October 14, 2012
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 3
What Is Where? Auctions............................................................................Page 30-31 Automotive.......................................................................Pages 23-27 Employment.....................................................................Pages 38, 39 Entertainment..................................................................Pages 20, 21 Home & Garden..............................................................Page 13 Real Estate........................................................................Pages 14-16 Paint It All Pink...............................................................Pages 22 Rambling Roads..............................................................Pages 6
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 4
We have increased our advertisers coverage.
Our NEW PenneSaverPlus is distributed in Allegany, Steuben and Livingston Counties.
NO! We did not double or triple our rates. Actually, we didn’t raise them at all.
Dansville 113 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-2271 • www.dansvilleonline.com Hornell 85 Canisteo Street, Hornell, NY 14843 607-324-1425 • eveningtribune.com Wellsville 159 North Main Street, Wellsville, NY 14895 585-593-5300 • wellsvilledaily.com
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 5
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 6
(11( $9(5 /86 ,6 3528' 72 $11281&( $ 1(: $'',7,21 72 ;285 :((./; &211(&7,21 72 (9(5;7+,1* /2&$/ $0%/,1* 2$' +,6 1(: 63( &,$/ :,// 387 ;28 3 /26( $1' (5621$/ :,7+ 72:16 $1' 9,//$*(6 $&5266 //(*$1; ,9,1*6721 $1' 7(8%(1 2817,(6 ,&. 83 ;285 (1 1( $9(5 /86 ($&+ :((. $1' )2//2: $7+5;1>6 75$9(/6 :+,/( 6+( ',6&29(56 $// 7+( 75($685(6 285 $5($ +$6 72 2))(5
Scio: Home of heroes By Kathryn Ross
called Bloods Corner or cio is no Gotham City, Bloods named after a but it may have been tavern owner, and at one the home of the first time Riddleville. The oriBatman. gin of the name Scio is Spanning the Genesee still a matter of debate. River Valley and at one time Some believe it is an Inrunning all the way to the dian name left over from Pennsylvania state line, in the Seneca who roamed 1855 the town of Scio was the the area. The most commost populated town in Allemonly held belief dates gany County. Today the popfrom the construction of ulation of the town is about the Erie Railroad 18491,833 a little more than half 1851. Construction was its mid-19th century populadone by section with the tion of 3,600. area in this part of the The town was first settled county called “section around 1805 by Joseph 10” which was transKnight, a minuteman in the formed to “Scio”. HowAmerican Revolution, from ever the town of Scio was Oneida County. Knights formed, by that name, in Creek is named for him. 1823, many years before Batman is also listed as one of the railroad. In 1820, on the early settlers of the town. the island of Scio in the In the 1876 “History of Aegean thousands of Allegany County” county hisChristians were killed by torian John S. Minnard states, the Turks. Politician “In 1820 Thomas Fitz-SimDaniel Webster gave an mons settled up Knight’s impassioned speech that Creek and raised his sons, swept the country, so its Jerome, John, Lewis, Robert and Batman and their nu- 1 0$3 /($'6 02'(51 suggested that Scio’s merous sisters.” +,6725,$16 72 &21-(&785( 7+$7 founding fathers honThe name Batman may &,2 ',' ,1'((' *(7 ,76 1$0( ored the slain Christians 2) 3$57 2) 7+( by naming the town have been a misconstrued )520 (& 75$&7 2:1(' %; +85&+ Scio. from an old, handwritten At least one census, but as time would tell, Scio certainly would become the home of local historian conjectures the name may be derived from an 1804 map of 100,000 acres heroes. The town was created in 1823 from the of land along the Genesee River belonging Town of Angelica. Territory was lost to the to I.B. Church. The tract is divided into towns of Amity in 1830, Wellsville in 1855, numbered, square mile sections. One square mile of land near the present day site and Willing in 1851. Before being named Scio, the town was of Scio is designated as 10 or possibly Section 10 (SC10). With the coming of the railroad and the building of two miles of switches within the town, Scio’s lumber industry flourished and for several years the town grew and prospered. According to the Scio SesquiCentennial book, a series of events which occurred in +( "+((/ 8//(5 ,19(17(' ,1 &,2 %; 57+85 251:(// $1' $85(1&( 5$0(6 $1' 3$7(17(' ,1 %(&$0( $ /($',1* ,1 1856 set the town on a path less trav'8675; ,1 7+( 72:1 !
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eled, “1856 proved to be the turning point 1896, it was quite a little town.” One of Scio’s claims to fame, oil is writfor Scio, and was indeed a fateful year as far as the town’s destiny was concerned. Three ing yet another chapter in the town’s hisevents helped turn the tide against any fur- tory. On June 12, 1879 O.P. Taylor drilled ther growth for Scio, for at least a century. the first successful oil well in the county First — Scio deeded 2.5 square acres (River- opening up the Allegany Oil Fields. The side) to Wellsville. Secondly a massive for- well was drilled in Petrolia in the southeast est fire destroyed pines and hemlocks corner of the Town of Scio. Scio’s history also records that the town hampering the prosperous lumbering industry which because of the railroad, had sent 35 men to fight in the Civil War. One, sustained the town. At the time there were Peter Keenan, led 400 men in a charge against 40,000 Rebels at nearly 20 sawmills loChancellorsville, Va. and lost cated on the streams his life. throughout the town. The town’s honor roll Thirdly, the townspeoshows that hundreds served ple were persuaded to in both World Wars, the Konot allow tanneries to rean War, Vietnam War and be built in the town ‘as Desert Storm. many were contemplat“For a town this size we have ing’ and Wellsville certainly sent a lot of young ended up with the tanmen to war,” said Lounsberry. neries and the ecoOn April 14, 2004, Scio High nomic benefit. School graduate, Marine CorHowever according poral Jason Dunham risked to Minnard, by 1875 his life to save other Marines Scio had a newspaper, when he threw himself on a skating rink, opera grenade in Karabilah, Iraq. house, school, four +( //(*$1; ,/ ,(/'6 :(5( The corporal died of his churches, two hotels one 23(1(' %; $ :(// '5,//(' %; wounds eight days later. In grocery store, five dry $;/25 ,1 (752/,$ ,1 Jan. 2007 he was posthugoods stores, two drug ! mously awarded the Medal of stores, a jeweler, harness shop, two shoe shops, several blacksmiths Honor in a White House ceremony. Today and a bank, but apparently an inadequate a signs at the edge of the village recognizes this son of Scio’s sacrifice. fire department. Historian Corabelle Lounsberry, who with severals others is compiling a local history of Scio in the Scio Memorial Library said, “My mother always said that there were two fires, one after the other, that destroyed one side of Scio’s Main Street and then the other side.” “Fires continued to take their toll in Scio,” according to the Sesqui-Centennial book, “A big fire in 1906 destroyed most of the town hall and historic records. In 1911 another fire destroyed another block of buildings on Main Street. ....Because of so 6,*1 21 7+( ('*( 2) 72:1 7(//6 9,6, many fires, and the decline of the railroad 7256 7+$7 &,2 ,6 7+( +20( 2) ('$/ 2) and oil, men began leaving Scio for jobs or +2125 5(&,3,(17 $5,1( 3/ $621 81+$0 # $,/; ( to start businesses in new areas. ....causing 3257(5 the prosperity of Scio to decline so that by
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 7
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“Susie’s” Specializing in Quality Home Health Services, Professional Cleaning, Loving Child Care and Pet Sitting. References Available 24/7. Economical Rate’s, “30” Years Experience. Free Estimates. Call (607) 205-7563
Brown's Septic Service P.O. Box 132 • Alfred Station, NY 14803 Call (607) 276-6788 •Vacuum Pumping of Septics •Septic Repairs •Portable Toilets
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 8
DAN SHEA ~SEPTIC TANK SERVICE~ (585) 593-9824 Septic Tank Services - Pumping - Repairs - Installation HOME (585) 593-2471
WELLSVILLE, N.Y. 24 Hour Emergency Service • 7 Days A Week 4= C9?< .394.0 19< =,10 ,8/ 70/4.,>498= ,119</,-60 %?< 64.08=0/ ,8,/4,8 7,46 9</0< :3,<7,.C A466 :<9@4/0 C9? A4>3 =,@482= 91 ?: >9 :0<.08> 98 ,66 C9?< 70/4.,>498 800/= ,66 >9 /,C 19< 911 C9?< 14<=> :<0=.<4:>498 ,8/ 1<00 =34: :482 ,:.
#,8?1,.>?<0< 4= =066482 4>= .<0/4> 48=?<0/ 48@94.0= ,> , /4=.9?8> 8@94.0 :?< '% .3,=0< 7,50= 0@0<C /,C= 9< &3 @=:<9/?.>= 27,46 .97 ,:.
)3,> = A3C C9? 800/ ,<> = 8=?<,8.0 208.C A9<5482 19< C9? ?>9 970 ?=480== ,<7 .9@0<,20= ,@,46,-60 ,66 ,<> = 8=?<,8.0 208.C 48 &0<<C ,> 9< )30 (>,8 /,</ 91 B.06608.0 =48.0
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10 Spruce Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-233-1173 Hours: Sunday-By Appointment; Monday&Tuesday-Closed Wednesday & Thursday-1 to 5; Friday-9 to 5; Saturday-10 to 4
Chain Saws • Miter Saws Power Tools • Wet/Dry Vac Table Saws • Air Compressors Drill Bit Sets • Misc. Hand Tools Visit our Ebay store: stores.ebay.com/bigrivertradingpostllc
0> , '997 66 424>,6 (,>0664>0 =C=>07 48=>,660/ 19< ' ,8/ :<9 =>,<>482 ,> 2<,77482 79 ' *' ?:2<,/0 19< 80A .,660<= "" $%+ (% ,:.
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 9 The Genuine The Original.
NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL! Kitchens • Bath • Additions • Garages • 4-Season Rooms Concrete • Sidewalks • Driveways • Roofs Vinyl Siding • Seamless Gutters • Excavation • Site Work Backhoe & Dozer Work
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Jim Oyer Sales Manager
Overhead Door Company of Canisteo Valley Residential & Commercial 3 Old Whitney Road Almond, NY 14804 ohd_canv@stny.twcbc.com
071,>? "+ &?0 090=,7 0<@4;809? &0 ;,4=> ?=,470=> 30,AC ?=@.6> >;=492> -=,60> B07/492 0?. *477492 ?: ?=,A07 ?: C:@ &0,>:9,-70 &,?0> ,77 ,80> ,?
Phone 607-276-6773 Fax 607-276-6777 Cell 607-382-8172
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 10
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 11
Mohawk M o h a w k • Shaw S h a w • Beaulieu Beaulieu • D a l t i l e • Milliken M i l l i k e n • American A m e r i c a n Olean lean • M Mannington a n n i n g tMake on • C Congoleum o n gMoney oleum • A Armstrong rOn m s t rYet!" ong "We Haven't Seen An Daltile Insurance Job We OBoth Can't
That’s Okay, I know Bill McCourt!!
Accident? See McCourt’s to make your car feel like NEW!
Large Clean Facilities To Serve You. Large C lean F acilities T o S erve Y ou. • Free Loaner Car Available • Free Estimates • Lifetime Warranty on All Collision Work • Complete Frame Repair (20 ft. Frame Rack with 3 dimensional for more accurate measuring.)
• Computerized Paint Matching
25 2 50
Any Insurance Job of $1000 or Higher
Rt. 36 - Just South of Canisteo
6 607-698-990 07-698-9900
Owner Bill McCourt
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-5:30; Sat. by Appointment
V Visit i s i t us u s at a t wwww.mccourtscollision.com w w. m c c o u r t s c o l l i s i o n . c o m
SSave ave BBigig OOnn AAwesome wesome WWeekly eekly DDeals! eals! week's TToo vview i e w tthis his w e e k ' s ddeals, e a l s , oorr ttoo ssign i g n uupp ttoo rreceive e c e i v e ffuture u t u r e ddeals e a l s vvisit: isit:
D e a l s Fr o m eve n i n g t r i bu n e . c o m • d a n s v i l l e o n l i n e . c o m • w e l l s v i l l e d a i l y. c o m
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 12
Allegany County’s Largest Most Complete Liquor Store OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:00 AM TO 9:00 PM SUNDAY NOON - 5 PM
585-593-(WINE) 9463
Located Near
12 Park Ave, Wellsville, NY
Peter Vella Delicious Red, Delicious White, Delicious Blush & Sangrias
Thursday Oct. 18, 2012 - 2PM–5PM
Rosemount Traminer Riesling
Australian blending of two flavorsome Reg. $16.48 grapes creates a white wine with aromas 5 Liter Box of spice, rose orange and lemon. You can’t $ miss trying this refreshing off-dry wine $ Serve with Tarragon-crusted chicken recipe found at giantfoodmart.com 750 ml; Reg. $9.98 Enjoy while sitting around a Fall bonfire with friends and family.
Molly’s Irish Cream
Try with a Pumpkin Pie Shot In a shot glass 1/2 oz. Coffee Liquor 1/2 oz. Irish Cream and top with 1/2 oz. Cinnamon Schanppps
1.75; Reg. 23.58
Vodka 1.75
Reg. 24.98 Sale Price - $22.98 Less $5.00 Mail-in Rebate
Mary’s choice is Chateau Lafayette Reneau Sevval-Chardonnay
Finger Lakes wine with a flowery nose of apple & vanilla aromas. Smooth & crisp with ample fruit and subtle oak create a trule unique chardonnay. Mary suggests you try with chicken cordon bleu or relaxing on the porch watching Fall leaves.
Gosling’s Black Seal Rum 750 From Bermuda...................................$26.28 El Mayor Reposado Tequila 750.....................................................$40.98 Banfi Grappa 750..........................................................................$37.78 Carolans Irish Cream 750..............................................................$16.38 Berentzen Apple Liquor Liter........................................................$28.58
1.75 LITER LITER Mr. Boston Sour Apple Schnapps Liter...............................................$6.58 John Begg Blue Cap Scotch 1.75.......................................................$40.68 Seagrams Stone Cherry Blended Whiskey 750..................................$24.98 Jeffersons Kentucky Straight Whiskey Verry Small Batch Bourbon 750...$37.58 Bartons Canadian Supreme Whiskey Liter..........................................$9.58
! Ohh La La Pinot Grigio, Ballatore Gran Spumante W E N Rose, Riesling, and Chardonnay
750 $
Sweet, effervescent wines, a great wine for the beginner wine drinker or if you just enjoy sweeter wines. Easy to drink with friends and family anytime.
Bubbly with delicately sweet taste and hints of apricot & peach. Serve chilled, cheers.
750 ml; Reg. 8.98 $
Canadian Leaf 1.75 Reg. $15.98 $
! N EW Pinnacle
New Amsterdam Gin
Pumpkin Pie Vodka
11.48 WE OFFER 20% DISCOUNT ON FULL CASE OF WINE ALL SAME SIZE & TYPE Example - 1 Case (12 Bottles) 750 ML Yellow Tail Chardonnay Reg. $6.98 each is $83.76 a Case WITH 20% DISCOUNT IT’S $67.01 PLUS TAX YOU SAVE $16.75 ON THE CASE
We Are Not Responsible For Typographical Errors
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 13 ! $ 7330 (-*67 &2) 631* 1&(-.2.67 73306 .2 (08).2, %>+<</>> 97,3 8+>398 =;?+</ %>+<</>> %-</A.<3@/<= =/> 90 =/@/8 38-2 38-2 %>+<</>> 38-2 <?6/<= 8-9 38-2 .3+6 -+63:/< =>+386/== 38-2 =>//6 73-<97/>/< =>+386/== =>//6 38-2 73-<97/>/< =>+38 6/== =>//6 38-2 -+63:/< =>+386/== =>//6 3=-/66+8/9?= A</8-2/= =-</A.<3@/<= =5381 09< +66 9< ,/=> 900/< 0 38>/</=>/. -+66 +8. 6/+@/ + 7/==+1/
11474 State Rte. 21 Wayland, NY (Near Gunlocke Co.)
KIM’S LASERWASH 360 SIMONIZ Double Bond® with Teflon makes your car shine and keeps it shining for over a month. * Value You Can Count On Everyday! *
! $ $ 9?,6/ 2?81 >36> 38= 38=>+66/. ## 8>/<-/:> A+<7 /.1/ =:+-/< =C=>/7 30/>37/ A+<<+8>C +66 $3-2 AAA ?=+-?=>97A38.9A= -97 +:-
# ! ! )9?< +<. +<8/. 966+<= /+<8 29A ,C -+66381 <//.97 96. <9?: 09< C9?< 0<// /.?-+ >398+6 1?3./ +:-
! # "! ! " ! 7:63 03/< /8./< ?3>+< /669 /+-2 ':<312> +== %+B9:298/ </8-2 9<8 <?7= /+-2 ">2/<= =+6/ +:-
!$ %>+<>381 +> 798>2 # '% #</73?7 9@3/ 2+88/6= $ 09< 98>2= % ( =5 ,9?> % ) 8 =>+66+>398 +:-
3, 40.77*5 %$ 7+./ ,C 7/<3-+8 7+./ 38 '% /+@C ?>C 29?<= '=/. 6/== >2/8 !/A 03<7 +66
Farrell’s Lawn Service, Inc Your Full Service Lawn Care Company
• Tree Trimming And Pruning • Tree And Stump Removal • Excavating And Dozer
Plus So Much More... Lawn Mowing Spring and Fall Clean up’s Brush Hogging • Mulch and Topsoil Gravel and Stone • Dump Truck Service
Locally Owned Since 1992
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Aaron Farrell 585-335-6416 • 585-315-1528
COOMBES DRYWALL Hanging, Finishing, Sanding, & Painting •F reeEstimates
•Work G uaranteed
David Coombes • S. Dansville • (607) 295-8016 CARONE PAINTING:
We do it all! House washing, interior and exterior painting, roof painting and repairs, window replacement. We specialize in painting aluminum siding! Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Accepting MasterCard, Visa, Discover. 585-259-0931; 585-335-3636 or go to www.caronepaintinginc. com
GRAVEL DOCTOR: Repair gravel driveways and parking lots. 607-545-6845. (tf)
WINTER SPECIAL! Rent 6 months, get 6th free Affordable Storage of WNY, LLC Maple Ave. Friendship (716)307-7699
EPA QUALIFIED Central Boiler E-Classic OUTDOOR WOOD FURNANCE. Trade out your old outdoor furnance NOW and save up to $1500! Call Today! D&R Stove Sales Genesee, PA 814-228-3811 POTATOES FOR SALE REDS & WHITES Available in 50 lbs. $15.00 10 lbs. $5.00 Doughterty Farm County Rte 22 Andover 607-478-8789 or 814-671-3151 FURNITURE REFINISHING by Tom Maracle. Make your old wood furniture and kitchen cabinets look new again. Dansville 335-3556 (tf)
ANTIQUES * Angels * Candles and LOTS MORE!
Open 7 Days A Week Through Christmas 2012 OPEN 7 DAYS:Wed & Sun Noon-5pm; M,T,Th,Fr, Sat 10am-5pm Phone: 607-566-2219 M a d e FFrom rom Made RRecycled ecycled LLumber Lu m b e r
61069 St Rte 415 • Avoca, NY
Best Mattress BuysRestonic $349-Queen set. Our hottest mattress buys of the year. Restonic plush set $499 Queen Restonic memory foam $699! Free delivery, Free set up. Financing available! Bruce’s 3450 Riverside Drive Scio,NY 14880 585-593-2500 _____________________ Need Flooring? We’ve got it! In Stock: Plush, Frazee, Berber, Cut & Loop, Commercial. Carpeting stark @ 66 cents/square foot. Stock: 21 rolls different vinyl’s laminates 12 & 15’ wide carpet in stock: Approximately $250,000 of flooring in stock! Bruce’s 3450 Riverside Drive Scio, NY 14880 585-593-2500 _____________________ LAZBOY BEST PRICES ON LAZBOY furniture in 16 counties! TWO LAZBOYS AS LOW AS $577 for the PAIR! Double reclining sofas starting @ $799 Sectional on sale $1995 save $400! Bruce’s 3450 Riverside Drive Scio, NY 585-593-2500 ROOFING GD FULLER Inc. Since 1969 Historical, Victorians, all types of Roofing. 585-610-0427 BELANGER - Gravel & Stone - Screened Gravel & Top Soil - Bank Run & Fill Dirt - Crushed & Washed Stone, various sizes not washed - Concrete Mix & Masonry Sand - Crusher Run. Delivery Available. Route 21 S. Wayland, NY 728-3906. (tf) FIREWOOD - 5 Cord Load (4x8x16) Slabwood Hardwood $225 Plus Delivery HEAP APPROVED VENDOR SAWDUST hardwood sawdust approx 14 yd 225 Local delivery (585) 268-5652
! ! %/<@3-/=E D 97:6/>/ ?36.381 $/79. !/A "6. /6381 %2//><9-5 $990381 %3.381 /-5= 98-</>/ &36/ +8.=-+:381 ?66C 38 <// /=>37+>/= =?</. >0 $ 312 ;?+63>C 73B/. 2+<.A99. 0?66 -9<. 0> B 0> ./63@/<C +@+36+,6/ # +--/:>/. >0 #298/
! " /6/8 %/27 %?8 +7 ?12/= %> /60+=> :3-= 98 ?>398*3: -97 %?:< ,9A -238+ -+, =>/:,-5 ,5-+= -69-5= -65 :+<>= -966->,6= 16= -+: 1?8= 45583@= $$ 6+8>8= 9+5 =29A-= >996= +667<5 -<-5= A+C 79< !9 ,?C< = :</7 %-9>> ?<> ?>398= &/B>
! +
$ *67 )*&06 *5* 32 *: *+7 39*5 9./6 %6/.= ?=/. %6/.= @+36+,6/ 30&5.6 86- *753 736/= 30&5.6 5&,32 736/= 30&5.6 !85'3 % 736/= 30&5.6 0&66.( 736/= 30&5.6 % 736/= /. 33 35180& !% !385.2, 736/= /. 33 35180& %! 736/= &2;32 3735 43576 $>/ +38/= +6/>98 # -+8C9879>9<=:9<>= -97 !9<.3- =-+:/ 296.= +.?6>= 96. +=5381
%:+ C<=
Fo r A l l Yo u r Pa i n t i n g N e e d s
M Mike ike M Morgan organ E Enterprises nterprises C a l l To d ay Fo r A L L Yo u r I n t e r i o r & E x t e r i o r : • Painting • Staining • Roofing • Window Replacements • Power Washing • General Home Repairs • Gutter Cleaning • Reasonable Rates • Lifetime Warranty Products Available • Superior Workmanship • Fully Insured • Hi-Lift Work • Excellent References We are fully certified to comply with the new EPA regulations for the safety of you and your family. *Be sure to ask your contractors for proof o f c e r t i f i c a t i o n o n a l l t y p e s o f r e n o v a t i o n s. *
We S t a n d B e h i n d O u r Wo r k DISCOUNTS! DISCOUNTS!
O v e r 1 8 Ye a r s E x p e r i e n c e C all F or A F ree E stim ate! CARPETS UNLIMITED IN BELMONT OPEN LATE Mon.-Fri. 9-7, Sat 9-3 Shop at home - we bring samples to you! 12 mo. to pay with no interest Free Estimates, Free Financing Best selection of Laminate Flooring Congoleum Sheet Vinyl Flooring X-clusive with Scotchguard Dura Stone and Dura Ceramic Tile Carpet by Mohawk, Multicolor, Barber, Plush, and Commercial Stainmaster X-tra Life, Anso Crush Resister Nylon 100”s of Instock Carpet and Vinyl REMNANTS starting at just $5 Bedding by Therapedic Sofas and Recliners by Flexsteel and much, much more! Visa, MC, Discover 585-268-7217 9-7 M-F/ 9-3 Sat. Open later by appointment WINTER APPLES Last Load of season. Abe Miller, Co. Rt. 71, Jasper. $15.00 Bushel, your container. Also pasture raised poultry. RENT: Rinse’N Vac, the portable steam carpet cleaning system. Nunda Lumber & Hardware. (tf)
“Inside Only” WALLPAPERING INTERIOR PAINTING RENOVATIONS AND RESTORATIONS Scot Marechaux 585-808-1662 scot104@yahoo.com Free Estimates, Insured Serving the Southern Tier Since 1975 HUTCH’S CHIMNEY & STOVE SERVICE Custom fireplace glass doors and screens. Chimney sweeps, relines, removal, reconstruction, caps, dampers, crowns, repointing, stucco Certified/Insured 585-466-7962 (office) 585-808-7376 (cell) or visit us at www. hutchschimneyandstove. com LOG HOME LOG PACKAGE: 1400 sq.ft. 6x8 tongue and groove white pine. $9500. 585-335-5883. (tf)
ANY SEWING MACHINE/VACUUM REPAIRED Free Estimates, All Work Guaranteed Brand Name Appliances, Wellsville (585)-593-0690 Belmont Hardware (585)-268-5788 Do-it Best, Hornell (607)-324-1500 Elegance Bridals, Canisteo (607)-698-2371 Dansville Agway, (585)-335-7670 Rauber's Agway, Wayland (585)-728-5170 Journey Quilts, Nunda (585) 468-2320
Seamless Aluminum Gutters and Gutter Cleaning. 35 Years Experience. Reasonably Priced. 585-455-2878 or 335-5562. (tf)
Southerntier W ater W ells, Inc. Water Wells & Pump Installations • Residential NY State Certified • Commercial With 22 Years Of Experience • Agricultural * Free Estimates *
Erik Pearson, Owner 585.335.7532 or 585.734.3399
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 14
AVOCA: 4652 Fox Rd. Loucks Pond, 3 bdrm Ranch home. Newer roof, furnace, flooring and windows. Large master bdrm. Fam rm w/sliding glass doors to view pond. Large det garage. $124,900 PC88167 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R193980
CANASERAGA VILLAGE: 43 Mill St. 3 bdrm, 1.5 ba ranch home on village lot. 2 car att garage. Newer vinyl windows, some hrdwd flooring. Spacious kit. Nice living space outside. $89,900. PC47207 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R188688
COHOCTON: 8 Wheeler St. Roomy Colonial with 5 COHOCTON VILLAGE: 11 Rosencrans St. Spacious COHOCTON: 10600 State Rt. 371. Hynes Feed bedrooms, 1.5 baths, first floor laundry, large kitchen, Colonial. First floor has had many updates. Beautiful Service facility. Bldg. is 7180 sqft with warehouse, deck. One car detached garage with kitchen and loads of character. $54,900 shop, showroom, office, 3 docks, 4.7 covered patio leads to big yard. $49,900 PC17847 acres. 220 volt 3 phase and 440 elec. Now PC06417 Only $189,000 PC66217 Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 nothnagle.com/R174136
Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 nothnagle.com/R182012
DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 8 Clay St. Duplex with strong rental history. Great for live-in owner! One 2-bedroom unit, one 1-bed unit. Large lot with barn. Very well maintained. New paint inside. Take a look $79,500 PC20307
DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 23 Clay St. 3 bdrm, 1 ba Village Colonial w/det. garage. Many built-ins. Encl porch. Close to parks, schools and shopping. $69,900.PC33827
DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 31 Health St. CHARMING DANSVILLE VILLAGE:14 Morse St. Charming & UNIQUE best describe this village home with Cape Cod with 4 bdrms, 2 full baths. Newer windows, remarkable woodwork throughout. 3 bed, 2 hardwood floors, fresh paint. Master suite bath with many brand new updates. Large and bath on 1st floor. $88,500.PC77867 private yard. $89,900 PC55577 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 nothnagle.com/R192878 nothnagle.com/R190310
DANSVILLE VILLAGE:Well loved, spacious 3 BR home. Beautiful hdwd flrs. New roof & furnace. Upstairs totally redone: insulation, carpeting & windows. Lg front porch, rear screened-in rm w/1.5 car gar, nice backyard.PC27557
Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 nothnagle.com/R183850
Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R185899
Jim Briggs 585-728-2501 nothnagle.com/R163746
Karie Frisiras 585-415-3484 NEW nothnagle.com/R184405 L ISTING
DANSVILLE VILLAGE:40 Park Ave. 3 BR, 1.5 BA Colonial home. Lg updated kit. Natural woodwork thruout, Lg mstr br, 1st flr laun. Fin bsmt. 2 car det garage. Pool, hot tub. $129,900.PC69017 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R175019
DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 50 Perine Street Many updates including; vinyl replacement windows, roof, 2 furnaces, water heater and fresh exterior paint with new gutters. $69,900 PC51117
DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 25 Spruce St. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath Cape Cod. Newer roof, windows, 1 car attached garage. $37,900. PC39277
DANSVILLE: Spacious, open & inviting Ranch home.1592 sqft. plus additional sqft. in finished bsmt. 2 FB, 1st Floor Laundry. Florida Room. Lots of storage. Fully fenced private back yard.PC50877
Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R187113
Jim Briggs 585-728-2501 nothnagle.com/R189522
Karie Frisiras 585-415-3484 nothnagle.com/R189453
DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 14 Pine St. 3 spacious bedrooms, large remodeled bath, 1st floor laundry, new roof, fenced yard, covered porch, x-large storage shed, new elec. service. $64,700 PC16897 Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 nothnagle.com/R183044
DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 1 Sophia St. Complete DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 18 Spruce St. Charming 3 remodel on this 2800 sqft home featuring 5 BR, 3.5 BA, bdrm, 1 ba Colonial in Village. Nat woodwork, formal att. garage. Possible in-law apt. Owner will din, eat-in kit, french doors, full fin attic, consider rent to own for qual. buyer. 3 season porch, det gar w/storage. $134,000 PC09767 $82,900 PC51227 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 nothnagle.com/R183937 nothnagle.com/R163267
DANSVILLE: 9620 Stage Rd. Back on the market. DANSVILLE: 10898 State Rte 36. Completely DANSVILLE: 10902 State Rte 36. 3 bdrm, 1 ba work New windows, newer furnace, updated elec, new 1st flr remodeled 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath Ranch home. 45x56 in progress Ranch home. Hrdwd flr, new furnace, some bath. Lg eat-in kit, lg encl. heated porch. 3 garage/shop, some new windows. Close to new wind. 2 car att. gar. Close to Stoney outbldgs -1 w/elec. 1.28 ac lot. Dansville Stony Brook State Park. $119,900. Brook State Park. $69,000 PC40807 PC41117 School Dist. $74,000. PC80657 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R194049 nothnagle.com/R187504 nothnagle.com/R187412
NORTH DANSVILLE: 11 Valley View Ct. 1987 LOON LAKE/WAYLAND: 142 Davis Rd. Beautiful NORTH DANSVILLE: 8 Hillcrest Cir. 2 bedroom, 2 NORTH DANSVILLE: 10255 Poags Hole Rd. waterfront Cape Cod, new kitchen, new bath, new appls., bath mobile home in Rolling Hills Park. Open floor LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Cape Cod style mobile home with 2 bedroom, 1 bath. New roof, vinyl siding, enclosed porch, carport. $23,000 furnished. 2 bed, 1.5 baths. Own boat home on 3 picturesque acres. 3 bed, 2 bath. plan, oak kitchen, newer counter tops, PC78607 ramp, dock and 50 ft. of frontage. Home of Biddle Embroidery. Business plenty of storage/closet, large open porch. $185,000 PC30807 separate. $139,000PC45437 $49,000 PC79877 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 nothnagle.com/R192990 nothnagle.com/R193176 nothnagle.com/R185306 nothnagle.com/R188295
NORTH DANSVILLE: 5968 Varsity Park. Adult community living. 3 bdrm, 2 ba Ranch. Nature trails, pond, stream fishing. Close to village amenities. $89,900 PC76127 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R192541
OSSIAN: 10196 Shay Rd. 3 bdrm, 2.5 ba ranch. Unique features, designed w/country living. 3 ponds, “Buck Tale Bunk Room”, gazebo. Must see to appreciate the quality. $365,000 PC34557 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R186087
SPARTA: 5800 Springwater Rd. Great country Ranch SPARTA: 7677 State Rt 256. Beautiful custom built SPARTA: 8585 Groveland Station Rd. Mostly POST & BEAM home. 3 BR, 2 BA home complete everything new over last 8 years. Great living room with full walk-out basement. Home has 4 beds, 2 baths, cathedral ceiling, deck, open flow privacy surrounded by 21.7 acs of woods with a pellet stove. Partially fenced yard pattern, 2.2 private acres. $135,000 & year-round stream! Finished W/O bsmt. with a large shed. $65,000 PC45927 PC16807 All for $259,000 !!! PC04337 Jim Briggs 585-728-2501 nothnagle.com/R170499
Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 nothnagle.com/R163322
Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 nothnagle.com/R180875
SPRINGWATER: 6775 Liberty Pole Road Spectacular colonial home with many custom features on a quiet wooded lot. Geothermal heat. wrap-around porch. $235,000 PC81817 Jim Briggs 585-728-2501 nothnagle.com/R193565
Da nsville-W a yla nd
WAYLAND VILLAGE: 107 E. Naples St. Newly built village colonial. Great floor plan with a first floor master bedroom. More room in the finished basement. 2 story barn/garage. $134,900 PC28227 Jim Briggs 585-728-2501 nothnagle.com/R184675
WAYLAND: 0 Schrader Rd. Great for Hunting, recreation or build WAYLAND:1609 State Rte 63. 52+- acres of land. your getaway. Lg parcel w/nice mix of open fields & woods. Deeded Scenic views of the valley. Build or use agriculturally. ROW on Strutt St. Being separated from larger $208,000. PC74877 parcel. $2000/acre. Approx 109 acs. PC74637 Margaret (Meg) Sullivan 585-721-5987 nothnagle.com/R192331
Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R192396
WAYLAND:1644 Whiteman Gully Rd. What a setting! Private drive to wonderful Ranch home with great outbuildings, gardens, landscaping, hot tub. 3 beds, 2 baths, hickory kitchen. Check this one out $239,500. PC42007 Daniel Edmond 585-721-8041 nothnagle.com/R169484
OUSE H N E P O ANZA G A V A R EXT O cto ber 28th See NextW eek Fo r M o re Deta ils!
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 15
Laurie Godown Associate Broker “Professionalism You Can Trust”
(607) 661-3064 Hunt from the Stream In Your Backyard! MLS #18449 6077 Hammer Creek Rd, Canisteo
BELMONT VILLAGE COURT 13 SCHUYLER STREET ~ BELMONT, NY 14813 1-585-268-7271 • TDD 1-800-788-5552 If you are 62 years old or older, handicapped or disabled regardless of age, affordable housing is here. This is a 24-unit apartment building w/elevator, community room, laundry facilities. Each apartment has LR/DR, bedroom, both with w/w carpeting, bath, kitchen w/stove & refrigerator. Smoke Free. Call for application and details. Must be eligible “This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer”
Cute little “get away” tucked in tall woods with trails running through! Perfect location for nature lovers. Two large rooms, 1 bedroom and new electrical wiring - with new insulation, some new windows, and new covered pressure-treated deck from which to enjoy the views and relax. $29,000
PRICE REDUCED! Location, Location, Location MLS #18416 112 Genesee Street, Hornell
REAL ESTATE “The Results People” Barbara A. Hess, Broker/Owner
SALE: 24 Twin Drive, Dansville, NY. Walnut bedroom set, couch, walnut cedar chest, Toro snow blower, Kirby cavuum cleaner, various tables,several lamps, recliner, console tv, ash decor bench, diningroom table & chairs, kitchen dinette set, moorized scooter chair (new). October 19, 9:30am4pm. Watch for remainder of Estate Sale. All offers will be considered. Please call 585335-3364. (10/14)
If you do we have a waiting list of buyers who are working with our agents at Real Inc!
Call us today at 1-607-324-0394
303 Seneca Rd., Hornell NY 14843 TAKING APPLICATIONS for rent of 1 bedroom downstairs apartment on Ossian St., Dansville. Suitable for one. No pets no smoking. $435 per month plus utilities and water. Avail Oct. Good references and security deposit required. 585-7285923. (tf) FOR LEASE Belmont-Rt. 19. 2300-2400 sq. ft. available. Customize to your needs. All mechanics. AC. $10 per sq. ft.Two units 1000 sq ft. in rear of building available also. Country Homes Real Estate 585-593-5137 FOR RENT: 1 + 2 bedroom apartments in Wayland. 2nd floor, Main St., No pets. 585330-2615 (tf)
HORNELLSVILLE APARTMENTS Now Accepting Applications for One and Two Bedroom Apartments 7940 State Route 36, Arkport, NY
Phone: 607-295-9836 TDD#711 Contact: Judy Conner Office Hours are Tues. & Thurs. from 8:00am-4:30pm For Qualified Seniors 62 & Over or Disabled Regardless of Age. Rental Subsidy Available for Qualified Applicants.
drive and site leveled, next to NY State hunting lands, only minutes from Allen Lake stocked with trout. $18,800 with $800 down @ $144.84/mo.
1.4 acres - wooded, drive & site leveled, good travel trailer with electric, septic and well water. $29,800 with $1,800 down @ $225.30/mo. 24.7 acres - all wooded, small new built cabin, private roads, drive & site leveled. Excellent hunting area! $39,800 with $2,800 down @ $297.72/mo.
Do you have land that you have been thinking of selling?
OPEN HOUSE Saturdays 09/29/12,10/06/12, and 10/13/2012 from 1-4pm at 4156 HILLCREST DRIVE EXT. WELLSVILLE,NY PRICE REDUCED from $169,900 to 159,900 Spacious custom builtone owner,2story home for sale. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. Living and dining room,full kitchen, family room with FP, In-ground Pool.Decks and 2 car Garage.Owner will allow $1, 000dollars to be used for closing cost, update, or down payment. 585-610-0846 owners.com LETASON@ VERIZON.NET
7 acres -
Corporate Office: 27 Main St., Hornell, NY (607) 324-4022 Branch Office: 11 W. University, Alfred, NY (607) 587-9001
3 BEDROOM MODULAR HOME IN WAYLAND FOR SALE: by owner. Owner will finance with reasonable down payment. $96,000. 1300sq.ft. New roof, siding, laminated floors, kitchen with appliances. Walk-in closet in master bedroom. Siding glass door to deck. 2 car garage with shed in beautiful country setting with pond. Contact Wendy 607-5900770. (10/14)
TIME FOR YOUR OWN HUNTING & FISHING AREA!! MANY BORDERING STATE LANDS. 2 parcels being 7.93 acres & 6.88 acres in the center of 51,508 acres of NY State lands. Each parcel has new electric, health department septic system and own water well & pump. Both parcels have a very large spring fed pond. Was: $52,800 & $54,800. NOW EACH: $49,800 with $2,800 down @ $378.19/mo. 15.6 acres - wooded, top of a mountain, so very private! Excellent road to the land, has a very large cabin (unfinished) with a new roof and a new wood burning fireplace. $49,800 with $2,800 down @ $378.19/mo.
This solid brick 4 bedrooms, 1 full bath home sits on a desirable city street on a pretty, deep lot. Spacious covered front porch, freshly painted kitchen, and formal dining room with leaded glass in the window. Hardwood flooring under carpet upstairs and likely downstairs also. New roof in 2009. Two car detached garage. $64,000
Write or call for our free 28 page colored brochure, listing a few of our 200 parcels of lands, trailers, cabins & newly built log homes ready to show you. “ Financing” all taken care of “No Problems” private owners. Prices include deed, survey, title search and disbursement cost.
WE HAVE OVER 30 CABINS, TRAILERS, HOUSE TRAILERS, NEWLY BUILT LOG CABINS. YOU MUST HAVE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE THEM. Closing usually within 1-2 weeks. We carry our own mortgage. Private owner -
2013 PARK MODEL 12x36 2 bedroom log sighting kitchen with appliances, bathroom, heat, A/C tongue and groove pine interior and much more. Was 34,900 reduced 31,000. Hemphillwoodproducts. com or 814-848-5039 FOR RENT WELLSVILLE 1 bedroom lower apt Stove/Fridge, parking, $425 plus gas. NO PETS, References and Security deposit required, Call 585-593-0474 For Rent in Village of Belmont: 1 bedroom $475 low utilities. Available November 1st. Call 585-268-8051
to be mailed for more information. Please no calls after 4:30pm. Lands, cabins, trailers and new log homes located in Allegany and Cattaraugus Counties only.
2 “Must Sell” models Each 28x56 3bed, 2bath #9 Reduced to $$62,000 #12 Dropped to $67,900 On display at Lewis Homes 4 miles east of Wellsboro Call Today…570-724-2161 FOR RENT: 3 bedroom downstairs apt. Nice yard, Fillmore. $560 585-567-8135
For Rent in Hume: 3 bedroom Apt. $450/mo 2 bedroom Apt. $350/mo Call 585-281-1888 FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apartment above storefront, Wayland. Water & garbage included. $425. Call 607590-0770 Wendy. (10/07) FOR RENT IN GROVELAND STATION: Large upper 2 bedroom Apartment. Wall to wall carpet, offstreet parking. No Pets. Available October 1st. Call 243-2055 for details. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom upstairs apartment in Village of Dansville, located in quiet house $500 per month, plus utilities and references. Includes water and sewer. No pets. Available Nov 1st. call 585-455-5066 for appointment to see.
Dansville - 81 Elizabeth St. - 3 bedroom 2 bath single family home. New high efficiency furnace. Washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher. $750 plus utilities. Security deposit, landlord references and credit report required. No smoking. 585-335-3121
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom upstairs apartment in Village of Arkport, located in quiet house. $500 per month, plus utilities and references. Includes water and sewer. 1 car garage and washer/dryer hook up. No pets. Call 585-455-5066 for appointment to see.
Sell Your Real Estate Now!
Advertise your real estate statewide through the Classified Advertising Network of New York. Your classified ad will run in over 40 daily newspapers with a combined circulation of more than 1.5 million for a discounted fee. To place your ad or for more information please contact:
The Evening Tribune The Advertising Department 85 Canisteo St., Hornell, NY 14843 (607) 324-1425
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 16
STANDARDS - Secluded Area mobile home for Rent- 2 bedroom, includes water, stove, ref. washer/dryer. No pets/No smoking. $475/mo. Deposit, references. Responsible Adults Only. Oct. 15th 1-607-968-1917 FOR RENT: Wayland Studio apartment. $350 plus security and electric. Garbage and water included. No pets. 585-355-9341, 585-7662622. (10/28) WANTED: Rehab home or fixer upper in Village of Dansville. Owner held mortgage or land contract. Call 585-447-4898. (10/14) OFFICE SPACE OR STORE FRONT FOR RENT: Prime location next to Tops Plaza, Dansville. Convenient parking, approximately 400 sq.ft. Available Now! Call 585-335-2222. (tf)
APARTMENTS FOR RENT: McGeordan Apartments downtown Wellsville. Two and three bedroom apartments for rent, starting at $750., includes utilities. Senior discount. Call 800-457-4244.
AJ’S HAULING: The area’s #1 Come-to-you junk removal service. We buy scrap metal, cars, appliances and more. Not sure? Call and ask. 585-447-3282. * $ %/ *!0 * - !# +
FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL SPACE on N. Main Street Wellsville. Close to hospital and down town.Retail or office space-approx. 300 sp. ft. each unit. Double units available also. $250-500. per month plus utilities.Large office space on ground floor. Approx. 2000 sq. ft. available.Second floor of Community Center building- Spacious executive suite approx. 900 sq. ft. Electric included.$500. per month plus gas. Country Homes Real Estate 585 593 5137. TAKING APPLICATIONS 2 bedroom apartment in Village of Dansville. Bedrooms and bath plus storage up, livingroon, kitchen down. AAppliances included. Washer & dryer hookups . Rent $600 mo plus utilities and water. Available Nov. Call 585-7285923. (tf) FOR RENT IN Bolivar: 1 bedroom Apt. $375/mo plus security deposit. References Required. No smoking/ No Pets. Please call 585-593-6162
FOR RENT in Belmont: One bedroom first floor apartment. Stove and refrigerator. Off street parking. $425 plus utilities. Sercurity deposit . No Pets, no smoking. Country Homes Real Estate 585-593-5137 _____________________ FOR RENT in Wellsville: Studio apartment suitable for single on second floor. Located on Rte 19. Partial furnishings. $350 plus utilities. Security deposit. No pets, no smoking. Country Homes Real Estate. 585-593-5137 WELLSVILLE HOME FOR sale 1986 Manufactured 1344 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms unfinished basement 2 full baths 1 level 9.29 acres $58000 (call 585-610-2575) Mostly wooded land, 2 car garage, appliances included. HOUSE FOR SALE/RENT Large 4 bedroom with Garage & Huge Corner Lot Belfast. Possible Owner Financing with 5,000 down. Call 607-368-0260 Apt. for Rent in Wellsville cozy , warm one bedroom $545/mo including utilities. Call 585-593-1002
For Rent in Dansville. Clean, large modern studio apartment. Rent includes water and sewer. No pets. Non-smoking. Sec. deposit and references required. $475 per mo. 585-330-7604 (10/14) FOR RENT: Upper bedroom outside Dansville. Also 2 bedroom in Arkport. No pets. Security deposit required. Utilities extra. Call 607-545-6211 evenings or weekends. (tf)
For Rent 3 bedroom mobile home in Elm Valley. $425/mo plus security deposit Call 607-478-5211 and leave message FOR RENT-SPRINGWATER: 1 bedroom apartment. Appliances, extra large, carpets, blinds, creek, large yard, quiet setting. No pets. $525 plus. 585-669-9367. (tf) FOR SALE: Well kept 1994 Mobile Home 14’x80’, 3 bedroom, 2 bath in Valley View Crt, Dansville. For more information phone 585-6585432 or 585-335-5483. (10/14)
Help a friend. Pick up a copy of PenneSaverPlus & jump into the job hunt with them! Visit us online at PenneSaverPlus.com
FOR RENT One bedroom Apartment in Wellsville Security deposit lease, references, no pets, stove ,fridge. Call 585-593-1042 after 4:00PM FOR SALE: Dansville Rte 36, Commercial zoning, 3.5 acres. Large buildings, need repair. Owner financing 585330-8505. (11/04) A PA RT M E N T I N DA N S VILLE: Downstairs 1 bedroom, water/sewer included. Gas & electric extra. Security deposit and references required. 585-335-5441. (10/14)
DANSVILLE VILLAGE: Furnished sleeping room with microwave, refrigerator and kitchen privileges. $340 a month. References required. 585-721-8153 (10/14) FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment in Village of Dansvile. Newly remodeled. $450 includes water, sewer garbage and off street parking. No pets. References required. 585-737-0348. (tf)
BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM BUILT MOBILE HOME Two bedroom one bath, super insulated. Open kitchen, dining and living area. Tastefully decorated. Quality features inside and out. Appliances included. Plus, big attached workshop/garage. Insulated and heated. Situated on a large quiet lot in Belmont, NY. Truly one of kind. Sacrifice at 29,500 OBO Call Ed @ 585-403-6557 ANGELICA. MOBILE HOME and Garage on 4.8 acres. Home is in good condition 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. $32,900 Private. Clean and ready to go. 585.466.3446 or 716.381.5791. FOR RENT S. DANSVILLE: Furnished 2 bedroom mobile home. No pets, no smoking. Security deposit , references. $700. 607-295-7730. (10/14) FOR RENT: Mobile Home, 3 bedroom, garage, large yard. Springwater, NY. $575 utilities extra. Pets extra. Call 585-233-9237. (10/21)
+& $ +& '$ + + /# % $ )! % !&% % !+* + + )* )"!%*-!## &,' % .! ,% &% %%! 1* ++! " && * *" + ) # '# %+* ) .!% (,!#+ ) # )
Are you late on payments or making only the minimum payment? Are your creditors harassing you day and night? Are you considering bankruptcy or debt consolidation?
We are a debt-relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 17 “Our #1 Goal is CUSTOMER SATISFACTION”
The Law Offices of Jacqueline E. Mohrman, Esq.
Creative Solutions for Effective Resolutions
Y E A R ‘ RO U N D All Wheel Drive Trucks for Hard to Reach Areas
C o m p l e t e Wa t e r S y s t e m s F r o m W e l l To H o u s e E x i s t i n g We l l s R e p a i r e d
Jacqueline E. Mohrman
New York State
Attorney at Law 303 Seneca Road - Suite 1 Hornell, NY 14843
S u b m e rs i bl e P u m p s I n s t a l l e d & S e r v i c e d
Dansville Water Wells NGWA Certified Free Estimates
Prompt, Courteous Service
Quality and Integrity Since 1977
Phone: 607-324-4040 Fax: 607-324-4140 Jackie@SouthernTierLawyers.com www.SouthernTierLawyers.com
Ron Hall, Owner
Dansville - 585-335-3356 • Cell - 585-734-6612
# ! ! *9?< +<. +<8/. 966+<= /+<8 29A ,C -+66381 <//.97 96. <9?: 09< C9?< 0<// /.?-+ >398+6 1?3./ +:-
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CCARRIER A R R I E R AAPPRECIATION P P R E C I AT I O N Our Top Carriers For The Month Of S e p t e m b e r
Dave Wood • Richard Allman
They are the winners of movie tickets to the Star Theater in Dansville!
Dansville - Wayland
Thank You To All Our Carriers For Their Hard Work In All Kinds Of Weather!
! $ 8441 ).+78 '3* 742+ 2')./3/78 84417 /3 )19*/3- &>+<</>> 97,3 8+>398 =;?+</ &>+<</>> &-</A.<3@/<= =/> 90 =/@/8 38-2 38-2 &>+<</>> 38-2 <?6/<= 8-9 38-2 .3+6 -+63:/< =>+386/== =>//6 38-2 73-<97/>/< =>+386/== =>//6 38-2 73-<97/>/< =>+38 6/== =>//6 38-2 -+63:/< =>+386/== =>//6 !3=-/66+8/9?= A</8-2/= =-</A.<3@/<= =5381 09< +66 9< ,/=> 900/< 0 38>/</=>/. -+66 +8. 6/+@/ + 7/==+1/ $ +78 *+'17 +6+ 43 +; +,8 4:+6 !9./6 &6/.= ?=/. &6/.= @+36+,6/ 41'6/7 97. +864 736/= 41'6/7 6'-43 736/= 41'6/7 !96(4 % 736/= 41'6/7 1'77/) 736/= 41'6/7 % 736/= 0/ 44 46291' !% !496/3736/= 0/ 44 46291' %! 736/= '3<43 4846 54687 %>/ +38/= +6/>98 $ -+8C9879>9<=:9<>= -97
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10-5 PM
10-5 PM
Please call to pre register at 607-545-0032 THE DANSVILLE AREA COIN & STAMP CLUB holds it’s regular monthly meeting Sunday, October 21 at 2pm in the Dansville Town Hall. Usual auction. All Welcome.
" !
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Rainchains: An Attractive Alternative to Dress Up Your Home As an attractive alternative to downspouts, some use rain chains as a way to channel water from the gutter into a rain barrel. Downspouts serve a very specific, utilitarian function: To let water drain out of the gutter and into a storm drain or on the lawn. Rain chains serve the same function, although they are not able to handle quite the volume of a downspout. An added feature of rain chains is that they do not send water into the storm drain system. Rather, the water runs down them into a decorate bowl or barrel. Some municipalities offer incentives to homeowners who disconnect their downspouts from the storm drain to ease pressure on them. If you do this, a rain chain can be a better alternative. Rain chains have been used by the Japanese for a long time as a decorative way to channel water away from a homeÕs foundation. A downspout serves the same purpose, but it is not nearly as aesthetically pleasing. Weighing between 5 and 10 pounds, rain chains attach to the gutter through the hole where the downspout would normally be. They extend to the ground and are secured to prevent against excessive movement. Traditionally, they are attached to a decorate bowl that fills with water and creates a circular fountain when it overflows. In addition to catching the downward flow of water, it can also serve as a birdbath. Ê
Downspout or Rain Chain?
A rain chain is far more attractive than a downspout, no matter how masterfully it blends into the dŽcor of the home. Downspouts serve a very specific need, but as is the case with many utilitarian features of American homes, it focuses on function at the expense of form. Rain chains, on the other hand, serve a practical purpose while maintaining an aesthetic appeal. Rain chains are not very well equipped to handle a tremendous downpour during a storm, however. If you decide on rain chains, it is still necessary to have a certain number of downspouts, just in case of a deluge. Install rain chains in the front of your home so they are visible. After all, they are meant to be pleasing to the senses. In order to allow rain water to escape from a system of gutters, downspouts are typically used. A nice alternative, however, is to install one or more rain chains in their place. Although they are not equipped to handle the sudden downpour of a storm and must be used in conjunction with downspouts elsewhere, they combine function and form into one unique package.
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 18 In Olean for Over 50 Years
1616 West State Street • Olean, NY 14760 or (716) 373-1920
www.dwyerblacklyle.com )"% #< .B9A <? &24B9.? 6C<?02 <C2?@ =?<=2?AF 2A0 05691?2; $;9F $;2 '64;.AB?2 &2 E09B12@ 4<CA >B6?21 322@ @= -A69; <<9/4-=1< 8/ <= -:/ "% & 92 &:64==1; :.12 /F :2?60.; " ' & :.12 6; )' 2.CF BAF )@21 92@@ A52; 5<B?@ #2D 36?: .99
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2140 Dieter Road, Wayland Open: Tue & Wed 8-5; Thur 8-6 Closed: Fri; Sat; Sun & Mon
"(% "(%& % $( % "% % ) %B& ' &' $332? .==?<E6:.A29F 2C2?F AD< D228@ 6; <?;299 .A5 .;1 +299@C6992 <? 1.A2@ .;1 12A.69@ DDD 1?6C2?1<; 0<: <? <? ?6C2? <;J@ ?6C6;4 '05<<9 C<0. A 3
Hundreds of top name Country Music CDs $2.50 or 5/$10.00. Guitars LOWER THAN THE INTERNET. BUZZO MUSIC 106 MAIN ST. GENESEO NY. 243-2480 "(! ".92 9.08 !./ :6E $.8 699 &<.1 2:.92 9.08 .;1 +56A2 B@8F :6E 5B?05 'A <?;299 2:.92 /9.08 .;1 /?<D; '52=5.?1 :6E +F962 &1 ' .;@C6992 9;8166 ;1>7-81 &9/41=A .A
BLUE SEAL FEED STORE Commercial & Residential Fencing Work Renting Heavy Equipment and Tools General Contracting Excavating Commercial Snowplowing!! Commercial & Residential Brushhogging Coal: $225 per Ton Wood Pellets: $235 per Ton Firewood For Sale
Carrying Walls Winterwear and Muckboots
Carry Bulk Topsoil and Mulch
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 - 5 • Sat 8 - Noon 1266 Airport Road, Hornell, NY 14843 (607) 324-0840
9 2 6 5 8 1 4 7 3
1 7 8 3 4 9 2 5 6
Difficulty Level
3 5 4 6 7 2 1 8 9
4 8 5 9 3 7 6 2 1
2 1 9 4 6 5 7 3 8
7 6 3 2 1 8 9 4 5
5 9 1 8 2 4 3 6 7
6 4 7 1 5 3 8 9 2
8 3 2 7 9 6 5 1 4 10/13
2012 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
Family Barbershop
Thank You
Thank you to family and friends for the food, flowers, cards, kind words, and hugs during the difficult time during Mom’s brief illness and her passing. A special thanks to Hindle’s Funeral Home and Frank Guillaume.
The family of Joanne Koch <3E 723/ %@ <D3<B7=< /< ($ # "" %$ 4 &@=2C1B 3 #%+) .@A 1=;3A F> EEE <D3<B7=<)C0;7 B CB6=@7BG 1=; />1 "'" -
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DANSVILLE Craft & Vendor Fair: Oct. 28 at Moose Club, Dansville, 8am-4pm. Vendors wanted - $20 table plus thrift table donation. Handmade items, various unique vendors, new items. Coffee and donuts sale. Come and get a jump on Christmas Shopping. Women of the Moose, All proceeds for various supported charities. Call Linda 607-661-3029. Come to H.O.P.E. Lunch, a Free Community Meal. Saturday, Oct. 27, 11:30am - 1:00pm at Foursquare Church, 49 West Ave. Dansville. Adult Menu: Sloppy Joes, Apple Salad, Carrots, Ice Cream. Kids’ Menu: Mac & Cheese or PB&J Sandwiches. High chairs and booster seats available. Questions call 3359352. Sorry, No take-outs. The Clara Barton Chapter #1 and Northern Livingston County Chapter of the American Red Cross will be hosting an "After Hours" social event through Livingston County Chamber of Commerce from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 16 at The Clara Barton House, 57 Elizabeth St. Dansville. The event is free and open to the public. Hors d'oeuvres and beverages provided. Pumpkin Painting! Saturday, Oct. 20, 1:00pm, at the Dansville Public Library! For children ages 3-12 years old. Space is limited for this special event! Call 335-6720 to register or stop in the library! Sponsored by the Friends of the Dansville Public Library. Books 'N' Kids 'N' Crafts: Every Wednesdays 10:00-11:00am. Sept. 12 - Nov. 14, 2012. For 3-5 year olds at the Dansville Public Library, 200 Main Street. Call now to Register! 585-335-6720 Baby's First Storytime: Every Thursday, 10:00-10:30am, Sept. 13 Nov. 15, 2012, for Ages 6 to 36 months old at the Dansville Public Library, 200 Main Street. Call now to Register! 585-335-6720
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 19
For all your water treatment needs.
Hundreds of top name Country Music CDs $2.50 or 5/$10.00. Guitars LOWER THAN THE INTERNET. BUZZO MUSIC 106 MAIN ST. GENESEO NY. 243-2480
Conditioners, Filters, Purification Systems (UV Lights & Chlorinators), Sales, Rental Service, Salt Delivery, Water Testing, Bottled Water.
Servisoft Water Cond. Corp.
• Tobacco & Tobacco Products • Hookahs • Water Pipes • Glass Pipes
Cigar Humidors!
976 St Rte 36 Hornell, NY
342 Woodworth Rd., Hornell
(607) 587-9229
%&, ! &, #)+ -%" *+"--&",- $&+' &( "'',.&''" :=D3 G=C 3/@B /<2 )=C:
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings of Dansville 7 - 8:30pm every Tuesday of the month at Dansville Free Methodist Church, 25 Franklin Street and 12 noon - 1pm every Friday of the month at CASA, 141 Main Street. All are welcome. Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Dansville: Monday 7pm St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 25 Clara Barton Street; Thursday 7:30pm Presbyterian Church 3 School Street; Friday 7PM Noyes Hospital. 24 Hour Phone Line 585-245-4440
COHOCTON Storytime at the Cohocton Public Library (8 Maple Ave, Cohocton) is a fun, interactive, and educational program for children and their caregivers. Each week the program will feature stories, crafts, and activities based on a particular theme. Red Apples - 10/11, Falling Leaves 10/18, Orange Pumpkins - 10/25, Spiders Crafty Kids: Cohocton Public Library (8 Maple Ave, Cohocton) to make a free craft! The craft will be available Thursdays for parents/caregivers and their children from 10:00am to 7:00pm. 10/18, Wooden Pumpkin Magnet 10/25 Yarn Wrapped Halloween Pin OSSIAN Haunted House Ossian Community Center on Saturday, Oct. 27 6:00pm to 9:00pm. The "Twisted Minds" are coming back with a bigger kick than last year and a bit scarier but a lot more fun. $3.00 cover charge including a hay ride through the country side and treats. Sponsored by Ossian Historical Society. Fall Walk in Ossian Saturday, Oct. 13. Meet at the Ossian Town Hall at 9:00am. All are welcome. Sponsored by Ossian Historical Society.
WAYLAND Pioneer Days at the Wayland Historical Museum, Friday, Oct. 19, 9:30am - 2:30pm. Special Visitation for Wayland-Cohocton 4th Grade Students. Saturday, Oct. 20, 12 noon - 3:00pm. Open to the public and kids bring your parents. Story Teller: Stosh..Indian and Ina Valerie Doyle.
1 B6/1/ #=2 5/ &=:713 )& ) 47@32 BE713 &6=<3
Music: John Kerr and Co. Art: Displays throughout the museum. Games. Programs are free but a donation is always appreciated.
DoreenÕs Pooch Palace Cat & Dog Boarding (607) 324-3055 Open 7 Days by Appointment DOREEN & TOM SACKETT 8228 Madison Ave., Hornell, NY 14843
1 );/:: =@5/< E==23< 23A9 AC;> >C;> :/273AI <3E 83/<A 1:=B63A :/273AI A6=3A =@ 1:=B63A 4=@ B33<A 3D3@ #3<IA E=@9 0==BA @72/G )/BC@2/G %1B /; >; /D7A =::=E (2 =6=1B=<
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The Family of Charlie Clark wish to thank everyone for their support during the past few weeks and at the time of his passing. Words cannot express the kindness and love during this time. It was greatly appreciated. God Bless You All. Joyce Clark Rhonda (Terry Smith) Clark Charles (Boomer) Wendy Clark Aubrey and Alex Clark 2 %443@32 >>@=F7 ;/B3:G D3@G *E= -339A 7< 3<3A3= /<AD7::3 =@ 2/B3A /<2 23B/7:A EEE 2@7 D3@2=< 1=; =@ =@ @7D3@ =<IA @7D7<5 )16==: D=1/ @33< <3@5G $3B H3@=)=:/@ G0@72 /B B3@73A EEE @C07<A:7AB 1=; #7< ! $= @=93@A />1
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Wayland: Sunday 8PM Lighthouse Wesleyan Church 101 S. Lackawanna Street. 24 Hour Phone Line 585-245-4440
PERKINSVILLE CHICKEN BAR-B-QUE: Perkinsville Fire Hall. Benefit: Perkinsville Fire Dept. Oct. 21st, 12:00 - 3:00pm, 1/2 chicken dinner $8.00. Dine in or Take out. For tickets call 585-7285474 or any fireperson 3rd Annual Harvest Bazaar: Wayland American Legion, Saturday, Oct. 20, 9am-4pm. Benefits Women’s Fellowship of St. Peters U.C.C. of Perkinsville. . Soups and Sandwich Luncheon. Quilt raffleAnnie’s Attics. Baked goods, plants, 50/50 drawing. Basket Raffle. Pancake Breakfast: Perkinsville Fire Hall. Benefit: Perkinsville Fire Dept Oct 14th 8-11am. Pancakes, Sausage, Ham, Eggs, toast & Beverage. All you can eat. Adults $6.00, Children 6-12 $3.00, 5 and underFree Penny Social: Perkinsville Fire Hall, Monday, Oct. 22, doors open at 6pm, drawing starts at 7pm. To benefit the Perkinsville Ladies Auxiliary. Door prizes and 50/50 drawing. Refreshments available.
SRINGWATER & WEBSTERS CROSSING Spaghetti Dinner (All you can eat.) & Listen to a Free Music Jam. Thursday Oct. 25, 4:30 to 7:00pm at the Webster Crossing Methodist Church. Donations accepted Blood Drive: Oct 15, 2:30-6:30pm, at the Springwater American Legion. For more information and to sign-up, please call 585-335-3500.
HOW TO SUBMIT Send event info by email to Patty Davy at classifieds@dansvilleonline.com, by fax to 585-335-6957 or mail to Genesee Country Express, 113 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437. Deadline for submissions is Noon, Wednesday week prior to publication. Space is limited. Events must be non-profit and open to the public. Limit 100 words.
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 20
at Centerville Memorial Fire Department Sunday, October 21, 2012 Serving Noon-3:00pm
CELEBRATING OUR 6TH ANNIVERSARY! Celebrate With Us By Entering Our Giveaway! Now Thru October 31
FREE Delivery In Dansville - Eat In - Take Out 335-8984 • 140 Main St., Dansville • 335-5035 Get $1.00 Off Any Whole Pizza With Coupon On Our Website!
Geneseo Theatres
Roast Beef Dinner Sunday October 21, 2012
Sparta Center United Methodist Church
Rt. 256 North of Dansville
www.GENESEOTHEATERS.com Adult Matinees $6.00 Adult evening $8.00 Children & Seniors 62 yrs. & Older $5.75 College Students w/ID $7.00
Sponsored by the Sparta Center United Methodist Women
Serving from Noon to 3:00 PM
Serving Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Squash, Rolls, Coleslaw, & Pie
Tickets • Adults: $8.00 • Children: (under 10) $4.00 Tickets may be purchased ahead of time from church members or at the Dansville United Methodist Church, 5 Chestnut Ave. on Tuesday or Thursday from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM
Find the full menus on www.wellsvilledaily.com/dine_out
Coming 10/19 Trouble with the Curve East Campbell Fire Dept's
HAUNTED FIRE HOUSE Now Open! • 7:30pm or Dark Every Friday & Saturday until Oct 27th $
5-Adults • $3-12 & under
4581 Meads Creek Rd., Painted Post
$1 Off for Canned Food or Pet Food Donations!
ATTN: GARAGE SALE ENTHUSIASTS! Buying or selling second-hand treasures? The NYS Department of StateÅfs Division of Consumer Protection, in conjunction with the Free Community Papers of New York, recommends checking the following websites to help assure that the item has not been recalled or the subject of a safety warning: http:/www.recalls.gov and the Consumer Product Safety Commission at www.cpsc.gov. For other important recall and product safety information visit the Division of Consumer Protection at www.dos.ny.gov (apc) HARVEST DINNER Saturday, October 27 Seating at 5:00 & 7:00 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 289 N. Main St., Wellsville Ham Dinner, Music, Bazaar & Raffles. Call for Reservations (585)-593-5015 Tickets: $10.00 (Half of proceeds to benefit local food banks)
Nightly At 7 with late show Saturday. Matinees Saturday & Sunday at 3 and Wednesday at 1. MOVIE MONEY The Gift That Never Expires!
Kids 18 & Under/Kids 62 & Over.............$6 College, Military and Veterans w/ID......$6 Adults............................................................$7 *Matinees All Seats....................................$5 Follow the Star Theatre on Facebook.
144 MAIN ST., DANSVILLE, NY 14437 MOVIE INFO: 585-335-6950 • MANAGEMENT: 585-739-3841
MUSIC SENSATION We make any occasion special! Jim Yarger • (585) 728-2093 CHINESE AUCTION OCTOBER 20, 2012 Friendship Rod and Gun Club Noon to 4 pm Drawings at 4pm (do not need to be present to win) Tickets:$5.00 an envelope Questions about this or donating call:585-973-7923 Also Bake Sale and Refreshments will sold. Also Queen size (wildlife) Quilt raffle- $1 a chance Drawing day of Auction. CANISTEO WRESTLING CLUB Ham & Turkey Raffle October 27th, Noon-5pm. Canisteo American Legion.
ANDOVER HOUSE ANTIQUES 21 N. Main St Andover, NY Antiques, Collectibles & Crafts Fri, Sat & Sun 11:00am- 4:00pm 585-593-3947 or 585-593-8332 Cheaper Than A Babysitter FUNLAND SKATE CENTER- Public Skating Friday Nights 7-10, Saturday Matinee 1-4 (starting October 6th), & Saturday Nights 8-11. Private parties & birthdays available. Funland Skate Center, Wellsville. (585) 593-2000
R E D E A N Y O I S Our Area Heritage P At the Wayland Historical Museum
Friday: October 19, 2012 9:30am-2:30pm Special Visitation for: Wayland-Cohocton 4th Grade Students Story Telling: Gretchen Murray Sepik...Actress, Author and Story Teller: Erie Canal Sal....A Fictitious character based in part on Old Black Nell who was a cook on the canal in the year 1840.
Guided Tour of Exhibits and Displays, Demonstrations of Crafts and Hobbies. Saturday: October 20, 2012 Noon - 3:00pm Open to the public And Kids - Bring your parents Story Teller: Stosh...Indian and Ina Valerie Doyle who will tell stories of experiencing early life Music: John Kerr and Co...banjo, mandolin, ukulele Art: Displays throughout the museum...Quilts, Painting, Basket Weaving, Wood Carving, Handcrafts and much more. Games: Checkers, Marbles, and much, much more. Programs are free but a donation is always appreciated.
*Sponsored in part by The Arts Council of the Southern Finger Lakes
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 21
C H I C K E N BAR-B-QUE BAR-B-QUE CHICKEN PERKINSVILLE FIRE HALL Benefit: Perkinsville Fire Dept. Monday Night: Draft Specials Tuesday Night: Ladies Night 6pm-2am Wednesday Night: Pool Tournament 6pm-9pm Thursday Night: Karaoke 10pm-2am Friday & Saturday Nights: Live Entertainment
October 21, 2012 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM 1/2 Chicken Dinner $8.00 Dine In or Take Out For Tickets Call 585-728-5474 or Contact Any Fireperson
n e e w o l l a H y t Par Costume Party
Check out our Soups, Chili and Homemade Corn Bread Thursday - Chicken & Biscuit Dinner, Meatloaf Friday - Homemade New England Clam Chowder, Fish Fry, Shrimp Scampi, & Beer Battered Shrimp, Homemade Mac & Cheese Saturday - Chicken Broccoli Alfredo over Linguini, Chicken Wing Dinner, Yankee Pot Roast Sunday - Delmonico Steak, Baked Ham Pineapple, Turkey Dinner With All The Trimmings
Good Home Cooked Meal Without The Country Drive
Mon., Tues., Wed. 6am-2pm; Thursday, Friday, Saturday 6am-8pm; Sunday 7am-7pm
607-324-9884 • 15 Seneca St., Hornell 7425 Seneca Rd., N. Hornell, NY 14843
Cash Prizes
October 27th •9pm-1am
featuring The Mort Cooley Band 5.00 at the door
Wayland American Legion
102 North Main Street, Wayland • (585) 728-2230
October Artist of the Month At Steuben Trust Gallery is
Janet VanBrunt
Open 7 Days A Week (607) 324-4551
Grilled Cheese & Cup of Homemade Soup $3.99 M.-Th. Free Donuts • Everyday till gone THURSDAY: Chicken and Biscuits, Ham Loaf and Gravy or Pineapple Sauce, Hot Pork Sandwich FRIDAY: Fish Fry, Mac and Cheese, Linguini and Red Clam Sauce SATURDAY: Chicken Parm and Spaghetti, Beef Stroganoff and Egg Noodles, Goulash SUNDAY: Prime Rib, Roast Pork Dinner
4th Annual
Cohocton Methodist Church 27 Maple Ave., Cohocton, NY Saturday, October 20, 2012 4:30PM-Until FREE WILL OFFERING
Giovanni’s PIZZERIA RESTAURANT Eat in or Take out
Cheaper Than a Babysitter FUNLAND SKATE CENTERPublic Skating Friday Nights 7-10 & Saturday Nights 8-11. Private parties & birthdays also avaailable. Funland Skate Center, wellsville. (585) 593-2000
278 Main St., Arcade, NY (585) 492-3100
Halloween Haunted House
KENT FARMS PUMPKIN PATCH & CORN MAZE OPENS Fri. -Sept. 28th Mon-Sat hrs 10am- 6pm Sun 10am-5pm 607-478-8805 or www.kentfarms.us
2012 GENESEO KIWANIS ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE NYS Armory, Rt. 39, Geneseo, NY. Sat., Oct. 20th, 10am-5pm & Sun., Oct. 21st, 10am-4pm. Over 50 Dealers! Food avail. all day. Donation: $5.00. Admission good for both days. CANISTEO WRESTLING CLUB Ham & Turkey Raffle October 27th, Noon-5pm. Canisteo American Legion.
specify coupons on delivery NEW SPECIALS AVAILABLE FOR EAT IN OR TAKE OUT AFTER 4PM Monday - Taco Salad ..........................................................................$5.50 Buy any size sub get second sub half price (hot subs not included) Tuesday - Medium Pizza 12 Wings..............................................$15.99 Large 1-Topping Pizza.........................................................................$11.89 Wednesday - All you can eat Spaghetti or Ziti w/two meatballs, side salad or large drink..........................$7.99 Thursday - Philly Cheese Steak Sub w/side of fries....................$7.89 Meatball Parmigiana Sub w/side of fries..........................................$7.89 Saturday - Veal w/whole Spaghetti or Ziti, side salad................................................................................................$13.99 Sunday - Baked Ziti w/side salad........................................$7.75 Chicken Parmigiana w/half Spaghetti and side salad....................$9.00
+ tax
Large Cheese Pizza & 1 Dozen Wings
Offer Good Every Day • Expires 12/31/12
Last Steam Weekend
Sat. Oct. 27th & Sun. Oct. 28th • Noon & 3:00 PM Tickets $14.00 - Reservations Suggested Come in costume and enjoy the fun. Visit our haunted house at Curriers Depot. Chills & thrills for one and all! Delicious Cider & Homemade Donuts available for purchase at the Curriers Depot.
Penny Social October 22nd • Doors Open at 6:00 Drawing at 7:00 Perkinsville Fire Department Refreshments available to benefit Perkinsville Ladies Auxiliary Door Prize • 50/50
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 22
October Is
1 Breast Cancer Facts and Figures 2011-2012 ACS 2 Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Facts and Figures 2011, ACS 3 NCI Website- http://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/ breast.html#prevalence 4 Cancer Facts and Figures 2012, ACS 5 SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2008-table 4.12- http:// seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_2008/results_single/sect_04_table.12.pdf 6 American Cancer Society, Global Cancer Facts & Figures 2nd edition 7 Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington, The Challenge Ahead: Progress and Setbacks in Breast and Cervical Cancer, September 2011. Also see: Breast and cervical cancer in 187 countries between 1980 and 2010: a systematic analysis. www.thelancet.com September 15, 2011 8 Siegel, Rebecca, et al. Cancer treatment and survivorship statistics, 2012, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, June, 14, 2012. http:// onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3322/caac.21149/full
You can have an eye-catching ad for a wallet-conscious price... all in one of the most widely-circulated publications in the Southern Tier:
Breast Cancer in the United States • One in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. 1 • Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women age 40-50 years in the U.S.. 5 • Breast cancer is second only to lung cancer in cancer deaths among women in the U.S. 1 • The five-year relative survival rate for all women with breast cancer found at a local stage (cancer that has not spread) in the U.S. is 99 percent, 84 percent for regional disease and 23 percent for distant stage disease.4 • In 2012, an estimated 226,870 cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed among women and 2,190 cases among men in the U.S. 4 • An estimated 39,510 women and 410 men will die from breast cancer in the U.S. in 2012. 4 • A case of breast cancer is diagnosed among women every two minutes, and a woman dies of breast cancer every 13 minutes in the U.S.4 • There are more than 2.9 million breast cancer survivors alive in the U.S. today, the largest group of cancer survivors in the country.8 • Approximately 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers in the U.S. are due to inherited BRCA1 or BRCA 2 genetic mutations(less than 1 percent of the general population). 1 • Approximately 95 percent of all breast cancers in the U.S. occur in women 40 years of age and older.1 • Recent studies suggest that many women in the U.S. are not following recommended guidelines for mammography screening by having their first screening later than recommended, not having one at recommended intervals or not receiving appropriate and timely follow-up of positive screening results. This may lead to more advanced tumor size and stage at diagnosis. 2
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0(&'2 -.5 . /!(# ./$0!2.01 )312 0$!+ /$./+$ +(*$ 7.3 0.51$ &0$$2(-&1 $6"'!-&$ ,$1 1!&$1 !-# ".--$"2 +(4$ 07 (2 %0$$ !++ -.5 !/" FOR RENT: Two bedroom upstairs apartment. Gated apartment with a lot of room and window light, bright. Includes refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal, dishwasher and AC. Security deposit, references. $595 per month. 585-658-3472, 585-739-3617. (10/07)
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 23
4x4, 2LT, Chrome wheels, Bluetooth, tow pkg., Full power Crystal Red with 1.4L Turbo, auto trans., full power equipment, equip., Only 7,000 miles. Original MSRP $30,210 ST#12120A 100,000 mile factory warranty, only 12,000 miles! ST#12351P
per Month
OR 17,995 24,995 per259 Sale Price Month
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Uplevel LT model with power seats, running boards, OnStar, CD with XM radio, only 13,000 miles! ST#12350P
100,000 mile factory warranty! Remote start, full power equipment, 17” Alloy Wheels, 19,000 Miles.
per Month
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per Month
24,995 $169
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per Month
5.3 V-8, LT model, Power seat, remote start, Z-71, Factory warranty, 18,000 one owner miles. ST#12375A
25,995 $399
per Month
24,995 $189 Sale Price
per Month
16,495 $259 Sale Price
SLE model, 5.3 V-8, Z-71, Full power equip., CD/XM, Step bars, tonneau cover, 47,000 miles. ST#12461A
Sale Price
per Month Sale Price 2007 PONTIAC G5 GT COUPE
Heated leather, P/sunroof, Premium audio w/XM & Subwoofer, remote start, 2.4Lhigh output engine, 17” wheels, ST#12347B rear spoiler & more!
per Month
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Top of the line model w/ 4 doors, Navigation, infinity Audio, w/ XM ST#13032A radio, hard-top, 17,000miles. NADA Book: $32,000
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All wheel drive, full power equip., CD/XM/bluetooth, alloy wheels and only 36,000 miles. ST#12376B
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V6, Remote start, 17” Alloy wheels, Spoiler, XM radio, OnStar, 29,000 one owner miles, 100,000 mile factory warranty!
4cyl, auto, CD, Power Windows & locks, cruise, rear spoiler, 68,000 miles. NADA Book: $12,775 ST#12252A
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All Wheel Drive w/ 3rd row seating, SE pkg, Full power equipment, 87,000 one owner miles! ST#12461A
per Month
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Full power equipment, 54,000 miles, priced to sell fast!
An affordable 7 passenger van with DVD player and full power equipment! 86,00 one owner miles.
Sale Price
Heated leather seats, P/sunroof, remote start, 3.9 V-6, CD/XM w/ Steering wheel controls, 44,000 miles. ST#11610C NADA Book: $15,200
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28,995 $209 Sale Price
19,995 189 Sale Price
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Like new! Z-71, 5.3 V-8, SLE, Brush guard, running boards, Z-71, 5.3L V-8, SLE Model, Step bars, HD Towing New tires, 100,000 mile warranty, 42,000 one owner miles, NADA Book: bedliner, tonneau cover, bluetooth, 14,000 easy miles. ST#12113A ST#12481A $28,400 NADA Book: $30,850
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10,995 129
per Month
Sale Price
35,000 one owner miles! Power sunroof, Bose CD w/ XM radio, High polished alloy wheels, OnStar, 100,000 mile factory warranty, 4 new tires! ST#12177A
“OFF-Road” Edition, 4.0L V6, Rockford-Fosgate premium audio, full power equipment, 28,000 one owner miles.
Luxury Edition w/ heated leather, power sunroof, remote start, 100,000 mile warranty and only 36,000 one owner miles. ST#12055A
per Month
Sale Price
Sale Price
Sale Price
OR per Month 2007 GMC SIERRA EXT CAB 4X4
per Month
V6, Auto Transmission, AC, CD/XM, OnStar, Matching Fiberglass Cap, Just 30,000 one owner miles. CD/XM, OnStar, bedliner, Cruise, 100,000 Mile Warranty, 24,000 One-Owner Miles ST#12235A locking rear differential, 100,000 mile warranty. ST#12270A
Sale Price
per Month
3.8 V-6, 6-speed, Hard top & Soft top, CD/XM, full power Ruby Red Metallic, Auto Transmission, Full Power Equipment, equipment, alloy wheels, 29,000 one owner miles. NADA CD w/ Satellite Radio, 49,000 One-Owner Miles ST#12060B Book: $26,775 ST#112362B
Sale Price
Panoramic power sunroof, chrome wheels, heated leather, remote start, Bluetooth, Bumper to Bumper warranty, 23,000 one owner miles! ST#12139A
per Month
per Month
Just 17,000 one owners miles! 34 mpg rating. Priced for quick ST#12358B sale. NADA Book: $15,125
LT model, full power equip., Snow plow ready, HD towing equip., CD/XM, Alloy wheels, 36,000 one owner miles.
per Month
Sale Price
Heated leather, V6, power sunroof, Bluetooth, Infinity audio w/ XM, 22,000 one owner miles, ST#12479A
Billy Ryan’s personal vehicle! Just 18,000 easy miles! remote start, chrome wheels, Bluetooth, CD w/ XM, Power seat & ST#12147A more!
Premium Pearl White Paint, Ford MyTouch Bluetooth, Backup Camera, Tow Pkg, CD/USB/Satellite Radio, 18” Aluminum Wheels, 11,000, One-Owner Miles. ST#12256A
26,995 209 $
per Month
Navigation, back-up Camera, Park assist, P/suroof, P/liftgate, remote start, Heated leather seats ,14,000 miles. ST#12387A NADA Book: $28,675
per Month
Sale Price
Sale Price 2005 PONTIAC VIBE
Just 61,000 miles! Alloy wheels, CD, full power equipment. ST#12188A
Disclaimer - All sale prices are based on Clean Deal purchase. Tax & license fees are extra. Payments on 2011-2007 models are based on 72 months @ 6% APR with $2,500 down. Payments on 2006-2005 models are based on 60 months @ 6.9% APR with $2,500 down. All payments are with approved credit.
Shop us 24 hours at www.bokmanofwellsville.com Mon, Tue, Thu 8:30-7:00 • Wed, Fri 8:30-6:00 • Sat 8:30-4:00 •
Mon - Fri 7:30-5:00 • Sat 7:30-1:00 •
Mon - Fri 8:00-5:00 • Sat 8:00-1:00
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 24
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 25
“Service you can depend on!”
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Save 10% on the purchase of 4 Winter Tires BLIZZAK WS70
• Tube multicell compound delivers snow and ice performance without studs. • UNI-T technology provides outstanding wet traction and handling.
• Helps deliver confident snow, wet and ice traction. • Quiet and comfortable ride • Pinned for studs We also accept ...
3165 Route 246 • Perry, NY 14530 Open Daily 7:30 to 5:30 • Saturday 7:30 to Noon
We not only sell vehicles but our repair shop does Complete Auto Repair!
W. Glenn
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~ Same day service when possible ~ Receive u Receive up p tto o$ $75 75 p paid aid vvia ia V Visa isa p prepaid repaid c card ard b byy m mail ail w when hen yyou ou purchase purchase a new new set set of of four four (4) (4) qualifying qualifying Cooper Cooper Tires Tires ffor or household household use use in in single single transaction transaction from from August August 24, 24, 2 2012 012 to to November November 6, 6, 2012. 2012. Reward Reward amount amount depends depends on on q qualifying ualifying ttires ires purchased purchased and and availability availability of of eligible eligible new new tires at tires at time time of of purchase. purchase. Qualifying tires Qualifying tires are: are:
HAVE YOU BEEN SEARCHING FOR THAT SPECIFIC CAR OR TRUCK WITH NO LUCK? COME TO DANSVILLE AUTO MART AND LET ME LOOK FOR YOU! With access to over 10,000 vehicles a week I can help you find just what you are looking for. Jeff Tracy, Owner
$$50 50 CCooper ooper CCS4 S4 TTouring ouring Cooper Cooper Discoverer Discoverer H/T H/T Cooper Cooper Discoverer Discoverer H/T H/T Plus Plus Cooper Cooper Discoverer Discoverer LSX** LSX** Cooper Cooper Discoverer Discoverer LSX LSX Plus** Plus**
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9384 N. Main St. Dansville, NY 14437 HOURS: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm • Sat 8am - noon
9976 Main Street, Dansville • 335-8280 Monday-Friday 8-5; Saturday 8-12
---------TRUCKS • VANS • SUV’S----------
B ennett’s
Bernie & Brad SmithÕs
Auto Specialized Service, LLC Complete Auto Service Brakes • Tune-ups Alignments • Tires Oil Changes • NYS Inspections
7952 State Route 36 Arkport, New York 14807 Phone: (607) 295-7450 Fax: (607) 295-8952 bsmiths1@verizon.net
FOR SALE: 1987 Monitor Motor Home. Class C, 30,000 miles; $5,000/OBO. 607-695-9754. 1984 MERCEDES BENZ, 500 SEL runs, looks great, 176,000 miles, AT, 8 cyl., power seats, sunroof. 585-728-5885. 2001 FORD EXPLORER SPORT, V6, auto, A/C, cruise, 4wd., runs good; $2,700/OBO. 607-324-7828.
2011 DODGE RAM 1500 V6, auto, air, am/fm, 26k.............................................................................$13,495 2011 KIA SORENTO FWD, 4 cyl, auto, air, pw, pl, cruise, 26k.............................................................$18,495 2011 SUBARU FORRESTER AWD, auto, air, cruise, pw, pl, am/fm cd, 32K.........................................$19,495 2010 CHEVY EQUINOX LT AWD, 4 cyl, auto, air, cruise, am/fm cd, 33k..............................................$20,495 2009 NISSAN ROGUE SL AWD, 4 cyl, loaded with leather & sunroof, 26k..........................................$17,995 2007 CHEVY UPLANDER V6, auto, air, pw, pl, cruise, am/fm cd, 55k...................................................$9,995 2006 DODGE DAKOTA CREW-CAB V6, 5 speed, air, am/fm..................................................................$9,495
WANTED: BUYING USED cars, trucks, farm & construction equipment. *Free pick up* Jeff’s Truck& Equipment Sales, 944 State Rt. 19, Wellsville. Fac. # 7086618 585-593-5449.
1-800-798-7077 585-335-6018
New & Used Cars and Trucks • If it’s not on our lot, we’ll find it for you!
2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT Loaded with sunroof, choice of 2, 14k or 26k..............................................$15,995 2012 CHEVY MALIBU LT 4 cyl, auto, air, cruise, pw, pl, am/fm cd.......................................................$15,495 2009 CHEVY MALIBU auto, air, cruise, pw, pl, am/fm, 39k..................................................................$12,495 2008 SATURN AURA auto, 4 cyl, air, pw, pl, cruise, am/fm cd, 30k....................................................$11,495
SUBARU SALES & SERVICE 99-2010 Foresters, Legacys and Outback’s available at Paul’s Paint & Body Shop 11488 cty. Rte, 36 Centerville, NY 14029 Call 585-567-4243
$$75 75 CCooper ooper DDiscoverer iscoverer AA/T3 /T3 Cooper Cooper Discoverer Discoverer CTS CTS
2004 BUICK CENTURY, 6cyl. automatic, very clean; $4,400. 2003 Buick Century, 6cyl., very clean, inspected; $3,900. 2002 Chevrolet Venture LS Van, 6cyl., 7 pass., very clean, inspected; $4,500. Harold Wilkins Used Cars, 957 Route 21, Hornell, NY. 607-382-5283.
1996 JEEP CHEROKEE: Auto, 4x4, 6 cyl., $950. 607- 594-2578.
2010 Chevy Impala LS
Buick • Chevrolet
‘87 CHRYSLER FIFTH AVENUE, 1-owner, mint condition, new transmission put in by MC Dodge, 95,000 miles, white w/blue interior; $3,000/firm. 585335-6175.
Florida car. Has never been driven in salt. Will consider a vehicle in trade. 585.746.5866
Get up to 75 Back $
*When you purchase a new set of four (4) qualifying Cooper tires, get up to a $75 Cooper Tires Visa® Prepaid Card by mail.
Front-End and Collision Services
CAR SHOPPING? Look no further than PenneSaverPlus.
Bob’s Alignment 8668 State Rt. 21, Naples 585-374-6420 Fax: 585-374-9362 All Major Credit Cards Accepted
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 26
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 27
1998 Old Cutlass 71480 Miles New tires and Alternator low miles on brakes and rotors mechanically excellent. $1700. Call 585-610-3895
CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS. Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not! 1-888-416-2208.
585-268-5611 • 585-593-4074
Lindsey Motors
Air Conditioning ¥ Air Filters ¥ÊAlignments Brakes ¥ Computer Diagnostic Testing Fluid Levels Checked ¥ Oil Change ¥ Towing Tune Ups ...Plus much more!
We have Access To Any Tire Brand
Free Battery Testing!
7443 Rt. 415, Bath, NY 14810 607-776-9621 ‘87 CHRYSLER FIFTH AVENUE, 1-owner, mint condition, new transmission put in by MC Dodge, 95,000 miles, white w/blue interior; $3,000/firm. 585335-6175.
1984 MERCEDES BENZ, 500 SEL runs, looks great, 176,000 miles, AT, 8 cyl., power seats, sunroof. 585-728-5885.
1984 MERCEDES BENZ, 500 SEL runs, looks great, 176,000 miles, AT, 8 cyl., power seats, sunroof. 585-728-5885.
Marion’s Auto
FOR SALE 2004 JEEP LIBERTY 4 wd 4 door sport V-6 Auto Power Windows & Locks Red. New tires 93,000 miles $ 6999.00 814-334-5308
•••••••••••••••••••• 1999 GMC SIERRA SL STEPSIDE 4X4 6 CYL AUTO 2 DR 106K..............$4995 2000 CHEVY 1500 4X4 5.3 AUTO EXT CAB (3DR) 113K SHARP...............$5495 2000 CHEVY 1500 V8 5SPD (RARE) 2WD SHORT BOX CLEAN...............$4995 2001 CHEVY PRISM (TOYOTA) 4CYL 4DR AUTO 49K................................$3295 2001 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLE 4X4 EXT CAB (4DR) 5.3 AUTO....................$5995 2002 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX 6CYL REAL CLEAN 85K...........$4495 2003 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4 C CYL AUTO 123K...........................$4995 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4 6CYL AUTO 117K.............................$5995 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4 6CYL AUTO 107K.............................$6495 2004 CHEVY 1500 SUBURBAN 4X4 7 PASSENGER LEATHER LOADED. $6995 2005 GMC ENVOY XL DENALI SEATS 7 85K NICE....................................$8995 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO Z71 4X4 EXT CAB (4DR) 5.3 AUTO..................$7295 2005 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY XL 7PSS. STOW & GO 107K.........$4995 2006 CHEVY TRAIL BLAZER 4X4 6 CYL AUTO 98K...................................$5995
SUBARU SALES & SERVICE 99-2010 Foresters, Legacys and Outback’s available at Paul’s Paint & Body Shop 11488 cty. Rte, 36 Centerville, NY 14029 Call 585-567-4243 1996 JEEP CHEROKEE: Auto, 4x4, 6 cyl., $950. 607- 594-2578.
HAINES TRUCK CAPS Leer & Jeraco Accessories TONNEAU COVERS by: Truxedo, UnderCover, Rugged Cover, Literider. Luverne Steps
Rt. 417 Kill Buck, NY (716) 945-5359 www.hainestruckcaps.com
Dansville Muffler & Brake 9 Spruce St., Dansville
(585) 335-8860 COUPON
Lube, Oil & Filter Change, Rotate and Check Condition of Tires, Check and Test Coolant, Test Battery, Check All Fluids, Check Brakes, Front End Alignment. Upgrade to 4 Wheel - $99.95
Vandermark Road, Scio, NY
Dansville Dansville Muffler Muffler & Brake Brake
•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• (1 mile from the light)
1-585-593-1835 • MC & Visa Accepted
9 Spruce St., Dansville • (585)
Larry Gardner Sales Associate
USED CARS 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT V6, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Black, 6k 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ V6, Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, Back, 31k 2011 TOYOTA CAMRY LE 4cyl., Auto, Loaded W/ Options, Gray, 31k 2011 DODGE JOURNEY AWD V6, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Red, 35k 2011 CHRYSLER 200 TOURING 4cyl., Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Dark Blue, 14k 2011 NISSAN VERSAS 4cyl., Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Dark Blue, 16k 2010 KIA SOUL 4cyl., Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Black, 36k 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ V6, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, White, 56k 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS 4cyl., Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Tan, 26k 2008 CHRYSLER SEBRING TOURING V6, Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, Light Blue, 56k 2008 TOYOTA SIENNA V6, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Gray, 77k 2007 LINCOLN TOWN CAR V8, Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, Green, 32k 2005 DODGE NEON SXT 4cyl., Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Black, 70k 2003 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER LTD 4cyl., Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, Blue, 92k 2003 BUICK CENTURY V6, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Tan, 105k USED TRUCKS 2011 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4X4 4cyl., Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Blue, 39k 2011 FORD E150 CARGO VAN V8, Auto, Cloth, Air, White, 10k 2010 JEEP PATRIOT SPT 4X4 4cyl., Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Tan, 30k 2010 JEEP PATRIOT SPT 4X4 4cyl., Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Orange, 35k 2010 DODGE 1500 CREW SLT 4X4 V8, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, White, 52k 2010 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT AWD V6, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Gray, 45k 2009 DODGE DURANGO HYBRID V8, 5.7, Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, Blue, 76k 2007 DODGE 3500 QUAD 4X4 Diesel, 6 Speed, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Red, 187k 2007 JEEP COMMANDER SPT 4X4 V8, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/options, Dark Red, 65k 2007 CHRYSLER ASPEN LIMITED V8, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Black, 73k 2006 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB V8, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Red, 87k 2003 CHEVY 2500 LS 4X4 REG CAB V8, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Green,, 45k 2002 GMC SONOMA 4X4 EXT CAB V6, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Green, 51k PROGRAM VEHICLES 2012 DODGE MEGA 3500 4X4 SLT Diesel, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Black, 0k 2012 DODGE 3500 CREW 3500 Diesel, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Red, 4k 2012 DODGE 2500 CREW SLT 4X4 V8, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, White, 13k 2012 DODGE 1500 CREW 4X4 V8, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Dark Red, 0k 2012 CHRYSLER 300S AWD V6, Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, Black, 20k 2012 DODGE CHARGER SXT V6, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Red, 12k 2012 CHRYSLER 300 TOURING V6, Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, Black, 23k 2012 TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING V6, Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, White, 17k 2012 DAKOTA QUAD 4X4 V6, Auto, Cloth, Loaded W/ Options, Silver, 19k 2011 CHRYSLER 200 LIMITED CONV V6, Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, White, 18k 2011 CHRYSLER 300C V8, Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, Dark Blue, 15k 2011 CHRYSLER 300C AWD V8, Auto, Leather, Loaded W/ Options, Dark Blue, 10k
Airport Rd., Hornell, NY 607-324-1155 FAX 607-324-4433 www.maplecitydodge.net CRAFT & VENDOR FAIR: October 28 at Dansville Moose Club, 8am-4pm. Vendors wanted, $20 table plus thrift table donation. Handmade items, various unique vendors, new items, yard sale items, coffee and donuts sale. Come and get a jump on Christmas Shopping. Women of the Moose. All proceeds for various supported charities. Call Linda 607-661-3029.
! %+ (:= 8)7'5 )'78 2+9'1 '3* </11 7+24;+ ,'11+3 97++8 )42+ 94 =4: '11 9,
#7'/3 ,47 11/+* +'19. '3* +*/)'1 '3'-+2+39 4( 51')+2+39 '88/89'3)+ 425:9+7 ';'/1'(1+ /3'3 )/'1 /* /, 6:'1/,/+* " $ )+79/,/+* '11 <<< +3 9:7' 31/3+ )42 '5)
4, 7+,7/-+7'9478 -'8 -7/118 <'8.+78 *7=+78 ('99+7/+8 '3= 2+9'18 '11
Award Winning Sales & Service Sales Hours: M, W, TH, F 8:30am-8:30pm • T, Sat. 8:30am-5pm Service Hours: M-F 7:30am-5pm; Sat. 8am-12pm
CRANEʼS ANTIQUES, 32 Ossian St., Dansville. Will be at the Sonyea Antique and Craft Show Octoer 20. Starting November, check out our booth in Caledonia at McKay’s Antiques Co-op. You can always call to see our shop in town. 5 8 5 - 3 3 5 - 6 5 8 5 . Remember “Older Is Better!” #7'/3 /3- (+-/38 )9 '9 52 ,47 +-/33+7 39+72+*/'9+ '3* *;'3)+* "</22+78 !'7+39 3,472'9/43 ++9/394 (+ .+1* '9 52 '184 -+8 '3* :5 <+1)42+ :89 (+ '(1+ 94 8</2 ='7*8 :3'88/89+* %/11 1+'73 '3* <470 43 89740+ *+;+1 452+39 ,47 '11 89740+8 </9. +79/,/+* 4').+8 !7')9/)+ 9/2+8 *'9+8 </11 (+ '334:3)+* '9 2++9/342+ 97= :8 4:9 ,47 ' <++0 ,47 ,7++ 47+ /3,4 '9 <<< 0;')8</2 4747 +2'/1 +/*/ :7*/)0 '9 .+/*/( .492'/1 )42
=7 >&4:7 4)'1 42+94<3 +<85'5+7? #4 8:(8)7/(+ )'11 9,
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 28 CLIP ‘N SAVE
Award A ward W Winning inning Lane’s T Lane’s Taxidermy axidermy Our Attention To Detail Makes The Difference
335-8580 www.lanestaxidermy.com True Blue Satellite Systems
Ryan Lane Professional Taxidermist
671 Karr Valley Rd., Almond, NY 14804 (607) 276-2817
WASCO Award for most artistic entry United Taxidermists of NY
Fall Sale $13900 Series 8300
Offer good through October 19th
Double Hung Model White 0-101 U.I.. (width + height) Approximately 1 Week Delivery from Monday 12 pm cut off. INCLUDES: • Low-E with Argon Glass • Limited Lifetime Warrant • 6 Jamb Jacks on each window! • Heavy Extruded Half Screen Included
Heavy reinforced rebar in horizontal extrusions
“We saw the Value in this new Line of windows, So will you!”
Shop 7 Days A Week
Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-6pm; Shop 7 Days A Week Sat. Mon.-Fri., 7:30am-5pm; Sun. 8am-3pm 7:30am-6pm Sat. 7:30am-5pm; Sun. 8am-3pm
#-9@2-/?@=1= 5> >177593 5?> /=105? 59>@=10 59A:5/1> -? 05>/:@9? 9A:5/1 ;@= /4->1= 8-61> '% 1A1=D 0-D> &4 := A>;=:0@/?> 38-57 /:8 -;/
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PENNY SOCIAL: October 15, Wayland American Legion. Wayland Youth Cheerleading & Football Players. Doors open 5pm, Drawing starts at 7pm. 50/ 50, raffles, free refreshments.
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 29
**10:30 A.M.** Sale to be held at the Empire Livestock Cherry Creek Market, 6732 Pickup Hill Road, 1 mile West of Route 83 in Cherry Creek. Our usual run of cows, heifers and bulls. Early Consignments of: 10 Holstein Heifers, bred 3-5 months 12 Holstein Heifers, bred 7-8 months All dairy will be vet checked and inoculated w/nasalgen. Terms: Cash or Good check day of sale. Nothing to be removed until settled for. 716-296-5041 Sue Rudgers - Manager Lonnie Kent – Auctioneer and Sales Manager 716-450-0558 www.empirelivestock.com $&,( $"#' $%% 2/GA /; >; /:: G=C@ 4/D=@7B3 />>:3A =C@ 4/;=CA />>:3 1723@ 2=<CBA 1723@ 7<1:C23A 4@3A6 1CAB=; >@3AA7<5 4@=; 2=<JB ;7AA =CB #/7< /<7AB3= %. (=/2 EEE :/7< 07H 3B *=> =::/@ %)* %* &443@ (C<<7<5 %=B /;/532 =@ -@31932 &" -3 '/G +> /:: *=:: @33 *= />1
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SENIOR STYLE Week of October 15, 2012 - October 19, 2012
STEUBEN COUNTY Hornell Senior Center Steuben Senior Dinner Club Wednesday, October 17 Meatloaf With Mushroom Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Strawberry Yogurt, Parfait
Monday, October 15 Chicken Parmesan, Or Plain Chicken Breast, Baked Potato, Broccoli, Pears
Tuesday, October 16 Turkey Stew Over Biscuit, Spinach, Peach Fluff
Thursday, October 18 Friday, October 19 Spanish Rice Or Hamburger On Bun, Boiled Macaroni & Cheese, Stewed Tomatoes, Cabbage, Tossed Salad With Dressing, Vanilla Tropical Fruit Pudding
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Milk, Bread and Juice served daily. *Menu subject to change without Notice Vo l u n t a r y d o n a t i o n s a r e v e r y i m p o r t a n t t o m a i n t a i n t h e p r o g r a m . E f f e c t i v e J a n u a r y 2 3 r d t h e d o n a t i o n r e q u e s t f o r o u r m e a l s w i l l b e $ 3 . 0 0 f o r t h o s e 6 0 a n d o l d e r a n d t h e r e w i l l b e a c h a r g e o f $ 6 . 0 0 f o r t h o s e u n d e r 6 0 . We g l a d l y a c c e p t F o o d S t a m p s , c a s h , o r c h e c k s p a i d d a i l y, w e e k l y o r m o n t h l y . T h a n k y o u . S e e y o u r s i t e m a n a g e r. Alternative menu items require a reservation at least one day in advance.
Monday, October 15 Spaghetti/meat Sauce, Italian Vegetables, Broccoli, Breadstick, Butter, Yellow Cake With Frosting, Apple Juice, Milk
Dansville Senior Nutrition Menu Wednesday, October 17 Kielbasa/sauerkraut, German Potato Salad, Green Beans, Rye Bread, Butter, Apple Pie, Cranberry Juice, Milk
Tuesday, October 16 Chicken Pot Pie, Mashed Potatoes, Stewed Tomatoes, Sugar Cookie, Orange Juice, Milk
Thursday, October 18 Friday, October 19 Shepard’s Pie, Peas & Pearl Onions, Baby CLOSED Carrots, Pears, Orange Juice, Milk
MENU SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Closed on Fridays. For questions call 1-585-335-8130.
ALLEGANY COUNTY Allegany County Office For The Aging
Monday, October 15 Applesauce, Meat Loaf With Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Beets, Dinner Roll, Tapioca Pudding, Diabetic Pudding
Tuesday, October16 Chilled Juice, Broccoli Cheese Soup, Sloppy Joe On A Bun, Mixed Vegetables, Gingerbread With Lemon Sauce, Diabetic Lemon Pudding
Wednesday, October 17 Carrot Raisin Salad, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes With Gravy, Succatash, Wheat Bread, Apple Crisp, Birthday Cake At Cuba & Whitesville Centers
Thursday, October 18 Strawberry Yogurt Salad, Chicken Ala King Over Biscuit, Petite Peas, Ice Cream, Diabetic Ice Cream, Birthday Cake At Centers
Friday, October 19 Spinach Mandarin Salad, Stuffed Shells, Green Beans, Garlic Bread, Fruit Cocktail, Diabetic Fruit Cocktail
FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: (585) 268-9390 BY 2:00pm on the previous day. Toll Free 1-866-268-9390. Alfred-Jenny Baker (607) 276-6059 or Cindy Berry (607) 281-8794; Belmont- Lila Johnson (607) 268-5380; Bolivar-Carolyn Hackett (607) 928-2672; Canaseraga-Barb Welch (607) 295-7301; Cuba-Linda Nelson (607) 968-2397; Fillmore-Maggie Smith (585) 737-5609; Friendship-Vivian Howell (607) 973-2650; Wellsville-Donna Fiegl (585) 593-7665; Whitesville-Becky Mattison (Cell) (607) 356-3571.
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 30
ON-SITE REAL ESTATE AUCTION Complete Home Contents & Real Estate Of The Late Patricia Foster MONDAY, OCTOBER 22nd - 2012 - 4PM (preview 2pm) 217 South 3rd Street OLEAN, NY 14760 To settle the Estate we are motivated to sell a nice Two Story Two Bedroom Home with a partially finished basement, finished 3rd story attic/bedroom and large detached garage on a 40x150 lot. Full bathroom upstairs, 1/2 bath first floor, and 3/4 bath with shower in basement. Property also boasts hardwood floors, enclosed porch/ entertainment room, large fenced back yard, separate outbuilding on concrete slab, and blacktop driveway. Perfect starter home, small family, or investment income property, on a quiet side street in the City of Olean only a few blocks from Ivers J. Norton Elementary School. Low taxes and ready to close. Property offered at Live Public Auction by Pepper & Crandall Reality - Richard Mason Salesman MONDAY, OCTOBER 22nd - 5PM (private property viewing available by appointment) REAL ESTATE TERMS OF SALE: 10% Down Day of Sale (minimum $3,000) Non-Refundable Deposit by Cash or Certified Funds. Balance due by 30 day closing. 10% Premium Applied to Home Sale Price. Property is sold free and clear of all liens and encumbrances with good and marketable or insurable title. Property is sold in and “asis” condition, with any and all faults, no contingencies. Property subject to Owner Confirmation. This is the first and only time this property has been available on the market in over 30 years! Announcements Made Sale Day Take Precedence. An opportunity in the making! For More Information or to Schedule Preview Call Richard Mason - (585) 721-8844
! ! D L SO You’ve got it in your hands already! The best listing for cars, trucks, homes, apartments, restaurants, deals, auctions, and more in the Southern Tier.
Fillmore Hotel and Estate Auction Real Estate, Equipment, Collectibles, Household Saturday October 20th @ 10am preview 8:30am Corner of Main and Emerald St., Fillmore, NY 14735 Recently closed due to the sudden death of its beloved owner Larry Tonaus the Fillmore Hotel is a 107 years old institution in the Fillmore area. Under the ownership of the Tonaus family over the past 37 years it was well known throughout Western NY as a great place to eat, drink and enjoy lots of great fun! Located just 10 miles south of Letchworth State Park, 10 miles from Rushford Lake, and surrounded by some of the best deer hunting in the state of NY. It’s the place to be during hunting season. Fierce customer loyalty almost ensures a successful restart of this very popular local watering hole. Parcel 1: The Hotel: 3 story, turn of the century hotel with ground floor kitchen, bar room and dining room plus 2nd and 3rd floor rental rooms. This property will sell with another property used as storage building and liquor store. Opening bid is $50,000. A $10,000 deposit is required in cash or certified check immediately upon being struck down. The property sells free and clear and “as is”. A 10% Buyer’s Premium added to the high bid. The Auction Sale Contract is cash and non-contingent. Closing 45 days from auction date. Parcel 2: Former Allegany Observer building now a sm. single story 2-bedrm, 1-bath, residence w/small lot. Opening bid $5,000. Sells “as is” and non-contingent. A $3,000 deposit will be required. 10% Buyer’s Premium will be added. Closing 45 days from auction date. Equipment: Deep fryers, coolers, Hobart meat slicer, Garland stove w/ broiler, lighted outdoor sign w/ letters, 6 ft. oval overhead pot rack, 2 door stainless Delfield upright cooler, 6 ft. under bar chest cooler, woods freezer, Gem 6 glass door cooler, sm. Chest freezer, Red Baron Pizza oven, Slice counter top, display cooler, Grill, Salad bar, Hand Cart, Wet dry vac, Tavern tables, cash register, Hotel china, the last 4 Hotel Bar stools! Hotel Antiques, Collectibles and Misc: Tin beer signs and advertising mirrors, Neon Yuengling and Blue Light signs, Bud Light and Coors pool table lights, 2 old baseball trophies, Budweiser Clock, Old Fillmore Hotel tin and neon road sign (broken), Early Fillmore Hotel “Dine in the new Hunt Room” sign, wooden Fillmore Hotel arrow sign, A section of the Fillmore Legion Bowling alley, Larry’s oak desk and chair, Larkin Desk, Smith Pump organ, General Railways Signal Company ringer washer, contents of the weight room, original oak Hotel commode, advertising boxes, 40 wooden Pepsi bottle boxes, 2 door wainscoat closet, 3 mahogany sideboards, Lg. Scalding Kettle, Old trunks, several metal camp beds, bunk beds, and roll-aways, chairs, dressers, misc. tables, tools, horse harness and several horse collars, old radio and TV tubes and parts from old repair shop, hardware, old stoves, fridges and metal for scrap, B vent pipe, 2 old park benches, storage cupboards, several boxes of all kinds of misc. Auctioneer’s note: Larry Tonaus was a personal friend but the Hotel needs a new owner and a new start. Lets give Larry’s old Hotel a proper send off by attending this auction and taking a bit of his Hotels memorabilia away with you. Are you going to be the new owner? Call me.
Auctioneer: Howard Byer Gavel Auction and Realty Fillmore, NY (585) 766-2308 www.auctionzip.com Auctioneer #31 007
ON-SITE ESTATE AUCTION PERSONAL PROPERTY Complete Home Contents & Real Estate Of The Late Patricia Foster MON. OCT. 22nd - 2012 - 4PM (preview 2pm) 217 South 3rd Street OLEAN, NY 14760 United & RG Mason Auctions have been retained to Co-Manage the Complete Home Contents, Real Estate, & Personal Automobile of long time Olean resident; The Late Patricia (Donald) Foster. Join us for a short evening auction held On-Site at the family home. AUTOMOBILE Ê Selling Absolute! 2008 Chevrolet Impala LS - 1 owner well cared & maintained car with less than 11,500 miles! WOW! VIN 2G1WB58N289114996 PERSONAL PROPERTY - ANTIQUES - HOUSEHOLD - TOOLS - MORE The garage, porch, and attic were PACKED with many large boxes yet to be unpacked and sorted - see our photos! Who knows what we will find from generations past. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES - Fabulous Large Tin ÒSatinÓ Portrait Advertising Tray; Several Large Unpacked Boxes Full of Pink & Green Depression Glass; Mahogany Open Bookshelf; Mahogany Corner Wall Shelf; Carnival Glass; Iris & Herringbone; 3 Sets of Flatware; Collector Plates; Hand Painted China; Flow Blue China; Clarks 6 Drawer Spool Cabinet (rough); Childs Rocker; Wicker Furniture; McCoy; Farm Milk & Cream Cans; ÒWest BranchÓ Cedar Chest; Old Trunks; Cast Iron Frying Pans; Wooden Work Bench; Murry Childs Wagon; Childs Tricycle; Oak Fold-Up Sewing Table; Old X-Mas Decorations; Board Games; Cookie Jars; Milkglass; Whites Utica Blue Decorated Water Pitcher; Stoneware & Crocks; Ironstone; Brass Clothes Tree; Mahogany Wall Rack & Mug Collection; Set of Floral Wakbrzyck (Poland) Porcelain Dishes; Set of Cavalier - Homer Laughlin Turquoise Dinner China; Etched Stemware; Pattern & amp; Cut Glass; Bumper Pool Table; & More Yet To Be Unpacked and Discovered. GUN WIin M12 - 12 Gauge Shotgun HOUSEHOLD - Broyhill Sofa & Matching Chair; Flexsteel Swivel Rocker; Big Screen TV; Console & Other TVÕs; Hard Rock Maple 9 Piece Dinning Room Set; Wards Stereo System & Cabinet; Records; Department 56 Collectors Village; Nice Oak Jewelry Cabinet; Oak TV Tray Set; Wicker Bookshelf; Set of Encyclopedias; Large Selection of Baskets; Many Picture Frames; Maple Rocker; Patio Sets; Plus the typical household items of Small Appliances, Pots/Pans, Pyrex, Cleaning Supplies & House-wares, Towels, Blankets, Etc. APPLIANCES Rainbow Vacuum; Frigidaire Chest Freezer; Whirlpool Refrigerator; Whirlpool HD Large Capacity Dryer; Maytag Washer; Panasonic Microwave; TOOLS - Murray 450 Push Lawn Mower; Hand Tools; Several Ladders; Wheelbarrow; Tomato Cages; Metal Shelving; & More. TERMS Cash / Local Check / Credit Cards Accepted - 13% BP Applied All Items Sold As-Is Where Is - Removal Sale Day Absentee & Phone Bids Considered World Wide Delivery Available Auction Co. Nor Estate Liable For Any Injuries That Occur On-Site. Announcements Made Sale Day Take Precedence. Listing and Photos For Reference Only. AUCTIONEERS - Richard Mason (585) 721-8844 Greg Carter (716) 307-3405 James Mason (585) 261-8844
10795 Rt. 19 Fillmore, NY 14735-9651 (585) 567-8844
Short-Notice Auction; Helen Sehm; Sun. 10/21, 11am; Hughes St., Belfast. 300 pics on AuctionZip.com. Supr bow china cab, stepbck bkcas, clocks/clk parts, collctbls, gls, cap guns, jkknivs, RR lantns, oak showcs, tools, crcks, Hallmrk, way mor! No buyr’s prem! Scott Burt Auctions. Text 585-610-3326.
ADDISON AUCTION HOUSE Thursdays • 5:30pm 607-359-2234 7777 Rte. 417, Addison
We have moved a large quality antique auction from Wellsville, and Arcade into our facility for public auction. Located on Rt. 19 between Hume and Fillmore. Watch For R. G. MASON AUCTION arrows. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Round Oak table w/claw feet & leaves nice; Marble top stand; Mission Oak library table; Cast iron pot w/tripod; Sm. Primitive cupboard; Nice sm. Camel back trunk; Victorian glass; Concrete jockey man; S. church pew; Wrought iron stands; Wooden bucket; Lg. assort of great glassware; Dressers; Chest of drawer; Dolls; Victorian rockers; Mirror; Primitive blanket chest; Childs rocker; Pan-American Europe item; Dresser set; Hanging Victorian lamp; Fancy lamps; Frames & pictures; Cedar chest; Lg. Oriental vases; Bamboo stand; Early I drawer stand; Primitives; Ornate wall shelf; Early rocker; Baskets; Bust; Linens; rugs; Early pitcher & bowl; Hanging slag lamp; Stands; Showcase stand. MORE TO BE UNPACKED AND DISCOVERED. MODERN Love seat; Stuffed chairs; Washer & dryer; Wicker patio set; Misc tools; Roll around tool box; Bird cage; coffee table; Exercise bike; Metal cupboards; Ladder; AND MORE. AUTOS 2007 Jeep Liberty 4x4 1 owner 33K; CLASSIC CAR 1996 Mercedes 500SL removable top This is only a partial listing, check with our website for additions to what we unpack. Good quality antiques and collectibles, autos. Don’t miss the chance to add to your collection. TERMS CASH OR GOOD CHECK W/PROPER ID 13% BUYER PREMIUM
Folks it’s that time of the year again for the annual fall consignment auction. Being held at our Mason facility by R. G. Mason Auctions, Rt. 19 Fillmore, NY. We have updated our yard to hold more equipment and items; which has been a great excitement for us. Rich and James have been busy lining up great array of equipment for this fall auction. LOCAL HOBBY FARM DISPERSAL Ford 5000 w/loader diesel fresh motor 2 1/2 years ago sharp; Hesston 730 R. baler mint; NH 467 7ft haybine; NH 269 baler w/thrower; NH 56 rake; 3 pt MF 3Btm plow; 4ft Cultipacker; Sm. transpt. elevator; 3 pt 5ft King Kutter tiller; 3 pt spreader; 3 pt post hole digger; Fuel tank e/elec. Motor; Very nice cattle squeeze shoot; Tow behind bush hog; Trailer load of smalls. Long time customer of ours. Also Consigned TRACTORS Case IH 5240 4x4 Hi clearance w/cab; NH 8260 w/cab 2WD; JD 3020 Power shift diesel; McCormick C75 Max 4x4 w/less than 600 hrs; SKIDSTEERS Pose track RC100; JD 260 nice; Bobcat 753 nice; 2-NH 160’s; JD317; Skidsteer attachments. COMPACT TRACTORS NH TC30 4x4 w/loader & backhoe; TYM 4x4 D450 w/loader; CC 7234 4x4 clean; and many more. EQUIP Claas Variant 180 R. baler; Gehl 2580 R. baler/silage spec.; JD 338 Sq. baler very nice; NI 4845 R. baler; Hoof trimmer table; Rotary rake; 2- Car haulers; 3pt items; FEEDER CATTLE James personal stock. This is a small ad, watch next week for complete listing. Delivery date Monday-Thurs. 9-5 Fri 9-2 week of auction. Large items can be left the week before by appointment only 585-261-8844 or 585567-8844. Call for info and advertising.
10795 Rt. 19 Fillmore, NY 14735-9651 (585) 567-8844
10795 Rt. 19 Fillmore, NY 14735-9651 (585) 567-8844
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 31
PUBLIC AUCTION 97th Annual Allegany Steuben Holstein Club Fall Sale. To be held at the Club Barn, Canisteo, NY along St. Rt. 36. 5 miles south of Canisteo. Friday Eve. October 19th, starting 7:30pm. Selling will be fresh young Cows, Bred Heifers, Yearlings, Show Age Calves and Service age Bulls. Terms: cash or good check, evening of sale. Sale info.: Martin Demun 607-525-6217 Jerry Smith 607-356-3467 Elwin Stebbins 607-324-5162 Sale phone 607-590-0463 Fraley Auction Co. Inc. - Muncy, PA 17756
Moving Tag Sale 14 East Ave. Sat., Oct. 20, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Arkport, NY One Day - Reductions @ 1:00 PM Closing immaculate home; dispersing attractive contents, including TRADITIONAL FURNISHINGS: Pretty sofa, upholstered chairs, Maple Corner Cabinet & large Hutch, Dressers, Occasional Tables, 4 Poster Bed, Entertainment Center, Computer Desk, 60’s Hutch, Glass Cabinet, Sewing Stand, Maple Writing desk, table & chairs, linens, lamps, china, glass, microwave, new bottles, Ivy China set, Patio furniture, Sango Rose China, Teapots, Books, LOTS of xmas & seasonal, Decorative items, usual kitchen and household. UTILITY: GE Refrigerator, T.V., Kenmore Washer, Hotpoint Dryer. ANTIQUE, COLLECTIBLE: Caned Rocker and side chairs, 30’s Buffet & small server, Washstand, Gate Leg Table, sm. Dropleaf table, Eastlake Dbl. Bed, Cruet Collection, Pressed, Opalescent, Ruby and Cranberry Glass, Mirrored Plateau, Ironstone Sugarbowl, misc. collectibles, more to sort. Numbers @ 7:00 A.M. - for first “rush” only. Come anytime, all day. A nice sale - hope to see you.
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APPLES: 20 ounce, Cortland, Empire, McIntosh, Jonagold, Macoun, Red Delicious, Yellow Delicious; Squash: Butternut, Buttercup, Acorn, Spaghetti, Delicata. Pumpkins ($1 and up), gourds (3-$1), new potatoes, Nunda Mustard and Once Again Nut Butter - Raging Winds Farm Market, Kysorville-Byersville Rd., Dansville 585-335-2963.
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We have notifications that can be sent out with specials!
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 32
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At Both Wellsville and Cuba Giant Food Mart Locations! Every Friday during the regular high school football season purchase $5 worth of merchandise at Giant and get the Wellsville Daily Reporter Free!
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The Friday paper contains all the things you’ve come to enjoy PLUS a preview of the three Allegany County football teams (Wellsville, Bolivar-Richburg, and Cuba-Rushford)
Offer available at Wellsville Giant and Cuba Giant Food Mart locations. Promotion starts Friday, September 28, 2012 and ends Friday, October 19, 2012. Offer valid on Fridays only during promotional period. Limit 1 Wellsville Daily Reporter per customer purchasing more that $5.00 worth of merchandise. Not valid with other promotional offer and while supplies last. Papers available after 1pm.
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';8-> 4;@ C-@1> 5? A?A-88E /41-<1> @4-: <>;<-:1 ;> 181/@>5/ %81-?1 /;:@-/@ 4@@< 61>5/4;?;8->4;@C-@1> 9;>1 /;9 2;>
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AVON: 226-3040 HORNELL: 607-324-1393 DANSVILLE: 335-3640
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 33
Red Delcious
Ida Red
Jona Gold
And Many More!
Plus see out Back Page of this week's Giant Food Mart ad for more Fall Harvest Savings: Sweet Yams, Blossom Apple Cider, Green Cabbage, Crisp Carrots, Hardy Mums and Winter squash.
Full Color, Glossy, Double Sided Flyers. We offer a large variety of sizes.
Let One of Our Talented Graphic Artist Design Your Piece. It’s Included In Our Affordable Rate!
Whether it’s one or fifteen zip codes we can deliver it for you.
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 34
Stock #1367T
* 2013 FORD ESCAPE SE 2 Litre, Eco Boost, 4x4, White
MPG...................CITY 21 • HWY 28 MSRP......................................$30,300 RETAIL CUSTOMER CASH..........$1,500
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 35
Only 6 days left!
It’s a Steel. Metal Roofing $1.99 / Lin Foot
till October 26th Galv. & Colors - Order to Length. 29 Gauge.
TPS $1.699
For money saving coupons and special deals go to
Shop 7 Days A Week
Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-6pm; Shop 7 Days A Week Sat. Mon.-Fri., 7:30am-5pm; Sun. 8am-3pm 7:30am-6pm Sat. 7:30am-5pm; Sun. 8am-3pm
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•Flexible Payment Options •HEAP Accounts Welcome •Residential, Commercial, Agricultural
Be sure to check out the Reporter’s T.V. Magazine each week, in the Sunday Spectator, thanks to the following businesses for making
The Select TV Entertainment Magazine
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 36
Dansville • Hornell • Warsaw HEARING CENTERS
D N U F L A U N 2 AN 1 0 2 E DRIV C e l e b ra t i n g 5 7 y e a r s o f Ne i g h b o r s h e l p i n g Ne i g h b o r s ! • Community Health & E m e rg e n c y S e r v i c e s • Yo u t h S e r v i c e s • E l d e rc a re S e r v i c e s OUR MISSION: To build a stronger community by investing in programs that help people improve their lives.
Do people complain that you turn the TV volume up to high?
HOMESTEAD COAL INC. KEYSTONE MILLS Horse, Chicken, Pig, Dairy & Beef Feeds
Bulk Coal $249 00/ton Bagged Coal $289 00/ton
Participating With Most Insurances Financing Options Available
DANSVILLE 60 Red Jacket St. (585) 335-5724
We have Mulch in 3 Colors
www.ksaudiology.com HORNELL 100 Loder St. (607) 324-0467
WARSAW 67 West Buffalo St. (585) 786-2422
TRAVEL 585-335-2222
res rt pictu Passpoailable! v a
Welding Supply Co.
We Now Exchange & Lease Cylinders RT. 415N Bath, NY 14810 ~ 607-776-6703 Monday-Friday 9:5:30 p.m. Saturday 9-12 p.m.
Without A Travel Agent, You’re On Your Own!
To plan the vacation best suited for your needs. We have extensive experience in planning vacations all over the world.
$600 PER COUPLE 2013 River Cruise
Save $1000 Per Couple
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$1000 Travel Credit Per State Room From 4-14 Nights Of Fine Food & Accommodations
'30 ,=0,H> :97D 1@77 ?480 .:49 >3:; -@D492 >077492 >47A0= /:77,=> ;=::1 >0?> .:49 .:770.?4:9> /4,8:9/> :7/ ;,;0= 8:90D ;:.60? B,?.30> 2:7/ 50B07=D -=:609 # :80 >00 :@= 49A09?:=D =492 D:@= 4?08> 1:= 1=00 ,;;=,4>,7> #;09 !:9 =4 ;8 &090., %/ :=9077 :@9?=D 4?.309 :;;:>4?0 %0>?,@=,9? $3:90
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117 Franklin St., Dansville, NY - Toll Free 1-800-724-8285 E-Mail:contact@adieutravel.com • www.adieutravel.com
(9:;090/ @90C;4=0/ -:C0> 77 =,9/> $=0 ;,4/ !,47492 7,-07 &' $% $
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Week of October 15, 2012 - October 19, 2012
STEUBEN COUNTY ¥ Seamless Gutters ¥ Awnings ¥ Decking
¥ Patio Covers ¥ Siding ¥ Remodeling
Owners, Tracy & Karen Burdett
Wayland-Cohocton School
Monday, October 15 Chicken Patty On A Bun, Deli Bar, Pb&J Sandwich, Pepperoni Pizza • Potato Puffs, Carrot Sticks, Mandarine Oranges, Fresh Apple, Variety Of Milk
Tuesday, October 16 Hot Dog On A Bun, Deli Bar, Chefs Salad, Pb&J Sandwich, Pepperoni Pizza • Buttered Rice, Calico Beans, Corn, Chilled Peaches, Watermelon, Variety Of Milk
Wednesday, October 17 Mozzarella Sticks, Deli Bar, Chefs Salad, Pb&J Sandwich, Pepperoni Pizza • Mixed Veggies, Romaine Garden Salad, Chilled Applesauce, Grapes, Variety Of Milk
Thursday, October 18 Roasted Chicken, Deli Bar, Chefs Salad, Pb&J Sandwich, Pepperoni Pizza • Biscuit, Sweet Potato Mash, Cucumber Slices, Fruit Cocktail, Cantaloupe, Variety Of Milk
Friday, October 19 Italian Dunkers, Deli Bar, Chefs Salad, Pb&J Sandwich, Pepperoni Pizza • Romaine Garden Salad, Green Beans, Chilled Pineapple, Banana, Variety Of Milk
Students must choose on entree before the • and three or four items after the •.
LIVINGSTON COUNTY Dansville High School
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 - 4:30 • Sat. by Appointment www.airventalum.com ÒQuality & Expertise for Over 50 Years.Ó SONYEA CRAFT & ANTIQUE SHOW: Sat., October 20, 9am-3pm. 7050 Sonyea Rd, Sonyea, NY. Halfway between Dansville & Mount Morris. Look for Signs
' B477 -0 3,A492 ?304= ,99@,7 ,=A0>? &@;;0= :9 &,?@= /,D #.?:-0= 1=:8 ?: ; 8 ,? ?30 '=:@;>-@=2 4=0 ,77 '34> /074.4:@> -@110? /4990= 49.7@/0> ?@=60D /=0>>492 ;:?,?:0> 2=,AD .:70>7,B A020?,-70> =:77> ;@8;649 =:77 ;@8;649 ;40 ,9/ ,;;70 ;40 ',60 :@?> B477 -0 ,A,47 ,-70 1:= ,? 49 1:= ,9 ,/@7? 4> .347/=09 4> ,9/ .347/=09 ,9/ @9/0= 0,? 1:= 1=00 G
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7:B ;=:1470 -,70 .,==40=> >7,9? -,= 100/0=> 30,/7:.6 100/0=> !12 $099 +,9 "+
Wednesday, October 17 Baked Chicken, Savory Rice, Fresh Broccoli, Corn, Sunflower Kernels, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice
Monday, October 15 Hamburger Patty On Bun, Romaine & Tomato, Sweet Potato Fries, Oatmeal Cookie, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice, Bar
Tuesday, October 16 Turkey Dinner, Mashed Potatoes With Gravy, Sliced Peaches, Graham Snacks, Fresh Orange, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice
Thursday, October 18 Beef Macaroni & Cheese, Seasoned Peas, Baby Carrots, 1 Slice Of Whole Wheat Bread, Fresh Apple, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice
Friday, October 19 Chicken Tenders, Tater Tots, Fresh Broccoli, Wheat Roll & Jelly, Fresh Cantaloupe, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice
Lunch Price $2.25; Milk $0.60, Prepayment of meals always available. Make checks payable to Dansville Cafeteria. Free & Reduced Applications always available. Menu subject to change.
Dansville Primary/Elementary School
Monday, October 15 Hamburger Patty On Bun, Romaine & Tomato, Sweet Potato Fries, Oatmeal Cookie, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice, Bar
Tuesday, October 16 Turkey Dinner, Mashed Potatoes With Gravy, Sliced Peaches, Graham Snacks, Fresh Orange, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice
Wednesday, October 17 Baked Chicken, Savory Rice, Fresh Broccoli, Corn, Sunflower Kernels, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice
Thursday, October 18 Beef Macaroni & Cheese, Seasoned Peas, Baby Carrots, 1 Slice Of Whole Wheat Bread, Fresh Apple, Fruit Choice, Milk
Friday, October 19 Chicken Tenders, Tater Tots, Fresh Broccoli, Wheat Roll & Jelly, Fresh Cantaloupe, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice
Lunch Price $2.00; Milk $0.60, Prepayment of meals always available. Make checks payable to Dansville Cafeteria. Free & Reduced Applications always available. Menu subject to change.
'B49 =4A0 ,9> A4770 "+ *,79@? -0/=::8 >0? .:@.3 B,79@? .0/,= .30>? ':=: >9:B -7:B0= 4=-D .,A@@8 .70,90= A,=4 :@> ?,-70> >0A0=,7 7,8;> =0 .7490= .:9>:70 ?A ,>3 /0.:= -09.3 /49492=::8 ?,-70 .3,4=> 64?.309 /490??0 >0? 8::=4E0/ >.::?0= .3,4= 90B #.?:-0= ,8 ;8 *,?.3 1:= =08,49/0= :1 >?,?0 &,70 77 :110=> B477 -0 .:9>4/0=0/ $70,>0 .,77
Monday, October 15 Crispy Chicken Patty Sandwich, Sliced Ham Sandwich, Traditional Baked Beans, Tasty Tater Tots
Tuesday, October 16 Pasta With Meatsauce & Breadstick, Pasta With Marinara Sauce & Breadstick, Egg Salad Sandwich, Steamed Broccoli Florets
Wednesday, October 17 Thursday, October 18 Toasted Cheese Sandwich, Sliced Turkey Pizza Dunkers With Marinara Sauce, Chicken Sandwich, Hot Tomato Soup, Fruity Jello Blt Salad With Breadstick, Carrot Coins, Raw With Whipped Topping Cucumber Slices
Friday, October 19 Homemade Macaroni & Cheese With Breadstick, Buffalo Chicken Wrap, Cut Green Beans
Canaseraga Central School
Lunch Price K-6 $1.75; 7-12 $1.85, Reduced Meals $0.25, Milk $0.65, Ice Cream $0.70. Always available PB&Jelly Sandwich, Chef Salad w/Breadstick, Yogurt w/Breadstick, Tossed Salad, Asst. Fruit Cups, Asst. Fresh Fruit, 100% Fruit Juice - Tuesday & Thursdays for grades K-8th., Asst. Chilled Milk. Grades 9-12 will receive 2 packages of saltine crackers are offered with all bun sandwiches & chili.
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 37
Fill Your Freezer You should be just as happy... For Winter With Homegrown Meat. • 1/4 and 1/2 Angus Beef • Bundle Combos of Beef, Pork and Chicken • Whole Chickens
ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY Have Your Insurance Needs Changed Recently?
Shawn, Stacy, & Luke Gilson 3699 State Route 21, Wayland NY 14572 phone: 585-534-5317
Before making another payment to your current insurance, check out what the Erie has to offer.
Gilson Farms Retail Meats
www.kellyfamilyinsurance.com +# ;> %-E #;@45:3 '@->@ ,;A> <<85/-@5;: : ):01> '1/;:0? -88 @;0-E ;: @-/@ 5?-.585@E >;A< :/ !5/1:?10 @@;>:1E? //>105@10 -88 -</
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"5D10 4->0 C;;0 - 2-/1 /;>0 D D /A@ -:0 0185B1>10 ;:@-/@ ;>
roceries G e e ! Fr Begin a new Subscription to The Wellsville Daily Reporter and you will receive “Free” Grocery Cards! The Wellsville Daily Reporter provides unequaled coverage of your local community like NO OTHER newspaper can.
ger you n o l e h T the , e b i r c s sub save! Subscribe Today u o y e r mo and Stay Informed! SPECIAL OFFER FOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY! Carrier Routes 3 Months - $56.00 -
Bonus $10 Giant Food Mart 6 Months - $112.00 -
Bonus $20 Giant Food Mart 1 Year - $219.00 -
Bonus $30 Giant Food Mart Motor Routes 3 Months - $59.00 -
Bonus $10 Giant Food Mart 6 Months - $117.00 -
Bonus $20 Giant Food Mart 1 Year - $229.00 -
Bonus $30 Giant Food Mart Name Address City / State / Zip
Stanley, Roy and Penny
(585) 374-9320 • Toll-Free 877-847-4147
Local • Quality • Value
-88 1::E -:E@591 -@ #; #;C .AE5:3 ;< <1> 8A95:A9 -B1 '/-81?
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of our friends and family for all of the cards, the phone calls, the food and the condolences. A special thanks to Roger Kiley, Wally and Kathie Berry, John and Betsy Mosko and everyone else who helped put on a fantastic meal in honor of our father. To Roger and Wally for helping in the fields so many hours. Keith Jenkins for digging the rest of the potatoes. To our Mother and Sandy Lawrence for taking such good care of our animals while we were at the hospital with Dad and to our sister for watching the stand. Last but not least, a huge Thank You to the hundreds who paid their last respects to such a wonderful, wellknown and loved man who will last in our hearts forever.
196 South Main St., Naples, NY
Hours: Tuesday 9am-Noon, Thursday 3pm-7pm
2;> ;80 '58B1> :@5=A1 1C18>E $80 ;5:? 8;/7? %;/71@ -:0 +>5?@ +-@/41? A88 ?1>B5/1 61C 181> 5: ?@;>1 >1<-5>? &$! %! ")"$'* "-5: '@>11@ ;>:188
In Memory of Stanley E. Neu Sr. 4-19-32 to 9-30-12
2 Easy Payment Options: 1. Pre-Payment Enclosed Check or charge payment to (circle one) Account # Exp. Date Signature Enclose pre-payment in an envelope and mail to: 159 Main St., Wellsville, NY 14895 2. Call Us At (585) 593-5300 Order processed over the phone. Mention this special offer! Grocery Cards will be mailed to you within 2 weeks after full payment is received. Pre-payment is required. If subscription is canceled, refund will be minus the premium received.
No one delivers your local news better!
Expires 11-2-2012
G ;9<81@1 '1>B5/1?H A5805:3 &19;0 #1C $80 185:3 '411@>;/7 &;;25:3 '505:3 1/7? ;:/>1@1 (581 !-:0?/-<5:3 A88E 5: ?A>10 >11 1?@59-@1? @2
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GET YOUR BARGAIN ON. Find area yard sales in the PenneSaverPlus, and start your deal hunt today! (>-5: $# ! # 2;> 88510 1-8@4 -:0 "105/-8 "-:-3191:@ ;. -??5?@-:/1 <8-/191:@ ;9<A@1> -B-58-.81 5:-: * /5-8 50 52 =A-852510 ' /1>@52510 -88 CCC 1: @A>-$:85:1 /;9 -</
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80th Birthday Celebration For: Clayton “Woody” Wood Please Join Us To Celebrate WHEN: Saturday Oct. 20th TIME: 1:00-5:00pm WHERE: Wayland Fire Hall
Food & Refreshments will be available
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 38
WANTED POSITIONS AVAILABLE Assist elderly in their homes. Set Your Own Hours.
Call 382-3260
CNA EVENINGS & NIGHTS Accepting Applications Excellent Wage and Benefit Package Steuben County Health Care Facility 7009 Rumsey St., Ext. Bath, NY 14810 607-776-7651 www.schcf.org
SOUTHERN TIER HOME HEALTH SERVICES, INC. is HIRING NOW! NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: PCA’s, & HHA’s FOR WORK IN RUSHFORD, ANGELICA, BELFAST. ALSO HAVE 6 HR. SHIFTS IN BELMONT Call 585-593-3240 FOR AN INTERVIEW. HELP WANTED : Dansville VFW is looking for a parttime bar tender. Must be 21 and able to work weekends. Stop by the Post at 145 Main St., Dansville after 3pm to fill out an application before 10/19/12. (10/14) WANTED: Seasonal truck driver on dairy farm. Must have clean Class A driver's license with tank endorsement. Call Emerling Farms, Perry, NY 585-237-2548
LOCALLY OWNED COMPANY looking to hire motivated employees to grow with our company. Entry level positions start at $8-10 an hour. We offer a 401(k), paid holidays, paid vacation and health insurance. Valid drivers license with clean record required. Apply in person to: Champion Rent to Own, 96 Bolivar Road, Wellsville, NY 14895. Mon-Fri 9am-4pm.
FULL-TIM E POSITION AVAILABLE 40 hrs. p er w eek M on day-Friday
Resp on sibilities in clu de clean in g office an d light in du strial w orkin g areas. This job com es w ith com p etitive w age package an d ben efits.
Please Ap p ly In Person To: Dan sville Prop erties 9 431 Foster W heeler Rd Dan sville, NY 14437
WANTED: Regional and Over-the-Road Truck Drivers. Please call 607-2957406 (11/04)
OWNER OPERATORS: earn 5,000 a week, off weekends, Midwest dedicated dry van loads, 100% F/S paid weekly, transflow paperwork, Fuel cardsplate program- 1000 sign on bonus 877-290-9492. www.northandsouthexpress.com (apc)
HAWAII BOUND! Travel USA with fun, young company. No Experience Necessary. All Expenses Paid. Pack your Bags! Call Anytime Toll-Free 1-855-633-7555 AWESOME OPPORTUNITY!! (apc)
The Visiting Nursing Association of WNY, Inc. has immediate openings in Steuben County for: Occupational Therapist • Full-time Physical Therapist • Full-time One year experience, NYS OT/PT License, Driver’s License We offer an excellent benefit package, competitive pay, and generous time off.
Please respond to: Lori Stoudmire 2100 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 716- 630-8644 Fax: 716- 630-8674 E-mail: lstoudmire@kaleidahealth.org Apply online: www.vna-wny.com
D E L I V E RY D R I V E R S WANTED in Dansville area. Day hours about 20 hours per week. Prefer retiree or college student. Night hours 3 to 4 nights about 6-7 hours per night. Must have reliable transportation, valid drivers license and insurance. Must be dependable. Send all inquiries to PO Box 101 Dansville, NY 14437. (11/11)
Erie 1 BOCES is seeking qualified candidates for a position of Senior Microcomputer Technical Support Specialist. Applicants must be proficient with Windows Server 2003/2008 / PC operation and management in a LAN/WAN environment. Candidate must also have good customer service and communication skills, along with Project Management and Time Management skills. Troubleshooting, research and documentation skills are also necessary for this position. Knowledge of VMWare, MAC OSX, Linux, Wireless Networking, Network Architectures and other technologies a plus. This position will be based in the Erie 1 BOCES C/A Region Office in Cuba, New York, and will be servicing Cattaraugus / Allegany / Steuben county school districts. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree plus two (2) years of experience that includes installation and maintenance of LAN/WAN systems, or six (6) years total education / experience. BOCES provides excellent benefits and working environment. Send cover letter and resume to: Erie1 BOCES Director of Human Resources 355 Harlem Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Posting #1012-0001
Allegany Arc is looking for substitute stuff in all programs. Visit our web site at www.alleganyarc.org or visit us at 50 Farnum Street, Wellsville, NY. Inquiries can call 585-593-5700 ext. 519. EOE ** ABLE TO TRAVEL ** Hiring 10 people, Worktravel all states, resort areas. No exp. Paid training/ Transportation provided. 18+. 1-877-252-9323 www.protekchemical.com (apc)
HELP WANTED: Local Contractor looking for one skilled carpenter. Must have own hand tools and transportation. Also looking for one laborer. Must have own transportation. Long term employment opportunity. For more information please call 607-382-4130 NURSING CLINICAL INSTRUCTORS, P-T Freshman Level – Olean Campus, Spring Semester 2013 Apply at www.sunyjcc.edu/jccjobs.
Find The People You Need! Advertise your employment statewide through the Classified Advertising Network of New York. Your classified ad will run in over 40 daily newspapers with a combined circulation of more than 1.5 million for a discounted fee. To place your ad or for more information please contact:
The Evening Tribune The Advertising Department 85 Canisteo St., Hornell, NY 14843 (607) 324-1425 LINCARE, leading national respiratory company seeks friendly, attentive Customer Service Representive. Phone skills that provide warm customer interactions a must. Maintain patient files, process doctors’ orders, manage computer date and filing. Growth opportunities are excellent. Drug-free workplace. EOE. email: ldeppas@lincare.com
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR GROOM 9 temp. openings during racing season to assist w/ horse care at employer's training facilities, GyarmatiRacing Inc., Elmont, NY. Employment starts 02/01/13, ends 11/30/13. No min. educ. req. No min. exp. req. 35 hr/wk. M-F. $8.64 p/hr. Duties: assisting w/ the feeding & watering of horses; assisting w/ the cleaning, organization, & disinfecting of the horses & their equip.; & assisting w/ grooming duties. Interested candidates must apply in person or mail resume to GyarmatiRacing Inc., 139 Magnolia Ave, Floral Park, NY 11001. NY1037953
Must have experience with carpentry, concrete, equipment operation. CDL preferred Good pay with Benefits Email Resume: Contact@leonlacyinc.com Or Apply In Person To: 1266 Airport Road, Hornell
DO YOU HAVE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as 5 million potential candidates in central and western New York with a 15-word classified ad for just $350! Place your ad online at fcpny.com or call 1-877-275-2726. (apc)
Dental Receptionist Computer experience necessary 9:00am to 5:15pm Weekdays 7:45am-12:15pm Every Other Sat.
Send Resume To: “Receptionist” P.O. Box 548 Wayland, NY 14572 RELIABLE DAYCARE PROVIDER in the Cuba area. A very loving and safe environment for your child. Please contact Heather at 585-307-8530 for more information
DIETARY AIDE Cuba Memorial Hospital is seeking a part time Dietary Aide. Experience preferred. Interested candidates please forward applications/resumes to: Cuba Memorial Hospital 140 W. Main Street, Cuba, NY 14727 Attention: Human Resource Dept. E mail: lgraham@ cubamemorialhospital.org Fax 585-968-1710 EOE
THE FREMONT TOWN BOARD are accepting applicants to fill the position of Codes Enforcement Building Inspector for the Town of Fremont. Appointment to start 1/1/13. Individual must be State certified. Send letter of interest and resume to Town of Fremont Supervisor, 8217 Cream Hill Rd., Arkport, NY 14807 by 11/13/12. Call 607-324-7786 for contact information. SCIO CENTRAL SCHOOL will accept applications for the anticipated position of part-time, non probationary Elementary Teacher effective though 6/30/13. NYS Certification in N-6 required; experience and additional certification is preferred. Knowledge and experience in instructional technology necessary. If interested, please submit a completed application, letter of interest, resume with references and have placement folder forwarded to the superintendent, Tracie Preston, 3968 Washington St, Scio, NY 14880, by October 23, 2012.
$10,000 Sign On Bonus
Have you ever considered the benefits of working in a rural hospital? Friendly staff, approachable managers, and great physicians; surrounded by the beautiful country setting in Hornell, NY. St. James Mercy is currently seeking qualified candidates for:
Physical Therapist: Full time, days in a hospital based, outpatient setting. NYS license required. Offering competitive pay, paid CME, and assistance with relocation expenses. Laboratory Technologist: Full time, evenings. NYSDOH Clinical Lab Technologist, license is required. Offering competitive pay and assistance with relocation expenses.
St. James Mercy Hospital
411 Canisteo Street - Hornell, NY 14843 P: (607) 324-8744 - F: (607) 324-8754 www.stjamesmercy.org E-mail: humanresources@sjmh.org St. James Mercy is an equal opportunity employer • A Drug Free Workplace.
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 39
Full Time/Part Time Per Diem RNs • LPNs • CNAs Absolut Care of Three Rivers
101 Creekside Drive Painted Post, NY 14870
Find the best classifieds for miles around. Only in
Ph: 607-936-4108 Fax: 607-936-4377 ATTENTION!! CNA’S & PCA’S & HHA’S WE HAVE WORK FOR YOU IN AND AROUND WELLSVILLE! Call 585-593-3240 or stop in @ Southern Tier Home Health Services, Inc. 198 N. Main St. Wellsville, NY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR GROOM 10 temp. openingsduring racing season to assist w/ horse care at employer's training facilities. ContessaRacing Inc., Elmont, NY. Employment starts 02/01/13, ends 11/30/13. No min. educ. req. No min. exp. req. 35 hr/wk. M-F. $8.64 p/hr. Duties: assisting w/ the feeding & watering of horses; assisting w/ the cleaning, organization, & disinfecting of the horses & their equip.; & assisting w/ grooming duties. Interested candidates must apply in person or mail resume to Contessa Racing Inc. 27 Leonard Drive, Massapequa, NY 11758. NY1037957 AIDE/NURSE: Cohocton area (1 mile from exit 2) for quadriplegic. Minimal early morning and evening hours. Day phone 585-728-8273 evening & weekend phone 585-384-5736. (10/14)
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR GROOM 25 temp workers req. during racing season to assist with horse care at employer's training facilities, Chad Brown Racing Stables, Inc. Employment starts 02/01/13, ends 11/30/13. No min. educ. req. No min. exp. req. 35 hr/wk. M-F. $8.64 p/hr. Duties: assisting w/ the feeding & watering of horses; assisting w/ the cleaning, organization, & disinfecting of the horses & their equip.; & assisting w/ grooming duties. Interested candidates must apply in person or mail resume to Chad Brown Racing Stables, Inc., 2150 Hempstead Turnpike, Elmont NY, 11003. NY1037949 EXP. REEFER Drivers: GREAT PAY /Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME, Boston-Lehigh, PA 800-277-0212 or primeinc.com (apc)
Fall Sale!
HELP WANTED! Earn extra income mailing our brochures from home! FREE Supplies! Genuine Opportunity! Start Immediately! www.mailing-work.com. (apc)
Now through October 14th! Look for the 2012-2013 catalog in the mail this month!!!
ACCOUNT SALES REPRESENTATIVE Account Sales Representative Job Purpose: Generates revenue by developmarket potential ing through forecasting, lead generation, qualification, and closing sales; recommending new products and services. Account Sales Representative Job Duties: Identifies market potential by qualifying accounts. Initiates sales process by scheduling appointments; making initial presentation; understanding account requirements. Closes sales by building rapport with potential account; explaining product and service capabilities; overcoming objections; preparing contracts. Expands sales in existing accounts by introducing new products and services; developing new applications. Contributes information to market strategy by monitoring competitive products and reactions from accounts. Recommends new products and services by evaluating current product results; identifying needs to be filled. Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities. Accomplishes marketing and organization mission by completing related results as needed. Skills/Qualifications: Presentation Skills, Internal Communications, Informing Others, Verbal Communication, Closing Skills, Motivation for Sales, Sales Planning, Territory Management, Prospecting Skills, Persistence, Meeting Sales Goals. Compensation: Commiserate with experience. Salary, commission and benefits. Send resume to joystuart@eveningtribune. com.
INVESTORS /FINANCIAL PARTNERS WANTED. Steel co expanding solar power Pro-wrestlers seeking investors for feature films www.rubinslist.com 1-800-884-0816 (apc) BILLY SCHU’S Now accepting applications for Line Cooks/Dishwashers. Dishwashers must have car/valid driver’s license. Apply-in-person, No Phone calls. STEEL BUILDINGS: 6 only 20x20, 25x30, 30x48, 40x60, 45x82, 60x140 Selling for Balance Owed! Must Move Now! Still Crated/ Free Delivery! 1-800-741-9262x88 (apc) HELP WANTED!! Make $1000 a week mailing brochures from home! No exp. req'd. Start Immediately! www.mailing-work.com (apc) Now Hiring CNA’s, PCA’s, & HHA’s For 8 Hr. Shifts in Cuba Call Southern Tier Home Health Services @ 585-593-3240 Or stop in 198 N. Main Street Wellsville, NY EXP. REEFER Drivers: GREAT PAY Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME, Boston-Lehigh, PA 800-277-0212 or primeinc.com (apc) AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for hands-on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-877-202-0386. (apc) CLINICAL INSTUCTOR Practical Nursing Program Cattaraugus Allegany BOCES SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS APPLY ON-LINE AT WWW.CABOCES.ORG EOE/AA
Smokey Cheddar, 16oz Cuba Sharp Swiss, Hot & Cuba Extra Pepper & Sharp Cheddar Mozzarella Cuts Blocks
$5.99 lb. $3.88 each
Fresh Cheese Curd
$5.99 lb. Save $1.00 lb
Sliced Swiss, Provolone, American, Muenster
$3.98 lb.
12oz. Great Lakes String Cheese
Compare & Save!
8oz. River Rat Horseradish Cheddar
$4.99 each
6 Year Aged Wisconsin Cheddar It’s Extra Extra Sharp!
$9.99 lb.
Beemster Gourmet Dutch Cheese with Mustard Seed
$10.99 lb.
Imported French Emmental Swiss
Sage Derby from England
$7.99 lb. $12.98 lb.
20 oz. 7oz.Williston Amish Swiss Margarita Cut from the Brand Limburger Longhorn Pepperoni Stick $4.95 lb.
$4.99 ea.
Save $1.00!
$6.99 each
Cuba Cheese Shoppe 53 Genesee Street - Cuba, N.Y. 14727 Exit 28 OFF I86 1-800-543-4938 OR 585-968-3949 Open Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6; Sat. & Sun. 8:30-5 Senior Citizen & Veteran Discounts Visa-MasterCard-Discover-AM Express Visit us on the web at cubacheese.com
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 40
Choose a simple update OR Complete Restoration Plumbing, Electrical, Flooring, Cabinets & Tub Surrounds. Chair Height Toilets • Walk-in Showers • Handicap Accessible
“Freckles “ is 1 year old and such a sweet boy, he can’t wait to get his own home ! Freckles has been neutered and is up to date with all vaccines.
0@=5:3 *188>A5881G> %5031 *-87 *1171:0 -? ?41 "#%' %" '& $8-D- @31 &181/?5;: -:0 9-D5:3 ;B $=5/1> ;: G> ;2 -:081> / &-?@= /1>>;=51> =50-C 0-C #/?;.1= ?4 ?4 -9 E <9 -:0 &@:0-C ?41 >? -9 E <9 =5:3 ?45> 0 -:0 >-A1 ;= ;: -:C <@=/4->1 ;2 9;=1
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List Price MFYC Discount Yanmar Discount
$32,862 $8,967 -$5,896
Sale Price $17,999 Yanmar EX3200 Tractor and Loader Tractor and 60Ó Loader 32 HP, 4 WD, Diesel, Hydro
David Kuhn - Owner • 30 Years Experience
# 5> ><;:>;=5:3 4=5>?9-> '=11 01/;=-?5:3 /;:?1>? 2;= ?41 ?=11> 5: ?41 )588-31 <-=7 4=5>?9-> 5: ?41 2;= )588-31 :C 3=;@< ;= ;= 3-:5D-?5;: ?4-? 5> 5:?1=1>?10 5: - ?=11 <81->1 /;:?-/? 15?41= $-? ;= 595?10 )-8 :@9.1=> ;2 ?=11> '41 <=5D1 B588 .1 - <-=?C <5DD-:0 - >;0-
Yanmar EX450 Tractor Loader 45 HP, Diesel, 4x4, 12spd Shuttle Shift, 72Ó Q Att Loader, Skid Steer, Att Bucket
Professional Service - Quality Materials
List Price MFYC Discount Yanmar Discount
$23,149 $3,834 -$3,916
! #" & & B5?4 F -= & B5?4 F -= !;;:> -=9 +-=0 (8C>>1> $ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, *$+/ $7 $-( // F // F !;;:> -=9 +-=0 (8C>>1> $ ! )02 034 !$--(4 )5/5:5?C ;2 =7<;=? *58>;: -=9> ;: #/? >? $81->1 /-88
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Sale Price $15,399 Yanmar SC2450 Tractor Loader Backhoe Tractor 48Ó Loader, Backhoe 6.5Õ, 24 HP, Hydro, 4 WD, Diesel, 3 PT, Grill Grd
List Price MFYC Discount Yanmar Discount
$22,418 $3,932 -$2,787
Sale Price $15,699
A program of the Allegany County Department of Health Special Needs Division
Yanmar SC2400 Tractor Loader Deck Tractor Loader Deck 60Ó Deck, 24 HP, Hydro, 4 WD, Diesel, 48Ó Loader
List Price MFYC Discount Yanmar Discount
$19,765 $3,529 -$2,537
Sale Price $13,699 Yanmar SC2400 Tractor Deck Tractor and 60Ó Deck 24 HP, Hydro, 4 WD, Diesel
List Price MFYC Discount Yanmar Discount
$15,522 $2,686 -$2,537
Sale Price $10,299
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 41
Pancake Breakfast October 21, 2012 • 7:00 Till 11:00
Bring one and all and enjoy! All you can eat Pancakes (only) and Eggs, Sausage and Bacon and Home Fries. Coffee, Milk and O.J.
Adults: $6.00 • Children Under 12: $3.00 Willing Fire Hall • Rte 19 S, Stannards, NY 14895 !'$ !'$% $ #' $ !$ $ ( $<% & %& %221> -<<>;D59-@18E 1B1>E @C; C117? 5: ;>:188 -@4 -:0 +188?B5881 ;> 0-@1? -:0 01@-58? CCC 0>5B1>0;: /;9 ;> ;> >5B1> ;:G? >5B5:3 (/4;;8 B;/- @ 2
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The best listing for ! ! OLD cars, trucks, homes,
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apartments, restaurants, You’ve got it in your hands already! deals, auctions, and more in the Southern Tier.
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O V ER TOTA 34,000 L W PAPEEEKLY R CIRC ULAT ION! Classified Rates
Fill out this Classified Form and Mail with payment to: The Hornell Evening Tribune - Classified Department, 85 Canisteo Street, Hornell, NY 14843
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 42 The Hunt Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This!
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0=,+ /(7+ <55+ ( -(*, *57+ = = *:9 (4+ +,20;,7,+ 549(*9 57
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Open Tuesday - Saturday 10am-5pm or by appointment
OCTOBER HUNTING SPECIALS Portable hang on tree stands w/xl platforms $70.00 17.5 foot ladder stands XL seat and platform $135.00 Purchase a ground blind, tree stand, or ladder stick and receive a free hat
20’ Ladder Sticks $59.00 Vest-style fall arrest system $50.00 Hub style ground blinds $99.00 HURRY, FREE BORE Deer Calls • Turkey Calls SIGHTING Quantities With every scope Guns and Ammo Are or gun purchase Limited!
CROSSBOWS Scent Blocker base layers $35.00 per set Whitewater un-insulated camo rain suits $89.00 per set “Bone Collector” fleece hoodies $49.00 LOTS OF HUNTING CLOTHING IN STOCK Backpacks • Fresh Deer lures are in • Cover scents
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 43
-PenneSaverPlus • October 14, 2012• Page 44
• 37 MPG Highway • 8 Way Power Seat, Rear Vision Camera, Remote Start, • My Link, Bluetooth, USB Port, 7” Touch Screen.
• XFE Model • 22 MPG Highway • Bluetooth, USB Port • Fog Lamps, 5.3L V8 • LT Package, Power Seat
MSRP $27,155
STOCK #****
STOCK #5103
• 1.4L Turbo, Body Kit, Sport Instrument Cluster, • Fog Lamps, Rear Spoiler, 1LT Package, Power Seat • USB, Bluetooth, Remote Start MSRP $18,060 STOCK #5145
• 2500HD, 6.L V8 • Long Box, Z71 Pkg, Interior Plus Pkg, Convenience Pkg • 18” Wheels, Trailer Pkg.
MSRP $36,535
MSRP $42,690
STOCK #5114
Disclaimer: Sale Price Includes All Applicable Rebates / Trucks Include GM Trade Assistance
STOCK #846
• Only 16,000 Miles, One Owner • Power Seat/WIndows/Locks • Cruise, AC, Tilt, CD Player
• 304 Horsepower V6 • 6 Speed Transmission • 18” Wheels,Leather Heated Seats • Power Sunroof, Bose™ Sound, Remote Start 29MPG
$16,995 STOCK #826A
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2012 CHEVY CAPTIVA • 3 Available • GM Certified, 2.9% for 72 Months • Additional 12,000 Mile Warranty • 2 Years Free Oil Change & Tire Rotation STARTING AT
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STARTING AT $19,995 STOCK #5174A
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Sales - Service - Parts Chevrolet • Pontiac • Cadillac • Chevy Truck M/T/Th 8 a.m.-8 p.m., W/F 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
139 Franklin Street, Dansville • Phone: 585-335-6086
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Livingston County’s Largest GM Dealer!