Hello again from Matthew Schwantz, your DANTES Credit-by-Examination (CBE) Program Manager! A lot has happened in six months since we last discussed CBE, and I am excited for another opportunity for CBE to be the spotlight of the DANTE Information Bulletin (DIB). Before we dive into our latest news, let’s recap some vital information so you can continue to build upon your CBE knowledge and awareness.
You may recall the previous article regarding the National Test Center (NTC) and Government Test Center (GTC) program. An NTC is a test center that can be on- or off-base and is operated by an Academic Institution (AI). A GTC is an on-base test center operated by either a Government Schedule (GS) employee or an Active-Duty service member. Currently, four GTCs are in operation, and CLEP and DSST exams are administered to service members! If your military base does not have an NTC or GTC currently testing service members, please visit https://www.dantes.mil/Test-Centerestablishment/ for more information on establishing a test center on your installation.
After that quick refresher, let’s look at the last six months of exciting progress within the CBE program. In this article, you will learn about DANTES-funded test centers and how you can help establish one for your military installation or help your closest AI become a DANTES-funded test center.
Recent presentations have provided opportunities for me to speak to diverse audiences. In August 2024, our vendor, College Board, and I presented at the National College Testing Association (NCTA) conference in Savannah, GA. We had the opportunity to discuss the importance of service members’ CLEP and DSST testing to help them achieve educational goals while simultaneously serving our country. This was the first time DANTES was represented at the NCTA conference, and it was a magnificent opportunity to create awareness of the DoD Voluntary Education programs serviced by DANTES.
In October 2024, DANTES was invited to present our programs to the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) members. We took this opportunity to explain the importance of the CBE program and how providing service members with access to testing was vital to their educational goals. While speaking with the academic representatives in attendance, we discovered that although many administer both the CLEP and DSST exams, nearly all of them were unaware of DANTES-funded tests. I was happy to share the news of how becoming a DANTES funded test center benefits service members and the academic institutions. I was also pleased to inform the academic professionals that being located on a military installation is not required to administer DANTES funded tests. This leads me to answer a very important question: What is a DANTES-funded test center?
A DANTES-funded test center administers CLEP and DSST exams for service members, and DANTES funds the proctoring fee. Currently, the payment for a CONUS test center fee is $30, and an OCONUS test center fee is $35. This means DANTES fully funds the price of the exam and proctoring fee, so there are zero out-of-pocket expenses for eligible service members. If a service member takes an exam at a test center that is not part of the DANTES-funded program, DANTES will pay for the cost of the exam. Still, the service member must cover the
cost of proctoring and any administration or registration fees charged by the test center.
All on-base NTCs must be DANTES-funded test centers. If a school is interested in becoming an NTC on your installation, contact us, and DANTES will provide all the information needed to get started today! Off-base test centers at academic institutions may be funded by DANTES as well. They must sign up for the program with College Board (CLEP) and Prometric (DSST). The academic institution will receive the requirements and instructions, the financial paperwork to receive the proctoring fee, and a contract to administer exams to service members.
After the academic institution is set up, they receive more than just money to proctor exams for service members. Once established as a DANTES-funded test center, the school gets placed on the search function of both College Board and Prometric’s websites as a DANTES-funded test center. This means when a service member searches for a test center where they can take an exam using the DANTES-fully funded benefit, the school’s information will be displayed within the search results. Suppose the service member hasn’t already committed to a college. In that case, the chance of the service member inquiring about taking classes at that school increases exponentially, especially when they can take fully funded CLEP and DSST exams there and get them included in their degrees!
After speaking to the NCTA and CAEL representatives, the audience expressed a great interest in becoming DANTES-funded test centers. I am pleased to have received numerous emails asking how to start the process! With more on-base NTCs closing and installation commanders no longer allowing AIs base access, DANTES needs your help more than ever to spread the word to the AIs near your military installation. Let them know the benefits of providing our service members with access to testing. It is a mutually beneficial relationship between academic institutions and the service members.
We are on a mission to ensure service members have access to this invaluable benefit, and we need your help. Whether you’re an ESO, ESS, Counselor, Career Advisor, or mentor, please educate others on the importance of CBEs in a service member’s pathway to earning a degree. Every time I present, I emphasize the importance of becoming a DANTESfunded test center – and I’m asking you to do the same. You don’t need to know the process inside and out; simply direct interested parties to DANTES, and we will get them the information required to be part of a great program providing access to testing, counseling on relevant exams, preparation, and help for our service members as they strive to achieve their educational goals while serving our country and keeping us safe.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly. I am never too busy to answer emails or phone calls to help service members!! The best email is our organization box, dodhra.dantes-cpl@ mail.mil, for Credit-by-Examinations, or call (850) 377-4160.
The Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education (VolEd) Program, through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), offers the Credit-by-Exam program to help service members earn college credit* for knowledge gained through previous experience, independent study, and your military training.
DANTES funds credit-by-exam tests, including:
CLEP: The College Board’s College Level Examination Program
DSST: Prometric’s College Level Credit by Exam Program Credit by Exam Program
*College credit recommendations for these exams are made through the American Council on Education (ACE) and are subject to the acceptance of individual academic institutions.
DANTES recommends contacting your Service education counselor to verify that your exam credits meet your program requirements.
Exams are funded for:
• All actively-serving members in all military Services including the, National Guard, Reserve components and U.S. Coast Guard
• U.S. Coast Guard (active and Reserve) spouses
• U.S. Air Force civilian employees (excluding contract employees)
• Military Eligible Spouses using My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship
• Take tests at National Test Centers worldwide
• Take tests remotely through an exam proctor
• Exam scores are included on the Joint Services Transcript (JST) and Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript
• Test prep and study materials are provided at installation libraries, education centers, on-line, and via mobile apps
• Earn college credit* for prior knowledge
• Reduce course completion time; the average exam takes only a few hours versus 8 -15 weeks in class
• Save $$$; DANTES funds one attempt per exam title
• Avoid tuition assistance costs for courses replaced by credit earned
• https://clep.collegeboard.org/clep-test-center-search
• https://clep.collegeboard.org/register-for-an-exam/ military-how-to-register-under-dantes
• https://www.dodmwrlibraries.org/continuing-education
• https://www.youtube.com/@DANTESDoD
• https://clep.collegeboard.org/help-for-students
• https://getcollegecredit.com
• getcollegecredit@prometric.com
• dodhra.dantes-cpl@mail.mil
- Contact your education counselor
- Make sure the exam meets your degree program
- Prepare for your exam
- Get no-cost study materials @ clep.collegeboard.org modernstates.org/course
- Go to CLEPs’ website
- Register as a military student
- Select DANTES-funded CLEP exam dodhra.dantes-cpl@mail.mil
- Contact your education counselor
- Make sure the exam meets your degree program
- Prepare for your exam
- Get no-cost study materials @ getcollegecredit.com dodmwrlibraries.org dodhra.dantes-cpl@mail.mil
- Go to DSSTs’ website, getcollegecredit.com
- Register as a military student
- Select DANTES-funded DSST exam
Maximizing College Credit: Insight into State CLEP Policies
26 November 2024 / 10:00 a.m.
Join us for an informative webinar designed to help navigate the complexities of state CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) policies. Learn about the CLEP program and its benefits for students and discover how to maximize the earning of college credit.
11 December 20024 / 12:00 p.m.
Join us for an insightful webinar where we’ll share essential tips and tricks to help you succeed on exam day! Discover how to best prepare, learn what to bring, and how to manage your test day experience.