My E Life Magazine - April May 2015

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MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091


Choosing the RIGHT church home for YOU.


ave you ever asked yourself the Bible, which means that all the why do you attend the church words in the teaching and preaching is you’re currently attend“God’s” word. Secondly, is it a place ing? Many people go to certhat encourages you to worship. This tain churches because that is where their point almost seems too obvious to menrelatives and friends attend. Some have tion, but the church is about worship to even been known to go because of the God the Father. That is what we exist “Good Choir”. Whatever your reason(s) for! He created us to worship him. Jeare or have been, the bible clearly shows us sus makes this point clear when he is Derek Miller, Editor that the “church” is not a structure or a asked by the Pharisees which command& Michelle Miller building, but rather a body of believers. ment is the greatest (Matthew (Hebrews 10:25) “Let us not give up 22:37). Worship isn’t just about sitting meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let or standing through a service listening or singing songs. The us encourage one another.” This Bible verse emphasizes core of worship is an “intimate” communication with the fact that followers of Jesus must regularly meet. So the God. Your church should be assisting with the connection church (body of believers) is very important to the life of a with God not only with the weekly Sunday service, but Christian. So choosing a church should be one of the most throughout your life. Lastly, please make sure that your important decisions that one will make in his/her life. church encourages as well as equips you to grown in disciYour church, in many ways helps to shape who you are and pleship. A Disciple is one who is learning to live like your relationship with God. That is the main reason why Christ. A healthy church is more concerned with “growing this decision shouldn’t be made flippantly (lack of proper members” (like minded individuals) than “growing numrespect or lack of seriousness). The choice is very impor- bers” (Hebrews 5:12) . tant and the options are many. Here are just a few things you should really consider, the authority and Inerrancy of

MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091


My E Life Magazine 336-323-8091 President / Editor Derek Miller


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Mary Moore HarrisFaith & Love Enrichment Center

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He Did This For You You might be saying "how can it be for me?".......I was not even born yet John 3:16 states For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Pastor Anthony Stephenson And First Lady Yolanda Stephenson 336-882-1611 336-882-1623 1217 East Green Drive High Point, NC, 27260


Jesus left the right side of God, a place of wholeness and no lack, because he wanted nothing more than to please his Father. You are so loved by God that he gave his best......his Son. Will you receive his love? Psalm 103:12 states He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. If you feel a tugging at your heart, simply repeat these words and say Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I believe that you are the Son of God. I personally thank you for dying on the cross for me. I turn from my ways and I turn to you. I ask you to come into my heart and save me.

MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091

Congratulations! You are now a Christian (Follower of Christ) Now connect yourself with a Bible teaching ministry and let your light shine for Christ!

What Does Our Faith Cost Us? by Mark Nickles


ver the weekend of February 14th, the news presented us with a sad, frightening and disturbing story; that of 21 Egyptian Christians being beheaded by members of the radical Islamic group, ISIS. It is saddening to consider the physical pain these men experienced as they died, and the emotional and psychological pain their families must now deal with, as they come to terms with their absence from their lives. It is frightening to consider that there are individuals in this world, such as the ISIS terrorists, who so easily and callously butcher other human beings, demonstrating some of the most wanton cruelty of this age. It is also frightening to consider that, according to their own claims, they desire to come to the United States, and carry out similar acts of barbarism against people like you and me. What is disturbing about this account? Truly, what isn't, you may ask. The manner in which these men died,

the mourning families left behind, the blood-thirsty intentions of the terrorists, it's ALL quite disturbing. But, there is something else that disturbs me, and that is what I saw on the faces of these martyrs for the Christian faith. While I did not watch the video, I've seen plenty of still shots of faces which reflect quiet resolve, settled conviction, and what appears to be a prayerful attitude. I haven't heard of a single man begging for his life, or renouncing his Savior. What I saw was powerful faith, and it disturbed me a little. It disturbed me because I began to ask myself, "What have I sacrificed for my Lord? What have I given up for the One who gave up everything for me?" In short, as I stare at the photos of these men just moments before their deaths, I wonder what my faith has cost me. And I don't like the answer. We Christians in the U.S. live comfortably with a faith which we have tailored to fit right in with the world. We make sure we don't say the

"wrong" things, that we don't make waves, and that we don't give anyone a reason to dislike us, due to our Christianity. We've done so for decades, now. And, while doing so, we have not only robbed those around us of the effects of the salt and light of the Kingdom of God, but we have actually made it easier for groups like ISIS to compete for the hearts and minds of those looking for meaning. Because, in living a "Christian-lite" life, we have not shown them the real Christ. A recent article has called this atrocity committed by ISIS a "wake-up call" for Christians. In the face of true devotion to Christ, seen in those 21 men, will we wake up? Will we stop living a cheap faith? Will we finally begin to deny ourselves, take up our (ugly) cross, and follow Jesus, despite what it costs us? For the sake of our towns, our counties, our states, our nation and our world, may God's people be the church, again. ■

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o you know that communication with your child is important, no matter the age? We parents can get in a rut of asking typical every day questions about homework, ballgames, shopping for school items, but it's important to engage them in conversations as well. Dr. Kevin Leman, an expert on raising children, says, "Collaborate with them. Show a keen interest in their thoughts and value their points of view, opinion and tastes." It is through this dialogue that children discover themselves. Though you may not agree with all their thoughts and ideas, maturity usually takes care of that. In the process of getting to vent their feelings and thoughts, they feel their opinions matter. That is a priceless thing to a young person trying to find their way to adulthood. Children need to know someone believes in them. Dr. Howard Hendricks, a well-known author, once said, "Our research indicates that the reasons most men and women never get across the threshold of success in life is that they never had anyone to believe in them." Our children need praise for things well done, and encouragement during times they feel defeated. It is important they know it is not perfection we praise, but their willingness to join in life. Of course, unconditional love and acceptance is the foundation for this mindset. Faith is an important element as we help our children mature. Children, like adults, need to know there is hope when things seem the bleakest. They need to know God loves them and they cannot do anything to destroy that love, nor can they earn it. Jesus Christ has already paid for it. His unrelenting love changes us into His likeness. How freeing is that fact? It makes all the difference in life. We pack our children's luggage every day, for that journey they will eventually take away from us. What are we putting in their luggage, value or filler?" When I think of filler, I think of all the research I have done to make sure my husband and I get good vitamins. I have learned that cheaper brands have some of the vitamin stated on the bottle, and then filler is added to cut cost. The filler neither helps nor harms us. It is put there to take up space,


to fill the capsule. Don't fill your child's life with things of no value. Time matters. It is being used up every day. Regardless of your title at work, your education or your professional accomplishments, the biggest thing you will ever do in life is to raise another human being. Take it seriously. Then go out and have fun doing it. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) ■

MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091

by Bobby Bruno


o pray is to bring the power of God into your witness. God has given you a testimony to tell others, but how to use that testimony is up to God. The only way to find out what God needs to use of your testimony in your witness is by praying for the wisdom to speak only the words that need to be said to bring your conversation to the point of a choice for or against Jesus Christ. God will lead the unbeliever's heart to acceptance of Christ. If we do not pray for the strength and wisdom of God before witnessing then we will stumble in our words and sound as if we have no idea what we are talking about. This

could leave the unbeliever more confused and skeptical about his need for Jesus. People usually won't listen for too long if they have to think too much; confused explanations only add to the lack of attention in others to hear what is being spoken. Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered, there I am." Praying for or with the person you are witnessing to will bring Jesus into the conversation where He can now begin to guide your words and melt the heart of the hearer. Only Jesus can bring salvation to another. By praying first, we take ourselves out of the equation to let Jesus be in the lead. ■

MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091


Why the 21st Century Church Must Preach about Prosperity by wisdom mupudzi


e have seen a lot of controversies emerge from the preaching of the message that Christians must prosper. The bible makes it clear that faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. This means if people are not being taught about prosperity they may not have the faith to prosper. It takes faith to prosper. Not only that, but the church must be relevant in the market place. In the market place prosperity and entrepreneurial ability is very relevant. We are seeing a lot of industries, companies and cutting edge technologies being created by people who believe in many other things than God. People from many other diverse religions and beliefs are taking centre stage and are controlling key industries and fields such as media etc. This then means if Christians are going to be key players in the global economy they need to be taught and trained to be prosperous. Prosperity is more than money, it's about having the capacity to move forward in any field. Whilst to suggest that prosper-


ity is money only, is not wrong, but incomplete. In its completion, prosperity covers the well being of a person and the capacity to move forward. Then prosperity in its totality means someone's finances are inorder, health, spiritual state, emotional stability etc. All the facets of a person being in order in such a way that this individual or organization has the capacity to move forward into the future. Then if we look at money itself, money itself is not evil. The love of money is. Money is a tool, weapon, defense etc. Prayer moves the heavenly realm and money moves the earth. To get any job done on the earth realm, it costs money. Travelling, food etc. No major evangelism can be done without money, those who know about organizing crusades know that sometimes organizing major crusades costs anything between 6 figure and 7 figures. Yes it cost money to spread the word. The new trend is that many pastors are building businesses and are becoming business tycoons. I am not referring to a pastor making money by fleecing the flock, absolutely not! There are preachers who are no longer on their church's payrolls. They have businesses that bring money day in and day out so they don't need to preach for money etc. This is the ideal place to be. In Reve-

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lations the bible says we are kings and priest. Priest in the church and kings in the market place. This means believes must go in the market place and manifest their kingship there by becoming key players in all fields. Whether its being a medical professor, athlete, engineer etc. One should rule and reign in their area of calling. Make your exploits in the market place and come to the church as a priest and give to the church as a financial bank roller of kingdom initiatives etc. This facet of being a priest includes serving the house as an Usher, helps ministry, intercessor etc. It's unfortunate that prosperity has been associated with the sheep being fleeced, I am totally against this. People should also discern when a minister is calling for an offering out of the flesh and not in the spirit. Having said that, no one can force you to give, so give as God leads you, the decision is always yours. I honestly believe any person be it a preacher or whoever is money hungry should go to the market place and run a business and make their money there! Last but not least, to say prosperity is money only, is not wrong but incomplete!!! Prosperity is the overall well being of a person and their capacity to move forward , health, emotional, spiritual and of course financial. ■

Leaving The Past Behind by Zach Wood Philippians 3:12-14 "Not that I have already obtained all this or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."


hese are amazing and encouraging words as Paul gives a pep talk to the church in Philippi about pressing on and forgetting the past. How many of us have a hard time struggling with our past and dwelling on it? Yeah, c'mon, let me see all those hands! Every single one of us has had this struggle and we often continue to struggle with the past. The enemy loves to keep bringing up our painful past of hurt, sorrow and mistakes. He wants nothing more than to make us fall in our walk with Christ and keep us from pressing on.

All of us deal with our past and the many things we have regretted. There's not a one of us that doesn't deal with this pain. It doesn't take much to bring back memories of past failures and disappointments. Our enemy is very good at bringing all that junk back into our radar so that we deal with it all over again. However, Christ tells us we are special and that He has made us new and that we can press on and focus on the prize He has promised to us for following Him. He has forgiven our sins and washed us clean, so we can focus on all that God has waiting for us. For myself, I deal with my past often. And, when I do, I get down on myself pretty hard. It's a weakness I

have and I work through it usually daily. I have to be reminded that God loves me and is rooting for me, unlike the enemy, who wants nothing more than for me to be defeated. I have to be reminded that my past does not define me, Jesus Christ does! He makes me who I am. I am a new creation in Him and that's awesome! And, so are YOU! I have heard this phrase many times through my life and want to share with you, "The next time Satan reminds you of your past, you remind him of his future!" Let us press on and continue to strain toward what is ahead. Forget the past and focus on all He has in store for you. ■

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MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091

When You Wonder If Your Spouse Is Saved by Abby Kelly


married an MK. Growing up, I knew a few PKs (preacher's kids) who, by the time they got to high school, threw their upbringing to the wind and decided to see what they'd been missing. I'd seen some turn their back on God and those sacred traditions that strengthen and support our faith. But I never thought about how that might apply to a missionary's kid. I want to believe my husband is a Christian. I want to believe that he loves Jesus deep down in his shrouded heart. I want to believe that the truth so consistently planted in his head has distilled and dripped quietly down into his soul. But I don't know. My husband doesn't want to pray with me, or go to church with me, or talk deeply about God's will for our lives. Whatever he believes, he holds close to the vest. When I probe him, he evades me, uncomfortable. "I believe," is his standard answer. Have you been there? Are you one of the other women in the pews each Sunday whose husband is not hostile to her faith? He doesn't forbid you to go or mock you when you pray on your knees. Maybe he'll even watch sermons online with you, but he won't really let you or anyone else in. Does your heart whimper with the hurt of not knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that your husband, the man you've sworn to grow old with, to share this life with, will share eternal life with you, too? I spoke about this with my pastor recently. I didn't intent to weep in his office, or even discuss my husband. But the fear and frustration lies so

close to the surface, it bubbled out and over. He leaned back in his overstuffed chair and asked me, "What do you pray for him?" I spoke honestly, "I pray for him to know God's love for him; I pray for evidence that he knows the Lord. I pray that his love for the Lord will deepen our intimacy. But really truthfully? I've grown tired. Often, my prayer becomes simply, 'Lord, you know. I'm so tired of saying the same things.'" My pastor looked at me with little sympathy. "Let God put the words in your mouth." Then he picked up his Bible and spread salve on my wounds with God's sweet Word: "And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules. You shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, and you shall be my people, and I will be your God." Ezekiel 36:26-28 Who knew Ezekiel held the words of promise, the fresh breath of life for my marriage? Since that afternoon, I've had words. I've had all I need to continually approach my Father and say, "You said!" Oh, but there's more! As I prayed for God to soften my husband's heart, He brought me to

another promise in Job 9:4. "He is wise in heart and mighty in strength who has hardened himself against him, and succeeded?" Oh my Lord, you have said that no one can harden himself against you. You are wise in heart and mighty in strength. Draw my husband irresistibly to yourself! I continued searching the Scriptures for more to fill the gaping holes in my prayers. Psalm 25:11-13 fed me. "For your name's sake, O LORD, pardon my guilt, for it is great. Who is the man who fears the LORD? Him will he instruct in the way that he should choose. His soul shall abide in well-being, and his offspring shall inherit the land." Without assuming that I'm guiltless, I paraphrased this passage for my husband: Oh Lord, forgive my husband's sin, the sin of ignoring you, or giving you anything except the highest priority in his life. Forgive him for being embarrassed of his faith in you. But Lord, create in his heart fear, awe and reverence of you. I want you to direct our whole life; you promised to instruct us as we fear you. Bind us together in our mutual love and respect and obedience to you. Lord, I pray for our posterity. Let those who come behind us find us faithful and enjoy your blessings. Does your voice blend with mine? Do you wonder if God hears you, if you're praying right or have you grown weary of pleading the same phrases for years? Have hope! God's Word will not return void (Is. 55:11). ■

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Helping others reach their God given potential through entrepreneurship. If you would like to establish an income river text “rivers” to 55469 or email Founder of the Wealth Transfer Group


want to challenge every reader to take inventory and see if there is a burning passion for something that you do well. There may be something that you have specialized knowledge about that is of great value to many people. I like this scripture in Deuteronomy 8:18 " It is he that gives you power to get wealth that he may confirm his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors as it is today" Wow! Does this mean we still have the power to get wealth? Absolutely our biggest challenge is unbelief and self doubt. My Challenge today is for you to find something you are passionate about and create value for others. create enough value that they are willing to exchange currency for what you are bringing to their lives. This can be with a product, a service, information, or a number of other things. You can find a company that represents your values and become an independent marketing representative and enhanced the lives of others through their products and services. Remember it's wisdom to have at least 4 rivers of income. If you don't have at least two it's time to create that second strong income river and on to the third and fourth. Let's keep the conversation going like us on facebook at


I AM Worth the Effort!


n our last article we discussed loving yourself and promised we would come back and give ideas where to begin and how you can love you. The first opportunity to love you is to learn how to say “NO”. Sometimes we are so busy helping and doing for others that we run out of time for us. Why not start today carving out designated time for just you. Make a schedule and ink your name on the date and time that you have set aside. Fill those time slots with what you want to do and need to do for you. We at ESTEEM tell all of our clients to schedule their exercise time, meal prep time, spiritual meditation time and entertainment time each week. If you consistently do this it becomes easier and eventually turns into a habit. As I have stated before and will state again, you are definitely worth the effort. Do not allow our culture and society to cause guilt for not always doing for others and neglecting yourself. When was the last time you went to the movies or a quick

Expert Tips On Keeping Mentally Fit (NAPSI)-Experts agree that total fitness includes mental fitness. That's because a healthy mind can help you pursue all the things you love to do, whether it's organizing activities for your family and friends, pursuing a new hobby or even learning a new language. Recently, a group of experts from various relevant fields participated in a Cognitive Health Roundtable.

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vacation to the beach? When was the last time you exercised and increased your energy? When was the last time you walked downtown just to see the new shops or enjoy the weather? We are so busy running, going to meetings to schedule meetings, working long hours that we forget how to enjoy life. I am putting out a challenge and I hope you choose to be a part of this life changing experiment. As soon as you finish reading this article, find your calendar and each day set aside at least 1 hour for you. You can do different things, but plan for it. Read a book, or start back reading your Bible, increase your prayer life, meditate, walk or find an exercise class to attend, go to the park or go to the spa. These are just a few ideas. Choose different things to do each day. Some days you may want to do several things in that hour. Or better yet you may want to just sit quietly and relax. It would be great if you would email me at so I can help you with this change. I look forward to everyone accepting this challenge and becoming less stressed and depressed. During this time you may find that God has been speaking to you all the time, you’ve just been too busy to hear Him. Until next time…. Minister Donna Nealy, MS CFT CNC CPI ESTEEM, A Total Transformation 336-345-3507

According to these experts, there are four pillars of cognitive health: nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and cognitive exercise. Here are some tips to help keep your mind alive and active-whatever your age: • Nutrition: Dr. Thomas Shea, University of Massachusetts Lowell, said that in addition to eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, supplements may be Continued on Page 23

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Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. Habakkah 2:2 (NKJV)


s a single working mother with many nothing broken, but He wasn’t finished yet. gifts and talents and gifts, I never could Shortly after Faith and Love in-home had become a have imagined that God would bless me Five Star center, Harris received information about a child beyond anything that I could ask or care building that was available. She started planning to think,” says local entrepreneur Mary Moore Harris. Her expand her business from a home to a center. Knowing it story begins as a typical employee working at Levolor would be a large undertaking on her own, Harris sought out Home Fashions as machine operator, cooking and selling a business partner in her cousin, who had a similar in-home lunch and dinner plates, as well as braiding hair on the side daycare. Harris states, “Even though someone else had a bid to make ends meet. In August of 1998, after embarking on a for the building, I knew God was going to give it to us. God seven day fast to seek God’s will for her life, a family friend told me to anoint my hands and touch all over the building gave her an unforgettable prophetic word, “God told me to during the showing, and that’s just what I did!” Though this tell you child care.” may have seemed strange to any onlookers, this was just Despite Harris’ gentle disposition and heart towards people another example of Harris’ unshakable faith. A month later, of all ages, she never considered a business in child care. Harris and her partner were offered the building. As God Pushing aside her doubts and fears, she set her mind on the began moving mountains on their behalf, other family memwill of God and began the grueling process of starting a bers began to offer their financial support to get the business child care business. During this time, Harris began to pray up and running. for a name fitting of the vision God had given her, and On August 12th, 2003, at 809 GreensFaith and Love was the name spoken into her spirit boro Rd., Faith and Love was fully over and over again. established as a licensed child In October of 1998, Harris took a leap of faith care center. Off to a slow and turned in her two-weeks’ notice to start, Faith and Love Levolor Home Fashions, trading in her opened its doors with $12.00 an hour (40hr work week) payonly forty children encheck for one $75/ week payment to rolled, just over 1/3 of care for Faith and Love’s very first stuthe center’s overall dent, Jasmine Junious. By the end of capacity. Despite the Harris’ first week in business, she enbest of efforts, keeprolled two additional children and hired ing Faith and Love’s Faith and Love’s very first employee, doors open became a Debra Dixon. Within two months, the real challenge. High little in-home child care at 605 Woodemployee turnover and row Ave. was at full enrollment capacity wavering enrollment led - Mary Moore Harris on first and second shift, with a standing to the division of the two waiting list for the next four years. God had kept His promise with nothing missing and Continued on next page

“God told me to anoint my hands and touch all over the building during the showing, and that’s just what I did!”

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Continued from last page

Hands-on learning experiences using our state approved curriculum! business partners late in December of 2005. Often operating in the red and close to going bankrupt, Harris was left alone to hold on to the one hand that never lets go. She continued praying, seeking God’s face through fasting and worship, and waiting on Him to do his will. Now twelve years later, Faith and Love is a four star center operating at its maximum capacity of 121 students with a staff of nearly twenty, which includes an executive director (Crishauna Horsley) and a programs director (Virgie Brown). Mary Harris states, “Yes, God has done it, but He’s not done!”

Faith and Love’s Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide high quality care and early education for young children in all areas of development: spiritual, cognitive, physical, social, and emotional, through the use of developmentally appropriate practices. We will develop a partnership with families, and offer the community a quality early learning center.

Faith and Love operates Monday through Friday from 6:30am - 12:00am serving first and second shift families on flexible schedules. Currently serving ages 6wks -12yrs.

Have peace of mind while our caring, qualified, and experienced staff provides your child with the following:

Daily individual, small, and large group hands-on learning experiences using our state approved curriculum.  Yearly evaluations based upon child’s individual development.  Daily outdoor experiences designed to promote motor development.  Opportunities for family involvement and an open door policy for families to visit our classrooms.  Opportunities to engage with the surrounding community and its services. School Age Program: Afterschool care with pickup and drop off Homework assistance, nutritious snacks, and enriching activities. Faith based Summer Camp with exciting fieldtrips, indoor swimming, crafts, team-building activities, summer reading program, and performance art.


For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

Parent Quote: “Faith and Love has been a source of stability for our

family. We know that when we drop Caleb off, he is loved and cared for. From the very first day, Faith and Love have opened their hearts to our family and welcomed us as one of their own. We really enjoy the family enrichment activities that allow us to interact with Caleb’s teachers and classmates. We are so thankful for Faith and Love.” – Hilah Cook (Child: Caleb Cook)

Habakkah 2:3 (NKJV)


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Finding Purpose in Life by Nellie Shani


believe that a life without purpose is the greatest human tragedy. A wise man once said, "Do not waste your pains and your sorrows; learn all you can from them." How true that is. The only thing worse than suffering is to learn nothing from it! Even suffering has a purpose if we learn something valuable from it. Our Christian life is all about purpose. A purpose is followed by a plan. A plan becomes the engine that drives the purpose to its destination. A plan is a road map that shows us how to get to the point where our purpose is accomplished. In Jeremiah 29:11 God told a dejected and very discouraged people, ""For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope."" That is what the Israelites needed to hear. At this time they were captives in Babylon, suffering under King Nebuchadnezzar. Their future seemed bleak and hope had walked out through the front door. It probably did not make much sense to them why they, the people of Almighty God, had no victory over their enemy. The Book of Jeremiah the prophet tells us that they were in captivity in Babylon for 70 years, as judgment for worshiping other gods. However, it must have sounded like music to their ears to hear God say that their stay in Babylon was not without purpose. Jehovah God had a plan. His purpose was to prosper them, by giving them a future and a hope. Every individual needs to know, that his or her life has a purpose. That God has a good, pleasing and perfect plan for them. It is incumbent upon all parents to convey this very valuable and important information to their children from a young age.

Recent research shows that the highest suicide rate in the world is among young people aged between 15-19 years. It is also said that suicide rates are remarkably higher among men than it is among women. This tragic situation is as a result of young people not seeing any purpose to their lives. Single parent homes are on the increase. Fathers, who are supposed to be role models for their sons, have become a rare commodity in many families. In cases where both parents are living together, there does not seem to be any mentoring for the children. The parents live their own lives, while the children are also engrossed in their own world. Only as children are pointed to God, will they be able to grasp the incredible love and purpose that God has for their lives. Involvement in illicit sex, drugs, gangs, and alcohol, is just young people "crying out in the wilderness." The clarion call is that they do not see any purpose for their lives, and they do not believe that anybody really cares about them or what they do. Young people need to know that God has a purpose and a plan for their life, and that they were created to meet that purpose. After that steps should be taken to help them discover their gifts and to how use them to serve others. Liberation comes when a person stops looking for people to serve them, but how they can serve other people. An inward looking person will always be a miserable person. Looking at ourselves will often reveal flaws while looking at others reveals needs. To meet the need of another human being in a God honoring way is one of the most fulfilling experiences there is. The need to feel needed is sometimes stronger than the need for life. That is why some young people commit suicide. ■ MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091



Bible: Can We Trust It? by Mike Stockwell


ny successful ongoing study of God, or the discipline of Theology, should begin with a foundation, much like a contractor looking to build a house. The foundation must be strong enough to bear the weight of what is to be built upon it. The Bible is the Word of God. Literally, it is God talking to all of us directly. It is the foundation of truth upon which the Christian faith rests. There is no more important or profound work of literature ever penned. In the Holy Scriptures, the Lord God tells us who He is, who we are, how the world was formed, where we came from, and for what purpose we were created. It tells us that God is holy, He is just, and God is love. We were created by Him and for Him. Our relationship with the Lord was broken by sin, and it is a universal disease. No one is immune: "for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."Romans 3:23. Jesus came to heal that broken relationship between God an man. have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Romans 6:23. That is why Jesus came: to heal that broken relationship and give us eternal life in fellowship with Him. The Bible tells us about this in detail as well as so much more. The problem is one of belief. Most of the world does not believe the Bible. There are true Christians, and these would be willing to die for their faith, as their Master did. Others, who only talk the talk, may go to a church; they may do some good deeds; they may even be very moral and have good values. However, if they were pressed or challenged, because their faith isn't real, they may just fold like a deck of cards.


Many today make no bones about denying Scripture for a huge variety of reasons. One reason, a big one, is that they don't want to take responsibility for personal sin. It's uncomfortable, uncool. I just don't want to deal with this right now, or that wrongdoing is ancient history, etc. Then there are those who scoff at the Bible, who hate it, hate Christians, hate Jesus, hate God. They are willing to kill to protect their belief system, which holds no place for their Creator. I don't know if you fit into one of those categories, but it all really boils down to this: either we believe God or we don't. Ultimately, there are no fence sitters, no pacifists saying,"I'll sit this one out." The good news is that God loves us all; the very sobering news is that we have a choice, and we cannot get out of making it. 1 John 5:12 puts it as simply and profoundly as possible: "He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son does not have life." The reason I've said all of this is to show why I want to spend several upcoming posts to illustrate why we can without question trust the Holy Scriptures. They are from God to us, and they are as relevant today as when they were first penned. Not believing the Bible is reliable holds many people back from investigating the Scriptures to see what God has to say to them. Tune in to future posts and give me the opportunity to show just how much we can trust what this wonderful book says. Prepare for the ride of your life as we discover the truth and dependability of God's word. If you are a Christian, and this is old news to you, come along anyways. We'll learn more about the Lord together. Until the next post, God bless you...Mike ■

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n January 2013 , while cleaning out her son’s closet Dede London Baldwin saw an opportunity to be a blessing to many others. Dede came across many items of clothing that her son no longer had a use for and decided to donate to others in need. She has always had a heart to help others so this was not anything that she had to think twice about doing. She wanted to expand on her idea so she started to solicit people through social media to assist her in naming the organization and

those that would be willing to donate unwanted clothing. After a few days the name “Community Closet was birthed. The response was so overwhelming to the point where she could no longer store most of the items at her home. It was not long before local schools and Daycares was reaching out to Dede [London Baldwin for assistance with meeting the needs of the some of the unfortunate children. The “Community Closet” supplies clothing and other items for men, women and children of all ages. She currently has a storage unit that accommodates the items until doors open for her to have a building of her own in the future. Since starting the “Community Closet” Dede has had other local business owners (Beauticians / Barbers) to offer “free services” to families in need. When asked what makes her organization different from Goodwill, she stated “Our clothing/shoes doesn’t have price tags attached to them, they are free of charge.” Dede London Baldwin recognizes that the success of the Community Closet wouldn’t be possible without the help of family, friends and social media. Her vision is to have the local businesses and people come together and help others in need. ■

Dede Baldwin (336) 880 – 8015 *Appointments Only *All interactions are kept confidential MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091


Russell’s Funeral Home, Inc. 822 Carl Russell Ave. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone: 336-722-3459

Planning a Funeral Most of us are not prepared to plan and carry out a funeral ceremony for someone we love. And so much of the information available on this critically important subject fails to focus on what is most important: having a personalized, meaningful funeral that helps families and friends begin the healing process of mourning after the death of someone we love.


it helps to understand the components of a meaningful funeral. Meaningful funerals are made up of different parts eaningful funeral ceremonies make a signifithat, when combined together, make for an incredibly emocant difference in how families channel their tional experience for you, your family and grief toward health and healing. During the friends. funeral, the community comes together and responds to the reality that someone has died, and About Russell’s Funeral also to the reality that those remaining will need support, compassion, love, hope, and understand"You can have Home, Inc. ing. The funeral encourages you to think about Founded in 1939 by Carl H. the experience the person who has died and to explore the Russell, Sr., Russell Funeral meaning of their life and the ways in which they Home is one of the oldest famand miss the touched the lives of others. ily businesses in North Caromeaning." lina. Russell Funeral Home has and always will be a family busiThe remembering, reflecting and choices that take - T.S. Elliott ness that is dedicated to the highplace in the planning and conducting of the funeral est level of professionalism and serservice are often an important part of the process of vice. We are an active part of the triad grief and mourning. And ultimately, this process of concommunity, contributing time to civic, templation and discovery creates a memorable and moving business, charity, and government groups. funeral experience for all who attend.

Meaningful Funerals

Why Have a Funeral? When we experience the death of someone we love, a funeral service fills several important needs. First, it provides for the dignified and respectful care of the person and special tribute to their life. Equally important, the funeral service helps survivors face the reality of death, which is the first big step toward taking grief from the inside and allowing us to express it on the outside through mourning. Together, close friends and relatives can lend support and consolation when they're needed most.

What Makes a Funeral Meaningful?

GROWING AND STILL DEDICATED TO SERVING YOU BETTER Russell Funeral Home, Inc. 822 Carl Russell Ave. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone: 336-722-3459 Fax: 336-631-8268 To learn more about Russell’s Funeral Home, Inc., their history and phenomenal legacy, visit them online at:

No matter what kind of funeral ceremony you are planning,


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Expert Tips Continued from Page 16

needed to complement healthy eating patterns and to ensure adequate nutrition. Dr. Ruth Remington, University of Massachusetts Lowell, reported that research suggests that certain nutrientssuch as folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin E-and antioxidants may help protect and support healthy brain function and memory. • Physical Activity: Dr. Erin Snook, University of Massachusetts Amherst, said that keeping the body active often results in a more active mind. Adults should strive to be physically active for 30 minutes three or more days a week. • Sleep: Experts agree that striving for an average of seven to eight hours of quality sleep daily is important for maintaining a sharp mind. According to Dr. Jeffrey Ellenbogen, Harvard Medical School, putting your brain and body to sleep is not like putting your computer to sleep. Sleep is an active, rich and complex biological process that works to improve your cognitive function. • Cognitive Exercise: Just as it's important to exercise the body, it's also important to exercise the mind. John Gabrieli, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, described the benefits of finding new and challenging things to do that stretch you beyond the daily norm. He argued for continually challenging the mind with crossword puzzles, games and new hobbies that help the mind stay sharp and active. The roundtable was sponsored by Nature Made®, the nation's No. 1 bestselling brand of vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplements in the food, drug, mass and club channels. The supplement company is considered a pioneer in the area of cognitive health. For more information, visit Lifestyle habits such as eating healthy, exercising your mind and body regularly, and getting enough sleep keep your mind sharp. ■


by Pastor QT Nyathi #1. Thou shalt search according to the Book, not playboy magazines. Remember, God started this love business, not Hollywood. So use His solid reliable rule book as a compass, not Tinseltown's hollow unreliable publications. #2. Thou shalt not bring old garbage into a new love hunt. Dragging in stinking old relationships into a new partner-search spoils your love broth. Let bygones be bygones. #3. Thou shalt search using the inside-out approach. Inner enduring qualities keep a relationship (and marriage) not fleeting outward qualities. Don't let broad shoulders or sexy curves derail your love quest. #4. Thou shalt search for a human being, not an angel. Look for a mature person not a perfect human being without blemish. Even among the celestial beings class there were some angels that sinned. #5. Thou shalt not search aimlessly without any clear standards to guide thee. If you aim at nothing you'll hit it every time. Have clear and specific spiritual, social, and physical requirements to direct your search. #6. Thou shalt search leisurely. Don't rush your love search otherwise you'll crash head first. Take your time; this one decision with affect the rest of your life like no other. #7. Thou shalt search for commitment not chemistry. Commitment, not chemistry, makes an enduring relationship. Unions based on good chemistry only blow up as the chemical composition heats up due to the pressures of life. #8. Thou shalt not spurn good old counsel. Double check your intentions with advice from trusted mentors around you. Be humble enough to listen objectively and accept the naked truth. #9. Thou shalt not be obsessed with dudes or damsels. If you become too preoccupied with eligible bachelors or spinsters you'll attract love predators. Prioritize your relationship with Jesus instead as He'll always be there for you. #10. Thou shalt seek divine assistance in thy search. Don't forget that God wants you to meet that special person. In fact He is busy engineering circumstances in order to hook you up, so stay in touch with Him. ■ MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091


"The City Of Praise" Psalm 48:1-2

Q – Will there be a second chance for salvation after the Rapture? A – St. Matthew 3:1-2 states, “In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea and saying, ‘Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” Jesus said in St. John 7:33, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” Revelations 22:10-11 states, “And he saith unto me, ‘Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” From these scriptures it is quite critically clear that there will not be a second chance for salvation after the Rapture. This is a Public Service Announcement (P.S.A.) “After the Rapture, there will not be a second chance for salvation.” So therefore my in the night? friends, “Choose you this day whom A – 1 Thessalonians 5:2, “For yourye will serve...” Joshua 24:15. Take selves know perfectly that the day of the a stand today and decide that “As for Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” me and my house, we will serve the In other words, “For you know quite well Joshua 24:15 Lord.” In addition, the Holy Writ emthat the day of the Lord’s return will come phasizes to believe in Jesus TODAY! 2 unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.” No Corinthians 6:2, teaches “Behold, now is one knows, not even the angels in heaven when Jesus shall return, so therefore we are urged to be the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” The reality we must all face is that no person ready because the second coming of the Lord will be unexreally knows when his or her life will end. Therefore, we pected. When Christ returns, “The day of the Lord’s reare encouraged to be saved today and then share the Good turn,” God Himself will intervene directly and dramatiNews with others. Do not gamble with your soul; your soul cally in world affairs. It has always been predicted but is valuable to God -- so trust Him and give God your life, never determined when the Lord shall return. Even though today. The Prayer of Salvation: 1.) CONFESS - Acbelievers and Christians are aware that Christ will return, even to us, His return will be a surprise because it will be knowledge your sins and understand that you need salso unexpected, SO BE READY, please! In fact we should vation; 2.) REPENT - Ask for forgiveness for your sins; be prepared at all times. Psalm 34:1, “I will bless the 3.) BELIEVE - Know within your heart that you have been forgiven of your sins. If you prayed this prayer of LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Question to you: Suppose Jesus were to return salvation at this point you are saved, your life is brand today or even tonight. How would He find you living? Are new and you do not need to worry about the Rapture. 1 you ready to meet Him? Think on that! Live each day preThessalonians 4:13-18. pared to welcome Christ’s return. He is coming back one day; again will you be ready? ■ Q - What does it mean that Jesus will return like a thief

“Choose you this day whom ye will serve...”

New Dimension Community Christian Center, 1229 S. Main St, High Point, NC 27260 Administrative Office (336) 307-3132 ■ Email:


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Rejoice Grace

Tips for Heating and air spring cleaning


ne of the most important things you can do to save money this summer on your air conditioning is spring maintenance. Having your outdoor coils clean as well as filter changed will cause your unit to run more efficiently. Cleaning the indoor coils is also important to get rid of dust build up. A thorough check up will also include draining the pan and cleaning pipes and having them treated to prevent water leaks. Leaks can rust out your unit and cause you to have to replace your air system. It's also very important to make sure all electrical components are functioning properly to prevent untimely break downs. Just a little something to keep you cool when things get hot.

Crowder Heating & Cooling Greensboro, NC  336-790-7624 Maintenance, Repair & Replacement Upgrades. Air Condition, Duct Sealing & Heating System Services M-F: 8am - 6:30pm Weekends by appointment Emergency Services Available 24/7 Website: Email: Phone#: 336-587-6393

What Will it Take What will it take for you to recognize My voice I come when you ask, but it is still your choice What will it take for you to know that joy is found in Me It doesn`t cost you anything, I give you that gift free What will it take for you to live the life that I chose There is nothing that is hidden that I will not expose What will it take for you to see that I only want what`s best The thing that you are going through, are merely just a test What will it take for you to want to know Me more Everything that you ever lost I am able to restore What will it take for you to know that My death was not in vain So there is no reason why you should live with so much pain Just listen in your quiet time and take heed to My instruction The way will be easier and you will bypass all destruction You know that I am your help in your time of need Be obedient to My words and let me take the lead

MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091


Debra Ragin Jessup Attorney at Law

What is Estate Planning? Don’t die without knowing!


ou may not know what Estate Planning involves, but you have an estate and you have an estate plan. As a matter of fact, almost everyone has an estate and a plan. Your estate is made up of everything you own, your car, your house, your checking account, savings account, investments, life insurance, furniture and all of your other personal possessions. No matter how large or small, everyone has an estate and something in common, you can’t take it with you when you die. An estate plan determines what happens to your property when you die. If you don’t create your own estate plan, guess what, the state of North Carolina has created one for you. However, you probably won’t like because it may not distribute your property the way you would do it. To make sure that your wishes are carried out, you need to provide instructions stating whom you want to receive something of yours what you want them to receive and when they are to receive it. Of course, you want all of this to happen with the least amount paid in legal fees and court costs. That is estate planning….creating a plan in advance and listing whom you want to receive the things you own after you die. However, a good estate plan will manage so many other issues that are important to your family’s wellbeing. For example, a good estate plan will name a guardian for your minor child and someone to manage their inheritance. A good estate plan will include instructions for your own

care if you become incapacitated before you die. A good estate plan will include insurance to provide for your family by replacing your income. And finally, but perhaps most importantly, a good estate plan will include instructions for passing your values, (religion, education and hard work) along with your valuables. An estate plan starts with a will or living trust. A will provides instructions that distribute your assets when you die. Your will must go through a court process called “probate.” The probate process ensures that all of your creditors are paid. At the end of the process, your assets will be distributed as you instructed in your will. A revocable living trust essentially accomplishes the same thing as a will, but it avoids the probate process and has the added bonus of allowing you to select someone to manage your affairs while you are alive but unable to do so yourself. Additionally, a trust doesn’t have to die with you, it can also manage your assets until your children are old enough and mature enough to handle it themselves. When should you create an Estate Plan? The best time to plan is right now. No one likes to think about dying and leaving the ones we love. Taking care of our loved ones is a responsibility too important to leave to the state of North Carolina. Make your own choices. Knowing that you have a properly prepared plan in place will give you peace of mind that your family will be taken care of when you die ……what could be better than that? Estate Planning is one of the most thoughtful and considerate things you can do for yourself and for the ones you love. ■

301 N. Main Street, Suite 2222 ˗ Winston- Salem, North Carolina 27101 Office: 336-721-9090 | Fax: 336-721-9095


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A&C Accounting is a full-service Accounting firm licensed in NC. We offer a broad range of services for business owners, executives, and independent professionals. We are affordable, experienced, and friendly. We work year-round to minimize your tax burden and our firm has the resources, experience and knowledge to handle any of your tax concerns. Every dollar counts for business owners, so if you don't know where you stand on a monthly basis, you may not be around at the end of the year. And while using do-it-yourself accounting software can help monitor costs, the benefits of hiring good accountants extend far beyond crunching numbers. Potentially, we can be your company's financial partner for life, with intimate knowledge of not only how you're going to finance your next forklift, for instance, but also how you're going to finance your daughter's college education. A&C Accounting Services advise clients on the effective use of their financial resources, making the complex more understandable. We provide the tools and personalized services to help you make smart tax decisions. A&C Accounting is dedication to the three underlying principles of professionalism, responsiveness and quality. Professionalism Our high standards, service and specialized staff spell the difference between our outstanding performance, and other firms. Responsiveness Our primary goal as a trusted advisor is to be available to provide insightful advice to enable our clients to make informed financial decisions. We do not accept anything less from ourselves and this is what we deliver to you. Quality An accounting firm is known for the quality of its service. Our firm's reputation reflects the high standards we demand of ourselves. Rudolph J. Click EA MBA Tax Accountant & Business Consultant Phone: 336-996-7650 Fax: 336-310-0524 210 B Century Blvd. Kernersville NC 27284

Connect with us on... Website: email: Facebook: Twitter: Linked-in MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091


The Importance of Mothers “So Give Me My flowers today, That I can gaze upon; I’d rather have one blossom now, Than a truck load when I’m gone”

Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.”


Anita Dean-Arnette “The Boss Lady” The Truth Network

other’s Day is almost here. That is why we CELEBRATE MOTHER’S every year here at The Light. We know that Mother’s Day should be everyday: but we want to make sure they get pampered on this special day.

Every year since 2000, The Light has honored Mother’s Day with a banquet. Listeners write to the station to tell us why their mom (or mother figure) is the BEST in the Triad. There is always a theme taken from a popular gospel song: Letters are judged by our all star panel and awards are given at the free luncheon to the best stories and most heartfelt letters. Last year our Mother of The Year was Mrs. Maxine Gwynn of Winston Salem, North Carolina. Her letter was written by her niece, Brittany Patrick , a student at Carver High School . Brittany wrote in her letter about the love of Mrs. Gwynn for everyone. That she was a great God fearing woman who always put others first. She told of how she takes care of her ninety two (92) year old mother. She also said that Mrs. Gwynn was always there for all family mem►


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◄ bers and the community to lend a helping hand, to give a consoling hug or kiss, or just to give an encouraging word. After the winning letter was read: there was not a dry eye in the building. Mrs. Gwynn had no idea that she was the big winner. She was told that it was a community luncheon and she was just going to lunch with a friend. Of course, it was all in the plan. Little did she know her niece took the time to enter her in our 2014 Mother’s Day Contest. Theme: “You Are: So Amazing” . She received a trip, crown, flowers, and several gift certificates from local businesses. Mrs. Gwynn personally told me that she had never won anything and that for her niece to even think of her was “priceless”. She also said that she had no idea anyone thought such wonderful thoughts of her. If you would like to know more about our Mother’s Day Celebration-how you can participate or be a sponsor: please contact: Anita “Boss Lady” Dean-Arnette at 336-480-2039. ■

MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ APRIL/MAY 2015 ■ 336-323-8091


by Skyler Spencer Desiring to know your purpose in life? Have a passion to be successful in God? "Releasing the God in You" will teach, encourage, empower, and inspire you to live for Christ. This book will teach you how to develop a closer relationship with God while inspiring you to learn how to discover and utilize your Godgiven gifts and talents to show forth His glory through you."


rophetess Jamila N. Marshall is a wellknown preacher of the gospel, prophetic dancer, author, and motivational speaker. Growing up in Fayetteville, NC, Marshall always seemed to have an encouraging word for others. These words were often what she needed to hear for herself. She was bullied by her classmates, teased about her clothes and for going to church. Marshall felt ostracized because she didn’t fit in, and was further shunned for not being in the same neighborhood as her peers. A lack of attention from her father only worsened her feelings of isolation. One day, when she was at home,

Marshall contemplated cutting herself-an attempt at suicide after being raped. She knew exactly where to cut from her mother being a nurse. This low point doubled as a turning point for her; Marshall came back to God. Despite all of the negativity she felt, she knew God loved her and had the final say with her life. After accepting the Lord as her Savior, Marshall returned to her love of dancing. Through this artistic expression of movement, she found an outlet to temporarily escape the trials and tribulations of life. As God formed a stronger presence in her life, she started ministering to her classmates and teachers. When Marshall’s grandmother questioned her leaving Fayetteville for Charlotte after her high school graduation, Marshall reminded her grandmother of what she often told her: “God will provide.” Upon entering college at Johnson C. Smith University, she was introduced to Praise Dancing, a form of ministry Marshall realized she already used for bettering her mental health. Through Campus Ministries, she discovered her passion to minister through dance. Marshall’s pastor, Apostle Simeon J. Frazier, Sr., released her to start a dance ministry later that year. Marshall is currently the founder of Dan~Zing 4 Him Outreach Ministries, Inc. Through prophetic dance, she helps other churches, both nationwide and internationally, realize the powerful presence of God in the same way she did. ■ Here is the link to order my book:


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