Pigs Ear Beer Festival Guide 2016

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33rd Pig’s Ear logo Designed by Marta Licwinko


33Rd Pig’S Ear It is my first year as Festival Organiser here in Hackney, and on behalf of the Pigs Ear Beer and Cider Festival Committee, I’d like to welcome you into the truly magnificent Round Chapel. The festival is brought to you again by the East London and City (ELAC) branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA). The team continue to scour both the country and world for new and interesting beers. My colleagues Keen Massey, John Pardoe and Peter Gordon have done us proud again with a marvellous array of ales and bottled beers. Adam Miller continues to source a splendid range of both bottled and draught foreign beer. Last but not least, Mick Lewis (Merlin to his friends) once again provides a range of ciders and perry, this year including a CAMRA approved flavoured cider for the first time. The impressive Round Chapel has been home to the festival for 7 years now. Our thanks go again to the Trustees and all the Round Chapel team who help us so much, with a special thanks to Philip Lloyd, Laurie Elks & Patrick Hamill.

Do not conform: Dabble with the DARK SIDE… In homage to the 40th anniversary of the birth of Punk our logo portrays the legendary band The Sex Pistols, this year drawn by Marta Licwinko. We are not averse to tearing up a few rule books either, having pioneered many ideas now seen at other London beer festivals. For the third year, the Dark Side continues to reign supreme down one side of the chapel featuring dark

beers such as stouts and porters. This means there are two bars (each in alphabetical order) but we believe that for the majority, the split has real benefits since it’s easier to find or avoid the black stuff depending on your palette.

WITH GRATEFUL THANKS On behalf of the Pigs Ear Committee our grateful thanks go to our sponsors One Mile End, Five Points Brewing Co. and Brentwood Brewing Co. In addition we thank East London Brewing Co., Hackney Brewery and Redemption Brewing for helping in the success of our festival through the storage and safekeeping of beers from a number of our other suppliers. Our warm thanks go to Mayor Philip Glanville for his support in our community event, and to Speaker, Councillor Rosemary Sales; both have made time in their busy schedules to open the festival. Further thanks go to Councillor Vincent Stops who manages somehow to help us organise the Festival on top of his extensive official duties. To our main suppliers Avalon Wholesale and Great Heck Brewing Co., who continue to provide a superb service, and to all the breweries that have supplied direct and are too numerous to individually name, thank you for all your efforts and for the festival specials you have taken the time to produce. A special mention goes to Derek Jones. Whilst he may have officially handed over the tankard after last year’s festival, we are very grateful that he joins us again in the prized role of chief quality control officer! Finally, I would like to add my personal thanks to the organising team who work wonders behind the scenes to make this festival take place. These are the people who deserve the most credit, for all their dedication and hard work, I am extremely grate-


33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 3

Beercards The Pig’s Ear Beer and Cider festival is using Beercards again this year so please note that most of the bars will not be taking cash. You must have a Beercard to buy drinks from the Main bar, Dark Side bar and Cider bar. We like to keep things simple and recommend you start with a £10 starter pack which includes your glass and a £7 beer token card. To pay for drinks, simply hand over your Beercard and the volunteer who serves you will cross off the appropriate amount. At the end of your visit to the festival, either keep your glass or exchange it for the £3 returnable deposit at the glasses counter. Additional Beercards cost £10 and can be purchased at Glasses, Bottled and Foreign beer bars, Products and Games. We accept credit/ debit cards. Any credit you do not spend can be donated to the Speaker’s charities in the boxes provided or can be refunded at any cash till. Refunds on glasses are only available at the glasses counter. The Foreign beer bar and Bottled beer bar will be accepting cash payment, or you can use your Beercard if you prefer. When you come to your final drink, if you do not have enough credit on your Beercard, you may pay the difference in change over all bars Beercards are valid all sessions but PLEASE treat your beercard as cash – we cannot replace lost cards any more than lost fivers!

Don’t leave your glass or Beercards unattended on the bar.

4 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

InFOrmatioN ful to:- Steve Hall, Steve Richardson, John Pardoe, Lynn Bennison, Andy Kinch, Keen Massey, Peter Gordon, Fletch, Mick Lewis, Nick Cornish, Adam Miller, Andrew Wilson, Dave Gilchrist, Bill Bremner, Pete Giles, Hugh Smith, Matt Barrowcliffe, Alison Buckland, Frankie Colclough, Alexandra Hughes, Csaba Babak, Kim Butler and James Watson. If I have forgotten anyone please accept my sincere apologies, your contribution is no less appreciated.

Volunteers Everyone who works at this event is an unpaid volunteer. Do ask for their advice about the beers you are about to try, but during busy periods please be patient as they are not professional bar people. Help them to help you by being honest on who is next to be served - Thank You. We need new volunteers to help in future years with the planning and setting up of the festival. You have to be a CAMRA member and by joining our happy band, whilst working at the festival you receive free beer (within reason), subsidised food, and during the year a staff party/outing (to the brewery that wins beer of the festival). You can also join in the other various branch outings and pub crawls. REMEMBER – Without new volunteers there may not be a festival to attend in future. Please DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. There is a good public transport system in Hackney, and you can enjoy a few drinks and arrive home safely.

Real Ale, Cider and Perry of the Festival You’ll be trying lots of wonderful ales, ciders and perries at this year’s Pig’s Ear, who do you think deserve the titles of Real Ale, Cider or Perry of the Festival? Last year’s winners were: Real Ale of the Festival: Tinkers Cuss from One Mile End Brewery, London Cider of the Festival: London Glider from Woodford Green, London for the second year running. Perry of the Festival: Oliver from Oliver’s Cider and Perry, Herefordshire and Broom Farm Perry from Ross-on-Wye Cider and Perry Company, Herefordshire. Voting slips and ballot boxes are available at all bars. Who will you vote for?

Finally . . . . . FROM ALL OF US AT THE PIGS EAR BEER AND CIDER FESTIVAL Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and all your families. We hope you enjoy our festival and look forward to seeing you again in 2017. Alan Perryman Festival Organiser

CAMRA Book Signing Geoff Brandwood, author of Britain’s Best Real Heritage Pubs will be signing the latest edition of his book all day on Tuesday 29th November, you can find him over by the Products Stall.

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Speaker’s Charities The 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer and Cider Festival organising committee sincerely appreciates the Festival’s long association with Hackney and is delighted to once again support local charities nominated by The Speaker of Hackney Council. Each year the Speaker selects charitable causes to support, both by fundraising and by attendance at events. This year, please join the Festival Committee and Speaker Rosemary Sales in supporting:

North London Action for the Homeless provides a garden project, advice on finding accommodation and overcoming health and other problems, and the chance to eat and socialise at its twice-weekly drop in sessions for up to a hundred visitors. See www.nlah.org.uk for more information.

Hackney Migrant Centre which provides free legal advice for asylum seekers, refugees and recent migrants, helping people access welfare and health services. See www.hackneymigrantcentre.org.uk for more information.

Donation points are located around the festival venue. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR GENEROSITY.

Goodbye Brian It is with regret that we have to announce the death of Brian Browning, one of our long standing volunteers at the Pig’s Ear festival. Brian died on 21 October aged 82 after a long illness. East London born and bred, Brian lived in Chingford for many years with the Kings Head pub his local. A life member of CAMRA, Brian’s other hobbies were jazz and photography which he combined as the regular photographer at the East Side Jazz Club. He also ran the London Marathon when he was 70 which was quite an achievement! Brian has been a regular volunteer at the festival, always helping out at set-up and take-down. He worked on the glasses stand for many years and for the last two years he helped out in the Volunteering Office. Brian was a regular volunteer at the Great British Beer Festival and supported the ELAC branch, attending many socials and meetings. 6 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

His sense of humour and hard work will be greatly missed by us all at the festival.

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L PuBs - ThE OriGinAL Socia nEtWorK The Pigs Ear Beer & Cider festival has developed a reputation for showcasing one of the largest and finest selections of ‘winter’ ales, such as barley wine and the darker styles like porter, stout and mild. We also pride ourselves on presenting as wide a selection of London brewed beers as we are able to. Real ale is indeed a wonderful and joyous experience. This uniquely British beer style is inextricably linked to the British pub. Whilst it is possible to have a ‘pub’ that does not serve real ale, particularly cask conditioned beer; it is unthinkable to most of us to have real ale without a pub to enjoy it in. Undoubtedly, with the possible exception of splendid beer festivals such as this, there is no finer place to drink cask conditioned beer than within the warm embrace of a cosy and familiar pub.

Pub goers showing love for their local Before beer production was industrialised in purpose-built breweries, wealthy estates would have a small brewery in the manor house. In the 1500s, many of the best brewers were women, and the weak, sweet beer, in those days un-hopped, was drunk by all members of society as it was far safer than water! The women most proud of their beer would invite neighbours and the public in for tasting sessions, hence the name ‘public house’. Although beer was consumed in inns and taverns, these tended to be the reserve of the more affluent. This changed in the early 1800s when the working classes transitioned from gin to beer, served in ‘beer houses’, converted from ordinary domestic dwellings and selling beer in bottles and drawn from casks, purchased from professional brewers. Beer houses, inns and taverns effectively merged and homogenised in the Georgian and early Victorian eras and the contemporary public house was born. 8 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Whilst there is huge diversity in pubs, from the grand and opulent gin palaces of the 1890s, to the converted cinemas of the 1990s, and the micro pubs set up in pet shops and butchers shops which we are witnessing now, there is one essential characteristic that binds the vast majority; draught beer. Beer festivals are about showcasing the taste, character and personality of beer and about celebrating the skill and art of the modern brewer. There is a social element, but it’s chiefly about exploring styles and experiencing a range of beers. Pubs on the other hand provide beer (and other refreshment) as a social lubricant; as a stimulant to accompany another prime purpose. That purpose might be winding down after a day at work. It might be a business meeting at lunch time. It might alternatively be a party with friends on a Friday night. It could be a rest in the middle of a long hike around a national park. It could be a break during a riverside stroll. From christenings to funeral wakes, pubs have provided a venue and landscape in which to frame all of our significant life events and milestones. And in that regard, beer is food for the soul. Life tastes better down the pub. It is no accident that pubs lend themselves beautifully to the most fulfilling and satisfying enjoyment of cask beer. In most cases, they were purposely designed to aid such. Pub cellars, cut into the earth, protected from sunlight and heat, make perfect storage conditions for cask beer. The beer engine is a true marvel of engineering; functional, efficient, practical yet curiously beautiful and a recognisable icon around the world. There is a hypnotic charm derived from watching a skilled

victualler operate a hand pump and fill a pint glass. As the siphon breaks the internal seal and the first fresh gushes of beer are dispensed through the swan neck, the reassuring sloshing sound of liquid hitting glass and the waft of malty and hoppy aromas drifting noseward, are part of the preparatory ritual before the first sips of beer are taken. Then comes perhaps the most exciting part, exploring a new pub, or retracing your familiar steps around your local, acknowledging the other regulars, seeing who is in, greeting your neighbours, chatting to old friends, deciding where to sit or stand. Will it be a quiet table and a read of tonight’s Evening Standard or the latest London Drinker? Perhaps you want to enjoy the last few hours of evening sun in the beer garden. Or could it be a swift half whilst the dinner is finishing off in the oven? The pub is a personal experience, but can be, and often is, very much a shared experience. We have a great tradition in this country of pub culture. It is about responsible drinking in a shared

social space under the supervision of a respected professional figure of authority; the publican or ‘guvna’. The rules are rich and varied. Think of the various rituals we take for granted but simply do not exist in other cultures, or in any other facet of British society. Rounds, whips, pool, darts, aunt sally, toads, bar billiards, skittles, the juke box, quiz nights, fruit and quiz machines, beetle drives, bingo, racing nights, one for the road, Christmas carols, pub crawls, wetting the baby’s head, the list is endless. My personal weakness is leading impromptu singalongs towards the end of the night. I’ve never been barred though… yet! Sometimes the atmosphere in a lively pub is so spontaneous and all pervading that it is quite indescribable. I remember popping down to the Resolute in Poplar on 7th July 2005, the day of the terror attacks on the London transport network. The mood was understandably sombre until the (then) Mayor Ken Livingstone gave a statement on television advising Londoners to “remain steadfast and resolute”. Matthew the licensee deliberately


The Globe PUBLIC HOUSE & DINING Late night live music venue Jazz • East End • Karaoke Fine Cask Ales Beers, Lagers, Wines & Spirits Served all day, every day Hot and Cold Food Mon - Sat 12-3pm 0208 985 6455 | 20 Morning Lane, Hackney, London E9 6NA 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 9






A crisp, refreshing dry hopped craft lager

A juicy, tropical Extra Pale Ale

A nutty, drinkable Brown Ale




THE   F I V E   P O I NTS B R EWERY: 3 Institute Place, Hackney E8 1JE T HE   F I V E   P O I NTS WAR EHO US E: 61 Mare Street, Hackney E8 4RG @FivePointsBrew



L PuBs - ThE OriGinAL Socia

nEtWorK - CoNtinued

misheard this as “it’s official: we gotta remain in the Resolute!” and rang the bell announcing ‘Happy Hour’. The pub erupted into spontaneous applause and laughter and there was a surge towards the bar. You cannot create such memories except down the pub.

situation which provides incentives for pubs to be put in the safe hands of pub operators rather than property speculators or offshore estate investment trusts. All we want is a level playing field so the existing bad pubs have the opportunity to become good pubs.

In previous festival programmes I have written about the battle to save London’s pubs. We are still losing 21 pubs each week in Britain, and 3 of those weekly closures take place in Greater London. Pubs remain threatened. The planning system has a crucial part to play in this but if owners of pubs run them badly, run them down, asset strip them, make unreasonable rental demands, force operators to stock a weak and limited selection of beer, and generally take a lacklustre approach to stewardship of their estate, it is inevitable that people will stop using them. People sometimes wonder why CAMRA bangs on about saving clapped out old pubs. Why should CAMRA want to save rubbish pubs? Many of them deserve to close. I do not want to save bad pubs. I do not want to save all pubs. I want all pubs to be given the chance to be good. This will not happen if they all turn into flats. Bad pubs are bad for a reason. It’s normally because somebody wants them to be bad. Somewhere in the chain is a corporate body, driven by greed, which has conspired to force pubs to fail. It is a sad reflection of our corporate economic system that we often find ourselves forced to protect pubs from their owners.

Important research released earlier this year by Professor Robin Dunbar at Oxford University outlines how people who live close to a well managed community pub and visit it regularly will have a wider circle of friends and will feel better about their lot in life. You can read Professor Dunbar’s report, www.camra.org.uk/pubs-wellbeing. The more friends you have, the happier and healthier you are. Pubs are a safe place to meet friends, make new friends, and in many cases they are the hub of a community. Somewhat uniquely, pubs provide a place to interact with people from a diverse range of backgrounds and act as a social leveller. In the run up to the Brexit vote, Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron MP said on television in response to a comment about ‘ignoring the experts’ that he wanted his children educated by experts and not by the ‘bloke down the pub’. I found this a particularly unhelpful choice of phrase and I told Tim so on Twitter. If there is one place you will find a gathering of experts across a diverse range of specialisms, it is the pub! The bar counter of the British pub is one of the last bastions of equality, where bin collectors rub shoulders with barristers.

We have a bizarre situation that good pub operators are desperate for quality sites, and would particularly like more of the traditional pubs; the handsome Victorian buildings with ancillary accommodation, substantial cellars, near to transport infrastructure and in prominent locations. Yet the owners of these premises, often Pubcos, would rather run them down to be sold to flat builders or supermarkets. Meanwhile the new generation of pub entrepreneurs are forced to convert warehouses, shops and offices into outlets, which despite serving good beer and providing a friendly welcome, are never quite the same as those sites which were architecturally designed for the purpose. What pub protection is about is sustaining pub use on historic sites by campaigning for a planning

Whilst you have come to this festival to enjoy the best of beer and cider, remember that people who regularly visit community pubs have more close friends on whom they can depend for support, are more satisfied with their lives and feel more embedded in their local communities than those who do not regularly visit pubs. Why not enjoy the best of both worlds, drink quality cask beer in a friendly local pub. You’ll also improve your mental and social wellbeing by being part of a local network. It’s like social media but it’s real and you can drink beer too. Cheers! Those on Twitter, be sure to follow @ProtectPubs James Watson Regional Pub Protection Advisor, CAMRA 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 11

HacKneY pUbS

Along the Black Path In previous year’s programmes we have provided short guides to some of the nearest pubs to the festival venue at the Round Chapel. This year, as something a bit different; we present a traditional pub crawl in Hackney which follows a section of the Black Path. The Black Path is an old drovers’ route from the wilds of Essex, through Walthamstow and Hackney to the slaughterhouses and markets of the East End. It is surprisingly still visible on the ground and links a series of good pubs in a largely traffic-free environment. We start at Oslo, 1A Amhurst Road, E8 1LL. This large premises, next door to Hackney Central railway station, became a pub in 2013. It is probably best known as a music venue, but there is a very pleasant ground floor bar with three handpumps and a policy of supporting local breweries. Turn under the railway bridge and along Mare Street to quickly find the Cock Tavern, 315 Mare Street, E8 1EJ. This popular and busy ex-Truman’s pub always has an interesting range of beers and cider for sale. Some beer is likely to be from their sister pub’s Howling Hops brewery and if you are lucky there may be a Maregade Brewery beer that has been brewed beneath your feet in the cellar. Leave the Cock down the side alley, Sylvester Road, and turn first left onto the Black Path. Here you will find the attractive frontage of the Old Ship, 2 Sylvester Path, E8 1EN. It’s better-known entrance via a corridor off Mare Street is actually the back entrance. Rebuilt in 1877, this former Courage pub was once rather basic but is now revived nicely and you can expect to find locally-brewed beer here, perhaps from Truman’s. Continue along Sylvester Walk and pass the bulk of Hackney Town hall to the left to pick up the diagonal pathway on the far side. Watch out for bicycles along this stretch (actually, watch out for cyclists all along this route – everybody cycles in Hackney), keeping 12 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

The Cock Tavern with the Black Path under the railway bridge and to the Pub on the Park, 19 Martello Street, E8 3PE. This pub was originally called the Queen Eleanor and was a Truman’s house. Truman’s beers are often back on the bar once more. It is great in good weather with extensive park-side decking, but it is cosy too in winter. If it has a slightly isolated feel, that’s because it lost nearly all its neighbours on the night of 21 September 1940 when the area was heavily bombed.

Continuing along Broadway Market, there are several pubs and bars, although fewer now than once, and my recommended next call is at the Dove, 24 Broadway Market, E8 4QJ. Previously named the Goring Arms, this very popular pub has a bustling public bar at the front and a myriad rooms behind with more of a restaurant feel. Famous for its Belgian beers and food, the Belgian theme also extends to the toilets, which are unisex. It’s not all Belgian though and there are six handpumps on the bar for the real ale drinkers. Continue down Broadway Market, over Cat & Mutton Bridge and along Goldsmiths Row to the final pub of this crawl – the Albion, 94 Goldsmiths Row, E2 8QY. Established by 1842, this former Wests Brewery of Bethnal Green pub was traditionally called the Duke of Sussex. The landlord of the day was partial to the Baggies and changed the name to Albion in 1998, adding a throstle to the pubsign. It’s a smallish and friendly place, with a patio to the side. The interior is a shrine to football memorabilia and well worth a browse to find your club’s contribution to the collection. Cat and Mutton Leaving the pub, continue along Martello Road to its end and follow the Black Path as it strikes across London Fields in the same direction until you come to the top of Broadway Market. Here you will find the Cat & Mutton, 76 Broadway Market, E8 4QJ. Present since at least the early eighteenth century, the latter part of its name gives a clue as to the sort of livestock that once walked the Black Path. Brightened and modernised in recent years, whilst retaining some pleasing old features, this pub has bars at ground and first floor levels and pavement tables outside.

The Black Path continues its line on from the Albion, but that is another walk for another day and this crawl ends here. Stephen Harris

Bottom left to right: Pub on the Park, The Dove and The Albion 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 13

14 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Beer style & substance With well over 5,600 different real ales available in the UK, from more than 1,400 breweries, real ale is a very diverse product. There is a beer out there to suit everyone’s palate. Here is a quick guide to some different beer styles.

BITTER Bitters developed towards the end of the 19th century as beers that could be served in pubs after only a few days storage in the cellar. Bitters grew out of pale ale but were usually deep bronze to copper in colour due to the use of slightly darker crystal malts. These are highly hopped ales, ranging from 3% ABV to around 5% or more ABV (ABV means alcohol by volume). Best Bitters and Premium Bitters tend to have higher alcohol content.

MILD An ale of low gravity and hop rate, hence rounder and distinctly less bitter on the palate and in aroma than more highly hopped bitters. Mild is usually (but not always) darker in colour than bitter, through use of a higher roast malt or caramel. There are considerable variations in mild styles.

PORTER & STOUT Porter is a dark, slightly sweeter but ‘hoppy’ ale, made with roasted barley. It was the successor of ‘entire’ and the predecessor of stout. Originated in London around 1730, by the end of the 18th century it was the most popular beer in England. The fashion for the pale ales of Burton-upon-Trent ended the popularity of Porter in the mid 19th century. In recent years a number of brewers have revived Porter. Stout is one of the classic types of ale, a successor in fashion to ‘Porter’. Usually a very dark, heavy, well-hopped bitter ale, with a dry palate, thick creamy head, and good grainy taste contributed by a proportion of dark roasted barley in the mash.

GOLDEN ALES Pale amber, gold, yellow or straw-coloured; golden ales are hoppy beers with a refreshing taste. They may have some malt or fruit flavour but any diacetyl (a butterscotch flavour) should be minimal.



India Pale Ale (IPA) changed the face of brewing early in the 19th century. First brewed in London and Burton-upon-Trent for a national market and export, IPAs were strong in alcohol and high in hops, with a significant sulphur nose. They kept well. Beers with less alcohol and hops were developed for the domestic market and were known as Pale Ale.

OLD ALE Old Ales reflect the beers available before brewing restrictions were introduced in the First World War. Contrary to expectation, they do not have to be especially strong; they can be 4% ABV or more. Old Ale can be full of complex flavours, rich fruity malts, tart fruit and spicy hop notes. Darker versions will have a more profound malt character with powerful hints of roasted grain, dark fruit, polished leather, and fresh tobacco. The hallmark of the style remains a lengthy period of maturation during which complex flavours develop.

BARLEY WINE Barley Wine is a strong beer, often between 7% and 10% - and requires considerable time to mature and become drinkable. A few family brewers have kept the traditional brew, often as a Christmas Ale, and many small brewers now produce their interpretation of the style. Expect massive sweet malt, ripe fruit, pear drop, orange and lemon flavours; with darker fruits, chocolate and coffee if darker malts are used. Hop rates are generous and produce bitterness and peppery, grassy and floral notes.


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16 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

BEeR StYles - CoNtinued SPECIALITY BEERS Embrace all types of beer that contain a non-core brewing ingredient intended to impart a distinctive and discernible flavour or character. Examples could be ginger, honey, various fruits, etc. Also: wheat beers, and traditional lager. A recent trend is to use smoked malt, a distinctive taste, not enjoyed by everyone.

BOTTLE CONDITIONED BEER This is real ale in a bottle and the bottled equivalent of the draught real ales you enjoy in the pub. The beer is NOT pasteurised and contains yeast and enough fermentable sugars to allow for a slow secondary fermentation in the bottle. To distinguish this from pasteurised bottled ales, many bottle conditioned beers include the logo ‘CAMRA says this is Real Ale’ on the bottle label.

VEGAN / UNFINED BEER For centuries cask beers have had isinglass finings (made from the swim bladders of fish) added to help clear the beer. Unfined beers do not have this addition, and as a result can be naturally hazy. Not all unfined beers are vegan beers however, some may contain other non-vegan additions: lactose, or honey for example. In this programme Vegan beers are marked and Unfined beers are marked

This is CAMRA’s environmentally friendly initiative for serving beer brewed within 30 miles of the outlet Our LocAle breweries are marked LOCALE BREWERY in this programme. All of our Hackney & East London breweries are marked EAST LONDON BREWER

33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 17



Hello again and welcome to our Festival. Between Keen Massey, John Pardoe and myself, we have tried to keep the interest in new beers and breweries going strong. We know you like to try something different each year, so we look across the length and breadth of Britain to showcase the smaller micro-breweries as well as our wonderful breweries in East London. This year as well as Avalon Wholesale we have a new supplier joining the team - Great Heck - our thanks to them both. We hope you will enjoy the additional Yorkshire beers that Great Heck have helped us to source. To help you decide, we have a colour code scheme and the breweries descriptions of their beers. We aim to give you the widest possible choice by having just 1 cask of each beer. Some

40 FT Dalston, Greater London EAST LONDON BREWER

Deep 5.0% 1 x 9 Deep dark, rich, dry stout with hints of chocolate, coffee and liquorish.

Deeper 7.0% 1 x 9 Wonderful deep dark, rich, dry stout with added cocoa nibs.

Deepest 9.0%


beers are in larger casks so will last longer into the festival. Not all beers can be on together due to limited space, so please refer to the labels on the casks for what is available at any time. Our cellar team and Bar Managers will ensure that as soon as a beer is in its best condition, it will be on sale, and of course replace beers that have sold out with new beers as quickly as possible. A suggestion for anyone new to the festival, the strength (ABV%) of the beers varies considerably. If you are in for a session, I suggest you start with the lower strength beers first. Starting with the strongest beers will no doubt have quite an effect on your ability to walk, or even think! Enjoy yourselves and the beers on offer, have a safe journey home, and please return another day to enjoy yourselves all over again. Peter Gordon Draught Beer Manager

ACORN Wombwell, South Yorkshire Kashmir 4.5% 1 x 9 Now at a lower strength. Deep ruby coloured bitter. Crisp and spicy with an underlying citrus flavour, and dry malty bitter finish.


Southwold, Suffolk

Longboat 4.6% 1 x 9 Subtly spiced red ale with banana, red berry and gooseberry notes.

All the delights of Deep but on steroids.

ANSPACH & HOBDAY Bermondsey,

40 FT/CAVEMAN Dalston, Greater London



One Foot in the Grave 4.5% 1 x 9 Collaboration brew: a hoppy dark beer, brewed with fennel and plenty of hops.

18 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

The India Red Ale 6.3%


Red IPA with Equinox, Centennial and Galaxy hops. Malty, bitter and full of fruit aroma. Unfined but not Vegan.

BeEr LisT Colour key for beer styles : Stout/ Porter


Strong /Barley Wines / Old Ale

Speciality / Lager / Wheat

The Scottish Ale 8.4%


Smooth Scotch Ale with honey. Soft sweetness and a big malty body. Unfined but not Vegan.

ASCOT Camberley, Surrey Alligator With A Bite! 4.6%


Special version of Alligator, infused with chilli to give the beer some bite!

On the Rails 3.8% 1 x 18 Brilliant example of a classic dark mild. Notable hop character throughout, bittersweet in the taste with a dry finish.

Pig’s Ear Mustard Madness 3.8% 1 x 9 Most talked about beer of Pig’s Ear BF 2011, back in slightly different form. Rich malty copper coloured ale, with added mustard powder. Bring on the Bratwurst.

Golden / Pale








ESB 4.8% 1 x 9 Rich malt character, balancing traditional British Fuggles with Dr. Rudi hops from New Zealand, and a touch of Citra. Unfined but not Vegan.

Holy Smoke 3.1% 1 x 9 Light and eminently drinkable, with subtle pale malt and orange notes from the British Admiral Hops. Unfined but not Vegan.

BEXAR COUNTY Peterborough, Cambridgeshire Go All The Way 6.1% 1 x 9 Raspberry stout. A mouth full of bitter chocolate, light roast and sweet tart raspberries. Unfined.

BEXLEY Erith, Kent Single Hop Summit IPA 4.6% 1 x 9 Copper IPA, brewed each month to showcase a single hop variety. Currently using Summit, an American hop giving a citrus grapefruit aroma.

BAA Chepstow, Wales Best 4.0% 1 x 9 Balanced with fruity, floral and aromatic hop notes, smooth mellow maltiness followed by a crisp bitterness.

IPA 5.0% 1 x 9 Brings together the most flavoursome hops of Britain, Europe and the USA. Strong, fully matured ale packed with character.


North Curry, Somerset

Raver 3.8% 1 x 9 Light pale ale, clean and hoppy with citrus aromas.

Rockabilly 5.2% 1 x 9 Massive citrus and tropical fruit notes combined with a touch of pine and spice. Robust yet balanced bitterness.

BEER INK Huddersfield, W Yorks Noire 5.0% 1 x 9 Hopped with Target, Phoenix, East Kent Goldings and Wakatu. Stout with coffee, chocolate and toffee character, but a light fruity finish as it warms.


Black Prince RUM Porter 5.0%


Brown, chocolate, black, and crystal malts produce a dark rich ale, and a sweet chocolate coffee flavour. This RUM version is conditioned with Dark Navy Rum.

Old Mill 4.5% 1 x 9 Dark malty best bitter with plenty of English Goldings hops giving a long smooth flavour.

Ruby Session 3.7% 1 x 9 Ruby ale with crystal malt and English Goldings; it has a rich malty flavour combined with a lovely bitterness.


Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll 5.0% 1 x 9 Ian Dury themed IPA. Chinook, Cascade and Willamette hops. A fruity and drinkable beer.

Woody’s Bite Part 2 4.2% 1 x 9 Rich dark porter with chocolate and coffee flavours, with added chilli and fresh limes.

BINGLEY Wilsden, W Yorks Jamestown APA 5.4% 1 x 9 Slightly spicy American style pale ale, distinct piny notes and aroma of grapefruit with hint of apricot.

33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 19


BeEr LisT BLACK BEAR Wiveliscombe, Somerset Black Bear Bitter 4.0%


Smooth and malty with bitterness and no sweet tangs. Slightly floral with touch of elderflower.

Goldihops 4.0% 1 x 9 Blond ale using golden hops. A wonderful summer ale brewed all year round. Fresh hop aroma and sun-baked straw in colour.


Champagne Vlad Imperial Stout 8.0% 1 x 9 Dark and majestic. Impale yourself on this Imperial Stout brewed with Champagne yeast.

Figgy Pudding 4.3% 1 x 18 Deep, luscious and fruity; everything you would expect from your Christmas pudding.

Kim Jong Un IPA 10.2% 1 x 9 Big hoppy Imperial IPA that`s not to be messed with. “Voted Champion Beer of the Universe” says Kim.

Marvellous Maple & Vanilla Mild 3.7% 1 x 9 Special version of this delicate dark brown mild, with hints of maple syrup and vanilla.

Black Spot 4.6% 1 x 9 Complex dry stout made with a unique blend of 7 malts

Kukar IPA 5.8% 1 x 9 Traditional IPA with an abundance of early cascade and late galaxy hops.

Mucky Pup 4.7% 1 x 9 Dark red vanilla porter.

Pepper’s Pawter 4.7% 1 x 9 Unique dark red ale combining fine malts with black treacle and first gold hops.

CAMEL St Breward, Cornwall Big Cat 7.7% 1 x 9 Strong golden IPA made with four hops, sweet fruit and floral notes with a nice bitterness at the end.

Delank Dynamite 5.1% 1 x 9 Dark porter style beer with chocolate and nutty flavour, and a good hit of bitterness.

CASTLE Lostwithiel, Cornwall Cornish Best Bitter 4.2% 1 x 9 Copper coloured with a citrus finish. Unfined.

Moat Mild 4.4% 1 x 9


Medium dark, sweet mild with light chocolate flavour. Unfined.

Islington, Greater London EAST LONDON BREWER

CASTLE COOMBE Preston, Wiltshire

Vlad 5.0% 1 x 9

Dark Lane 5.5% 1 x 9

Made with a generous helping of dark crystal malts. This winter warmer has aromas of caramel, burnt toffee, and toast. A perfect brew to have on a cold winters night.

Rich mahogany milk stout with small, dark beige head. Palate has initial sweetness with roasted grains.

BULLFINCH Herne Hill, Greater London

Classic English best bitter. Toffee coloured and hoppy. Initial biscuit sweetness from the Maris Otter/Crystal malt with long, dry, fruity finish.


Oat IPA 5.0% 1 x 9 An oat IPA brewed with German Hallertau Blanc and US Amarillo hops.

South Eastern Bloc 5.2% 1 x 9 Deep rich dark stout loaded with 9 malts; complex, balanced flavours of chocolate, coffee and dark fruit.

BUTCHERS DOG Driffield, E Yorks One-O-One Pale Ale 4.6% 1 x 9 Light ale with citrus notes made from east kent goldings, agnus and bobek hops. 20 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Doing Little 4.1% 1 x 9

CASTLE GATE Carmarthan, Wales Merlins Own 5.2% 1 x 9 Welsh Pale Ale


Green Hop 70 Shilling 4.3% 1 x 9 70 Shilling ale with a big dose of late hopping in the form of fresh Kent grown EKG hops.


BeEr LisT Kent Farm Saison 7.7% 1 x 9 Saison brewed using fresh Kent green hops and apple juice. Distinct apple and Saison character.

Kits Coty 4.5% 1 x 9 A 16th century coaching inn with two bars and a warm welcome.

All Kent hopped pale ale. Spicy and fruity. Bullion is only grown in the UK at Hukins Hops in Kent. An old hop gaining new plaudits due to its aromatic character.

QIPA 2.8% 1 x 9

One of the oldest landmarks in Plaistow.

Blend of Rye, Wheat and Munich malts add complexity and provide a spicy character.

CAMRA Good Beer Guide entry since 2004

CHORLTON Ardwick, Greater Manchester

Fresh homemade food served Monday - Friday 12 to 2:30pm & 5pm to 7:30pm (except public holidays)

Open 11am to 11pm Monday to Saturday, 12 to 10:30pm Sunday

59 - 61 High Street, Plaistow E13 0AD


Dark Matter Imperial Black Gose 2016 7.3% 1 x 9 This year’s Dark Matter has been fermenting on wild yeast for a year and a half, and is infused with Persian black limes. Unfined.

COLCHESTER Wakes Colne, Essex Santa Claws (Special Spiced Version) 4.8% 1 x 9 Old style ale, sweet and creamy, spiced with star anise.

CRANE Bristol, Gloucs Atom 4.3% 1 x 9 Mosaic single hop American Amber Ale.

CRATE Hackney Wick, Greater London EAST LONDON BREWER

Huell Melon 3.2% 1 x 9 Cracking German Pale, light and fruity with a floral nose. You`ll keep coming back.

Nut Brown 5.2% 1 x 9 Rich caramel brown ale with a sweet hazelnut aroma.

DANCING MEN Happisburgh, Norfolk Knights Noggin 4.8% 1 x 9 Rich, heavily-malted porter-style beer, packed with toasted toffee and chocolate notes.

Soggy Seagull 4.2% 1 x 9 Refreshing pale ale made from an English hop variety.


Junga Brother 3.9% 1 x 18 Light amber ale brewed with 100% Junga hops, resulting in sweet malt and citrus flavours. 22 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

The Beer List - continued Colour key for beer styles : Stout/ Porter


Strong /Barley Wines / Old Ale

Speciality / Lager / Wheat

Golden / Pale







Warming IPA that has been matured in single malt whisky casks for 3 months.


DOWNLANDS Small Dole, West Sussex

Brentwood, Essex LOCALE BREWERY

Whisky IPA 5.5% 1 x 9

Vintage Black Seven-Four 7.4% 1 x 9

Cheru Kol 4.5% 1 x 18

Full bodied malty, dark, rich mysterious ale, matured in casks for 15 months.

Well balanced with hints of rosemary, figs, and sweet Belgian candy.

DOWNTON Downton, Wiltshire

ELGOOD’S Wisbech, Cambrigeshire

Responsibly 3.5% 1 x 9 Easy drinking hoppy, amber coloured, session bitter.


Orchid Vanilla Mild 3.6% 1 x 18 Award-winning dark mild with added vanilla.

Pearly Queen 4.5% 1 x 18 Classic porter, dark, fruity and full of flavour.

Rascal 3.8% 1 x 18 Old school ginger ale with a fruity bitterness and ginger spice.

Coolship Mango 5.0%


Unique English style sour beer blended with mango. The only cask of this mango version ever.


Finchampsted, Berkshire

Cheatmood 5.6%


Silky smooth full bodied rich oatmeal stout.

ELUSIVE/PIG & PORTER Finchampsted, Berkshire

The Nightmare Room 6.5% 1 x 9 Rauch style smoked porter.


Three Kings 3.8% 1 x 18 Pale gold in colour, fully hopped with Jester for top notes of tropical fruit punch.


Donald Trunk 4.0% 1 x 18 Golden coloured ale infused with fresh oranges, giving background orange and citrus notes. A beer fired up for world domination.

Harold Hill Gold Rush 5.0% 1 x 18 Hoppy and spicey golden ale which has been dry-hopped with local wild hops from Harold Hill.

Porter in a Storm 4.9% 1 x 9 Chocolate and cranberry porter, which will shower your tastebuds with chocolate and fruit.

Brick Field Brown 5.4% 3 x 9 Scrumptious smooth slighty sweet brown ale with toasted aromas.

Five Points Pale 4.4% 1 x 18, 1 x 9 Zesty aromatic pale ale brewed with American hops.

Railway Porter 4.8% 1 x 18, 1 x 9 Robust take on London Porter, brewed with East Kent Goldings.


Raucous Rye Red Ale 5.0% 1 x 9 Red berries and biscuity malt nose. Full bitterness, Rye spiciness, and passion fruit. Unfined and full bodied, balanced with a dry finish. Unfined but not Vegan.

Vienna Galaxy 4.2% 1 x 9


Creamy Vienna malt profile, with punchy passion fruit taste coming from the hops. Unfined but not Vegan. 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 23

LisTList - continued ErBeer BeThe Colour key for beer styles : Stout/ Porter


Strong /Barley Wines / Old Ale

Speciality / Lager / Wheat

GOACHER’S Tovil, Kent Old 1066 6.7% 1 x 9 Fruity rich barley wine produced for the winter.

GRAMPUS Lee, Devon Hoppy Dog 4.5% 1 x 9 Seasonal IPA.

GREAT HECK Great Heck, N Yorks Cascade APA 6.0% 1 x 9 American Pale Ale made with Cascade hops. One off limited edition.

GT ALES Barnstaple, Devon Dark Horse 4.5% 1 x 9 Full bodied , creamy milk stout with distinctive Blackcurrant notes. Slight coffee bitternes with hint of dark fruits.

HACKNEY Haggerston, Greater London EAST LONDON BREWER

Amber Ale 4.4% 1 x 9 Amber coloured ale with biscuity-raisin malt base.

Barley Wine 9.0% 1 x 9 Cross between an English and US Barley Wine. Smooth and easy drinking for its strength, with notes of raisin.

Best Bitter 4.4% 1 x 9 Great example of the style. Semi-sweet with toasted notes of blackcurrent in the finish.

Pale Ale Galaxy & Waimea 4.7% 1 x 18

Golden / Pale





Mild Unfined

HEDGE ROW Bradford, W Yorks Daisy Hill Blonde 4.0% 1 x 9 Zesty, quaffable blonde ale with biscuity dry finish.

Pale Ale 4.8% 1 x 9 Well-balanced pale ale with pronounced floral character.

Sweet Michael 5.6% 1 x 9 Distinctive, malty stout.


Kolsch 4.5% 1 x 9 Refreshing take on of a blond style beer from Cologne.

Purple IPA 6.9% 1 x 9 West Coast IPA dry hopped in casks with Aronia Berries and Miyazawa Clementines.

RIP Russian Imperial Porter 12.5% 1 x 9 Very young Imperial Porter. Assertively bitter and boozy, with a heavily roasted aroma.

HUMPTY DUMPTY Reedham, Norfolk Shaltal Boltal 8.2% 1 x 9 Rich coffee and chocolate flavours, with a smooth hoppy bitterness.

HUSK Silvertown, Greater London EAST LONDON BREWER

Old School Bitter 5.1% 1 x 9

Pale ale dry hopped with Galaxy and Waimea hops. Tropical fruit and orange notes combine for a big refreshing flavour.

Good biscuit and caramel body, balanced with citrus and spice.

HACKNEY/UPRISING (brewed by Windsor & Eton) Haggerston, Greater Lon-

New world pale, with stone fruit and citrus leading to a crisp bitter finish.

don/Windsor, Berkshire EAST LONDON BREWER

Best of both Worlds! 5.2% 1 x 18

Pale Ale 4.6% 1 x 9

Saison 6.2% 1 x 9 Ginger and Juniper Saison, with citrus peel, bursting with flavour. Unfined but not Vegan.

Blended beer of Hackney Kapow! and Uprising Treason.

INCREDIBLE Brislington, Gloucs HAMMERPOT Poling, West Sussex Belgian IPA 5.2% 1 x 9 Apricot, banana and pine flavours combine with a clove/coriander spiciness and balancing malt sweetness in this complex, Belgian yeast fermented IPA.

24 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Amber 5.2% 1 x 9 Auburn malty ale balanced with a slight orange citrus aroma and finish


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33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 25

LisTList - continued ErBeer BeThe Festive Ale 5.6% 1 x 9 Dark warming winter ale with sweet festive spiciness and fragrant hoppy aroma.

Pale Ale 4.2% 1 x 9 Crisp brightness of light malts blend with zesty floral characteristic and tropical fruit finish.

JAMES & KIRKMAN Pontefract, W Yorks Commodore 3.6% 1 x 9 Deep brown traditional bitter, light toffee and chocolate flavour from malts, well balanced bitterness with floral fruity finish. Proper session ale.

Golden Years 6.0% 1 x 9 Strong golden ale.

Magnificent Blonde 4.1% 1 x 9

KEW East Sheen, Greater London LOCALE BREWERY

Join The Kew 5.7% 1 x 9 Showcases 5 of the punchiest new, fruity English hops: UK Cascade, UK Chinook, Endeavour, Minstrel, & Olicana. A heady mix of grapefruit, lychee, berry and mango flavours and aroma.

Pagoda Pale No. 6 4.4% 1 x 9 Sixth in a series of pale ales celebrating different English hops, Pagoda No. 6 was made with Pilot and Pioneer. Unfined but not Vegan.

Snowdrop 5.2% 1 x 9 Chestnut coloured winter ale, lightly hopped and gently spiced with ginger, cloves, and all spice. Unfined but not Vegan.

Pale blonde ale.

KISSINGATE Lower Beeding, West Sussex

JOLLY BOYS Barnsley, S Yorks

Black Cherry Mild (En Plus) 7.0% 1 x 9

Jolly Collier Porter 5.0% 1 x 9 Dark Yorkshire porter

KENT Birling, Kent Abbey 2016 6.2% 1 x 9 Belgian Abbey Style Brown Ale. Rich taste of prunes and coriander, with a distinctive Abbey style yeast flavour.

Pig’s Ear P A 5.8% 1 x 9 Festival special. Full flavoured American style IPA,with 6 varieties of US hops.

Twelfth Night Squared 9.4% 1 x 9 Award-winning Twelfth Night, extra fermented to produce a 2% stronger, more luxurious barley wine.

KEPPELS (brewed at BILERICAY) Billericay, Essex LOCALE BREWERY

Christmas Crow 6.0% 1 x 9 Dark brown unspiced seasonal ale with a malty aroma from Willamette hops.

Extra special version of Kissingate`s Black Cherry Mild. Lovingly crafted with more of everything.

Blackeyed Susan 6.8% 1 x 9 Utterly indulgent strong dark mild with raison and berry notes and gentle closing bitterness.

Hop Collider 4.0% 1 x 9 Extra light pale ale. Initial malt sweetness gives way to a dry and riotous hop finish.

Shuckstack Smoked IPA 5.6% 1 x 9 Biscuit and slightly sweet malt start, with subtle smokiness and gathering hop bitterness.

Smoke Out 6.0% 1 x 9 Dark malts and roasted barley combine with smoked hops to produce a smouldering strong stout taste experience.

LACONS Great Yarmouth,


Black Encore Festival Special 3.8% 1 x 18 Dark version of the Award Winning Encore is packed with a smooth citrus punch. Balanced dry pine and zesty flavours throughout.

Oatmeal Stout 4.0% 1 x 18 Crafted with flaked oatmeal and roasted barley, this dark refreshing ale has notes of freshly roasted coffee beans, cocoa, and dried fruit. 26 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival


The Dispensary are CAMRA Award Winners 2009 and 2014 and also in the CAMRA Good Beer Guide 2009 - 2014.

Show your CAMRA card and get a discount off of every pint of ale. Open every week day from 11.30-23.30. 5 Cask Ales

19a Leman Street, London E1 8EN Tel: 020 7977 0486 www.thedispensarylondon.co.uk Twitter: @dispensarypub Facebook: thedispensarylondon

33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 27

BeEr LisT Saint Nick’s 4.2% 1 x 9 Charming malty depth, with hints of spiced orange peel aroma, and satisfying citrus and floral finish.

LAINE BEER CO Horsham, West Sussex Bestest 4.3% 1 x 9 Welcoming and moreish. A streak of bitterness from British hops, floral and berry notes with biscuity malt.


3 Weiss Monkeys 5.0% 1 x 9 Hefeweizen/IPA hybrid, fusing the best aspects of a German wheat beer and a New World IPA.

MADRIGAL Lynmouth, Devon North Coast Voodoo 5.0% 1 x 9 Aromatic IPA with fruity aroma and gradual hop finish.

Surfer Rosa 3.6% 1 x 9 Unique ale, made with English hops and spicy red rye malt.

Cocoa IPA 6.0% 1 x 9 Powerful IPA brewed from American hops with a very slight touch of chocolate added.

Salted Caramel Porter 5.3% 1 x 9 Porter made with sea salt and caramel. A very enjoyable speciality beer.

LEAFY HOLLOW Bodmin, Cornwall Buckthorn Dark 4.8% 1 x 9 Sturdy dark saison beer with hints of liquorice blended with aromatic hops.

LEFT BANK Walthamstow, Greater London EAST LONDON BREWER

Macapuno 5.2% 1 x 9 Fruity spicy burst of the Belgian abbey yeast gives way to warm toasted coconut.

Shlivko 5.1% 1 x 9 Rich blend of seven malts, shot through with smoked Galician plums.

Zydeco 4.3% 1 x 9 Light amber , biscuit malt background, with citrus and apricot notes.


Mosaic and Equinox 5.0% 1 x 9 Summer in a glass , light and refreshing. Unfined but not Vegan.

Tip Top Citra 5.0%

LONDON FIELDS (brewed at TOM WOODS) Barnetby, Nth Lincolnshire


Easy drinking American Pale Ale with citrus , mango and pineapple notes. Unfined but not Vegan.

28 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival


Green Hop 4.3% 1 x 9 Cloudy, English pale ale. The grassy flavour of the locally grown fresh hops is easily detected. Unfined.

Milk Stout 4.5% 1 x 9 Deceptively well bodied unfined stout with fairly light abv. Sweetness of lactose is complemented with smoothness from vanilla pods. Unfined.

Rye IPA 6.1% 1 x 9 Malty lightly spicy IPA, without the overbearing sweetness sometimes found in rye beers. Unfined.

MOONSHINE Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire 12th Moon - Cascadian Light 8.4% 1 x 9 Rich light amber malty flavoured beer. Floral and tropical fruit aromas and bitter sweet taste.

Amarillo 5.5% 1 x 9 Flowery, spicy and citrus, with a distinct orange bouquet and long bittering finish.

Caraway Pale Ale 4.0%


Easy drinking pale bitter, caramel and light floral hop flavours, with a sweet liquorice finish from the added caraway seeds.

Lemon Citra 4.2%1 x 9 Golden beer with fresh lemons added to the secondary fermentation, giving a sharp crisp lemon finish.

The Trouble Maker 6.4% 1 x 10 Belgian Abbey Dubbel Style beer. With spicy sweet alcoholic character.

MORTON COLLINS Durkar, W Yorks Strong Brown Ale 4.8% 1 x 9 Strong brown ale.

Wintersett Gold 4.1% 1 x 9 Classic hoppy English pale ale, made with Golden Promise malt, hopped with Goldings and Fuggles.

Specialists in UK and US MicroBrewers Craft Beers

NORTH BREWING Leeds, W Yorks Bulkhead 4.5% 1 x 9 Classic old school Brown Ale. Dark in colour. Five different malts and oats are used for extra body.

Larger selections of Belgian, German, Danish (Mikkeller) & DeMolens

Full Fathom 5 6.5% 1 x 9 Coffee and coconut porter.

Also beers from around the world Over 700 beers to choose...

Prototype 3.8% 1 x 9 Well balanced session beer. English pale malt, European and US hops give light citrus, floral and herbal aroma.

‘Top 50 Beer Shop Around The World 2013’ - ratebeer.com

OAKHAM Peterborough, Cambridgeshire Black Hole Special 5.5% 1 x 18 Big malt flavours in this Pig`s Ear Festival special. Black Hole Porter, with a blend of Chinook & Mosaic hops from a new un-named 2017 cask aged Brewery Tap special.

Bona Nox 8.0% 1 x 9 Golden beer packed with powerful citrus fruit and berry flavours.

Shot In The Dark 4.1%

1 x 18

Black beer with roasted malt and punchy citrus fruit from the New Zealand and American hops. Has a tangy bitterness.

ONE MILE END Tottenham, Greater London LOCALE BREWERY

Framboise 7.1% 1 x 9 6 month sour barrel blend, finished with raspberries.

Great Tom Mild 3.8% 1 x 9 Now stronger than the original version. Classic Dark Mild with added Cocoa nibs, coffee, vanilla, and dry hopped with a little Mosaic.

Kriek 7.1% 1 x 9

OPENING TIMES Mon - Sat: 1pm - 11pm Sun: 1pm - 10pm 394 York Way, Holloway, London N7 9LW

6 month sour barrel blend, finished with cherries.

Mescal Ancho Cocoa Lime Stout 7.1% 1 x 9 Special souped-up version of Ancho Cocoa Stout, with added mescal and lime.


Tel: 0207 6074871 Mob: 0787 6770881

www.kriswines.com Kris Wines


The Beer List - continued BeeR LisT Salvation 4.4% 1 x 9 Highly rated hoppy session pale ale. They don`t come better than this.

Smoked Brown 4.8% 1 x 9 Pre-lager Bavarian style ale.

Snakes Alive 8.0% 1 x 9 Rare cask version of this beast of a super hoppy double IPA.

Tinker’s Cuss Rye IPA 5.2% 1 x 9 Last year`s beer of the festival! A hoppy rye IPA with Kampont peppercorns.

White Label # 6 Burton Ale 5.5% 1 x 9 Almost forgotten style that used to be a staple in London pubs. A Bitter brown ale. Unfined but not Vegan.

PEMBROKESHIRE Saundersfoot, Wales Daft Bass 4.1% 1 x 9 Flagship beer with a balanced mixture of malt and hops.

Knocker 5.0%1 x 9 Full bodied premium ale, full of robust flavours. A Knocker is a creature from Welsh mythology, reputed to steal items from miners whilst underground.

In the style of a classic Bavarian wheat beer.

Saundersfoot Supreme Ale (SSA) 4.5% 1 x 9

ORBIT Walworth, Greater London

Superb premium bitter that glides across the palate. Truely remarkable full bodied ale.

Wheat Beer 5.0% 1 x 9


IVO Pale Ale 5.3% 1 x 9 Mix of European and American hops give character to this classic pale ale. Light body, high drinkability. Elegant and aromatic. Unfined but not Vegan.

30 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

PIG & PORTER Tunbridge Wells, Kent Cast No Shadow 5.7% 1 x 9 Chocolate orange porter featuring Sorachi Ace hops, orange zest, and cacao nips.

The Beer List - continued Love Medicine 6.0% 1 x 9 Smooth hoppy Export Porter, with roasted coffee notes combined with the piny resin of Chinook hops.

Strangely Brown 4.8% 1 x 9 This is a bit unusual, a porter brewed with green hops.

POWDERKEG Woodbury Salterton, Devon 6ixes and 7evens 5.1%


6-malt, 7-hop Brown IPA, full-bodied, complex malt character from Belgian 'Special B' malt. Hopped with world famous ‘7 Cs’ from the USA, bold citrus edge, spicy overtones.

Speak Easy Transatlantic Pale 4.3% 1 x 9 Transatlantic Pale ale. Dry hopped to maximise fruity aromatics, bitterness kept in check and clean finish. A beer to stimulate the mind and loosen the tongue. In Cervisia Veritas.


Bosko 6.5% 1 x 9

QUIRKY ALES Garforth, W Yorks Ruby 4.0% 1 x 9 English hops (Fuggles, Challenger and Goldings) and roasted carafe malt, give smooth finish and distinctive ruby colour.

RANGE ALES Lympe, Kent Double Tap 4.1% 1 x 9 Based on an original Burton recipe. A sweetish beer with a gentle hop aftertaste.


Little Mango Chief 4.3% 1 x 18 Special edition of the Pig`s Ear house beer. Kiwi and American hops, solid malt backbone, and added mango to enhance to tropical fruit notes.

Pale Ale 3.8% 1 x 9 Exceptional pale ale, golden in colour with citrus and floral hop aromas, with a long dry finish.

Urban Chilli Dusk 4.6%


Indian Rubber Ball 7.2% 1 x 9

Chestnut coloured premium bitter. Coffee aroma and some hazelnut and caramel on the palate. Bramling Cross hops give dark fruit flavours, added chilli a lasting heat to the finish.

Highly rated IPA, has been primed with clementine juice. Unfined but not Vegan.


More balanced than usual heavily hopped American style IPA. Unfined but not Vegan.

Nanban Kanpai 6.5% 1 x 9 Wheat IPA with yuzu, grapefruit and orange. Unfined but not Vegan.

Pale Fire 4.8% 1 x 9 Easy drinking American style Pale Ale, with heaps of fans. Unfined but not Vegan.

PUMPHOUSE Toppesfield, Essex Gold 4.2% 1 x 9 Deep gold in colour with a biscuity maltiness offset by the rounded citrus/lychee aromas, a generous helping of Cascade hops gives a bitter finish.

Toppesfield Tap 3.6% 1 x 9 Easy drinking amber coloured session bitter, brewed from a combination of UK-grown hops.

Tottenham, Greater London LOCALE BREWERY

Compass West 4.8% 1 x 18 Blend of Redemption Fellowship dry hopped with Mosaic, and One Mile End Salvation Pale Ale.

REDEMPTION/WEIRD BEARD Tottenham /Hanwell, both Greater London LOCALE BREWERY

South Pacific Pale Ale 6.2% 1 x 18 Collaboration brew containing loads of Wai-iti, Moteuka and Topaz hops. Tropical aromas and citrus fruit flavours, extremely drinkable.


#150 7.0% 1 x 9 Celebrating their 150th brew. Cask aged for six months this rich and complex stout with notes of chocolate, coffee and licorice is surprisingly made only with pale, brown and black malts. Unfined but not Vegan. 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 31


BeeR LisT Marija 4.4% 1 x 9 Pale ale, hopped with Dana and Auora and then dry hopped with Auora.

Toffee Hammer 6.0% 1 x 9 Strong dark mild. A one off cask brewed specially for Pig`s Ear, made with pale, crystal and chocolate malts with added toffee.

RYEDALE York, N Yorks Bitter 4.0% 1 x 9 British hopped bitter delivering creamy head and lovely golden colour. Popular bitter with pronounced hoppy taste.

Ryedale Rambler 3.8% 1 x 9 Dark horse chestnut coloured bitter produced with British Hops. Very creamy with well balanced and smooth hoppy aftertaste.

SERIOUS Rochdale, Greater Manchester Moonlight 4.5% 1 x 9 Silky smooth stout with chocolate notes and a bitter hop finish. Voted 'Beer of the Festival' at the CAMRA Oldham Beer Festival 2016.

Redsmith 4.5% 1 x 9 Copper-coloured English style IPA, with American Centennial and Cascade hops.


Backstage IPA 5.6% 1 x 9 Combination of American hops and European malts form this powerful IPA.

Red Wedge 4.7% 1 x 9 Hoppy red ale that brings intense flavours of citrus, orange peel, and tangerine.

Roadie 4.3% 1 x 9 Refreshing easy drinking IPA brewed from Cascade, Columbus and Summit hops.

Session 4.0% 1 x 9 Beer that balances the finest British malts with some New Zealand hops.

32 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

The Beer List - continued

SOUTHBOURNE (brewed at LYME REGIS) Bournemouth, Dorset Beach Comber 5.7% 1 x 9 Style of brown ale widely brewed in the 1920s, stronger than most modern English versions. Uses brown malts, full of flavour and aroma.

TANNERS Wiveliscombe, Somerset Big Horse 3.8% 1 x 9 Copper coloured traditional English bitter. Malty, nutty, slightly piney and spicey on the nose.

TAP EAST Stratford, Greater London EAST LONDON BREWER

Headlander 4.2% 1 x 9 English beer with Fuggles hops giving floral aromas and a full bitter flavour.

Paddler 3.6%


Moreish full flavoured session beer, low level of bitterness and alcohol. Ideal for those looking for less hoppiness.

Stroller 4.6%


Smooth mouth feel, blackcurrant and liquorice flavours, bitter finish. Brewed using 10% oats in the mash grist to give fullness, with a small addition of liquorice root to the boil creating a complex but balanced flavour.

SOUTHWARK Bermondsey, Greater London LOCALE BREWERY

5 Hopped IPA

6.2% 1 x 9

Strong Citrussy tones balance the alcohol and bitterness for a remarkably easy drinking IPA.

Bourbon Stout 8.9% 1 x 9 Imperial Stout matured in Bourbon Whiskey Barrel casks for 3 months, creating a smooth, strong, dark stout with the warmth of bourbon and sherry.

East End Mild 3.5% 1 x 9 Highly rated dark mild that has roast and biscuit notes with a smooth finish.

Pig’s Ear American Pale Ale 4.3% 1 x 9 US-hopped pale ale. Dry-hopped differently for Pig`s Ear with Centennial and HBC 431 hops.

Red Rye 5.0%


Hoppy red ale with rye malt added to the mash. Heavily hopped with Chinook and Centennial.

THIRST CLASS Stockport, Cheshire Green Bullet Pale Ale 4.8% 1 x 9 Traditional style English Pale Ale brewed with a fantastic New Zealand hop: Green Bullet, which is an earthy hop imparting floral flavours to this light coloured beer.

Kiss My Ace 4.3% 1 x 9 Pale malt base showcases a favourite hop, Sorachi Ace. Full flavours of lemon and dill with a bitter finish.

Stocky Oatmeal Stout 4.7% 1 x 9 Brewed with nine different malts giving a smooth profile with chocolate and coffee notes.

Dark Winter Ale 3.8% 1 x 9 Dark warming ale with higher citrus hoppiness than most dark ales.


War of Raspberries 6.7% 1 x 9 Strong Oatmeal Stout with a healthy dose of raspberries, giving a boozy, fruity, chocolatey glass of loveliness.

South Elmham, Suffolk

THREE SODS Bethnal Green, Greater London

Fire Light 4.4% 1 x 18 Dark amber to brown bitter, moderately bitter with floral notes and a hint of cinnamon.


STOD FOLD Halifax, West Yorkshire

Special spiced up edition of this big hoppy black beer. Unfined but not Vegan.

Dark 4.8%


Rich and complex porter. It has a velvet delivery and is beautifully balanced with contemporary hops.

SURFING MONKEY Cardiff, Wales Hang 10 Tamarin 4.0%


Classic IPA with a twist. Amber coloured session ale, just what you need when watching the game. Malty but ending with lingering fruit, spice and bitterness.

Christmas Mud Puddler 4.3% 1 x 9

Leap Year 5.0% 1 x 9 Sweet malts combined with tropical fruits. It has a subtle taste of pineapples and a dry light bitter finish.

Organic ESB 4.0% 1 x 9 All English ingredients are used to make this classic ESB with a big hoppy twist. Unfined but not Vegan.

33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 33


BeeR LisT Session IPA 4.4% 1 x 9 Light hoppy low abv IPA. Packed full of fruity notes with a kick.

TOMBSTONE Great Yarmouth, Norfolk Ale 3.7% 1 x 9 Light golden ale with subtle citrus tones of oranges and lemons.

TREEN’S Ponsanooth, Cornwall Cuckoo 4.3%



Gunboat Smith 5.2% 1 x 9 Black IPA that has a big punch of US hops. The dark roasted malts bring chocolate and coffee, as expected in a porter, with the hops giving a piney resinous hit.

TRUMAN’S/COLCHESTER Hackney Wick, Greater London & Wakes Colne, Essex EAST LONDON BREWER

Cahoots 4.5% 1 x 18

Deep amber, malty bitter with soft fruit nose. Satisfying hints of chocolate and coffee to finish.

Blended beer of Colchester Old King Cole London Porter and Truman’s Runner.

TREMETHIC Grampound, Cornwall

TYDWALS Llangors, Wales

Dark Ale 4.2% 1 x 9 Dark mild ale with crystal malt and Minstrel hops. Orange nose and fennel finish.

Pale Ale 4.2%


Crisp Pale Ale made with Marris Otter & Rakau hops.

TRING Tring, Hertfordshire Death Or Glory 7.2% 1 x 9

Dinefwr Porter 5.5% 1 x 9 Based on an 1821 recipe: A full bodied dark porter with a roasted coffee touch.

UPRISING (brewed by WINDSOR & EATON) Windsor, Berkshire LOCALE BREWERY

Eton Rifles 5.0% 1 x 9

Rich sweet barley wine with heady, alcoholic nose and incredibly complex flavour profile.

Very light coloured IPA, balanced with an unusual mix of Target (a traditional Kentish hop), zesty Equinox, Enigma and Mosaic.

Avalon Wholesale & Brewing

White Pale Ale brewed with wheat. Cloudy white, with a stunning hoppy and orange zesty kick.

Beer fest supplies from Wales and the West Tel : 01458 210050 Mob : 07809 056855 Email : avalonwholesale@gmail.com ‘Proud to supply Pig’s Ear Beer Festival’

White Riot 5.3% 1 x 9

WHARFEDALE Ilkley, W Yorks Black 3.7% 1 x 9 A blend of eight malted grains combine to create a smooth well balanced beer. Subtle hints of chocolate, coffee and liquorice create a characterful lasting flavour.

WIBBLERS Southminster, Essex Crafty Turtle 5.6% 1 x 9 This year`s Flocculation brew is an American Brown Ale, made with Apollo hops for a subtle fruit flavour, and Vanguard for a mild hop aroma.

Wobbly Otter 15.1% 1 x 9 Made with Essex honey, smooth and sweet with a lingering flavour. A unique ale.

WILD CARD Walthamstow, Greater London EAST LONDON BREWER

Dana 4.3% 1 x 18 Single hopped pale ale with spicy, floral notes, with underlying piney punch. 34 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Jack of Clubs (Dry Hopped Version) 4.5% 1 x 9 Ruby ale. Initial malty sweetness from British Crystal malts gives way to a balanced and lengthy bitterness.

WILDE CHILD Kirkstall, W Yorks Outside The Box 5.7%


Mega fruity IPA with English malts and hops combined with a huge dose of juicy mandarins.


Green Hop Guardsman 4.2% 1 x 9 Green hopped version of this classic best bitter. Fresh hops provide an extra zesty, grassy flavour.

WINNING POST Worcester, Worcs Tick Tack Tommy Moore 4.0% 1 x 9 A pale hoppy ale.

Tully Bitter 3.9% 1 x 9 Pale and hoppy beer with a crisp bitter finish.

YATES Newchurch, Isle of Wight Yule Be Sorry 7.6% 1 x 9 Rich dark coloured ale, using pale and roasted malts with torrified wheat. Three hops give a full bodied flavour.

YORKSHIRE BREWING Kingston upon Hull, E Yorks

Blackjack 4.5% 1 x 9 Complex stout fortified with fresh blackberries, providing lasting fruit and chocolate characteristics.

Mosaic 4.2% 1 x 9 Easy drinking session bitter with a mango, peach and tangerine finish.

Oregon Gold 4.5% 1 x 9 Traditionally cloudy Belgian-style wheat beer brewed with coriander and curacao oranges.

Shangri-La 6.0% 1 x 9 Double IPA with citrus flavoured hops for a lingering grapefruit finish.

Yorkshire Passion 4.5% 1 x 9 Brewed with a combination of New World hops and a touch of passion fruit; gives a tasty fruity edge to this refreshing beer.

on Lond h East Branc & City


OLD FOUNTAIN 3 Baldwin Street EC1V 9NU | 020 7253 2970

1 minute from Old Street Tube 8 constantly changing real ales, 1 real cider and 16 keg beers An extensive range of bottled craft beer

Food served daily Open at weekends

www.oldfountain.co.uk 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 35



t B h g e u e A r R D s & d e L

The foreign beer bar will feature bottle beers from some of the smaller breweries of Europe, America and Japan. Please bring a pint glass to our bar as we need the extra room to serve the beer properly.


The foreign beer bar features bottled beers from some of the smaller breweries of America, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Eastern Europe and New Zealand alongside draught key kegs. Styles represented include Blond, Amber, Dark, Lambic, Wild, Aged, Fruit, and Wheat. Please bring a pint glass to our bar as we need the extra room to serve the beer properly. Adam Miller Foreign Beer Bar Manager

Blond Beers (All bottles 330ml except where stated)

Alvinne (B) Laugar ich bin ein Berliner Ryesse 4.5% Hazy golden Berliner Weisse with slightly tart lemon taste.

Balkezes (HUN) Hopster IPA 7.7% Amber fruity IPA with floral hops with a bitter finish.

Basqueland Brewing Project (SPA) Capt. Norb Kölsch 4.9% Light ale brewed in the style of a Cologne Kölsch.

Beerbliotek (SWE) A Passion For Gingers 3.8% Hazy golden Berliner Weisse with citrus ginger taste.

Brekeriet (SWE) / Cycle State (USA) Sunny State 6% 750ml

De La Senne (B) / Brew by Numbers (UK) Session 4 4% Hazy yellow saison with a slightly citrus taste with a dry finish.

Hazy yellow sour and tart wild ale.

De La Senne(B) /Le Trou du Diable (CAN) Schieve Tabarnak 6.5%

Brewski (SWE) Pango IPA 5.9%

Hazy gold with rye, fruity aroma and a hoppy bitter finish.

Cloudy yellow IPA with fruity citrus flavour.

Dupont (B) Saison Dupont 6.5%

Brouwers Verzet (Goulden Spoor) (B) Golden Tricky 7.5%

Unfiltered Saison with a refreshing fruityness and dry finish.

Hazy golden IPA.

Edge Brewing (SPA) Voilà! 5.6%

Caracole (B) Troublette 5.5%

Belgian style Golden medium bodied sweet and bitter.

Cloudy citrus wheat beer.

Frontaal (NL) Freehand French Saison 7.1%

De La Senne (B) Taras Boulba 4.5% Yellow ale with a citrus aroma and a dry finish.

Saison with orange blossom and black pepper.

33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 37


Laugar (SPA) / De Molen (NL) Txapela & Klompen 13.6% Hat & Clogs. Bourbon infused smoked Imperial Saison.

Bifuel 6% Beer and sparkling wine blend. Rich, fruity delicate taste.

Moylans (USA) Ryan Sullivan’s Imperial Stout 10% 660ml

Dark Beers

Full bodied Imperial Stout matured in whiskey barrels.

(All bottles 330ml except where stated)

Põhjala (EST) Must Kuld Porter 7.8%

Hazy light golden IPA with a hoppy aroma and light fruity taste.

Alvinne (B) Land van Mortagne 12.8%

Rich black porter with a smooth chocolate taste.

Vimalised IPA 6.5% 500ml Hoppy IPA with a citrus taste.

Hazy brown quadruple ale with a sweetish caramel fruity taste.

Porterhouse (IRE) The Devil’s Half Acre 13.5%

Rocket Brewing (DK) Zaccharine 8%

Brew Age (AUT) Eisknacker 12.2%

Deep brown barrel aged black IPA.

Põhjala (EST) Uus Maailm 4.7%

Amber beer with a sweet taste of caramel.

Dark amber barley wine with malty sweet fruity taste.

Sign Of Life 7.5% 750ml Hazy golden Belgian style ale with a slightly sweet fruity taste.

Csupor (Legenda Sörfözde) (HUN) Tántorgó ParIPA 6.5%

Róth Serfõzõ Kft. (Pivovar Kaltenecker) (HUN) Bakancslista # 17 6.1%

Dugges (SWE) Christmas Idjit! 9.5%

Deep golden IPA with mosiac hops.

Spencer (USA) Trappist 6.5% Hazy golden full bodied Belgian style ale.

Stillwater (Two Roads) (USA) Cellar Door 6.6% 355ml

Pours brown IPA with a hoppy fruity bitterness.

Dark brown imperial stout with a taste of malts, coffee and chocolate.

Evil Twin (Two Roads) (USA) Christmas Eve In A NYC Hotel Room 10% 355ml

Rochefort (B) Rochefort 10 11.3% Magnificent dark brown full bodied trappist ale.

Róth Serfözö Kft. (Pivovar Kaltenecker (HUN) Pyromania 7.5% Smoked Porter with a malty taste.

To Øl (De Proef) (DK) Shameless Santa 10% 750ml Reddish amber Belgian style ale with a malty taste.

Verzet oude (B) Oude Bruin 6% Fruity, malty, vineous, citric.

Black imperial stout with a taste of coffee and chocolate.

Westvleteren (B) Westvleteren 8 8%

Hazy Saison with a touch of sage.

Hof Ten Dormaal (B) Kriek 6.5%

Chewy fruit and liquorice strong dubbel.

Van Moll (NL) Bermuda 6%

Wild beer that pours red with a tart cherry taste.

Westvleteren 12 10.2%

Wheat beer brewed with papaya, lemongrass and lime.

Kaapse (NL) Gozer 9.8%

Zmajska (CRO) Pale Ale 5.3%

Imperial Stout.

Amber APA with a taste of malts, citrus and hops.

Birradamare (ITA) Chiara 4.9% Pils style, clean dry taste.

Dark, intense and complex full bodied quadruple.

Lambic Beers (All bottles 375ml)

Lion Brewery (SL) Lion Stout 8.8% The original full bodied version of this stout.

Moa (NZ) Imperial Stout 10% 375ml Strong rich imperial stout aged in oak.

38 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Boon (B) Gueuze Marriage Parfait 8% Strong gueuze.

Kriek Marriage Parfait 5% Strong Cherry lambic.

Oude Gueuze 7% Sour gueuze.

FoReiGn BotTLed & DrAught BeeRs Oude Kriek 5%

Export Dunkel 5.5%

Sharp Cherry lambic.

Deep amber with a malty taste.

Girardin (B) Framboise 5%

Riegele (G) Weizen doppelbock 8% 330ml

Easy drinking raspberry lambic.

Murky amber wheat beer with a hint of banana.

Kriek 5% A lambic blended with cherries.

Oud Beersel (B) Framboise 6% Sharp Raspberry lambic.

Oude Geuze 5% Classic gueuze with a sharp aroma and sour taste.

Germany and East Europe (All bottles 500ml except where stated)

Augustiner (G) Lagerbier Hell 5.2% Pale gold with a crisp dry finish.

Früh (G) Kölsch 4.8%

Not all the foreign draught beers will be on at any one time. Look out for some special surprises!

Stone Berlin (G) Cali - Belgique 6.9%

Reissdorf (G) Kölsch 4.8% Clear, pale & refreshing Cologne ale.

Belgian style IPA.

Aecht Schlenkerla (G) Fastenbier 5.5%

Monyo Blk IPA (HUN) BLK IPA 6.3%

Dark, unfiltered smoked beer brewed for Lent.

Almost black IPA with hoppy sweet chocolate taste.

Schneider (G) Weisse Tap X Marie’s Rendezvous 10% 375ml

Róthbeer Serfózó Kft. (Kaltenecker) (HUN) Távoli Galaxis 6.1%

Amber full bodied weizen bock.

Tegernsee (G) Hell 4.8% Pale yellow easy drinking lager.

Schwaben Bräu (G) Volksfestbier 5.5% Clear golden full bodied märzen.

Clear, pale & refreshing Cologne kölsch.

Pivovar Náchod (CZE) Primátor India Pale Ale 6.5%

Gänstaller Bräu (G) Franz Xaver Smoked Märzen 5.6% 330ml

Golden easy drinking IPA with slight bitterness.

Highly rated smoked märzen beer.

Draught Key Keg

Pivovar Rychtár (Pivovary Lobkowicz) (CZE) Rychtár Special 150 6.5%

Amber IPA with a dry hoppy bitter taste.

De Molen (NL) Fresh Hop 2016 6.3% This years wet hopped beer.

Kees (NL) Export Porter 10.5% Delicious full bodied Imperial Porter.

Haand Bryggeriet (NOR) FlystrIPA 5.2% Hoppy black IPA.

Strong pale lager.

Cloudy light wheat beer with a banana taste.

Beerbliotek (SWE) Hip Hops - Mango Edition 6.6%

Amber (POL) Grand Imperial Porter 8%

Hazy gold IPA with a fruity taste.

Kloster Andechs (G) Weissbier 5.5%

Black Baltic Porter with a sweetish chocolate coffee taste.

Cloudy light wheat beer with a banana taste.

Pinta (POL) Barley Wine Grand Prix 7.9%

Gutmann (G) Hefeweizen 5.2%

Dunkel 4.8% Pours brown with a malty caramel taste.

Kloster Scheyern (G) Doppelbock 7.4% Dark brown with a taste of malt, caramel and hops.

Hazy amber barley wine.

Radomyshl (Oasis Beverages) (UKR) Oettinger Weiss 4.9% Ukranian take on a light German wheat beer.

WiNe Limited supplies of Intrepid Fox “Wine to Go” in ready to drink plastic glasses will be available at the Foreign Beer Bar: Shiraz, & Rose. We will also have in bottle: Sedlescombe Orion -White (a biodynamic/organic wine).

33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 39

BotTled BeeRs

Bottled Beer Bar

BEERBLEFISH Edmonton, Greater London

Oink! Oink! Get into the Christmas spirit with Pig’s Ear and start the celebrations early!


Harringay 1892 7.8% 500ml IPA


Raisins to be Cheerful 7.4% 500ml Black IPA.

New breweries regularly produce innovative and attractive beers, established one’s supply old favourites, and indeed exciting new beers of their own. Try them yourself - your tasting ‘research' might help you identify the perfect Christmas present beer!

BLACKBAR Harston, Cambridgeshire

Most beers are stonkingly strong. In the hallowed Pig`s Ear tradition, there are many Imperial Stouts, and a choice of other beers including Saison’s, IPA’s, and even foreign style beers among others.

Black Gose.

Most of our beers contain barley gluten, some contain wheat, and many include other allergens. Please note that the list is liable to change, and not all beers will be available at every session.

Elusive Digit 2015 9.5% 330ml Belgian Style Brown.

CHORLTON Ardwick, Greater Manchester Dark Matter Imperial Black Gose 2016 7.3% 750ml

DARK STAR Partridge Green, West Sussex Imperial Stout 2014 Vintage 10.5% 330ml Imperial Stout.

DOWNTON Downton, Wiltshire Roman Imperial Stout 9.0% 500ml Imperial Stout.

FIXED WHEEL Blackheath, West Midlands Omerta 7.5% 330ml

Keen Massey Bottled Beer Bar Manager

Imperial Stout.

FULLERS Chiswick, Greater London LOCALE BREWERY

8 SAIL Heckington, Lincolnshire Green Man Hop Harvest 2016 4.2% 500ml

Past Masters 1966 Strong Ale 7.3% 500ml Strong Ale.

Green Hopped Beer.

HUMPTY DUMPTY Reedham, Norfolk

BARTRAMS Rougham, Suffolk

Shaltal Boltal 8.2% 330ml

Harvest Ale 10.0% 330ml

Imperial Stout.

Barley Wine.

KERNOW Redruth, Cornwall

Mother In Laws Tongue Tied 10.0% 330ml

Imperial Stout 9.0% 500ml

Barley Wine.

Imperial Stout.

BEAVERTOWN Tottenham Hale, Grtr London

KINVER Kinver, Staffordshire


Khyber 5.8% 500ml

Heavy Water 9.0% 330ml


Sour Cherry Imperial Stout.

Over The Edge 7.5% 500ml Strong Golden Ale.

40 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Take Away Bottled Beer Bar

LEFT BANK Walthamstow, Greater London

ROUND TOWER Chelmsford, Essex



Chico 6.4% 330ml

#150 7.0% 330ml

Dark Saison.


Incognito 7.0% 330ml

#150 V7 7.0% 330ml

Smoked Saison.


Risiko 6.3% 330ml

Belgium Chocolate Stout 8.0% 330ml

Rye Stout.

Imperial Stout.

LONDON BEER LAB Brixton, Greater London

Exp II 8.2% 330ml


Darker Daze 8.2% 750ml Imperial Stout.

Darker Daze B A American Whiskey 8.5% 750ml Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout.

Darker Daze B A Cognac 8.5% 750ml Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout.

Darker Daze B A Scotch 8.5% 750ml Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout.

MOONSHINE Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire 11th Moon - Cascadian Dark 6.7% 330ml

Imperial Stout.

SIX DEGRESS NORTH /ADNAMS Laurencekirk, Aberdeenshire ACT 1.3 11.0% 750ml Barrel-Aged Belgian Imperial Stout.

SIX DEGRESS NORTH /DE RANKE (BELGIUM) Laurencekirk, Aberdeenshire ACT 1.1 9.2% 330ml Islay Barrel-Aged Belgian Strong.

ACT 1.2 9.2% 330ml Speyside Barrel-Aged Belgian Strong.

Black IPA.

THORNBRIDGE Bakewell, Derbyshire

12th Moon - Cascadian Light 8.4% 330ml

Love Among The Ruins 7.0% 375ml


Sour Red Ale.

Trouble Maker 6.4% 330ml

WEIRD BEARD Hanwell, Greater London

Belgian Abbey Style.


OLD CHIMNEYS Market Weston, Suffolk

Double Pearl 8.6% 330ml

Good King Henry 9.6% 330ml

Coffee Milk Stout.

Imperial Stout.

ONE MILE END Tottenham Hale, Gtr London LOCALE BREWERY

Directorate 10.0% 330ml Bourbon Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout.


Cast Iron Billy 10.5% 330ml Imperial Stout.

RAMSGATE Broadstairs, Kent Bretthead 5.0% 750ml Sour wild beer.

East London and City CAMRA can be found on both Twitter and Facebook. We try to promote our local pubs, spread a little ale or pub related news and sometimes have a little out of the pub banter with regulars! For more information and to keep up to date with news, take a look at:

I Dream In Apricots 5.0% 750ml Apricot wild beer.



33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 41

P U b e s g A t i HeR Britain’s Best Real Heritage Pubs: Pub Interiors of Outstanding Historic Interest by Geoff Brandwood Just £9.99 or £7.99 to CAMRA members. Signing by the author of this major new book at the Festival on Tuesday until Friday. Find Geoff by the Products stall. Like genuine old pubs – those unaltered over time? This year we’re showcasing a new book from CAMRA, celebrating the very best of what’s left. It highlights pubs little altered since before WW2 or that have features and rooms of true national importance – sadly just 260 out of 50,000 pubs throughout the UK. Find them by exploring this lavishly illustrated 320-page book where they are illuminated by nearly 700 top-quality photographs plus plans and helpful mapping. Nearly 40 of these treasures are in our capital and they range from small back-street boozers through glorious drinking palaces built during the golden age of pub-building at the end of the Victorian era, to superb examples from the 1920’s and ’30s when brewers were building on a grand scale for new suburbs and hapless motorists. Britain’s Best Real Heritage Pubs also has many feature articles telling the tale of how our pubs evolved and explaining their historic features.

How did it come about? Back in the late 1980s CAMRA was deeply concerned that so much magnificent pub heritage was being destroyed by rapacious brewers and pub owners. It seemed they wanted to eviscerate our pubs to make them all look much the same, and much glorious work just ended up in the skip. So, CAMRA set about a major project to identify the most important remaining work, record it, get protection applied to it, and encourage people to visit these surviving gems. The result was the National Inventory of Historic Pub Interiors which is the focus of our new book. This first came out in 2013 but has been completely revised and updated with new photography. There are 75 ‘try also’ pubs from our Regional Inventories which, although of slightly less historical significance, still have a wonderful historic ambience (not to mention real ale!).

42 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

Meet some of the Producers... At Pig’s Ear, we love our ciders and perries but who are the producers responsible for these lovely drinks? This year, our curiosity got the better of us so here is a brief introduction to some of the people who keep our glasses full. The Courtney’s of Whimple certainly like to keep things local. Living in an old Whiteways cider orchard surrounded by about 430 mixed variety apple trees near Whimple in the West Country. For years they watched their apples travel miles to be processed and made into cider but recently decided the time was right to do it themselves. Now all of Courtney’s apples are hand-picked, pressed and bottled within the orchard where they are grown - you can't get fresher than that! Everything about the cider is natural; they don't spray or use fertilisers on the orchards. Instead preferring to encourage biodiversity and the birds, bees and sheep to maintain the pasture and fertilise the ground. Nature does what she does best! We are delighted to be bringing their lovely drinks to Hackney for you to try.

Village Green Cider is made by Jack and Ben who met at University in East Anglia and launched Village Green Cider Sussex near Ben’s home in Turner’s Hill. Apples are hand-picked in their own orchard as well as being delivered from the local area in bags, bins and boxes. Once the apples have been carefully selected by hand and cleaned, they are milled and pressed on site, with occasional assis-

44 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

tance from CAMRA members! The resulting 100% juice is then slowly fermented in small batches for the best flavour. Following their initial success, Ben and Jack have teamed up again to launch Village Green Cider Norfolk. We wish them every success with the new venture and are very pleased to have both their Norfolk and Sussex ciders at Pig’s Ear this year - hooray for more great cider! Oliver’s Cider and Perry was started when Tom Oliver decided that a career change was necessary after many years as road manager and sound man for The Proclaimers. Cider had been made on the farm until Tom’s grandfather decided that, with the arrival of mechanisation, it was unsafe. The consequent move away from horse and man power also left less need for refreshment while on the job. With the old stone mill decayed and the rest of the equipment sold, given away or in disrepair, Tom started from scratch again. Oliver’s motto is to “take what the fruit gives” and from there they try to intervene as little as possible beyond washing, milling and fermenting. Some perry pears are left to macerate for up to 48 hours before the juice is pumped into tanks or wooden barrels for fermentation. It starts to get interesting as Oliver’s run the gauntlet with no sulphur addition: they let the wild, native yeasts do their thing but the end results justify the potential pitfalls. Each barrel is carefully checked through blossom time and suggests, in its own way, what its future destiny is. When the time has come, Tom and his team blend the various ciders and perries, choosing the best from the barrels and tanks they have, to get the right harmonious balance of sweetness, acidity and the astringency/bitterness of the tannins. You’ll find Oliver’s Perry and many more interesting choices at Pig’s Ear Enjoy!

CiDEr Welcome to the Cider and Perry bar. Here you will find probably the biggest range of unpasteurised ciders and perries in East London. Real cider is one of the easiest drinks in the world to make. The apples are crushed to a pulp, the juice is squeezed out and left to ferment. There is natural, wild yeast both on the skins, and in the flesh (some producers kill off this wild yeast and add a cultured version). Several months later you have cider. At this point there should be no sugar left in the juice and it will be dry. To get a medium or sweet cider a sweetener is then added; and that is it! The bright orange fizzy concoctions found in most pubs calling themselves cider are a completely different drink. Often made with apple concentrate they contain lots of water, and often colouring and flavouring. They are filtered, pasteurised and have gas put into them. A very poor copy of real cider!

CIDERS: BORDER ORCHARDS (Ross on Wye, Herefordshire) Producer who started four years ago. We will have a cider called Earwig.

BURNARD’S (Banham, Norfolk) Well known in his own area, Ryan Burnard is actually from east London and has been producing cider for many years. Their Scrumpy cider uses eaters, cookers and cider apples.

COURTNEYS OF WHIMPLE (nr. Whimple, Devon) Those old enough may remember Whiteways Cider. These producers live in one of their original orchards, where the cider is made.

CROSSMAN (Hewish, Somerset) Family business using a wide range of different cider apples.

DORSET NECTAR (Wayton, Dorset) Producing cider for about ten years.

DOWNHAM (Downham Market, Norfolk) Small producer, now in his third year of production.



In the West Country, specific cider apples are used, these are grown just for making cider. You can’t eat or cook with them. In the East of England, where cider apples were not traditionally grown, the cider is usually made from a mixture of eating and cooking apples. This produces a completely different style of drink. Perry, the close relative of cider, is made from pears. Once again, it is usually made from perry pears, which are grown specifically for this purpose. If you haven’t tried real cider or perry before, please give it a go, you may well be pleasantly surprised. Mick Lewis Cider Bar Manager We hope to have the following ciders and perries available, although they may not all be available at the same time.

HARTLAND (Tirley, Gloucestershire) Family producer who has won many CAMRA awards over the years. HECKS (Street, Somerset) Family producers established in 1896, complete with their own greengrocer business. We will have a single apple variety cider.

KENT CIDER COMPANY (Canterbury, Kent)

Producing for nearly ten years, it is hoped to have a rhubarb flavoured cider.

MILLWHITES (Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire) Cider producers in Hertfordshire, using cider apples form their family farm in Somerset. It is hoped to have a rum cask cider.

PALMERS UPLAND (Rogerstone. Monmouthshire) Small producer, it is hoped to have a cider called Felin Fach.

ROSIE’S TRIPLE D (Llandegla, Wrexham) Full time cider maker since 2011. We should have a cider called Black Bart. 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival 45


ERryList - continued & PPerry DeRand CiCider ROSS-ON-WYE (Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire) Contract apple growers whose cider business was formed in 2003. We will have a single apple variety cider. SEVERN (Awre, Gloucestershire)

VIRTUAL ORCHARD (Old Wolverton, Buckinghamshire)

Producer, from whom we hope to have a hop flavoured cider.

Three generations have made cider here. It is hoped to have a single variety cider made from Kingston Black apples.


SPRINGFIELD (Llangovan, Gwent)

BUTFORD ORGANICS (Bodenham, Herefordshire)

Established in 1998. It is hoped to have a cider made using a Laphroig whisky barrel.

SPRINGHERNE (Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire) Local producer, we hope to have a double apple variety cider.

VENTON (Clyst St Lawrence, Devon) Local producer, whose cider is usually made by being pressed through straw. The cider here, called Sweet Maid In Devon, has not been made using straw!

VILLAGE GREEN (Turners Hill, W. Sussex) Made by Ben in Sussex, there is a connection between this cider maker and the next. VILLAGE GREEN (Pulham St Mary, Norfolk) Made by Jack in Norfolk, with a connection to the previous cider.

BURNARD’S (Banham, Norfolk) Perry made from a mixture of eating and perry pears. Producing organic cider and perry for over ten years.

CJ’s (Ledbury, Gloucestershire) Small, local producer.

HARTLAND (Tirley, Gloucestershire) Producer whose perry has regularly won CAMRA awards.

OLIVER (Ocle Pychard, Herefordshire) Founded in 1999, Tom Oliver is a sound engineer by trade, and well-known at CAMRA festivals.

PALMERS UPLAND (Rogerstone. Monmouthshire) Small, local producer.

PENALLT (Penallt, Monmouthshire) We will have Capsey Wennet Perry.

RAGLAN (Llanarth, Gwent) Originally, a hobby, has been a commercial producer since 2006.

46 33rd Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival

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