Education Support on Deployment
In these locations, CTC and UMGC provide direct support to education centers and offer a variety of services to service members to assist in furthering their education, improving their academic skills, increasing their language and culture proficiency and fostering professional development. The following section highlights the education services provided in the CENTCOM/AFRICOM AORs.
Education and Academic Counseling Services In most locations, CTC provides education counselors to serve as a force multiplier for local Service-sponsored education centers. Under the oversight of a government Education Services Officer, contracted education counselors provide academic advisement to service members in various stages of their education journey. Examples of this type of support include: • Assessing interests and helping service members develop education pathways • Helping service members secure an education plan before enrolling in their first class • Informing service members of federal and institutional financial aid for which they qualify and provide assistance in applying for the aid • Ensuring service members have a formal degree plan for a certificate, Associate, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree after completion of DANTES Information Bulletin
six semester hours of credit • Providing service members with an evaluation of all prior learning • Coordinating communication between local sites and the home campus to facilitate communications between faculty, service members, and program administrators.
Access to National Testing Centers (NTCs)
and mobile Testing Services UMGC facilitates the availability of academic exams by operating National Test Centers (NTCs). These NTCs offer service members and eligible civilians access to College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DSST internet based testing (iBT) exams, on-line credentialing examinations, and other DANTES-funded electronic exams. Contracted test examiners also proctor electronic exams for service members enrolled in distance education courses with non-contracted colleges and universities on a space available basis. CTC offers mobile testing support to service members deployed at forward operating locations that do not operate a NTC or a military education center. CTC provides a mobile testing platform and internet connectivity that allows for computer-based testing to occur at various remote locations throughout the CENTCOM/ AFRICOM AORs.