Cambridge Beer Festival Guide 2014

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Welcome! This year the festival has cycling on the brain. As well as having an unusually high number of CAMRA members, Cambridge has the highest proportion of adult cyclists in England: 52% of Cambridge residents cycle at least once a week, according to a study published in 2012 by the Department for Transport. Cambridge is a growing city and if we’re going to avoid choking in congestion more people using bikes can only help. Even for those who have to drive, a commuter who cycles often means one fewer car on the road. This year we’re privileged to have the third stage of the Tour de France starting in the city, and hopefully this will encourage even more of us to take up cycling. Some people aren’t able to cycle because conventional bikes don’t work for them. This year’s festival charity is You Can Bike Too, a project that helps people with disabilities or who lack confidence enjoy cycling with their friends and family. Find out more about their work on page 11 and please support them by giving generously. Like all CAMRA beer festivals, this event wouldn’t be possible without the hundreds of volunteers who help to organise and run it. We're always looking for more help. If you look around while you’re here you’ll see that although it can be hard work it’s also a lot of fun and you’ll make a number of good friends at the same time. If you'd like to join us, ask any volunteer. We also rely on some longstanding suppliers, both for the site and for the beer, cider, wine, mead and food. In particular I’d like to thank all the different teams within Cambridge City Council that we work with over the year. This year, once again we have another new local brewery. Calverley’s brewery started brewing last

month. We wish them all the very best for the future. As well as a new brewery, this year also saw the opening of the first new pub in Cambridge for some time – the Pint Shop on Peas Hill. Not all pubs are safe, and CAMRA campaigns throughout the year to keep pubs safe and protect them from the short-termism and speculation that has cost us so many pubs in recent years. Please don't drink and drive. However you travel, please moderate your consumption so you can get home safely. Remember the festival is near a residential area, so please leave quietly – it will help us to continue to use this site in future years. We’ll be back on the 17–18 October for our Octoberfest, and in January for the Winter Ale Festival, both at the University Social Club on Mill Lane. For those hyper-organised people who really know where their towels are and plan a year in advance, the 42nd Cambridge Beer Festival starts on Monday 18 May 2015. Enjoy the festival, and remember to vote for your favourites in our beer, cheese and cider of the festival competitions. A voting form is on page 47, and they’re also available at the glasses counter and around the bars. Bert Kenward Festival Organiser

First aid We have qualified first aid personnel on site. If you find that you need attention please ask one of our stewards (the ones in yellow T-shirts or fleeces), or any other member of staff, and they will be able to contact a first aider.

41st Cambridge Beer Festival 3

Buying your beer Whether you’re a seasoned visitor or this is your first time at a beer festival, here are a few tips to help both you and our volunteer staff have an enjoyable time.

Glasses You’ll need a glass, so if you haven’t brought your own you can purchase one from the glasses stall. If you don’t want to keep your glass at the end of the session, you can return it to the stall for a refund. Glasses are oversized and lined at the third, half and pint measures. This is to ensure that you get a full measure – something CAMRA campaigns for.

Bars Beers are arranged on the bars in alphabetical order by brewery (with a few exceptions). Staff will only serve beers from the bar at which they are working, so please check carefully before ordering. The beers listed in this programme are those that we’ve ordered from the brewers, but we can’t guarantee that they'll all be available all the time. Some beers may be available that aren’t listed. Please refer to the signs on the cask ends to see exactly what’s on, and the prices. Cider, perry, mead, wine and foreign beer all have their own bars. As with any pub, it is an offence to buy (or attempt to buy) alcohol if you are under 18, or for another person who is under 18. Like many pubs in the area, we operate a Challenge 21 scheme. So if you look under 21 you may be asked for ID to prove you are over 18. 4 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Staff The festival is organised and run entirely by volunteers – real ale enthusiasts who are doing this because it’s fun. Do feel free to ask us about the beers, ciders and other drinks we have – we like talking about them and usually know quite a bit. You can even ask for a taste if you’re not sure.

Bar etiquette When you’re at the bar please note the following to ensure that we can serve you as quickly as possible. Try to make your decision before ordering and have your money ready. Stand as close as you can to the right place on the right bar. When you have your drinks move away from the bar as quickly as possible to allow others to be served. We’re only human, so please be patient! We try to serve everybody in turn, but when we’re very busy it can be difficult to keep track. Note that drawing attention to yourself by banging glasses or money on the bar tends to be counterproductive. Finally, enjoy the festival!

What is beer? The terms beer, lager, ale and bitter are often confused. To understand what they actually mean and how the varieties of beer differ from one another, we need to know a little of how beer is produced and the ingredients used.

Hops and yeast With very few exceptions all beer brewed today contains hops in some form. They provide the bitterness and many of the other flavours and aromas in beer. Further flavours come from the yeast, a single-celled organism. The selection of yeast will often give a brewer’s beers a common flavour, and many breweries will guard their particular yeast strain very carefully.

Barley, malt and sugar Yeast also produces the alcohol in the drink from sugars. These sugars mostly come from malted barley. Barley is malted by allowing it to just begin to germinate before the process is stopped using heat. This makes the grain softer and easier to mill, and starts the process of turning starch into sugar. Other cereals (both malted and not) may be used in some beers. Brewing sugars are used by some brewers and other flavourings, spices and even fruit may be added. As well as sugars, malted barley (malt) also provides many of the flavours in beer, such as the roasted and caramel notes. The colour of a beer is almost entirely dependent on the variety and amount of malts used. The modern usages of the words ale and beer are rather different. Beer refers to nearly every alcoholic drink made with malt and hops. Ale normally refers to beers brewed using strains of yeast that rise to the top of the fermenting vessel – a process known as top fermentation.

What is real ale? Real ale is a beer brewed from traditional ingredients, matured by fermentation in the 6 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

container from which it is dispensed, and served without the use of additional gas. It is described as ‘living’ as it continues to ferment in the cask, developing its flavour as it matures ready to be poured into your glass. Real ale is also known as cask conditioned beer, real cask ale, real beer and naturally conditioned beer. The term real ale and the above definition were coined by CAMRA in the early 1970s.

How can I tell if it’s real ale? Real ale has a natural taste, full of flavour with a light natural carbonation produced by the fermentation that has occurred in the cask. A real ale should be served at cellar temperature (11–14°C) so that the flavour of the beer can be best appreciated. You can recognise real ale in a pub as it is usually served using a hand pump, although a number of pubs sell the beer straight from the cask using nothing but gravity – as at this festival.

What is the difference between ale and lager? Real ale is produced by top fermentation at temperatures up to 22°C, which produces the rich variety of flavours. After primary fermentation the ale is allowed to mature at 11–14°C in a cask where a slow secondary fermentation occurs. Lager is produced by bottom fermentation at lower temperatures (6–14°C). It is then conditioned for several weeks or months at close to freezing, during which time the lager matures. Traditionally, lager style beers were brewed during the cooler winter months and then stored in cool cellars through the summer. Indeed, lager is the German word for store. However, most mass-produced UK lagers are matured for less than a week and do poor service to the name.

What is the difference between real ale and keg beer? Real ale is a living product. It has not been

What is beer? pasteurised or filtered and has undergone a slow secondary fermentation in the cask from which it is served. Keg beer undergoes the same primary fermentation as real ale but after that stage it is filtered and/or pasteurised. No further conditioning takes place. The beer lacks any natural carbonation that would have been produced by the secondary fermentation and so carbon dioxide has to be added artificially. This leads to an overly gassy product. Today some keg beers have a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide added – these are known as nitro-keg beers.

What is craft beer? Craft beer has its origins in the US microbrewery world – our foreign beer bar has some fine examples from that side of the Atlantic. As yet there is no real definition for the term. Much real ale is craft beer, however some craft beer is dispensed from kegs.

amber, gold, yellow or straw coloured beers with light to strong bitterness and a strong hop character that creates a refreshing taste. The strength is generally less than 5.5%. Castor 12th Man, 4.5% Moonshine Heavenly Matter 3.7%

India pale ale (IPA) originally appeared in the early 19th century, and has enjoyed a resurgence in recent years. First brewed in London and Burton-on-Trent for the colonial market, IPAs were strong in alcohol and high in hops: the preservative character of the hops helped to keep the beer in good condition during long sea journeys. So-called IPAs with strengths of around 3.5% are not true IPAs. Look for juicy malt, citrus fruit and a big spicy, peppery bitter hop character, with strengths of 5% to much more. The recent appearance of ‘black IPAs’ has confused many, since they are definitely not pale. Fellows IPA, 7.2% Jo C’s Knot Just Another IPA, 5.0%

What are bitter, mild, stout and porter? Beer can be produced by either ale or lager style fermentation. Ale style beers can be broken down further into various styles, although many beers are hard to fit into one of these categories. We’ve chosen a few examples for each style. Milds are low in bitterness and may be dark or light. Although generally of a lower strength (less than 4%) they can also be strong. Elgood’s Black Dog, 3.6% Son of Sid Muckcart Mild, 3.5%

Bitter is the most common beer style. Usually brown, tawny, copper or amber coloured, with medium to strong bitterness. Light to medium malt character may be present. Bitters are normally up to 4% alcohol, whereas best bitters are above 4%. BlackBar Bitter, 3.6% Calverley’s Best Bitter, 4.8%

Golden ales are a relative newcomer, having first appeared in the 1980s. These are pale

Porters and stouts are complex in flavour and typically black or dark brown. The darkness comes from the use of dark malts. These full bodied beers generally have a pronounced bitter finish. Historically a stout would have been any stronger beer, but the term evolved to mean a strong porter beer. In modern usage, the two terms are used almost interchangeably, although stouts tend to be less sweet than porters. They are usually 4–8% in strength. Grain Porter, 5.2% Milton Nero 5.0%

Barley wines range in colour from copper to tawny and dark brown. They may have a high sweetness due to residual sugars although some barley wines are fermented right out to give a dry finish. They have an almost vinous appearance in the glass and may have a strength of up to 12%. The fruity characteristics are balanced by a medium to assertive bitterness. Buffy’s Festival 9X, 9.0% Dominion Moreton, 9.7% 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 7

85 - 87 Gwydir St Cambridge CB1 2LG

le e l A is ea d R ara P

The Cambridge Blue

Tel 01223 471680

Summer Beer Fest 24th - 29th June 100+ beers plus real ciders and perries


,528 3different ales served so far!

50p OFF All draught products for CAMRA Members

14 Real Ales • 12 Craft Beers 200+ Bottled World Beers Open

Mon - Sat 12 - 11pm, Sunday 12 - 10.30pm

Food Served

Mon - Sat 12 - 10pm, Sunday 12 - 9pm

The Blue Moon 2 Norfolk St, Cambridge CB1 2LF Tel: 01223 500238

4 Real Ales • 10 Craft Beers Massive Range of Artisan Spirits Room Available for Hire OPEN: Mon–Fri 5pm–late, Sat 12–late



2 Church Street, Stapleford CB22 5DS Tel: 01223 503402

Real Ale Paradise in Stapleford

8 Real Ales • 8 Craft Beers Real Cider • Belgium Bottled Beers Open: Mon - Thurs 12-3pm & 5 -11pm Fri - Sat: 12 to Midnight, Sun: 12-10.30pm Food: Mon - Sat 12-2pm & 5 -9pm, Sun: 12-3pm


Fri 4th - Mon 7th July The Tour De France will pass by the pub on Monday!

Festival charity

You Can Bike Too This year the festival is supporting You Can Bike Too, a project that helps people with disabilities or who lack confidence enjoy cycling with their friends and family. Meet Aaron. He is 27 and wants to get out of the house, be healthy and be social. Aaron dreams of cycling with his family and friends, but with his learning difficulties a two wheeled bike just won't work. He searched high and low through Cambridge for a safe place to ride adapted bikes with others, but it didn’t exist. Until now! Aaron met Ruth and together with other cycling enthusiasts of mixed abilities they created You Can Bike Too: an all ability cycling project at Milton Country Park. Now, no matter what age, ability or experience, everyone can feel the freedom of the wind in their hair – and they can do it together! A partnership between the You Can Hub and the Cambridge Sport Lakes Trust charity, You Can Bike Too offers regular sessions with trained volunteer instructors for people with disabilities, over 60s and their family and friends. Cycling is social and regular sessions mean that everyone can cycle together, no matter their ability. The quirky bikes are also available for hire: there are more than 16 adapted bicycles, with 1, 2, or 3 seats, and there's even one that takes a wheelchair! Laurence, 81, found cycling nearly impossible after his hip replacement and stroke. However with support from You Can Bike Too he was able to try it again. “I used to cycle everywhere,” he explains. “It was my wild ambition to be back on a bike. Now I feel human again and like I belong.”

Cycling is a fun, social sport that can be made so accessible that anyone can do it. Last year over 500 people rode on one of our bikes! Come and chat cycling at our festival stall and find out how you could make a difference. youcanbike2


Please give generously, either at the You Can Bike Too stand near the glasses stall or to one of their volunteers who will be around the festival with collecting buckets. 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 11

Apart from our brewery bars from Adnams, Brentwood, Elgood’s, Moonshine and Woodfordes, all the beer is arranged on the bars alphabetically by brewery name, starting at the left hand end of the bar. The tasting notes here have come from various sources – CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide, the breweries or our own painstaking research. Unfortunately, for some beers we don’t have notes. This is generally because the brewery or beer is very new: in some cases, the festival is the very first time the beer has been made available. Not every beer will be available at every session. Some beers take longer to settle – we want them to be in the best possible condition when we sell them. Towards the end of the week some will no doubt have sold out. Some beers are particularly limited in quantity, either due to the type of beer or the size of the brewery. There may also be beers available that aren't on this list. The signs behind the bar on the end of the casks show exactly what's available at any time, along with the prices and strengths. As well as this printed beer list, the list is also available at, and through smartphone apps for both iOS and Android. All the online versions will be updated throughout the festival as beers come and go. If you need a large print version, please ask at the bar.


Southwold, Suffolk 1890



Brewed with pale ale malt and First Gold hops, Broadside is a dark ruby red beer rich in fruitcake aromas, almonds and conserved fruit.

Cambridge Beer Festival Special 6.0% A one-off black stout, aged in oak casks previously occupied by Adnams Copper House Distillery's North Cove Vodka. This additional maturation has imparted flavours of vanilla, coffee and chocolate. Warming with a dry finish.

Fat Sprat


A pale amber summer beer with a lovely citrus, grapefruit aroma and some spicy notes. On the palate the citrus character of the hops shines through, balanced with a light biscuit flavour and a crisp, dry finish.

Ghost Ship


This pale ale has a good assertive pithy bitterness and a malty backbone. It is brewed with a selection of malts – pale ale, Rye Crystal and Cara. Citra and a blend of other American hop varieties create citrus flavours.



Made with Mosaic hops, this pale blonde has bags of personality with bold mango, peach, lemon and pine flavours and a dry hoppy finish.

Southwold Bitter


A beautiful copper-coloured beer, late- and dryhopped with Fuggles for a distinctive, lingering hoppiness. Brewed with the finest East Anglian malted barley, sourced locally to the brewery.

Arbor Ales

Lawrence Hill, Bristol 2007

Greenhorn Rising 5.2% Once again, please remember that the staff serving you and looking after the beer are all unpaid volunteers.

Amber in colour with citrus, floral and pine aromas. Grapefruit and tropical fruit flavours are balanced by some caramel sweetness. Peppery bitterness lingers on the finish.



A pale hoppy session beer brewed with Motueka

12 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Brewery bar

The beer list

Beer list Colour key for beer styles :


Old Ale

Speciality / Lager hops. It has flavours and aromas of tropical fruit and sweet citrus with a delicate bitter finish.


Cladach, Arran 2000



Aroma is malty, toasted, hoppy and citrusy. Flavour has a malty base with zesty and fruity flavours and a floral hoppy finish.






Stout/ Porter

Barley Wine

Fruit Beer

collaboration with Hand Drawn Monkey, Huddersfield.

I Am Not a Fruit Beer Too!


Slightly soured wheat beer with added beetroot. A classic flavour mix of sweet (from the wheat) and sour, this beer is a perfect thirst quenching ale. Unfined.

Shefford, Beds 1982

Edwin Taylor’s Extra Stout 4.5% A pleasant bitter with a strong roast malt flavour. Brewed using Pearl pale and crystal malts, roast barley and Hercules hops.

Shefford Mild


A dark beer with a well balanced, roast malt taste.

Bank Top

Bolton, Lancs 1995

Dark Mild


Full bodied dark mild with hints of liquorice and roast barley.

Flat Cap


A light bitter with biscuit malt and fruit flavours.


Rougham, Suffolk 1999

Comrade Bill Bartram’s Egalitarian Anti-Imperialist Soviet Stout 6.9% Bold and tasty Russian stout with a mouthfilling, airy texture and a lot of enjoyable peppery, bitter chocolate flavours.

Thy Last Drop


Based on a traditional London porter recipe.

Tour de Force


Trip the light fantastic with some light relief after all that heavy going. With a certain je ne sais quoi.

Bexar County Black Eye



Rice, koji, ginger, and sake yeast were all used in brewing this beer. Slightly sweet and very refreshing, it has a lot going on. The finish is long with a slight warming sensation. Unlike any beer the brewery has produced before. Unfined, brewed in collaboration with Hand Drawn Monkey, Huddersfield and Three Blind Mice, Ely.

Texas Pecan Coffee Mild


A brown non-traditional mild. Pecan coffee imported from Texas is added to complement the mild flavours. Unfined.


Harston, Cambs 2011



Malty, tawny brown bitter with a noble hop finish.

Longhair BPA


A light copper hued beer with a big nose of Summit hops and a bittering from British Admiral and Pioneer hops. Full of zesty, effervescent flavours and a great body.

Museum Old Ale


Unfortunately tasting notes were not available for this beer when we went to print.

Theory 143


Dark red malty comfort beer.

Peterborough, Cambs 2012


This extremely hoppy beer pulls no punches and will hit you full force in the face! Little to no aroma masks the brutal assault that your tastes buds will receive once you take your first sip. Not for the faint of heart (or palate). Unfined, brewed in

continued overleaf 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 13

Brewery bar

Beer list – continued


Brentwood, Essex 2006



A true session pale ale. A full body and malty flavours make this beer very deceptive. American hops give it a tropical fruit and citrus punch.

Chockwork Orange


A deep chocolate malty beer. Brewed with oranges to give it that extra pizzazz and matured to provide a classic old ale style beer.

Marvellous Maple Mild 3.7% Dark brown mild with a hint of maple syrup.

Summer Virgin


Light golden ale with American hops creating a refreshing citrus pint.

Elephant School Peasants’ Revolt

Brentwood, Essex 2006


Gently smoked porter style beer but with a twist of tropical fruit hoppy loveliness.

Bristol Beer Factory Milk Stout

Bristol 2004


Dark creamy stout, reviving an old Bristol tradition. Black in colour with a creamy mouthfeel.



A light malt base: Maris Otter, Carapils and wheat malt allows the bright, fresh and zesty hop aromas to shine – underpinned by herbal and floral notes.



Hoppy session beer brewed with Citra hops. Flavours and aromas of pineapples and mangoes with a light mouthfeel.

Old Street Pale


Medium sweet American pale ale. A strong zesty citrus flavour with a fairly sweet finish, along with sticky pine, grass and toast notes.


Broughton, Biggar 1980

Exciseman's 80/-



The bittersweet blend of flavours is derived from the crystal, black and pale ale malts, and fresh, 14 41st Cambridge Beer Festival


Tivetshall St Mary, Norfolk 1993

Festival 9X


Deep burnished copper in colour. A serious and complex malty bitter.

Norwegian Blue


Maris Otter malts with premium American Mount Hood hops. English Fuggles and Goldings hops provide the balancing bitterness in this malty complex best bitter.




Royston, Herts 2001



Light brown session bitter.

Single Hop


Unfortunately tasting notes were not available for this beer when we went to print.

Burning Sky

Firle, E Sussex 2013

Devil's Rest


Deceptively drinkable, with a burnt orange colour and full flavour in the mouth. Huge amounts of Simcoe & Centennial hops find their way into the kettle, with even more sneaking in postfermentation for a 'proper' IPA flavour.


London 2008



Brown bittersweet ale with liquorice aromas and a lightly bitter aftertaste.

Pale amber in colour and heavily hopped.


New World hopped red ale.

Smoking Trunks

aromatic hops. Dark amber in colour, toffee aromas and full bodied.


Pale gold in colour, with a crisp malt edge and sharp bitterness. Plateau has been hopped at different stages of the brew, with a big mix of US and New Zealand hops to satisfy the discerning drinker.


Buxton, Derbyshire 2010

American Rye


A shed-load of American hops provide a delightful marmalade/citrus bitterness, well balanced by the sweetness of the malt, while delivering a characteristic peppery rye flavour. continued overleaf

Beer list – continued Axe Edge


Hopped with Amarillo, Citra and Nelson Sauvin, this beer's complex flavours include mandarin orange, schnapps, pineapple and juicy tropical fruits. It is warmingly alcoholic with a dry finish.

Moor Top


Hopped with American Chinook hops, this oozes citrus flavour and aroma. Sweetness balanced with a lingering bitter finish backed up with a late grapefruit hit.

Rednik Stout


Deep brown/black in colour. Aromas of burnt roast coffee, malty molasses, prunes, and a hint of smoke. It is gently sweet and sour, with a moderate bitterness.


Cambridge, Cambs 2014

Best Bitter


Sweet Chariot IPA 4.3% Pale bitter beer, with a blend of US and UK hops.

Wayne’s Brain


In the style of a German Hefeweizen, with banana and clove flavours. Naturally cloudy.


Castor, Cambs 2009

12th Man


Amarillo triple-hopped beer with spicy citrus and floral aromas and taste and an orangey finish.

Mozart’s FinALE


Amber coloured premium bitter with grassy and citrus hop notes.



Rich, dark and malty with subtle hop hints.

Smooth amber ale, with a good balance of malt and subtle bittering hops.

Crafty Beers

Cambridge Brewing Company

Dark mild with a pleasant balance of sweet malt and tempered bitterness.

Cambridge, Cambs 2013

King’s Parade


Classic best bitter. Earthy, spicy, biscuity aroma and sweet malty, but fruity finish. Well balanced, very drinkable ale.

Great Wilbraham, Cambs 2012

Mild Mannered


Sauvignon Blonde 4.4% Aromatic golden ale. Brewed with Nelson Sauvin hops from New Zealand, which create characteristics reminiscent of the Kiwis' most famous wine.

Beer list – continued Colour key for beer styles :


Old Ale

Speciality / Lager


Moreton, Essex 2012

Dark beer with hints of cherry and currants. Brewed in collaboration with Billericay Brewing Company.


Brewed with 100% Maris Otter pale malt with Bullion and Bramling Cross hops. It is matured in cognac casks and acquires an aroma of oranges and cream.


Pale, generously hopped session beer. Hints of sweetness, and a subtle elderflower aroma, provide a terrific balance to the hops.

East London




Brewery bar

Stourbridge, W Mids 1993



Apple juice blended with a Belgian style wheat beer to create a refreshing, slightly carbonated, apple and vanilla beer. The fresh apple aroma combined with a hint of herbs and vanilla helps create a unique taste.


Dryish, complex dark mild. Caramel binds a good cross-section of malt, roast and dark berry fruit flavours and there is a hint of sweetness.

Black Eagle Imperial Stout


Raisins and soft fruit complement roast malt in this warming dark ruby stout. Bittersweet conclusion.

Cambridge Bitter




Fat Cat

Norwich, Norfolk 2005

Cat No.3

Wisbech, Cambs 1795

Black Dog


With a defined hop aroma, this mild enjoys a certain degree of sweetness associated with traditional mild yet gives a drier finish.

Made using ginger root extract for a refreshing flavour that is not overpowering.

Mahogany coloured, slightly sweet, lightly spiced with vanilla.

Apple Wheat


Light blonde bitter delicately infused with essence of cherry to produce a Belgian style fruit flavoured beer.

Smooth, tinged red in colour and relatively well hopped.


Golden Newt

A beer with prominent hop character; a blend of Fuggles, Goldings and Cascade has been used in the recipe to bring the delicate hop flavour and aroma to the fore. The use of Cascade gives a pleasing citrus aroma.

Cherry Blonde London, 2011

Stout/ Porter Fruit Beer


Nailmaker Mild



Barley Wine

This beer has a floral aroma, refreshing to the taste with good bitterness and a slightly sweet mouthfeel.

Enville Downton, Wiltshire 2003




Double Swan

A Mild With No Name 6.0%

Yukon Gold 3



Mild brown bitter with a good balance of malt and hop character giving a pleasing session drink.


Pale yellow session beer brewed with four pale malt varieties and highly hopped with American Chinook.

Meow Mild


Chestnut coloured mild. Roasted flavours throughout, backed up by fruit and coffee flavours. The hops in the aroma appear again in the aftertaste.


Cottenham, Cambs 2009

Doctor Syntax


Dark and bitter. An IPA backbone with Munich malt. Heavy on the Summit and Columbus additions right through the boil and dry hopped to give the final punch.

Old Fellow IPA


Amber in colour. Floral with big hop character, with enough sweetness to balance the bitterness. continued overleaf 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 17

Beer list – continued Shy’Ann


Golden bitter ale bursting with floral and fruity citrus aromas and flavours. Dry hopped with Cascade and Chinook.



American red style ale with six different US hops. Dry hopped for extra bite.


Felsted, Essex 2001

Peckin' Order


Amber gold coloured lager with citrus notes. A dry finish with a pinch of spice.

Rooster Booster


Strong pale ale brewed with American hops for bitterness and whole English hops for aroma.

Five Points

London 2013

Hook Island Red


Full bodied, aromatic red rye ale brewed with malted barley, 20% rye, and Chinook, Columbus and Simcoe hops.

Railway Porter


Porter in the classic London style with a twist.

18 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Aromas of chocolate and coffee with hints of caramel, brewed with British East Kent Goldings hops.

Fyne Ales

Cairndow, Argyll 2001



Dark amber coloured bittersweet ale with an aroma of caramel malt and a hint of lemon. Rich caramel malts with a touch of toffee and soft citrus flavours leading to a good bitter hoppy finish.

Vital Spark


Dark ruby red coloured beer with an aroma of berries and roasted malts. Flavours of dark fruity and roast malts develop to a long dry finish.

Golden Triangle Hop Lobster

Norwich, Norfolk 2011


Brewed with East Anglian pale malt and five American hops to give a strong pale beer with big explosive hop notes.

Red Square


American style red ale with a Soviet twist. Three local malts and three American hops combine to give a strong fruity hop aroma with a good malty base leading to a lengthy dry finish.

Beer list – continued


Alburgh, Norfolk 2006

Blonde Ash


Wheat beer with a lemon, clove, and banana nose. Sweet fruity flavour supported by a hoppy bitterness. Caramel appears in a strong finish.



This well balanced session beer uses Maris Otter pale ale malt to give a light amber colour, and fermented slowly to give a dry, moreish finish.



The Duke


Clear golden ale, with citrus aroma and flavours. An Orcadian nod to American IPAs!

Hop Back

Downton, Wilts 1987

Crop Circle


A subtle blend of aroma and bittering hops give a crispness on the tongue that is delicately fruity, giving way to some dryness. Gluten free.



Old style porter. Smooth and creamy, with a dark berry flavour.

Pale gold beer with hints of lemongrass and coriander.

Great Heck

Hop Studio

Goole, N Yorks 2008

Amish Mash


German style weizen with the hops of an American IPA. Light, refreshing and extremely fruity as the hops balance the banana and clove notes from the German yeast.

Black Jesus


Black IPA brewed with biblical quantities of premium American hops and dehusked German roasted malt. Enjoy with chocolate, cold meats or just loaves and fishes.

Green Jack

Lowestoft, Suffolk 2003

Baltic Trader


Rich and fruity export stout with plenty of hop character.

Greene King Gold Beach

Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk 1887


Easy drinking lager style beer to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

XX Mild


Cask mild, traditionally brewed using dark malt to give a sweet and roasted flavour.


Lewes, Sussex 1790

Sussex Best Bitter 4.0%

Elvington, York 2012



Black IPA with notes of treacle and coffee, balanced by powerful hops that make it rich and palatable.

Quaffing Ale


Deep copper coloured session ale with loads of berry and orange flavours and a hint of tangerine in the aroma.

Hopshackle Firebelly

Market Deeping, Lincs 2006


Double IPA with a sweet malty background overridden by an abundance of hops.



Amber brown in colour. Malt and bitter sweet flavours with background toffee and a dry finish.

Isle of Skye

Uig, Isle of Skye 1995

Skye Black


Dark ale brewed with roast barley and rolled roast Scottish oatmeal, giving an almost stout-like bitterness, smoothed through the addition of pure Scottish heather honey.

Skye Red


Reddish-hued, slightly malty and nutty in character, smooth to the taste.

Full bodied brown bitter. A hoppy aroma leads to a good malt and hop balance, and a dry aftertaste.

Jo C’s


Golden hoppy bitter, with a good blast of British Bodicea hops.

Swannay by Evie, Orkney 2006

Orkney Best


Refreshing, easy drinking beer. Hopped with American, Polish and New Zealand hops early and late in the copper.

Fakenham, Norfolk 2010

Knot Just Another IPA 5.0%

Norfolk Kiwi


An easy drinking, lightly hopped straw coloured beer. A blend of English and New Zealand hops. 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 19

Beer list – continued Colour key for beer styles :


Old Ale

Speciality / Lager


Lower Beeding, W Sussex 2010



Background flavours of pale and amber malts are balanced with the resinous bitterness and herbal characteristics of Pacific Gem and Cascade hops.

Gardenia Mild


Refreshing amber mild with the subtle floral fragrances of an English country garden.





Barley Wine

Stout/ Porter Fruit Beer

Unfortunately tasting notes were not available for this beer when we went to print.



Dark in colour with warm spicy flavours.

Lord Conrad’s Hedgerow Hop

Dry Drayton, Cambs 2010


Light amber beer with a kick of bitterness. Wild hops from around Swavesey provide a hoppy nose.

Great Yarmouth, Norfolk 2013



Glowing with a pale amber hue, this flavour packed ale leads with delicate fruit aromas, comfortably balancing a dry pine and citrus crescendo of flavour throughout followed by a finish that is long and dry.



Classic dark bitter with an auburn glint. Elaborately balanced use of hops and malt paves the way to complex flavours that are charming and lightly spiced.

Late Knights

London 2013

Hairy Dog Black IPA


Brewed using Apollo hops to produce a hoppy warming black IPA.



IPA made with three varieties of Polish hops.

Liverpool Organic Liverpool, Merseyside 2009 24 Carat Gold


Generously hopped with a bitterness that builds steadily towards a lingering finish with spicy orangey notes.

Josephine Butler


Golden coloured with hints of lemon and elderflower in the taste with a good hoppy finish.

Kitty Wilkinson


Vanilla, butterscotch and chocolate combine in the roasted malty taste with a fairly dry finish and a generous cocoa bitterness.

Loch Lomond Alexandria, Dunbartonshire 2011 ?


Galaxy Trial


20 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Slap ‘n’ Tickle


Summer blonde ale. This light ale is brewed with a single hop in three stages to give a lasting finish.

Zulu Dawn


Dark with red highlights. Citrus bitterness on a malty base.


Sudbury, Suffolk 1982

Black Adder


Dark bitter stout. Roast and nut aromas with a fruity balance of hops and dark malt provide an excellent lingering finish.

Lemon Adder


Fresh citrus aromas that develop into a balanced, fruity and refreshing flavour, along with a lingering, dry, bitter finish.

Silver Adder


Light coloured bitter with fine hop and malt combinations giving a refreshing crisp finish.

Mighty Oak

Maldon, Essex 1996

Oscar Wilde


Roasty dark mild with suggestions of forest fruits and dark chocolate.

Mile Tree

Wisbech, Cambs 2012

Fenland Wheat


Naturally cloudy wheat beer, brewed using Munich wheat yeast, giving an aroma and taste of cloves and ripe banana with a spicy dry finish.



Copper brown, full bodied malty beer with a bittersweet finish. Brewed with two English hops, Challenger and East Kent Goldings.

Beer list – continued


Waterbeach, Cambs 1999

Lanterne Rouge


Bright golden ale. Bold, hoppy aroma, with a full tropical/citrus fruit flavour and a strong bitter finish.



Strong mild. Cocoa, vanilla and fruitcake aromas are backed by a satisfying yet subtle bitterness.



Golden ale. Brewed with American, New Zealand and British hops for a powerful hop punch and satisfying bitterness.



A satisfying, full-flavoured black brew with a good balance of malt, roast and fruit. Bittersweet flavours carry through to a dry finish.




Fulbourn, Cambs 2004

Cambridge Best Bitter 4.1% Fruity notes give way to a lasting, biscuit malt finish in this pale copper, easy drinking ale.

Cambridge Pale Ale


Straw coloured beer with a smooth malt profile which is complemented by a restrained hop flavour.

Heavenly Matter

Brewery bar

Fruit and some hops on the nose lead through into a fine balance of malt, fruit and hops on a bittersweet base. Malt is also present in the long, dry finish.


A refreshing golden session bitter, with a fresh citrus taste and a lovely finish of citrus fruits.

Hot Numbers Coffee Stout


Made with the cooperation of Hot Numbers Coffee of Cambridge. Dark roasted malts balance the coffee and hop flavours, lactose adds sweetness to the body.

Red Watch Blueberry Ale


Red-coloured beer brewed with fresh blueberries. A thirst quenching, refreshing, fruity ale.

You Can Bike Too


Brewed to support this year's festival charity. continued overleaf 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 21

Beer list – continued


Pitney, Somerset 1996

Old Freddy Walker 7.3% Rich, dark, full bodied old ale. Bramling Cross hops are added to provide a hint of orange and a balancing dose of bitterness.



Very hoppy and refreshing bitter with a crisp finish and full flavour.

New Plassey

Wrexham, Denbighshire 1985

Midnight Mild


Medium strength mild with a real fullness of character and flavour. Dark and subtle.


Peterborough, Cambs 1993

Bishops Farewell


Powerfully citrusy, the hops and fruit on the aroma of this golden/yellow beer become bittersweet on the palate. Zesty citrus aftertaste.



Ruby coloured with a rich, sweet base and powerful citrus fruit flavour with a lasting bitterness. Hopped with Simcoe, Galena and Apollo.



Rose gold beer with fresh hop aromas. Big bitter character wrestles with a hoppy fruit monster. With no outright winner, they fight on to the finish.


Opa Hay’s

Aldeby, Suffolk 2008

Fruity Little Number Maibock


German spring ale brewed with Bavarian yeast and Munich malt, hoppy and malty.

Samuel Engel Meister Pils



Unfortunately tasting notes were not available for this beer when we went to print.

Old Dairy Gold Top

Cranbrook, Kent 2010


Combining Maris Otter malt with others normally used in the finest continental lagers gives a beer with good body, caramelised undertones and a distinct gold colour.

Red Top


Rich, tan-coloured beer that is balanced on the palate, with a hint of citrus aroma. It shows all the characteristics of best English bitter.

Silver Top


Well-crafted complex stout with a good balance of dark malts, roast barley and caramel, and a long finish. 22 41st Cambridge Beer Festival


Pilsner style beer with German Hallertau hops. Light in colour and with a hoppy aroma.


Quoyloo, Orkney 1988

Dark Island


Roast malt and chocolate character with hints of fruit. A sweetish roast malt taste leads to a longlasting roasted, slightly bitter, dry finish.

Red MacGregor


Generally a well balanced bitter, this tawny red ale has a powerful smack of fruit and a clean, fresh mouthfeel.

Skull Splitter


An aroma of fruity malt with hints of dark fruit, spicy hop, dates and figs. Rich and complex palate with sweet toasted malt, molasses, fruit and hints of spice.


Luppitt, Devon 1990

Amber Halifax, W Yorks 2012


Session bitter loaded with citrus hops.


Cara malt and carefully selected hops deliver a finely balanced bitter flavour, with hints of tropical fruit and spice; sometimes even an impression of ginger.



Light and fruity beer with a dry, hoppy finish.



Malt and fruit sweet flavours give way to a long bittersweet aftertaste. Well balanced aroma reflects its taste. Deep red brown in colour.


Reepham, Norfolk 2010

Ginger Panther


Fiery with a ginger flavour and subtle lemon notes.

Red Panther


Roasted nutty flavours and bitter spicy malts.

Beer list – continued


Purple Moose

Cromer, Norfolk 2012

East Coast IPA



American IPA. North Norfolk Maris Otter malt with lots of New World hops, dry hopped with Columbus. Fruity, resinous and bitter. Gluten free.


Wheat beer inspired by the salt marshes of Stiffkey, North Norfolk. Made with foraged ingredients - sea purslane, wild hops, with alexanders, fennel and coriander spices and salt. Sour and salty. Gluten free.



Refreshing pale ale brewed using Cascade hops with the added indulgence of elderflowers.


Henham, Essex 2006



Light golden ale with grapefruit aromas and a gooseberry finish.

London 2012

American Pale Ale 5.0% Maris Otter pale malt gives a pale, golden, rich malty base with Citra, Amarillo and Summit late additions yielding a well balanced hop flavour and aroma of tropical fruits, orange and pink grapefruit.

Market Porter


Refreshing pale ale brewed with a delicate combination of aromatic hops.

Ysgawen Stewkey Gose

Porthmadog, Gwynedd 2005


Aromas of cappuccino, chocolate, dark fruits and vibrant fresh peel. Velvety and rich, with notes of coffee, chocolate and hazelnuts with warming alcohol and cocoa in the finish.

Royal Blue


Light golden ale. Maris Otter barley and torrified wheat, plus Fuggles and Goldings hops, create a delicate balance of citrus and smooth malty flavours.

Saffron Blonde


Traditional style ale, malty with mellow sweet citrus tones.


Shipley, West Yorks 2006

Raspberry Blonde 4.0% Refreshing blonde ale delicately infused with raspberry flavours.

Sarah & Chris welcome you to the White Swan Conington. We serve straight from the cask a selection of local ales & Adnams. Lunch menu served noon till 2:30pm Tuesday to Saturday

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Beer list – continued Colour key for beer styles :


Old Ale

Speciality / Lager

Dockfield Porter


Classic reddish black porter with roast malt aroma, chocolate and nut flavours and a spicy bitterness from Bramling Cross hops.


Braintree, Essex 2007

1319 Mild


Roast malt and delicate chocolate sweetness with a slight bitter finish.

Rotten End


Traditional colour, strong, accompanied by a slightly sweet and nutty undertone with a bitter edge to finish.






Barley Wine


Stout/ Porter Fruit Beer


With a very strong aroma and taste of grapefruit, this refreshing beer is exactly what it says on the tin.


Market Deeping, Lincs 2012



Pale, straw coloured refreshing session bitter that combines English barley and three American hop varieties. Zesty bitterness with citrus aromas.



Golden in colour and full bodied with moderate sweetness and alcohol, balanced by generous hopping using Cascade, Chinook and other New World varieties.

Truro, Cornwall 1997



Using only Cornish pale malt and hops from the US, this is a New World style hoppy, fruity pale ale, but at a session strength.

Son of Sid

Little Gransden, Cambs 2007


Bakewell, Derbyshire 2004



Citrus-dominated IPA, its immediate impression is soft and smooth yet builds to a crescendo of massive hoppiness accentuated by honey. An enduring, bitter finish.

Chocolate Cherry 5.1% Smooth, well balanced stout with a subtle cherry taste.

Muck Cart Mild


Smooth dark mild with a long liquorice finish. Roast and fruit aroma, with chocolate and coffee taste, and lingering roast finish.

Son of Sid

Little Gransden, Cambs 2007

Raspberry Wheat




Golden blonde beer with an exquisite passion fruit, gooseberry and mango aroma. An initial sweetness and full body are balanced by a lasting grapefruitlike bitter finish.

Three Blind Mice Little Downham, Cambs 2014 Chopper


Light refreshing pale ale. A single hop beer made with Chinook hops.

The Raspberry Pi is the computing phenomenon of Cambridge and this wheat beer is the raspberry phenomenon of Cambridgeshire. The sourness of the wheat is balanced by the raspberries, leading to a refreshing beer.

Well balanced and hoppy with citrus notes. Brewed with Maris Otter and lager malts and Amarillo hops.

St. Peter’s

Tom Smith Ales

Dark G-free

St Peter South Elmham, Suffolk 1996


Suffolk grown, Sovereign bittering hops provide the floral notes for this full bodied gluten free beer.

Pale Ale No.1

Goat Sanctuary


Clean, crisp, gluten free ale with a pilsner style lager finish and aromas of citrus and mandarin from American Amarillo hops.

Kettering, Northants 2012


Very pale, straw coloured, very dry and hoppy beer.

Tom’s Tipple G-Free



Chocolate flavours, sweetness well balanced with Fuggles bittering hop. continued overleaf 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 25

Beer List – continued


London 2010



Dark copper bitter brewed with three different types of hops and five types of malt.



Brewed with both lager (Saaz) and ale (Cascade) hops for the perfect blend of flavour and refreshment. Juicy, gently hoppy and mellow.

Tydd Steam

Tydd St Giles, Cambs 2007

Learning to Fly


Light in colour. Clean and dry with citrus flavours.


Mayland, Essex 2007

Crafty Stoat


Made to a recipe developed by the Durden Park Beer Circle to recreate a stout brewed by Ushers in 1885. Six different malts and a huge amount of English Fuggles make a dark and complex beer.

Hop Black


Dark ale with lots of hoppy bitterness, dark in colour but with a floral aroma.

Wild Beer

Westcombe, Somerset 2012



Pale ale made with new harvest northern and southern hemisphere hops. A punchy hop character alongside an appetising bitterness and a crisp dry finish.

Scarlet Fever


Citrus and floral notes from aromatic New World hops balance the smooth caramel and bready sweetness of traditional English malts, before a long, crisp citrus finish.


Wold Top

Wold Newton, E Yorks 2003

Against the Grain


Full flavoured gluten free bitter with a good, creamy head, refreshing bitterness and a citrus hop aftertaste.



Refreshing, easy drinking beer with a fruity bitterness and a lingering, dry finish.


Deep golden strong bitter. Boldly hopped, predominantly with Australian Galaxy hops, imparting clean citrus flavours and an aroma of passion fruit.



Norwich, Norfolk 2001



Woodbastwick, Norfolk 1981

Bure Gold


Aromatic golden ale brewed using pale and lightly roasted malts in combination with American and Slovenian aroma hops.

Craft Lager


Continental style lager brewed using Norfolk grown lager malt and German Hallertau Blanc and Perle hops, creating a lager with real flavour. Fermented slowly at a lower temperature.

Nelson's Revenge

Brewery bar



Amber coloured and well-hopped for a distinct bitterness with a sweetish finish that makes this a warmer beer.


An infusion of vine fruit, malt and hops provide a rich, rewarding experience. The aromas and flavours bounce merrily along to a sweet, Madeira-like finale.

Norfolk Nog


Smooth, rich and rounded old ale with a velvety texture and hints of chocolate, treacle and liquorice.

Royal Norfolk Ale 4.5% Full bodied and well balanced ale with an appealing aroma of rich fruit, yet still refreshing on the palate.



Fresh and zesty with crisp floral flavours. A background of sweet malt and a hoppy grapefruit bitter finish characterises this champion bitter.

Full bodied stout made with Chocolate and Cara malts to give a roasted flavour with a hint of liquorice with some brambly fruit.

41st Cambridge Beer Festival 27

Cider and perry Many people have rediscovered the delights of traditional cider and perry and the rich world of flavours they offer: a tradition that has been enjoyed in Britain since Roman times. While the methods of production have benefited from modernisation, the basics still stay the same – pick the fruit, press it, allow it to ferment, then enjoy. This results in a product that is unpasteurised, uncarbonated and full of natural flavours. Cider and perry can be any combination of mellow, aromatic, tangy, sharp, fruity, or tannic, as well as being sweet, medium or dry. These are real flavours not masked by cold temperature or fizz! All of the well-known 'industrial' ciders are not recognised by CAMRA as real traditional cider or perry.

At time of writing, the long range weather forecast looks good! So we’re asking ourselves this question: are you going to drink us dry again? Well, we're determined not to let that happen. With the economic situation looking more positive, and the alcohol duty escalator scrapped, it means there are plenty of reasons to raise a glass of cider or perry. At this festival not only do we bring you a wide range of ciders and perries from most cider producing areas, but also an ever expanding range from our own region. This year we'll have an extended range of Cambridgeshire ciders and perries, as well as representation from the five other counties in East Anglia. We have three new East Anglian cider makers and four new cider makers from elsewhere in the country, as well as many who have not been seen for a few years. We also hope to have at least eight perries from East Anglia.

Please be aware that these traditional drinks typically have a higher alcohol content than most of the commercial cider you get in pubs or supermarkets. Please drink responsibly and enjoy your time at the festival. Wassail! Chris Rouse Cider Bar Manager

(SV) = Single variety

Ciders Apple Cottage Hertfordshire F.T.J. (Filthy Tramp Juice) Thirst Aid Bertie’s Cider


Biddenden Bushels


continued overleaf 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 29

Cider and perry – continued Buffoon’s C-Cider


Burrow Hill Cider


Delvin End Essex Celtic Storm

Oliver’s Herefordshire Kingston Black (SV)

Dengie Cider

Pickled Pig Cambridgeshire Old Spot Porker’s Snout Sweet Little Pig Whisky Cask


Cam Valley Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire Kingston Black Discovery Punters Pleasure

Double Vision Cider

Dreymans West Sussex Golden Squirrel

Pookhill East Sussex Rum Reserve

Cambridge Cider Co.

Dunkertons Cider

Potton Press Sweet Spot


Angry Wasp

Evershed’s 5th Planet

Carter’s Essex Essex Cider Cassels Cambridgeshire Barrington Bewty Summer Session Sweet April Celtic Marches Herefordshire



Glebe Farm Cambridgeshire Side-R Sweet Granchester Lady’s Nook


Gwynt y Ddraig Glamorganshire

Black Dragon

Tubby Glossop Cornish Orchards Cornwall

Cider Countryman Cider



Hecks Somerset Cider

Scropton Cider


Sheppy’s Cider


Snailsbank Herefordshire Tumbledown

Honey & Daughter’s

Springherne Cider

Jonty’s Norfolk Irish Whiskey Cask Red Sky

Dan y Graig Cider

Lawrence’s Cider

30 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Shaky Bridge

Spinney Abbey

Crones Norfolk Rum Cask User Friendly (Organic)


Sandford Orchard Devon


Hubz’s Cambridgeshire 'Ang Over

Days Cottage Cider

Rich Somerset Cider

Hereward Cambridgeshire Medium Dry Medium Sweet

Cromwell Cambridgeshire Oliver’s Choice Oliver’s Revenge Oliver’s Sweetheart Session




Midford Cider


Millwhites Hertfordshire Hedge Layer

Monk and Disorderly Virgin on the Ridiculous Herefordshire

Uncle Stoat’s Cider

East Sussex

Virtual Orchard Buckinghamshire

Hogshead West Croft Somerset Janet's Jungle Juice West Milton Cider Whin Hill Sweet



Cider and perry – continued Gwynt y Ddraig



Two Trees Perry Cam Valley Cambridgeshire Punters Perry Skinny Dippers Perry Cassels Cambridgeshire Church Street Perry Manor Farm Perry Cornish Orchards Cornwall

Perry Cromwell Cambridgeshire Cavalier Perry Days Cottage Perry


Double Vision Kent Impeared Vision Perry

Hecks Somerset Perry Little Red Rooster

Sandford Orchard Pear-Shaped Perry Springherne Perry Whin Hill Perry




East Sussex

Cider Perry Marcher Man Herefordshire Sweet Fanny Adams Perry Millwhites Hertfordshire Apples And Pears Moores Perry

Apple juice Cam Valley Orchards Cambridgeshire

Bramley Cox Royal Gala


Pickled Pig Perry


Potton Press Perry


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Area map

Site plan

41st Cambridge Beer Festival 33

Protect your pub Don’t lose your local to a legal loophole, says Alistair Cook. Act now, before it’s too late. Baby-kissing was once the photo-opportunity of choice for politicians on the campaign trail, but these days they are more likely to be seen raising glasses of ale to their lips. On being elected to Parliament in May 2010 our own Julian Huppert (MP for Cambridge) was pictured in the then recently reopened Devonshire Arms doing just that. So can we assume that our politicians will protect, as well as patronise, our pubs? Pubs have certainly suffered at the hands of politicians in recent years. During the last administration, Alistair Darling introduced the beer tax escalator, inflicting a crippling 2% above inflation rises in beer duty for five years. And although a recent government-commissioned review of self-regulation in the pub sector proposed significant changes to the pubco–publican relationship (including a statutory code, an independent adjudicator, provisions for a guest ale and an overarching fair deal provision), a year on after public consultation ended we still wait for any action to be taken. Meanwhile, pubco tenant publicans are still being squeezed by costly rents and high beer prices. There are some positive signs: in the March 2013 budget George Osborne not only scrapped the escalator but also reduced beer duty by 1p a pint. This followed lobbying at the House of Commons by over 1200 CAMRA members to raise awareness of the issue among their MPs. In March 2014 he reduced duty by another penny. But the government could and should be doing much more. And there is one particular area where a small change could make a huge difference: planning law. Changes to legislation regarding use of premises could save pubs up and down the country. And they could have saved the last pub in Hildersham. 36 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

The Pear Tree is plucked An attractive village eight miles south-east of Cambridge, straddling the River Granta, Hildersham is home to about 200 people. Despite its small population, the Pear Tree pub had been profitable for at least 5 years both as a Greene King lease and latterly as a freehouse. It was listed as an asset of community value and this, combined with South Cambridgeshire’s policy of protecting the last pub in the village, meant its future was secure – or so we thought. In April 2012 the pub changed hands, but the new owners struggled to make the business work. Customer numbers waned, and the once profitable pub started losing money. In July 2013 the cellar cooler broke and the pub closed altogether, but concerned villagers were assured that it would reopen by Christmas. However, as December arrived, instead of providing a wintery watering hole, the owners applied instead for a Lawful Development Certificate to convert the Pear Tree into a German furniture shop. Planning authorities have a duty to ‘guard against the unnecessary loss of valued community facilities’, a definition that includes

Protect your pub pubs, so one might think they would fulfil this duty in protecting the last pub in Hildersham. However, there is a major loophole: planning permission is only required to convert a pub into residential use. So owners are free to convert their pubs into restaurants, convenience stores, offices or Teutonic table emporia. They don’t even need planning permission to demolish a pub (unless it’s a listed building or in a conservation area). The people of Hildersham were shocked. They contacted CAMRA for help and we advised that the best chance of preventing the change was an Article 4 direction under the Town & Country Planning Act. This would remove the owners’ right to change its use from Class A4 (pub) to Class A1 (shop). With Christmas fast approaching, a lobbying campaign sprang into action. A Facebook group, Save the Pear Tree website and petition drummed up support. Articles appeared in the Cambridge News and Haverhill Echo along with interviews on local radio, and council officials and councillors were contacted. The campaign seemed to be succeeding: at a public meeting in the village hall, Hildersham’s district councillor assured those assembled that an Article 4 direction was now likely and would be resolved at a council meeting on 8 January 2014. But, alas, the furniture business moves much more quickly. On the day of the council meeting, Hildersham’s newest and only furniture shop opened its doors. It traded for just a few hours and the only things on sale were the tables and chairs formerly owned by the last pub in Hildersham. There were no customers, and nothing was bought or sold. Nothing, that is, except a story. Convinced that a change of use had already occurred, council officials decided an Article 4 directive could not be issued. The horse had bolted. A few days later, Hildersham’s furniture shop was shut and a sign saying ‘closed for

refurbishment’ appeared. It seems the furniture business is even more volatile than the pub trade.

Protect your pub So listing your local as an asset of community value and South Cambridgeshire District Council’s pub protection policy have been shown to be embarrassingly simple to circumvent. Hildersham’s story may raise a wry smile, but it should serve as a warning. If you want to protect your pub, then act now before it’s too late, before it’s even under threat. Register your local as an asset of community value, and petition your council to adopt Article 4 directions to prevent changes of use, as well as demolition. If nothing else, raising our voices in this way will highlight the current inadequacy of the planning rules. And this is what really needs be recognised because, ultimately, national planning policy has to change to close the loophole. It is wilfully negligent of the government to allow pubs to be lost without our democratically elected local councillors being allowed to assess its value to its community. Some people are reluctant to publicise how easily the Pear Tree was lost in case it gives other people ideas. I think that the asset-strippers will find out anyway, but by highlighting its story to CAMRA members and other drinkers we might protect a few pubs and pressure politicians into changing the rules before too many others are lost. As for the people of Hildersham, they have licensed their village hall and will occasionally use it for ‘pop-up pub’ events. The first such in March saw the village hall crowded and beer supplies struggled to cope. Good for them. But if you’d rather keep your hall as a hall, and your pub as a pub, then act now, before the furniture entrepreneurs move in. Alistair Cook, Public Affairs Officer, CAMRA Cambridge and District Branch 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 37

38 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

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40 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Cheese Nicola Evans-Bailey finds out that the history of cheese is full of holes I was given the task of writing about the festival cheese counter and I ran into a complete wall: what is there to say when everyone already knows that cheese is amazing? I decided to investigate where this most varied and versatile of foods came from in the first place. Cheese is believed to have been born at the same time milkproducing animals were first domesticated, about 8000–10,000 thousand years ago, with sheep cheese being the only option at the time. The origins of its conception, however, are shrouded in mystery.

“Join us at our volunteer-run cheese counter for the finest array of local and British cheeses� There are currently two schools of thought on how humanity came up with one of its most ancient of civilised foods. Some believe the story of the Asian merchant: storing milk in animal stomachs to transport it to distant lands, the natural rennin left in the stomachs split the milk into curds and whey as it travelled, to give a very mild cheese, deemed delicious enough by the merchant that he did it again another day. Others believe that it was somehow produced by salting curdled milk in order to preserve it. Either way the story follows all the great empires, from the Ming dynasty and their rushan cheese, to Greek mythology, Egyptian tombs and the

Tibetans and Mongolians. This delicious foodstuff is truly global and intersects with some pivotal periods in human history. We have the Romans to thank for spreading cheese (pun intended) across their empire and bringing it to us. By the time of Julius Caesar there were hundreds of cheese varieties being produced. The milk itself is perhaps the first source of variation, with huge differences resulting from the species, breed and diet of the animal that produces it. From the raw (or pasteurised) milk there are many ways to make the basic cheese. After that, ageing contributes a great deal of the flavour, sometimes with the addition of extra mould. Herbs, spicing or wood smoking can create completely different flavours and styles. Annatto can be added to create fabulous yellow and red cheeses that stand out dramatically. The cheeses we know and love today are only quite recent in their ascent to glory, appearing over the last 500 years or so. And that brings my cheesy journey to today at the beer festival in the middle of Cambridge. Join us at our volunteerrun cheese counter for the finest array of local and British cheeses and taste some rich and creamy history that is still unfolding to this day. 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 41

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Foreign beers

We hope you will pay the foreign bar a visit – it’s well worth it. As always, we will have a wide and titillating selection of beers from Belgium and Germany, as well as guest stars from an ever increasing range of other countries. Please take note of our main bar rules: No drinking from the bottle! Our volunteers will pour beer from the bottle into your glass. No glass, no service. Bottles do not leave the bar. This is a safety measure designed to protect you, as well as the bottle costing us a deposit. Unfortunately, the selection of beers for the foreign bar is not finalised until shortly before the festival, so we can’t include a list in this programme. You can find a full list of beers at the bar itself, as well as a gaggle of knowledgeable and enthusiastic volunteers, who will be only too happy to help you find something to suit your taste. If you think you’ll need some guidance, please try to visit us at a quiet time. We’ve included some notes here to introduce

you to some of the main beer styles and terminology that you are likely to come across at our bar. We’ve also included the names of some prime examples of certain styles, which we are likely to have available. If you’re looking for something more obscure and different, don’t worry, we’ve got that too! Don’t forget, you can buy many of these beers from the Bacchanalia shops in Cambridge, or from Beers of Europe in Setchey, Norfolk.

Germany Lagers and pilsners

Germany produces a huge variety of lagers and pilsners, which are easy-drinking, effervescent beers generally ranging from 4.5 to 5.5% ABV. Beers from the north of the country tend to be more bitter and hoppy than those brewed further south. A beer designated a pilsner is likely to be more hoppy than a lager. Lagers are brewed through a distinctly different process to ales. They are bottom-fermented at a continued overleaf 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 43

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Check out our lunch time grill menus and our ever changing specials boards. Put it all together with three fine cask ales and you have the perfect place to enjoy dinner with friends or a family celebration. We have a self contained function suite which is ideal for parties, weddings and all of life’s celebrations. So if you’ve not been before give us a try and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Introducing our new Green Room, available for parties and weddings. We are now taking booking for 2014!

Taking bookings for Fathers Day 15th June Book early to avoid disappointment. 200 Broadway, Yaxley Tel: 01733 244885 Email:

Foreign beers – continued significantly lower temperature – around 10°C – and consequently the fermentation takes weeks or months rather than days. A different species of yeast is also required.

where this style of beer originates. Example: Früh Kölsch

This process is used to make a wide variety of lagers – they are by no means all pale blond! If you make yourself familiar with the following terms you should be able to navigate your way around most of the German lager on offer at the foreign beer bar.

name signifies that the barley malt has been dried over an open fire. This treatment gives the beer a distinctive smoked flavour that is reminiscent of barbecued burgers or sausages. These beers have a dedicated and very enthusiastic group of fans (including a few of the festival staff). Example: Aecht Schenkerla Märzen

Helles beers are straw-coloured lagers. Helles is German for ‘light’, referring to the colour of the beer (not the strength). Dunkel beers are dark brown in colour, and are generally less bitter and hoppy than their blond counterparts, though still light and refreshing. They are very different in character from British dark ales, so don’t be put off trying one if you think you don’t like dark beer. You may also come across a schwarzbier, which is even darker in colour and has an even more gentle hop character. Kellerbier, or ‘cellar beer’, is unfiltered lager that is usually quite hoppy and aromatic. Kellerbiers are generally amber or reddish in colour. The prefix edel-, as in ‘edelpils’, refers to the fact that the beer has been brewed from the best quality hops. Edel is German for ‘noble’.

Rauchbier Rauch is German for ‘smoke’, and the

Weizenbier/weissbier The German term weizenbier

translates as ‘wheat beer’, beer in which, as the name implies, some or all of the barley in the recipe is replaced with wheat. continued overleaf



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Examples: Augustiner Helles, Jever Pils, Trunk Dunkel Kölsch

Always popular when the weather is hot (and indeed when it isn’t), Kölsch beers are blond, fizzy and easy drinking, and therefore easily confused with lager. In fact these beers are top-fermented and so are technically pale ales. The name ‘Kölsch’ refers to the city of Cologne,

Balsham CB21 4DJ 01223 893844

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41st Cambridge Beer Festival 45


‘live life, love beer’ Join us on twitter bacchanalia_cam

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Bacchanalia is the best beer shop in Cambridge specialising in British, Belgian, German and U.S beers. We have a huge range, over 300 beers in stock, with 1000s available to order. We also sell draught British beer (concentrating on local breweries) to take away, either for a quality sup at home, or in larger quantities for parties.

90 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 2BD tel/fax 01223 315034 79 Victoria Road, Cambridge CB4 3BS te/fax 01223 576292 (smaller but perfectly formed range)

46 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Foreign beers – continued German weizenbier is made with at least 50% wheat. The term weissbier means ‘white beer’, which refers to the familiar pale yellow colour of wheat beers. However, there are also dunkelweizen, or dark wheat beers. Wheat beers are commonly unfiltered, making the beer naturally cloudy. These beers are sometimes referred to as hefeweizen, or ‘yeast wheat’ beers. In contrast, kristallweizen are filtered and therefore clear. Most weizenbiers are sold bottle- or caskconditioned, which means they are very lively when poured. Like any wheat beer, German wheat beers are generally very refreshing and easy to drink. They tend to have complex and interesting flavours, which can include clove, banana and a spicy character. To allow these flavours to shine, these beers are usually lightly hopped and therefore not bitter. Example: Andechser Weissbier Hell Alt

Altbier is a style of ale that originated in the Dusseldorf area. These beers are generally a lovely darkish copper colour, and have a refreshing flavour with a mild fruitiness and a dry finish. The term alt means ‘old’, and refers to the fact that this style of beer was around before the lagering process was invented.

Abbey and trappist beers

The terms abdijbier (abbey beer) and trappist are appellations rather than referring to a particular style of beer. Abbey beers are brewed in the monastic tradition on behalf of a particular abbey, while trappist beers still see monks themselves involved in the brewing process. Many abbey and trappist brewers offer beer according to a system that reflects the role of the drink in monastic life, with beers at three different strengths. The lightest beer was for daily consumption, the mid-strength beer for special occasions, and the strongest beer for guests and for sale outside the abbey. However, not all breweries follow this pattern, notably Orval, who offer a single dry-hopped amber beer that is unlike anything else and well worth a taste. These days, the mid-strength beer (about 5.5–7%) is often a ‘dubbel’, a rich dark brown beer that has a noticeable sweetness. The highstrength beer (8–9.5%) is generally a ‘tripel’, a blond beer that may range in flavour from sweet to dry and hoppy, and has lovely depth of flavour that may include spicy or fruity notes. The monastic tradition has had wide influence on brewing in Belgium, and you will see numerous dubbels and tripels offered by non-abbey breweries. Examples: Rochefort 6, 8 and 10.

Belgium It is virtually impossible to capture all Belgian beers in a neat set of categories, as the variety is huge. Here we introduce you to some of the foremost categories to help you navigate your way around most of what we have to offer. If you spot something on our menu that doesn’t fit within any of these categories, we recommend you give it a try!


Belgian blond ales range hugely in strength, flavour and, it must be said, quality (though we naturally only stock the best!). A good blond will avoid blandness but still be easy to drink, even the ones higher in strength. If you are new to Belgian beer this style is a good place to start. Examples: Kierkom Bink Blond, Witkap Stimulo continued overleaf 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 47

Foreign beers – continued Saisons

The saison style originates from the south of Belgium, and refers to a light, refreshing beer to be drunk in the summer – it is therefore the perfect drink for a summer beer festival! Saisons are pale in colour and generally quite lively. The flavour should always be crisp, but in nature may range from dry and hoppy to sweet or even slightly sour. Example: Dupont Saison


Witbier is the Flemish term for wheat beer, the Walloon equivalent being blanche; both names mean ‘white’, referring to the universally pale colour of Belgian wheats. In contrast to the fruity, spicy notes in German



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THE SUN INN WATERBEACH 48 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

wheat beers, Belgian wheat beers are typically citrusy and may have hints of herby coriander. This is a very accessible, deliciously refreshing style of beer. Example: Watou Witbier Wild beer or lambic

‘Wild beer’ is a catch-all term for beers that are fermented using yeast present in the air, rather than yeast selected and added by the brewer. Additionally, to produce lambic, brewers use old hops that still have their antiseptic qualities, but have lost much of their bitterness. Finally, the beer may be left to age for up to four years to allow the complexity of flavours to develop. The result is a sour beer that should be drunk almost more like a wine than a beer. There is a reason these are known as the champagne of beer! Geuzes are blends of lambics of different ages, and are more commonly encountered than straight lambics.

Foreign beers – continued Krieks and framboises are produced by steeping cherries or raspberries, respectively, in casks of fermenting lambics. These beautifully coloured beers can range from quite sweet to very tart and refreshing, and are consistently popular.

fruited lambics. Another popular flavouring is honey, which when fermented has the effect of softening the usual bitterness of the beer without becoming overly sweet or cloying. Examples: Drie Horne Besselaer (redcurrant), Dupont Bière de Miel (honey)

Examples: Drie Fonteinen Oude Gueuze, Girardin Framboise

Flavoured ales

An increasingly popular activity of brewers in Belgium and elsewhere is to add fruit or other flavours to beer – usually in an attempt to make the beer sweeter and more appealing to those less enamoured of hoppy bitterness. Fruit-flavoured ales now abound, and can be much sweeter than the crisp

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Annual Beer Festival

3rd - 5th October 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 49




rrying (Card Ca only) s member

The Maypole Beer Festival 30 real ales from micro breweries available during Cambridge beer festival week 19th - 24th May 6+ Real Ciders, 50+ Foreign Bottled Beers Extended Opening Hours Mon - Thurs: 11.30 - 12, Fri + Sat: 11.30 - 2am, Sun: 12-11.30pm

50 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

52 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Mead Mead is often described as honey wine: made without grapes but copious amounts of honey instead. Those who know their adverts know that 'all the sugar turns to alcohol' – with honey, there is much more sugar, so meads are typically 11–20% ABV or even stronger. It can be enjoyed by the glass (or Viking horn for some) for festivities such as weddings, beer festivals and after meals as a dessert and a most definite change from wine. Sweetness is its main appeal, but dryer versions are also found, as well as spices and other flavours. Most of the differences and nuances of flavour are from the two or three key ingredients: Honey – bees in different parts of the country feast on different flowers and plants, leading to lighter or darker meads. Traditional mead is light, sweet and highly quaffable.

This year our selection has been limited as the British bee population is decreasing and mead producers are pushed to create quality products. Our range covers a variety of traditional light sweet meads and rich delicious flavours. We hope you enjoy our choices and will raise your glass to the British bee!

“Mead is drunk throughout the world and enjoyed by many” Lyme Bay Devon Traditional Mead


Sweet, light, full flavoured honey, a good mead to start with.

West Country Mead 14.5% Medium sweet with slightly dryer spiced edge.

Christmas Mead


Water – Moniack mead, for example, is made with the peaty waters of Scotland's whisky region. This produces a mead with a rich peaty aroma.

Christmas pudding spices in a glass.

Flavours – some meads have additional spices or spirits added to produce a truly unique flavour.

Moniack Inverness Moniack Mead

Mead is drunk in many different countries and some people can get rather competitive about it: Boulder, Colorado, US, hosts the biggest mead event in the world – the Mazer Cup International Mead Competition and Tasting Event. The Finnish drink it during early May for 'Vappu' which is also known as 'Walpurgis Night'. Writers also apparently have a soft spot for mead, as Bilbo Baggins, Beowulf and many a reveller in Game of Thrones have enjoyed a glass. Whatever the reason, mead is drunk throughout the world and enjoyed by many.



Dark and sweet with a discreet hint of ginger.


Dark, rich, peaty mead made with the waters from the Scottish highlands.

Lurgashall West Sussex Spiced Mead 13% Medium sweet with a spicy taste.

Whisky Mead


Fortified with Scotch whisky.

Reserve Mead


Flavoured with rum, matured in oak barrels, it has slight hints of citrus and oak.

41st Cambridge Beer Festival 53


Standard and Luxury Mobile Toilets for Large Events Craft Fairs, Beer Festivals, Hospitality, Weddings and Exhibitions • Mains or non-Mains Toilets • Disabled Toilets • Showers • Emergency Call-out Service For Professional Advice Without Obligation, Please Call - 01727 822485

27 High Street, Histon, Cambridge CB24 9JD

A Minimum of 9 Cask Ales Westons Perry, Pickled Pig and guest ciders

Large selection of world bottled beers Meister Pils, Konig Pilsner, Liefmans Kriek, Erdinger Weisbier and Kostritzer available on draught. Carry outs available • Monthly Curry Nights Home cooked food available: Mon - Fri 12 to 2pm, Tues - Thurs 6pm to 9.30pm, Sat 10.30am to 9.30pm, Sun 12 to 5pm.

Call (01223) 564437 54 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Wine This year we are delighted to offer a selection of English wines from five different vineyards.

Dedham Vale Bacchus 2011

Müller-Thurgau /Schönburger 2013


A white wine made from müller-thurgau and schönburger grapes.

Boxted, Colchester


Dry white wine with lemon and elderflower flavours.

Cuvee 2012


Medium dry, made with reichensteiner and orion grapes that provide grapefruit and melon aromas.

Reserve 2009


Medium-bodied red wine with red berry aromas and redcurrant, raspberry and liquorice flavours.

Rosé 2011


Light and refreshing, medium dry, with a soft fruit character on the palate.

Warden Abbey Paragon 2012

Cardington, Bedford


Müller-Thurgau /Reichensteiner 2011


Aromas of marzipan, nectarine and hints of fresh lime. Pear, melon and lychees on the palate.

Blush 2013


A pale rosé wine made from müller-thurgau, reichensteiner and dornfelder grapes.

Chilford Hundred 2006 Sparkling Rosé 12% Strawberry, almond and redcurrant aromas. Watermelon, raspberry and strawberry overtones lead into a full-bodied, buttery plumminess that lingers around the palate.

Regent 2013


Medium dry white wine, tropical fruits on the nose, lemon, lime and apple on the palate.

A light-bodied dry red wine made with regent grapes.

Felstar Felsted, Essex Crix Green 2013

Elysian Fields Ely, Cambridgeshire Little Owl Block 2012 10.5%


Medium dry white made from bacchus grapes. Good range of flavours with a gentle fruitiness and subtle elderflower undertone.

Black Notley 2012


Medium white from müller-thurgau grapes. Fruity and mellow with a moreish palate and a hint of smokiness.

Pinot Noir Rosé 2012


Medium dry rosé with a wonderful range of flavours reminiscent of spring meadows.

Chilford Hall Linton, Cambridgeshire Müller-Thurgau /Ortega 2013 11% A dry white wine made from müller-thurgau and ortega grapes.

A medium dry white wine with a soft fruit nose of crisp apple underpinned by floral notes.

Bacchus 2012


Similar in style to a New Zealand sauvignon blanc. Pale lemon in colour with gentle floral notes and a dash of citrus. It is medium dry with a well balanced acidity.

Pinot Noir Rosé 2012


Off-dry with loads of soft summer fruit notes on the bouquet. A crisp acidity with hints of strawberry and peach on the palate.

Elysian Fields 2012 Red 10.75% A light, medium dry wine with strawberries, plums and a hint of spice in evidence. A soft acidity makes this a very easy drinking wine.

41st Cambridge Beer Festival 55




5 real ales always available check our website for details. Castle St, Cambridge CB3 0AJ

May not be the best pub in the world, but it’s in the top two.

Beer garden and Wi Fi

Open all day and home cooked food served all day. 9-11 Newmarket Road CB5 8EG Tel: 01223 301547 Web: email:

A warm welcome awaits at

The Ancient Shepherds Fen Ditton

Real Ales including Guest Beer Good Food for the last 10 years! Open: 12noon - 2.30pm and 6pm - 11pm (12noon - 6pm Sunday) 5 High St, Fen Ditton, Cambridge CB5 8ST

Tel: 01223 293280 56 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Voting form What have you enjoyed at the festival this year? We’d like you to vote for your favourites in our beer, cheese and cider of the festival competitions. Fill in one or more of the sections below, tear out this page and put it in one of the boxes at the glasses counter and around the bars. Deadline for entries is by the time the festival closes on Saturday. Additional forms are available at the glasses counter.

Beer of the Festival 1st choice

2nd choice

3rd choice

4th choice

Cider of the Festival 1st choice

2nd choice

3rd choice

4th choice

Cheese of the Festival 1st choice

2nd choice

3rd choice

4th choice

41st Cambridge Beer Festival 57

68 King Street, Cambridge 01223 351464

Champion of the Thames

Welcome to the Clarendon Arms. A traditional public house since 1812, serving pub food at its best using seasonal and locally sourced produce to create a delicious home cooked menu.

Traditional Real Ale pub, just five minutes walk from the festival.

We have a lovely dining area and bar with an open fire for those winter nights and for those warmer days a beautiful courtyard garden.


We serve a selection of five real ales, wines and spirits, so there is a little something for everyone, Oh, and well behaved dogs and children are very welcome.

Good Beer Guide 2012 Listed

For any information give Bex a tinkle on

5 Real Ales Available (including 3 guests)

01223 778272

you can also follow us on Twitter

@clarendon_arms or find us on the Local Secrets web site

58 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Awards Each year CAMRA Cambridge and District Branch celebrate the best pubs in the area with their annual awards. Pubs are nominated by branch members and voting takes place at one of the monthly open meetings. Some individuals are also recognised for their support and commitment to real ale. Find out more about the pubs listed here at

2014 Winners Pub of the Year The Chestnut Tree, West Wratting

LocAle Pub (rural) Carpenters Arms, Great Wilbraham

LocAle Pub (city) The Mill, Mill Lane

Community Pub (rural) Blue Ball Inn, Grantchester

Community Pub (city) Six Bells, Covent Garden

Most Improved Pub (rural) Three Horseshoes, Stapleford

Most Improved Pub (city) The Haymakers, Chesterton

Dark Beer Pub The Red Lion, Histon

Cider Pub The Carlton Arms, Carlton Way

Real Ale Champion Julian Huppert MP

Lifetime Achievement Mario Castiglione, The Maypole 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 59

60 41st Cambridge Beer Festival

Cask Marque accredited Ales for the last 11 years 184 Sturton Street, Cambridge, CB1 2QF 01223 576093

Cambridge CAMRA’s Community Pub of the Year (city) Runner Up

Live Music with The Larks Thurs 22nd May Open Mic night every 3rd Thurs of the month!

Now serving pizzas & snacks all day

- Eat in or take away

Valid 19th May - 31st May 2014 ( T&C apply)

The Bicycle Specialists 69 Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1RJ

Telephone: (01223) 352294 Also at Scotsdales Garden Centre, 120 Cambridge Road, Great Shelford CB22 5JT

For the ultimate transport solutions! Manor Barn, Tydd St Giles, Cambs PE13 5NE

Tel : 07932 726552 41st Cambridge Beer Festival 61

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