My E Life Magazine-August September 2016

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nfortunately, it seems that the news reporters and many media outlets have covered stories on black men being murdered in communities all over the world. Whether it was black men, white men, purple men etc., those individuals were husbands, uncles, fathers, nephews, and the list goes on. However this is a sad and heartfelt situation, it really shines the light on those that confess to be Christians. For Christians this is the perfect opportunity to share Jesus Christ to those who may not know Him. The door is already open for the “Good News” conversation. God is concerned not only with the physical life, but the spiritual Derek Miller, life as well. He has been very Publisher/Editor clear in His Word that He wants us to go forth and spread the Word (Mark 16:15). As Christians, it is part of our duty to reach as many people as possible with the Word of God. When you consider something to be good, you are excited about it. Often more than not, you can`t keep it to yourself.

Submit your answer today. Your response or opinion can help someone that’s dealing with the above topic.

Not disregarding that black men were murdered; the whole focus is that” All lives Matter”, physical and spiritual. Be Blessed,

Derek Miller

myelifemag MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016 ■ 336-323-8091



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How Should the Church Talk About Gun Rights, Racism, Same-Sex Marriage & Abortion? M&F Bank: Damien Gorham Vice President & Sr. Commercial Lender What the Father of a Transgendered Teen Wants You to Know About the Bathroom Controversy Meet the Pastor: Bishop Marvin Cremedy, Sr. ON THE COVER:

Apostle Gloria Samuels: A Woman Who Chose to Believe

Photo by Trinity Studios Enterprise, Inc.




My E Life Magazine 336-323-8091

President / Editor Derek Miller Director of Marketing Mike James Contributing Writers Greg Baker Donna Nealy Rotimi Oluwaseyitan Mike James Michelle Miller Victoria Murray Layout / Graphic Design

By Megan Briggs

DPI Graphic Design Derek Payne

Kirk Franklin: “We have to confess - white churches and black churches have to confess that we left a space and the world filled it with its own narrative.” On Saturday at the National Mall in Washington D.C., thousands of evangelicals gathered to worship, learn from key speakers and pray for the nation. While the event was targeted toward millennials, people of every age came with the intention of “filling the mall.” One of the big names in the lineup included Gospel singer Kirk Franklin, whose new album Losing My Religion came out in November. Franklin led the gathering in a moving prayer that has garnered a lot of attention. According to an article by Religion News Service, Franklin asked God to “let me die for my home, let me die for my community, let me die for a white man, let me die for a black man, let me die for an Hispanic man, let me die for an Asian man….Let me get out of the way so you can be God in my life.” The speakers and leaders of the event placed a strong emphasis on unity and reconciliation. Pointing to the desperation many are feeling over all the recent terrorist attacks, shootings, racial tension and all the different opinions surrounding these events, Nick Hall opened the event by praying, “God, we don’t need to hear from some man or some woman…God, we don’t need to hear from some band. We need to hear from heaven today. That’s why we’ve come.” In an interview with Christian Post after the conclusion of the event, Kirk Franklin addressed the racial tension in the States

Contributing Photography Trinity Studios Enterprise, Inc Roslyn Payne To Advertise Call 336-323-8091 Submissions are welcomed. Please send stories and ads to My E Life Magazine

MY E LIFE magazine reserves the right to deny any or all advertisements that go against our standards. We are at no means connected or affiliated with any advertisements. No part of any publication may be reproduced without written permission from the authors. The opinions and articles not written by My E Life magazine staff do not necessarily represent our views. SAVING SOULS, MAKING DISCIPLES




Bishop Harold Farr, Jr. and First Lady


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I Am the Light of the World John 8:12 Again Jesus spoke to In declaring Himself to be the Light Jesus has already paid the price for them, saying, “I am the light of the of the world, Jesus is the exclusive you. The way has already been world. Whoever follows me will way to spiritual light. No other way made. Will you receive Him Toto spiritual truth is available to manday? If you feel Him tugging at not walk in darkness, but will have kind. The unbeliever always does your heart, repeat these words and the light of life.” the opposite of God`s Will. John 1:5 say “Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I “The light shines in the darkness, turn from my ways and turn to and the darkness has not overcome it. John 6:37 you. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and make me “Indeed, no man can come into the true spiritual light of new in you.” Jesus Christ, unless he is enabled.

Congratulations! You are now a Christian (a follower of Jesus Christ) 2 Timothy 2:3 says, “You therefore must endure hardship as a Soldier of Jesus Christ.” No one said the Christian life would be easy or without challenges. God’s promises are forever established in Heaven. So even if our situations and circumstances are difficult, we must think “above the clouds” and know that God is still there.

Now therefore allow God to connect you with a Bible teaching ministry and let your light shine for Christ! 6


Go with the Flow: Four Streams of Wealth Story by Victoria Murray


hen did you fall out of love with prosperity? Now before I lose you, please do not get visions of grandeur in your mind. A lot of people equate prosperity with beach front, million dollar homes; cars that will never be found parked in the local Walmart; and travel to destinations never advertised on TravelZoo or GroupOn. The true definition of prosperity is ease, plenty, comfort, security, and well-being. Trust me, it is possible to attain all of these things without having a LeBron James bank account. I do not believe that God wanted His children to live from check to check with a poverty or lack mindset. It is time to shake those beliefs and walk a new walk. The Garden of Eden was maintained by four streams, Pishon, Euphrates, Tigris, and Gabon. Like the garden was kept lush and fertile with the four streams, we can also increase the “lushness” of our lives. Let’s take a look at what four streams of income will look like and get a new perspective on this thing called life. Just remember, my streams will not look like your streams, for we are all endowed with different gifts. One stream is your employment. Whether you work for someone else, or yourself. This will probably be the most consistent. You can pretty much count on this income every two weeks, on time every time. If this is your only stream, then your compensation is extremely important. You are basically a slave to the highest bidder, and moving freely from job to job is not always an option. Your second stream should come from investments, and this does not include your 401K. What does your stock portfolio look like? Do you understand the concept of dividends? Do you understand how to use the dividends to grow your savings accounts? If you are not utilizing this

option, I encourage you to read all that you can, and seek wise council. You are sleeping on income. Are you the go to planner for all church and family functions? Do you end up planning and executing all family vacations? Planning is a gift that people will pay for. If planning is not your thing, do you have your Grandma’s Peach Cobbler recipe? Do you have an eye for fashion, and the ability to sew? Don’t limit yourself. Think out of the box. Somewhere deep inside of you lies a nontraditional gift placed there just to be a blessing on your life. Market your gifts…. You are only limited by your own creativity. One of my favorite streams is passive, or residual income. Passive or residual income will bring money into your river, without costing time away from your family and friends. Do you have an eBook that needs to be written, or a course that you can create and post on sites like Udemy? There is nothing like waking up in the morning, and seeing new money in your bank account. Do you still need more reasons to increase your income streams to four streams? Let’s go back to the meaning of prosperity; ease, plenty, comfort, security, and well-being. Let’s plan on releasing that spirit of lack and poverty, and walk in the life God meant for us to live. No, I am not saying we need to all live in million dollar homes, but I am saying we do not need to live in lack. We do not need to rob Peter to pay Paul. We can keep small problems, (car needs brakes) from turning into larger problems (car needs brakes, I have no money to purchase them, therefore, I have no way to get to work). You have all of the tools that you need to live a life of comfort, and ease. Let’s make a plan and get busy. We got this! ■




Billy Graham Calls Out Christians: “Stop Making Excuses” by Lairs Johnston Billy Graham has an especially powerful message to those who “have no complaints” in life and might not see a need for a savior. No more excuses. That was Billy Graham’s message in a column he wrote Tuesday, pointing out that Christians can have this habit of finding reasons to not fully commit to God. He had an especially powerful message to those who “have no complaints” in life and might not see a need for a savior: “Yes, right now life seems stable and happy, but what of the future? Where will you turn if illness strikes or some other disaster threatens to overtake you? And even now, to whom can you turn when you face major decisions and don’t know which way to go?” he asked. It’s almost as if God is one big emotional doctor you only call on when you’re sick or feeling down, but He’s so much more than that. He died to be there with you in the joy of life just as much to conquer the sin in your life. “I don’t know how you decided that Christians are unbalanced, or that God doesn’t want us to enjoy life, but you’re wrong,” Graham wrote. I remember being just a kid, not knowing Jesus but still thinking to myself, “This can’t be all there is, there has to be more.” That void was Jesus, and now when I start getting that feeling I know it’s because I’m trying to fill a Godshaped hole with a worldly object. “If God didn’t love you, then your feelings about Him might be justified,” Graham continues. “But God does love you and your family, and He wants what is best for you. The proof is that he sent His Son into the world to give His life for us.” “Don’t be deceived, and don’t come to the end of your life some day and realize you’ve taken the wrong road. Instead, turn to Jesus Christ and invite Him to come into your lives.” The preacher closed by quoting Psalm 16:11 which reads: “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.” “Yes, sometimes we are capable of great good—but unfortunately the human race is also capable of great evil,” Graham said. You don’t have to watch the news for too long to know that last statement is 100 percent true. The problem is sometimes we think, “I’ll just be better and not make any more mistakes,” but this mentality can only last us so long before


we’re right back in the thick of it, feeling like more of a failure than before. “It isn’t that we don’t know better, or we just need to be told to be good. The problem is deeper than this—within our own hearts and minds. Instead of being filled with love and compassion, we are ruled by selfishness and pride. This is why we need Christ, for only He can forgive us and begin

changing us from within. By nature we are separated from God, and our greatest need is to be reconciled to the One who made us.” There’s a powerful difference between ACTING in goodness and REACTING to the goodness done for you through Christ. Reacting to the cross will change you from the inside out and the world will have to know how you’re able to love. “They’ll know we are Christians by our love.” ■



more directly. When asked what he thought could restore hope in America in light of all the tension, Franklin pointed to the need for the church to step up. He said, “We have to confess as a church where we have failed the culture, ‘cause we have failed the culture….We have to confess—white churches and black churches have to confess that we left a space and the world filled it with its own narrative. It’s created its own narrative because we were absent.” Franklin went on to say that the church forfeits its credibility when the culture sees us as divided. He called for the need for Christians to admit their mistakes and ask forgiveness—to confess. “So if there are white Christian leaders that join black Christian leaders and say, ‘We dropped the ball, we know we did and we’re here to pick it up, to confess our sins to one another to the culture.’ Then I believe that gives God freedom—when we confess and it opens up the opportunity to regain credibility with unChristian ideas, culture and people who have seen us not get it right.” Franklin is not shy when it comes to the recent shootings and tension the nation is facing. His Twitter account and Facebook page call for prayer, for healing, and point to the outrage he feels for the lives lost. Let us continue to pray for reconciliation among races, and let us follow Franklin’s advice by allowing confession of wrongs to start in the house of God. •

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Has Traditional Respect Lost Its Zest?


hen observing young What is missing from three decades ago? people from 13 to 20 Years ago, parents worked alongside teachers. communicating with Today, parents side with the child against prinadults, one has to cipals and teachers. Often saying, “I know my wonder what hapchild wouldn’t do this.” This philosophy of pened to respect for approaching our youth’s behavior is unacceptelders? Their body language reveals a lack of able. Parents have to once again support those interest and their response expresses displeaswho are teaching our young people outside the ure in the advice given. One has to ponder, has home. We all have to be intentional in fosterRev. Donna Maree traditional respect lost its zest? Well, in speaking an environment where learning can take ing with others from various cultures, I’m inplace. Years ago, parents disciplined their clined to believe that traditional respect is only declining in children. Today, authority is enforced by law enforcement. the Western culture. Parents often get involved following an altercation with the What is respect? Respect is defined as “a feeling of deep law. Many times, it’s too late. Our children are dying beadmiration for someone or something elicited by their cause we are no longer enforcing respect in our homes, abilities (skills, talents), qualities (potentials, assets), or schools, and communities. achievements (successes, attainments).” This definition Yes, I believe traditional respect for elders has lost its evoked the question - is there not admiration for elders zest. However, I also believe it can be reenergized. Where worthy of respect? My conclusion is respect has shifted do we begin? I would suggest, get back to the basics of from the community to those within the home. Respect is teaching our young people God’s word and effective comnot as prevalent beyond one’s family. munication skills. Teach them Psalm 23, “The Lord is my I recall a time when neighbors spoke, cared for everyshepherd; I shall not want…” and The Lord’s Prayer one’s kids and children said “yes or no mam, yes or no sir, found in Matthew 6:9-13, “Our Father in heaven, Halplease and thank you” when speaking to an older person. lowed be Your name, Your kingdom come…” Teach them Moreover, the elders had authority to reprimand you if you Matthew 22:27-30, “‘You shall love the LORD your God misbehaved. Afterwards punishment ensued at home. It will all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your was a double whammy!!! One quickly learned to show mind’…and ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” respect for all elders. As well as “The Golden Rule” in Matthew 7:12 Years ago, respecting elders was taught and enforced by “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also your parents. One of the first bible verses children were to them...” These passages of scripture are fundamental in familiarized with was, “Honor your father and your teaching our youth how to effectively communicate with mother, that your days may be long upon the land which God and others. the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12, NKJV). If our young people have a relationship with God, then This commandment held a promise of long life, if one rethey will foster good relationships with others. We can no spected their parents. However, this respect carried an longer say "do as I say, not as I do." Rather, "do as I do, understanding of respect for all elders. because there’s a better way to live unto God." We have to Today, young people talk back, roll their eyes and walk be living examples before our young people. We have to off when addressed by elders. In my teenage years, such think before we speak. behavior was not tolerated. Moreover, you didn’t consider We all have a responsibility to nurture and guide our walking off. What has caused such a shift in our young young people in maturity and wisdom. This wisdom is people’s mindset? learned through a relationship with God, life experiences First, young people today express the notion “you have and learning to listen before speaking. Take time to teach to give respect to get respect.” Somehow they believe rethe young people who are in your circle, but don’t stop spect has to be earned rather than given. Second, young there, reach those who are in your peripheral vision. people see adults disrespecting, gossiping and showing Our young people need us, let’s be as intentional in cardisrespect to one another. Third, young people are learning ing for them as our ancestors were in caring for us. We respect from technology (TVs, iPads, iPhones and social can effect change, if we become the change we want to see media). in them. Let’s work together to impact our young people for the LORD. •



How Should the Church Talk About Gun Rights, Racism, Same-Sex Marriage & Abortion? Brian Orme


he way we talk about today’s toughest issues will say a lot about what we think about the Gospel, the church and our mission in the world. Because our words shape our culture.

Facebook “Tolerance isn’t about not having beliefs. It’s about how your beliefs lead you to treat people who disagree with you.” —Tim Keller The way we talk about today’s toughest issues will say a lot about our view of the Gospel, the church and our mission in the world. Because our words shape our culture. I’m grieved by the way the church reacts to hot-button issues in our country at times—pushing forward in anger and unbridled passion with little thought for the Gospel. I’m guilty too. I’ve posted knee-jerk reactions on Facebook, gossiped about people who don’t think like I do and carried my arrogant views around like a Boy Scout badge. I’m not proud of it. However, I’m desperately trying to craft a humble response—praying and thinking deeply—about some of CONTINUED ON PG 28►




Damien Gorham

Vice President & Sr. Commercial Lender


echanics and Farmers Bank, is a full service state-chartered commercial bank that was founded in 1907. Its name was inspired by the founders and customers who worked in various trades and represented different social -economic backgrounds, hence the name, “Mechanics and “Farmers.” The Bank is headence. Prior to joining the quartered in Durham, NC and Bank, he served in a loan porthas total assets of $300 Million folio manager role with a and seven branch locations in 5 large community bank located major markets within North in the Greensboro market. Carolina, including Winston The team behind M&F Bank Salem and Greensboro. Its understands the power of a ongoing success is evident broader customer base and its through its ability to continue potential to flourish. M&F operations for 109 years. This Bank plans to continue a legachievement is partly due to acy of helping people and the bank’s ability to help make communities achieve their Damien Gorham their client’s dreams come Dreams. “ As a commercial true, according to Damien Gorloan officer in the Greensboro ham, VP and Sr. Commercial Lender for M&F market, I am excited to join M & F Bank and we Bank. want to earn your business in the Greensboro/Triad In May of 2016, Mr. Gorham was named the Vice markets. Let’s see where we can go together…we President of M& F Bank and he will be located in the want your business Greensboro.” Greensboro market. Mr. Gorham’s background inIn closing, M & F Bank is a full service commercial cludes a unique combination of banking experience bank that offers checking accounts, online banking, within large-scale commercial banking operations and mobile banking, commercial loans, personal loans, community banks. He has over 19 years of banking, mortgages, and wealth management.  commercial lending and wealth management experi-



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By Toben Heim


What the Father of a Transgendered Teen Wants You to Know About the Bathroom Controversy

o we believe Jesus would care about the policy rather than the person? As the father of a 17-year-old transgendered son, I pay close attention to issues regarding the LGBTQ community. Not long ago, Kaitlin Jenner grabbed the headlines and became a rallying point for the trans community. Now once again that community grabbed headlines with Target’s decision to allow trans people to use the restroom according to their gender. This issue has blown up in social media as people on both sides of the issue weigh in. And those who oppose Target’s policy are vociferous about their concerns. I am trying to understand exactly what the concern is. Do we really believe that a bathroom policy will encourage anyone to molest a child or assault a woman? If someone is determined to commit such an act, allowing trans people to use the restroom of their choosing will have no impact. As a Christian, I am also interested in how the church will respond to this issue and others regarding the LGBTQ community. My heart aches for trans people because it is not an easy path to walk. Trans people are more likely to be assaulted or killed, to self-harm, or to commit suicide than the general population. Dysphonia is a huge issue for my son. Basically, it is the disconnect between his gender and his birth-assigned sex. Using the “wrong” restroom contributes significantly to his dysphonia. It can’t be taken lightly. For my son, dysphonia has led to depression, anxiety and self-harm, so I would be remiss to diminish its impact.

My son attends church with a friend of his. Before he began attending, his friend called to ask the church their position on trans people. They simply said, “We love trans people.” This is a Bible believing, gospel-centered church, but their response got my son going to church again for the first time since he came out in a setting that we knew would be safe for him. The first Sunday he was there, the pastor talked about brokenness and disclosed some significant areas of brokenness in his own life. It immediately put my son at ease, and he has attended either in person or online since. I think his attraction to the church has a lot to do with their desire to see all people be whole in Christ, regardless of the nature of their brokenness. At the end of the day, a trans person is no more or less broken than anyone else. They are just broken in a particular way. It is our place as the body of believers to offer them peace and hope in Jesus Christ. The issue isn’t a bathroom policy. It is about the need to treat people of all types with dignity and respect, the way that Jesus did. So unless someone can demonstrate concretely that people will be endangered by the policy, then we should allow trans people to use the restroom of their choosing. Do we believe Jesus would care about the policy rather than the person? I would say not. For me, and our family, we see the importance of accepting and understanding the struggles of transgender people, and for that reason—I care more about the person than the policy. •





t is often that God tends to use ordinary people after leading them through extraordinary challenges. For the most part, it teaches us how to trust and believe. If you would have taken a survey on what I would be and do in life, I’m sure it would not have been preaching. Still today, I’m often amazed at who God is in my life.



“I can smile now, but 8 years ago I encountered my most heartbreaking challenge in my Christian walk.” Apostle Gloria Samuels


y journey with God started back in October of 1975. I made a decision that I needed more. A year prior, my praying grandmother prayed that rest would not come until I submitted to Christ. Prayer really works because now I am a part of the Kingdom and I understand my assignment in it. Walking with Christ led me to embrace an amazing man for 35 years in marriage. Our love produced two babies that I was told by doctors I would never have. Many miracles have occurred in my life simply because I chose to believe a God that could not and would not fail me. God has blessed me my life to have phenomenal people in it. Along with 2 daughters, I have 4 grandchildren, 2 son -in-laws, and a granddog. I can smile now, but 8 years ago I encountered my most heartbreaking challenge in my Christian walk. Although it was necessary, it was still heartbreaking. My life and ministry partner was summoned to leave a place that we loved and nurtured for 19 years. Had it not happened, there would be no GC3. The process taught me as a leader, and the people how to truly forgive and love through pain. This ministry started in a school auditorium and remained in that same place until the loss of our leader and founder, P.A. Samuels. Many thought that the passing of our leader would be the blow that would be an end to GC3. That clearly was not the case. The ministry was moved to a different location. After a period of time, we were directed to the place we now call home. In May of 2008, my late husband came to the location where we are today and prayed a simple prayer. His prayer was, “Lord, one day I would like for GC3 to worship in a sanctuary like this.” On the way home he said to me, “Now prophecy to it!” Even now I laugh thinking about what a visionary he was. Needless to say, God heard his prayer and answered his request. This complex allows us to do the community projects and endeavors we’ve been assigned to do. We

partner with local neighborhoods, schools, and agencies. Everything we do has the community in mind. The vision for this ministry has always been to not only build the whole man, but also sustain the whole man. We have chosen to believe God for what He has placed in our hands and in our hearts. We offer opportunities such as open mic nights, comedy shows, family movie nights, Christian arts, fellowship opportunities, and family ministry. Our health and wellness ministry provides fitness coaching and teaches overall healthy living. We are grateful to have excellent teachers in the house. They offer Christian education, workshops and Bible studies to train people to go into the community and do the great commission. Among the membership, we have authors, ( and and entrepreneurs that range from chefs, to bakers, to accessory makers, to vocal coaches, and the list goes on. Great Commission is apostolic in operations and prophetic in spirit. As a leader, I’ve made it a practice to never ask people to do what I’m not willing to do. We work as a team to carry out the assignment of this house. On August 28th, we will celebrate Founder’s Day. God has richly blessed Great Commission Community Church. We are a ministry on a mission to enhance and advance the kingdom of God on earth. If you would like to partner with GC3 or keep up with the many things we have going on, visit our website at or connect with us on social media. You can find us on Facebook or on Twitter. We look forward to connecting with you. •




Diagnostic Questions to Show Who Is Really LORD of Your Money

“The more we cling to Chances are you’d money as ours, the more it want to go in one of two seems to slip away from us.” directions with it. Either you By J. D. Greear I rarely meet people who would think of new stuff you can get consider themselves tight-fisted. Most with it (the spenders), or you would of us would like to think of ourselves as want to stash it away (the savers). Neither generous—even if the evidence suggests othresponse is wrong in itself, but both can grow erwise. But greed is like bad breath: The person out of proportion. For spenders, money too often with the problem is often the last one to know it. So assumes the role of their significance. They use it to we need some help revealing where our true loyalties lie. enhance their image or their comfort. For savers, money A key way to do that is by asking diagnostic questions. assumes the role of trust. They use it to ensure that the fuHere are three that reveal what kingdom you are really ture is going to be OK. living for: When we look to money as our significance or our trust, 1. What is “first” in your decisions? something’s gone wrong. Only God should be our signifiThe closest I have to a life verse is Matthew 6:33: “Seek cance and our trust. The problem isn’t money itself; it’s first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all that money has kicked God off the throne as first and best. these things will be added to you.” Before I left for college, 3. Do you think of yourself as an owner or steward of that was the verse my dad gave to me to guide my future. your blessings? “All these things …” he said, “that includes money. That There are two ways to live when it comes to our reincludes your career. It includes your wife, if God gives sources. We can see them as ours—to use as we please—or you one. It includes your children. And all of that has got we can see them as God’s—to use as he pleases. When to come second.” God blesses us richly, it’s not to increase our standard of This question should be at the heart of every decision living. It’s to increase our standard of giving. that every Christian makes: What does God want me to do? We were meant to be channels of God’s blessing, but too I know that sounds simple, but it’s surprising how often the many of us want to be reservoirs. God blessed us so that opinion of God doesn’t even register as relevant informawe would bless others. As Paul says, “You will be enriched tion for many Christians. in every way to be generous in every way” (2 Cor 9:10). Ask what God wants—for your money, your family, What this means is that if you don’t give generously, your career. And do just that. Always prioritize the kingyou’re actually stealing. You are embezzling God’s money. dom of God, and God will supply all that you need. Think about how upset you would be if you made a huge 2. Does God get the first and best of all you receive? donation to Feed The Children, then found out that 90 perI recently noticed something in the story of Cain and cent of the money went to the CEO (and not, you know, Abel that has really rocked me. In Genesis 4, both Cain and feeding the children). You’d be outraged, because that guy Abel made offerings to God. But there was a key differwas stealing money that wasn’t meant for him. We are that ence: Abel gave the “first fruits” of his flock; Cain, in conCEO. Each person in the church is a “nonprofit organizatrast, made an offering from the field after the crops had tion,” and God has made donations to us because he wants come in. us to use them for his mission. If we sit on those donations Abel, you see, gave the firstborn of his flock before or use them for our own luxury, we’re taking what doesn’t knowing how many more animals there would be. He gave belong to us. to God first, but that giving was a big risk. Cain, on the The irony of all this is that the more we other hand, waited to see how much he had, and only then cling to money as ours, the more it seems did he give. In other words, Abel gave God his first and to slip away from us. As Martin Luther best; Cain gave God out of his excess. And only Abel’s said, “I have held many things in my offering was pleasing to God. hands, and I have lost them all. But Whatever you give your first and your best to reveals whatever I have placed in God’s hands, what is truly God in your life. It may not be the biggest line that I still possess.” What you keep is item on your budget. It may not be a gift that would make all you’ll have—and even that you’ll jaws drop. But we all give our first and best to something. lose eventually. But what you give, It’s that part of our life that gets top priority. And that God multiplies. • shows what we treasure most. “The more we cling to money as ours, the more it seems to slip away from us.” Imagine you suddenly got $1,000. Where would it go?





ishop Marvin Cremedy Sr., Senior Pastor of Vessels of Honor Church Ministries was born and raised in Winston-Salem. He is a graduate of Anderson High School, a divinity student at Vintage Bible College along with his wife Pastor Clara Cremedy, are the Founders of Vessels of Honor Church Ministries in Winston-Salem, NC. Together they have two adult children, Robin T. Hicks & Marvin A. Cremedy Jr., who serves faithfully with them in the ministry. In the early years of Bishop Cremedy’s life he gave his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ under the leadership of Rev. Charles Leak. Desiring to do God’s will he then moved on for a brief time at Agape Faith Church where he was introduced to the fivefold ministry. Since then he has become a man of God who possess integrity, love, compassion and determination to serve God with his whole heart. He is a man of profound teaching coupled with a passion to minister healing to hurting people. Therefore, he is confident of his calling and assignment in the 21st. Century. Although he had already being ministering in the five -fold ministry gifts, on June 1st. 2008, Bishop Cremedy was publicly affirmed and consecrated as a Bishop by the presbytery board of Greater Deliverance Worship Center. After the separation from their home church in 2009, Bishop and Pastor Clara Cremedy were determined to move forward together desiring God’s will for their lives standing firm on God’s word, Romans 8:35 “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” The church was founded with the specific intent to teach God’s people how to establish a relationship with Him through Prayer, Praise, Teaching and Preaching of his word. Vessels Of Honor Church Ministries, Inc. is a life changing ministry that reaches beyond beliefs, ethnicities, religious persuasions and cultural restrictions “To release people into their destinies.” Bishop Cremedy finds pleasure in giving something to everyone he comes in contact with, be it going out into the fields to harvest produce with the St. Andrews CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ►



Society along with Pastor Paul Thombs and Missionary Fannie Cato. Bishop Marvin Cremedy has lead Vessels of Honor Church Ministries from inside the four walls of the church, to sharing the gospel on the streets and in neighborhoods while offering the plan of salvation. Vessels of Honor Church Ministries also serve the community with their food, clothing and nursing home ministry. Vessels of Honor Church Ministry is a “Pentecostal Non-Denominational Church for all people. Ministering to the whole man, Spirit, Soul, and Body”. Bishop Cremedy’s message……Is about God’s supernatural ability, bestowed by a Lord who is color-blind and cares about each person. Bishop Cremedy delivers the Word in a lightning-rod fashion which makes you believe that all things really are possible with God. There are many accolades that could be said about Bishop Cremedy, but he desires to give all the Glory to God and thanks to everyone that has graced the doors of VOHCM, and to those who have sown seeds and kept Vessels of Honor Church Ministries lifted up in prayer. God is not a respecter of person, in his house…… II Timothy 2:20-21……But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. You may find this ministry worshipping God at: 3608 Ogburn Ave. Winston- Salem, NC 336-624-2465 (or) 336-624-9351 Sunday Mornings Praise & Worship @ 11:00 am Tuesday Evening at 6:00 pm Intercessory Prayer Tuesday Evenings at 7:00 pm Word Ablaze Bible Study




Story by Stacy Bradley Photo by Trinity Studios Enterprise, Inc

Being raised in an upper middle class Christian home in a lake community with two parents was a blessing. As I grew up in church where both parents were very involved and great examples as leaders, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at a young age. This was shaping me to serve God. The foundation was being built as the scripture instructs to train up a child in the way he should go. I was fortunate enough to attend school at a Christian Academy. As I navigated through life with everything a child could ask for, I became a 2 sport high school star. During my senior year I should have been preparing for college, but I decided not to adhere to my parents or the Holy Spirit and became rebellious and left home. Immediately after I graduated high school, I


joined the United States Army. After serving my country for 4 years including 1 tour in the Persian Gulf during Desert Storm, I once again allowed my flesh to convince me to disobey the voice of the Holy Spirit and ended my military carrier with an Honorable Discharge. I then began hustling with resources that I met along the way from New York. I became involved in a major 3 state drug operation by handling the money. Feeling invincible the operation had become so large that I now was being investigated by the DEA for 8 months. They DEA obtained enough surveillance and financial records against me to secure a Federal Grand Jury indictment that included money laundering, interstate trafficking and conspiracy. Each charge


carried a maximum of 20 years and a $1,000,000 bond was needed to get me out of jail. Everything I owned was seized, my house, all the cars, motorcycles, jet skis and bank accounts where all gone. I had nothing but some hidden money, which had to be used to get a high priced federal lawyer to help me from getting a lot of time. I was a first time offender, never being in trouble before. This was my own actions that I took full responsibility for. They offered a deal to let me go if I gave up all individuals involved. That was not an option for me. So taking consequences for my own actions I plead guilty to conspiracy for a 10 year sentence. Being in Federal Prison God now had my full attention. As I sought after Him and began to build a relationship that I needed to survive in prison. As years went by I trusted in God and was granted parole after 5 years. Re-entering back into society, it was tough to get a

job as a convicted felon, but the grace of God provided me with a way out of no way. I eventually met an awesome woman of God who made me feel good as long as I followed Matthew 6:33 (Seek ye first…) that there is nothing that I couldn’t accomplish. She helped change my life and became my true soul mate. I went back to college and received my degree and now work in corporate America. With Jesus as the foundation, that beautiful woman became my wife, and now we have 3 dazzling children. It was only the favor of God in my life. I owe it all to Him, serving as a leader at The Love Church under one of the most dedicated, loving, and unselfish Pastors that I know, and his name is Curtis Friday. God has brought me from a long way and continues to bless me with more than I could ever image or deserve. I will continue to serve Him and operate by the Holy Spirit in my purpose. •





Praise Is What I Do Anita Dean, “The Boss Lady” 1340/1400 THE LIGHT Marketing Specialist/Promotions


t is often that God tends to use ordinary people after leading them through extraordinary challenges. For the most part, it teaches us how to trust and believe. If you would have taken a survey on what I would be and do in life, I’m sure it would not have been preaching. Still today, I’m often amazed at who God is in my life. My journey with God started back in October of 1975. I made a decision that I needed more. A year prior, my praying grandmother prayed that rest would not come until I submitted to Christ. Prayer really works because now I am a part of the Kingdom and I understand my assignment in it. Walking with Christ led me to embrace an amazing man for 35 years in marriage. Our love produced two babies that I was told by doctors I would never have. Many miracles have occurred in my life simply because I chose to


believe a God that could not and would not fail me. God has blessed me my life to have phenomenal people in it. Along with 2 daughters, I have 4 grandchildren, 2 son-inlaws, and a granddog. I can smile now, but 8 years ago I encountered my most heartbreaking challenge in my Christian walk. Although it was necessary, it was still heartbreaking. My life and ministry partner was summoned to leave a place that we loved and nurtured for 19 years. Had it not happened, there would be no GC3. The process taught me as a leader, and the people how to truly forgive and love through pain. This ministry started in a school auditorium and remained in that same place until the loss of our leader and founder, P.A. Samuels. Many thought that the passing of our leader would be the blow that would be an end to GC3. That clearly was not the case. The ministry was moved to a different location. After a period of time, we were directed


to the place we now call home. In May of 2008, my late husband came to the location where we are today and prayed a simple prayer. His prayer was, “Lord, one day I would like for GC3 to worship in a sanctuary like this.” On the way home he said to me, “Now prophecy to it!” Even now I laugh thinking about what a visionary he was. Needless to say, God heard his prayer and answered his request. This complex allows us to do the community projects and endeavors we’ve been assigned to do. We partner with local neighborhoods, schools, and agencies. Everything we do has the community in mind. The vision for this ministry has always been to not only build the whole man, but also sustain the whole man. We have chosen to believe God for what He has placed in our hands and in our hearts. We offer opportunities such as open mic nights, comedy shows, family movie nights, Christian arts, fellowship opportunities, and family ministry. Our health and wellness ministry provides fitness coaching and teaches overall healthy living. We are grateful to have excellent teachers in the house. They offer

Christian education, workshops and Bible studies to train people to go into the community and do the great commission. Among the membership, we have authors, ( and and entrepreneurs that range from chefs, to bakers, to accessory makers, to vocal coaches, and the list goes on. Great Commission is apostolic in operations and prophetic in spirit. As a leader, I’ve made it a practice to never ask people to do what I’m not willing to do. We work as a team to carry out the assignment of this house. On August 28th, we will celebrate Founder’s Day. God has richly blessed Great Commission Community Church. We are a ministry on a mission to enhance and advance the kingdom of God on earth. If you would like to partner with GC3 or keep up with the many things we have going on, visit our website at or connect with us on social media. You can find us on Facebook or on Twitter. We look forward to connecting with you. •

My Mom, My Hero


very year The Light 1340 / 1400 103.5 and 96.3 FM: Celebrate our Mother`s. This year our Annual Mother`s Day contest was held on May 5th at The Enterprise Conference and Banquet Center- 1922 South Martin Luther King Jr. Drive- Winston Salem, NC. This year`s theme: “My Mother- My Hero”. We have celebrated our Mother`s since 2000 here at The Light. We start with a small group of listeners in our conference room, and now God has truly blessed us to invite over 150 mother`s to come celebrate with us. We had an awesome time this year with fun, fellowship and great food. The letters were touching and the winners this year were totally surprised. Everyone was a winner because every person attending received a prize. Our Mother of the Year 2016- Mother Alice Dixon-Sims- Letter written by Shelby Owens (her son). She received a crown, flowers, plaque, gift certificates and a trip to the Bahamas. She was so happy and surprised. She is truly a WARRIER with a story of how God has truly blessed her down through the years. Thanks to all who made our event a great success again this year. To all our sponsors: Thank You and God bless. 

Mother Alice Dixon-Sims pictured with son, Shelby Owens.




Russell Funeral Home, Inc.

822 Carl Russell Ave. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone: 336-722-3459

Dealing with an unexpected death or tragedy As hard as it is to cope with the death of a loved one, it is even harder when you lose them to violence or accident. In the aftermath of a tragedy like this, many people find themselves harboring a lingering bitterness towards society and life in general. Although these wounds are not quick to heal, the love and support of family and friends can help someone accept their loss and put their life back together. How to Help Others As a friend, you may find yourself comforting someone close to you through an experience like this. Victor Parachin, author of Grief Relief, offers some suggestions on how to comfort a grieving family member or friend during this difficult period.


Be available to help, even with everyday tasks. Offer to help take care of the pets or to pick up the kids from school.  Don’t judge what a grieving person may say. They are in pain and don’t always mean what they say. Allow them to express all their feelings.  Be sensitive and respectful. Don’t trivialize their pain or to comfort them with cliches like “It was God’s will.”  Most of all, be patient. People who must suffer through a murder trial or other reminders of a death may need more time to heal. What to Do if it Happens to You Unfortunately, there may be times when you will experience an unex-


pected death of someone close to you. In her book, No Time for Goodbyes, author Jannis Harris Lord outlines what she considers the keys to coping with this sort of tragedy:  Don’t be afraid to express your feelings. Keeping everything locked up inside will only make it worse.  Be aware that there is no “right way” to mourn. Allow others to grieve your mutual loss in their own way.  Gather information about the death through police reports, autopsy reports and eyewitness information. This information can help bring you peace of mind. Don’t be afraid to recover. You did not die along with your loved one, and they would not want you to grieve forever. •


ran Watson was born, raised and currently resides in Columbus, Ohio. He’s a passionate worship leader who desires to see the people of God changed through Worship and to truly begin living a life of Worship, which in turn glorifies our heavenly father. January 2016, Iran released his debut single entitled “I yield” which is currently available on major digital outlets. The song was birthed from a time when he was looking for solutions to several problems and God told him to “give up, literally give everything up to me” The song is an encouragement for the people of God who are in the middle of difficult times to move out of God’s way and let him handle the situation. Iran is ready & available to minister at your upcoming services, events, etc. Feel free to send an email to 

Top 10 Hot Gospel Songs 02 Put a Praise on It Tasha Cobb featuring Kierra Sheard

featuring trinity Anderson

07 123 Victory Kirk Franklin

01 Better Hezekiah Walker

03 Wanna Be Happy Kirk Franklin

04 Made A Way Travis Greene

05 You’re Bigger Jacalyn Carr

06 Spirit Break Out

08 It’s Alright, It’s OK Shirley Caesar featuring Anthony Hamilton

09 The Anthem Todd Dulaney

10 #YDIA Zacardi Cortez

William McDowell MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016 ■ 336-323-8091


Gun Rights, Racism, SameSex Marriage & Abortion? CONTINUED FROM PG 11

the biggest issues in our culture. These issues are in the news every single day and the way we respond to them matters deeply. I’ve put together a short primer on four major issues—with what I think is a common dangerous response and a helpful one. The dangerous response is the extreme version, but it gets the point across. You’ve probably heard similar versions from people in your church (or on social media). I’ve made an effort to craft a healthy response as well. It’s not meant to serve as a defense of the issue, but a quick sound bite that captures the compassion, grace and gospel-focused intelligence I believe is necessary for the church to engage the world. It’s just a brief discussion starter to help church leaders create a conversation around these issues. Feel free to add your helpful response to one of these issues in the comment section below—even if you disagree. Gun Rights Dangerous response:

I’ve got my rights and no one can take them away (waving gun like a flag). Don’t tell me what to do. Owning a gun is my American right! You’ll have to pry this gun from my cold dead hands before you get it. Helpful response: Our culture has a problem with violence, and guns are part of that problem. We should find ways to limit gun ownership based on mental health and safety concerns while allowing gun ownership for responsible individuals. Getting rid of guns is not the answer to all the violence, but if it reduces the occurrence of school shootings that’s a positive move in the right direction. Same-Sex Marriage Dangerous Response: Homosexuals are wicked and dangerous and should be stoned! They’re ruining our country and marriage. They have one agenda and that’s to tear down the church. Helpful response: The Bible is clear when it comes to homosexuality. It’s a sin. The Bible is the reason why I don’t support samesex marriage. The Gospel is the answer to this issue—not hate angry Facebook statuses or protests. Also, many people who are living this lifestyle are compassionate and loving people who need Jesus, just like me. I pray and confess my own sin and hypocrisy just as often as I pray for people in the homosexual lifestyle to find Jesus. When it comes down to it—we all need the Gospel. Racism Dangerous response: I’m not a racist! All this talk about racism is silly. Slavery was banned decades ago. Why can’t everyone just get over it? Helpful response: Racism is real. I may not feel the effects, but many people live with a different reality than



the one I’m aware of. I am praying for peace in my city and in our country because it’s still fractured by sin. One of the results of sin is pride, which leads to racism, which leads to anger, at times violence, and brokenness. The answer to racism is the Gospel. We need the church to be light in our cities, to shine with the brilliance and love of Jesus regardless of color, socioeconomic background or gender. Abortion Dangerous response: Anyone who has an abortion is a murderer! If you believe in a woman’s right to choose—you’re as good as the devil! If you’re a feminist, you’re a liberal baby killer and I want nothing to do with you. Helpful response: The fact that our country approves of abortion grieves me like nothing else. Also, the fact that unwed mothers are encouraged to get rid of a life for convenience is a tragedy. I’m praying for this senseless killing to stop and laws to be radically changed. I’m praying for the church to stand in the gap and provide the care, compassion and community young mothers need—as they choose life. I’m also working to shine a light on adoption—praying the church will show up during this crisis. No, I don’t believe in a woman’s right to choose between life and death, because I believe her body is God’s, not her own, and her baby is made in the image of God. I understand the fact that that sounds ridiculous to someone who wants to live autonomous from God’s Word, but I still believe it with all of my heart. Also, I have great compassion for women who’ve gone through an abortion. I believe Christ desires to extend them grace, healing and hope. How do you talk about these issues? I’d love to hear your perspective. •

Job 8:21 ESV

He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with shouting.

I Repeat: This is Only A Test… BY KIMBERLY VAUGHN


don't know about you, have every desire to be viewed by but lately I have found our father in heaven as living close myself saying,"Ugh if one to his desires. With that, he never more thing happens…” promised this walk with him to be Even once or twice I had easy. But through it all,he promised the nerve to mumto be with us always. ble,"Lord why Life takes us through me?” In life, if many ups and downs as it isn't one thing it's anindividuals. We find other. ourselves facing, trouThen I distinctly heard bles in our finances, God say to me....Kim, why health, legal issues, and not you? Needless to say, family crisis, but with a I felt I was placed in a glass half empty or glass mental holding pattern. half full approach, we As if he had pressed can measure our level pause while I thought of personal favor and deeply about the mesfaith by what he deems sage I was just delivered. us able to handle. As Hmm…Why not me? I the elders would say, he followed up with "God doesn't put more on can you please explain?” you than you can bear. As I like to think of myself It is during some of the Kimberly Vaughn as the Black version of darkest times we feel THE GLAMOUR GIRL OF COMEDY Lucille Ball, if it were up to that we are alone. In me to decipher his mesfact it is the total opposage, I could have interpreted what site, for during these moments we he was trying to tell me much differactually grow stronger within our ent that what he intended. faith, and find ourselves relying on Many times we want Gods favor, God more than ever. The biggest we wish for him to be pleased with thing through it all is to try to remain our works and we want our father to calm and full of faith, not fear. Resee the attempts of us living within peating to yourself that this is only a his teachings. We strive daily to live test. Finally remember when given humbly amongst each other not a test the teacher always remains seeking the approval of others, but silent. •

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