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Tips to Improve Home Security – CPTED
www.DanvilleLivingCA.com @DanvilleLivingCA #DanvilleLivingCA
By Danville Police Department
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a crime prevention philosophy based on the idea that the proper design and effective use of the built environment can help prevent crime and increase quality of life. Here are some simple fixes to improve home security:

• Keep bushes trimmed to 36 inches or lower, trees canopies higher than 7 feet.
• Update exterior lighting around the home, consider LEDs and motion sensor lights.
• Purchase a locking mailbox to reduce the chance of mail theft.
• Store all valuables like bicycles, grills and lawn mowers out of view in a locked shed.
• Lock all windows and doors whenever possible.
• Install and use deadbolts and consider updating older exterior doors that may have been forgotten, such as side garage doors.
• Consider installing surveillance cameras and an alarm system to monitor your home.
• Keep windows clear of debris and shrubbery to increase visibility out to the street.