October 7, 2012
Dansville-Wayland Edition 113 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 • 585-335-2271
Inserts (Some inserts may be zoned): Rite Aid, Tops, Sears, Valu Home Center, Living Well, On The River Farms, Walgreen, Kmart, Brand Name Appliance, Tractor Supply, Harrington, Big M, Reeds, Fillmore Jubilee, Shinglehouse Jubilee, East End Market
Dansville Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Inc. 585-335-2227 RT 36 NORTH • DANSVILLE Check out our website at www.dansvillechryslerdodgejeep.com
We Support… Dansville Chamber of Commerce
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 2 # 49 1=:9? :1 *077> A4770 ,47D %0;:=?0= @47/492 :9 ,49 &? * &) 7,.6 )0=4E:9 &,8>@92 174; ;3:90 :80 49?: %0;:=?0= :114.0 ?: 4/09?41D ,9/ .7,48 := ,77 "$ ! % " ; := =,1? &3:B :74A,= !:A08-0= =/ !+ 4=03,77 09014?492 :74A,= 4=08,9F> @C474,=D =0>0=A0 ?,-70> 0,=7D ,77 :=4> :
FIREWOOD Fully Insured
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#" ! &:9D ),4: B34?0 :97D >4C 8:9?3> :7/ B49/:B "" ! ?: 2::/ 3:80 ?0C? :=
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Call us today for a free consultation and find out about our flexible payment plans and reasonable rates!! # " & 071,>? !+ %?0 090=,7 0<@4;809? %0 ;,4=> ?=,470=> 30,AD ?=@.6> >;=492> -=,60> B07/492 0?. *477492 ?: ?=,A07 ?: D:@ %0,>:9,-70 %,?0> ,77 ,80> ,?
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 3 ;=<7B=@ 7<5 ( ?C7>;3<B ( )67>>7<5 )3@D713 $/B7=<E723 #=<B6 "" #327 C/@27/< *=2/G 1/: />1 ! 3/DG ?C7>;3<B )16==: E9 *@/7<7<5 &@=5@/; /196=3A C::2=H3@A F 1/D/B=@A "=1/: !=0 &:/13 3<347BA > ;3<B AAB , >@=D32 $/B7=</: 3@B747 1/B7=<A />1 ! .=C 1/< 2@=> =44 G=C@ &3<<3)/D3@ 'C7<:/<KA #32 &:CA /2A 71/: )C>>:G )B=@3 $ 2A #/7< )B -/G:/<2 #+)* 03 7< 0G -32<3A2/G /B $==< 4=@ )C<2/GKA >C0:7 1/B7=< B4 . -3 0CG A1@/> 1/@A ;3B/: /<2 E7:: @3;=D3 4/::3< B@33A 1=;3 B= G=C /::
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What Is Where? Auctions....................................Page 12 Automotive...............................Pages 21-24 Employment.............................Pages 38 Entertainment..........................Pages 16-17 Home & Garden.......................Page 9 Real Estate................................Pages 29-31
How To Reach Us: Hornell 85 Canisteo Street, Hornell, NY 14843 607-324-1425 Dansville 113 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-2271 Wellsville 159 N. Main Street, Wellsville, NY 14895 585-593-5300 Michael J. Wnek - Regional Publisher michaelwnek@eveningtribune.com
Hundreds of top name Country Music CDs $2.50 or 5/$10.00. Guitars LOWER THAN THE INTERNET. BUZZO MUSIC 106 MAIN ST. GENESEO NY. 243-2480
/1@3A !CAB =44 $. A ==>3@AB=E< "/93 (357=< $713 D73EA 6/@2E==2A 1@339 03/CB74C: 473:2A @3/B 0:25 A7B3 *3@;A /D/7: #CAB A3:: $%EEE $3E.=@9"/<2/<2 "/93A 1=; />1
Kelly Schecter - Regional Advertising Director kellyschecter@eveningtribune.com Keith Witmer - Regional Circulation Director circulation@eveningtribune.com Beth Hults - Classifieds & Legals tribclassifieds@eveningtribune.com Les Bowen - Dansville General Manager lesbowen@dansvilleonline.com Oak Duke - Wellsville General Manager oakduke@wellsvilledaily.com ! 3B / (==; :: 757B/: )/B3::7B3 AGAB3; 7<AB/::32 4=@ ( /<2 >@= 5@/;;7<5 AB/@B7<5 /B ;= ( ,( C>5@/23 4=@ <3E 1/::3@A )% "" $%/>1 &"', ") ! 7< 13<B@/: /<2 E3AB3@< $3E .=@9 E7B6 G=C@ 1:/AA74732 /2 4=@ 8CAB 4=@ / E=@2 /2 /:: 4=@ 23B/7:A =@ D7A7B 41><G 1=; />1
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J E N K I N S FA R M M A R K E T & D E L I Visit Us On The Web At: www.jenkinsfarms.com
This missing small oil portrait by Aileen Ortlip Shea may possibly have been left in a home where Aileen held painting classes in the late 1950s and 1960s. Her husband Alton Shea pastored at the Wesleyan Church in Wellsville between 1956-1970. The painting is signed in the bottom left corner with her maiden name Aileen Ortlip. If anyone knows the whereabouts of the painting please notify Eila Shea via email: eilashea8@gmail.com or leave a message on Eila’s phone: 585-268-7270
10 lb $2.49 50 lb $9.99 Red 10 lb $3.29 50 lb $11.99 CULL POTATOES 50 lb. $5.99 BRUSSEL SPROUTS FRESH SAUERKRAUT BEET GREENS * RED BEETS HOT PEPPERS WINTER SQUASH 39¢ lb. / $15 bu. CABBAGE 25¢ lb. (Great For Kraut)
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Ad Good 10/8/12 thru 10/13/12
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 4
TRAVEL 585-335-2222
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*. 5&18 (//% $/.%*3*/. 6*3) '3 #"$+#,"%&
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)"2 -".8 2*9&2 "5"*,"#,& 3' 2)/5&, /1 1"+&
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Thanks for turning sideways.
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You can have an eye-catching ad for a wallet-conscious price... all in one of the most widely-circulated publications in the Southern Tier:
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SALE!! $300,000
Of Quality Home Furnishings SAVE ON OVER Drive A Little Regardless of Original Cost!! Save A Lot!
" %-1<5 -()4 -// %"82 "- 0- ",, 8/41 '"5/1*3& "00,&2 /41 '"-/42 "00,& $*%&1 %/.432 '1&2) $*%&1 *.$,4%&2 $423/- 01&22*.( '1/%/.:3 -*22 /43 "*. /"% ".*23&/ ! 666 ,"*. #*9 5 6 42.) # " ,%5 ;)%45 '20&-1)( ')46-*-)( ):3)4-)1') 7/6- 342')55 9)/( -1+ &4%.) 5,)%45 3/%50% '766-1+ *%&4-'%6-21
$ " " )%521%&/) 4%6)5
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%// 246%&/) )48-') 8%-/%&/) &; 332-160)16
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 5 Clip & Save • Clip & Save • Clip & Save • Clip & Save • Clip & Save • Clip & Save
Dansville Public Library Where Knowledge Grows www.dansvillelibrary.org 200 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-6720
HOURS Monday: 10am-8:30pm Wednesday: 10am-8:30pm Friday: 10am-8:30pm
Tuesday: 10am-8:30pm Thursday: 10am-8:30pm Saturday: Noon - 4:00pm
Books On Wheels (book delivery to shut-ins)
G9D8 )B? $ =9> ?B F9C9D G52 C9D5 6?B 49F5BC96954 ?@@?BDE >9D95C GGG BE29>C<9CD 3?= 1@3
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roceries G e e ! Fr Begin a new Subscription to The Wellsville Daily Reporter and you will receive “Free” Grocery Cards! The Wellsville Daily Reporter provides unequaled coverage of your local community like NO OTHER newspaper can.
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Expires 11-2-2012
! $ $ ?E2<5 8E>7 9>CD1<<54 )) D9<D 9>C ">D5B35@D G1B= 5475 C@135B CICD5= %965D9=5 G1BB1>DI 1<< *938 GGG EC13ECD?=G9>4?GC 3?= 1@3
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AJ’S HAULING: The area’s #1 Come-to-you junk removal service. We buy scrap metal, cars, appliances and more. Not sure? Call and ask. 585-447-3282. ?B !9B5 % B9F5B <1D254 *56B975B 1D54 ,B19<5B H@5B95>35 E=@ ,BE3; E<<4?J5B 13;8?5 H31F1D?B H@5B9 5>35 +3B1@ =5D1< @93;E@ 45=?<9D9?> :?2C " # ! ! % # % % &1>E613DEB5B 9C C5<<9>7 9DC 3B549D 9>CEB54 9>F?935C 1D 1 49C3?E>D ">F?935 @EB 381C5B =1;5C *(" 5F5BI 41IC )8 ?B FC@B?4E3DC 7=19< 3?= " %9F5B 1>4 G89D5 =1<5 65=1<5 C8?DC G?B=54 '? +E>41I 31<<C " 1@ @<91>35C ?66 CDB55D @1B;9>7 <C? 54B??= &?29<5 !?=5 9> 3?E>DBI '? @5DC +53EB9DI 5@ *565B5>35C
Lewis Caskey 585-669-2680 7581 Marvin Hill Road Springwater, NY
Sales Service Heating & Air Conditioning
EXPERIENCED • PROFESSIONAL * Installation * * Furnace Cleaning * * Duct Cleaning *
*assumes once daily dosage
Pharmacy & Medical Equipment and Supply
Personal, Friendly, Professional Service is our Specialty!
-PenneSaverPlus â&#x20AC;˘ October 7, 2012â&#x20AC;˘ Page 6
Dansville Flea Market
4 5 7 2 9 9
3 5 8 1 2 7 3 4
9 7 8 5
9 4 7 4 6 1 Difficulty Level
Plus A Weekly Quote
2012 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
By Dave Green
"What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it." -- Alexander Graham Bell
Saturdays 8-4 Rain or Shine Lots of different things. Old & new. Airsoft Guns, Knives, Tools, Dragons & Wizards, Animal Statues, Dream Catchers, Jewelry, Native American items, Dolls, Clothes, Books, Movies, Antiques, Home & Garden, plus much more! Located at corner of West Jefferson St. & West Ave. Gate entrance to Flea Market is located in upper left hand corner of Four Square Church Parking lot. Vendors also wanted. If interested Call Harold at 607-968-4596. 1/0 8<)31;@ .<33 41?-, 0)9,>66, +69, .; ? .; ,-31=-9@ " )++-7;-, )=)13)*3"065;.
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The Genuine The Original.
!% '% 47;@15/ )9/- $;69)/&51;: =-9@;015/ 4<:; /6 6 9-):65)*3- ).;-9 9.<:-, 6:;3@ .<951;<9064- ,-+69 4);-91)3 .)* 91+: ,9-::-9: :1,-*6)9,: +0)19: ;)*3-: %9<)? #, '-33:=133(!$!%,) *&(!#" ):; 6. '-33:=133-
Jim Oyer Sales Manager
Overhead Door Company of Canisteo Valley Residential & Commercial 3 Old Whitney Road Almond, NY 14804 ohd_canv@stny.twcbc.com
Phone 607-276-6773 Fax 607-276-6777 Cell 607-382-8172
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 7
Full Color, Glossy, Double Sided Flyers. We offer a large variety of sizes.
Let One of Our Talented Graphic Artist Design Your Piece. It’s Included In Our Affordable Rate!
Whether it’s one or fifteen zip codes we can deliver it for you.
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 8
Allegany County’s Largest Most Complete Liquor Store OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:00 AM TO 9:00 PM SUNDAY NOON - 5 PM
12 Park Ave, Wellsville, NY Thursday October 11, 2012 2PM–5PM
Peter Vella Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvigon, Merlot, Burgundy, Chablis & White Zinvandel
Playful and provocative, naughty and nice, Flirt is a combination of Frisky Red Wines guaranteed to leave butterflies in your stomach. Reg. $9.98 California Red Wine with hints of plum, vanilla, butterscotch & cherry spice. So go on don’t be shy. Take a sip. Serve with beef ranch zucchini gnocchi found at Giantfoodmart.com
Flirt 750
We will be tasting Special Reserve Red, Banty Red, Ravat 51, Pinot Grigio, and Goat Blush. There will be a discount on these during the tasting.
Great house wine for any meal!
Wine Tasting FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2012 4PM–7PM
Reg. $17.98
5 Liter Box
Bully Hill
585-593-(WINE) 9463
Located Near
Employee PICK OF THE WEEK $ 750ml
1.75 Reg. 15.68
Sauza Silver Tequila Liter.......................................................$22.58 Flip Flop Rum 750 Silver or Spiced..............................................$16.98 Damrak Amsterdam Gin 750...................................................$20.98 Cherry Wave Vodka Liter.........................................................$12.68 Crave Chocolate Chili 750 Cognac Liquor.....................................$17.68 Hiram Walker Dark Cream De Cacao 750.................................$11.28
Mary’s pick is Saladini Pilastri Pecorino This organic wine has a beautiful Flora Nose and flavors of Melon, Pear and Citrus fruits. Medium to full bodied with bright acidity and a green apple finish. Mary prefers this wine with linguini with clam sauce or italian cheeses.
1.75 LITER LITER Godiva Dark Chocolate 750.....................................................$31.98 Mathilde Orange XO 750 Cognac Liquor......................................$20.98 Johnnie Walker Red Label Scotch Liter....................................$35.48 Wasmund’s Single Malt American Whiskey 750......................$35.68 Maker’s Mark 46 750 Barrel Finished Bourbon.............................$37.58 Canadian Club No. 57 Liter Blackberry Flavored Whiskey................$23.48
Jim Beam Liters Reg. $22.28 750ml
Evan Williams
1 oz. Jim Beam Whiskey 1 oz. Amaretto 6 oz. Cola Ice Add all in a cocktail glass and stir. WE OFFER 20% DISCOUNT ON FULL CASE OF WINE ALL SAME SIZE & TYPE Example - 1 Case (12 Bottles) 750 ML Yellow Tail Chardonnay Reg. $6.98 each is $83.76 a Case WITH 20% DISCOUNT IT’S $67.01 PLUS TAX YOU SAVE $16.75 ON THE CASE
Skinny Vines 750 ml
11.98 Mini Moscato
Reg. $7.58 750ml
Try with Beam Me Up
Ne w
95 calories per 5 oz. serving and 10g carbohydrates — Regular Moscatos have 141 calories.
Slim Chardonnay 86 calories per 5 oz. serving and 4.5g carbohydrates — Regular Chardonnays have 121 calories.
Available now through the holidays!
We Are Not Responsible For Typographical Errors
Thin Zin 89 calories per 5 oz. serving and 7.6g carbohydrates — Regular White Zinfandels have 120 calories.
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 9
COOMBES DRYWALL Hanging, Finishing, Sanding, & Painting •F reeEstimates
HOLES DRILLED: For pole buildings, mobile homes, fencing, etc. Reasonable rates. The “Hole” works. 585-493-5274.
•Work G uaranteed
“Inside Only” WALLPAPERING INTERIOR PAINTING RENOVATIONS AND RESTORATIONS Scot Marechaux 585-808-1662 scot104@yahoo.com Free Estimates, Insured Serving the Southern Tier Since 1975
David Coombes • S. Dansville • (607) 295-8016 BELANGER - Gravel & Stone - Screened Gravel & Top Soil - Bank Run & Fill Dirt - Crushed & Washed Stone, various sizes not washed - Concrete Mix & Masonry Sand - Crusher Run. Delivery Available. Route 21 S. Wayland, NY 728-3906. (tf) Select Driveway GRAVEL For Sale also Topsoil Bruce Hinz 585-689-0249 Will Deliver
ATTENTION! Rose of Sharon Trees still available. To anyone who has called within the last 4 weeks, I have been out of state on vacation. Get em’ while they last. 3ft. tall $30, 6ft. tall $45. Rose of Sharon white w/burgandy center. Guaranteed 1yr. replacement. Call Tim at 607-295-7238 or 607-590-7096 (leave message).
Seamless Aluminum Gutters and Gutter Cleaning. 35 Years Experience. Reasonably Priced. 585-455-2878 or 335-5562. (tf)
Fo r A l l Yo u r Pa i n t i n g N e e d s
M Mike ike M Morgan organ E Enterprises nterprises C a l l To d ay Fo r A L L Yo u r I n t e r i o r & E x t e r i o r : • Painting • Staining • Roofing • Window Replacements • Power Washing • General Home Repairs • Gutter Cleaning • Reasonable Rates • Lifetime Warranty Products Available • Superior Workmanship • Fully Insured • Hi-Lift Work • Excellent References
CARPETS UNLIMITED IN BELMONT OPEN LATE Mon.-Fri. 9-7, Sat 9-3 Shop at home - we bring samples to you! 12 mo. to pay with no interest Free Estimates, Free Financing Best selection of Laminate Flooring Congoleum Sheet Vinyl Flooring X-clusive with Scotchguard Dura Stone and Dura Ceramic Tile Carpet by Mohawk, Multicolor, Barber, Plush, and Commercial Stainmaster X-tra Life, Anso Crush Resister Nylon 100”s of Instock Carpet and Vinyl REMNANTS starting at just $5 Bedding by Therapedic Sofas and Recliners by Flexsteel and much, much more! Visa, MC, Discover 585-268-7217 9-7 M-F/ 9-3 Sat. Open later by appointment RENT: Rinse’N Vac, the portable steam carpet cleaning system. Nunda Lumber & Hardware. (tf) LOG HOME LOG PACKAGE: 1400 sq.ft. 6x8 tongue and groove white pine. $9500. 585-335-5883. (tf)
585-335-2894 OPEN 2 4 HO U RS
" =3:@07 :< <,60
s ’ e c u Br & ture, i n r u ing, F Floor
@ 66¢
HUTCH’S CHIMNEY & STOVE SERVICE Custom fireplace glass doors and screens. Chimney sweeps, relines, removal, reconstruction, caps, dampers, crowns, repointing, stucco Certified/Insured 585-466-7962 (office) 585-808-7376 (cell) or visit us at www. hutchschimneyandstove. com GRAVEL DOCTOR: Repair gravel driveways and parking lots. 607-545-6845. (tf) FURNITURE REFINISHING by Tom Maracle. Make your old wood furniture and kitchen cabinets look new again. Dansville 335-3556 (tf) HARDWOOD FLOORING: Sales, refinishing & installation. Jason Smith 585-4939668.
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12’ & 15’ Wide Carpet IN STOCK
IN STOCK: Plush, Frazee, Berber, Cut & Loop, Commercial
STOCK: 21 rolls different vinyl & laminate
Locally Owned Since 1992
Fully Insured and Free Estimates
Aaron Farrell 585-335-6416 • 585-315-1528 DEB’S EXTERIOR / INTERIOR PAINTING Free Estimates 30 years experience Call (716)-969-4955
APPLES: Northern Spys, Crispens, Yellow Delicious, Ida Reds, Romes, Granny Smiths. Edwin Herbergers, 3345 High Up Rd., Jasper, N.Y. 14855. COMPACT BAKCHOE AND DUMP TRUCK SERVICE. Fully insured. Jason Smith 585-493-9668. BELANGER - Gravel & Stone - Screened Gravel & Top Soil - Bank Run & Fill Dirt - Crushed & Washed Stone, various sizes not washed - Concrete Mix & Masonry Sand - Crusher Run. Delivery Available. Route 21 S. Wayland, NY 728-3906. (tf)
We do it all! House washing, interior and exterior painting, roof painting and repairs, window replacement. We specialize in painting aluminum siding! Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Accepting MasterCard, Visa, Discover. 585-259-0931; 585-335-3636 or go to www.caronepaintinginc. com
9 : 862' & 0)9 ?-)89 +64*15-, +-8:1.1-, ->7-81-5+;3:1 786+-99 =-3, 15/ *8)2- 90-)89 73)94) +;::15/ .)*81+):165 " # ! # $"# ( & " " & " " ! ! " # !-)965)*3- 8):-9 ! "# # " )33 68:)*3- "-8<1+<)13)*3- *? 77615:4-5:
Approximately $250,000 of flooring in stock!
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 10
October I s
A D octorC reates TheU ltim ateC arePack ag e By A n n a D ick en s/A m erican Profile
G a teH ou seN ewsService•P osted O ct 01,2012 @ 04:52 P M
A s a radiation oncologist at N orthern W estchesterH ospitalin M t K isco,N .Y.,D r.E lizabeth C habnerThom pson sees cancerpatients day in and day out.B ut Thom pson’s knowledge ofbreast canceris not lim ited to the hospitalroom -the physician’s own lifehas been touched by thediseasein m any ways. W hen herm otherwas diagnosed with breastcancerin 1993,Thom pson witnessed firsthand how debilitating chem otherapy can be. “I used to hate the way people would stare atm y m om ,” Thom pson says,recalling an incidentata gas station in which a m an m ade a disparaging rem ark aboutherm other’s bald head.“I thoughtto m yself,& #8216;W here do you getoffdoing that? She’s been through helland back.’” Theexperienceinspired Thom pson,then an aspiring doctor,to enterradiation oncology as a way to h elp others struggling with cancer. B uteven whilesheprovided careforcancerpatients,Thom pson knew thatshewas notim m unefrom thedisease. “I had donea lotofgenetictesting,and I was certain thatbreastcancerwas com ing towards m e,” T hom pson says. N otwanting to takeany chances,Thom pson underwenta doubleprophylacticm astectom y in 2006 to redu ceherrisk ofdeveloping breastcancer. B eing on theothersideofthestethoscopewas eye-opening,Thom pson says. “C om ing outofsurgery,you’renauseous,youreyes aredry,yourm outh is sticky.You feellousy.O fcourseI had seen so m any wom en go through itbeforem e,butyourperspectivedefinitely changes wh en you’reon theothersideofthetable.” Thom pson’s tim ein recovery confirm ed whatsheknew from herprofessionalpracticeas a radiation oncologist:thatsom ething needed to bedoneto im provebreastcancerpatients’experiences. “There’s a lot ofconfusion.M any cancerpatients undergoing surgery aren’t sure what to bring to th e hospitalwith them ,and aftersurgery,they’re often pushed out ofthe hospital without receiving adequate instructions for post-operative care,” she says.This doesn’t just cause cancer patients undue stress - it can lead to com plications and hospitalreadm issions,Thom pson says. Inspired to m ake a difference,Thom pson setoutto help others with breastcancergetback on theirfeetaftertreatm ent.A rm ed with scissors,needle and thread,she began sewing togetherbras thatprovidegentlesupportaftersurgery and during radiation therapy in herliving room ,and justlikethat,B fflC o.was born. L aunched in 2011,B fflC o.-which stands for“B estFriends forL ife” -includes a line ofradiation bras,bags and surgicalaccessories designed to ensure a com fortable recovery forpatients. “The nam e cam e from justthe idea ofreaching outfrom wom an to wom an orfriend to friend and saying,“I’m with you through yourstruggle -here are som e things thatwillhelp you recover,’” Thom pson explains. The B ffl B ag is a colorful nylon duffle bag containing a variety ofproducts,toiletries and surgical accessories designed to ease the recovery process fora patient undergoing cancersurgery.Forinstance,the B reast B fflB ag,created specifically forbreast cancerpatients,contains a drain care kit to help wom en track theiroutput aftera m astectom y orreconstructivesurgery,in addition to a toiletry pack,a specialsupportpillow and otherhelpfulitem s. B ecause ofthe success ofthe originalB reast B fflB ag,the com pany’s product line has since expanded to address a variety ofdifferent conditions,including traum atic brain injury,stroke,brain tum ors and ovarian cancer.Thom pson says a C -section bag willsoon bead ded to thelineup. W ith herproducts,Thom pson hopes to restorea senseofdignity and fem ininity in cancerpatients. “Fora lotofcancerpatients,it’s easy to notfeelbeautifulordignified because ofthe way others treat you orlook at you,” she says.“That’s the m essage I’m hoping to send -to give people dignity while they recoverso that they can feelgood aboutthem selves again.” For m ore about Thom pson and to shop B ffl C o’s collection ofbags,bras and other accessories,go to bfflco.com .Fifteen percent ofthe net profits from allB fflB ags willbedonated to a related charity.
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 11 10 Spruce Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-233-1173 Hours: Sunday-By Appointment; Monday&Tuesday-Closed Wednesday & Thursday-1 to 5; Friday-9 to 5; Saturday-10 to 4
Call Today 585-226-8220
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RAGING WINDS FARM MARKET 7906 Kysorville-Byersville Rd., Dansville (Really West Sparta) Off Route 36 Between Dansville And Mt. Morris • (585) 335-2963
Purchase 1/2 peck bag of apples and get a FREE small pumpkin!
Cortland • McIntosh • Gingergold Yellow Delicious • Autumn Crisp
NEW POTATOES (Red & White)
GOURDS DANSVILLE Come to H.O.P.E. Lunch, a Free Community Meal. Saturday, Oct. 27, 11:30am - 1:00pm at Foursquare Church, 49 West Ave. Dansville. Adult Menu: Sloppy Joes, Apple Salad, Carrots, Ice Cream. Kids’ Menu: Mac & Cheese or PB&J Sandwiches. High chairs and booster seats available. Questions call 3359352. Sorry, No take-outs. The Clara Barton Chapter #1 and Northern Livingston County Chapter of the American Red Cross will be hosting an "After Hours" social event through Livingston County Chamber of Commerce from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 16 at The Clara Barton House, 57 Elizabeth St. Dansville. The event is free and open to the public. Hors d'oeuvres and beverages provided. Dansville Area Historical Society annual dinner and meeting: 6:30pm, Saturday, Oct.13 in the American Legion - 34 Elizabeth St., Dansville, NY. Special guest speaker, Les Buell on medicines of the Civil War. Ticket are $8 for the program and spaghetti dinner. Pumpkin Painting! Saturday, Oct. 20, 1:00pm, at the Dansville Public Library! For children ages 3-12 years old. Space is limited for this special event! Call 335-6720 to register or stop in the library! Sponsored by the Friends of the Dansville Public Library. Books 'N' Kids 'N' Crafts: Every Wednesdays 10:00-11:00am. Sept. 12 - Nov. 14, 2012. For 3-5 year olds at the Dansville Public Library, 200 Main Street. Call now to Register! 585-335-6720 Baby's First Storytime: Every Thursday, 10:00-10:30am, Sept. 13 Nov. 15, 2012, for Ages 6 to 36 months old at the Dansville Public Library, 200 Main Street. Call now to Register! 585-335-6720 Narcotics Anonymous Meetings of Dansville 7 - 8:30pm every Tuesday of the month at Dansville Free Methodist Church, 25 Franklin Street and 12 noon - 1pm every Friday of the month at CASA, 141 Main Street. All are welcome.
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Dansville: Monday 7pm St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 25 Clara Barton Street; Thursday 7:30pm Presbyterian Church 3 School Street; Friday 7PM Noyes Hospital. 24 Hour Phone Line 585-245-4440
Roast Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 97 Maple Ave.,Cohocton. Sunday, Oct 7, Serving: 12 Noon - 3:00pm. Adults $8.00. Children 5-10 - $4.00. Roast Pork Sauerkraut, Potatoes Gravy, Green Beans, Applesauce, Rolls, Dessert, Beverage (Eat in or take out). Enjoy the Fall Foliage Festival and a delicious meal!
3rd Annual Harvest Bazaar: Wayland American Legion, Saturday, Oct. 20, 9am-4pm. Benefits Women’s Fellowship of St. Peters U.C.C. of Perkinsville. . Soups and Sandwich Luncheon. Quilt raffleAnnie’s Attics. Baked goods, plants, 50/50 drawing. Basket Raffle.
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Wayland: Sunday 8PM Lighthouse Wesleyan Church 101 S. Lackawanna Street. 24 Hour Phone Line 585-245-4440
3 for $1.00 Starting at $1.00 ORNAMENTAL CORN TOMATOES Plus So Butternut • Buttercup • Acorn Much More! Spaghetti • Delicta Squash Take a beautiful, scenic ride to West Sparta, view the colorful leaves and see what Raging Winds Market has to offer!
Italian Dinner Night: Cohocton American Legion, Oct. 13th 4-6pm or till sold out. Adults: $8.00, Children 6 and under: $4.00. Variety Hot Pasta dishes, Tossed Salad, Italian Bread, Dessert, Coffee and Milk. Eat in or Take-outs available. Sponsored by the Cohocton Legion Auxiliary Storytime at the Cohocton Public Library (8 Maple Ave, Cohocton) is a fun, interactive, and educational program for children and their caregivers. Each week the program will feature stories, crafts, and activities based on a particular theme. Red Apples - 10/11, Falling Leaves 10/18, Orange Pumpkins - 10/25, Spiders Crafty Kids: Cohocton Public Library (8 Maple Ave, Cohocton) to make a free craft! The craft will be available Thursdays for parents/caregivers and their children from 10:00am to 7:00pm. 10/11, Fall Leaves Pin - 10/18, Wooden Pumpkin Magnet - 10/25 Yarn Wrapped Halloween Pin American Red Cross Babysitting Course: Saturday October 13, 9:00am to 4:00pm Ages 11 to 15, certificate does not expire. $45 per student. Bring a bagged lunch. Cohocton Public Library (8 Maple Ave, Cohocton) Register by calling Julia Hoover at (607) 936-3766
Pancake Breakfast: Perkinsville Fire Hall. Benefit: Perkinsville Fire Dept Oct 14th 8-11am. Pancakes, Sausage, Ham, Eggs, toast & Beverage. All you can eat. Adults $6.00, Children 6-12 $3.00, 5 and underFree Penny Social: Perkinsville Fire Hall, Monday, Oct. 22, doors open at 6pm, drawing starts at 7pm. To benefit the Perkinsville Ladies Auxiliary. Door prizes and 50/50 drawing. Refreshments available.
SRINGWATER & WEBSTERS CROSSING Springwater Webster Crossing Historical Society Open Meeting, Tuesday, Oct 9. 6:30 Dish to Pass Dinner, and 7:15 program. Springwater Town Hall. . John Adamski: Butterflies to Buffalos - Wildlife Photography. Come enjoy John's wonderful photographs and interesting narration. Blood Drive: Oct 15, 2:30-6:30pm, at the Springwater American Legion. For more information and to sign-up, please call 585-335-3500. REGION Hearts for ALS Motorcycle Dice Run: Registration at 10:30am, check back by 4pm Saturday, Oct. 6 at "The Brick," 5 West Greenwood St., Andover. Ride at your own pace (not a parade ride) Driver, $15, rider $5. Chicken and Biscuit dinner from 4 to 6 p.m. $5 for ride participants, $8 general public.Debra Quinn will speak on ALS awareness. More info, contact Bob Meyers at 1-607-6616784 or andoverhauntedhouse.com
HOW TO SUBMIT Send event info by email to Patty Davy at classifieds@dansvilleonline.com, by fax to 585-335-6957 or mail to Genesee Country Express, 113 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437. Deadline for submissions is Noon, Wednesday week prior to publication. Space is limited. Events must be non-profit and open to the public. Limit 100 words.
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DoreenÕs Pooch Palace Cat & Dog Boarding (607) 324-3055 Open 7 Days by Appointment DOREEN & TOM SACKETT 8228 Madison Ave., Hornell, NY 14843
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 12
Antique Auction A-Z Antiques & Flea Market Saturday, October 13, 2012 • 9:00 AM 4666 Main Street, Hemlock NY 14466. Northwest Corner Of Water Street.
Daniel A. Carter, Inc. Auction & Event Center On Exit 24 Ramp off Int. 86
Allegany, New York
2 East Chairs; East Lake Table w/Drawer; Stickley Telephone Stand; Cherry Drop Leaf Table; Nice 5 Legged Dining Table w/leaves; 2 Sets of Victorian Parlor Chairs; Nice Folding Childs Hi Chair; Oak Washstands & Commodes; Quilt Rack; 4 Spindle Back Chairs; Oak Grand Fathers Clock Case; Nice Sideboards w/Beveled Glass; Nice Tea Cart; 4 Panel Room Divider; China Hutch; Nice Pine Dresser; Nice Long Oak Bench from Canandaigua Court House; Mahogany 4 Drawer Drop Leaf Table; Enamel Kitchen Tables; Dining Room Suite, Table, 4 Chairs, Hutch; Sleigh Bed; Carpenters Chest; Set of 4 Cained Bottom Chairs; Child’s Rocker; Tanning Bed; Oak Pedestal Table; Apt. Electric Stove; Sofas; 1940’s Wire Tape Recorder w/General MacAuther War End Message; Sessions Shelf Clock; 1 Gal Daizy Churn; 5 Gal Elect Churn; Shaving Mirrors; Working Singer Featherlight Sewing Machine about 1936; Avon Beer Steins; Old Canning Jars; Bread Maker; Old Bottles; Tea Pots; Paper Weights; Cups & Saucers, Figurines; Depression; Pressed; Milk Glass; Hens on Nest; S&P; Fire King; Stemware; Tin Ware; Early Kitchen Items; 2 Prints from Roch. NY Artist; Pen & Ink Drawings By Randolph Caldecott; Nice Framed Water Color; Lots of Good Framed Prints; Books; Polish Acts of Atrocity Against the German Minority in Poland; Auto Repair Manuals; Naval Books; Cook Books; Comic Books; Chiltons 1955 Manual, Others; 8 Show Cases; Metal & Wodden Shelving; Plastic 55 Gal Barrels; 40 FT Extension Ladder; Lots of Box Lots. Everything goes. Bring your Chair and spend the day with us in Hemlock. Cash or Good check, 10% Buyers premium. Al & Katy Ziefel Owners Lunch Phil’s Auction Service Phil Kidney - Auctioneer 585-335-8048 • Dansville, NY 14437 • 585-335-3751
ADDISON AUCTION HOUSE Thursdays • 5:30pm 607-359-2234 7777 Rte. 417, Addison
4810 GLEASON RD SHORT TRACT, NY 14735 We will sell the following collection of Mr. Smith estate at public auction. Located turn off Co Rt. 15 onto Gleason Rd. Watch for arrows. 1949 Oliver Cletrac; IH W4; B. F. Avery; 1948 Gibson; Farmall F12; IH OS4; JD BO Fly wheel engines (Utica; Stovers); Cast iron seats; Tonya toys; Oil cans; Sinclair round cans; Sinclair oil dispenser; Horse drawn grater; Ford 3 pt 2Btm plow; Drags; Potato digger; Plows; Milk cans; Table top cream separator; Cross cut saws; 4Way stop signals; Road Master bicycle; Sm. JD plow; Castile plow; Oak lumber; Windpower PTO generator; Porch swing; 10 ft ramps; Tractor chains; Floor jack; Bottle jacks; Wagons; 4x8 Trailer; Heavy dual wheel trailer; Buzz & drag saws; Burger King tables; Circular bolt bins & bolts; Signs(White Crown, Sinclair); Corn shellers; 25hp Koeler engine; 3/4” socket set; Tools; Stool; Lincoln 225 welder; BAT charger; Rope sling; Hay forks; Wheel barrow seeder; Ford 8N lift; Bluebird bloom holder; Ox yoke; Boat motor; Detroit diesel engine; Port. welder; Farmall seat w/3 pt arms; Lg. air compressor; Gowanda Plow Co. plow; Tractor parts; Box lots; Sm. Briggs engine; much to be discovered. Oak roll top desk; Dresses; Singer sewing machine; and more. Smith family has collected for many years and will be a fun full action packed Saturday in Short Tract, with many hard to find items. Call for info 585-567-8844. www.rgmasonauctions.com/
10795 Rt. 19 Fillmore, NY 14735-9651 (585) 567-8844
* Large Quantity Lancaster County Nursery Stock * Antiques * Household Goods * Estates * Collectibles Tools * Quality consignments accepted! Selling from numerous local estates & senior downsizing at public auction watch for auction signs on exit ramps. Plan for a long all day auction!!! Featuring a large trailer load of fresh healthy nursery stock from Lancaster County-remember fall planting is the best time to plant! Several small estates, including BradfordFranklinville-Olean-Wellsville and senior downsizing. Alum. new motor cycle ramp, new 24’ werner alum. extension ladder, golf clubs, t.v.’s, New Ariens deluxe 30-14.5 hp. snow blower (used 1 time) pristine condition, like new E.Z. golf cart with canopy top (sharp), patio furniture, power tools, S.S. gourmet outdoor cooker, 3 pc. oak high back bed suite, lg. set noritake china, several fancy mantle clocks, dec. stoneware, quits, oak 2 door bookcase/china, vanity with mirror, quantity of good costume jewelry, wicker 3 piece Furniture (nice), 2 pc. floral living room set, oriental lamps, sheet music, curios, knick knack stands, pictures/ frames, inlaid ex. desk, sculptures, oriental dishes, childs stepback cupboards, m.t. dressers, old skies, turtle back trunk, oriental chest, books, Adirondack furniture, victorian walnut 50” pedestal table, mahogany high chest, linens, drop front claw ft. writing desk, period paw footed chest drawers, broyhill wing chair, real nice ayres spinet piano (designer series) TERMS: cash/check-premium sale
(H) (716) 372-2059 (Hall) (716) 372-5059 (Cell) (716) 474-9244 2593 West 5 Mile Rd - Allegany, NY 14706
Risley Estate Auction
We will offer the contents of a long time resident of Rushford, Don Haskins at public auction. Located off Rte 243 onto Buffalo St. Watch for R.G MASON AUCTION arrows. TOOLS Craftsman band saw; Wood lathe; Table saws; DeWalt power miter saw; Work benches; 12” Band saw; DeWalt planer; Drill press; Delta scroll saw; Band sander; Carpenter tools; Lg. vise; Drill bits; Ext. ladders; Come alongs; Welder; Hand & mechanic tools; Garden tools; Roll around tool box; and more. EQUIP 3 pt Slip scraper; Troy Built tiller; Push mower; Wisconsin engine; Bud saw; Utility trailers; and more. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Primitive cupboard; Bamboo stand; Country table & chairs; Kids wagon; Lamp bracket; Treadle sewing machine; Oak hi boy; Oak stand; Set of 10 Oak Pressed back chairs; Player piano rolls; Oak rocker; Oak drop leaf table; Oak Larkin style desk; Milk bottles; Justice Of the Peace sign; Dressers; Childs rocker; Pictures & frames; Oak buffet; Books; Gun cabinet; Cross cut saw; Mantle clock; Peddle car & tractor; Erector set; Milk can; Buffalo glass window; and more. SPECIAL INTEREST Crist Craft Challenger out board motor rare; Wood row boat MODERN Side by side refrig.; Household; TRACTOR Ford Jubilee orig. TRUCK 04 Dodge Dodge 4x4 69K GUNS Rem.M572 bdl 22 in box; win. 22 M in box; Marlin 336 35rem; Mikrou muzzle loader; Rem. 760 30.06; Savage 23C 2520; Interarm 7mm mag.; Rem 870 20 ga.; Rem 700 270 MISC Assort of lumber; Tractor parts; Hub caps Nice country estate auction. Very well known family. Don’t miss one. Call for info 585-567-8844 Website www.rgmasonauctions.com TERMS CASH OR GOOD CHECK W/PROPER ID 13% Buyers Premium.
10795 Rt. 19 Fillmore, NY 14735-9651 (585) 567-8844
Sat. Oct 13th • 9am 6775 Cty Rte 21, Addison, NY (Rathbone)
70 yrs same hse. Oak Furn, LP/wood combo cook stove, Hoosier Cab., Lots of box lots, Wood Stove, Lots of surprises, Many treasures.
Titus Auction Service www.titusauctionservice.com
GET YOUR BARGAIN ON. Find area Autions in the PenneSaver Plus, and start your deal hunt today!
AUCTIONS THIS WEEK Tomorrow October 8 Columbus Day @ 10:00 A.M. 26 Health Street off Perine Street Dansville, New York Complete contents of the Kings Daughters Home! Donald Roan Sales Manager and Auctioneer with Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc. Wednesday October 10 @ 6:00 P.M. 8468 Green Road Dansville, New York Real Estate consisting two story farmhouse with 6.4 acres land For the Estate of Clarence Sahrle Saturday October 13 @ 10:00 A.M. 308 East Naples Street Wayland, New York Real Estate consisting to Ranch style 2 bedroom house For the Estate of Ethel Fairbrother Saturday October 13 @ 11:00 A.M. 1 Cohocton Street North Cohocton, New York Real Estate consisting of two story house For the Briglin Estate Sunday October 14 @ 1:00 P.M. Walters Road Cohocton, New York 324 Acres land auction located at the very end of dead end road known as Walters Road off Potter Hill Road. Selling in Two Parcels Parcel A 85 acres and Parcel B 239 acres of outstanding hunting/ recreational land plus agricultural acreage. Auctions Conducted By Licensed Real Estate Brokers / Auctioneers Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc. James P. Pirrung 585-728-2520 www.pirrunginc.com
Thomas P. Wamp Tom Wamp 585-335-8660 www.tomwamp.com
-PenneSaverPlus â&#x20AC;˘ October 7, 2012â&#x20AC;˘ Page 13
DAN SHEA ~SEPTIC TANK SERVICE~ (585) 593-9824 Septic Tank Services - Pumping - Repairs - Installation HOME (585) 593-2471
WELLSVILLE, N.Y. 24 Hour Emergency Service â&#x20AC;˘ 7 Days A Week % *"" "%A& ==2 ?C/:7BG 6/@2E==2 (32 =/9 /A6 ;/>:3 /<2 163@@G / 4/13 1=@2 F F / 4/13 1=@2 23:7D3@32 /:: !3D7< /B "%A& -==2 )B=D3 ;/23 0G (353<1G +A32 =<3 0C@<7<5 A3/A=< A>/@A3:G ;/<C/: %E<3@A $C<2/ %
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4UBUF 3U " t 1PSUBHFWJMMF 585.567.8581
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Engine Repair and Service
If you need that mower tuned up, blades sharpened, or just get it ready for the season ... We pick the unit up and return it ...
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Small Engine Repairs Available
House, Garden, Barns, Deck Packages are available Call Now! at significant savings.
building supplies. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget we have a full line of lumber and
Check us out at www.alleganycenterofny.com
HOURS: Monday - Friday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am to 2:30 pm; Closed Sunday
' A&# & ' !' %! ' # &) F 4/AB3@ B6/< >@3D7=CA AGA B3;A @3/B 4=@ E=@9 6=;3 A16==: *3: )B/@ <1 :=1/: -G=;7<5 =C<BG 23/:3@ 4=@ G3/@A =@ %
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GROOVY GROOMING Certified Master Groomer - 34 yrs. All Breeds Dogs and Cats
Mon.-Sat. By Appt. 585-728-2688
ng Service With Groomi t! L o v e Yo u r P e B e c a u s e We
/1 Expires 10/31
8937 Rt 15
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Have A Dog-Gone Good Day!â&#x20AC;? "(! #/:3 :/19 "/0 %/9 7:: (=/2 ;7F 3;/:3 :/19 /<2 -67B3 CA9G ;7F 6C@16 )B =@<3:: 3;/:3 0:/19 /<2 0@=E< )63>6/@2 ;7F /<AD7::3 -G:73 (2 ) 796044 90, <5,60 /B &7.20;? @+"(@' ! @+"( ) @ @ #%" E7B6 /:1=6=: /<2 G=C E/<B A=;3 63:> 1/:: "(! :/19 /B 4=C<2 3<<3BB )B@33B 7< =< =@<3:: "=<5 A:3<23@ 0CA6G B/7: E7B6 :/@53@ 3/@A $713 )33;A 1=;4=@B/0:3 E7B6 =B63@ 1/BA &:3/A3 1/:: /4B3@ >; & # "% ' ' &' &'% #& #=AB 0@/<2A /AB >@=13AA + ( $* 'C719 7<5 &/G;3<B /:: 3/< =@ A3<2 /< 3;/7: B= E3 A70A 5;/7: 1=; />1
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 14 Clip N Save
Clip N Save
Farmers’ Market Pulteney Square Park, Bath Community Fun for the Whole Family!
MAY - OCTOBER Every Wednesday 9am-3pm • Every Saturday 9am-2pm
Kitchens • Bath • Additions • Garages • 4-Season Rooms Concrete • Sidewalks • Driveways • Roofs Vinyl Siding • Seamless Gutters • Excavation • Site Work Backhoe & Dozer Work
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Fresh Local Produce • Honey Cooked Food • Baked Goods • Jams Plants • Flowers • Crafts Handmade Jewelry • Clothing Accessories • Body Products Quilts • Glass • Artwork • Woodwork Live Animals - Live Music & More
671 Karr Valley Rd., Almond, NY 14804 (607) 276-2817 (607) 276-2817
Visit Our New Website! www.BathNYFarmersMarket.com
It’s a Steel.
Clip N Save
Leaf pickup will begin Oct. 16, 2012 • East side of Village Monday & Tuesday. • West side of Village Thursday & Friday.
Metal Roofing $1.99 / Lin Foot
*ONLY LEAVES* will be picked up. No stone, sticks or brush. Please take note: Once a street is clean, it won’t be done until the next week.
till October 26th Galv. & Colors - Order to Length. 29 Gauge. hornelldoitbest.com
$( #
Shop 7 Days A Week
Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-6pm; Shop 7 Days A Week Sat. Mon.-Fri., 7:30am-5pm; Sun. 8am-3pm 7:30am-6pm Sat. 7:30am-5pm; Sun. 8am-3pm
! " " #
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Family Barbershop 2140 Dieter Road, Wayland Open: Tue & Wed 8-5; Thur 8-6 Closed: Fri; Sat; Sun & Mon
Week of October 8, 2012 - October 12, 2012
STEUBEN COUNTY Wednesday, October 10 Chicken With Orange Sauce, Baked Beans, Snow Peas, Butterscotch Pudding
Monday, October 8 Closed Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 9 Spaghetti With Meatsauce, Or Chicken Tenders, Zucchini Summer Squash, Tossed Salad With Dressing, Mandarin Oranges
Thursday, October 11 Friday, October 12 Hamburger On Bun With Tomato And Herb Baked Fish Or Meatballs, Roasted Lettuce, Carrots, Tropical Fruit Gelatin Potatoes, Beets, Cole Slaw, Oatmeal Cookie
Milk, Bread and Juice served daily. *Menu subject to change without Notice Vo l u n t a r y d o n a t i o n s a r e v e r y i m p o r t a n t t o m a i n t a i n t h e p r o g r a m . E f f e c t i v e J a n u a r y 2 3 r d t h e d o n a t i o n r e q u e s t f o r o u r m e a l s w i l l b e $ 3 . 0 0 f o r t h o s e 6 0 a n d o l d e r a n d t h e r e w i l l b e a c h a r g e o f $ 6 . 0 0 f o r t h o s e u n d e r 6 0 . We g l a d l y a c c e p t F o o d S t a m p s , c a s h , o r c h e c k s p a i d d a i l y, w e e k l y o r m o n t h l y . T h a n k y o u . S e e y o u r s i t e m a n a g e r. Alternative menu items require a reservation at least one day in advance.
Monday, October 8 Pot Roast With Onions, Carrots, Gravy, Mashed Red Potatoes, Asparagus Corn Medley, Chilled Peaches, Orange Juice, Milk
Dansville Senior Nutrition Menu Wednesday, October 10 Baked Lasagna, Peas & Mushrooms, Garbanzo Bean Salad, Garlic Bread, Lemon Pudding, Apple Juice, Milk
Tuesday, October 9 Chicken Florentine, Wild Rice, California Mix, Mixed Green Salad With Dressing, Dinner Roll, Butter, Gingerbread Cake, Cranberry Juice, Milk
Thursday, October 11 Friday, October 5 Meat Loaf, Augratin Potatoes, Broccoli Green CLOSED Bean Red Peppers, Bran Muffin, Butter, Chunky Applesauce, Tomato Juice, Milk
MENU SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Closed on Fridays. For questions call 1-585-335-8130.
ALLEGANY COUNTY Allegany County Office For The Aging Wednesday, October 10 Pickled Beets, Chicken Breast, Supreme With Sauce, Brown Rice, Zucchini & Tomatoes, Dinner Roll, Fresh Fruit, Diabetic Applesauce
Monday, October 8 Columbus Day Closed
Tuesday, October 9 Peach And Cottage Cheese, Chili With Beans, Spinach, Corn Bread, Chocolate Cake, Diabetic Angel Food Cake
Thursday, October 11 Coleslaw, Breaded Fish With Tartar Sauce, Baked Potato With Sour Cream, Carrots, Wheat Bread, Oatmeal, Cookie, Diabetic Pears
Friday, October 12 Orange Juice, Ham & Broccoli Frittata, Creamed Peas, Banana Bread, Butterscotch Pudding, Diabetic Peaches
FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: (585) 268-9390 BY 2:00pm on the previous day. Toll Free 1-866-268-9390. Alfred-Jenny Baker (607) 276-6059 or Cindy Berry (607) 281-8794; Belmont- Lila Johnson (607) 268-5380; Bolivar-Carolyn Hackett (607) 928-2672; Canaseraga-Barb Welch (607) 295-7301; Cuba-Linda Nelson (607) 968-2397; Fillmore-Maggie Smith (585) 737-5609; Friendship-Vivian Howell (607) 973-2650; Wellsville-Donna Fiegl (585) 593-7665; Whitesville-Becky Mattison (Cell) (607) 356-3571.
Ask about an Umbrella Policy
We offer coverage from a variety of insurance companies like Erie, Hartford and Farmers just to name a few.
Kelly Insurance Agency 196 South Main Street, Naples NY (585) 374-9320 or Toll-Free 877-847-4147
SENIOR STYLE Hornell Senior Center Steuben Senior Dinner Club
True Blue
Satellite Systems True Blue Satellite Systems
Australia’s Ancient Secret combined with America’s Modern Technology All Natural EMU Products help... Relieve Arthritis Pain - Reduce Joint Inflammation - Muscle Soreness - Help Psoriasis - Rosacia Diminish Wrinkles - Moisturize Skin - Minor Burns - Also use for Thrombosis/Blood Clotting
Face & Hand Cream Skin Care, Ostrich & Leather Products are available...and much more!
(607) 324-7740
Young Hill Farm Ostrich & EMU Products 607-295-7659
FAX (607) 324-4814
Mon.-Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. at The Windmill, Bldg. #2; appointments available
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 15
Thank You
I would like to thank everyone who came and/or supported the benefit that was held for me. Thank you to all those that prepared and served the delicious meal and those who worked at the benefit. Thanks to all who donated items for the raffles and for all the contributions. I was touched by so much support, I certainly have wonderful friends and family.
TThe h e PPerfec e rf e c t PPaa w Grooming Salon & Pet Boutique Grooming one dog at a time with tender loving care
Y E A R ‘ RO U N D All Wheel Drive Trucks for Hard to Reach Areas
Tami L. Moore
Mon & Tues: 12:00 p.m . W ed, Thurs: 9:00 a.m .
** /6
'& "" *$ 0$ " ** 1- (#$,1(%6
Robert L. Gilfert, DPM PODIATRIST/FOOT SPECIALIST Foot Injuries, Heel Pain, Warts, Flatfeet, Ingrown Toenails, Bunions, Hammertoes, Diabetic Foot Care 4305 Fassett Lane • Wellsville, NY 14895
585-593-3900 )
) ) 4(1' *"-'-* ,# 6-2 4 ,1 0-+$ '$*. " **
4 # 6 4 // ,16 $*(3$/6 1%
119 Main St., Dansville, NY (585) 335-2999
Serving the Best Coffee in town!! Byrne Dairy Ice Cream by the scoop Fresh Byrne Dairy Whole Milk
2.99 per gallon
Plus 1/2 Gal. glass bottles available LARGE SELECTION OF TOBACCO AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS ~ Beer, Soda and Juices ~ Snacks ~ Candy & Gum ~ Many Ice Cream Products ~ Lottery and MUCH MORE! Open 7:00 AM to 10 PM 7 Days a Week We accept SNAP, food stamps and all major credit and debit cards
HOMESTEAD COAL INC. KEYSTONE MILLS Horse, Chicken, Pig, Dairy & Beef Feeds
Bulk Coal $249 00/ton Bagged Coal $289 00/ton We have Mulch in 3 Colors Welding Supply Co.
We Now Exchange & Lease Cylinders
7:00 AM Registration
RT. 415N Bath, NY 14810 ~ 607-776-6703 Monday-Friday 9:5:30 p.m. Saturday 9-12 p.m.
BISHOPVILLE UMC will not be having Country Breakfast. Heartfelt thanks to all our loyal patrons over the years.
Pre-Registration Strongly Encouraged
New York State
Dansville Water Wells Quality and Integrity Since 1977
NGWA Certified Free Estimates
Prompt, Courteous Service
-,80 3-"
"% +& ( &/ .(**0 %-/ -,*6 (0"/$$1 0'(..(,& 1(-, &2 / ,1$$#
Ron Hall, Owner
Dansville - 585-335-3356 • Cell - 585-734-6612
%-/ #/(3$/80 1$01 %%$/$# ../-5(+ 1$*6 $3$/6 14- 4$$)0 1 1'$ -++2,(16 $,1$/ $**0 3(**$ -/ # 1$0 ,# #$1 (*0 444 #/(3$/#-, "-+
*(0 )
C o m p l e t e Wa t e r S y s t e m s F r o m W e l l To H o u s e E x i s t i n g We l l s R e p a i r e d S u b m e rs i bl e P u m p s I n s t a l l e d & S e r v i c e d
Groom ing Hours Start At:
* 0) %-/
Certified Professional Groomer
16 Franklin Street Dansville, NY 14437 585-991-3131
Thank You! Sincerely, Terry R. Folts
/(3$/ "'--*
( +&
1(0% " ** -4 ."
(0 6-2/ "'-("$ %-/ 0 %$ ,# %%-/# !*$ +$#(" 1(-,0 2/ *("$,0$# , #( , + (* -/#$/ .' /+ "6 4(** ./-3(#$ 6-2 4(1' 0 3(,&0 -% 2. 1.$/"$,1 -, ** 6-2/ +$#(" 1(-, ,$$#0 ** 1%-/ # 6 -%% 6-2/ %(/01 ./$0"/(.1(-, ,# %/$$ 0'(. .(,& ." (5$# ' /# 4--# % "$ "-/# 5 5 "21 ,# #$*(3$/$# -,1 "1 -/
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 16
KENT FARMS PUMPKIN PATCH & CORN MAZE OPENS Fri. -Sept. 28th Mon-Sat hrs 10am- 6pm Sun 10am-5pm 607-478-8805 or www.kentfarms.us
NOW PLAYING Now Thru Oct. 11th THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN Coming 10/12 House at the End of the Street
Nightly At 7 with late show Saturday. Matinees Saturday & Sunday at 3 and Wednesday at 1. MOVIE MONEY The Gift That Never Expires!
Kids 18 & Under/Kids 62 & Over.............$6 College, Military and Veterans w/ID......$6 Adults............................................................$7 *Matinees All Seats....................................$5 Follow the Star Theatre on Facebook.
144 MAIN ST., DANSVILLE, NY 14437 MOVIE INFO: 585-335-6950 • MANAGEMENT: 585-739-3841
Hours: Sun. 6 am - 7pm, Mon. - Thurs. 5am - 8pm, Fri. 5am-9pm Sat. 5am-8pm
ATTN: GARAGE SALE ENTHUSIASTS! Buying or selling second-hand treasures? The NYS Department of StateÅfs Division of Consumer Protection, in conjunction with the Free Community Papers of New York, recommends checking the following websites to help assure that the item has not been recalled or the subject of a safety warning: http:/www.recalls.gov and the Consumer Product Safety Commission at www.cpsc.gov. For other important recall and product safety information visit the Division of Consumer Protection at www.dos.ny.gov
In PenneSaverPlus. 7425 Seneca Rd., N. Hornell, NY 14843 Open 7 Days A Week (607) 324-4551
Grilled Cheese & Cup of Homemade Soup $3.99 M.-Th. Free Donuts • Everyday till gone THURSDAY: Chicken and Biscuits, Stuffed Shells, Country Fried Steak FRIDAY: Fish Fry, Mac & Cheese, Egg Plant Parmesan & Spaghetti SATURDAY: Chicken Cacciatore & Spaghetti, Salisbury Steak Spaghetti & Meatballs SUNDAY: Prime Rib, Baked Ham Dinner
Check out our Soups, Chili and Homemade Corn Bread Thursday - Chicken & Biscuit Dinner, Meatloaf Friday - Homemade New England Clam Chowder, Fish Fry, Shrimp Scampi, & Beer Battered Shrimp, Homemade Mac & Cheese Saturday - Chicken Broccoli Alfredo over Linguini, Chicken Wing Dinner, 8oz Bacon Wrapped Sirloin Sunday - Delmonico Steak, Baked Ham Pineapple, Turkey Dinner With All The Trimmings
Good Home Cooked Meal Without The Country Drive
Mon., Tues., Wed. 6am-2pm; Thursday, Friday, Saturday 6am-8pm; Sunday 7am-7pm
607-324-9884 • 15 Seneca St., Hornell
NO SCHOOL COLUMBUS DAY Special Matinee Monday October 8th Noon-4. Admission $6.00 skate rentals FREE. One lucky skater will win 1 FREE month of skating. Funland Skate Center Wellsville (585)593-2000 Cheaper Than A Babysitter FUNLAND SKATE CENTER- Public Skating Friday Nights 7-10, Saturday Matinee 1-4 (starting October 6th), & Saturday Nights 8-11. Private parties & birthdays available. Funland Skate Center, Wellsville. (585) 593-2000 Alma Rod and Gun Club Ham & Turkey Shoot October 13, 2012 Starts @ 10:00 am Alma Pond Dam County Rte 29 Alma, NY Slugs & Shot Price depends on participation If Quetions please call 585-593-5603
Cheaper Than a Babysitter FUNLAND SKATE CENTERPublic Skating Friday Nights 7-10 & Saturday Nights 8-11. Private parties & birthdays also avaailable. Funland Skate Center, wellsville. (585) 593-2000
East Campbell Fire Dept's
HAUNTED FIRE HOUSE Now Open! • 7:30pm or Dark Every Friday & Saturday until Oct 27th $
5-Adults • $3-12 & under
October Artist of the Month At Steuben Trust Gallery is
Janet VanBrunt
4581 Meads Creek Rd., Painted Post
$1 Off for Canned Food or Pet Food Donations!
Find the full menus on www.wellsvilledaily.com/dine_out
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 17
Whitesville Central School Senior Class
The Dansville Area Historical Society Cordially Invites You To Attend
at 6:30 p.m.
Eat in or Take out
American Legion Home specify coupons on delivery NEW SPECIALS AVAILABLE FOR EAT IN OR TAKE OUT AFTER 4PM
October 12th & 13th Bidding: Friday 3:00-8:00pm Saturday 12:00-6:30pm
Drawing: Saturday 7:00pm
OVER 500 Items!
34 Elizabeth Street, Dansville
Monday - Taco Salad ..........................................................................$5.50 Buy any size sub get second sub half price (hot subs not included) Tuesday - Medium Pizza 12 Wings..............................................$15.99 Large 1-Topping Pizza.........................................................................$11.89 Wednesday - All you can eat Spaghetti or Ziti w/two meatballs, side salad or large drink..........................$7.99 Thursday - Philly Cheese Steak Sub w/side of fries....................$7.89 Meatball Parmigiana Sub w/side of fries..........................................$7.89 Saturday - Veal w/whole Spaghetti or Ziti, side salad................................................................................................$13.99 Sunday - Baked Ziti w/side salad........................................$7.75 Chicken Parmigiana w/half Spaghetti and side salad....................$9.00
Tickets for Dinner $8.00 Presale Tickets availabe from any DAHS Board Member and at local banks
+ tax
Large Cheese Pizza & 1 Dozen Wings
Need Not Be Present to Win! Nice Concession Stand!
Offer Good Every Day • Expires 12/31/12
Roast Beef Dinner Sunday October 21, 2012
Serving from Noon to 3:00 PM
Sparta Center United Methodist Church
Rt. 256 North of Dansville Sponsored by the Sparta Center United Methodist Women
Serving Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Squash, Rolls, Coleslaw, & Pie
585-243-2691 www.GENESEOTHEATERS.com
Tickets • Adults: $8.00 • Children: (under 10) $4.00 Tickets may be purchased ahead of time from church members or at the Dansville United Methodist Church, 5 Chestnut Ave. on Tuesday or Thursday from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM
Adult Matinees $6.00 Adult evening $8.00 Children & Seniors 62 yrs. & Older $5.75 College Students w/ID $7.00
Clip & Save
A K E B R E A K FA S T PA N CPerkinsville Fire Hall
HOTEL Host To The Nation’s Travelers Since 1837
Benefit: Perkinsville Fire Dept. Oct. 14, 2012 Nov. 11, 2012 Dec. 9, 2012 Jan. 13, 2013
Feb. 10, 2013 Mar. 10, 2013 April 14, 2013 May 12, 2013
A L L Y O U C A N E AT ! Menu: Pancakes, Sausage, Ham, Homefries, Eggs, Toast and Beverage Adults $6.00/Children (6-12) $3.00/5 & Under FREE
~ Friday ~ Haddock Fish Fry Charbroiled Steaks Full Saute Menu Available
~ Saturday ~ Prime Rib Dinner for Two $
Candlelight Dining in a 5HVWRUHG 6WDJH 6WRS DQG 7DYHUQ Located 3 Miles West of Geneseo RQ 5RXWH $ /HLFHVWHU
14 South Church Street Canaseraga, NY 607-545-6411
FALL OPEN HOUSE SALES EVENT October 8, 2012 10 am to 5 pm
Saturday, Oct. 13 & Sunday, Oct. 14
48.00 4 Courses
• Dinner: $8.00 • Chicken ONLY: $5.00
Hours: Closed Mon. & Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 5-9 Fri. & Sat. 4:30-10 Sun. 3-9
Phone (585) 382-3130
Charles F. Oliver & Son, LLC
Hundreds of top name Country Music CDs $2.50 or 5/$10.00. Guitars LOWER THAN THE INTERNET. BUZZO MUSIC 106 MAIN ST. GENESEO NY. 243-2480
Card Shower We would like to wish a Happy 94th Birthday To
Marie Canfield
On October 14th Please send your wishes to Marie at 8885 A, Lower Street Rushford, NY 14777
Proceeds Benefit Kanona VFD Building Fund 02 -%/-6 0+
!'& )0& ()) 0+ #-%+5% 3-//6 *25 21/< -6'5))7 6,-33-1+ !%7-6*%'7-21 +8%5%17))( %// 2: ! 85) +5%< *)0%/) 63%<)( '%7 2 0%5.-1+6 267 *520 -&621 !7 %169-//) * %1<21) 6))6 ,)5 3/)%6) '%// ",%1. <28
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Due to a recent outbreak of Whooping Cough these immunizations are being provided free of charge to adults who have close contact with children
5-7:30 pm ¥ 7604 Seneca Road North, Hornell 5-7:30 pm ¥ Corning Fire Dept, Corning 5-7:30 pm ¥ County Office Building, 3 E. Pulteney Sq., Bath Pre-registration is Call 607-664-2433 for an appointment
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 18 The Law Offices of Jacqueline E. Mohrman, Esq. Creative Solutions for Effective Resolutions
Jacqueline E. Mohrman Attorney at Law 303 Seneca Road - Suite 1 Hornell, NY 14843
No parking during snow season on all Village Streets or cars may be ticketed.
Phone: 607-324-4040 Fax: 607-324-4140 Jackie@SouthernTierLawyers.com www.SouthernTierLawyers.com
63/2 1/:4 @/7A7<5 4/17:7BG @3/2G B= 5= +>2/B32 032@==; 6=;3 3F13::3<B D73E /AB 3<B3@ (=/2 /AB7:3
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For more information log on at
www.woodhullraceway.com Christian Counselor for families, women, marriage and pre-marital counseling.
Trinity Lutheran Church 470 North Main Street Wellsville, NY 14895
NAPA 360 Late Models. (27 cars) Heats. Bruce Miller, Glen Whritenour, Brian Knowles, Jeremy Wonderling. 30 lap feature. Bruce Miller, Jeremy Wonderling, John Waters, Brian Knowles, Glen Whritenour, Carl Hughes, Larry Knowles, Cecil LaBarron, Jason Knowles, Mike Wonderling Jr., Dustin Waters, Jaye McConnell, Buck Payne, Quinn Sutherland, Jared Hill, Steve Watson, Wally Wade, Steve LeBarron, Brad LaBarron, Jerry Wilson, Carl Cleveland, Frank LeBarron, Scott Plank, Billy VanPelt, Clint Button. DNQ. Mick Seeley, Greg Young
Betty Wood Director of Christian Outreach
S&W Awards and Photos Crate Sportsman. (29 cars) Heats. Art Goodier, Ajay Potrzebowski, Josh Nobriga, Ray Bliss Jr. Consi. Brett Buono 25 lap feature. Donnie Lawson, Art Goodier, Rod Mullen, Russ Morseman, Ray Bliss, Ajay Potrzebowski, Steve Hartman Sr., Josh Keesey, Dale Welty, Josh Nobriga, Bill Williams, Donnie Knowles, Bob Buono, Doug Kline, Brett Buono, Frank Kline, James Howard, Collin Brown, Josh Butler, Connor Brown, Bill Hargrave, Ryan Tracy, Chris Brockway, Chris Daugherty. DNQ. Mike Jackson, Scott Waters, John Hargrave, Lance Keesey, Ray Smith 15 lap non-winners feature: (19 cars) Josh Nobriga
Masters in Biblical Counseling from Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary
Fill Your Freezer For Winter With Homegrown Meat. • 1/4 and 1/2 Angus Beef • Bundle Combos of Beef, Pork and Chicken • Whole Chickens
ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY Shawn, Stacy, & Luke Gilson 3699 State Route 21, Wayland NY 14572 phone: 585-534-5317
Local • Quality • Value
EEE 27>:=;/4@=;6=;3 1=; />1
Signs Plus Mini Stock/LaBarron Brothers Repair and Parts FWD combined. (23 cars) Heats. James Kreidler III, Billy Joe Birdsall, Ronnie Hill, Carl LeBarron, Cody Baker, Rick Amidon, Matt Prescott 20 lap feature. Jim Money, Ronnie Hill, Billy Joe Birdsall, Carl LeBarron, Cody Baker, Rick Amidon, Matt Prescott, Jason Gleason, Mike Navone, James Howard, John Hand Jr, Mike Emmick, Jacob McConnell, James Kreidler III, Wes Houghtaling, Alan English, Brian Grant Sr., Joseph Birdsall, DQ –Bubba VanCise; DNS – JR Bush, Chris Hand, Travis Parks, Amber Pierce, #54 Make-up Signs Plus Mini Stocks 20 lap feature from 9/22/2012 presented by Griffith Energy: Jim Money, James Kreidler, John Hand Jr., Rick Amidon, Jason Gleason, Bubba VanCise, Chris Hand, Tom Kleintop. Make-up LaBarron Brothers Repair and Parts FWD 20 lap feature from 9/22/2012 presented by Griffith Energy. Ron Hill, Joseph Birdsall, Carl LeBarron, Dan Mitchell, Brian Grant, Jacob McConnell, Alan English, Amber Pierce, DNS – Josh Beardsley, Buddy Meade; DQ – Nate Freeland WOODHULL RACEWAY BANQUET TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE THRU THE MAIL. (Woodhull, NY) With the 2012 race season at the Woodhull Raceway rapidly coming to a close, those wishing to purchase 2012 banquet tickets will now be able to do so thru the mail. The Annual Woodhull Raceway Awards Banquet will be held on Saturday, November 10, 2012 at the Horseheads Elks Club, same site as the past two years.Ê Social hour starts at 5:00 pm, a professionally Corning Catering buffet style meal to follow at 6:00 pm with awards to follow.Ê A local top notch D.J. will crank the tunes for everyoneÕs listening and dancing pleasure.
No Flim Flam Like us on Facebook!
Hours: Tuesday 9am-Noon, Thursday 3pm-7pm
( * 7>:=;/
Joe Willcox Performance Street Stocks. (26 cars) Heats. Cory Costa, Jeremy Potrzebowski, Chris Fisher. Consi. Teddy Morseman Jr. 20 lap feature. Jeremy Potrzebowski, Rich Sharpsteen II, Teddy Morseman, Cory Costa, Kurt Stebbins, Kane Stebbins, Butch Green, AJ Potrzebowski, Earl Zimmer, Rich Sharpsteen III, Jeff Smith, Nick Robinson, Brett Marlatt, Gene Sharpsteen, Trevor Tompkins, Chris Fisher, Dylan Cecce, Joe Layfield, Dan Babcock, Larry Fenton Jr., Brandon Morseman, Bryce Davis, Alan Crooker, DNS – Russ Morseman. DNQ. Lloyd Crosby, Allison Pierce, Dan Babcock
Gilson Farms Retail Meats
E339A 3B / / =0
QUICK RESULTS WOODHULL RACEWAY 9/29/2012 3rd Annual Bull Ring Challenge presented by Outman Equipment LLC and Bully Hill Vineyards. Insinger Performance BB/SB Modifieds. (34 cars) Heats. Eric Fisher, Mike Bills, Ron Cartwright Jr., Billy VanPelt Consi’s. Kenny Peoples Jr., Dan Pompey. 50 lap feature. Ron Cartwright Jr., Alan Rudalavage, Dylan Dewert, Eric Fisher, Mike Bills, Frank Dunning, Brian Malcolm, Ron White, Mike Clapperton, Dan Creeden, Lee Bills, Kenny Peoples Jr., Kevin Chilson, Grant Hilfiger, Ray Smith, Ajay Potrzebowski, Dave Dubois, Joe Dgien, Jamie Batzel, Donnie Lawson, Brady Fultz, Billy VanPelt, Ray Bliss Jr., Dale Welty, Dan Pompey. DNQ. Chris Daugherty, John Hargrave, Eric Williams, Brent Boyer, Robbie Krull, Mike Doty, Don Lawson, Shannon Whalen, Chris Clark.
(585) 593-2405
0 0 433B 7< :3<5B6 /:: 4=@ 7<4= B4
Thank You to all sponsors, fans, and supporters for making the Woodhull Raceway Page possible!
! >@=13AA #%$* ". "" G=C@ & ((. &+ $%-
< B63 =4 ;=D7<5 )*%( 4=@ )*+ /:: " )*%(
One Facebook fan wins an oil change each month!
Airport Rd., Hornell, NY 607-324-1155 www.maplecitydodge.net Andy Butler General Contractor COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF SEPTIC SYSTEMS DRIVEWAY SEALING
Tickets are priced at $30 per person and can be purchased by sending a self addressed and stamped envelope to the following address with a check for the correct amount of tickets.
Woodhull Raceway • P.O. Box 157 • Woodhull, NY 14898 The cut off date is Sunday, November 4, 2012 and no tickets will be sold after that date and no tickets will be sold at the door.Ê Please do not delay. The Horseheads Elks BPOE 2297 is located at 6 Prospect Hill Road, Horseheads, NY approximately two miles behind the Arnot Mall heading towards the Elmira Domes.
2012 RACE SCHEDULE Date Nov. 10th Feb. 2013
Price TBA
Donna’s Main Street Market & Deli 1613 Main Street Woodhull, NY
• Roofing • Demolition • Backhoe • Carpentry • Concrete Work • Garages • Bulldozer
We Carry Deli Meats Pizza & Wings Subs
(607) 324-5152
Call Your Order Ahead For Faster Service (607) 458-5650
Welcome Back Drivers Good Luck To All
Event and Sponsors Annual Awards Banquet Vintage Snowmobile Races
Local Manufacturer and Retail Supplier 7780 ST. RT. 417 ADDISON, N.Y. PHONE 607-359-2270
Good Luck Woodhull Raceway Drivers Be Safe & Have Fun!
Dandy Mini Mart “Still the same courteous & friendly People to serve you!” Folks from miles around are enjoying our soft frozen custard. Pennsylvania Instant Lottery & PA Numbers at the corner of South and Main. R.D. #2, Box 310, Knoxville, PA (814) 326-4616
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 19 *286&0 3.0*6 $# !& $! " 0.1.2&8* .,- -*&8.2, '.007 *047 6*)9(* =396 (&6'32 +33646.28 9&0.+.*) &00 83)&= ! ":5<, "(2,9 &.2 !86**8 *2*7** ;:/580?,+ 2,*:852;= %(*;;3 2,(4,89 #46.,-87 !-&1433*67 &,7 &687 !*6:.(* );&6) !;&2 &74*6 %
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 20
Medical Equipment & Supply Personal, Friendly, Professional Service is our Specialty! • Orthopedic Products • Nutrition Products • Oxygen/Respiratory Equipment • Incontinence Products • CPAP/SLEEP Equipment • Scooters & Power Wheelchairs • Hopsital Beds • Commodes • Wheelchairs • Bath Aids • Lift Chairs • Walking Aids Diabetic Shoes By
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( +( 47;@05. (9., ";69(., $50;: =,9@;/05. 4<:; .6 6 9,(:65()3, (-;,9 9, -<:,+ 6:;3@ -<950;<9, /64, +,*69 4(;,90(3 -() 90*: +9,::,9: :0+,)6(9+: */(09: ;()3,: #9<(? !+ &,33:=033, , % (2- .*, $# (:; 6- &,33:=033,
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Thank You Contributors to....
May 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012 “We apologize for any omissions or errors. Please contact director@alleganycountyareafoundation.org to become a friend of the Foundation.” Anonymous Daniel and Anne Acton Terry and Cynthia Akins Jennifer Allen Evelyn Alessi, Class of 2011, Nyhl and Linda Austin Belfast Central School Rodney Bennett Harriet C. Bradley Robert and Connie Brandes Thomas P. Brown Susan Bush Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Canfield Donald Cameron Bruce Campbell Mary-Lou Cartledge Anne Church Larry and Deborah Clark Larry C. Clark Georgana Cochran Zoe Coombs Paulette Copenheaver David and Anne Crowe John and Sue Culbert David and Karen Daugherty Susan DiBiase Dennis and Ruth Doell Thomas Dunn Lori and Kevin Dzielski Rhonda Eastland Patty Engh Bonnie Enke Warren and Connie Emerson Ray and Judy Emery Peter Finlay Laura Gabler Lee Gridley Christopher and Colleen Gyr George Goetschius Kevin Habberfield David and Leslie Haggstrom Richard and Virginia Halberg
David Hardy Marcia Heinz Richard and Kathleen Hollis Ted and Judy Hopkins Joyce Howland Athena Jamesson Mrs. A.M. Jamesson Kalope Jamesson Susan Church-Jamesson Marion Johnson Charles H. and Lorraine Joyce Margaret and Lois Kemp Michael W. Kunz Patricia LaCourse Karen Latimer S. Timothy Lunn Peter Finlay Kevin La Forge Joe and Sue Lindquist Roy and Polly Lucas Margaret Ludington Doris Mac Farquuhar Troy and Susan Martin Hartley Maxson Anne McAndrew Kevin and April McCarthy Rex and Marcia McIntosh James R. McCormick Joe and Liz Menichino Carolyn J. Miller Marcia Moore Robert Mountain Shirley Mullen Leo Murphy Jr. Patty Oliver David and Jane Pinney Brenda Pomeroy K. David and Janice Porter David and Nancy Jo Pullen Dr. Lenard G. Presutti and Diane Stromp Gary and Beverly Rathbun
2870 State Route 21 Wayland, NY 14572
585.728.2070 30% of the gross sales will be donated to American Cancer Society where it will be put towards the fight against breast cancer.
"65@ %(06 >/0;, 653@ :0? 465;/: 63+ >05+6> ,8<074,5; (5+ :<7730,: 4(*/05,: *()05,;: -() 90*: )662: 73<: >692 ;( )3,: *<;;05. ;()3, -0305. *()05,; )662 *(:,: >0;/ )662: (**,::690,: -69 :,>05. 5,,+: 65;(*;
Douglas and Janet Rhodes Paul Ronan Doug and Krista Roorbach Terri Ross Dave and Marianne Scoins Peter and Mary Lou Sprague William Tucker William and Joan Veley Marilyn Vreeland Anne and Dean Wells Elizabeth Wilder Pamela Witter G. Paul and MaryAnn Whitehouse Dawn and Jeremy Wildrick-Cole Paul Young Robert and Martha Young
Allegany County Schools Federal Credit Union AVX Corporation Belva Waite Estate Cuba-Rushford Teachers’ Association Community Bank, NA Federated Clover, Andrew Murray Federated Clover Investment Advisors Friendship Teachers’ Association LC Whitford Corporation Nathan Petroleum Corportion Notable Corporation Northeast Office Supply, Bill Finch Ried’s Food Barn Wegman’s Food Markets
Get screened. Early detection saves lives!
6- 9,-90.,9(;69: .(: .9033: >(:/,9: +9@,9: )(;;,90,: (5@ 4,;(3: (33
05 =,9@ .66+ *65+0;065 >0;/ -; )(*2)3(+,
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 21
The New Standard of the World. 2012 Cadillac SRX AWD Luxury Collection
2013 Cadillac CTS-4 AWD
5 SRXs In Stock
Power Sunroof, Heated Leather Seats, All Wheel Drive
Includes Tax, Fees & Maintenance
Luxury Edition, Ultraview Sunroof, White Diamond Paint, All Wheel Drive
Includes Tax, Fees & Maintenance
2013 Cadillac ATS 3.6L AWD Luxury Collection
2013 Cadillac XTS Luxury Collection 3 In Stock
V6, All Wheel Drive, Power Includes Tax, Fees & Sunroof, Heated Maintenance Seats & Steering Wheel, White Diamond Paint
Ultraview Sunroof, Drive Awareness Includes Tax, Fees & Package, White Maintenance Diamond Paint, All Wheel Drive Also In Stock Front Wheel Drive
*Payments are based on a 27 Month single payment smart lease. 22,500 miles allowed. All taxes & fees are included!
Shop us 24 hours at www.bokmanofwellsville.com Mon, Tue, Thu 8:30-7:00 • Wed, Fri 8:30-6:00 • Sat 8:30-4:00 •
Mon - Fri 7:30-5:00 • Sat 7:30-1:00 •
Mon - Fri 8:00-5:00 • Sat 8:00-1:00
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 22
Marion’s Auto
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 23
Bernie & Brad SmithÕs
2000 CHEVY 1500 V8 5SPD (RARE) 2WD SHORT BOX CLEAN.................$4995 2001 CHEVY PRISM (TOYOTA) 4CYL 4DR AUTO 49K................................$3295 2005 GMC ENVOY XL DENALI SEATS 7, 85K NICE....................................$8995 2006 TRAILBLAZER 4X4 6CYL AUTO 98K...................................................$5995 2000 CHEVY 1500 4X4 5.3L AUTO EXT CAB (3DR) 113K SHARP..............$5495 2005 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX 7 PASS STOW-N-GO 107K........$4995 2002 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX 6CYL REAL CLEAN 85K...........$4495 2001 GMC SIERRA 1500SLE 4X4 EXT CAB (4DR) 5.3 AUTO.....................$5995 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4 6CYL AUTO 107K.............................$6495 1999 GMC SIERRA SL STEPSIDE 4X4 6CYL AUTO 2DR 106K..................$4995 2003 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4 6CYL AUTO 123K.............................$5995 2003 DODGE NEON 4CYL 4DR AUTO.........................................................$2495 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4 6CYL AUTO 117K.............................$5995
Auto Specialized Service, LLC Complete Auto Service Brakes • Tune-ups Alignments • Tires Oil Changes • NYS Inspections
Vandermark Road, Scio, NY (1 mile from the light)
1-585-593-1835 • MC & Visa Accepted
CASH PAID FOR YOUR JUNK CARS. Call Benny anytime at 585-468-5551. ID No. 7090520. Now buying Copper & Aluminum. Have Scales. A$H FOR CARS/ TRUCKS: Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not. Damaged? Wrecked? OK! We Pay Up To $20,000! Call Toll Free: 1-888-417-1423 (apc) SUBARU SALES & SERVICE 99-2210 Foresters, Legacys and Outback’s available at Paul’s Paint & Body Shop 11488 cty. Rte, 36 Centerville, NY 14029 Call 585-567-4243
7952 State Route 36 Arkport, New York 14807 Phone: (607) 295-7450 Fax: (607) 295-8952 bsmiths1@verizon.net
FALL SPECIAL $79.95 Lube, Oil & Filter Change, Rotate and Check Condition of Tires, Check and Test Coolant, Test Battery, Check All Fluids, Check Brakes, Front End Alignment. Upgrade to 4 Wheel - $99.95
Lindsey Motors Providing Quality Automobile Sales , S e r v i c e s , C o l l i s i o n R e p a i r f o r 4 0 + Ye a r s R o u t e 663, Route 3 , BBox o x 3373 7 3 • AAcross c r o s s ffrom rom W WCCS CCS • W Wayland, a y l a n d , NNYY 585-728-2830 585-728-2830
2010 Chevy Impala LS
Just o w n ttheh e rroad o a d ffrom r o m hhigh i g h pprices! rices! J u s t ddown
---------------- CARS ----------------
2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT Loaded with sunroof, choice of 2, 14k or 26k..............................................$15,995 2012 CHEVY MALIBU LT 4cyl, auto, air, cruise, pw, pl, am/fm cd........................................................$15,495 2009 CHEVY MALIBU auto, air, cruise, pw, pl, am/fm, 39k..................................................................$12,495 2008 SATURN AURA auto, 4cyl, air, pw, pl, cruise, am/fm cd, 30k.....................................................$11,495
Florida car. Has never been driven in salt. Will consider a vehicle in trade. 585.746.5866 1997 JEEP GRAND Cherokee TSI, 4WD, 4.0 6 cyl, Sunroof, Leather, P/W, P/Seats, 186,000 miles - $1,200 or BO - call 928-1766
Get up to 75 Back $
(585) 335-8860
9 Spruce St., Dansville • (585)
2004 BUICK CENTURY, 6cyl. automatic, very clean; $4,400. 2002 Buick Rendezvous CX, 6cyl., very clean, inspected; $5,200. 2003 Buick Century, 6cyl., very clean, inspected; $3,900. Closed 10/10-10/14. Harold Wilkins Used Cars, 957 Route 21, Hornell, NY. 607-382-5283.
---------TRUCKS • VANS • SUV’S----------
9 Spruce St., Dansville
Dansville Dansville Muffler Muffler & Brake Brake
WANTED: BUYING USED cars, trucks, farm & construction equipment. *Free pick up* Jeff’s Truck& Equipment Sales, 944 State Rt. 19, Wellsville. Fac. # 7086618 585-593-5449.
2011 JEEP LIBERTY 4x4, V6, auto, pw, pl, cruise, am/fm cd, 12k.......................................................$17,495 2011 KIA SORENTO FWD, 4 cyl, auto, air, pw, pl, cruise, 26k...................................................... ......$18,495 2011 SUBARU FORRESTER AWD, auto, air, cruise, pw, pl, am/fm cd, 32K.........................................$19,495 2010 CHEVY EQUINOX LT AWD, 4cyl, auto, air, cruise, am/fm cd, 33k...............................................$20,495 2009 NISSAN ROGUE SL AWD, 4 cyl, loaded with leather & sunroof, 26k..........................................$17,995 2009 JEEP COMPASS 4 cyl, 5 speed, air, am/fm cd ,46k....................................................................$10,995 2007 CHEVY UPLANDER V6, auto, air, pw, pl, cruise, am/fm cd, 55k...................................................$9,995
Dansville Muffler & Brake
*When you purchase a new set of four (4) qualifying Cooper tires, get up to a $75 Cooper Tires Visa® Prepaid Card by mail.
Front-End and Collision Services
Bob’s Alignment 8668 State Rt. 21, Naples 585-374-6420 Fax: 585-374-9362 All Major Credit Cards Accepted
CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS. Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not! 1-888-416-2208. (apc) ‘87 CHRYSLER FIFTH AVENUE, 1-owner, mint condition, new transmission put in by MC Dodge, 95,000 miles, white w/blue interior; $3,000/firm. 585335-6175. FOR SALE: 2008 Chev. Silverado-K1500-Z71-4x4$19,900. 2009 Chev. Malibu LS-46k mi. $12,900. 2008 Saturn Vue AWD$12,900. 2005 Chev. Colorado-Ext Cab-Z71$11,500. 2008 Pontiac G6-GT-V6-$9900. 2000 Chev.Silverado-Ext CabK2500 w/ 8' box $3000. 2005 Ford FreeStar Van $4900. 2005 Chev. Aveo- 4dr $4900. 2006 Buick LaCrosse CXSunroof-Loaded! $8900. 2007 Atlas Alum. Cargo Trailer $4500. 2006 Chev. Aveo- 4dr $4900. 2003 GMC Sonoma Ext Cab- 4 x 4 $4000. Visit westalmondauto.com or call 585-466-7772; 607-968-7644 or see us at Exit 32 from I-86. West Almond Auto Service.
FOR SALE: 2005 Toyota Tundra auto trans V6 engine, 8 foot box, regular cab ,low mileage $8800 International 30 Bushel ground driven Manure Spreader $700 firm Call 585-593-2535
1998 Old Cutlass 71480 Miles New tires and Alternator low miles on brakes and rotors mechanically excellent. $1700. Call 585-610-3895
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 24
“Service you can depend on!”
We not only sell vehicles but our repair shop does Complete Auto Repair! • NYS Inspections • Tires • Cooling Systems • Windshield Replacements • Transmission Service • Lube, Oil & Filter • Brakes • Batteries
OUR SERVICES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Air Conditioning ¥ Air Filters ¥ÊAlignments Brakes ¥ Computer Diagnostic Testing Fluid Levels Checked ¥ Oil Change ¥ Towing Tune Ups ...Plus much more!
We have Access To Any Tire Brand
~ Same day service when possible ~
Free Battery Testing!
7443 Rt. 415, Bath, NY 14810 607-776-9621
COME TO DANSVILLE AUTO MART AND LET ME LOOK FOR YOU! With access to over 10,000 vehicles a week I can help you find just what you are looking for.
$$50 50 CCooper ooper CCS4 S4 TTouring ouring Cooper Cooper Discoverer Discoverer H/T H/T Cooper Cooper Discoverer Discoverer H/T H/T Plus Plus Cooper Cooper Discoverer Discoverer LSX** LSX** Cooper Cooper Discoverer Discoverer LSX LSX Plus** Plus**
Receive u Receive up p tto o$ $75 75 p paid aid vvia ia V Visa isa p prepaid repaid c card ard b byy m mail ail w when hen yyou ou purchase purchase a new new set set of of four four (4) (4) qualifying qualifying Cooper Cooper Tires Tires for household for household use use in in single single transaction transaction from from August August 24, 24, 2 2012 012 to to November November 6, 6, 2012. 2012. Reward Reward amount amount depends depends on on q qualifying ualifying ttires ires purchased purchased and and availability availability of of eligible eligible new new tires at tires at time time of of purchase. purchase. Qualifying tires Qualifying tires are: are:
$$75 75 CCooper ooper DDiscoverer iscoverer AA/T3 /T3 C Cooper ooper Discoverer Discoverer CTS CTS
Per Axle
9384 N. Main St. Dansville, NY 14437 HOURS: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm • Sat 8am - noon
9976 Main Street, Dansville • 335-8280
1-800-798-7077 585-335-6018
Monday-Friday 8-5; Saturday 8-12
New & Used Cars and Trucks • If it’s not on our lot, we’ll find it for you!
Week of October 8, 2012 - October 12, 2012
Monday, October 8 Columbus Day No School
Wayland-Cohocton School Wednesday, October 10 Chinese Bar, Deli Bar, Chefs Salad, Pb&J Sandwich, Pepperoni Pizza • Fortune Cookie, Fresh Broccoli, Chinese Vegetables, Fruited Jello, Chilled Pears, Variety Of Milk
Tuesday, October 9 Beef Burrito, Deli Bar, Chefs Salad, Pb&J Sandwich, Pepperoni Pizza • Spanish Rice, Corn, Refried Beans, Fruit Juice Bar, Orange, Variety Of Milk
.1359 41=1 F 1/:81 -9 A5-?5:9 #-59?19-9/1 )1/4 -;;=:A10 ?=-59593 59-9 /5-7 -50 52 <@-752510 F :@> 593 -A-57-.71 !:. ;7-/1 819? ->>5>?-9/1 -77 # -;/ -77 /:905?5:9> :81 >11 @> -? ( #-59 (? &1==D := /-77 (57A1= )=-57 %@?25??1=>
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Thursday, October 11 Friday, October 12 Toasted Cheese Sandwich, Deli Bar, Chefs No School Salad, Pb&J Sandwich, Pepperoni Pizza • Tomato Soup, Celery Sticks, Fruit Cocktail, Banana, Variety Of Milk
Students must choose on entree before the • and three or four items after the •.
LIVINGSTON COUNTY Dansville High School Wednesday, October 10 Big Daddy Pepperoni Pizza, Toss With Romaine, Garlic Bread Stick With Marinara Sauce, Fresh Orange Juice, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice
Monday, October 8 Columbus Day No School
Tuesday, October 9 Chili, Savory Brown Rice, Cole Slaw, Baby Carrots, Corn Muffin, Fresh Fruit, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice
Thursday, October 11 Friday, October 12 Chicken Pattie, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Professional Development Day Green Beans, Wheat Roll & Jelly, No School Cantalope, Fruit Choice, Milk
Lunch Price $2.25; Milk $0.60, Prepayment of meals always available. Make checks payable to Dansville Cafeteria. Free & Reduced Applications always available. Menu subject to change.
Dansville Primary/Elementary School
Monday, October 8 Columbus Day No School
Tuesday, October 9 Chili, Savory Brown Rice, Cole Slaw, Baby Carrots, Corn Muffin, Fresh Fruit, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice
Wednesday, October 10 Thursday, October 11 Friday, October 12 Big Daddy Pepperoni Pizza, Toss With Chicken Pattie, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Professional Development Day Romaine, Garlic Bread Stick With Green Beans, Wheat Roll & Jelly, No School Marinara Sauce, Fresh Orange, Fruit Cantalope, Fruit Choice, Milk Choice Choice, Milk Choice Lunch Price $2.00; Milk $0.60, Prepayment of meals always available. Make checks payable to Dansville Cafeteria. Free & Reduced Applications always available. Menu subject to change.
ALLEGANY COUNTY Canaseraga Central School
Monday, October 8 Columbus Day No School
Tuesday, October 9 Crispy Chicken Nuggets With Breadstick, Ham & Cheese Deli Wrap, Sweet Potato Waffle Fries
Wednesday, October 10 Thursday, October 11 Friday, October 12 Hot Turkey & Gravy With Bread, Turkey, Assorted Pizza, Sliced Turkey Sandwich, Mini Waffles With Sausage, Tuna Salad Ham & Cheese Deli Sub, Mashed Potatoes Fresh Baby Carrots Sandwich, Vegetable Alphabet Soup, With Gravy, Homemade Fruit Crisp Golden Sweet Corn Lunch Price K-6 $1.75; 7-12 $1.85, Reduced Meals $0.25, Milk $0.65, Ice Cream $0.70. Always available PB&Jelly Sandwich, Chef Salad w/Breadstick, Yogurt w/Breadstick, Tossed Salad, Asst. Fruit Cups, Asst. Fresh Fruit, 100% Fruit Juice - Tuesday & Thursdays for grades K-8th., Asst. Chilled Milk. Grades 9-12 will receive 2 packages of saltine crackers are offered with all bun sandwiches & chili.
¥ Seamless Gutters ¥ Awnings ¥ Decking
¥ Patio Covers ¥ Siding ¥ Remodeling
Owners, Tracy & Karen Burdett
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 - 4:30 • Sat. by Appointment www.airventalum.com ÒQuality & Expertise for Over 50 Years.Ó )1==D -8;1= 2? 7-=31 >7501 :@? =1-? /:905?5:9 71-9 1C ?=-> &=5/1 =10@/10 ->4 01-7 :97D -77 -/593 @9 /1=?-59?D :9>501= 0:; ?5:9 4::>1 2=:8 -8-E593 /:@;71> -.71 ?: ;=:A501 7:A 593 4:81 -90 1A1=D :;;:= ?@95?D 59 7521 0:;?5:9 ?45> /-77 /-9 /4-931 D:@= /4570 > 2@?@=1 >>5>?-9/1 A-57 -.71 -;/
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 25 In Olean for Over 50 Years
NOTICE VILLAGE OF WAYLAND RESIDENTS After October 11, 2012, the Village will no longer be picking up brush, grass, etc.
1616 West State Street • Olean, NY 14760 or (716) 373-1920
www.dwyerblacklyle.com $ &# %* $ %* %$ 0"' @C )2J '@E9:?8 ,E2CE 1@FC AA=:42E:@? "? .?56C ,64@?5D 2== E@52J @? E24E :D23:=:EJ C@FA "?4 %:46?D65 EE@C?6JD 44C65:E65 2== 2A4 $!
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THANK YOU Thank you to our sponsors and the many volunteers, The Ossian Hey Days couldn’t of done it without you! Dansville Town & Country Agway George W. Smith Plumbing and Heating Lowreys Auto Repair Nunda Veterinary Clinic Wentworth Motors Nunda Lumber Yard Lawsons Sand & Gravel Lattimore Physical Therapy A Smile By Design Fender Bender Mender Hindle Funeral Home John Vogel Cooper Electric Wilson Beef Farm Dansville Animal Hospital Overland Morgan Horse Farm Ossian Mark Farm Tops of Dansville Dansville Electric Tony’s Pizza Dansville Stationers Napa Auto Parts Dogwood Florist Whitemans Meat $$ ($& % !( "?;FCJ %2H C288:?8 H:E9:? 9CD HHH =2H 42A:E2= 4@> 2A4 $ DF:E
H:E9 )C@ $ >:? @C G:D:E H63 D:E6 7@C 5:G6CD:7:65 @AA@CEF ?:E:6D HHH CF3:?D=:DE 4@> 2A4
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 26
www.northeasttravelguides.com <3@/<= % ' $ * </312> 6+8/= 0<97 $</=;?/ =6/ " 9=>98 !/2312 $ 9< :<37/38- -97 +:-
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Featured Business
CALL TPS TODAY (TOLL FREE) 1-(877)-893-4328 OR CALL TIM WARD FOR DETAILS (585) 593-6552
We will not be holding our flu clinic this year, just call the office to schedule an appointment with the nurse to get your flu shot.
For money saving coupons and special deals go to
84?<C !+A
PENNY SOCIAL: October 15, Wayland American Legion. Wayland Youth Cheerleading & Football Players. Doors open 5pm, Drawing starts at 7pm. 50/ 50, raffles, free refreshments.
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Furnaces, Boilers, Water Heaters, Sewer Jetting, Easy Water Your Local Lennox Dealer 24 Hour Emergency Services
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 27
BELMONT AREA (585) Country View 268-7232 Crafts
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-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 28
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(607) 587-9229 At Both Wellsville and Cuba Giant Food Mart Locations! Every Friday during the regular high school football season purchase $5 worth of merchandise at Giant and get the Wellsville Daily Reporter Free!
The Friday paper contains all the things you’ve come to enjoy PLUS a preview of the three Allegany County football teams (Wellsville, Bolivar-Richburg, and Cuba-Rushford)
Offer available at Wellsville Giant and Cuba Giant Food Mart locations. Promotion starts Friday, September 28, 2012 and ends Friday, October 19, 2012. Offer valid on Fridays only during promotional period. Limit 1 Wellsville Daily Reporter per customer purchasing more that $5.00 worth of merchandise. Not valid with other promotional offer and while supplies last. Papers available after 1pm.
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 29
CRANE’S ANTIQUES 32 Ossian Street, Dansville 585-335-6585
Seneca Manor Apartments Hornellsville, NY
FOR RENT 3 Bedroom Duplex In The Village Of Wayland Pay Your Own Gas/Electric, Trash and Snow Removal
$640 A Month TAKING APPLICATIONS 2 bedroom apartment in Village of Dansville. Bedrooms and bath plus storage up, livingroon, kitchen down. AAppliances included. Washer & dryer hookups . Rent $600 mo plus utilities and water. Available Nov. Call 585-7285923. (tf)
TAKING APPLICATIONS for rent of 1 bedroom downstairs apartment on Ossian St., Dansville. Suitable for one. No pets no smoking. $435 per month plus utilities and water. Avail Oct. Good references and security deposit required. 585-7285923. (tf)
Southern Tier Realty, Inc. The ONLY Full-Service Real Estate Agency covering Allegany, Cattaraugus, & Steuben Counties 175 N. Union St., Olean, NY 14760 • (585) 593-3503
FOR RENT OR SALE ON LAND CONTRACT/ HORNELLSVILLE: Quality 3 bedroom home with first floor bathroom. Awesome neighborhood. Large backyard, great for family-friendly play. $645/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com
FOR RENT OR SALE ON LAND CONTRACT/ CANISTEO: Very nice 4 bedroom, 2 bath home in great country setting on 1 acre of land. First floor bath and washer/dryer hookups. $695/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com
BASS LAKE: 6 ACRES ON LAKE, $29,900. 7 Acres, 100' on lake, $39,900. www.LandFirstNY.com 1-888-683-2626 (apc)
FOR RENT IN Bolivar: 1 bedroom Apt. $375/mo plus security deposit. References Required. No smoking/ No Pets. Please call 585-593-6162
Write or call for our free 28 page colored brochure, listing a few of our 200 parcels of lands, trailers, cabins & newly built log homes ready to show you. “ Financing” all taken care of “No Problems” private owners. Prices include deed, survey, title search and disbursement cost. TIME FOR YOUR OWN HUNTING & FISHING AREA!! MANY BORDERING STATE LANDS. 2 parcels being 7.93 acres & 6.88 acres in the center of 51,508 acres of NY State lands. Each parcel has new electric, health department septic system and own water well & pump. Both parcels have a very large spring fed pond. Was: $52,800 & $54,800. NOW EACH: $49,800 with $2,800 down @ $378.19/mo. 15.6 acres - wooded, top of a mountain, so very private! Excellent road to the land, has a very large cabin (unfinished) with a new roof and a new wood burning fireplace. $49,800 with $2,800 down @ $378.19/mo. 7 acres -
24.7 acres - all wooded, small new built cabin, private roads, drive & site leveled. Excellent hunting area! $39,800 with $2,800 down @ $297.72/mo. WE HAVE OVER 30 CABINS, TRAILERS, HOUSE TRAILERS, NEWLY BUILT LOG CABINS. YOU MUST HAVE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE THEM. Closing usually within 1-2 weeks. We carry our own mortgage. Private owner to be mailed for more information. Please no calls after 4:30pm. Lands, cabins, trailers and new log homes located in Allegany and Cattaraugus Counties only.
PRIME PROFESSIONAL Office Space avaiable on Main Street, in the heart of Wellsville. Ample Parking various suites/sizes to choose from. Contact : 585-593-0690
O F F I C E S PA C E O R STORE FRONT FOR RENT: Prime location next to Tops Plaza, Dansville. Convenient parking, approximately 400 sq.ft. Available Now! Call 585-335-2222. (tf)
APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED 13 SCHUYLER STREET ~ BELMONT, NY 14813 1-585-268-7271 • TDD 1-800-788-5552 If you are 62 years old or older, handicapped or disabled regardless of age, affordable housing is here. This is a 24-unit apartment building w/elevator, community room, laundry facilities. Each apartment has LR/DR, bedroom, both with w/w carpeting, bath, kitchen w/stove & refrigerator. Smoke Free. Call for application and details. Must be eligible “This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer”
HORNELL LOWER 2-BEDROOM. Nice yard, off-street parking, porch, W/D hookups, stove/refrigerator, Lease/S.D. req. No pets. $495/mo.+gas/electric. 607-324-1227(9am-5pm). 607-324-6081(after 5pm). FOR RENT One bedroom Apartment in Wellsville Security deposit lease, references, no pets, stove ,fridge. Call 585-593-1042 after 4:00PM HOUSE FOR SALE on land contract 5800 Drum road Scio. Newer windows, doors, siding, needs work. $25,000 with $3,500. down payment and $500. per month 607-583-2937 Andover small two bedroom upper off street parking, water included. No pets, lease, deposit, references and background check. 607-382-8350.
3-BEDROOM HOME. Rem. Kitchen w/appliances included. Washer/dryer hookups. Paved shared driveway, storage bldg. Fenced-in-backyard. $750.00/Mo.+utilities. S/D, Lease/References/credit check. 607-382-7512 after 5PM. FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL SPACE on N. Main Street Wellsville. Close to hospital and down town.Retail or office space-approx. 300 sp. ft. each unit. Double units available also. $250-500. per month plus utilities.Large office space on ground floor. Approx. 2000 sq. ft. available.Second floor of Community Center building- Spacious executive suite approx. 900 sq. ft. Electric included.$500. per month plus gas. Country Homes Real Estate 585 593 5137.
drive and site leveled, next to NY State hunting lands, only minutes from Allen Lake stocked with trout. $18,800 with $800 down @ $144.84/mo.
1.4 acres - wooded, drive & site leveled, good travel trailer with electric, septic and well water. $29,800 with $1,800 down @ $225.30/mo.
Please call 1-866 866-992-7267 for an application. w.arbordevelopment.org
585-593-3503 FOR RENT OR SALE ON LAND CONTRACT/WIRT: Roomy 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with spacious backyard for family-friendly play. $650/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com.
͞1͟, ͞2͟, ͞ϯ͟ Bedroom Apartments Available 4 Units ADA Compliant 2 Units Sight/Hearing Impaired On Site Maintenance/Management On Site Laundry Community Room/Convenient to services
Washer/Dryer Hook-up Call (585) 384-5239 And Leave Message
- 29+ wooded acres with road frontage, OMG rights, timber, trails, gravel pit and good hunting.. - Secluded 3 BR on 10+ acres, 2 ponds, windmill, generator, woodstove, garage & workshop. ................. - 2BR - 1 bath - Luxury Log Lodge on a Little Lake – View - 1.4 Acres/Timber – Year Round........................................... - 3BR Home, Free gas, 76 acres, barn, fields, ponds & woods. 1/2 OMG rights. Best porch in cty........... - 3BR Ranch, 2 bath, village utilities, inside hot tub, Landscaped yard, peninsula gas fireplace..................... - 2-story cottage with 180+ acres of fields, streams and woods. Campground, hunting, farming. .......... - Exquisite Colonial. 2 acres, stream & woods. < Assessed Value. Gas heating < $180 actual. .......................
ATTENTION HUNTERS! 60 ACRES - $89,900. Must sell to settle bankruptcy! Hardwoods, fields, big stream, awesome views, ATV trails! Southern zone, less than 3 &1/2 hrs NYC! Won't last! 1-888-775-8114 www.NewYorkLandandLakes.com (apc)
x x x x x x
Seneca Street Station Apartme ents t Hornell, NY NOW RENTING
x ͞1͕͟ ͞Ϯ͟ Θ ͞ϯ͟ Bedroom Apartments available x Must meet income and occupancy eligibility guidelines Please contact the Propertyy Management Leasing Office at: 1-866-99ARBOR (toll-free) (1-866-992-7267) for an application or appointment to view units .ArborDevelopment.org
NEED A SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM?/COHOCTON Large 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home. Huge yard for play. Enclosed back porch and covered front porch. Fresh paint inside and out. $695/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com.
FOR RENT OR SALE ON LAND CONTRACT/ WELLSVILLE: Quality 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in awesome neighborhood. Large back deck, great for entertaining guests. $795/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com
Lake Street Senior Apartment Village of Hammondsport, NY x x
20 one-bedroom and 1-two bedroom units Must be 62 years of age or older and meet income eligibility guidelines
Maximum gross income for a family of 1 is $19,950 Maximum gross income for a family of 2 is $22,800 (accepting applications for ͞ZĞŶƚĂů ƐƐŝƐƚĂŶĐĞ͟Ϳ
Please call (607) 562562 2477 and choose option 1 and then option 3 for an application. ww.arbordevelopment.org
4-BR, 2-FULL BATHS. Hardwood floors, formal LR/DR, family-room, new kitchen. Deck/paved driveway, large backyard. Serious inquiries only. $85,000. 607-382-8377, 607-324-5887. FOR RENT in Belmont: One bedroom first floor apartment. Stove and refrigerator. Off street parking. $425 plus utilities. Sercurity deposit . No Pets, no smoking. Country Homes Real Estate 585-593-5137 _____________________ FOR RENT in Wellsville: Studio apartment suitable for single on second floor. Located on Rte 19. Partial furnishings. $350 plus utilities. Security deposit. No pets, no smoking. Country Homes Real Estate. 585-593-5137
Sell Your Real Estate Now!
Advertise your real estate statewide through the Classified Advertising Network of New York. Your classified ad will run in over 40 daily newspapers with a combined circulation of more than 1.5 million for a discounted fee. To place your ad or for more information please contact:
The Evening Tribune The Advertising Department 85 Canisteo St., Hornell, NY 14843 (607) 324-1425
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 30
FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apartment above storefront, Wayland. Available Oct 1. Water & garbage included.$425. Call 607-5900770 Wendy. (10/07) FOR RENT: 1 + 2 bedroom apartments in Wayland. 2nd floor, Main St., No pets. 585330-2615 (tf) 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT in Wayland includes washer & dryer. References & security deposit required. Please call 585507-7516. (10/07) FOR RENT IN GROVELAND STATION: Large upper 2 bedroom apartment. Wall to wall carpet, off-street parking. No Pets. Available October 1st. Call 585-2432055 for details. 2013 PARK MODEL 12x36 2 bedroom log sighting kitchen with appliances, bathroom, heat, A/C tongue and groove pine interior and much more. Was 34,900 reduced 31,000. Hemphillwoodproducts. com or 814-848-5039 APARTMENTS FOR RENT: McGeordan Apartments downtown Wellsville. Two and three bedroom apartments for rent, starting at $750., includes utilities. Senior discount. Call 800-457-4244.
DANSVILLE TWO BEDROOM apartment: Bedrooms on second floor livingroom kitchen & bath on 1st floor. No pets. $550 a month rent, $550 security deposit. Former landlord or credit references required. Call 585-335-8668. (10/07) HORNELL LARGE 1-BR LOWER, near St. James Hospital. Stove/Refrigerator, W/D hook-up, off-street parking. Lease/Security Deposit, References. No pets. 607-324-9788. For Rent: 2/3 bedroom apt. $500.00/month plus electric. Washer/ dryer hookups. Sercurity deposit required. Walking distance to downtown Wellsville. No Pets Leave message. 607-478-5251 _____________________ For Rent 1 bedroom apt. $450.00 /month Including utilities. Security deposit required. Walking distance to downtown Wellsville. No Pets. Leave Message 607-478-5251 FOR RENT: Well-kept 3 bedroom, 2 bath double wide in Valley View. Nice open floor plan. $595/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com.
RUSHFORD TWO UPPER 1 bedroom apartments one newly remodeled other mostly furnished includes stove refrigerators. No Pets No smoking $375.00 /month plus security deposit and references Call 585-437-2298 FOR LEASE Belmont-Rt. 19 North 2300-2400 sq. ft. available. Customize to your needs. All mechanics. AC. $10 per sq. ft.Two units 1000 sq ft. in rear of building available also. Country Homes Real Estate 585-593-5137
FOR RENT OR SALE ON LAND CONTRACT/ BOLIVAR: Very nice 4 bedroom, 1 bath old style home with nice country feel. Sits right on the edge of town on 3 acres of land. $645/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com FOR SALE: 3-Bedroom, 2-Bath Mobile Home For Sale in Edgeview Estates. Call Jim at 607-324-7682.
WANT HOME IN QUIET AREA?/GROVE: Well-kept 3 bedroom, 2 bath double wide in country setting. Nice size yard. 20 minutes from Hornell and Dansville. $795/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com
HAS YOUR BUILDING SHIFTED? Contact Woodford Bros. Inc. for straightening, leveling and foundation repairs at 1-800-OLD-BARN / www.woodfordbros.com (apc)
ANGELICA. MOBILE HOME and Garage on 4.8 acres. Home is in good condition 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. $32,900 Private. Clean and ready to go. 585.466.3446 or 716.381.5791.
HORNELL: 3-Bedroom upper. $450/mo. 3-Bedroom lower, driveway/ garage. $650/mo. Both with stove/refrigerators, No pets. Security/lease/references. 585-593-7862.
FOR RENT: 1-Bedroom Apartment in Canaseraga. No pets or smoking. $600/mo. includes utilties, security deposit required. 607-295-9993.
NEED NICE HOME?/ CANISTEO: Very nice 3 bedroom, 1 bath home in pleasant neighborhood. Open floor plan with great fenced in backyard. $650/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com
Do you have land that you have been thinking of selling? If you do we have a waiting list of buyers who are working with our agents at Real Inc!
Call us today at 1-607-324-0394
303 Seneca Rd., Hornell NY 14843 HORNELL SPACIOUS 1-BEDROOM UPPER w/appliances, low utilities. Security & References. No pets. 607-324-2468.
N. HORNELL 2-Bedroom Lower, W/D hookups, parking. Deposit/Lease/ Ref., background check. No pets. 607-382-8350. 20 ACRES FREE! Own 60 acres for 40-acre price/payment. $0 Down, $168/mo. Money Back Guarantee, NO CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Views. West Texas. 1-800-343-9444 (apc)
25 acres in Alfred Township at top of hill between Hornell and Alfred Station, off Crosby Creek (CR 68) and Clark Rd. Half woods, good hunting, 30x30 building, private road with gate. OGM Rights do not convey, available for $36,000 on Land Contract at $300/ month, no down payment required, all paperwork furnished. Call 607-359-2314 or email TLTowner@aol.com for aerial photo map.
LARGE 4-BEDROOM HOUSE, mudroom w/pantry, washer/dryer /kitchen. 2-family rooms, solar-heat assistance. $900/mo.+Deposit. Alfred Station. Close-to-school. Large front/side yard, off main road. 607-382-8105. DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can't be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad online at fcpny.com or call 1-877-275-2726. (apc)
FOR RENT: Hornell Upper 2-Bedroom Apartment. $400/mo. plus Deposit and References. 607-698-4201.
NEED CHEAP RENT/ ANGELICA: Sizeable 2 bedroom, 1 bath half-house with extra room for study or storage. First floor washer/dryer hookups. Low rent payment only $395/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com HORNELL 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT. Clean, quiet neighborhood. Deposit, References required. $600/mo. plus utilities. Call 607-382-8297.
For Rent in Hume: 3 bedroom Apt. $450/mo 2 bedroom Apt. $350/mo Call 585-281-1888 For Rent 3 bedroom mobile home in Elm Valley. $425/mo plus security deposit Call 607-478-5211 and leave message HORNELL, Very Nice Spacious 2-Bedroom Lower. Washer/Dryer hook-ups, off-street parking. No pets. References Lease/Security Deposit. 607-324-2044.
FOR RENT-SPRINGWATER: 1 bedroom apartment. Appliances, extra large, carpets, blinds, creek, large yard, quiet setting. No pets. $525 plus. 585-669-9367. (tf) FOR RENT: 3-Bedroom double wide on CanisteoGreenwood Road. $500 month. References and Security deposit required. No smoking. 607-4785281.
DANSVILLE ONE BEDROOM second floor aprtment. No pets. $400 a month rent, $400 security deposit. Former landlord or credit references required.Call 585335-8668. (10/07) FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house in Groveland Station. Security Deposit required. Available now. 585-3352061. (10/07)
EXTENSIVE LISTINGS IN CENTRAL NEW YORK, including Delaware, Schoharie, Otsego, Chenango and Madison counties... go to www.townandcountryny.com (apc)
BEAUTIFUL 1-BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT. Clean, Brand-new and fully furnished. Contact (607)382-1058 for more details.
1 BEDROOM. Good references and Deposit Required. No Pets /Smokers. Call 585-593-5828 FOR SALE: Used Single Wide, good condition, Thermal pane windows, 14x52. $7500 Serious Buyers Only! 607-295-9993. UPPER 1-BEDROOM APARTMENT. ALSO Upper 1-BR w/gas paid. Stove/Refrig.-A/C, included. No pets. S.D. required. 607- 324-5771. HORNELL 3-BEDROOM UPPER APARTMENT, hardwood floors, washer/ dryer hookup. Call 607-661-7400. HORNELL 2-Bedroom Upper. Newly remodeled, all appliances included. parking. Off-street 607-324-3175. NOTHING SPECIAL OUTSIDE, NICE INSIDE /HORNELLSVILLE: Very nice 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home with new kitchen and bath. Spacious bedrooms. Large shed on side of home. $450/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com STANDARDS - Secluded Area mobile home for Rent- 2 bedroom, includes water, stove, ref. washer/dryer. No pets/No smoking. $475/mo. Deposit, references. Responsible Adults Only. Oct. 15th 1-607-968-1917
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment in Village of Dansvile. Newly remodeled. $450 includes water, sewer garbage and off street parking. No pets. References required. 585-737-0348. (tf)
FOR RENT WELLSVILLE 1 bedroom lower apt Stove/Fridge, parking, $425 plus gas. NO PETS, References and Security deposit required, Call 585-593-0474
FOR RENT OR SALE ON LAND CONTRACT/ RICHBURG: Spacious 2 bedroom, 1 bath Ranch style home in quiet area. Features include a good sized yard and an outbuilding for storage. $595/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com. OPEN HOUSE Saturdays 09/29/12,10/06/12, and 10/13/2012 from 1-4pm at 4156 HILLCREST DRIVE EXT. WELLSVILLE,NY PRICE REDUCED from $169,900 to 159,900 Spacious custom builtone owner,2story home for sale. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. Living and dining room,full kitchen, family room with FP, In-ground Pool.Decks and 2 car Garage.Owner will allow $1, 000dollars to be used for closing cost, update, or down payment. 585-610-0846 owners.com LETASON@ VERIZON.NET
HOUSE FOR SALE/RENT Large 4 bedroom with Garage & Huge Corner Lot Belfast. Possible Owner Financing with 5,000 down. Call 607-368-0260
NEW YORK STATE BIGGEST LAND SALE EVER! Free list of over 50 land and camp bargains throughout upstate NY. Large acreage, water, game lands. Call now 1-800-229-7843 Or visit www.landandcamps.com (apc)
Riverbend Apartments Hornell, NY x x
32 one-bedroom units Must be 62 years of age or older or handicap/disabled any age and meet income eligibility guidelines Maximum gross income for a family of 1 is $19,950 Maximum gross income for a family of 2 is $22,800
Please contact the Property Management Leasing Office at: 1-866-99ARBOR (toll-free) ext.11 (1-866-992-7267) for an application or appointment to view units w.arbordevelopment.org
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 31
NOTHING SPECIAL OUTSIDE-VERY NICE INSIDE/HOWARD: Spacious 3 bedroom, 1 bath double wide on just over an acre. Ten minutes from Bath. Huge covered porch and decent sized outbuilding. $625/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com
BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME/ALMOND: This roomy 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with full basement is a must see for those who love country living. It includes a gorgeous kitchen and over two breathtaking acres. 2 minutes outside of Almond and 10 minutes from Hornell. $845/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-9361945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone.com
FRESH ON THE MARKET/WEST SPARTA: This 3 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home sits on 10.36 quality acres. Home will be receiving paint throughout and new floors. If you want country living with the convenience of being near town, this home is for you. $695/mo. Call Cornerstone 607-936-1945. See our complete listings at www.homesbycornerstone. com
FOR SALE: 28x60 Manufactured Home on 10.69 acres plus 12.51 adjoining acres of timber. Cement pad, block wall. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, sunroom, open floor plan, covered deck, small front deck, 4 door garage camper, car port, central air, ADT wired for generator Reverse osmosis water system. Allegany County, Town of Alma. Phone 585-593-9467 (leave message for call back).
OPEN SUN OCT. 7th 13PM • SPARTA: 9191 State Rte 256. Upgrades travertine tiles from throughout to cherry & maple custom cabinets. Superior walls, bsmt & custom stone fplc! This Log Home is not a kit! It is hand milled & custom built. Gorgeous! Kristen Scoville 455-6645
W. SPARTA: 8930 Dansville Mount Morris Rd. Price Reduced to $139,900 Ideal for in-home office/business. 220 S.F. Ranch on 1+ acre, mins from Dansville & I-390. 3 BR 1.5 BA, din. rm, lg. kit w/ newer cabinets. Office & storage off 2 car heated garage. Great views! Luane DeBell 766-4995
DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 4 Elizabeth St. 4 bedroom, 1 DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 31 Leonard St. Duplex- DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 52 Liberty St. 2-3 bdrm, 1.5 ba completely remodeled. Updated appls, newer Colonial home. Newer wind, roof, furnace. bath Colonial in the village with many roof, windows, heating. Separate utilities. A Nicely landscaped. Move in ready! $104,900 updates. Close to Main St. $74,500 PC80837 must see. $74,900. PC40727 PC45457 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R193413
Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R187396
31 EAST WASHINGTON, HORNELL. Drive by 2/2 double, all brick, new roof, Offers. Owner financing. 716-656-9592.
FOR RENT S. DANSVILLE: Furnished 2 bedroom mobile home. No pets, no smoking. Security deposit , references. $700. 607-295-7730.
3 BEDROOM MODULAR HOME IN WAYLAND FOR SALE: by owner. Owner will finance with reasonable down payment. $96,000. 1300sq.ft. New roof, siding,k laminated floors, kitchen with appliances. Walk-in closet in master bedroom. Siding glass door to deck. 2 car garage with shed in beautiful country setting with pond. Contact Wendy 607-5900770. (10/07)
FOR RENT: Two bedroom upstairs apartment. Gated apartment with a lot of room and window light, bright. Includes refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal, dishwasher and AC. Security deposit, references. $595 per month. 585-658-3472, 585-739-3617. (10/07)
Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R188314
DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 22 N. Clinton St. Gorgeous 3 DANSVILLE VILLAGE: 112 Ossian St. 4 bdrm colonial BR, 2 BA Cape. Completely remod top to bottom. Custom home on large corner lot. large rooms, formal dining rm., 2 cherry kit w/granite counter tops, ss appl. Mstr car detached garage, blacktop drive, newer roof ste on 1st flr. Fam rm, workout/office on lower and windows. $89,000 PC69607 level. $299,000 PC35447 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R186306
Karen Luce 585-737-2756 nothnagle.com/R191442
FREMONT: 8231 Cream Hill Rd. 3 bdrm, 1 ba Colonial. New roof, windows, hw tank, updated bath. Full fin bsmt. Arkport School district. $93,000 PC74717 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R192356
GROVE: 2572 Ames Nichols Rd. 3 bedroom, 1 bath LOON LAKE: 17 East Lake Road. Unique lakefront Raised Ranch. Open floor plan, woodburn fireplace, walk property. 3BR home on one side of road plus a guest house out basement. 79+ acres with pond. on the lake side. Many updates and well $149,900. PC33877 maintained. $275,000 PC46607 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R185890
Jim Briggs 585-728-2501 nothnagle.com/R188585
SPARTA: 8861 State Rt 256. 3 bdrm, 1 ba ranch home. NORTH DANSVILLE: 9971 Main St. Auto repair/car Hrdwd flooring, full fin bsmt, lg bdrms, encl 3 season rm, dealership w/equipment. Great opportunity. lg back yard, above ground pool. $128,500 $299,000. PC44587 PC56047 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R188137
Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R190490
NORTH DANSVILLE: 9695 Highland Ave. Great location just past village line. One owner 1988 double wide 2 bdrm, 1.5 baths, fireplace, dining rm, new furnace, newer roof, det garage. PC79357 Karen Luce 585-737-2756 nothnagle.com/R193151
SPRINGWATER: 7968 Chief Canesque Lane. Private and secluded location on 5 acres with more land avail. Beautiful home with many custom features $159,900 PC09597 Jim Briggs 585-728-2501 nothnagle.com/R190350
Jim Briggs 585-728-2501 nothnagle.com/R181662
WAYLAND VILLAGE: 5 Water St. 4 BR colonial on a quiet dead end street. New metal roof. Natural woodwork. Large usable walkout basement plus a shed. $69,900 PC09347 Jim Briggs 585-728-2501 nothnagle.com/R182712
NEW LISTING Come see this nice 4 BR, 2 BA, 1950 sq. ft. Cape Cod. Formal dining/ living rm. with brick fireplace. Cherry kitchen cabinets. Possible guest suite on second fl. - living rm., bdrm., full bath, kitchenette. Hardwood floors throughout. Mostly newer replacement windows. Full basement. Open and screened deck. Call today. MLS: R193566$104,900
WAYLAND: 10617 Isaman Rd. Beautiful 3 bdrm, 1 ba WAYLAND: 2988 State Route 21 Well maintained and ranch w/many updates. Oak hrdwd flr, formal livg rm, din updated colonial on a country lot. New triple pane windows, rm. Lower level features fam rm, full ba, 4th roof, and water heater. Other updates also. bdrm or office. $134,900 PC80407 $86,000 PC67337 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R193319
Re a l t o r 3 5 We s t Av e n u e Dansville, NY E-mail: DickLeBar4Sale@frontiernet.net
SPRINGWATER: 6935 Liberty Pole Rd. 2 bdrm, 1 ba WAYLAND VILLAGE: 202 E. Naples St. Village colonial ranch home w/2.5 acres. 1 car attached garage. Well home with loads of charm. Many updates including a wood maintained home. $99,900 PC74997 furnace and a new garage and shed. $79,900 PC05277 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R192434
Jim Briggs 585-728-2501 nothnagle.com/R191027
WEST SPARTA: 8850 Rock Spring Hill Rd. 3 bdrm, 2 full ba ranch home. wdbn fireplace in livgrm, finished bsmt. Priviate lot w/10 acres. 2 decks, above gr pool, 2 car garage. $169,900 PC02967 Robbin Smith 585-721-4771 nothnagle.com/R181015
Charming 3 BR, 1.5 BA, 1450 sq. ft. bungalow. Open floor plan, hickory cabinets, central vac. system. Formal dining and wood burning fireplace. Updated wiring, boiler, pex plumbing, and roof. Move in ready. MLS: R188697 $93,900
Buying or Selling? Personal, Professional, Step by Step Service.
Call DICK LEBAR 585-216-5275
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 32
$19.95 $19.95
Oil O i l Change Change
Monday Night: Draft Specials Tuesday Night: Ladies Night 6pm-2am Wednesday Night: Pool Tournament 6pm-9pm Thursday Night: Karaoke 10pm-2am Friday & Saturday Nights: Live Entertainment
New N ew EEveryday veryday Low Low Price Price Call 3335-8280 Call 35-8280 ffor or aann Appointment T Appointment Today! oday! 9976 Main Street, Dansville • 335-8280 Monday-Friday 8-5; Saturday 8-12
#+.93 +&'2 0-E? -9 <9 -88 +-E;A> 2-B;>5@1 -<<81? ;A> 2-9;A? -<<81 /501> 0;:A@? 5:/8A01? /501> 2>1?4 /A?@;9 <>1??5:3 2>;9 !-5: 0;:G@ 95?? ;A@ #+ -:5?@1; ';-0
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AVON: 226-3040 HORNELL: 607-324-1393 DANSVILLE: 335-3640
Don’t Forget to Ask About Our Phonak Warranty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
s ’ e c u r B attres M & , niture r u F , ing Floor
3450 Riverside Drive Scio, NY 14880
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“Best prices on Lay-Z-Boy furniture in 16 counties” Only L A Z B O Y Dealer in Allegany County.
'34 #442'33 573 &A11: ?1@ '1?@;:5/ $A> 4;@@1?@ 9-@@>1?? .AE? ;2 @41 E1-> '1?@;:5/ <8A?4 ?1@ &A11: '1?@;:5/ 919;>E 2;-9 >11 0185B1>E >11 ?1@ A< 5:-:/5:3 -B-58-.81 25%'93 '5B1>?501 >5B1 (/5; #+
at $799
AS LOW AS $577!
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 33
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 34
SSave a v e BBigi g OOnn AAwesome w e s o m e WWeekly e e k l y DDeals! eals! week's TTo o vview i e w tthis his w e e k ' s ddeals, e a l s , oorr tto o ssign i g n uup p tto o rreceive e c e i v e ffuture u t u r e ddeals e a l s vvisit: isit:
D e a l s Fr o m eve n i n g t r i bu n e . c o m • d a n s v i l l e o n l i n e . c o m • w e l l s v i l l e d a i l y. c o m
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 35
LAURA’S PET GROOMING Call us today to get your pet ready to look its best! We groom dogs and cats of all sizes and personalities.
10-5 PM
10-5 PM
Please call to pre register at 607-545-0032 by October 1st
# # ! # 5>A 3A8E4AKB C4BC '554A43 0??A>G8<0C4;H 4E4AH CF> F44:B 0C C74 ><<D=8CH 4=C4A .4;;B E8;;4 >A 30C4B 0=3 34C08;B FFF 3A8E4A3>= 2>< ') ') A8E4A >=KB A8E8=6 *27>>; E>20 ""
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Open 9am • Mon.-Sat 197 Main Street Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-9380
! %11) !315* 8A41A82: ;8=43 F8C7 6;0BB 3>>A 6>>3 2>=38C8>= ',* !-13,40 F8C7 CF> 10AA4;B =4F .2-.0, 34(* +/1'3 1'3 "=5;0C01;4 =4F >BC DB43 >=24 0;;
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1 6 8 5 2 4 9 3 7
2 3 4 7 8 9 6 1 5
Difficulty Level
7 9 5 1 3 6 2 4 8
4 2 9 8 5 1 3 7 6
3 7 6 9 4 2 8 5 1
5 8 1 6 7 3 4 9 2
9 1 3 2 6 5 7 8 4
8 4 2 3 1 7 5 6 9
6 5 7 4 9 8 1 2 3
LTX 1040
REG $1649
% #& #! # ! 0;; 2>=38C8>=B ><4 B44 DB 0C * %08= *C (4AAH >A 20;; *8;E4A +A08; 'DC58CC4AB
24 HP, 50” LAP BAR..................
LTX 1045
REG $1899
23 HP, 54” LAP BAR...................
REG $2199
RZT S 50
REG $3399
20 HP, HYDRO, 46” DECK..........
REG $3599 $
25 HP, 50” STEERING WHEEL......
REG $2899
2799 REG $4849
22 HP, 48” FAB DECK LAP BAR. .
Z-FORCE S 60 24 HP, 60” FAB DECK
REG $5999
REG $2799
27 HP, HYDRO, 54” DECK..........
STEERING WHEEL.....................
GTX 1054
REG $3499
50” DECK.................................
LGT 1054
Cigar Humidors!
24 HP, HYDRO, 50” DECK..........
• Tobacco & Tobacco Products • Hookahs • Water Pipes • Glass Pipes
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19 HP, AUTO GEAR, 42” DECK. . .
27 HP, P. STEERING, 54” DECK....
&' <>AC6064 ?0H<4=CB ') - ) *4=8>AB >E4A=<4=C 8=BDA43 &> A4@D8A4 2A438C 8=2><4 <4=CB A44 ?6 20C0;>6 ;; "B;0=3 %>AC6064 0?2
2012 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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607.324.1464 HornellHookah.com Lowest Prices • Best Service • Free Delivery • Financing Available*
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 36 CLIP ‘N SAVE
The last day to register to vote is
Award A ward W Winning inning Lane’s T Lane’s Taxidermy axidermy Our Attention To Detail Makes The Difference
Saturday October 13th
335-8580 www.lanestaxidermy.com
Steuben County Board of Elections Office WILL BE OPEN October 13th from 2pm-9pm
Ryan Lane Professional Taxidermist WASCO Award for most artistic entry United Taxidermists of NY
• Update your address • Update a name change • Register to Vote • Pick up an Application for an Absentee Ballot Last day to change party enrollment for the 2013 elections
:.12 :.12 *?21 #2C
Steuben County Office Building, 3 East Pulteney Square, Bath
.( /,*22'0 /E :2>60.; " ( ' 6; *( 2.BE A@E 92?? @52; 5<A>? 36>: .99
6; 3><;@ <3 ,299? B6992 .69E '2=<>@2> A6916;4 <; ".6; (@ ,!(+ 9.08 +2>6F<; (.:?A;4 396= =5<;2 <:2 6;@< '2=<>@2> <33602 @< 612;@63E .;1 09.6: <> .99
(<;E +.6< C56@2 <;9E ?6D :<;@5? <91 C6;1<C
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Offer good through October 19th
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INCLUDES: • Low-E with Argon Glass • Limited Lifetime Warrant • 6 Jamb Jacks on each window! • Heavy Extruded Half Screen Included
The Fisher® Snowplow Emergency Parts Box contains the genuine factory parts needed for the most emergency repairs aling with lots of extra room for your tools!
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3,+ ..& 2.0' < '1 ,56@2?B6992 #<6;4 <A@ <3 A?6;2?? <33 %2.$'0 2) 2) ,5692 ?A==962? 9.?@ ,2 @5.;8 <A> 0A?@<:2>? 3<> E2.>? <3 /A?6;2?? 6;.9 1.E <=2; C699 /2 $0@ @5 >22 0<3322 5<@ 05<0<9.@2 1<;A@? <; 36;.9 1.E
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Smart Systems Inc. Shop 7 Days A Week
Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-6pm; Shop 7 Days A Week Sat. Mon.-Fri., 7:30am-5pm; Sun. 8am-3pm 7:30am-6pm Sat. 7:30am-5pm; Sun. 8am-3pm
! (@.>@6;4 .@ :<;@5 %!*( %>2:6A: "<B62 5.;;29? ' 3<> "<;@5? ( + ?8 /<A@ ( " - ; ?@.99.@6<; !! .=0
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#- /:=@E6;4 !.>42 (@<>.42 *;6@? B2>E@56;4 :A?@ 4< #< >2.?<;./92 .3@2> >2 3A?21 "<?@9E 3A>;6@A>2 5<:2 120<> :.@2>6.9 3./ >60? 1>2??2>? ?612/<.>1? 05.6>? @./92? )>A.D '1 ,299?B6992 0#)#-61 2.0#(' .?@ <3 ,299?B6992 "
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Fall Sale!
Now through October 14th! Look for the 2012-2013 catalog in the mail this month!!! Smokey Cheddar, 16oz Cuba Sharp Swiss, Hot & Cuba Extra Pepper & Sharp Cheddar Mozzarella Cuts Blocks
$5.99 lb. $3.88 each
Fresh Cheese Curd
$5.99 lb. Save $1.00 lb
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$3.98 lb.
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Compare & Save!
8oz. River Rat Horseradish Cheddar
$4.99 each
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Beemster Gourmet Dutch Cheese with Mustard Seed
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$4.99 ea.
Save $1.00!
$6.99 each
Cuba Cheese Shoppe 53 Genesee Street - Cuba, N.Y. 14727 Exit 28 OFF I86 1-800-543-4938 OR 585-968-3949 Open Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6; Sat. & Sun. 8:30-5 Senior Citizen & Veteran Discounts Visa-MasterCard-Discover-AM Express Visit us on the web at cubacheese.com
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 37
Be sure to check out the Reporter’s T.V. Magazine each week, in the Sunday Spectator, thanks to the following businesses for making
The Select TV Entertainment Magazine
Hearing Aid Shop
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Awarded Number One Buffalo/Niagara SCORE Business Of The Year 2012 Trial Period On All Hearing Aids
NY EMPIRE Insurance
“Our quality service is worth the drive!” 7760 Rt 417 West, Bolivar NY, 14715 Phone: 585-928-1657 Toll free 877-EARLADY
Tracie D. Edwards, HIS, CHOC Certified for Industrial Testing
-PenneSaverPlus • October 7, 2012• Page 38
Crowley Foods/ HP Hood LLC Crowley Foods/HP Hood Arkport, NY is currently accepting applications for a 3rd shift Quality Laboratory technician opening. Searching for a motivated candidate with a 2 year degree, in the technical field preferred knowledge of microbiology and chemistry with a dairy background a plus. Must pass minimum assessment lab test. Proficient computer skills are required. HP Hood offers a competitive wage and benefits package. Only qualified applicants will be reviewed. To apply please go to the HP Hood LLC website at www.hood.com and follow the career link
AIDE/NURSE: Cohocton area (1 mile from exit 2) for quadriplegic. Minimal early morning and evening hours. Day phone 585-728-8273 evening & weekend phone 585-384-5736. (10/14)
CATHOLIC CHARITIES has an excellent professional development opportunity available for the following position MST Therapist Do you want to help youth stay out of jail? Keep families together? Make communities stronger? Collaborate with families, youth, schools, neighborhoods, social services and probation? Looking for MSE or Master’s in a mental health field or Bachelor’s with extensive related experience to work in Cattaraugus and Allegany Counties. Community based and flexible FT hours. Ability to work evenings and reliable transportation required. For a full description of responsibilities and requirements to become a MST Therapist please visit our website at www.ccwny.org or forward resume with Job #201277 to: Catholic Charities 741 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14209 Attention:Human Resources. EOE/M/F
Tractor Trailer Drivers for picking up 1 and 2 stop routes at local dairy farms and deliver to milk plants in Southern NY and Northern PA areas. Requirements include two years cdl experience and need tanker endorsement. Company has competitive wages, health care and 401K.
MUSIC TEACHERS: THE Cuba-Rushford Central School District is now accepting applications for an opening for a Part-Time (.5) Music Teacher Position beginning immediately. Appropriate certification required. Please submit a letter, resume, and placement folder by October 12, 2012 to Mr. Carlos Gildemeister, Interim Superintendent, Cuba-Rushford Central School, 5476 Route 305, Cuba, New York 14727.
WANTED: Seasonal truck driver on dairy farm. Must have clean Class A dricer’s license with tank endorsement. Call Emerling Farms, Perry, NY 585-237-2548. HAWAII BOUND! Travel USA with fun, young company. No Experience Necessary. All Expenses Paid. Pack your Bags! Call Anytime Toll-Free 1-855-633-7555 AWESOME OPPORTUNITY!!
Crowley Foods/ HP Hood LLC MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Crowley Foods/HP Hood, Arkport, New York is currently accepting applications for 2nd shift Maintenance technician. Required background includes sufficient related education and/or experience in electrical, plumbing, piping, welding, mechanical maintenance, refrigeration and boilers as related to an industrial maintenance setting with preference in food manufacturing. HP Hood offers a competitive wage and benefits package. Only qualified applicants will be reviewed. To apply go to www.Hood.com and follow the career link @ the bottom of the page. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!
D E L I V E RY D R I V E R S WANTED in Dansville area. Day hours about 20 hours per week. Prefer retiree or college student. Night hours 3 to 4 nights about 6-7 hours per night. Must have reliable transportation, valid drivers license and insurance. Must be dependable. Send all inquiries to PO Box 101 Dansville, NY 14437. (10/14) ** ABLE TO TRAVEL ** Hiring 10 people, Worktravel all states, resort areas. No exp. Paid training/ Transportation provided. 18+. 1-877-252-9323 www.protekchemical.com (apc) NOW HIRING: Companies Desperately Need Employees to Assemble Products at Home. Electronics, CD Stands, Hair Barrettes, Many More. No Selling, Any Hours. 1-985-646-1700 Dept. IL-6850 (apc) WANTED: PART-TIME School Crossing Guard for the Village of Arkport. Call 607-295-7346 or send resume to PO Box 465, Arkport, NY 14807. OWNER OPERATORS: earn 5,000 a week, off weekends, Midwest dedicated dry van loads, 100% F/S paid weekly, transflow paperwork, Fuel cardsplate program- 1000 sign on bonus 877-290-9492. www.northandsouthexpress.com (apc)
BILLY SCHU’S Now accepting applications for Line Cooks/Dishwashers. Dishwashers must have car/valid driver’s license. Apply-in-person, No Phone calls. Allegany County Soil and Water Conservation District has an opening for a Watershed Technician. For more details visit www.alleganyctyswcd.org and follow the ‘Jobs Link’ HELP WANTED! Earn extra income mailing our brochures from home! FREE Supplies! Genuine Opportunity! Start Immediately! www.mailing-work.com.
In need of a Registered Nurse and CDL Licensed Drivers. ACCORD Corporation Head Start is hiring a Health and Nutrition Service Specialist and Bus Drivers. Please visit www.accordcorp.org. Employment Opportunities for a full description of job duties, experience and educational requirements, and salary information. ACCORD is an equal opportunity employer. EXP. REEFER Drivers: GREAT PAY Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME, Boston-Lehigh, PA 800-277-0212 or primeinc.com (apc)
COOK WANTED Part-time nights and weekends. Also Housekeeping position. Apply in Person. Whitesville House. 607-356-3685
HELP WANTED!! Make $1000 a week mailing brochures from home! No exp. req'd. Start Immediately! www.mailing-work.com
CLEANER Long term substitute position- Belmont Center Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS APPLY ON- LINE AT WWW.CABOCES.ORG EOE/AA
HELP WANTED: Local Contractor looking for one skilled carpenter. Must have own hand tools and transportation. Also looking for one laborer. Must have own transportation. Long term employment opportunity. For more information please call 607-382-4130
Dental Receptionist Computer experience necessary 9:00am to 5:15pm Weekdays 7:45am-12:15pm Every Other Sat.
Send Resume To: “Receptionist” P.O.Box548 Wayland,NY14572
Full Time/Part Time Per Diem RNs • LPNs • CNAs Absolut Care of Three Rivers
101 Creekside Drive Painted Post, NY 14870
Ph: 607-936-4108 Fax: 607-936-4377 THE TOWN OF HORNELLSVILLE is Accepting Applications for the Full-time position of Motor Equipment Operator. Please pickup Qualifications and conditions of Employment from the Highway Superintendent at Hornellsville Highway Office, Industrial Park Road, Hornell N.Y. 14843. Phone 607-324-0106 for Questions. Completed Applications must be received in person or by mail no later than 1:00pm October 18, 2012.
LINCARE, leading national respiratory company seeks Center Manager. Responsibilities include: Direct supervision of operations and management of the sales effort. Healthcare related field experience strongly encouraged. Internal growth opportunities for performance results. Drug-free workplace. EOE. email: ldeppas@lincare.com
ACCOUNT SALES REPRESENTATIVE Account Sales Representative Job Purpose: Generates revenue by developing market potential through forecasting, lead qualification, generation, and closing sales; recommending new products and services. Account Sales Representative Job Duties: Identifies market potential by qualifying accounts. Initiates sales process by scheduling appointments; making initial presentation; understanding account requirements. Closes sales by building rapport with potential account; explaining product and service capabilities; objections; overcoming preparing contracts. Expands sales in existing accounts by introducing new products and services; developing new applications. Contributes information to market strategy by monitoring competitive products and reactions from accounts. Recommends new products and services by evaluating current product results; identifying needs to be filled. Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities. Accomplishes marketing and organization mission by completing related results as needed. Skills/Qualifications: Presentation Skills, Internal Communications, Informing Others, Verbal Communication, Closing Skills, Motivation for Sales, Sales Planning, Territory Management, Prospecting Skills, Persistence, Meeting Sales Goals. Compensation: Commiserate with experience. Salary, commission and benefits. Send resume to joystuart@eveningtribune. com.
Staff Development Coordinator Hornell Gardens is seeking a self-motivated, energetic RN to join our team as our Staff Development Nurse. Responsibilities include CNA and Nurse Teaching days, CPR instruction, and coordinating inservices for all of our staff. Must be able to travel if necessary. The position is 32 hours a week, primarily the day shift but occasional evening and night hours may be necessary. Please apply at Hornell Gardens, 434 Monroe Avenue, Hornell, NY or call (607) 324-7740.
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