Go Party across Europe in June
r e i s s Do ial spéc
E L B I S S E C AC R I A F ART Distribué en partenariat avec
Mensuel gratuit réalisé par La Tribune de Bruxelles - N°16 - juin 2010
2 The Brussels Tribune - Rue des Francs, 79 1040 Bruxelles - www.tribunedebruxelles.be REDACTION: TÊl.: 02 211 30 51- TheBrusselsTribune@tbx.be. Coordination : Elodie Weymeels . Ont collaborÊ à ce numÊro: Julian Hale, Michèle Schoonjans, Sally Pidgeon,Wasabi, Elodie Weymeels. - COMMERCIALISATION : Julie Veriter (0470 63 99 42 & 02 211 28 39. Hatim Elmajd (0498.629.237) - IMMO : VÊronique Le Clercq, Sales Manager, vero.leclercq@rgp.be TÊl: 02 211 27 64 - 0475.57.62.35. - EDITEUR RESPONSABLE : François le Hodey - MISE EN PAGE: Azur Graphic, DaphnÊ De Ridder - IMPRESSION : Sodimco . The Brussels Tribune est imprimÊ sur du papier recyclÊ. Vous aussi respectez l’environnement en glissant votre magazine dans un sac ad hoc après sa lecture !
Un apprentissage en douceur, une socialisation ainsi qu’un bien-être au quotidien.
L’Êpanouissement des petits passe par la dÊcouverte. L’activitÊ de Cathy Ž (jeux, images, contes et histoires) embarque les enfants dans un univers plein de surprises...
Les crèches sont divisÊs en 2 sections (de 3 mois à 18 mois et de 18 mois à 3 ans). Les nombreuses activitÊs sont donnÊes par des professionnels dans un environnement international et multilingue.
En dÊveloppant sa confiance en soi, l’enfant acquiert progressivement son autonomie. La psychomotricitÊ et le programme Playplace Ž, la Chaise Musicale, les bricolages, les activitÊs culinaires (Cupcake Ž) et le dessin favorisent son Êveil sensoriel, affectif, cognitif et moteur.
Chaque maison, dotÊe d’un jardinet, est entièrement ÊquipÊe: confort, espace et sÊcuritÊ assurent bien-être et sÊrÊnitÊs aux petits. Les repas sont diversifiÊs et prÊparÊs sur place avec des aliments frais.
L’Êquipe est composÊe d’Êducatrices et de puÊricultrices diplômÊes, qualifiÊes et compÊtentes. Ici, chaque enfant est unique. Son suivi est individualisÊ, en fonction de son rythme, et dans le respect des exigences des parents qui, à toute heure, y sont les bienvenus.
10 crèches à Bruxelles QualitÊ, respect, bien-être et suivi personnalisÊ... Kid Farwest Team offre aux tous petits, de 3 mois à 3 ans, un accueil de premier choix. Les 10 crèches privÊes, situÊes sur les axes stratÊgiques de Bruxelles, sont ouvertes de 7h30 à 18h30. Infos: www.kidfarwest.be TÊl. 0495.88.36.30. À Etterbeek: Rue des Bataves 63 Rue des Aduatiques 48 Rue des AtrÊbates 104 Rue GÊnÊral Leman 99 Avenue Henri Dietrich 21 Près de Montgomery: Avenue de Tervuren 94 Près de MÊrode: Avenue de la Renaissance 10 Près de Stockel: Avenue de Hinnisdael 28 & 39 1150 Bruxelles À Kraainen: Avenue Reine Astrid 291
KID_FARWEST_181X240.indd 1
21/05/10 16:22:11
Blinded vision
The wonders of nature
U 30.06.10 Bernardí Roig ‘El cucchillo en el ojo’ Artiscope – 35, Bd Saint Michel - 1040 Brussels T/ 02 735 52 12 – www.artiscope.be Tuesday – Friday 2pm - 6pm or by appointment Free entrance Spanish multi-media artist, Bernardí Roig’s solo exhibition shows a selection of works, sculptures and drawings dedicated to the construction of his strange obsessional universe. The work represents a continuity in the artist’s reflection around various themes: the excess of light, the blindness and the impossibility of seeing and of communicating, the invisibility and its metaphors. Conceived like a collector’s room, the show aims to recreate the closed atmosphere one can find Antón-milk Exercises, 2009, résine de polyester, madera + néon, in a private place, where the spectator becomes a 110 x 40 x 35 cm. Courtesy: The Artist Peeping Tom! Such setting implies that one needs to achieve higher consciousness, that defies the vacuum of to reconsider the way to glance at things. ‘To look meaning that exists in a large part in contemporary art... at’, means to discover and to recognize. The eyes only illuOther opportunities to see how Roig casts light into the minate reality and rebuild it like a theatre scene or a noobscurity of the mind’s eye : at Park Tournay-Solvay or vel. In ancient times the traditional thinkers tore off their Wittgenstein House (architectural maquette with video eyes to see, becoming blind, they plunged themselves into inset and text) in ‘El Angel Exterminador’ at Bozar. major darkness, to encourage inner visions, and as Buñuel Michèle Schoonjans recalls in his film “the Andalusian dog”, we must look into the abyss of our inner own. For Roig, we are here, struggling
Gallery | Exhibition
New heritage U 4.06.10 – 4.07.10 Joelle Delhovren – Patrimoine Galerie Libre Cours – Rue de Stassart, 100 – 1050 Brussels T/ 0473 59 02 85 – www.galerielibrecours.eu Tuesday – Saturday 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm or by appointment Free entrance Joelle Delhovren is initially a portraitist, in the pure line of the English school, powerful and sensitive. In a first approach, one can undoubtedly identify a filiation with Lucien Freud. Beyond the first observation characterized by the same way of powerful gesture in the strokes and non saturated colors for the portraits, one observes very quickly that the artist develops a very personal universe. In the past with her merciless portraits she did question appearances, the esthetics of a smooth, controlled world (all out of forgery) and she did express intense pieces of life and exacerbated feelings. Today Delhovren looks at the essence of life. What remains when one forgets about everything, the fugacity of the things, the fragility of living in all its duration. Her
Sans titre - 70x104cm, oil on linen canvas, 2009 works express the mankind’s transcendence, the generations’s roots through the centuries, a whole culture, a universe, but also the expression of becoming the future beyond reality… The child is filled with wonders for anything and everything, because the past like the future does not relate to him, he crosses space with lightness and the greatest simplicity, like a butterfly. M.S.
Enigmes et sensations - 122 x 172 cm - pigments et pastels 2008
U 26.06.10– Philippe Monod Enigmes et sensations Galerie Fred Lanzenberg Avenue des Klauwaerts, 9 1050 Brussels T/02 647 30 15 www.galeriefredlanzenberg.com Free entrance Philippe Monod exhibition invites us to an enigmatic and olfactive trip. The Swiss painter works with skilfulness the pastels to such an extend that he prompts us to raise each brushwood to discover deeper ones, the most hidden in the underwood until one feels an olfactive sensation. Monod uses the pastel for its fastness related to its extreme fragility. Despite the succession of small superimposed, crossed, tightened and dense strokes, each of them preserves its glare, always readable under the one which it recovers partly, and amongst which the light infiltrates. On the surface the sharper colors spout out. Each pastel line keeps its intensity and the pictorial density is such that the raised substance vibrates and becomes luminous and gleaming. With the series “Enigmas & sensations”, Philippe Monod expresses his observations, in an intimate diary-like way, of the hidden signs in nature - a secret part of the enigma of life.
Global kaleidoscope U 17.07.10. Erró Se non è vero è ben trovato II Le Salon d’art – Rue de l’Hôtel des Monnaies, 81 – 1060 Brussels T/ 02 537 65 40 – www.lesalondart.be Tuesday to Friday – 2 to 6:30pm Saturday 9:30 am –12 noon to 2 - 6pm Free entrance Le salon d’Art, Bruxelles après la date. Méca rasoir - 32 x24 cm 1958 - Le Salon d’Art, Bruxelles
Erró, famous Icelander artist in the narrative Figuration movement, is since the late 50’s a virtuoso in collages which he realizes from illustrations. Erró is fascinated by images issued from various cultures in the world. He collects all he can glean here and there from magazines, Chinese propaganda’s images or American comic strip, alternative press, publicity, illustration’s drawings and other marginal publications. He exploits his reserve of images to create a whole new world. Erró universe mingles characters of cartoons with figures of despot, small playlets in turns funny, ironic or militant. To merge the documents together, the artist must feel the possibility of a common tension between them. Sometimes the link is created by the strength of their own confrontation. The landscapes in Erró’s work are a constantly changing kaleidoscope of images, multivalent and mysterious, not infrequently controversial, bursting with life – and titillating too ! There is room in his pictures for both paradise and visions of fear ! M.S.
Public art U 15.07.10 Avenue de la Toison d’Or (opposite Hilton) Nuestros silencios, Rivelino monumental bronze figures are on tour of seven European cities and stop in the vacant spot uptown in Brussels. Ten statues occupy the space, all have closed eyes and over their mouths wear shieldlike forms, an allusion to their inability to speak and a reminder of the crucial importance of exercising freedom of expression ! M.S.
Diary 4 CulturalBooks
Le jeu dangereux des faux-semblants Nella Larsen, Clair-obscur. Préface De Laure Murat. Edition Climats. 17 € Les Etats-Unis, dans les années 30. Deux femmes métisses se rencontrent par hasard dans un salon de thé. Pour ces amies d’enfance depuis longtemps perdues de vue, c’est l’occasion de se remémorer leur parcours. Toutes deux suffisamment claires de peau pour prétendre être blanches, elles n’ont toutefois pas suivi la même trajectoire : Irène, la raisonnable, a préféré assumer ses racines noires et a atteint un rang envié au sein de cette communauté ; Claire, au contraire, appartient à « l’autre monde » et a épousé un homme blanc raciste auquel elle dissimule sa véritable origine. Belle et fantasque, ses retrouvailles avec Irène réveillent toutefois en elle le désir douloureux de renouer avec les siens et, ce faisant, avec elle-même. Le jeu est dangereux, en ces années sombres où le « in-between » n’est pas envisageable et où la transgression est encore passible de mort, mais pas autant que la schizophrénie qui menace son intégrité mentale. A travers le choc de ces deux visions du monde qui s’affrontent et se fascinent mutuellement – chacune enviant à l’autre sa situation tour à tour avec remords ou jalousie –, c’est avant tout le portrait réaliste et terriblement humain d’un aspect peu connu du ségrégationnisme qui est dévoilé. Mêlant avec brio les questions de l’identité et du passage (du titre original Passing, Claire étant en effet celle qui a franchi la frontière) en nous plongeant dans le quant-à-soi torturé des deux héroïnes, Nella Larsen relate, avec son
En partenariat avec la librairie Filigranes, 39 avenue des Arts - 1000 Bruxelles. Ouvert 7j/7. www.filigranes.be
écriture sobre et effilée, le roman de l’impossible désir. Enfin traduit, ce monument des lettres américaines donne enfin une voix aux laisséspour-compte de l’Histoire. (Aurore Dumont)
Odyssée intérieure Hans-Ulrich Treichel, Anatolin, editionGallimard. 15,40 €. ` Que fait-on pour recouvrer la mémoire ? Dans la littérature française, on mange des gâteaux mous trempés dans son thé. En Allemagne, on voyage en train. Partout, on écrit un livre. Treichel, l’auteur et narrateur de ce court roman, est hanté par la disparition de son frère, perdu en 1945, avant même sa naissance. Cet événement est le trou noir autour duquel s’organise l’amnésie de toute sa famille. L’absence contagieuse qui prive l’auteur de ses souvenirs d’enfance. La question silencieuse des origines de ses parents, tous deux issus des minorités allemandes en Europe centrale.
Chaque tentative de l’auteur pour cerner son histoire l’en éloigne, la mémoire s’effrite et se disperse sans livrer le moindre indice. Treichel entreprend un pèlerinage en train vers le village natal de sa mère, en Pologne. Avec le sens de l’ironie de ceux qui ne s’étonne plus d’échouer, l’auteur met en pratique (et à mal) les concepts de construction identitaire. Il recherche ce frère qu’il n’a jamais croisé mais auquel il a déjà consacré deux romans : Le disparu et Vol humain. Car la littérature peut se substituer aux carences de la mémoire. Et le point aveugle dans le tableau personnel, disparu, oublié, s’incarne dans la fiction. C’est l’histoire d’un sabotage intime, d’un exil intérieur qui tient de la farce absurde. La vie imite l’art bien plus que l’art n’imite la vie. La littérature est parvenue à apaiser les tourments de l’auteur. Treichel applique simplement, avec une fausse candeur, l’aphorisme de Wilde à travers ses romans. (Aurélie Cauchie)
Where can you watch the World Cup? g The football World Cup is fast approaching, with the opening game pitting hosts South Africa against Mexico on 11 June at 4pm. So now is probably a pretty good time to start thinking about where you are going to watch some (or, if you are a ‘World Cup junkie’, all) of the games.
A ‘World Cup Village’ will be set up from 11 June to 11 July The World Cup Village has been set up by Filippo Marino (FM Consultants - www. fmconsultants.eu) together with Espace53 Restaurant/Bar and will be located in Autoworld in the Parc du Cinquantenaire. The idea is to create a unique place and atmosphere to show the whole World Cup tournament.
with two maxi screens, a bar and a BBQ area. The terrace will be fenced off just for the customers!
The location has an internal area with five TV screens, a huge bar, a restaurant and a VIP area at the back that will be used for corporate events/dinner/watching your favourite matches.
There are plenty of other places where you can watch matches, including:
• Fat Boys, Place Luxembourg :
Outside, there will be a 200m2 terrace
Expace53 is located between two metro stations (Schuman and Merode). There are 400 car parking spaces just outside on the esplanade du Cinquantenaire.
• Devaleras, Place Flagey : • Churchills, 29 Rue de l’Ecuyer : www.churchills.be/
• Wild Geese, 2-4 Avenue Livingstone : www.thewildgeese.be/
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• Kitty O’Sheas :
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Diary 6 Cultural Socialising
The Adidas Jabulani is the official match ball for the 2010 World Cup. Jabulani means «be happy» in Zulu. A gold version of the Jabulani ball, the ‘Jo’bulani’, will be the ball for the World Cup Final. The name of the ball inspired by the city of Johannesburg, which is often nicknamed Jo’burg and will host the 2010 final. This is the second World Cup final ball to be produced after the one made for the 2006 World Cup. The only teams able to use it will be the two teams in the final. The number eleven plays a prominent role in the ball: it is the eleventh World Cup match ball made by the German sports equipment maker; it features eleven colours, one for each player on the pitch; and there are eleven official languages of South Africa. Also, the event will start on the eleventh day of June and end on the eleventh day of July.
EESC/British Council literary lunches With the support of the British Council, the European Economic and Social Committee will be hosting a series of literary lunches this summer. Authors will be coming to give selected reading from their novels in their mother tongue. Participants will also be provided with texts of the readings in French. If the weather is good, the readings will be on the EESC’s terrace so bring along your sunglasses! The atmosphere is very relaxed. Around 100 or so people have come along to previous literary lunches. A light lunch is available and the event runs from 12.30 until 2pm. After the reading, participants can ask the author questions/make comments. The first one of the season is on 17 June and features author Helen Walsh, who had the novel ‘Once Upon A Time In England’ published in 2008. Robin Davies from the British Council will introduce her.
© Susan Leggett | Dreamstime.com
Who will the Jabulani ball make happy on 11 July?
About the author Helen Walsh was born in Warrington in 1977 and moved to Barcelona at the age of sixteen. Working as a fixer in the red light district, she saved enough money to put herself through language school. Burnt out and broke, she returned to England a year later and now works with socially excluded teenagers in North Liverpool. ‘Once Upon a Time In England’ is her second novel and won a Somerset Maugham Award.
About the book…
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It’s the coldest night of 1975. A young man with shock-red hair tears through the snowbound streets of Warrington’s toughest housing estate. He is Robbie Fitzgerald, and he is running for his life - and that of his young family. In his heart, Robbie knows the odds are stacked against them. In this unbending northern town, he has married the beautiful brown nurse who once stitched up his wounds. Susheela is his Tamil princess, but in the real world the Fitzgeralds have to face up to prejudice, poverty, and naked hatred from their neighbours. Now Robbie has seen a way out, and he’s sprinting to his date with destiny. This night starts a chain of events that will reverberate throughout this family - Robbie, Susheela, their son Vincent and unborn daughter, Ellie. Across two decades of struggle, aspiration, achievement, misunderstandings, near-misses and shattered dreams, Helen Walsh plunges us into their lives and loves. She shows herself to be a brilliant chronicler of our people and of our times. And in the Fitzgeralds, she has created a family who will stay in your heart, long after the final page.
Discover more
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Be inspired – explore it now
8 Dossier spécial The event
Accessible Art Fair at the Conrad in early June
If you’re interested in finding some high quality but affordable art and chatting to the artists themselves, then make sure you keep some time free from 4 to 6 June this year. The ballroom at the Conrad Hotel, near Place Stephanie in Brussels, is the prestigious venue where around 55 artists (Belgian artists, expat artists living in Belgium and international artists) will dazzle an expected 6,000 visitors with around 1,000 pieces of art. The art will take the form of paintings, photography, sculpture and design. Entrance is free of charge and visitors buy art and take it away on the day packaged in bubble wrap.
A big focus on the artists themselves is one of the big differences between the Accessible Art Fair and other fairs, where galleries represent the artists. “Here, you meet the artists in person. They represent themselves,” says the curator and director of the fair, Stephanie Manasseh. The idea is to give the public the chance to buy high quality original artwork and design directly from emerging and established artists in a relaxed atmosphere. Unlike conventional art fairs, the artist and the buyer meet face-to-face, bringing the buyer true insight into the artwork they are purchasing. “We believe that this creates a unique experience for buying art,” says Ms Manasseh. “The artists are generally aged between 30 and 55. The visitors are mainly expats and Belgians in the 30 to 50 age range but there are also a lot of 50 to 70 year-old expats who come along,” says Ms Manasseh.
Rachel Silski
On the Friday night, there will be a vernissage, with the first 600 visitors being given a free drink at the bar. The vernissage will run from 6pm until 10pm and will feature luxury tequila. There will also be a pay bar. The 55 artists will each have about four metres of wall space where they will exhibit about ten pieces of art each. Each of them will bring along around 20 pieces of art each in total as their ten pieces may well be snapped up by art aficionadoes. Aside from the choice of venue, another novelty this year is a lecture given by the Chair of the British Decorative and Fine Arts Society in Brussels (BRIDFAS), Paula Cagli. The lecture, entitled ‘Rome: An open air museum’, will take place from 11am until 12 noon in the Conrad Hotel. Admission to the lecture will cost 10 euro, which can be paid on the door. There will be room for around 50 people.
Key information U Opening times: Friday 4 June: 6pm – 10pm Saturday 5 June: 11am – 6pm Sunday 6 June: 11am – 6pm Free entrance everyday
New for 2010: The venue The Conrad Brussels hotel is located on the well known and highly fashionable Avenue Louise, offering exceptionally stylish accommodation in sophisticated surroundings. The main tourist attractions, stations and lots of elegant shops and boutiques are all within easy reach of the hotel.
U Conrad Hotel Avenue Louise 71 1050 Brussels Tel: 02 542 4242
New for 2010: A DJ Mobile DJ Gina Lapsley will be providing the sounds for Friday evening. Her initial plan is to bring an uplifting, summery, swing jazz feel to the event. “So far, I find mobile DJing fun and challenging - It enables me to cater for a different crowd each time, with ages ranging from 12 to 50!” she says.
Dagmaraa Pater
Dossier spécial 9 The lecture
Architecture lecture:
‘Rome: an open air museum’
How is the fair ‘accessible’? “We try to make it an accessible event in every way: the prices are reasonable (between 50 and 5,000 euro), it is centrally located, admission is free and the artists themselves offer some explanation of their work,” says Ms Manasseh. “Most pieces of art are priced under 1,000 euro,” she adds.
New for 2010: ‘A cardologue’ The Accessible Art Fair has come up with a new concept. They’ve decided to put together a ‘cardologue’ of artists rather than a catalogue. The organisers produce about 100 to 200 postcards for each artist featuring a piece of their work and their biography. These are then put into packages of 55 (i.e. one postcard for each artist), which are then sold to the public.
Another novelty for 2010 is a lecture, to be given by the Chair of the British Decorative and Fine Arts Society in Brussels (BRIDFAS), Paula Cagli, about the history of Rome and its spectacular architecture. On Saturday morning, the art historian and photographer will discuss all the major periods and architects, with special emphasis placed on Ancient Rome, the Baroque period and the 20th Century. World famous monuments such as the Forum, the Coliseum, the Campidoglio and St. Peter’s are included while master architects such as Bramante, Michelangelo, Bernini and Borromini are also featured. Rome is much more than just grandiose urban works though. Tucked away in remote corners are intimate, medieval churches, courtyards filled with coloured mosaics, lush gardens, rich villas and a myriad of fountains spouting water for the thirsty visitor. Ultimately, it was the architecture of ancient Rome that has had the greatest impact on the aesthetic appearance of the city throughout history. Nevertheless, different eras chose different aspects to follow as their models so that a never-ending variety of styles now graces this complex but incredibly beautiful city.
U Date and time: Saturday 5 June from 11am - 12pm Cost: 10 euros (payable on the door) Sponsored by BRIDFAS
Paula Cagli is a professional freelance photographer with a university degree in Art History and has spent the past few years developing a series of lectures about various aspects of the architectural history of Rome. Each lecture is a unique journey into the past which she creates through carefully researched and documented slide shows. She does all her own photography.
New for 2010: A children’s area Curator Stephanie Manasseh explains that in the past many visitors with children left after a short time because it was difficult to look at the art with their children around. As a result, this year, she has set up a children’s area with a little gym and arts and crafts. It’ll be for children aged from three to ten and will be provided by the Kid Farwest team.
U Days/times: Saturday 5 June: 1pm – 6pm Sunday 6 June: 11am - 6pm Cost: 5 euros per child per hour
10 Dossier spécial The background to the event
The ‘history’ of the fair The idea of founding the Accessible Art fair grew over time.
It all started on a very small scale, bringing together a small group of artists, friends of friends. When it was set up back in 2007, the event featured a handful of artists and attracted 700 visitors in just one weekend but it has grown considerably since then. The following year saw 20 artists and over 1,500 visitors show up before, in 2009, 30 artists and 3,000 visitors came along. In 2010, Ms Manasseh expects around 55 artists and around 6,000 visitors.
Ms Manasseh now receives around ten applications per day from artists wanting to exhibit their art at one of the fairs. Currently, she looks at all the applications herself but will now be setting up a jury to look at applications and to select the artists. Looking to the future, she says that she plans to hold two events per year, one in the autumn and one in the summer. “The event has expanded tremendously, but I try to keep the costs for the artists taking part as low as possible. We always have an artist’s get together sometime before the event for the artists to meet each other and break the ice,” she said in an interview with the BrusselsEurope liaison office. “It is not by chance that it is in Brussels that I started up this project. It is an accessible, manageable city. Not too big and not too small. I have the feeling that there is plenty of new ground to be opened up here, which offers potential to creative people,” she said in the same interview.
3 1/ Francois Coorens 2/ Pete Heylands 3/ Lea Shabat
A selection of this edition’s artists photo: Cassandre Sturboi
The seeds of the idea were sown in Milan, where the curator, Stephanie Manasseh, discovered that she enjoyed organising events. Then, shortly after finding out that she was pregnant after arriving in Brussels, she joined the Brussels Childbirth Trust. She decided to show some of the group her mother’s works of art and quickly realised that lots of expats were looking for original works of art that were not too expensive to liven up their homes but don’t have time to go to the various galleries. The Brussels Accessible Art Fair was a way of bringing them into contact with art more easily.
Francois Coorens Born in 1971, François Coorens has worked in various agencies since he completed graphic arts studies at the Saint Luc institute in Liège. His first collection dates back to 1999 and was called ‘Goldmania’, as a tribute to the end of the millennium. Other collections include ‘Les Pirates de Luxe’ and ‘Punk & Majorettes’ as well as a collection of clothes and live performances during various cultural events.
Christina Jékey Christina Jékey is a plastics artist who works with sculpture and design. She has a workshop in Beersel where she does her work. She has developed her own technique for sculptures. He work is about far more than technique though. It’s about the intention and spirituality. Let it work its magic!
About the curator
Pete Heylands Stephanie is Canadian. In 2000 she left Montreal for Prague, where she taught English for four years. While there she met her future husband, a Brit. They then moved to Milan, where Stephanie started work as an organiser of medical events. Three years later they ended up in Brussels. “Originally we only intended to stay here a year,” says Stephanie, “but we fell in love with the city and decided to settle down here”.
Pete Heylands was born in Oostend, Belgium, in 1966 and attended several art academies, including l’Academie des Beaux Arts in Paris from 1983-1988. During and after his studies, Pete Heylands was inspired by the Australian artist Rolf Harris and by the French master painter Henri Matisse. Pete Heylands paints in a Fauvist style, 1e ‘Fauve Modern’ style as he calls it himself and has also created timeless theatre shows that travel all around the world and consist of ‘out of action’ painting, humour and music.
Dossier spécial 11
4/ Karim Kaidi 5/ Stephanie Reinert 6/ Aurélie Bautier 7/ Nils Neuman 8/ Gordon Hopkins 9/ Christina Jékey 10/ Michel Lévy 11/ Luc Dratwa
A selection of this edition’s artists Karim Kaidi Born in 1969, Karim Kaidi’s belief is that if objects are reinvented then they lose their primary function and gain in personality. It encourages recycling objects, which, mixed with poetry and a sense of humour, gives birth to a collection of lamp shades created from old or recycled objects. Each lamp shade is a unique piece of work.
Lea Shabat Lea Shabat lives in Canada and is inspired by her surroundings, by her travels and the people she meets along the way. She is a figurative but imaginary artist, who takes reality to the edge but does not cross over the line of surrealism. She lives and laughs and loves nature, as depicted in her latest collection of Canadian landscapes.
Stephanie Reinert Stephanie Reinert’s works (called ‘so RT’) are a fusion of historical precedent and the natural beauty of elements that surround us. Each painting or print piece has been made to suit the interior of someone’s home. A Paris-born but London-bred Brussels local, she is an art historian and artist. Her passion for art, photography, graphic design and printing techniques originates from an absolute love of colour and form. The difference with so RT, is that using a combination of these mediums, she can also adapt the artwork to her clients’ specifications.
Aurélie Bautier Aurélie Bautier was born in 1981 in Uccle, Belgium. A painter for over ten years now, she moved from abstract painting to painting portraits. She tries to capture emotions in her paintings of photographic snapshots. Through a photomaton machine, she captures the moment and the spontaneity, which she then reproduces in her paintings.
Gordon Hopkins Gordon Hopkins is an American artist who was born 1965. His work finds its strength in his unique technique and use of strong colour. He often sets the outline of everyday objects over layers of color, building up the material using oil bar and paint. Patterns, forms, fish, gardens and landscapes are some of the many subjects in his work. He currently lives and works in Brussels, Belgium. He gathers new ideas and images for his paintings from his travels throughout Europe. He works primarily with oil bar and oil paint on linen and board. Mr Hopkins’s work brings with it a sense of exploration, an interpretation of our surroundings from his point of view, filled with color and a sense of joy.
Michel Lévy Michel Lévy was born in 1960. His family decided to leave France after the sixday war and move to Netanya, Israel. From a bourgeois Parisian background, he was surprised to discover a country that lacked every-
thing and whose culture and mentality was the opposite of what he had always known. He grew up in a setting where art was an important part of his life as it was one of his father’s passions and was one of the memories of his first flat on rue de Seine, which was in between two art galleries. His artistic eye was enriched by these two cultures and all the discoveries that he would make in his travels.
Nils Neuman Born in Hamburg, Nils Neumann currently divides his time between Berlin and Brussels. He describes his work as ‘neo-cubist ligne claire revival with pop art tendencies’. He works in various media, including: paint and digital prints, but also in 3D, using, for instance, papier maché. His influences are diverse and include artists such as Lichtenstein, Remi, Morgenstern, Ramos, Boucher, Pfarr, Manet and Demand.
Luc Dratwa Born in 1958, Luc Dratwa currently lives in Brussels. An autodidact, he was the publisher of the ‘Domino’ design and architecture magazine and has always been passionate about art in general. For fifteen years, he would take advantage of his many travels to try out photography. By showing off his various pieces of work produced in Rome, Paris, Tokyo and New York, he realised that his work generated a lot of interest. The influence on his work comes from his experience but also from his admiration for certain photographers such as Meyerowitz and Saul Leiter.
© José Marafona | Dreamstime.com
Diary 12 Cultural Focus
Party across Europe in June! There is no shortage of festivals going on right across Europe so why not hop on a train or a plane or drive and discover something new! On 21 June (summer solstice day), you’ll have to choose between Paris’s free ‘Fête de la Musique’ or seeing the sun rise over Stonehenge unless you decide to wake up in Stonehenge and then hustle over the English channel to Paris. There’s lots more, including Turkish oil wrestling, the Wimbledon tennis queueing experience, a bizarre Italian spectacle combining football, rugby and wrestling plus more conventional festivals in Leipzig, Zurich, Barcelona, Athens and Berlin.
Stonehenge (Wiltshire, England)
Fête de la Musique (Paris, France)
Every year on the 21 June, visitors from around the world gather at Stonehenge overnight to mark the summer solstice and to see the sunrise above the stones. The Summer Solstice at Stonehenge is certainly the ‘ancient history’ summer event in Britain to attend.
Launched in 1982 by the French Ministry for Culture, the Fête de la Musique takes place every year on 21 June (the day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere) in more than hundred countries in Europe and over the world.
Toilets and drinking water are available, and regardless of the weather, the early morning is cold, so it is advisable to bring warm clothing. Last year’s turn-out was massive, with some 36,500 people showing up.
The musicians are asked to perform for free and all the concerts are free for the public. The Fête de la Musique is also a way to encourage the major music institutions (orchestra, operas, choirs, etc.) to perform outside their usual locations. The Fête de la Musique is open to any participant (amateur or professional musicians) who wants to perform in it. It is an opportunity for a whole range of styles of music to be played in a cheerful atmosphere and aims to popularise music for everyone from all sorts of social backgrounds.
Photo: © dreamstime
This year again, English Heritage is expected to provide free overnight access to the inner circle of stones to Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice. The key moment is the sunrise at 4:45am on Monday 21 June. Access to the stones is expected to begin at 8.30pm on Sunday 20 June until 8am on Monday 21 June. But there won’t be a huge Solstice rave, as no amplified music is allowed!
U Date: 21 June For more info: www.fetedelamusique.culture.fr
The party goes on all day. There are no specific start and finish times.
U Date: 21 June For more info: www.english-heritage.org.uk/ daysout/properties/stonehenge/explore/summersolstice-2010/
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Diary 14 Cultural Focus
g Key
Wimbledon info
• July 3, 2010: (from 2pm, weather permitting): Ladies’ singles final, men’s doubles final, ladies’ doubles final. • July 4, 2010: (from 2pm, weather permitting): Men’s singles final, mixed doubles final.
Defending champions: • Men’s singles: Roger Federer. • Ladies’ singles: Serena Williams.
Prize money The men’s and ladies’ singles champions will each receive £1,000,000 at this year’s Championships, an increase of £150,000 on 2009. The total prize money at Wimbledon 2010 is £13,725,000, an increase of £1.175 million on 2009. © Sam Gillespie | Dreamstime.com
© Ali Rıza Yıldız | Dreamstime.com
Oil wrestling (Turkey)
Wimbledon (England)
The Edirne Stadium, on the Greek-Turkish border, is the location for the annual Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling Championship. Wrestlers take part in this «sudden death»-style competition wearing only a pair of leather trousers and a good slick of olive oil.
If you have never been to Wimbledon for the tennis, then why not check it out this year? Grass tennis courts (there aren’t many of those around), Pimms and Lemonade, strawberries, hot weather (ok, it might rain!), Wimbledon has lots going for it besides the tennis. It remains one of the very few major UK sporting events where you can still buy premium tickets on the day of play. Approximately 500 tickets for Centre Court (except for the last four days), No.1 and No.2 Courts are reserved for sale at the turnstiles each day. About 6,000 Ground Admission tickets are available each day. This number may vary depending on the number of people already in the grounds, the number of courts in play and the weather. However, competition is fierce as people camp out overnight to make sure that they get tickets. The queue for on the day ticket sales is at the Gate 3 turnstiles. An area has been created in Wimbledon Park for those wishing to queue overnight. Lighting and improved toilet facilities have been installed, there is catering and a high level of stewarding to create a more comfortable ‘camping’ experience.
Competitors pair off and struggle to gain a grip on their opponent, before one is flipped over and pinned to the ground. The winner goes on to fight another winner, and so on, until there is only one wrestler left standing. The event’s somewhat kinky title belies the fact that it is a sport that is over five centuries old. Oil-coated wrestling or Yagli Gures was devised as a means of training troops, but it has since become a popular spectacle, with champions becoming national celebrities. Combat aside, the festival also attracts gypsies from around the Middle East and Eastern Europe. A colourful fair springs up outside the arena, and visitors tired of cheering and booing fighters can come and lose themselves in the sights and sounds of the Bohemian way of life. Kirkpinar Oil Wresting dates back nearly 650 years. It hosts contests for a week, with the active participation of media, folk-dance groups, millions of spectators, artists and statesmen both from Turkey and all over the world, and with a varying array of activities every year. It includes headwrestling and other forms of wrestling contests, as well as the performances local and foreign folk-dance groups throughout the contests. At the time of the Ottomans, the wrestling contests outside the palace took place in fairgrounds, at weddings, in societies in the aid of charity groups or in the private places and salons of organizers who had gained a profession.
UDates: 21-27 June For more info: www.kirkpinar.com
You could also do some shopping in the morning and then queue for a returned ticket in the afternoon.
Calcio Storico (Florence, Italy) From 7-24 June, you can see ‘Calcio Storico’, an ancestor of football and an odd mixture of football, rugby and wrestling! Teams have no less than 27 players each, including 15 attackers! The venues are Santa Maria Novella, San Giovanni, Santo Spirito and Santa Croce, with the teams coming from the four historic districts of Florence: i Bianchi (whites) di Santo Spirito, gli Azzurri (blues) di Santa Croce, i Rossi (reds) di Santa Maria Novella and i Verdi (greens) di San Giovanni.
The players are seeded on the basis of their computer rankings, with consideration given to players’ previous grass court performances.
U Dates: June 21 – July 4. For more info: www.wimbledon.org
There is whole ritual surrounding the event, including a procession in Renaissance costumes. Before the match starts, teams come out on to the field of play to the sound of drums.
U Dates: 7-24 June For more info: www.calciostorico.it
Bach Festival (Leipzig, Germany) At Leipzig’s Bach Festival, you can hear the works of the great composer being performed by internationally acclaimed musicians in venues associated with the great former cantor of St. Thomas’ Church’s. Alongside Bach’s Masses, the festival also boasts orchestral and choral works as well as organ and symphony concerts. The programme also includes special exhibitions and events. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist. His ecclesiastical and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity. Bach’s abilities as an organist were highly respected throughout Europe during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now regarded as the supreme composer of the Baroque, and as one of the greatest of all time. Admired for their intellectual depth, technical command and artistic beauty, Bach’s works include the St Matthew Passion, the St John Passion and The Magnificat, to name just a few examples.
U Dates: 11-20 June For more info: www.bach-leipzig.de Bach-Archiv Leipzig Tel.: +49-(0)341-9137-333 E-Mail: bachfest@bach-leipzig.de
Focus fluenced by Italian drama, it speaks of love, but also takes a stand against oppression. If you prefer to listen to some music, you could consider checking out ‘From the Skies of Crete: Psarantonis’ at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, with Yiannis Angelakas, on 2 June. The Athens Festival is to honour the pioneering lyra player Psarantonis with a concert at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus. Antonis Xylouris, known to all as Psarantonis, is a virtuoso born into a family with a rich musical tradition (his brother was the unforgettable Nikos Xylouris). He began playing the three-stringed Cretan lyra at the age of nine, while herding sheep high on Mount Ida. His intensely personal style of playing the “noble” lyra and other traditional instruments, such as the tzouras and mandolin, has garnered both Greek and international recognition.
Zurich Festival (Switzerland) The Zurich Festival features a unique combination of opera, concerts, dance, drama and art. The Opera House’s Festival Première will be devoted to Richard Strauss’s “Salome”, with Christoph von Dohnányi at the podium and Gun-Brit Barkmin in the title role. The Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich’s concerts will be devoted to the theme of the symphony as a personal musical confession, and will feature symphonic works of the Romantic period (Berlioz), inspired by nature and the homeland (Dvorák), or dedicated to God, as in Bruckner’s Ninth. There will also be a world première performance to be given by Sasha Waltz & Guests at the Schiffbau. The ambitious new production, entitled ‘Continu’, will feature 24 dancers and 15 musicians. During the Festival, photographs by Thomas Struth dating from the 1980s to the present day can be seen at the Kunsthaus. Alongside Andreas Gursky and Jeff Wall, Struth is one of the world’s most influential photographic artists. The festival will kick off with an opening party on 19 June on the premises of the Theaterhaus Gessnerallee and the Midsummer Night’s Ball on Zurich Main Station’s spacious concourse. Three traditional open-air screenings on the Münsterhof, the International Opera Studio Revue in the Centralhof, a musical soirée in the Seefeldpark, as well as encounters with well-known artists on ‘Meet the Artist Day’ can all be attended free of charge.
U Dates: 19 June – 11 July For more info: www.zuercher-festspiele.ch/en
Barcelona ‘Grec’ festival The festival dates back to 1976, when a group of Barcelona theatre professionals took the Grec theatre to put on a festival that was a bit different from the usual fare.
© Frenc | Dreamstime.com
© Desislava Dimitrova | Dreamstime.com
U Dates: June and July For more info about the full programme of music, theatre, lectures and other events: www.greekfestival.gr
According to the Director of the ‘Grec’ Ricardo Szwarcer, one thing to look out for is a spectacle with a Japanese theatre company, which he says “promises a seductive mixture of Mediterranean and Oriental sensitivities”. The Teatre Grec is a Greek-style amphitheatre on the flank of Montjuic Hill near Barcelona’s Olympic Stadium. Many of the events of the Barcelona Summer Festival of theatre, music and dance are performed here, along with a dozen other venues around this magical city. The festival offers a great mix of entertainment with musical highlights from previous years including Joss Stone, Brian Wilson, Craig David and Marianne Faithful. Each year the organisers aim to bring something new and different to the international audiences who attend the festival.
U Dates: 1 June until August For more info: w3.bcn.es
Greek Festival (Athens, Greece) A key part of the Hellenic Festival is the Epidaurus Festival, which has re-created ancient Greek classics at the beautiful and acoustically tremendous theater at Epidaurus for some 40 years now. This is a great opportunity to experience theatre as the ancient Greeks did. Performances are in Greek but programs provide synopses in other languages. An example of theatre is the play ‘Erophile’ on 30 July at the Ancient Epidaurus Little Theatre. Continuing their diligent exploration of traditional forms, Simos Kakalas and the Horos Theatre Company are returning once more to Georgios Chortatzis’ rhyming tragic masterpiece Erophile. Written in Rethymnon in around 1595 and in-
Berlin Gay Pride Festival The Berlin Gay Pride Festival runs from 1-19 June and offers a wide range of events, including several events like shows, auditions, partys, exhibitions, workshops and much more! The event culminates in a parade on 19 June starting at Kurfurstendamm at 1pm and ending at the Brandenburg gate. The theme is «Be an angel - and bring along your wings». “Whatever you decide to wear on 19 June, make sure it looks angelic!” say the organisers.
U Dates: 1-19 June For more info: www.csd-berlin.de
Diary 16 Cultural Real Estate
Strength in numbers
“The establishment of networks is growing every year”, says Eric Verlinden, co-founder and president of the Groupe Trevi. Market players put this down to a number of factors. “More and more professionalism is demanded of real estate agents. That has been particularly the case in the last five or six years. We ask more and more skills of them and their professional responsibility is often challenged,” says Verlinden, who also points to the “brand phenomenon that affects all professions. People today consume brands more than products”. “Real estate is still a very artisanal market and is fairly badly organised”, thinks Philippe Rosy, president of Engel&Völckers in Belgium. “There really is space for networks that professionnalise the profession. It’s essential because real estates is the most significant primary need in households’ budgets. Housing defines a person’s identity.” “I see that networks offer visibility that a small or medium-sized agent can’t get. Helping each other and exchanges between agencies are key,” explains Patrick Balcaen, franchised master of Laforêt for Belgium. “The network also makes it possible to benefit from training. That’s important in a competitive market where you need to perform better and better in sales techniques in particular.” “The network makes it easier to get orders. The agent is no longer isolated,” says Joe Chtouki, the founder of Real Estate Group.
Philippe Rosy even goes further. “In my opinion, it’s becoming very difficult for a real estate agent to continue to be on their own. Just the costs of setting up IT tools for example are so high that an agency struggles a lot to be profitable on its own. The network is really a saving grace for the real estate agent.”` The network can come in different shapes and sizes (see below). For example, there are networks made up of real estate agents that have decided to join forces. “The original idea was a real estate services activity with the need to develop into a network to better serve customers,” says Eric Verlinden. Other networks belong to franchise groups. “With the desire to develop in quantity,” thinks Eric Verlinden. What they are called varies too as does how they take part financially. That may take the form of an entry fee, a fixed monthly fee, royalties depending on turnover etc. The networks can also be local, national or international. “The international dimension is essential,” thinks Philippe Rosy. “We would certainly not have had some applications if we had not had a global presence”. Eric Verlinden has a different opinion. “In my opinion, the internationalisation of the network does not offer much in terms of residential real estate. In the corporate world it’s different because often big international compa-
© Jrockar | Dreamstime.com
© Frank Boston | Dreamstime.com
© Frank Boston | Dreamstime.com
g The real estate network principle is gaining ground with some major variations depending on who is involved. Here are some examples.
nies like to work with the same agent all over the world. On the residential front, foreigners looking for a property in Brussels will go straight to a Brussels agent. Buyers tend to go more towards a property than a network. Professionnalisation, standardising the service, reducing some costs, training, visibility of properties… the network has its pluses but also its minuses. Cost is one. “Some networks ask for exorbitant entry fees or royalties,” thinks Joe Chtouki. One can also point to homogeneity, which can become a disadvantage. “A problem with an agency can harm the whole network,” thinks Eric Verlinden. And while the name is a point reference, one should not rely on that. “Real estate needs to continue to be a people business,” thinks Eric Verlinden. “We are doing a job that relates to amounts that are too high to base oneself solely on the name”. Groupe Trevi : National and regional
“We are above all real estate agents and we said to one another that it could be interesting to join forces,” says Eric Verlinden, the founder of the Groupe Trevi. This network now has 27 agencies on its books. Its oldest is Servimmo, which started in 1955. “Our aim: around 40 partner agencies. We are not targeting quantity. It is important to leave areas for development to everyone.” With a presence in Brussels and in Wallonia, the Groupe Trevi also plans to get going in Flanders. “We are still weak in that market. We are not present on the coast for example. We’d like to get to 15 agencies in Flanders,” says Eric Verlinden. VENTE 02 777 19 19 The groups is targeting two types sales@latouretpetit.be of profile: agencies that already exist and which are attracted LOCATION 02 777 19 11 by the way it works and comrent@latouretpetit.be pany managers who have expeAvenue Paul Hymans 83 - 1200 Bruxelles - www.latouretpetit.be
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Real Estate by basing ourselves on their reputation. We also work with agencies that want to open a complementary agency or with candidates who want to start up in real estate. One point which we pay a lot of attention to is the personality of the agent.”
Owned by a holding company that also has Era in its portfolio, Century 21 works with legally and financially independent franchised agents. They are asked to pay an entry fee (18,500 euro) as well as an annual contribution equivalent to 6% of their turnover. Another 2% of their turnover is asked of them too for a national advertising fund.
Century 21 : Global giant
Macnash : Specialised
With their jacket and tie, real estate agents who are part of the Century 21 network are easily identifiable. “It’s an important marketing tool, a recognition tool,” says Sybille Colin, Inside Manager at Century 21 Belgium. “All our franchised agents need to share our philosophy and our vision, which in particular comprises a certain level of standardisation and openness to the development of their company. This implies, among other things, taking part in meetings and training sessions that we organise.”
An owner of five real estate agencies, Patrick Menache decided, in 1999, to create his Macnash network. “I had to much work. You need to be able to delegate at a given moment,” explains Patrick Menache. “With the directors of agencies at the time, we set up a win-win contract. They are part of all the decisions taken in the network; there is no entry fee or percentage of turnover. Everyone pays a fee per month which covers the recognition of the network, joint advertising, the IT system etc.”
Established in 1972 in California, Century 21 is the biggest real estate network in the world, with over 8,500 agencies in over 64 countries. With a presence on the Belgian market since 1995, it has 160 agencies. “Over time, we are aiming for 200 agencies as well as twenty or so more on the coast where we are already present with ten or so agencies.” What are the selection criteria to become franchised? “We canvass agencies that already exist
Today, the network has 12 agencies, in Brussels, in Wallonia and one in Wemmel. “We have just signed a master franchise contract for Flanders. The First agency should open within two months in Mechelen,” says Patrick Menache, who is aiming for 30 or so agencies in Belgium. “We want profitable agencies. In addition, we work with territorial exclusivity: two of our agencies cannot compete on the same territory.” While it works by region, the Macnash network also offers specialised agencies: in office and shop
Photo: © reporters
rience in banking, insurance or lawyers for example… who want to start up an agency. Partner agencies don’t pay a percentage of their turnover but a fixed amount per month (between 250 and 500 euro) plus a contribution to a communication fund. While being in a network makes it possible to work in a homogeneous way, Trevi also make sure to preserve regional specificities. “Each region has its customs and traditions in real estate. We are attentive to them.”.
real estate, for furnished real estate etc… “We plan to open a ‘Luxury Estate’ agency for high quality properties. We are at the final stage of talks. The issue about the location of this agency is still open. It will no doubt be set up in the Louise district,” says Patrick Menache. The network also has satellite offices in Thailand, Costa Rica and Israel. “We have a contact in Paris. We need to met up to agree on a possible contract.”
Engel&Völckers : Exclusivity “We are local experts in a global network,” says Philippe Rosy, president of Engel&Völckers in Belgium. Founded in 1977, the group has more than 400 agencies in 35 countries. What is its
Diary 18 Cultural Real Estate specific characteristic? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are specialised in quality properties, a name that I prefer to that of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;high qualityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. We are located all over the world, in exclusive areas: chic districts, beautiful ski or seaside resortsâ&#x20AC;Ś.â&#x20AC;?
Era : Exchanges Electronic Realty Associates, better known as ERA, was set up in the US in 1972, has over 2,600 agencies in 48 countries and has been active in Belgium since 1995. Belonging to the Realty holding company â&#x20AC;&#x201C; also a shareholder of Century 21 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the Belgian network has an independent shareholder and currently has 112 agencies in Belgium as franchises. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are aiming for 200 within five years,â&#x20AC;? says Alain Declercq, a senior business consultant at Era Belgium. It is a network which should grow bigger through the reconversion of existing agencies but â&#x20AC;&#x153;also more and more through the creation of new agenciesâ&#x20AC;?. It has one geographical criteria in particular: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are not going to put two agencies too close to each other.â&#x20AC;? The network is working hard on exchanges between agents â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;that makes it possible to come up with new ideas each timeâ&#x20AC;? and between agencies. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a shared IT platform. All the agencies are in touch with regard to properties.â&#x20AC;? An agent in Brussels can thus, for example, recommend a customer to an agent in Antwerp. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The commission is shared: 20% for the one doing the recom-
TERVUREN â&#x20AC;&#x201C; VOSSEM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; FOR SALE - In a nice, residential area, charming villa Âą 300m² living space on a beautyfull ground of 9ares with heated swimming pool. Spacious reception areas with larges windows, fully equiped kitchen, office, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garage for 3 cars.
mending and 80% for the one that finalises the sale,â&#x20AC;? says Alain Declercq. Working as a franchise, Era asks for an entry fee. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to divulge the amount here. We prefer to explain our concept to an agent that would be interested in working with us before talking to him about the amount of the entry fee.â&#x20AC;? Royalties are also due: 6% of the turnover plus 2% extra for the marketing fund.
LaforĂŞt : Premiers pas Created in 1991 and present in France with over 850 agencies as well as having master franchises in Portugal, Luxembourg, Morocco, Romania and Moldavia, LaforĂŞt has just taken its first steps on the Belgian market. Nicole and Patrick Balcaen have converted their agencies in Jette and Wemmel into pilot agencies. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have four candidates interested,â&#x20AC;? says Patrick Balcaen. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We would like to have 12 next year, 18 the year after to arrive at a cruising speed of 25 agencies per year.â&#x20AC;? The aim is to have 150 agencies in Belgium and 4,500 in Europe by 2018. The group aims to differentiate itself from its Anglo-Saxon competitors. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We provide a French specificity. For example we work on a more consensual than authoritarian model.â&#x20AC;? While exchanges are made via a shared file, each agent is also encouraged to focus on their region and
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Real Estate platform Setting up a joint IT platform that could link up hundreds of agencies is what Real Estate Group is planning. The project is being put together by Joe Chtouki, from Tendances Immobilières, an agency located in Genval, in Brabant wallon. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This network will make it easier to get orders. Agents who are members will no longer be isolated as they face their competitors. A real estate property on the site is accessible to everyone,â&#x20AC;? explains Joe Chtouki. The commission is shared between the one who enters the property and the one who sells it. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This type of network already exists in the US in particular.â&#x20AC;? For now, ten agencies are taking part in the project. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Over time, we are aiming for 400 to 500 agenciesâ&#x20AC;?. Joining the network is free. A contribution of 150 euro per month needs to be paid. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Each agency keeps its name and identity.â&#x20AC;?
IXELLES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; PROXIMITĂ&#x2030; ETANGS Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;IXELLES ET PLACE FLAGEY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Belle maison du dĂŠbut du XXe siècle rĂŠnovĂŠe. Âą 290m² de charme et dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;authenticitĂŠ. Belles rĂŠceptions (parquet et hauts plafonds), cuisine USA avec espace Ă dĂŠjeuner, 3 chambres, family room, 2 salles dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;eau, caves, petit appartement 1 chambre et salle dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;eau au niveau du rez, sympathique jardin sud, garage en location. Très lumineuse et agrĂŠable Ă vivre. 695.000 â&#x201A;Ź
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To join the network, participants need to pay an entry fee of 20,000 euro â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;which includes various things, such as eight weeks of training for managersâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and royalties of 6% on turnover, to which 2% is added for a shared advertising fund.
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even their district. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We no longer want to run all over Brussels from an agency located in Jette for example. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a waste of time.â&#x20AC;?
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Agencies from the group are franchised ones. They pay a percentage of their turnover. Engel&VĂślckers makes use of its international nature. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cooperation between agencies is important. We have a lot of applications that come from abroad and for abroad. Everything is put in a structure, right up to how to reply to the phone. Everything is done to perform as well as possible.â&#x20AC;? The group also works on customer loyalty. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Overall, the market is at 1.1 transaction per customer. We are at 2.1 and are aiming for 3.â&#x20AC;?.
Š Yuri Arcurs | Dreamstime.com
Active in Belgium since 2006, the group already has 13 agencies that are fully up and running. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are opening an agency per month between now and the end of the year. An agency will soon be opening in Brasschaat and in the Sablon too. The Zoute is also planned before the summer,â&#x20AC;? explains Philippe Rosy, who says: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have already sold 28 exclusive territories. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re exclusive because we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t put two competing agencies in the same territory.â&#x20AC;?
Clos Bizet & Clos Verdi, rue Félicien Rops 33 à Anderlecht Journées Portes Ouvertes exceptionnelles, renseignez-vous :
Diary 20 Cultural Sport
Golf : Get into the swing this summer g As the weather (hopefully!) improves in June and onwards, here’s a possible sporting option for both beginner, intermediate and advanced golfers. As Belgium is not the easiest place to play golf, given that often golf courses require that players have an official handicap, let’s start with beginners.
© Christophe Bortels
The club itself The club is organised by volunteers and does not have a club infrastructure, course or training facilities. The secretariat of the club organises tournaments in Belgian and other European clubs. The EU Golf Club cooperates with the Golf Club de Pierpont (Chemin du Grand Pierpont 1, 6210 Les Bons Villers, Tel.: +71-88.08.30).
U The secretary of the EU Golf Club is Mr. Christian Ehlers: Christian.Ehlers@ europarl.europa.eu .
Who can join the EU Golf Club? Basically, if you work at the European Commission, European Council, European Parliament, European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, you can apply. You can apply if you are a stagiaire, a detached national expert (an expert sent to work for an EU institution from your home country), a contractual agent or a teacher from a European school. Also eligible are people working for the permanent representations of EU member states, missions of non-EU countries to the EU and former EU civil servants. Spouses and children (up to 26 years old) of all these people can also join. Members can also propose up to four ‘friends’ (who need to be members of an approved golf club in the EU). The committee then makes a decision. Only one third of the club’s member can be ‘friends’..
Guillaume Watremez au Federal Tour lors de la PGA Competition Men au Golf de la Bruyère.
Beginners So you’ve watched US golfer Phil Mickelson make it onto the green from in the trees at the US Masters this year. You’ve seen Tiger Woods extricate himself from a similar situation. You’ve seen the top golfers make the ball spin the ball backwards, hit the hole with the ball or lay it up right next to the hole from 100 yards or more. You want to have a go too? The EU Golf Club could be the place to go, especially if you work for any of the EU institutions. The club offers free beginners lessons so you can try out the game and see what you think of it. Individual golf lessons have to be paid for. When beginners reserve such a class, they should mention the EU Golf Club.
Intermediate and advanced Seasoned golfers can check out the website of the Royal Belgian Golf Federation (www.golf.be) to find out all information about golf clubs in Belgium. For example, in Brussels, you can play at the Brussels Golf Club at Terhulpsesteenweg 53a (post code: 1180). It’s a nine hole course with a par of 31. The cost of a round of nine holes is 25 euro during weekdays and 30 euro at weekends while eighteen holes will set you back 50 euro during weekdays and 60 euro at weekends. The course has a driving range, a bar, a restaurant, a Pro shop and a conference room. You can hire golf cars or trolleys. There’s also a two
dimensional view of the course and a three dimensional flyover that you can look at before deciding whether to play there. The www.eugolfclub.eu website also information about membership, rules and handicaps as well as competitions in 2010. To participate in the club’s competitions golfers need to have a valid ‘Green Card’ from a European golf federation (showing club membership and handicap) for the current year. The membership fees are not that high: 60 euro for adults who are members of a federal club and no charge for juniors less than 18 years old. For more information on fees in other cases, go to ‘membership’ on the website. So, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, why not give it a go. Belgium’s greens are waiting for you!
4. Always keep a second ball on you in case you have to play a provisional ball. 5. If you do not find your ball within 2 or 3 minutes, waive the flight behind you through. 6. If you left a putt just short of the hole do not mark it, putt out (not in match play!). If a short putt is given, pick up your ball. 7. Study your line of putt, while others are putting. 8. WAlways leave your trolley on the green side in direction of the next hole. 9. Do not discuss the number of strokes on the green. 10. Mark your score card at the following tee-box. If you have the honour, tee-off first and mark later. 11. If you are ready to play before the player who has the honour, propose to tee-off first.
Sometimes a round of golf can take a bit too long with lots of time wasted looking for balls and taking too long to get ready to play shots. The EU Golf Club also offers 15 golfing tips which will help golfers save 30 minutes per round.
12. Play the moment the group of players in front of you is out of reach.
1. Watch your partners’ ball so you can indicate its position.
15. Be familiar with and apply the rules of golf and the etiquette.
2. Advance swiftly when walking up to your ball.
And never forget: «Your position on the course is just behind the group of players in front of you, and not just before the group of players following you!!!»
3. Make your club selection so you are ready to play when it is your turn.
13. Shorter hitters could tee off first. 14. If you play in a buggy, drop your partner off at his/her ball and advance to yours.
New in town 1 C HAUSSURES. C’est dans le nouveau complexe commercial de Waterloo « les Jardins de Diane » que Be
Original, la marque belgo-belge a pris de nouveaux quartiers. Un espace de 60 m² sobre et contemporain pensé dans un esprit cosy…
U Chaussée de Bruxelles, 76 - 1410 Waterloo. T : 02 354 05 26
2 T ERRASSES (1). L’hôtel Barsey anticipe un peu sur l’été en ayant inauguré fin mai, la première “Barsey Plage”. La fête sera au rendez-vous de la période estivale sur cette tonne de sable fin ! On vous en reparle dans le prochain Brussels Tribune.
U Rés. : 02649 98 00. Warwick Barsey Hotel, avenue Louise, 381-383 - 1050 Ixelles.
3 T ERRASSES (2). Sur la terrasse du Dolce La Hulpe Brussels, on va pouvoir se laisser vivre et profiter des nombreuses formules qui, jusqu’au 26 septembre, donneront tout leur sens au mot sérénité ! Les jeudis de la terrasse proposent la formule barbecue classique comprenant deux verres de vin et les eaux pour 35 euros par personne. Animation DJ. La carte d’été se compose d’une sélection de salades, glaces, milkshakes, cocktails sans alcool et d’un éventail de cocktails qui accompagnent parfaitement l’assiette d’antipasti (16 euros pour deux personnes)... The place to be au calme et au frais.
4 F RAGRANCE. Qui n’a jamais rêvé d’une fragrance unique ? Composée par soi-même pour soi-même ? C’est
le rêve qu’a mis en boutique Anne Pascale Mathy-Devalck dans un magnifique écrin de la place Brugmann, L’Antichambre décline l’art du parfum personnalisé dans une ambiance contemporaine… et confidentielle.
U L’Antichambre, place Georges Brugmann 13 - 1050 Bruxelles. www.l-antichambre.com
5 L INGERIE. Depuis vingt ans, la Bruxelloise Carine Gilson crée des modèles uniques de lingerie fine confectionnés entièrement à la main dans ses ateliers bruxellois. C’est une référence dans le domaine de la lingerie couture ! Après Paris et Londres, elle a ouvert une nouvelle enseigne à Dansaert, exposant ses créations dans un espace boudoir de style Art Déco. So intime...
U Carine Gilson, rue Antoine Dansaert, 87 - 1000 Bruxelles.
6 C AFFE, CAFFE. Il y a très très très peu de chance d’y rencontrer George Clooney mais elle vaut le déplacement
quand même : une nouvelle boutique Nespresso a fait son apparition à Bruxelles au 1 de l’avenue Louise. 350 m², répartis sur deux étages, sont dédiés aux plaisirs du café, avec bien sûr un espace dégustation. Nouveauté dans la nouveauté, et suivant en cela l’exemple de la boutique des Champs Elysées, Bruxelles est la deuxième boutique au monde à proposer le système de “Service de commande express”. En fait, les clients peuvent appeler gratuitement le Centre de Relation Client jusqu’à 15h au numéro 0800 162 64, pour y commander leurs capsules et accessoires et venir prendre leur commande dès le lendemain, au point de retrait prévu à cet effet.
U A noter aussi qu’un coin recyclage a été aménagé.
7 M AISON. Le 1er mars dernier, LNDP, la nouvelle enseigne en aménagement d’intérieur, a ouvert les por-
tes de son premier espace design à Bruxelles, développant un projet ambitieux, contemporain et totalement innovant. A voir...
U LNDP, rue Defacqz, 78/80 - 1060 St-Gilles. Tél. : : 02 534 34 75, www.lndp.be.
8 C HOCOLAT. Le mercure grimpe au fil des jours, le printemps est bel et bien là et l’on sent déjà monter les
envies de soleil, de barbecue et de cocktails aux mille et une couleurs exotiques. Leonidas s’est aussi laisser emporter par ces envies estivales avec sa nouvelle gamme de pralines Cocktail qui marient à merveille chocolat Leonidas et secret ensoleillé des cocktails les plus trendy.
U Boîte Leonidasde 18 pralines Cocktail : 7,50 €. Au Kg : 23€/kg.
EN BREF. g Les Galeries de la Toison d’Or ont rouvert ! Au programme shopping notamment : la Fnac et AS Adventures.
g À partir du mois de juin, les commerces de l’hyper-centre de Bruxelles ouvriront leurs portes tous les jeudis jusque 20h.
g Plus de 300 commerces et près de 400 horeca participent à cette nouvelle habitude, répartis dans les quartiers Dansaert, GrandPlace, Saint-Jacques et Vismet.
g Le fabuleux Marcel De Bruxelles est effectivement à Bruxelles dans une toute nouvelle boutique qui ouvrira après le 3 juin. Marché aux Porcs, 8 - 1000 Bruxelles.
g À la Quincaillerie, le vendredi 11 juin, à partir de 12h, c’est la 6e édition du tournoi de pétanque La Quincaillerie.
Diary 22 Cultural Afterwork
Lifting pour le Grand Cerf
Viva Strofilia ! g Manger grec à Bruxelles est un pari difficile. On se retrouve souvent dans la difficile position du funambule coincé entre un cadre peu avenant et une nourriture formatée. Pas au Strofilia !
Photo: © dreamstime
La Villa Lorraine n’en finit pas de courir après l’air du temps. Après l’ouverture du Diptyque – une adresse gastronomiquement décontractée –, c’est aujourd’hui au tour de l’espace traiteur de desserrer la cravate. L’endroit change de nom et s’appelle désormais La Boutique. En plus des mets proposés à emporter, on peut y trouver une foule de produits faits maison ainsi que des idées cadeau, des bouteilles de vin aux objets de déco. On trouve entre autres une édition de bougie parfumée labellisée “Villa Lorraine” ainsi que des tabliers “Maison” ou encore une sélection de beaux livres aux thèmes variés.
U La Boutique, avenue du Vivier d’Oie, 75 -1000 Bruxelles, Ouvert du mardi au samedi, de 9h à 18h. T. 02 511 44 83.
On se lâche !
Après une dure semaine de labeur, rien de tel que de commencer le week-end en beauté. Depuis le 23 avril, chaque vendredi soir, rendez-vous sur la terrasse du Cospaia, ce resto-bar avec vue sur les toits des beaux quartiers de la Toison d’Or et du boulevard de Waterloo pour une soirée after work. On commence par un drink, suivi d’un dîner – genre un petit barbecue bienvenu avec le retour les beaux jours à 15 € par personne. Pas envie de rentrer tout de suite ? Pas de souci, un night club se charge de prolonger agréablement la soirée.
U Cospaia, rue capitaine Crespel, 1 - 1050 Ixelles. T. 02 513 03 03.
Comment avons-nous pu laisser autant de temps entre deux visites au Strofilia ? On ne se le pardonne pas. Pourtant, on n’a aucune excuse, la dernière fois qu’on y avait mis les pieds, c’était excellent. Paresse, amnésie, appétit féroce pour la nouveauté ? Difficile à dire. En tout cas, on s’est senti stupide d’avoir gâché autant de bonnes occasions. D’autant plus que le cadre – du moins une partie de celui-ci – a changé pour le meilleur. On se souvenait d’un Strofilia aux contours rustiques et historiques, on a mis les pieds dans une version flambant neuve de l’établissement. Le long couloir qui mène à l’imposante salle du fond a été totalement revu et corrigé. Exit la brique nue au profit d’un décorum contemporain où le blanc règne en maître. Signé par les archi-
tectes Delacroix & Friant à qui l’on doit également Cook & Book, cette rénovation est une vraie réussite. Elle comporte pas mal de trouvailles stylistiques. Parmi les temps forts, on pointera des murs revêtus d’une sorte de mikado de planches en bois – issues de caisses de vins – ainsi que des colonnades grecques réinterprétées avec couleur et poésie. D’où le tuyau : amateurs de décors au goût du jour, veillez à réserver cette salle.
que de se prendre la tête, on décide de faire confiance au serveur dont la gentillesse accompagnera tout au long du repas. Le temps de savourer un verre d’une Retsina minérale aux arômes d’agrumes, un premier lot de plats arrive : tarama blanc, fava – une purée de pois jaune -, dakos de Crête – une salade avec du pain, des oignons rouges, des câpres -, et poulpe grillé. Solaire, lumineux et divin, on est bien en Grèce. On enchaîne avec une autre série de plats en mezzé : haloumi grillé et tomate, triangle de pâte feuilletée farcie aux épinards, keftedes à la menthe et brochettes d’agneau. On salive encore en l’écrivant. Sur ces délices, un Saint-Georges de la maison Skouras (28 euros) propose des arômes de cerise et de prune. Parfait. En goûtant les desserts, le patron - avide de faire la promotion de son pays – improvise une dégustation de vins doux venus de différents horizons, de Santorin à Patras. Quel accueil, on croit rêver. L’addition arrive, 40 euros par personne qu’on ne regrette pas une seconde. On quitte le Strofilia à 23h57 en ayant l’impression de laisser une bande de potes… à laquelle on donnera bien vite des nouvelles.
wasabi U Strofilia rue du Marché aux Porcs, 13 1000 Bruxelles. Ouvert de 12h à 14h et de 19h à 23h30, fermé le samedi midi et le dimanche. Tel.: 02 512 32 93.
Le film du repas Si l’on rembobine la cassette de cette soirée presque parfaite, voilà ce que ça donne. Arrivée à 20h49, soit 19 minutes après la réservation. Pas la moindre remarque du personnel, au contraire, tout le monde affiche un grand sourire alors que l’adresse joue quasi à guichets fermés. Plutôt
Retrouvez les bons plans restos de Wasabi dans La Tribune de Bruxelles et sur www.tribunedebruxelles.be
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La Mutualité Neutre makes your procedures easier in the EEE. onal i t a n r Inte ons i t n e v Co n
A temporary stay in Belgium?
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The European health insurance card ‘EHIC’ what is it? During your temporary stay in Belgium, you must be provided with the European Health Insurance card ‘EHIC’ issued by your social security fund. This card entitles you to benefit medically necessary care during a temporary stay in Belgium. e Neutr s é t i l tua dure La Mu our proce s y uim. make er in Belg easi
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