3 Letter from Brenda D. Spencer Founder & Creator Congressional Recognition Joyce Beatty Chair, Congressional Black Caucus Letter from Annie Ross-Womack Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association Letter from Erica C. Crawley Franklin County Board of Commissioners President Letter from Governor Mike DeWine Governor of Ohio Letter from Mayor Andrew Ginther Mayor of Columbus, Ohio Letter from Hearcel F. Craig Assistant Minority Whip Ohio State Senate Letter from Nick Bankston Columbus City Council Member Caring for The Caregiver Expo Program Caring for The Caregiver Expo Event Schedule Resource Directory Special Thanks Caring for The Caregiver Expo Floor Plan Table of Contents 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PROUDLY DESIGNED BY DPI GRAPHIC DESIGN www.dpigraphicdesign.com Congratulations on 3 years!
With God all things are possible and it is by the Grace of God that I welcome you to the 3rd Annual Caring for the Caregiver Expo which kicks off National Caregivers Month. My heart is so full of love, gratitude and appreciation for the support and participation of this year’s Presenting Sponsor the Franklin County Office on Aging and all of the Sponsors, Exhibitors, Vendors, Staff and Volunteers here today.
Franklin County Office on Aging is a perfect partner and has supported the Caring for the Caregiver Expo since its inaugural event in 2019. Franklin County Office on Aging provides centralized access to diverse programs and individualized services for older adults, dependent adults, and their families so they can preserve their independence and stay in their own home. Franklin County residents aged 60 and older can access various programs and services through the agency, as well as support services for caregivers and kinship families, including adult day services, durable medical equipment, caregiver counseling and more.
I am also very excited to announce that we expanded the Caring for the Caregiver Expo to Toledo, Ohio held on October 29th at the Glass City Convention Center. I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation to our Toledo City Host Rich and Deb Hogan, owners of “The Juice” FM 107.3 WJUC for their commitment and hard work in making the Inaugural Toledo Caring for the Caregiver Expo an overwhelming success.
Today, as you slow down, relax, refresh, rejuvenate, fellowship and receive important information and resources, we ask that you support all the Sponsors, Exhibitors and Vendors by visiting their booths, participating in the pampering room, the get fit and healthy room, and the lunch and learn sessions available today.
Lastly, I offer my heartfelt “Thanks” to my Family who is always there to support me, the Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association, Franklin County Office on Aging, Faith Ministries Church, all of our exhibitors, vendors, volunteers, staff and Caregivers, for your help, assistance, prayers, love and support in hosting the 3rd Annual Caring for the Caregiver Expo.
We give all Glory and Honor to God and we wish each of you continued Miracles and Blessings!
D. Spencer
and Creator of The Annual Caring for The Caregiver Expo President & CEO, Spencer 4Higher Media, LLC
Advertising, Media Buying, Special Events & Sales Training bspencer@spencer4highermedia.com ~ 614 348 2667
13 3RD ANNUAL CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER EXPO S C H E D U L E LUNCH AND LEARN GET FIT & HEALTHY ROOM OHIO SICKLE CELL AND HEALTH Annie Ross Womack Intro/Welcome & Agenda 9:30 AM FRANKLIN COUNTY JOB & FAMILY SERVICES Dan Vaccarella Long Term Care Medicaid 9:45 AM FRANKLIN COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Andrew Crismer & Lisa Clark Why You Matter & The Need for Self Care 10:15 AM FRANKLIN COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Ruchelle Pride, Kelli Johnson, Angela Wagner & Sid Daniels Kinship Care Panel 10:45 AM FRANKLIN COUNTY OFFICE ON AGING Caroline Rankin & Rebecca Hayward Medicare & You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know 11:30 AM FRANKLIN COUNTY OFFICE ON AGING Magistrate Kelly Green Probate Court 12:00 PM OHIO SICKLE CELL & HEALTH Annie Ross Womack Sickle Cell 101 12:30 PM CLOSING REMARKS/EVALUATION/Q&A Brenda Spencer & Annie Ross Womack 1:00 PM Flex A Ball - Stretching & Breathing Stacey Wiggins Wiggins World of Wellness 9:30 AM Chair Yoga Dreana Nealon Doterra Essential Oils 10:00 AM Aerobics Latanya Settles Forever Free Fitness 10:30 AM CPR Demonstration Luckisha Townsend Increase Your Knowledge 11:00 AM Afro Zumba/African Dance Fitness Saniosa Scott Osasani Dance 11:30 AM Hip Hop Fitness Alisha Allicock Swerve Hip Hop Fitness 12:00 PM Soul Line Dancing Derek Payne | Line Dancing with DPayne Patricia Slade | Steps of Purpose 12:30 PM Room Closes 1:00 PM
ADAMH The ADAMH Board of Franklin County leads the planning, funding, and evaluation of community based recovery oriented mental health and addiction prevention, treatment, and support services for residents of Franklin County. 614 224 1057 https://adamhfranklin.org/
African American Alzheimer & Wellness Association 800.489.6040.Provides support and education to move our community of caregivers forward.
Caregiver Wellness Retreat for Alzheimer & Dementia Provides pro active health and wellness day long retreats (live and virtual) that offer education and planning for self care for family caregivers of Alzheimer's and other dementias. www.caregiverwellnessretreat.com
Caregiver.com Caregiver Media Group is a leading provider of information, support and guidance for family and professional caregivers. caregiver.com.
Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services Toll Free: 877 267 2323
The Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging (COAAA) plans, funds, and delivers services that help older adults and individuals with disabilities remain safe and independent in their homes. 800 589 7277 https://coaaa.org/
Central Ohio Alzheimer Association
Help Line 1 800 272 3900. Community Resources and Care Consultations
Disaster Distress Helpline Call or text 1 800 985 5990. The disaster distress helpline provides immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human caused disaster.
Eldercare Locator the Eldercare Locator is a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families. 1 800 677 1116
Franklin County Office on Aging (614) 525 6200 Primarily responsible for planning, coordinating, and providing centralized access to diverse services and programs that assist older adults, dependent adults, and their families in the maintenance of independent living. https://officeonaging.org/
Franklin County Job and Family Services (844) 640 6446 Provides workforce development and family support programs that improve the quality of life for Franklin County residents.
Hilarity for Charity A nonprofit group started by actor Seth Rogen and his wife Lauren Miller, provides grants for respite care for people looking after loved ones with dementia. To apply, go to helpforalzheimersfamilies.com
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1 800 273 TALK (8255); En español 1 888 628 9454. The Lifeline is a free, confidential crisis service that connects people to the nearest crisis center in the Lifeline national network.
Ohio Department of Health Phone: 614 644 8508. Offers a range of public health information, tools, and resources. Our mission is "Advancing the health and well being of all Ohioans."
Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association 614 228 0157. Provides education, advocacy, and support to persons and families affected and at risk for sickle cell disease through effective approaches to sickle cell services.
Respite Care planning and information A Consumer Guide for Family Caregivers. https://archrespite.org/consumer-information
Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers (RCI)RCI promotes the health, strength, and resilience of all caregivers at every stage of their journey. Established in 1987, rooted in former First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s belief that there are only four types of people in the world: those who have been caregivers, who are caregivers, who will be caregivers, and who will need caregivers. https://www.rosalynncarter.org/
SAMHSA's National Helpline 662 HELP (4357). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Veterans Crisis Line Call 1 800 273 TALK (8255) and press 1 or text to 838255 The Veterans Crisis Line is a free, confidential resource that connects veterans. ■
Spencer 4Higher Media LLC and The Caring for the Caregiver Expo graciously extends our sincere “Thanks and Appreciation” to our event Host The Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association and our Presenting Sponsor The Franklin County Office on Aging.
Thank You!
Thank You to our Partners: Faith Ministries Church, The Central Ohio Alzheimer Association, The Central Ohio Black Nurses Association, The African American Alzheimer Association, My Last Farewell and the Caregiver Wellness Retreat.
Thank You to all of our Supporting Sponsors: Dedicated Senior Medical Center, Wallick Properties and the Central Area Agency on Aging.
Thank You to all of our Exhibitors, Merchant Vendors, Volunteers, Government Officials, Lunch and Learn Guest Speakers, Pampering and Get Fit and Healthy service providers.
Thank You to our In kind Donors: The Ohio Commission on Minority Health; Impact Community Action; The ADAMH Board, Urban Trendsetters Media and WBNS10TV.
Thank You to the Spencer 4Higher Media Team: Brea Spencer, Patricia Munnerlyn, Mark Munnerlyn, Jay Stiger, Tanya McDay, Seneca Bing, Tina Green, Charles John, Derek Payne, Melinda Payne, Elaine Douglas, Janet Grant and Rennell Mahone.
Thank You to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Shellee Fisher Photography and New Vision Media. Thank You to our First City Host in Toledo, Ohio “The Juice” 107.3 FM WJUC” The Peoples Station.
Thank You to our Golden Ticket Prize Donors: COSI, LifeTime Fitness, Persona Custom Clothiers of Columbus, and Spencer 4Higher Media.
Thank You to all of our Caregivers for joining us Today. We hope you had a relaxing, fun and enjoyable day! Please know that the Annual Caring for the Caregiver Expo is here to provide you with some R&R, gratitude, appreciation, recognition, support, resources and information to get you through each day!
To all of those listed here please know that Your Support, Participation, Time, Talent, Gifts and Prayers made the 3rd Annual Caring for the Caregiver Expo a over whelming Success! We hope to see you again next year!
Brenda D. Spencer, Founder and Creator of the Annual Caring for the Caregiver Expo
Thank You Ohio Media Sponsors & Supporters
Praise God!
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