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COVID-19 In these unprecedented times, DHRA leadership wants you to know that your safety and your security are of utmost importance. To provide you with all the information you need to remain healthy, safe, and productive, please log on to your NMCI computer and check out the DHRA COVID-19 Resources site at aspx.
April Briggs Junior COY 2019
Teresa Daniels Senior COY, 2019
Parker Addy Senior 4th COQ, 2019
Hurricane Season
By: James Vandiver
ay is the time of year when we on the Emerald Coast start gearing up for the hurricane season. I attended the first Emergency Managers working group as we begin Hurricane Preparedness Event 2020 (HPE 20). I have placed the Hurricane Preparedness brief on the shared drive at QZ Common - PMDATA\ Reference Docs\Hurricane Prep 2020. Due COVID-19 restrictions we will not have our typical May brief from Fleet and Family Services so please review the brief. I know hurricane season is old hat for many but the brief will jog
your memory on areas you may need to attend to. I have included a couple highlights from the brief. The 2020 season is predicted to be above average. As you may have noticed via email the Emergency Management team worked through the COR conditions. A COR checklist was provided. It is recommended that you “like/ follow” the NAS Pensacola Public Affairs Facebook and Twitter pages to keep current on hurricane events. There are looka-like pages out there so make sure you follow the correct pages which are shown in the brief. Go to Page 5 for more info!
The U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels, and U.S. Air Force’s Thunderbirds, honored frontline COVID-19 first responders with formation flights over New York City, New Jersey and Philadelphia on April 28, 2020. Click the video below to see it! ONE TEAM, ONE FIGHT!!!!!
TRAINING Training Due by June 3rd: No Fear Act
From Katrina Logan Director DHRA Enterprise Operations Center
he Enterprise Training Team automated the assignment of mandatory training within the Learning Management System (LMS). As a result, the LMS accurately issued notifications and due dates for mandatory training to DHRA users which have been verified by the Enterprise Training Team. Please review your mandatory DoD training status within the LMS and complete your mandatory training. Moving forward, do not disregard LMS notifications. Ten mandatory DoD training courses are assigned in the LMS for completion annually. The current due date is calculated based on your previous completion dates. For example, if Sexual Harassment Training was completed on January 1, 2020, your current due date for the assigned Sexual Harassment Training would be January 1, 2021. If you last
completed this training on January 1, 2019, your due date would be January 1, 2020. In this case, the LMS will forward an automated overdue notification. If you complete training courses outside of the LMS (e.g., Joint Knowledge Online (JKO)), those certificates will not be reflected in the LMS. For Training completed outside the LMS, we ask that you provide your training certificate(s) to the Enterprise Training team by creating a DEOC Service Center Service Request at The team will then update your LMS record and close the service request. The LMS also provides notifications to Supervisors 30 days prior to the training due date, and every two weeks after until the assigned training is completed. Supervisors may also look on the LMS dashboard to determine the status of their employees’ training and remind employees to complete the mandatory training.
The Monthly Safety Talk
2020 Vol. 5
These are not materials brought from the planet Ork, nor is it part of the Orkan greeting “nanu nanu.”
For 11 years, Hazard Communication has been in the Top Three, and for the last eight years, has been in the 2nd place position in OHSA’s Top Ten violations.3 This is not the consistency which is good.
Nanos are the measures of tiny particles on atomic & molecular scales. One can get a sense of the nano-scale looking at examples at what/ nano-size, as well as how and for what nanotechnology is used.1 Because nanomaterials are so small, their routes of entry into the body may take place in ways that have not yet been determined, unlike larger particles of the same materials, which is where the unknown hazards lie. Employers should assess worker exposure to nanomaterials to identify the control measures needed and determine if the controls used are effective in reducing exposures by identifying and describing processes and job tasks where workers may be exposed to nanomaterials.2 Because the research and use of nanomaterials continues to expand and information about potential health effects and exposure limits for these nanomaterials is still being developed, employers should use a combination of the following measures and best practices to control potential exposures: Engineering and Administrative controls, PPE and Medical Screening and Surveillance.2 “Nanotechnology 101.” National Nanotechnology Initiative, Accessed 31 Jan 2020.
How can YOU be sure to be compliant? Make sure your command is using the steps outlined in 29 CFR 1910.1200. Reviewing FY19 citations from OSHA, we can marry them up with paragraphs out of the OPNAVINST 5100.23 Series. The most violated HazCom standard was 1910.1200(e)(1): “Employers shall develop ... a written hazard communication program which at least describes how ... labels and other forms of warning, safety data sheets, and employee information and training will be met.” That is the basics of the standard, and the other top four violations were specifics on the three key elements of the citation: • Labels & other forms of warning • Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) • Employee Training One of the major objectives of the GHS is to have easily understood labels which includes symbols, signal words or hazard statements. This includes nine easily recognizable Pictograms and Hazards which can be found at: d_Pictogram.html
Solely the dose determines that a thing is not a poison. Paracelsus Father of Toxicology
HAZCOM-PLIANT CONT’D The next step to standardizing information available to supply personnel, safety, workers and emergency responders is the required 16-part format which details how to identify what the material is, what the hazards are, how to deal with First Aid, to storage, spills and firefighting information, and more.
Perhaps the most essential part of the citation to key in on is the employee training. Without effective employee training, hence knowledge and awareness, all the signs and labels will mean nothing. Training must occur prior to an employee’s use and exposure to the HazMat. Identification of not only the material and what PPE is needed should be covered, but the information on the SDS: What can this do to harm me or my family? What do I do if I, or a co-worker, is accidentally exposed? What if there is a spill or fire? What other hazards are there? Where should this be stored properly? Ultimately, personnel with the proper information can protect themselves, the environment and their commands when they are Hazard Communication compliant. Druley, Kevin. “OSHA’s Top 10: 2019 Most Cited Violations.” Safety + Health, Dec 2019, p. 41.
A pictogram is an ideogram that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object.
Between 1983 & 1989, the HCS was adopted for all industries where employees were potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals. 4 OHSA incorporated GHS into the HCS; full compliance was required in 2016. Stressing employee understanding, the standard became known as “Right to Understand” instead of “right to know.”
“Working Safely with Nanomaterials.” Fact Sheet 3634, Apr.2013, Accessed 31 Jan 2020.
What is the difference between Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) and Global Harmonized System (GHS)?
Ibid. ghs-101-history-ghs.
A note from Sharon O’Donnell
s we continue to implement new systems and processes to improve online collaboration and accomplish our missions, it is important to continue to identify and manage records created during this COVID-19 Pandemic. Some of the records, information, and data created and collected may become Permanent Records. Attached are examples of the pandemic record guidance file plan and records decision tree to help you determine if it’ a record or not. We have several items on the spreadsheet that pertains to us. To ensure the preservation of pertinent records, request you review to those that apply and file with like records on our share drive. Click on the link below to see the O SD Pandemic Response Records Guidance and the Telework RIM Guidance: OSD Pandemic Response Records Guidance: com/file/d/11eMgkVNJLFEow_19wyGbvQpW0-DcZcwg/
view?usp=sharing Telework RIM Guidance: https:// Should you have any questions or concerns please contact Sharon for assistance.
Click on pic below to see the bigger picture!
Don’t Plug Unauthorized Devices into NMCI Assets!!! During the COVID-19 mass telework period, NAVNETWARCOM has identified an order of magnitude increase in the number of users plugging unauthorized USB devices into NMCI assets.
Users are reminded that they are NOT authorized to plug any unauthorized devices capable of storing data (e.g. cell phones, flash drives, etc.) into NMCI assets. Doing so WILL result in the user account being disabled and referral to the command Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM) for investigation. External drives approved by the command ISSM are authorized. FOR ASSISTANCE: Contact the NMCI Service Desk at 1-866-THE-NMCI (1866-843-6624) or by e-mail at
Hurricane Preparedness information Hurricane Season: June 1st – November 30th
urricane season for the Atlantic basin begins June 1st and ends on November 30th every year. The US Navy uses “Conditions Of Readiness” or CORs to prepare for tropical events inbound. CORs are set with the timeframe in hours and expectation of 50 knots of wind occurring on an installation. By June 1st of each year, COR 5 is set for installations in Region Southeast.
This condition is set because, within the Region, especially the installations adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico, a tropical system has, in the past, can currently, and has the potential to develop and move onshore within 96 hours. Hurricanes Erin and Opal in 1995 proved that theory, coming ashore in Pensacola, Fl. as significant hurricanes.
Conditions of Readiness (CORs) COR 5: Destructive winds of > 50 kts are possible w/in 96 hrs COR 4: possible w/in 72 hrs COR 3: possible w/in 48 hrs COR 2: anticipated w/in 24 hrs COR 1: anticipated w/in 12 hrs
WIFI Quick Reference Guide
DANTES Staff Phone Roster
DHRA Staff Phone Roster
DANTES Weekly Action Report (WAR)
For more information click on the Reference guide below! 2020 Annual Hurricane Preparedness
Ø Welcome Ø Navy Tropical Information Ø History Ø Forecast Ø Evacuation Duncan St - Sep 2004 Ø Communications (looking south from front gate) Ø Sticker scheme
Momentum Managing emotional well-being
Employee Assistance Program
Contact your program
24/7/365 for confidential, no-cost help for you and your household members.
Your emotional wellness is well worth it Do you actively take care of your emotional health? When you’re emotionally well, you’re able to have supportive relationships, keep your emotions balanced and face life’s challenges with resilience and a positive attitude. You remain flexible in adjusting to new situations and you make room for fun in your life. Some tips on emotional well-being:
Live Webinar—On Wednesday, May 13, join our webinar, Mental Health First Aid, An Overview. Register here.
• When a difficult situation unexpectedly comes up, try to avoid the knee-jerk reaction of viewing it negatively. Strive to view the situation positively—as an opportunity to learn. • Connect with friends and family. Don’t keep troubles to yourself; work things out with people you trust. • Review your schedule and decide if you’re doing too much and not spending enough time on your own well-being. Start making small changes so you’re able to do more of what you enjoy.
Building healthy emotional habits 1. If you often focus on your flaws, remember your strengths instead. Think of qualities like your technical skill, sense of humor, compassion and willingness to help others.
2. Don’t compare your life to others or try to meet others’ unrealistic expectations. Consider what’s truly important to you, then take small daily steps toward reaching goals that are uniquely yours.
3. Regular exercise boosts emotional wellness. Through exercise, your body releases endorphins that trigger a positive feeling and reduce your perception of pain. Good exercise can be as simple as walking.
Log on to today!
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Human Resources (HR) Roles & Responsibilities Topics
Staffing & Recruitment
Description of Request Submit transactions to change FEHB/FEGLI/TSP Request a Civilian or Military Deposit Request a Retirement Estimate or run your own Build your Retirement Application and submit for review Access Resource Library for materials to assist you at any stage of your career
Requests and questions outside of GRB.
GRB Platform
DLA Benefits
DHRA Supervisor works directly with a DLA HR Specialist for staffing and recruitment needs. DHRA supervisors initiate requests, including Strategic Recruitment Discussions (SRD), to DLA through the DEOC Service Center. After a SRD is held with DLA, a new request is created via the “Recruitment” tile and then selecting the “Planned Hiring Action” drop down.
DEOC Service Center Request: https://dhra.deps. mil/cmp/DEOC/S itePages/ px “Recruitment”
DLA Benefits Specialist: Phone: 614-692-0216 (direct) or 866-378-1171, Prompt 3 (4th Estate), Prompt 9 (Benefits) 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM EST Email: DHRCDHRBenefi
DLA Phone: 614-692-0201 Email: HQ, DHRA Manpower Management - Staffing & RPA Email:
HQ, DHRA Manpower executes
Personnel Actions
Description of Request To create, change, or update a Position Description, DHRA Supervisor should work directly with DLA Classification Specialist. Supervisors initiate contact with DLA through the DEOC Service Center. Supervisors submit personnel actions below through the DEOC Service Center. Reassignments Realignments Promotions Separations Conversions Language Consultants HQ, DHRA Manpower executes the RPA.
DEOC Service Center Request: https://dhra.deps.m il/cmp/DEOC/Site Pages/Home.aspx “Classification”
DLA Classifications Specialist Phone: 614-692-0277 Email: Roberta.Garner@dla. mil
DEOC Service Center Request: https://dhra.deps.m il/cmp/DEOC/Site Pages/Home.aspx “Personnel Actions”
HQ, DHRA Manpower Management - Staffing & RPA Email:
* Pay related RPA’s must arrive at DLA nlt 10 days prior to the effective date. Labor and Employee Relations
Supervisors work directly with DLA Employee Relations Specialist for questions DLA HR or concerns related to performance or Employee Relations disciplinary issues.
Leave (Advanced or Donated)
Supervisors work directly with DLA Employee Relations Specialist for requests or questions. DEOC will notify the enterprise of employees in the donated leave program. To donate leave to a recipient, please submit OPM 630A or 630B to the DEOC Service Center.
Time Off, On the Spot Cash Awards, Honorary Awards Civilian Awards
* A memo must be attached with the request for personnel action.
DLA Employee Relations Specialist: Michael C. Jerome (614) 692-8717 Email: Michael.Jerome
DEOC Service Center Request: https://dhra.deps.m il/cmp/DEOC/Site Pages/Home.aspx “Leave”
DLA Employee Relations Specialist: Michael C. Jerome (614) 692-8717 Email: Michael.Jerome
To Submit Time Off or On the Spot (Cash) Awards: DEOC Service Center: https://dhra.deps .mil/cmp/DEOC /SitePages/Hom e.aspx “Awards”
DHRA HQ Manpower Management - Staffing & RPA Email:
Description of Request
Career civilian employees who complete satisfactory periods of Federal Service will be awarded Length of Service (LoS) LoS pins and certificates Recognition applicable to their LoS, beginning with 5 years of service and every 5 years thereafter through 50 years.
Retirement Awards
Retirement Certificates are provided to employees.
Requesting access to USA System Access Staffing, DPMAP, DCPDS, LMS.
PPP, Registration, Counseling, Workforce Restructuring VERA/VSIP
Superior Quals, Advance in hire Leave/Grade, 180-Day Waivers
Processed by HQ, DHRA Manpower Management
Processed by HQ, DHRA Manpower Management DEOC Service Center Request: https://dhra.deps.m il/cmp/DEOC/Site Pages/Home.aspx Personnel Actions
DEOC Service Center Request: https://dhra.deps.m il/cmp/DEOC/Site Pages/Home.aspx “Personnel Actions”
Contact DHRA HQ Manpower Management Email: HQ, DHRA Manpower Management Email: DLA Phone: 614-692-0201 Email: DLA Phone: 614-692-0201 Email: HQ, DHRA Manpower Management Email:
Internal process * Advance in Hire for Leave is approved/disapproved at the component level. * Advance in higher grade must be approved by DHRA CoS.
Authorizations, Orders Tour Extensions, DEROS dates
DEOC Service Center Request: https://dhra.deps.m il/cmp/DEOC/Site Pages/Home.aspx Personnel Actions
DLA Phone: 614-692-0201 Email:
DEOC Service Center Request: https://dhra.deps.m il/cmp/DEOC/Site Pages/Home.aspx Personnel Actions
DLA Phone: 614-692-0201 Email: