My name is Ron Steiner, and I serve as the supervisor for the Voluntary Education (VolEd) Enterprise Support and Plans Division. I have the pleasure of leading a team of high performing dedicated professionals focused on delivering support to the Department of Defense (DoD) and U.S. Coast Guard Voluntary Education Workforce. With over 30 years of military and civilian experience working with service members and supporting various programs within DoD, the United States Navy, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, I understand the importance of how VolEd supports war fighting.
The DANTES Voluntary Education Enterprise Support (VES) Team plays a critical role in supporting the Department of Defense and United States Coast Guard voluntary education community. Our mission includes: delivering world-class communication, products and services, customer support, stakeholder engagments and offering training and educational resources for DANTES-sponsored education programs and services. The team’s goal is to ensure that our products and services are easily accessible.
The VES Team utilizes multiple digitual outreach channels, including managing the DANTES website, which features a 24/7 updated, searchable knowledge base with an Answer Bot and online help form for additional assistance. Additional services offered are: the monthly DANTES Information Bulletin (DIB) newsletter, monthly webinars, and a robust presence on five social media platforms. In this article, we will discuss how these products and services support how the VolEd workforce and service members.
Lets talk to the rest of our team! Meet Erin Roberts! She will talk to you about her part in helping military service members get their education...
Hi,I’m Erin Roberts, the DANTES Public Affairs Specialist and Web Content Manager. I am a 21-year Air Force veteran who served as a video production specialist and a public affairs specialist in various locations worldwide. I hold a Masters in Communications from the University of Maryland University College, 2011. I am responsible for all aspects of DANTES messaging to help provide
Services education professionals with the following resources to increase DANTES program awareness and share program benefits with service members:
• DANTES Website: www.DANTES.mil
• Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter
• MilEd Benefits Mobile App: available on the Apple and Google Play stores
DANTES Website
DANTES’ website, www.DANTES.mil, is just one way that the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support brings its’ education support programs to the general public and to its’ two primary target audiences – actively serving U.S. military members and the Services’ education professionals who assist military students with reaching their education and career planning goals. The website was organized to help Service education counselors, service members, and their family members find our program information faster and easier. Education benefits have long been one of the military benefits that draw members to volunteer for service and DANTES’ education programs are provided at no cost to eligible members.
Those who visit our website will find a wide variety of information at their fingertips, starting with dropdown menus at the top of every page on the website. Each program webpage varies in content, but contains some or all the areas below:
• Program Eligibility: who can use the program
• Student Benefits: how the program can help a student reach their goals
• Program Flyers: a visual resource to download and share
• Find a Counselor: links to each Military Services’ education website
Need Help: contact information to help students reach DANTES/program personnel
Over the past year, the most popular program webpages to be visited on a regular basis include:
• DSST: College Credit by Examination
• CLEP: College Credit by Examination
• College Credit for Military Training & Experiences
The website is designed for the service member, but we also offer a specific section for Counselors and Academic Institutions, under the “Counselor Tools” tab. We know that downloadable material and program flyers are helpful to use in your counseling sessions; so, you can find these in three different areas of the website:
• Under the “Counselor Tools” tab, visit “Program Resources”
• Under the “Outreach” tab, visit “Marketing Resources”
• Go directly to www.dantes.mil/infographics/
• Lastly, if you or the service members you help cannot find what they are looking for, try the following options:
• “Search DANTES” - located at the top right of the website
• Use the “FAQs” tab - located at the top right of the website
• Use the “HELP” icon - located in the bottom right of the website
• “Contact Us” using the “About” tab – located in the top left of the website
DANTES team of professionals strive to provide the information you seek, and we are standing by to answer your questions. Ask us!
We want to spread the news about Defense Department (DoD) resources and tools that are available at no-cost to eligible service members. Each year, we hear from military students at education fairs and Service events who say they didn’t know about our programs. Social media is another way to reach out and help build program and organizational awareness, “YouTube and Facebook are the most-widely used online platforms. About half of U.S. adults say they use Instagram, and smaller shares use sites or apps such as TikTok, LinkedIn, and BeReal. (Source: Demographics of Social Media Users and Adoption in the United States | Pew Research Center, Jan 2024)
DANTES has a social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. You can find all the links to these sites on our website in the top right corner and in the footer of each webpage. According to www.pewresearch.org, YouTube is the most widely used online platform measured in their annual survey, “Roughly eight-in-ten U.S. adults (83%)” report ever using the video-based platform. While a somewhat lower share reports using it, Facebook is also a dominant player in the online landscape. Most Americans (68%) report using the social media platform. Additionally, roughly half of U.S. adults (47%) say they use Instagram.” (Source: How Americans Use Social Media | Pew Research Center, Jan 2024)
DANTES’ YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/@DANTESDoD, is updated regularly to highlight and share webinars and short video messages for those who missed the original events and wish to watch at a more convenient time for them. We also offer playlists for viewing ease and we hope you will check them out:
• Counselor Tools
• Short FAQ Videos
• DANTES Short Program Videos
• Program Webinars (long format)
MilEd Benefits is the DANTES mobile app, providing 24/7 visibility and information to our service members, Service education professionals, and the public. When our customers want to reach us, they can.
The MilEd Benefits mobile app provides DoD education program information at the touch of a button, anytime, anywhere. A user can find several DoD/VA Education eGuides that are essentially digital books offering a variety of education topics from the Veterans Administration and each of the Military Services.
It’s one-stop shopping, free of charge, available at your convenience, offering easy access towards programs to help when planning for your college education, future career, or other educational goals.
Download the app and get started planning your future. Take that first step by visiting www.DANTES.mil/app/.
Now, let’s hear from Michelle Alexander, our graphic designer at DANTES!
I’m Michelle Alexander, and I work closely with program managers to communicate information through the DIB. Additionally, I serve as the graphic designer for our organization. With a 24-year career in the Air Force, I’m committed to supporting service members in their educational pursuits.
The DIB serves as a comprehensive resource designed primarily for counselors and education service providers who support service members in their educational and career pursuits. This bulletin plays a crucial role in equipping these professionals with the latest information and updates on resources, programs, and guidance to assist service members effectively, particularly those interested in pursuing post-secondary education, vocational training, and career advancement opportunities during or after their military service.
Also, the newsletter highlights new and existing program resources, key initiatives, and relevant events that can benefit both service members and counselors. By providing timely insights into available educational pathways and support mechanisms, the DIB helps ensure that service members have access to the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions about their education and career development.
Click on the DIB links below to see some of our popular newsletters over the past year. Previous editions of the DIB can be found at https://www.dantes.mil/dib/.
To support both VolEd Counselors and Service Members, DANTES has created easy to read and visually esthetic fact sheets that can be printed or viewed online. The resources available here are user-friendly and convenient for discussing and learning about DANTES education programs. Click on the fact sheets and infographics below to get more info....
Let’s see what Emily Bachman, the DANTES Stakeholder Engagement Manager has to say!!
Hi, I’m Emily Bachman, the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) Stakeholder Engagement Manager. DANTES stakeholder engagement encompasses staffinitiated or externally requested virtual and inperson events focused on increasing awareness of the DANTES-sponsored quality education programs at no-cost to actively serving U.S. military members, including those in the National Guard, Reserve components and the U.S. Coast Guard.
I joined DANTES in May 2020. I have held positions as the DANTES Stakeholder Engagement Manager and Academic Skills Training Program Manager. Before joining DANTES, I served nearly 13 years in Military Family Readiness Programs including Deployment Support and Transition Assistance in the Air National Guard and Army, where I saw the impact education had on career advancement, transition into the civilian workforce, and the overall ability to be more ready and resilient.
I hold a Masters of Business Administration from Columbia Southern University, 2015, and have experience as both an active duty military and veteran student.
DANTES provides external engagements support of in-person and virtual speaker requests, exhibit booths, and education fairs involving service members, DoD VolEd workforce, civilian education partners, and academic institutions.
• Speaker Requests include in-person and virtual customized presentations typically between 30 to 60-minutes in length. Presentations focus on increasing awareness of DANTES sponsored education programs and services. Extended training sessions geared toward the Services can range upwards to 3-hours and more available by request.
• Education Fairs include in-person / virtual attendance, with speaker and exhibitor support.
• DANTES hosts exhibit booths at conferences and symposiums to share information and promote program awareness to help service members use their DoD no-cost military benefits. You may have recently seen DANTES exhibiting at the Modern Day Marine Expo in Washington, D.C. or Air Force Sergeants Association in Houston, Texas. Please come by the DANTES exhibit booth during our next event at the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) Conference
• October 30, 2024 – November 1, 2024, in New Orleans, Louisiana, https://www.cael.org/cael-conference.
For more information or to submit a request, contact DANTES Customer Support: dodhra-outreach-dantes@mail.mil.
DANTES has been providing education and career planning programs at no-cost to actively serving U.S. service members, including those in the National Guard, Reserve components and the Coast Guard for 50 years, as of July 31, 2024. DANTES manages a portfolio of programs and products that help more than 600K service members reach their education and career path planning goals annually.
DANTES provides regular hosted and Servicesupported webinars targeted to the service member, DoD VolEd workforce, civilian education partners, and academic institutions. Webinars aim to increase awareness of DANTES programs, products, and resources to help the military learner maximize use of their DoD no-cost military education benefits. Webinars are offered in the broad areas of:
• Academic Skills Training Program is designed to assess academic strengths and weaknesses to help improve skills in English, basic math, and science for college-placement, reclassification qualification, and/or advanced training, using the Online Academic Skills Course (OASC). (www. DANTES.mil/OASC/ )
• College and Career Planning (Kuder Journey) enables service member development using a customized online portal tailored to their needs
and interests to support postsecondary education planning and assist with transitioning to the civilian workforce. (www.DANTES.mil/kuder/ )
• Military Training Evaluation Program evaluates service member learning from military training, education, and occupational experiences by the American Council on Education and documented on the Joint Services Transcript. (www.DANTES. mil/credit4training/ )
• Credit-by-Examination Program helps service members earn college credit for knowledge gained through previous experience and military training via the CLEP and DSST exams. (www. DANTES.mil/CLEP/ ) (www.DANTES.mil/DSST/ )
• TA DECIDE is a college comparison tool to help service members select the right school for their needs. TA DECIDE allows the service member to research and compare schools that have signed a DoD Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (DoD MOU). (www.DANTES.mil/TADECIDE/ ) (dodmou.com)
• Contingency Overseas Education Support Program ensures deployed service members in the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) and U.S. Airforce Command (AFRCOM) have access to DoD VolEd programs and services to begin or continue their education journey. (www.DANTES.mil/ oconus/ )
DANTES’ programs save the service member academic course time, tuition assistance costs, and can help accelerate their education journey.
Training delivery has been incorporated using platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom for Government. The use of these platforms provides DANTES an opportunity to meet the needs of our customers, reduce travel costs for in-person training, and connect with those in different time zones.
Webinars are announced regularly with registration details listed on the DANTES website: www.DANTES.mil/webinars/.
Webinars are recorded and available for viewing on the DANTES YouTube Channel at: www.youtube.com/c/DoDDANTES/.
Upon accessing the channel, you will find playlists, full webinar videos, and short clips to reference or use as a tool while providing education counseling to the military learner.
Here’s how you can connect with DANTES to request a presentation:
• Determine the program you want discussed
• Determine the target audience
• Email: dodhra-outreach-dantes@mail.mil
• Set a date and time
• Webinar length averages 30-minutes to 1-hour
• Discuss desired webinar content and outcome
For more information on DANTES programs, please visit www.DANTES.mil or contact us by email at dodhra-outreach-dantes@mail.mil.
DoD VolEd programs can help you get promoted, complete your college degree, and successfully transition to civilian employment after serving. DANTES provides service members and the Services’ Voluntary Education (VolEd) communities with no-cost education and career planning resources.
For any inquiries, the DANTES team is ready to assist you! You can find helpful answers by visiting our website at www.DANTES.mil and exploring the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section. Additionally, you can submit your questions directly through our site.
For immediate support, our DANTES Help Center is available around the clock. This online resource features a comprehensive knowledge base that allows you to find answers to common queries at any time quickly.
To submit a request, click our website’s blue “Submit a Request” button. Remember to include a valid email address in your submission so we can respond efficiently. We strive to answer all queries within 24 hours, ensuring timely and effective resolution of your concerns.