

you none of them would have been

from the plugins as well as Minecraft


multiplayer in general. Though looking like a difficult taslk, the Development

Smite has now officially been nerfed and a much longer cooldown, compared to the past one, has been added. With this fix, PVP will become much more fair at least in regard to not allowing instant smite killing.

World Expansion Towns/Nations Addressed later in this newsletter, the World has officially expanded and with that the limits of towns and nations. Different bugs associated with the regions have been resolved and the new map expansion is officially live and


Member: Pjt0620

Member: idlehumor

Pjt0620 has been a member of the Super-Earth

Idlehumor has recently jointed the Development Team and is

community’s existence. He has worked on

guess what this was, it was Smite.

ready to be

The Development Team

community since the very early ages of the

For those of you that can not

already making great strides at improving not only the department, but also the community in general. Idle is

the Development Team for over two years

currently a SuperCoder within the community and will

and is actually studying programming in

surely move up in the ranks to a Developer in the near

college. Pj has contributed so much to the

future. We are very grateful for all of the hard work he has

community and we are very thankful for all that

put into this Patch and can not wait to see what he manages

he does around the server, both public and private!

to do within the next few months!

Thank you Pjt0620

Thank you Idlehumor

The Honor Board The Honor Board is meant to commemorate all of the top level

Donation Perks and Abilities Update! What you need to know:

donators over the last two

New Donation Perks and Abilities

Another addition to the list of added

If you thought that was major change,

months Super-Earth 2.0 has

are always being requested by the

Donatior perks and abilities is Donator

Shareholders and Partners are in for

been launched. The board

community to be added into

plots. As with 1.0 in Vesuvius plots, the

a very happy surprise. Shareholder

required a donation amount of

Super-Earth. With the Evolution

new 2.0 plots will be introduced for all

worlds have officially returned! To

$500 or more to have been made

Patch, comes some very much

executive, sponsor, and associate

obtain your world, simply fill out the

since launch. Thank you to all of

anticipated donator abilities.

level donators. These plots will be

application on the forum and an

accessible via the donator world and

Administrator will get to your request as soon as possible.

the active donators and those who may have donated, but did

One of the changes to donation perks

will have a few perks associated with

not make this board. All money

was the additon of logblock to VIP+

them. The first is the use of a private

goes towards server costs and

donators. This will allow donators to

building location on each donators

Other updates for donator perks and

upgrading so we greatly

check block changes in areas to find

individual plot. Secondly, each plot will

abilities can be found by going to the

appreciate your support!

town griefers, gift givers, etc. The best

be able to be used as a storage.

official Super-Earth changelog

part is, you will no longer need an

Finally, the donator plots will allow

located on the wiki. Please note that

Please make sure to watch out

Administrator to check the blocks for

players of the three stated donation

some of the patch updates may still be

for the official production of the

you. With such a fast system for

levels to effectively build structures

taking effect and may not work

board later this month on the

finding griefers, towns and nations will

without fear of a town removing the

properly at this time.


be able to blacklist malicious users

building or a griefer somehow

much more effectively.

managing to bypass a field.

Message From Dannypent Hope everyone has had a wonderful 2013 so far. The Public Relations Department has a lot planned for this upcoming year and we can not wait to begin getting everyone involved. In other news, I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to all of the community for making it a blast working here. You guys are the best community ever! Thank you also to all the lovely donators who generously gift their money to the server to keep the community going; it means a lot. Finally, I hope you all enjoy this newsletter as I make it out of pure commitment to bringing the community content and diversification. If you ever have comments, questions, or concerns please do not hesitate to ask. I try to talk to everyone who requires it, just be patient! -Dannypent

In Other News: A Super-Earth Bonfire Will Be Held on sunday the 10th at 2:00Pm EST!

New Town Limit Important! With the recent map expansion comes a change in the town limit of 40 towns.

Twenty new town slots have been

But What About The Map Expansion? Since the beginning of the initial

harbor themed town of Eden, this new

new, forsaken landscape. With each

launch for Super-Earth 2.0, there

expanded region will have a completly

piece of land explored, comes greater

has been an excited awaiting for the

different center point and possibly with

understanding of the region and aids

expansion of the map. Is that wait

a much less friendly appeal. Each

in the Elder’s research of creating the


additional expansion will add to this

newtork hub. Will you begin exploring

network of region stories, and allow

and subsequently make history as the

Though rumors have been spread that

for players to really become involved

explorer who started the Mystical

the new map expansion would involve

in the overall experience that is

Network Hub?

over 25,000 new chunks, that is not

becoming Super-Earth. In other news, the new region

exactly the case. With this specific expansion, another name has been

How exactly will these new regions be

contains roughly half of the land from

given to the Patch: Galaxy Patch. But

connected though? Well, the elders

the very first map release. This means

what exactly does that mean? Well, it

from Eden are currently looking into a

a large amount of resouces and land

is not exactly a simple thing to explain

way to safely teleport their residents

are up for grabs to adventurers that

and would require dozens of pages of

into this newly founded territory using

get to this new location first. The best

backstory. But, hopefully this will help

ancient magicks. They have been

way to make sure you stake your claim

at least a little.

tirelessly working on new concepts

is to organize town or nation parties

Since the original announcement of

and ideas for this fast teleportation,

to search for the perfect location to set

2.0 came to be back in October of

and have never been closer to finding

camp. With a greater number of

2012, Super-Earth was set to bring on

a solution. Each elder may have his or

people aiding your search, it is

a much greater focus on roleplay and

her own view on this teleportation

impossible to imagine what you will

questing. With this map expansion,

network, but the general concept of a


comes a string of new content in

mystical island hub is agreed upon.

association with the return of NPCs

The only question is, who has the

that will greatly assist with these

supplies and power to build such a

fundamental hopes.


The Galaxy name comes from the

That is where you, the player

concept of beginning the map

community, comes in. The elders of

expansion connected history. With the

Eden need your assistance in

initial region being based on the small

gathering resouces and taming this

added to be created! All you have to do to create your own is to fill out the short application located on the forum as soon as you can. It is unknown as to when more slots will become available, so get your town today!

New Nations Is Your’s Next? Similar to the increase in town slots available, the number of nations has also increased. Originally maxing out at three nations for all of Super-Earth, this number has been increased to an impressive five nations! These two new nations will sure go quick, so if you are serious about starting a nation make sure to fill your nation application as soon as possible. Nations are one of the most prized things to own on Super-Earth and only a few will ever be available.

Expanding the Community Social Networking is a growing trend that seems to not be going away and because of this, Super-Earth has begun to grow heavily interactive with its community. Through Twitter, Facebook, and the Forum, the community has been able to receive information at a much faster and more effective way than ever before. One of the biggest social media sites that has become a part of the Super-Earth community is Twitter. With Administrators reaching over 100 followeres, the ability to relay quick information has never been as easy and user friendly. Things like events, server downtimes, etc are all possible to relay via Twitter to allow players an easy to use system to keep up on current events. In the future, Twitter will have the possibly to enable “Best Tweet” message competitions, connect hundreds of community members at once, or even allow for charity events to take place. The possibilities are endless.

Through networking and advertising, the Super-Earth community can grow both bigger and better than ever before.

But what about the other social networking sites

not consider them to be. The Voting Sites for

like Facebook, Youtube, or the forum? No need to

example allow the community to reach to a much

worry, there are still dozens of plans to help

wider variety of Minecraft players than simply

improve these social network communities as well.

Twitter or Facebook do. Complete commitment to

Over the last year, the Public Relations team has

improving the Super-Earth communitiy’s image for

tried to incorporate the community with these

these audiences will greatly aid in growing the

different sites in the hope of promoting a more

community. Remember, one like, comment, or

connected community that can communicate in a

share click can lead to thousands more.

wide variety of ways. There are other types of Social Networking sites as well, though some may

Integrating Social Media Facebook

Super-Earth does have a Facebook page and we love when players actively engage in conversations there on a much more personal level. We encourage all users who feel Super-Earth is home to head on over to the page, like it, and get messaging and sharing whatever they like. Tw i t t e r

As stated, Twitter is the largest growing Social Network site that is currently used by the community. With hundreds of players active on Twitter, it makes a lot of sense for Administrators and Developers to engage with the communinty on such a user-friendly interface. Currently, the top three most followed Administrators consist of @VetyverSE (196*) @dannypent (103*) and @SEpjt0620 (89*). In the near future, the PR team wishes to hold a 200 follower party for Vetyver as well as the other Administraters when they reach the goal. Yo u t u b e

Though having been a major player in the past, Youtube had grown quiet for some time. Lately, things are picking back up and more community members are becoming socially active in the Video making field of Super-Earth. With events like Mob Invasions or Admin Karaoke, there is certainly a wide variety of footage available to those who wish to make a fun and entertaining video for the entire community to enjoy.

Redstone UPDATE


So far into the snapshots, there have been numerous additions to the available tools redstone creators can use. MORE PREDICTABLE BEHAVIOR

With this new Patch comes a load of updates to

Minecraft Update

the overall functioning and behavioral attributes of Redstone. Things like directional quirks,

The Newest Patch

redstone timing, and signal strength have all been modified in the new patch to give creators more diversified contraption settings and tools. The Redstone Comparator was also added in as well as a new weighted pressure plate and blocks of redstone, which emit constant redstone power.

Can your town keep up? The effects of the upcoming Minecraft Patch.


Mojang decided it was time for a completly new mineral to be introduced to Minecraft gameplay

With each and every update to the

redstone options, new blocks, and new mob

game known as Minecraft, there are

behaviors. All of the detailed information

be used to create daylight sensors and redstone

always a wide variety of changes that takes place.

regarding these updates can be found either on the

comparators. They may also be used as

The “Redstone Patch� as it is known is said to

minecraft wiki or on the mojang site itself; both

bring new blocks and functions never before seen

are reliable resouces. Another important fact to

in Minecraft.

remember is the affects of the Patch on the server. This means there will be scheduled downtime to

and they chose to introduce Quartz. Quartz can

decorative blocks in the forms of blocks, slabs, or even pillars. ABANDONED MINESHAFTS

Though not the most important update in this

But how does this affect you personally or your

accomodate the new update to Minecraft as well as

Patch, the transition from chests to minecarts with

town on Super-Earth? Well, the first thing to note

a time period where the server will remain on an

chests is a welcomed new addition to Minecraft

is that players will be expecting mayors and

older version of Minecraft so make sure to inform

assistants to be informed on the newly added

town members not to update. More information

features. So make sure to be adept at the new

will be released as the Patch approches.


players who explore mineshafts. This addition will give mineshafts a much more realistic feel than previously felt when exploring their dark passages.

Public Relations Box Welcome to the Public Relations Box, a new edition to the Newsletter that discusses everything to do with the Public Relations Department on Super-Earth. You will be able to find information on events, department hirings, upcoming public meetings, and a ton of other interesting resources all available at your disposal. In the future, this section of the newsletter will be used as an alternative to community members that are not fond of forum or social media interaction. Though having been rather quiet during the start of the new 2.0 server on Super-Earth, the Public Relations department is beginning to pick up with new ideas and concepts thanks to working with a new “invite-only” team completely dedicated to improving community content and gameplay. Having been a member of Public Relations, formally called the Department of Operations, for roughly a year now, it is incredible to see how rapidly the community changes and how things never remain the same. It has been a fantastic year and I personally can not wait to guide an even better future for the 2013 season as Director of Public Relations.

One of the growing trends throughout January for the Public Relations event department was the Where Dat” Treasure Be events. Consisting of community members needing to solve clues and find a specific location that led to a small maze filled with traps and hidden passages, the WDTBs, as they can be abbreviated into, provide a great way of inviting all community members to explore the World of Super-Earth. Some may criticize the use of donator perks in these types of situations as giving an unfair advantage, but we as a department believe it simply gives the donators another use for their generous donations to the server community. Each event and service produced through the Public Relations Department is designed to accomodate both donator and nondonator members of the community. Though it may be more difficult or slower for nondonators, it is still possible to win. So far into 2013, three WDTBs have been held, each with a prize of over one thousand zenny. Into the future, it is planned to not only increase the prizes of the events, but also increase the difficulty of the mazes and clues that are involved. The third Where Dat’ Treasure Be was held on February 3rd and is the first WDTB that has been built in part by Pjt0620, a Developer of the Super-Earth server community. The maze consists of eight individual levels that are all unique and contain winding passages, drop downs, and staircases. With such a large maze, means a change in the general policy for these types of events. Though normally having a semi difficult clue and location to find, this specific WDTB was fairly obviously placed and did not require much effort to arrive at. And, the prize reward was also increased to more then 10x over to the huge value of 15,000z. That is not a typo; there was a reward of 15,000z to be found through the completion of the largest maze ever produced on Super-Earth, both 1.0 and 2.0. The Public Relations Department had worked extremely hard over the course of a week to create this epic maze and it was guaranteed to provide at least a few hours of search before a possible winner was found and the prize room was successfully gotten to. In the end, the maze took ten hours and 36 minutes to be completed. Congratulations Kilnari for winning! For more information regarding the event, please visit: NEWSLETTER EXCLUSIVE The Public Relations Department will be holding a photo contest for the best picture of Super-Earth pride. This could include a statue of Super-Earth, a huge community screenshot, or even a hand-drawn picture of your favorite town. Whatever creative idea you have for the photo/image will be acceptable so long as it fits into the idea of Super-Earth pride. Please note that each contestant may submit more than one image, but there is a maximum amount of five images per user. Please do not send links to albums with dozens of images as these will simply be ignored. The prize for this contest will be determined at a later date, but will be somewhere between one to three thousand zenny.

With the Evolution Patch, the Public Relation team has begun working on beginning the Underworld Army aka “Lord Matt” story line. This new set of content will hopefully further the roleplay and questing aspect of Super-Earth 2.0 in an exciting and interactive way. Though the storyline will be pre-layed out, it will be constantly changing based on the actions of the player community. As a simple background, Lord Matt is the ruler of the Underworld Army, an evil and devious group of gruesome creatures, that threatens to destroy the very essence of the realm of Super-Earth and all surface dwellers of Eden. Luckily, the Soldiers of Super-Earth and the citizens of Eden have created a pact to fight off Lord Matt and his minions and defend their homeland from utter destruction. Event wise, this story line will be the basis of and for the many mob invasions that take place on the server. There will no longer be such a thing as a “Random Mob Invasion.” As the story line progresses, invasions will be forseen in advance and clearly marked not only on the and forum, but also social networking sites to relay the information to as many community members as possible and better the enjoyment received for the active participants of the invasions. What is the deal with singing? Over the last few weeks, it has come to the attention of the Public Relations Department that a large number of community members have become very interested and involved in Karaoke events on ventrilo. Some of the favorite moments from these Karaoke events have included a Call Me Maybe Quartet featuring Admins, doggiepawslm singing Japanese music, and so many other memorable songs. To note, songs like The Duck song, The Llama song, Build Me Up Buttercup, Livin’ on a Prayer, and so many other others have graced the ventrilo stage. Missed the fun times though? No need to worry, there are plans to organize monthly Karaoke sessions as well as prerecorded duets, trios, and quartets to play for the community. Many of the attendees have also recorded different selections and have posted them on youtube and it is very easy to find them. Simply search for super-earth karaoke and then the name of the person who performed the song. Notable Karaokians include: Ollie2220, Wakka9876, Dakumah, Timmyderselts, Bevo00, Dannypent, Doggiepawslm, Ejscotty, NitaVictory, and even Vetyver! So please make sure to keep an eye out on ventrilo and the forum as well as an ear out for the announcement of the next upcoming Karaoke. In conclusion, the Department would like to officially give notice to the newly inducted members of the Public Relation team. These new members include ejscotty, timmyderselts, and stacey0811. Each of these members was formally invited into the department based on skill, past history on the server, and potential to improve the community in regard to community content and overall experience enrichment. Though some of them may not be “Famous” as some may say, they are community figures that are in my opinion of good standing and merit. Though only recently being inducted into the squad of “crazies” as we tend to be called, these three individuals have been very helpful already in contributing to working projects as well as pitching ideas for future events and competitions. One of the most impressive acts of commitment seen so far has come from timmyderselts, who has worked for hours with Administrators of the Public Relations department on the upcoming Where Dat’ Treasure Be. This is the kind of dedication the PR team looks for in choosing new members to join the small group of content creators. Interested in joining the Public Relations team yourself? Don’t hesitate to discuss the idea with dannypent on ventrilo or on the forum! I am (yes this is now 1st person) always open to hearing individuals fight to join the squad and love to bring on “newbies.”

2.0 January 2013


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