Canalising a Fluid Territory

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Urban Design and Investigation of Taoyuan Metropolitan Area Dao-Ming Chang



CANALIZING A FLUID TERRITORY Urban Design and Investigation of Taoyuan Metropolitan Area, Taiwan Thesis Submitted In Partial Fulfillment Of Requirement For The Degree Of MASTER OF URBANISM AND STRATEGIC PLANNING

Promoter : Prof. Bruno De Meulder Co-promoter : Prof. Paola Viganò

Dao-Ming Chang Leuven, September 2007




I would like to especially thank my family for the unconditional assistance and support for the thesis work. They always did their best to help me collect the material and always

0. Introduction

gave me the warmest encourage when I needed. I would like to thank my promoters Prof. Bruno De Meulder and Prof. Paola Viganò. The

Part I Reading the territory

discussions with them inspired me very much for the following steps. I feel grateful for their passionate guidance and patience of my language expression.

1. A territory with urban sprawl 1.1 From isotropy to the new centrality 1.2 The distribution of density : a simultaneous landscape 1.3 The dispersed industrial site

3 7 11

I also want to thank my ex-colleagues from Tunghai University. Thanks to Chang LiChung for driving me through Taoyuan in the fieldtrip and collecting data and images. Thanks to Yang Chi-Cheng for the reference of the history of Taiwanese urbanism from

2. A territory with agricultural landscape 2.1 The network of water 2.2 A political landscape 2.3 The landscape rooted in topography 2.4 The urban consumption of open space

his master thesis. Thanks to Peng Chi-Hsuan for the reference image thesis draft. 14 16 17 20

Thanks to Stefano for the reference of typology design which is a great help. Thanks to Mr. Ma from Taoyuan Irrigation Association for the interview and reference data of irrigation system

3. Projects as device of densification I want to thank the colleagues working with me at De Molen everyday. They motivated 3.1 Public transport interventions 3.2 The new town of high speed railway station 3.3 Water as a starting point of projects

22 23 24

1. Scenario construction 26 28 30 33

2. Pond City : a project testing the density 2.1 The scheme of the Pond City 2.2 Typology : a concept of mixed-use and diversity 2.3 Plan of capacity 2.4 Pond as a public space

38 40 45 48

3. Concepts on the territorial scale 3.1 Concepts of the new town and metro stop 3.2 Density of the territory

53 54

Part III Conclusion Imagining a new way of urbanization Bibliography

In the end, I want to thank those who had ever assisted me during the working period of the thesis.

Part II Scenarios and strategies of densification

1.1 Hypotheses and scenarios on territorial scale 1.2 Situations testing the scenarios 1.3 One situation : the suburban dispersion 1.4 Scenarios of the suburban dispersion

me to move on.


0. Introduction

Mapping and literature reading. The reading of the territory is also a way to define the variable of the future. It is a preparation for making hypothesis of scenarios.

Statement of the thesis The horizontal urban dispersion has been generating a kind of space that is different from our conventional understanding of city. Due to the change of production and structure of economy, the boundary between urban and rural has been blurred. In the post industrial age, Xaveer De Geyter gives a definition to this contemporary phenomenon , ' It became possible to break up the production system into different geographically laid-apart units that resulted in a dispersed pattern of settlements ( what we call sprawl)...This resulted in a collection of weak linked build spaces

Part II : Scenarios and strategies of densification The thesis uses scenario construction as a tool to explore the limit of density of the territory. The hypotheses are a sequence of 'what if ‌'questions. Scenarios are made first in the territorial scale and then again in a smaller scale. Each variable is pushed into the extreme in order to find out the limit and the potential of the site. The synthesis of different scenarios is transformed into the concept of spatial proposal. The spatial proposal is elaborated on a chosen situation to discover the a optimal situation of the hypothesis. In the end, the design concepts are applied on territorial scale.

across the national and regional borderlines. The traditional dialectic relationship between city and countryside was completely blown up and became a blurring condition.' (De Geyter, 2004 : 253) In this blurred situation, the road infrastructure plays an important role. Furthermore, the popularization of mobility speeds up the process of urbanization from city to countryside. Thus the urbanization has to confront the landscape structure in the situation of dispersion. It is necessary to

Part III : Conclusion In the conclusion part, the thesis is to clarify the relevance of the exercise in the context of contemporary urbanism. Similar practice from the literature is mentioned in order to give a more clear overview of the theme of the project.

find an alternative definition for the space generated by this phenomenon. In other words, the reevaluation of landscape structure is crucial for the on-going urbanization. Since the water system


and agriculture are the main features of the landscape in the country side, they need to be taken into consideration during the process of urban sprawl.

The thesis is to understand the actual situation by the investigation of the territory. It is also to explore a new form of urbanization that uses landscape and water as an alternative infrastructure in

In the context of Taiwan, after the rapid economic boom, the urban dispersion in Taiwanese cities has generated an urban form that highly relies on private mobility, as well as the rapid urbanization happening along the main accesses from city in the countryside. However, A wave of different densification is taking place thanks to the current public transport interventions. New towns and new areas are being planned or densified where as the agricultural landscape is occupied gradually by the urbanization. Taoyuan Metropolitan Area is chosen as an example to understand the

the process of urbanization. In other words, the thesis is to search for a way to guide the urban dispersion by knowing the ongoing situation and possible variables in the future. In a dispersed territory, the notion of public space of the ponds and ditches would be given. By means of scenario construction, the thesis is to test the optimal density of the representative sites when facing extreme hypothesis.

situation of urban sprawl in Taiwan. It is a territory with dispersion of dwelling space, as well as the industry. At the same time, the agricultural landscape makes the territory as a particular case. The man-made ponds and ditches were created in the last three centuries for irrigation. They generated a kind of landscape that contains dense water network through out the territory. Nowadays, The urban dispersion is taking place while the agricultural landscape is challenged at the same time. It is urgent to re-define the role of the existing landscape and its compatibility with urbanization. It is also crucial to understand dispersion and the way guiding it with the an alternative approach from landscape and water. Structure Part I : Reading the Territory It is a critical reading of the territory. The concerns of the reading are the urban sprawl, the landscape structure, and the on going projects. The argument is built up with the technic of 1

Par t I : Reading the Ter ritor y

1_A ter ritor y with urban sprawl

2 (Map reference :’ Digital Basic and Topographic Map of Taiwan , Version 2002’ ; redrew by 2

1.1.1 The urbanisation in 1904

1.1 From isotropy to the new centrality

Taiwan is an island with enormous hills and mountains, the area of hilly and mountain land has the ratio of 73.6 % out of the total area of Taiwan. (Ministry of Education, 2007 ). Taoyuan is located on a table land which is flat and 150 meter above the sea level. This territory started its history from agricultural cultivation. The first cultivation recorded on the virgin land of Taoyuan was at 1680 (Tang,2005: 25). In terms of infrastructure, the first road infrastructure connecting Taoyuan and other regions was constructed in 1733. Until the late 19th century, the first railway line was built by the Ching Dysnasty in 1887. ( Tang, 2005: 27 ) The map shows situation of urbanization in 1904. Most of the settlement located in the flat area where the agricultural activities were easier to take place. In order to irrigate the fields, the pattern of the water system generated a landscape with dispersed ponds which went hand in hand with the diffused villages. At the same time a few bigger concentration appeared. Taoyuan City was planned by the Japanese as a trade center for agricultural

Taoyuan City

product. (Tang, 2005: 27) While the other concentration Dashi was

the trade center of river shipping between

Taoyuan and Taipei. Until the beginning of 20th century, on the map it is evident that the urbanization doesn’t really concentrate along the main infrastructure. The isotropically located settlement were actually linked to agricultural activity and topography.



Built area Railway Main road Dashi

Water surface Train station

The Urbanisation of Taoyuan in 1904 (Map reference : ‘Taiwan Bau-tu’, 1904 ; redrew by author)







1.1.2 The urbanisation in 1982 On the map of the year 1982, The two main cities, Taoyuan City and Chungli City appeared. They were planned by the Japanese in the colonial period(1895-1945).The concentration of the urbanized areas was taking place along the railway. In fact, After the World War II, The first Economical Development Plan was implemented by the central government in 1953, The industry and international trade was the main force of the boom of economy in Taoyuan. (SHI, 1982) Infrastructures were built to facilitate the rapid industrialization and economical development. The first trans-island high way was realized in 1978. It passed by the periphery of the city in order to reinforce the intercity connection and connect the international airport to other cities. Since Taoyuan played an important role for the industrial production of Taiwan, the increased workers of industry generated the growth of population. Therefore during the period of economical boom, these cities were densified. The railway is a structuring element of the urbanization that connects the main cities on the territory. The main concentration of the built areas are linked by the

Taoyuan City

railway while clusters of urbanization takes place in the periphery of the core cities. Chungli City

Built area Railway Highway Water surface Train station

The Urbanisation of Taoyuan in 1982 (Map reference : ‘ B a s i c a n d To p o g r a p h i c M a p of Ta iwan , Version 198 2 ' ; redrew by







1.1.3 The urbanisation in 2002 In the last years, the linear urban sprawl is very evident if we look at the map of 2002. The linear urbanization takes place along the main access connecting the city center and the suburbs. The second trans-island highway was realized in 1993. In the south part of the territory, the new highway has made the towns more accessible so that the densely inhabited strip becomes more evident on the map. Apart from the traditional infrastructure, the new infrastructure has being added to the territory with new technology. The Taiwan High Speed Railway started operating in January 2007. In Instead of adding a new line to the existing concentrated area, the high speed train is added at the area out of the existing cities. The idea is to build a new town as a catalyzer for the other new planning projects for economical development ( Constructi on and Planning Agency, 2002 : 2-1)

The urbanization of the territory of Taoyuan on the map of 2002 shows a clear urban sprawl that starts from the center to the periphery. The linear concentration between the city and the second highway exist clearly. However the consequence of the urbanization surrounds the new town is not yet clear but interesting to explore.

Built area Railway Highway Water surface Train station High speed railway (HSR) HSR station

The Urbanisation of Taoyuan in 2002 (Map reference : ’ Digital B a s i c a n d To p o g r a p h i c M a p of Taiwan , Version 198 2 ' ; redrew by







The evolution of the urbanisation in Taoyuan metropolitan area started from a spread-over small settlement. They existed on the flat area isotropically in the sense that the size and the density were almost even everywhere from the map. During the process of urbanisation that went together with industrialisation, the built space concentrated surrounds the planned cities and along the railway. At the same time, the linear sprawl has been occupying the territory. The form of urban sprawl can be seen as a continuous built space that goes together with traditional infrastructure. Nowadays, the new stop of high speed train would start changing the old model of development, which The revolution of urbanization and main infrastructure

means the model extending the city from center to the periphery. Instead, the new town is installed as a new centrality. This new centrality

could activate the

densification to the territory.





The dispersion and infrastructure in Taoyuan (Source : Google Earth, 2007)


1.2.1 The road network

1.2 The distribution of density : a simultaneous landscape

The dense network of road gives accessibility to the inhabitants reaching every part of the territory. At the same time, the urban sprawl takes place along the roads. On one hand, the situation of urban sprawl of Taoyuan has a feature of densely urbanised strips stretching from the center to the periphery. On the other hand, the dispersed settlements exist in the middle and west part of the territory. These settlements are the other fine-grained feature of urbanisation in Taoyuan. They are structured by a road network which is an outcome influenced by the topography and agricultural activities.

The Urbanisation and road network

(Map reference : ’ Digital B a s i c a n d To p ographic Map of Taiwan , Version 2002’ ; redrew by





10km 7

1.2.2 The distribution of density The Taoyuan metropolitan area has an uneven density that generates a simultaneous landscape. It is a territory with two main core cities and many other satellite towns. The characteristic of density could be distinguished in three types of form : compact city, linear city, dispersed city . 1. Compact city The two cores are the compact city. They were planned with grid system and are located along the main infrastructure. They are cities densely inhabited with narrow roads cutting through. 2. Linear city The linear city refers to the linear sprawl starting from the city center to the periphery. The densest one is located along the foot of mountain on the north-east side. It is a strip with high rise housings that are in between industrial sites. The industrial railway connects the industrial sites and used to transfer coal to the power plant in the north. Since it is abandoned nowadays, it is now transforming into a passenger railway. 3. Dispersed city Chungli city

Taoyuan city

Population= 350,981 2 Administrative area = 76.52 km Density = 45.86 (pop/ha)

Population = 377,345 2 Administrative area = 34.80km Density= 108.4 (pop/ha) (Reference : Statistic data DGBAS Taiwan, 2006)

The dispersed city are the settlements located at the spread-over road net works. In the north part of compact city, not only road network but also irrigation system structures the settlements. Ditches and ponds create a landscape as a carpet combining the dispersed urbanization.


Compact city


Linear city


Dispersed city



The Taoyuan Metropolitan Area could be covered with a square



with the dimension 30 km by 30 km. Comparing to the other two


example of urban dispersion in Europe, the density of Taoyuan is as three times higher than Veneto and Flanders. While in the built space, it is much more concentrated than the other two European cases. In terms of infrastructure, the dispersion of Flanders and Veneto could be understood that the railway network plays an important role. ( Viganò, 2004 : 13) However, in the situation of Taoyuan, the railway network doesn't fully direct the dispersion. The car and motorcycle are still the most important transport device for the inhabitants. One of

the factors generating the

phenomenon of urban sprawl in Taiwan is the enormous construction of ring roads and radiate roads connecting the center and the periphery.

(Kao, 2002 : 8) The private mobility with road

network could be seen as an strong driving force in the process of the expansion of cities.

Density = 15.40


Density = 5.13(pop/ha)

Density = 5.37(pop/ha)

The density is still increasing. Taoyuan has the second highest ratio of population growth among the six metropolitan areas in Taiwan. Due to economical growth and industrial development, the

(Reference : Statistic data DGBAS Taiwan, 2006 ; Viganò, 2004 ; Rapport Overlegproces Vlaams Stedelijk Gebied Rond Brussel , 2005)

convenience of public transportation and the proximity of Taipei, the densification of Taoyuan is still expected in the following years. However, the crowded living environment in the city center is

Hsinchu: 18.4 0/00

Taoyuan: 17.0

actually decreasing the quality of life. Where as the inhabitants


living in the suburban area has to suffer the traffic congestion for commuting. Since the population is still increasing, it is necessary to find out to what extent can the territory accommodate the Taipei: 6.7


urbanization? What is the capacity of density in a dispersed Taichung: 9.5




situation in the case of Taoyuan?


1,500,000 1993

Tainan: 5.0 0/00

1,000,000 Kaohsiung: 2.7 0/00

500,000 0

Population annual increase rate in 2006 (Reference : Statistic data DGBAS Taiwan, 2006)

19941995199619971998199920002001200220032004 Population growth of Taoyuan County (Reference : Statistic data DGBAS Taiwan, 2006)


1.3 The dispersed industrial site


industrial sites are

dispersed together with urban

sprawl through the road network. The industry is one of the influential factors of urbanization of Taoyuan. The industrialisation of Taoyuan started in the 1960. The first industrial site was built in 1966. (Tseng, 1995 : 140 ) The total area of industrial site in Taoyuan is the second largest a m o n g t h e o t h e r r e g i o n s i n Ta i w a n . ( I n d u s t r i a l Development Bureau, 2005)The ratio of population working in industry is higher than the average percentage of Taiwan. In Taoyuan, 46.24% of population works in industry while the average ratio of Taiwan is 36.59%. ( Satistic Overview of Taoyuan Cou n t y , 2005 ) The large industrial platforms are located not only close to the city core but also surround the cities. Apart from the industrial platforms, the small medium factories are also dispersed in the territory. These small medium factories and dwelling are the main components of the dense strip stretching out of the city center. The urban space generated by this situation has a sort of duality. In the strips growing from center to the suburb, traffic flow, high density of dwelling and factories form a space which is as busy as in side the city. However, as soon as one turns into a secondary road from the main road, he can immediately see the landscape of country side with field and ditches. The urban space is extended by the space created with the road and the buildings on both sides. The thing behind these 'walls' on both sides is immediately agriculture. One could easily find a factory in the middle of rice field since the accessibility and private mobility is wide-spread. The outcome of dispersion is still problematic. The tension between the dense and the notBuilt area Industrial site (Source : Digital Basic and Topographic Map of Taiwan , Version

The urbanisation and industrial sites Taoyuan

dense, dwelling and factory, industry and agriculture exists explicitly. The traffic congestion decreases the liveability. The waste material from factories generates pollution to the field. The dispersion has to be regulated.

46.24% 36.59%

Taiwan 0%





Ratio of population working in the economy structure of Taiwan (Source : Satistic Overview of Taoyuan County 2005) 11

Outside the city core of Taoyuan exists another kind of urbanization. It can be called as as a suburban city since it is at the periphery of the core city. In terms of the phenomena of suburbanisation , one of the definitions is raised by Gandelsonas, who took American cities as examples. He described that ‘ the suburban city was made possible by the industrialization of the single family house Housing Factory

and the car .’

(Gandelsonas, 1999 : 30 ) Whereas the

s u b u r b a n a r e a i n Ta o y u a n i s l i n k e d t o i n d u s t r i a l production. Factory is an important element which is attached with collective housing or single house. Because that the small medium enterprises have been always important in Taiwan's economy. The dispersion of urbanization brings not only inhabitants but also their companies and factories to the suburb. Facing the globalization of economy, the traditional manufacturing industry in Taiwan has already started moving out for cheaper manpower. However, at the same time, the densification of new industrial sites are still promoted by the government. The policy is to recruit technology and innovative industries which has much more higher added-value. Therefore

the paradox of

dismissed factories and new industrial platforms could both take place. In terms of industry, there is uncertainty in the future. however, the spatial conflict in the living space still needs a solution for a better spatial quality.

The back side of the urbanized strip in the suburb

The road connecting the dispersed urbanisation 12

2_An Agricultual Ter ritor y

(Source : Wen, Pei-Chun, EMU 2007)


2.1 The network of water The network of water system is one of the structuring elements of the settlement of Taoyuan. For water transporting, the water device is the canals and rivers. For water storing, the water device is the dam and the ponds. The map shows two main canals that connects the rivers. The realization of two main canals and the topography influences the size and the amount of ponds. The cultivation of Taoyuan started in 1680. Since the beginning of 18th century, the ponds and canals were made one by one by farmers. (Fann, 1997) The agricultural activity was the main economical resource. However Taoyuan is a tableland with the slope from 1/75 to 1/100. (Chou, 2005 : 8), Taoyuan Canal

At the same

time, it is cut by almost parallel river system. The surface soil of the tableland is red clay from 3 to 5 meters deep which is not permeable.(Lin, 1997: 90)


farming ponds in the beginning were made for stocking rainwater. Otherwise, without the stocking device, the rain water would go into the river directly. Particularly in the dry season, by means of the making ponds, the water supply for Shimen Canal

irrigation was sustained. However, after the realization of Taoyuan canal, the water supply is controlled by the canal system without the influence of the climate.





10 km

(Source : reference from Digital B a s i c a n d Topographic Map of Taiwan Version 200 2, redrew by author)

Shimen Dam


The size of ponds basically depended on the topography. Because that the north part is flatter while the south part is more hilly. From the map in the north part, the size of ponds is bigger than the ponds in the south. The realization of canals had huge influence on the landscape. (Fann, 1997) Taoyuan Canal was made in 1928 by Japanese. It was combined with land policy and irrigating policies. The whole irrigation system was connected by ditches and canals in this project in order to keep stable amount Draining ditch

of water in the pond. At the same time, the ponds in the north of canal were merged or filled by the

Branch canal Main canal

government. Shimen Canal and the water dam were realized in 1963. The amount of ponds was again decreased. Today the amount of ponds is 745 with the water surface 3565 ha. (The Database of Ponds and Canals of Taoyuan County, 2007) Using canal, ditches and pond, the field can be always

The irrigation system of Taoyuan Canal in 1932 (Source : T h e R e c o r d o f T a oyuan Irrigation Association,

irrigated. The water network used to be as important as the The field can be irrigated directly from the canal, ditch or the pond. The water exceeding is drained to another ditch. (Source : reference from Taoyuan Irrigation Association , 2005 : 30, redrew by the author)

asphalt network in the agricultural society. They create an agricultural landscape within the urbanized area. The urbanization is still continuing. If this kind of landscape could give more spatial diversity to the dispersed urbanity, Then we could start thinking that are we able to keep the water infrastructure? By what means that the densification could be guided by the existing water system?

Taoyuan Canal

Branch Canal

Irrigating ditches 15

2.2 A political landscape

2007 Ponds amount = 745 3 Stored capacity = 57,450,000m 1964 Realization of Shimen Damn and Canal Small ponds were merged and linked

1928 Realization of Taoyuan Canal Small ponds were merged and linked

Private farming ponds and ditches were built gradually




Rapid development on agriculture and irrigation works.

Land subdividing

Filling up

Popularization of the agricultural land and pond ownership.

First industrial parks were built.

The competitiveness of Taiwanese agriculture is challenged and to reform.

Massive agricultural land shift into industrial and commercial sectors.

The agricultural area and irrigation works are shrinking rapidly.

2001 Taiwan entered WTO 1968 Rapid industrialization “Living Room as Factory” 1950’s Reform of land policies “The One Who Farms Shall Have His Own Field” 1900-1930 " Industrial Japan, Agricultural Taiwan”

Initial cultivation in Taoyuan Governed by Ching Dynasty


1895 Japanese Colonial Period




1949 Nationalist Party retreated from Mainland China to Taiwan










The landscape in Taoyuan could be seen as a political landscape that is generated from agricultural activity, to land policies, and to urbanization. From the Chinese immigrants, to colonial government, and to Nationalist government, this landscape shows the influence from different land administrators who had different purposes for the land. ‘...Features of the political landscape : the visibility and sanctity of boundaries, the importance of monuments and of centrifugal highways, the close relationship between status and enclosed space. By political I mean those spaces and structures designed to impose or preserve a unity and order on the land, or in keeping with a long-range, large-scale plan .’ (Jackson, 1984 : 150)

1 km x 1km

1 km x 1km

1 km x 1km Reference : LIn, 1996 : 53 Guo, 2002 : 28 The Database of Ponds and Canals of Taoyuan County, 2007 GIS System of Taoyuan City, 2007 Taiwan Bau-tu, 1904 : No.58


2.3 The landscape rooted in topography

(Source : Taiwan Bau-Tu, 1904 : no. 58 ) 0








The historical map clearly shows the relationship between topography and the location of settlement. The small villages existed in a dispersed situation. They could be developed around the pond or just in between different ponds. The Taoyuan tableland is not totally flat but has a slight slope. On the map the contour line is made by every 1,52 meters. Rice

Therefore, the landscape is influenced by the topography. When the slope was lower, the size of ponds was bigger. Because that the ponds in the flatter area needs more space


and time to collect water. Due to the larger amount of water, the rice field could be cultivated in the flatter area. On the contrary, when the slope was higher, the ponds collected water easier. Therefore the size could be smaller. The dry field could take place in this situation. Normally in area with higher slope, tea was cultivated.(Fann, 1997 : 86 ) 17

The life cycle of the farming pond

The soil of the tableland has a layer of red clay on the surface with the depth of 3 to 5 meters. Beyond this range of the depth, there is

Clay layer : 3-5m


the gravel layer which is permeable. So the depth of pond is limited from 2 to 3 meters. The idea of making ponds is to excavate the clay layer. The excavated soil is used for making the dyke of Depth of pond : 2-3m

ponds. When the pond is not used anymore, it can be re-filled by


demolishing the dyke. (Lin, 1997 : 90 ) Nowadays the function of ponds is not only for irrigating. The Refilling

agriculture is already shrinking in this industrialized territory. The existing ponds has the following functions (The Database of Ponds and Canals of Taoyuan County, 2007) :

(Source : reference from Lin, 1997 ; Mr. Ma during the interview of field work ; redrew by author)

The use of the edge of pond

1. Agricultural irrigation: the total capacity of the water stored by the ponds is 57,450,000 cubic meter which is one-fifth of the capacity of Shimen Dam. The irrigated area is 27034 ha. Therefore the pond system still have an important role in agriculture . 2. Ecological conservation : the network of ditches creates a green

Pond with concrete bank as a fishing place

system and ecological path. The bank of ponds is also a Inland Freshwater Wetland which provides bio-diversity to the local ecology system. ( Guo, 2002 : 27 ) Particularly in the ponds that have been abandoned, they create an optimal place for many different kind of species. 3. Public space: the existence of ponds is also a cultural

Pond with natural bank as a fishing place

landscape. It maintains the memory of the people who used to use it for daily life. At the present time, it could also be a public space for activities such as promenade, sport, education, etc. 4. Feeding: instead of agricultural irrigation, the other economical production of the ponds is fish feeding. Fish feeding also provides programs like fishing clubs. Ponds are used as entertainment

Pond with natural bank as a habitat of wetland ecology

space in this way. 5. Precipitation and water purifying: The vegetation growing in the ponds can improve the quality of water. At the same time, ponds are the place that precipitates the mud of the water from upstream. During the water shortage period, the water from the ponds used to be an alternative water resource.

Pond with designed bank as urban public space







Elements composing the landscape of the territory


Agriculture used to be the initial development of human activities in

2.4 The urban consumption of open space

this area. The rice production is at the flatter area where as the tea production is on the hilly side. After the industrialization and urbanization, the industry has replaced the position of agriculture as the main economical activity of Taoyuan. Nowadays, Taoyuan County only produces 43.5 million tons of rice, which is only 3% of the total amount of Taiwan.( Agriculture and food agency , 2006 ) From the map, it is evident that the agriculture area is being fragmented by the urbanization. Particularly out of the compact city, the grains of urban dispersion are mixed with the agricultural area. However, in the two city cores, there is no co-existence for the ponds and urbanization. The pond system, as irrigating device, is also decreasing and changing it's use. The pink on the map represents the ponds that are used for feeding. It is obvious that most of the ponds that are not included in the green area have been transformed as feeding ponds. ‘'A landscape is not a natural feature of the environment but a synthetic space, a man-made system of spaces superimposed on the face of the land, functioning and evolving not according to natural laws but to serve a community.' ( Jackson, 1984: 8 ) The landscape of Taoyuan could be seen as a heritage from the agricultural history. Confronting with the urbanization, the fields and ponds could be seen as another 'nature' that is made by men through many generations. In the dispersed territory, the urban space and agriculture coincide. They create a hybrid type of space that is different from the city center. It is a simultaneous landscape. However, one could imagine that the decreasing tendency of agriculture could generate the disappearance of this sort of landscape. Is that possible to maintain the 'nature' in the process of urbanization? Could agriculture be added with new definition in the contemporary urbanism? The feature of landscape in Taoyuan has the Farming pond

complexity that could provide a case for a further study to find the answer of

Feeding pond

these questions.

Agricultural area Built area (Source : reference from Digital B a s i c a n d To p o g r a p h ic Map of Taiwan Version 200 2 ; GIS System Co n s t r u c t i o n a n d Pl a n n i n g A g e n c y , 2007 ; redrew by author)

43.5 millions tons

3% Rice





10 km

1396 tons

7% Tea

Proportion of agricultural production of Taoyuan in Taiwan (Source : Agriculture and food agency, 2006)

The urbanization and agriculture 20

3_Projects as device of densification



The public transport projects are going to be one of the driving force to the

3.1 Public transport interventions

densification of the territory. Taoyuan metropolitan area is going to be connected from national scale to local scale. In the national scale, after the realization of the high speed railway (HSR) in 2007 January, the whole Taiwan island can be reached High Speed Railway

within one and half an hour. In the regional scale, the airport metro line project is

Traditional Railway

going to be realized in 2009. At that moment, Taoyuan, HSR station, international

Commuting Railway Project

airport, and Taipei will be connected not only by the existing traditional railway but

Airport Metro Line Project

also the fast metro system. In the local scale, there is a project concerning the reinforcement of the existing railway system. A commuting railway project is being discussed. (Taoyuan Portal, 2007 )The project is going to add more new stations for commuters along the existing railway. It is a way to intensify the railway transport and to increase the frequency of trains. Therefore, the public transport system is going to be linked as a loop for the territory. The loop of public transport doesn't necessary follow the trace of the urban sprawl but overlap a new route on top of it. New stations and new towns are being planned. However, in this dispersed situation, what kind of density it is going to have is not yet clear. The high speed trains brings new inhabitants to the territory. The new kind of economy could also be brought here. The thesis is to test the capacity of density by scenario construction. The scenarios of economy should also be taken into account.

(Source : reference from Taoyuan County Transportation System Network Map, 2005 ; Digital Basic and Topographic Map of Taiwan , Ve r s i o n 2 0 0 2 ; redrew by author)

Public transport interventions of Taoyuan

Unit : minute

The elevated infrastructure on the territory

The proximity to other locations from HSR Taoyuan station (Source : data from Taiwan High Speed Railway, redrew by author) 22

The plan of the new town of high speed railway is already realized. The area of the

3.2 The new town of high speed railway station

new town is 490 hectare. In 2010, the station is estimated to have 424000 people arriving and departing the station everyday . The planned population in 2021 is 60,000 with the density of 350 pop per hectare. According to the plan, the new town is going to have the programs such as entertainment park, shopping mall, office building, commercial hotels. In other words, this new town has its own individuality as a new centrality outside of the existing city. This is already one of the consequences of densification. However, this kind of TOD planning doesn't really pay attention to the things that is already on the ground. If the new plan and old map are overlapped with each other, the trace of landscape almost doesn't exist on the new plan. Most of the Ponds and ditches are filled. Although the site has included three rivers that are cutting through the new town, the idea of treating the water system is not considered. This is what has already happened. The new town treats the land as a tabula rasa to start its development. The landscape of Taoyuan which is the essential element in the history of urbanisation is not evaluated carefully . One could ask that is that the only way to densify the territory? How do we re-define the meaning of landscape in the dispersedly and continuously inhabited territory? The density of the new town is proposed as 350 pop per hectare. However, this is an area with a carpet of landscape underneath the huge infrastructure. What kind of density could be proposed for the habitation in between these two layers? What is the limit of density? What kind of space could we imagine from the optimal density?

Area : 490 hectare Planned population in 2021 : 60,000 Density : 350 pop/ha

First commercial area Secondary commercial area Big-scale developing residential area Normal residential area Normal residential area Public facility and special area Existing housing

The superposition of the previous landscape pattern and the plan of the new town (Source : reference from Urban and Rural Development Bureau of Taoyuan County, 2007; redrew by author)


The ongoing densification of the new town

The zoning plan of HSR Taoyuan Station District (Source :

Construction and Planning


It is forecasted that in 2021, the need of water in Taoyuan will need 270000 cubic

3.3 Water as a starting point of projects

meter more than nowadays. (Council for Economic Planning and Development, 2006 ) In fact, the total area of the pond has a huge amount of 3565 ha. The water storing capacity is 57,450,000 cubic meter which is one-fifth of the of the total capacity of Shimen Dam. (The Database of Ponds and Canals of Taoyuan County, 2007) Is that possible to use pond system as an alternative water supply device? The landscape of ponds and fields in Taoyuan is the result of the agricultural history. The crucial element of the landscape is the water system. This rationality used to be the base of the human settlement of the territory. During the process of urbanization, the value of the old rationality has been neglected, Particularly the pattern that is created by ponds and ditches, the filling-up should not be the only way of the contemporary rationality to the land. Therefore, the thesis is a project testing the feasibility of going back to use the water system to structure the urbanization of the territory. At the same time, the urban dispersion goes hand in hand with the transformation of landscape. The space generated by this situation is urgent to be explored for the contemporary urbanism.

3565 ha 57,450,000 m


(Source : reference from Digital B a s i c a n d T o p o g r a p hic Map o f Ta i w a n Ve r s i o n 2 0 0 2 ; GIS System of C o n s t r u c t ion and P l a n n i n g A g e n c y , 2007 ; redrew by author)

HSR new town

Water percolating area

Water surface


Par t II : Scenarios and Strategies of Densification

1_Scenario construction


1.1 Hypotheses and scenarios on territorial scale

'The scenario has been described as a (hi)story of the future, a pondering of possible futures, as the singing out of a dominant future and its possible deformations, as a coherent play on hypotheses, as the description of one or more situations that could develop from the present, as a relevant form of organized learning, as a hypothetical sequence of events that has the purpose of mobilizing the actors. ' (Vettorato, 2007 : 4) The scenario construction is used as a way to explore the possibilities. In the case of Taoyuan, scenario is made up with a sequence of hypothesis. They could be also a set of synthetic questions from the critical reading of the territory. Scenario making is not the same as forecasting which needs certainty and fixed condition. 'The

forecast is always conditional (that is it responds to if-then and what-if type questions) the

construction of the scenario is always hypothetical, conditional and conjectural, with the different that, in the event of exercises on the scenarios, the if-then form is doubly hypothetical.' (Vettorato, 2007 : 4 ) 'Forecasts are based on certainties: the assurance that the way a few variables will turn out in the future

Scenario1 : Radiate linear concentration

can be foretold, and actually seen in advance.' (Viganò , 2001:63) Due to the complexity and unpredictability of future, scenario construction is a research to explore a strategy that is capable to deal with the possible variable in the future. In the case of Taoyuan, the dispersed urbanization has to be considered with multiple dimensions. The intervention of public transport, the shrinking of agriculture, the simultaneity of urbanisation and landscape, the uncertain tendency of industry which is linked to globalization, and the crisis of water supply are factors that provoke the question of 'what would happen to the urbanization if ‌.' Therefore, considering an area of 20km by 20km, three scenarios are made on the territorial scale. There are already hypotheses that could be raised for the densification in the future. The first hypothesis is based on the current situation of private mobility. Although the public transport projects are going create a loop of railway mobility. However, the network of the road still provides a large extent of accessibility for cars which has been the main rationality of the territory for a long time. What if the private mobility is still relied for daily life? In this way, the linear sprawl could also happen on the other main roads connecting the city and the other urbanized part of territory.

What if the existing road is densified as the situation that has happened in the east part of the territory? What if the new

The second hypothesis is based on the public transport. What if the existing urbanized area

metro line creates concentrated nodes of urbanization? The

is densified again due to the appearance the new stations? Particularly for the stations of

consequence could be that the main road connecting the HSR

the new Metro line, we could start imagine that they would start another type of urbanization

new town and the city in the south east part becomes an

and densification. What if the new stations creates a new urbanized strips? Or what if the

urbanized strip. At the same time the area in between the new stations could be kept relatively empty. From this scenario, we

new stations creates many concentrated nodes rather than a continuous strip? In this

could start imagining a territory with compact cores and with

situation, at the area of the metro line, the question of the landscape comes up to be

radiate strips stretching out.



it is more interesting to see what would happen if the water system is used again for urbanization in the dispersed situation. The relevance of water and landscape should be articulated if we start exploring the third scenario. There are three structuring layers to explore the third scenario. Apart from the existing infrastructure layers such as railway loop and road network, the network of water is taken into consideration. In the following part of the thesis, the consequence this scenario will be elaborated.

Layers structuring the scenario of dispersion

Railway loop Scenario2 : Enclosing linear concentration

Scenario 3 : concentration and dispersion

Road network

This scenario is based on the same hypothesis from the first scenario

What if the urbanization doesn't grow along the existing road but

that the existing road is still densified as a long strip. What if the metro

concentrate are the area of stations? What if the form of densification

line becomes an urbanized strip? The form of nodes created by the

takes place in a dispersed way and the new stations becomes the

stations doesn't exist in this scenario. The consequence could be that

starting point of the dispersion? In this scenario, the new urbanization

the linear urban sprawl in the west and the re-densification of the

exists in both forms of concentration and dispersion. The new centrality,

existing urbanized area makes this territory as an enclosed urbanized

the nodes, and the dispersion would create a new space that is rather

bell with an opening in the north and an empty center.

different from the first two scenarios.

Water network


1.2 Situations testing the scenario

3 Three representative situations are chosen to explore the scenario in order to explore the strategies of densification in different situations. Situation 1 : The in between - suburban dispersion Situation 2 : The new centrality - new town Situation 3 : The node - metro stop



Metro line HSR line Highway 0



1000 m


Highway Highway

High speed railway

Metro line

0 100



Situation 1: Suburban dispersion

Situation 2: New town

Situation 3 : metro stop

The site is in between the existing city

The grid plan has been realised to the

The metro line passes by the area

and the new town. It is also in between

site. The only trace from the previous

with dispersed houses and factories.

the high way in the south and a river.

landscape is the existing housing and

The site has parallel river system

The urban dispersion is evident along

two ponds that are kept for public

superposed with road network. The

the main roads. Apart from dwelling

space. Due to the height restriction

urbanisation takes place in between

and housing, the agriculture is the

from the international airport and the

each parallel river. The metro line is

main spatial feature. The dispersion

topography, the elevated high speed


also starts occupying field in the

rail goes underground from the

infrastructure parallel to the existing


section of the station.

pattern of river.


1000 m



1.3.1 The feature of the landscape

1.3 One situation : the suburban dispersion

The site is in between the new town and the existing city. On one hand, it has dispersed industrial sites around the main roads. On the other hand, the agriculture still remains as a form of regular patches on the ground. There are two water systems: The river in the west and the network of ditches and pond. B a s e d o n t h e t o p o g r a p h y, t h e direction of water is from ditches to river. One of the characteristics of the site is the surban strip. It is a part of urban dispersion. Along this strip, the industry exists in the form of small platform and individual buildings. In the sense of commerce, the different scale of commerce takes place at the same place. The shopping mall serves the whole city as a entertaining center. While Along the roads, small supermarkets (24hr-shops) and shops are located in between industry

houses and factories. Although it is Highway

in the periphery of the city. The 0 100



1000 m

situation doesn’t provide a desirable living environment due to the busy

The dispersed urbanisation with industry

The irrigation system and river

The carpet of agriculture



The other characteristic is the mixed situation of dwelling and industry, which is also a consequence of the densification of the area. The small medium enterprises is the majority of Taiwan’s economy. Thus the extension of houses during the process of densification is not only for the family members but also for its small offices and factories. The spatial tension between them decreases the quality of living. The

The suburb strip

The mixture of dwelling and industry

agriculture is fragmented. This leads to the question that how do we define the agriculture and the water system under this situation. If the landscape structure is taken as a priority of urban planning, How can the space for water and soil be kept at

Shopping mall

the same time increase the density? How can we guide the densification instead of having dispersed houses or densly inhabited attached houses?


1.3.2 The ongoing feature of densification

105 m

Road Ditch

Irrigation system and road are parallel with each other

Densification of single housing

Traditional housing as an exception in the pattern of land subdivision.

Densification of factory, warehouse and office

Densification of collective housing 32

1.4 Hypotheses and scenarios of the suburban dispersion The following scenarios can are based on four factors : dwelling, industry, equipment, and agriculture. The aims are to see what would happen to the space if some of the factors are following the current tendency. Or some of the factors can be changed. The





scenario construction is also linked to the global economy nowadays. The economical scenarios could be the background knowledge when considering the conflict and compatibility of the four factors. Four scenarios of global economy of year 2015 were explored by The Central Planning Bureau (CPB) : Global shift, European Renaissance, Global Crisis ,and Balanced Growth. ( Dalmedico, 2007 : 80-83) Considering the economical scenario, the following scenarios of urbanisation is to find out the limit and the capacity, each scenario has one factor that is pushed into an extreme hypothesis.

The distribution of industrial site in Taoyuan

Scenario 1 The first scenario starts from the factor of industry. The industry in Taiwan is in the transforming period. Moving out and opening new ones are both taking places. The existing factories are already located at the main roads connecting the st

city. Some of the factories start growing along the main access of the area. The hypothesis of the 1 scenario is that what would happen if the densification of industry keeps on going? The location of factories already develop along the main roads of the city. If we follow the tendency of this linear sprawl, what would happen to the dwelling and agriculture? The consequence of this scenario could be that the main roads are all occupied by the factories. Dwelling is concentrated at certain areas near or surround the ponds in order to have a buffering distance from factories. the agriculture shrinks as the open space between industry and dwelling. The ditches and ponds are not for agriculture but can still work as device of water storing and transferring. The way How to deal with the relation between housing and ponds is the crucial question of this scenario. 33









The suburban strip

The road connecting the existing city and the new town

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

The second scenario is to test the uncertainty of the industry and agriculture in Taoyuan. It starts from the hypothesis of

In the situation of urban dispersion , by means of enormous private mobility, a strip of equipment could take place.

the remain of agriculture and lower growing rate of industry. What would happen if the industry is regulated along the

Equipment refers to commercial places such as shopping mall, cinema, supermarket, etc. or the hospital, schools

main roads in order to give more space for dwelling and agriculture? What would happen if agriculture activity is

serves in the scale of the city.

maintained in the urban life?

What would happen if the roads connecting the city and the new town becomes a strip of equipment? Under this

The consequence of the scenario could have all the dwelling growing along the inner main roads of the area. The space

hypothesis, the inhabitant could increase to the maximum due to the proximity of the equipment. The land could be

in between dwelling and ponds could be kept for agriculture. The pond could be used as a device for living and

occupied by dwellings. Therefore, the agriculture is not feasible anymore. What would happen if the water network is

irrigating. This scenario leads to the questions that is that possible to have a mesh of built are with a pond in each

remained in the densification of the area? The ponds could be maintained as water reservoir for domestic use. Some of


the ditches can remain for transporting clean water.


Scenario as a tool for exploring design concepts Scenario construction is used as a tool to explore design concepts. In the territorial scale, scenarios are explored by the hypotheis of dispersion and concentration of urbanization. The possibility of a dispersed urbanization structured by the water network is found. In order to explore the consequence of this scenario, representive situations are defined. In the situation of the suburb, scenarios can are made again in a smaller scale. From the study of the on going feature of densification, the micro intervention of inhabitants is actually a reflection of the general phenomena. In the suburb of Taoyuan, the single houses tend to make extension as small factories, offices or warehouses. This extension can be attached with the existing houses, or simply on the next plot. It forms a kind of mixité as a spatial feature under an economy mainly based on the smallmedium enterprises. The scenario construction could start from the studying of this phenomenon. In the micro scale, by understanding the way of densification and land subdivision, and in the macro scale, by understanding the tendency of industry, agriculture, and equipment, scenarios are made again for the provoking design ideas of densification of the situation of suburban dispersion. ' Scenarios are not all alike, but their relevance and interest are also linked to the ways in which they can overlap or cancel each other out, to ways in which they can deal with policies of integration and choose between incompatible alternatives. '(V iganò , 2001 : 65)(fig. 2.1) The scenarios could be interpreted synthetically. Actually, different scenarios are not conflict with each other. They are different design questions and lessons that are learned from the exercise. The following design project tries to use the concepts for the design proposal.

(fig. 2.1 ) Compatibility and incompatibility of the conflicting scenarios (Source : Viganò , 2001 : 115)


2_Pond City : A project testing the density


Pond City : What if the ir rigation system is recuperated as water supplying and purificating device for the urbanisation?

In the case of Taoyuan metropolitan area, scenario construction brings out the uncertainty of the future by means of description. It is used as an instrument to clarify the situations and the trends of different factors. It is also a tool crossing different scales to test the capacity and to search for the extreme. The project ‘Pond City ’ is based on the hypothesis that ‘What if the irrigation system is recuperated as water supplying and purificating device for the urbanisation?’By means of the previous exercise of secnario construction, design concepts were found. Limited industry The industry could generate tension to the living space if they are not regulatedo. Therefore the possibility of the industry could be concentrated in certain area connecting to the main road and it is given buffer zone between factories and housing. New agriculture The agriculture could be maintained together with urbanisation. New production could be introduced as economic crop but not only the rice. In this way ditches and ponds could be maintained as irrigating device.

Concentrated dwelling The densification could start as a form of mesh that encloses every ponds. Dwelling could be concentrated on the mesh in order to give space for water and agriculture.

Dispersed equipment There could be some hierarchy for the location of equipement. Since the strip of suburb is possible to have many equipment in the city scale. The equipment such as local school, post office, small shops, local sport center can exist with in the site as small platforms.









Spatial framework

Urban artificial wetland of Hsinhai Bridge

Urban artificial wetland of Hsinhai Bridge (Source : Environmental Protection Bureau, Taipei County,2007)

The mesh of built space



The pockets of industry





The clean water and the artificial wetland

Artificial wetland

Clean water

The scheme of the Pond City proposes a mesh of built area surrounds the ponds. At the same time the agriculture is kept as green pockets within the mesh. The equipments are platforms dispersed in the mesh of built area. The idea is


distinguish the ditches in two kinds : ditches transporting the clean water and ditches purifying the domestic waste water. Three kinds of landscape are created: purifying landscape followed by urbanisation, buffering landscape enclosing the industrial platform, and productive landscape structured by clean water system. Pockets of The platform of equipment



The pockets of agriculture



artificial wetland could take place along the river. 39

2.2 Typology : a concept of mixed use and diverse land sub-division 2.2.1 Study of typology

(Source : Branzi, 2006 : 42)

The study of typology is also a reflecton of a scenario of economy.Taiwan is participating in the global economy. Small and medium enterprises are still playing a very important role in Taiwanese economy. They are the force creating dispersed small factories in the territory of Taoyuan. Having the similarity that the mass manufacturing industry moves out like Europe, the industry in Taiwan is also facing the point of transforming. The 'Pond City' tries to use the model from the Master Plan for Strijp S in Eindhoven. Branzi proposes a model showing the innovative production process. Since Europe is no longer directly associated with the mass industrial production, in his opinion, it

Typology 1:

Typology 2:

Typology 3

Typology 4:

Typology 5

Typology 6

Single house with possible extension for office and studio

Single house with garden

Street house with the commercial activity on the ground floor and dwelling on the second and third floor.

Single house with the garage on the ground floor.

High density collective housing. It creates the possibility to appreciate the landscape. The 8-storyheight maximum is due to the security reason of flight route.

High density collective housing with mixed programs. It creates space of courtyard and mixed programs in horizontal dimension.

is going to be 'made up of a diffuse system if independent subjects who invent innovation, new products, and new enterprise.' (Branzi, 2006 : 43) The consequence on the urbanity could be that as in Taoyuan, the factories are not feasible but the diffused studio and office would appear thanks to the people brought by the international airport line and high speed train. Therefore, the typologies include the possible housing units and possibility of extension.

2.2.2 Principle of densification

Actual situation of densification

Proposal :


105 m


Purifying landsape


105 m


Ditch for irrigation


15 m

Ditch for purifying


2.2.3 Examples on different dimension of plots

12.5 m 25m 50m 75m 100m


In the existing situation, each plot has one side with road and ditch on the other side. The distance between water and road is fixed as the existing dimension 105 meters, while the size of the plots are different from one another. Therefore, choices of dimension could start from the smallest size12.5 meters which is found from the site. The principle of bigger dimension is to manipulate from the smallest size. The existing ditches could be widen and transformed into a purifying system for domestic waste water. Landscaping strategy creates wetland along the ditch for water purification and green arms connecting the public space to the ditch. The hypothesis is that the irrigation system becomes a water purifying system by means of artificial wetland. minimal dimension 15 meters is given to the width of wetland (1). In the case of higher density, more area of wetland is given in order to treat more domestic waste water.

Note 1 One hectare of artificial wetland could treat 800 cubic meter domestic waster water per day. Each person generates 0.2 cubic meter domestic waste water per day. Each person needs [10000 / (800 / 0.2 )] = 2.5 square meter of artificial wetland in average. Based on the following tests of density, the plot 105m x 105m could accommodate the population of [86 x 3.7 =318] in maximum. The minimal width of wetland treating maximal density is (318 x 2.5 ) / 105 = 7.59 meters. Considering the area of water surface, 15 meters is given as the minimal width of wetland along the ditch. Reference :

Environmental Protection Bureau, Taipei County , 2007 Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan)


2007 41

2.2.4 The test of density on the plot

In order to explore the optimal density capacity, the dimension 105m x 105m is sampled to test the combination of different typology. At the same time the landscape

Housing units = 86 Density = 320.7

Housing units = 55 Density = 205

Housing units = 77 Density = 287.2

Housing units = 56 Density = 208

Housing units = 66 Density = 246.1

Housing units = 56 Density = 208

Housing units = 64 Density = 238.7

Housing units = 54 Density = 210.4

strategy is considered. Density : (population/hectare)

Landscape for water purification Landscape for water draining


Housing units = 48 Density = 178.0

Housing units = 35 Density = 130.5

Housing units = 45 Density = 167.8

Housing units = 34 Density = 126.8

Housing units = 39 Density = 145.4

Housing units = 32 Density = 119.3

The density

capacity of the plot 105m x 105m could range from

320.7(pop/ha) to 119.3 (pop/ha). However, considering the feasibility of land developing, the more optimal density is around138 to 178 (pop/ha). Due to the fact that the more land division there is, the more consumption of land to be as phalt. Further more, the middle density development Housing units = 37 Density = 138

could also give more choices to the typologies.


2.2.5 Living with water and landscape

1. Landscape is used as a draining device for rainwater. Permeable surface is increased.

2. Landscape is used as a purifying wetland for domestic waste water. The existing ditches can be widened in order to gain more water surface.

Section A-A’

Section D-D’

Section B-B’

Section E-E’

Section C-C’

Section F-F’





Technology of artificial wetland

(Source : Izembart & Boudec, 2003 )


2.3 Plan of capacity The plan is a scenario showing an urbanisation that develops hand in hand with a new agriculture in the optimal capacity. Corridors and patches of landscape are created as a back bone of the urban tissue. The platform of equipments represented in red locate at the intersections of road and green corridor. The existing ditches and ponds are used as water supplying and purifying device for the urbanisation. The mixed tissue and typologies suggests a scenario in the condition of new economy.

Area : 116.5 ha Estimated Population : 5240 Average density : 44.9 (pop/ha) Housing units : 1405






Water network The ditches are divided into two kinds system. The clean water system uses ditches and ponds to transport and stock clean water for domestic use. The waste water system transport and Clean water Waste water

purify the domestic waste water. The agriculture could be irrigated by the two system.

Green corridor The landscape network is created along the ditches and ponds. The vegetation could not only clean the water but also provide ecological corridor for local species.

Pockets of agriculture Agriculture could locate within the mesh created by the built area. New agriculture for biodiesel (1) could be introduced as an alternative source for new energy.

Road network The road network is kept as existing but not added with new roads. The surface of asphalt is limited in order to gain more permeable surface.

Note 1 ‘The majority of the 91 million gallons of biodiesel produced in 2005 came from soybean oil, but, it can also be made from other oilseed crops, animal fats, and grease. Biodiesel can extend diesel fuel supply.’ ( Duffield, 2006 : 5) 46

The reforestation along the ditches and ponds could be the initial step of the urbanization. After the green structure, the urbanization could take place.


2.4 Pond as a public space

Clean water

Permeable surface


Public space 0




New meaning is given to the irrigation pond. It is a device stocking and supplying water for the urbanization. At the same time it could work as a public space. The water infrastructure could be a place for social practice in the dispersed urbanization. The clean water is guided and controlled by the device of sluicegate to supply domestic water for the inhabitants. The pond could be a place interlocking public space, public service and provide bio-diversity to the local ecological system. More permeable surface is created and connected for water draining and purification. 48

2.4.1 Zoom-in plan 1





The bank of the pond can be a path way for pedestrian and cycling. There can also be a deck to give more space for appreciating the waterfront.

Section A - A’ Permeable surface A’


Section B - B’ B’



2.4.2 Zoom-in plan 2

Ditch of clean water

Purification wetland





The bank can be attached with a bridge stretching to towards the water. The biomass could locate along the ditch of purification wetland to be used for cycling and pedestrian way.

Section C-C’




Section D - D’




2.4.3 Zoom-in plan 3

Platform of public service

Device of sluicegate





The platform of public service is connected to the public space of pond. The activity of the platform could be extended to the bank of the pond.

Section F - F’




3_Concepts on territorial scale


3.1 Concepts of the new town and metro stop

Situation of HSR new town

Situation of metro stop

Artificial wetland Green corridor

Artificial wetland

Metro line

Green corridor

High speed railway

Metro line



Service and commerce

Service and commerce

High density area


0 100




Scheme of urbanisation in the situation of new town

0 100




Scheme of urbanisation in the situation of metro stop

Section A-A’

A’ A

Section B-B’

B’ B

The HSR new town could be articulated by the structure of artificial wetland and green corridor that

The urbanization in the area of metro stop could start with the landscape structure and the

transport and purify the waste water to the river. The green corridor could be also a ecological

topography. The ditches and ponds could be connected with green corridor. The green corridor is a

corridor connecting parralel rivers. Public service and commerce could take place in between

clean water transporting device that structures the mesh of urbanization. The built space could

parallel green corridor as connections of public space. The density idea of the new town could be

grow in between the trace of road and green corridor. Industry and service equipment exist as

that the higher density area is located next to the green corridor due to the need of more green

platforms in the territory. The platform of equipment could located at the intersections of road

space and higher capacity of water treatment.

network and green corridor. In section A-A’, The public space could be extended from the platform to the river side. In section B-B’, the artificial wetland could treat the waste water from dwelling and some part of waste water from the industry before thy go to the river. 53

3.2 Density of the territory

The density of the territory is tested by the scenarios and design proposals. The water network and landscape corridors can structure the urbanization by means of water supply and water purification. The HSR new town could create a new centrality developing with the highest density. At the other situations, the water network and the landscape corridors creates a carpet together with a fluid HSR new town

Pond City

Area : 490 ha Population : 60000 Dwelling density: 350 pop/ha Average density: 122 pop/ha

Area : 517.8 ha Population : 23292 Dwelling density: 172 pop/ha Average density: 44.9 pop/ha

urbanization. This carpet is an alternative infrastructure underneath the huge infrastructure of high speed train and high way. The fluid urbanization means a horizontal dispersion of built space with lower density and concentrated in mesh that could be canalized by the landscape structure. This kind of urbanization could be seen as an alternative approach for the dispersed territory of Taoyuan. 0



1000 m


Par t III : Conclusion


Imagining a new way of urbanisation In the revolution of urbanization of Taoyuan, different form of urbanism has been generated. From the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the spread-over settlements were rooted on the landscape structure for agricultural productio with ponds and canals structuring the territory. From the period of industrialization until now, the growth of the urbanized area followed the network of road infrastructure. The private mobility is used more popular then public transport, thus the road network gives accessibility for people leaving away from the city centers. The dispersion takes places not only at the periphery of the city cores but also creates a linear city itself. It exists in the dwelling space, as well as the industrial areas. This makes Taoyuan a particular case in the sense of the phenomena of dispersed urbanization. At the same time, this phenomenon overlaps on an old rationality that used water network to cultivate and is was followed by densification. The situation would be changed after the new densification brought by the new infrastructure. The high speed railway and the airport metro line initiate a new situation. New towns would appear, as well as the new territory that faces a following wave of urban development , hand in hand with the population growth. The ‘Pond City' shows one of the scenarios of this situation. It is an extreme scenario that tests the capacity of densification with the condition that no more road network is added but using water network as a new infrastructure for the urbanization. The ‘Pond City' proposes an urbanism that is a carpet underneath the high speed infrastructure. This carpet is weaved with the mesh of built space, the net work of water, and the tubes and pockets of landscape. It suggests a territory that starts from the landscape system which has the complexity of water treatment and consideration of bio-diversity. The project tries to prove that the old rationality is compatible for the new situation. The ponds and ditches could be given with new meaning for the contemporary urbanism. The carpet of 'Pond City' proposes and emphasizes a horizontal development with the maximum of flexibility and random intervention of houses, offices, and studios. The horizontality of the project is to show how a city can start from a irrigation structure in order to accommodate the possible growth of population. At the same time, the compatibility of agriculture could be considered as one of the spatial elements in the urbanisation of Taoyuan. The similar idea was also proposed in the Master Plan for Strijp S in Eindhoven. Andrea Branzi tried to give a new meaning for the urban agriculture

(fig. 1)The ‘tartan’ of agriculture of the Master Plan for Strijp S in Eindhoven (Source : Branzi, 2006 : 43)

based on the change of contemporary economy.( Fig. 1)(fig. 2) 'In the context of the post industrial economy, however, the factory has lost its central role and other systems of production, linked to weak and diffuse technologies, are developing new models of references that are sweeping away modern architecture's strong foundations of construction. These models of advanced mass production tend to look to agriculture as a source of complex natural technologies, as a system for transformation of the environment……' (Branzi, 2000 : 114 ) The horizontal urbanity is not suggesting a homogeneous density in order to deal with the urban dispersion. Instead, the new territory could have diverse densities that grow along the water and

(fig. 2)The coexistence of agriculture and urbanization in the developing phasing of the Master Plan for Strijp S in Eindhoven. (Source : Branzi, 2006 : 42)


landscape structure. The project gives the idea of the maximal density in the mesh of built area and keeps the agriculture and ponds as an urban open space. The use of different density is a way to add spatial interests to the new urbanized area and to give spatial reference on a diffused territory. The situation of urban dispersion in Taoyuan creates an urbanity which is, to some extent, similar to the definition of X-Urbia by Gandelsonas. The suburban strip containing factories, shops and a shopping mall exists in a mixed condition. Gandelsonas defines the situation as 'a new multiuse urbanity, with a very low density and a total dependence on the automobile'. ( Gandelsonas, 1999 : 36 ) In the context of the United States, the X-Urbia of the 1990s is 'produced by the condensation of the programs left behind by the suburban city ( the workplace and entertainment), located in “pointsâ€?, in the proximity of existing or new residential X-urban neighborhoods.' ( Gandelsonas, 1999 : 38 )A similar situation is explained more concretely in the Metropolitan area of Milan, which is also a territory facing urban dispersion. The market street in Brianza becomes a second centrality that is different from the historical urban center.(fig. 3) 'The street which hosts commercial activities becomes a thread (‌.) connecting a heterogeneous collection of objects, inhabited and utilized by different subjects and functions according to differing logics.' (Boeri and Lanzani, Casa Bella, 1992 : 64) The market street is actually a site with great accessibility as a node. It contains functions and services for the inhabitants of the extended surroundings. Since the road accessibility is widely spread, the car actually is an extension of the house by which people move in between different services and home. The meaning of public space is questioned in a dispersed territory. The shopping mall, shops, cinema, becomes the place where the social practice takes place. The public space such as park is not capable anymore designed as merely 'public space' due to the change of the way of inhabiting. Alternative ideas are come up with the proposal of 'Pond City'. What if the existing water infrastructure becomes a public space in this territory? The water and landscape could be a polyvalent infrastructure. On one hand, they structure the urbanization for the need and treatment of water. On the other hand, the pond and ditches can be appreciated as a space for social practice working as a public space. It is also more economic to maintain the infrastructure which provides the possibility of public space. The ditches and ponds thus could contribute a new space to the urbanity in a diffused territory. The design concepts of the scenarios of 'Pond City' intend to give an image showing a possible urbanization to the territory. This imagination looks for horizontality in order to give a new interpretation of urban dispersion. The horizontality considers not only the built space but also the landscape that has the thickness and capability as an infrastructure of city. 'Horizontality maximizes opportunities for roaming, connecting, interrelating, assembling, and moving all while allowing differences to commingle and proliferate, And so the structuring of the horizontal surface becomes a predominant concern for landscape urbanism.' ( James Corner, 2003 : 60) Concentration and dispersion of urbanization could be interlocked with water and agriculture. By means of this exercise, Taoyuan is a territory that could be re-constructed by the transport infrastructure at the same time densified with a thick landscape from the ground level.

(fig. 3)The market street in Brianza (Source : Boeri and Lanzani, 1992 : 63)



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