Brussels Tribune N°22

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Where to find gifts?

r u o l l A tips & s e s s e r add Mensuel gratuit réalisé par La Tribune de Bruxelles - N°22 - janvier 2011

© BM

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Cultural Diary 3 ISELP


Beyrouth avant, après

Deux chefs-d’œuvre en une soirée

Une belle rentrée 2011 pour l’Iselp qui présente notamment une exposition de photos de Fouad Elkoury, dans le cadre de «Beyrouth, plus belle qu’elle ne l’était…». Les Halles et L’iselp présentent «Ceci n’est plus Beyrouth». Le photographe revient aujourd’hui sur les photographies qu’il a prises d’un Beyrouth qui n’est plus, sur un projet dont il ne s’est jamais réellement éloigné : photographier Beyrouth, la ville où il a pris ses premiers clichés. Une cité où il a vécu, qu’il a quittée pour revenir à maintes reprises.

A Bozar le 20 janvier, du jamais vu : Carmina Burana et la 9e Symphonie de Beethoven par l’Orchestre tchèque de Prague, des solistes et des chœurs lors d’une soirée inoubliable.

L’exposition mêle une première série photographique de 1982, lorsque Fouad Elkoury couvre l’invasion israélienne du Liban, aux clichés pris au tout début des années 90, au moment où le centre ville de Beyrouth sort tout juste de quinze années de guerre. Aujourd’hui, Beyrouth se donne l’image d’une ville moderne, clinquante, prête à renaître. L’artiste est témoin de cette reconstruction qu’il nous révèle au travers de nouvelles images.

U Exposition accessible du 27 janvier au 26 mars 2011 à l’Iselp, Bd de Waterloo, 31 B-1000 Bruxelles - +32 (0)2 504 80 79


Du jazz en folie avec les DjangoFollies Devenu le rendez-vous incontournable du début d’année, réputé pour l’excellente qualité des concerts proposés, le festival Djangofolllies - une coproduction Riches-Claires & Brosella dont les Riches-Claires assurent le volet Bruxellois - fête la naissance de Django Reinhardt, le 23 janvier 1910, à Liberchies. Ce festival propose de multiples concerts partout en Belgique en hommage au plus grand musicien manouche de tous les temps. Surdoué et virtuose, avec seulement trois doigts valides à la main gauche, Django Reinhardt a réinventé la musique manouche en la mêlant aux sonorités tirées du jazz mais aussi du blues US. Une musique rythmée, inventive, qui marquera des générations de musiciens après lui.

U Du 20 au 23 janvier, LES RICHES-CLAIRES, RUE DES RICHES-CLAIRES - 1000 BRUXELLES. Infos et rés. : 02 548 25 80.

Humphrey Bogart en 40 films Humphrey Bogart... Il reste l’acteur le plus mythique de l’histoire du cinéma à laquelle il a légué l’image d’un homme à jamais confondu avec ses rôles de privés ou de héros désabusés. Une poignée de films mythiques, tous réalisés dans les années ‘40, y ont contribué. High Sierra, Le faucon maltais, Casablanca, Le port de l’angoisse, Le grand sommeil, Les passagers de la nuit, Key Largo. Mais aussi incontournables soient-ils, ces classiques éclipsent une vaste filmographie que CINEMATEK vous propose de (re)découvrir à travers une sélection de 40 films.

U Hommage à Humphrey Bogart. Cycle de 40 films à la CINEMATEK. Du 1er janvier au 28 février 2011 à la Cinematek, rue Baron Horta, 9 - 1000 Bruxelles. -

REDACTION: Tél.: 02 211 30 51- Coordination: Elodie Weymeels. Ont collaboré à ce numéro : Michalon, Valérie Pétillon, Nicolas Rozen, Solange Berger, Michèle Schoonjans, René Sépul, Elodie Weymeels, traduction Elan - COMMERCIALISATION : Hatim Elmajd, product manager 0498.629.237, Tolga Erciyes, sales manager 0484/13 30 51 , Sofia Hodaibi, sales manager 497/40 30.01- IMMO : Véronique Le Clercq, Sales Manager, vero.leclercq@ - Tél: 02 211 27 64 - 0475.57.62.35. - EDITEUR RESPONSABLE : François le Hodey - MISE EN PAGE : Azur Graphic, Daphné & Delphine De Ridder - IMPRESSION : Sodimco . The Brussels Tribune est imprimé sur du papier recyclé. Vous aussi respectez l’environnement en glissant votre magazine dans un sac ad hoc après sa lecture !

Deux monuments du classique en un seul concert exceptionnel, c’est le défi de l’« Orchestre Symphonique Tchèque de Prague», sous la direction de Peter Chromczak, qui est devenu en quelques années le spécialiste de ce répertoire grandiose. Du jamais vu, en une seule soirée, les spectateurs aurta droits à deux monuments du répertoire classique : La Neuvième Symphonie de Ludwig van Beethoven, chef-d’oeuvre intemporel dont le choeur final, « l’Hymne à la Joie » est devenu le symbole de l’Europe unie. En seconde partie : Carmina Burana de Carl Orff, l’oratorium le plus célèbre de tous les temps. Trouvé en 1803, dans un couvent de HauteBavière, ces textes de poètes anonymes des XIIe et XIIIe siècles, écrit en latin, en moyen-haut allemand ou encore en français moyenageux, n’ont jamais été traduit, mais sont chantés dans le monde entier.

U Le 20 janvier 2011 à 20h à Bozar, rue Ravenstein - 1000 Bruxelles. Tickets: 49, 44, 39, 29, 24 euros. Rés. : 02 507 82 00. - 070 660 601. Fnac -

4 Cultural Diary

Debate looks to shed light on Flanders’s language regime g The Flemish non-profit association de Rand organised a debate on 7 December to try to shed light on Flanders’s language regime in the broader context of Belgium’s complex language regime. The two main speakers were Hendrik Vuye, a Professor of Constitutional Law and Human Rights from Namur University, and Luc Van Brande, a former Flemish minister-president, both of whom spoke in Flemish (with interpretation provided in English and French). Prof. Vuye pointed out that Belgium is a country with “four language areas, three regions, three communities, nine governments, eight parliaments, ten provinces, 589 municipalities” but that this complicated structure allows two communities [French-speakers and Flemish-speakers] to live alongside each other. “The complicated system is the price we pay for peace between the two communities,” he said.

Belgian geography turned upside down! He also drew attention to two geographical misrepresentations of Belgium. One was a map shown on the French TV station TF1 which showed the Wallonia and Flanders regions inverted so that Wallonia appeared to be in northern Belgium and Flanders in southern Belgium. The second was a map shown on Dutch TV station NOS, which suggested that west Flanders was actually part of Wallonia. Luc Van den Brande acknowledged that Belgium is probably hard to understand, adding that it is “one of the few countries in which two big cultures actually try to live together and not two Latin or two Nordic cultures”. Asked about the possibility of having bilingual TV stations or press, Van den Brande, who chairs the board of directors of the Flemish TV station VRT, said: “When you look at broadcasting companies, this is to do with culture and is part of the competence of each community”.

Bilingual education © Martin D’Haese

“Belgium is a country

Professor Vuye argued that, back in 1830 when Belgium gained its independence, the Frenchspeaking revolutionaries chose to set up a monolingual French-speaking state. He quoted Charles Rogier, a member of the Belgian revolutionary government, as saying that: “Les premiers principes d’une bonne administration sont basés sur l’emploi exclus d’une seule langue et il est evident que la seule langue des Belges doit être le français [The first principles of a good administration are based on the exclusive use of a single language and it is clear that the single language of Belgians must be French].” He argued that this has made Belgium nation-building difficult. Prof. Vuye also argued that Leopold took the oath as the first King of the Belgians in French only even though he has gone down in history as having taken the oath in both French and Flemish.

Language borders set in the 1960s

with four language areas, three regions, three communities, nine governments, eight parliaments, ten provinces, 589 municipalities”

Fast-forwarding to the 1960s, Belgium decided to set language borders in 1962. Broadly speaking, Flemish was chosen as the language of Flanders, French as the language of Wallonia and German as the language of part of eastern Belgium. The decision was taken to make Belgium bilingual. The basic rule is that the language of a monolingual area (such as Wallonia or Flanders) is the one used in government, in courts and in education. There are special exceptions in some communes where, for example, French speakers can use French when communicating with local authorities in Flemishspeaking language areas.

A Japanese TV journalist suggested that bilingual education was something missing in Belgium’s educational system as “to have peace, you have to know and to know you have to have education to know what your neighbours are thinking”.

Towards the end of the evening, Hendrik Vuye pointed out that he is a Fleming teaching at a French-speaking university. “There is no ‘Berlin wall’ between Flanders and the French community but there are cultural differences,” he said.

Van den Brande said he was a fan of the ‘lasagne model’ in Belgium. “We’re all part of several layers. You can be a real fan of Mechelen, a real Fleming and a real European at the same time,” he said.

Julian Hale

CulturalTraining Diary Business Language

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Diary 6 Cultural Galleries

U 22.01.11 Beniti Cornelis - Leverage Galerie Pascal Polar - 108 Ch. de Charleroi - 1060 Brussels T/02 537 81 36 Tuesday to Saturday 2-7pm The basis of Cornelis inspiration is made of leverage. His work contains numerous elements, a part of his youth, the relationship between objects, or their mutual opposition. The artist places on the painting small things found anywhere that he calls ‘free graphic”. A poetic approach which enlighten the small visual phenomena. Shapes appear suddenly from nowhere to occupy harmoniously the space. According to Cornelis, a painting is a “reorganization of material intuitively acquired”. The material is a reminiscence of our acts, it bears our innersole, inheritance (or not in some cases). Cornelis searches the absolute pureness in his painting and each work is a step, an engagement to achieve this. MS Beneti Cornelis, Untitled, Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 110cm, 2007

Caustic humour U 29.01.11 Todd James - Infinity lessons A.L.I.C.E. - 4 rue du Pays de Liège - 1000 Brussels T/02 513 33 07 Wednesday - Saturday 2-6pm Todd James (a.k.a. REAS) is an internationally recognized artist who began his career as a child in the New York City subway. He is a co-creator of the seminal Street Market exhibition at Deitch Projects in New York, which was selected for the Venice Biennale in 2001. Funny, metaphorical, sacarstic vision of the American society! MS Office supplies, 2010 Gouache & graphite on paper 57x76cm.

Dedicated to the human cause David Seymour (1911-1956), Polish born and known as Chim, has been in fact more recognized by his pictures than by himself! The Jewish Museum presents a retrospective of his work and in order to re-establish the right balance, positions him at the same level as the two other Magnum Agency co-founders, Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson. Chim regularly worked as an independent press reporter covering European political events, in particular the Spanish Civil War. In 1939 to get away from the German invasion in Poland, he went to NY and established himself there. He served the US Army as a photographic analyst in the years 1942-1945. At the end of World War II, he created a well-known project about children, who became orphanes as a result of the War. He co-founded Mangnum agency in 1947 and continued to cover European and Middle-East events such as the Dachau trials in Germany or immigrant converts to Judaism in Israël. Like Capa, Chim died during a mission. On 10 November 1956, he was shot dead whilst driving a car near the Suez Canal, aiming to cover the prisoner-of-war exchange after the ceasefire. Chim was curious, discreet and a distant observer of ordinary people. Mostly known for his poignant treatment of people, he witnessed the conflicts of his period. His bequeath is made of photographs deeply humanistic. Michèle Schoonjans

U 27.02.11 - David Seymour (Chim) - Retrospective Musée Juif de Belgique – 21 rue des Minimes – 1000 Brussels T/02 512 19 63 – Tuesday - Sunday 10am-5pm, Thursday till 9pm Fee 3 to 5€, free 1st sunday of the month

© David Seymour/Magnum Photos

Memory phenomena

Greece. L’archipel des Cyclades. 1951

Relax, nothing changes... Ben Vauthier (1935), an Italian born French artist, presents an impressive collection of his work, dated from 1960 until today. Major avant-garde artist, member of the Fluxus Movement, Ben gets his inspiration from literature, philosophy, one-liners and graffiti. His brand is his easy recognizable handwriting. The exhibition works like a kaleidoscope, and shows the artist multi-facetted personality. His work is prolific, provocative, hands off anything. Ben is an outspoken player, who knows how to challenge the visitor. The exhibition tackles diverse themes : the complex situation in Belgium and the ethBen, Mur des cadeaux de Noël, 2010 nic question (a recurrent problem), or to “sex, life and to Ben”, or to art and last but not least a theme dedicated to the ego. With a great diversity of works, the spectator faces a multitude of fundamental questioning, to name one: creation and life. Juggling endlessly with the question, Ben puts the spectator in front his own existential vertigo! “Don’t panic...” reflects our daily controversial attitudes towards the economical crises, contemporary art and private life, leading to the question whether the world really changes or not? Or should we instead broaden the debate about “the Ego”, wavering between the I-figure and the world around him? Art as a means to support and culture as a manipulative enterprise? Ben comments “Marcel Duchamp puts us in the shit. The art bubble, today everything is contemporary art, but if it bursts we need to recognize that art does not exist, only “the ego”does!”. Real questions, false tracks, winks, shams, a multide of pieces to be discovered and admired. One thing is absolutely certain, the visitor will not get bored. MS

U 22.01.11 - Ben - Paniquez pas... - Galerie Nathalie Obadia – 8 rue Charles Decoster – 1050 Brussels T/02 648 14 05 – - Tuesday to Saturday 2–6pm (Closed 23.12.10 - 03.01.11)

The master Renaissance painter

Lucas Cranach the Elder, Lucretia, ca. 1510-1513, private collection ©

Lucas Cranach the Elder (1462-1553), was one of the most important representative and best known German artist of the Renaissance Movement in Northern Europe. The exhibition focuses upon the artist’s connections with his German, Dutch and Italian contemporaries. Cranach was the court painter of the Electors of Saxony in Wittenberg, over almost 50 years and known for his portraits of both German princes and the leaders of the Protestant Reformation. He also painted religious subjects, first in the Catholic tradition, and later he tried to convey the Lutheran religious concerns in his art. A section devoted to Cranach’s sensual nudes, usually subjects drawn from mythology and religion, suggests the apparent contradiction between the overtly seductive charms of his subjects (emphasizing lust, pleasure, seduction imaginary) and the clergy warning against the dangers of yielding to them. Cranach was also a shrewd businessman, he created his own studio , extended his operations in printing, engraving and acquired in 1520 a pharmacy which helped him to obtain painting materials on favorable conditions! Discover a world full ambiguities... exquisite. MS

U 23.01.11 The world of Lucas Cranach - An artist from the age of Dürer, Titian and Metsys Bozar - 10 rue Royale - 1000 Brussels - T/02 507 82 00 - Tuesday to Sunday 10am-6pm, Thursday till 9pm Fee : 5€ to 10€

Diary 8 Cultural Focus

Gift emergency ! Shops that are worth the trip g Is it easy to find your Christmas presents in Brussels? What about when you’re late, when you have a million

other things to do? Everyone has their favourite shopping places. We recommend that you expand your selection by strolling through the entire city. Objective: shops where you can buy nice gifts. Chic!

Quartier Bailli-Châtelain Un concentré de boutiques d’accessoires et de déco, entre autres réjouissances et boutiques exclusives. Sélection non exhaustive !

L’Atelier Marc et Micheline Rochet, deux artisans-créateurs maroquiniers ont un jour ouvert cette boutique qui propose des sacs, des chapeaux et des bijoux, notamment en cuir. De belles retrouvailles à faire ; pour 5 € vous avez un petit bracelet de cuir tout mignon, par exemple.

U Rue de l’Aqueduc, 99 à 1050 Bruxelles. Tél. : 02534 88 28. Ouvert du mardi au samedi.

Zao Les petits plaisirs c’est la spécialité de chez Zao. Entre des objets de belle qualité (et des prix qui vont avec), on trouve plein de petites choses, à tel point qu’on n’imagine même pas ressortir sans !

U Rue du Bailli, 96 – 1050 Ixelles. Tél. : 02534 38 32

Page 77 Des articles inédits, des marques exclusives, du bizarre, de l’original, tel est la philosophie de vie de Septante-Sept. On trouve des vêtements et des tas d’accessoires bien vus.


Les Petits Riens

Quand on est dans le coin, pour oublier un peu le poids de la recherche des cadeaux, on se fait une petite pause chez les filles de Lilicup. C’est beau, c’est petit, c’est rond (oui, c’est tendance !) c’est délicieux ces cupcakes !

Du 6 au 24 décembre, le magasin central des Petits Riens, situé rue Américaine, tiendra son Marché de Noël annuel. Ce Marché de Noël proposera des kits moufles ou tricots à faire soimême, des jouets, des objets design, des paniers solidaires, et divers articles de Noël. L’Atelier Potager mettra aussi en vente ses produits [gelée de pommes bio, biscuits, truffes…] au profit de ses différentes activités.

U Rue du Page, 65 – 1050 Ixelles. Tél. : 02538 02 68. Commander 48h à l’avance. Ouvert du mardi au samedi, de 10h à 18h.

U Rue Américaine, 101 – 1050 Ixelles.

Mon Amour D’abord, la devanture bleu électrique vous donne un petit coup de fouet, ensuite, on n’a plus qu’à faire marcher ses yeux pour essayer de tout voir et enfin, elle est très sympa la fille qui a ouvert Mon Amour, une boutique fourre-tout pleine de trucs qui valent le coup !

Little Circus Une petite nouvelle rue du Page, avec des objets et des accessoires de décoration rares et originaux. Rue du Page, 92 – 1050 Ixelles. Christmas Shopping jusque 22h le 9/12

U Rue du Page, 36 – 1050 Ixelles. Tél. : 02537 70 31.

Boucle d’Or


Dans cette boutique blanche, tout est couleur et trouvailles pour les enfants mais aussi pour les grands !

Elle était là avant que tous les autres n’éclosent, Rose. Et chez Rose, une foule d’accessoires insolites et originaux vous font de l’œil depuis la vitrine. Définitivement, on aime, surtout en période de Noël où les comptoirs se remplissent d’encore plus de babioles et d’accessoires mignons et pas chers.

U Rue du Tabellion, 12 – 1050 Ixelles. 02649 96 39

La Maison du Bridge Bridge et jeux de société à gogo, une boutique un peu old fashion et remplie jusqu’en haut.

U Rue de l’Aqueduc, 56 – 1050 Ixelles. Tél. : 02534 98 08.

U Rue du Bailli, n° 61 – 1050 Ixelles. Tél : 02537 43 85

Boucle D’or

© Bénédicte Maindiaux

© Bénédicte Maindiaux

U Rue du Page, 77 – 1050 Ixelles. Tél. : 0484 74 68 80.

Mon Amour

Focus Z’Art

Là aussi on entre dans le Saint-Graal en matière de boutiques de “trucs”. Il y en a beaucoup, notamment rue des Chartreux qui ne cesse de se développer avec, comme marque de fabrique, un bel accueil.

Whazup Notre chouchou toutes catégories ! Parce que Stéphanie Meyer doit avoir ça dans le sang : elle dégotte sur Internet des accessoires qu’elle achète pour nous. Résultat : ça vient de partout dans le monde, on ne trouve ça (presque) nulle part ailleurs, il y en a pour les garçons, les filles, les papas, les mamans, les geeks, les techno, les romantiques, les comiques, les multicolores et même pour ceux à qui on n’a pas envie d’offrir de cadeaux... (En photo)

U Rue des Chartreux, 14 – 1050 Bruxelles-Ville. Tél. : 02503 47 57.

A.M. Sweet Des petits cadeaux miam à acheter… puis à ouvrir pour soi et à manger, avant d’y retourner, un peu coupable mais surtout le coco rempli de bonheur !

© Bénédicte Maindiaux

© Bénédicte Maindiaux

Little Circus

Quartier Saint-Géry/ Chartreux


Mbeubeuss Mobilier, déco, accessoires originaux et en matériaux recyclés. Mbeubeuss, c’est cette immense décharge de Dakar au Sénégal, cette étonnante boutique est l’une des vitrines de l’asbl Optimart.

Chaussée d’Ixelles/ Fernand Cocq

U Rue Plétinckx, 10 – 1000 Bruxelles. Tél. : 02736 51 10.



Ah ça, on shoppe bizarre et coloré quand on va chez Z‘Art, une boutique inattendue comme un beau cadeau de Noël dans la 2e partie, moins commerçante, de la chaussée d’Ixelles. (Photo)

Un petit concept store bien roulé de la rue des Chartreux avec des inspirations très au-delà de l’Europe.

U Rue des Chartreux, 18 – 1000 Bruxelles.

Du côté de Saint-Jean

U Chaussée d’Ixelles, 223 – 1050 Ixelles. T. : 02649 06 53.

Luxiol Une belle sélection de jouets en bois pour les enfants sages et même les autres, allez, c’est Noël !

U Chaussée d’Ixelles, 221 – 1050 Ixelles.

La Maison du thé Comme son nom l’indique : du thé et encore du thé et des accessoires bien sûr.

U Plattesteen, 11 – 1000 Bruxelles. Tél. : 02512 32 26

Direction Brugmann

U Rue des Chartreux, 4 – 1000 Bruxelles-Ville

Tout l’Or du Monde

Graphie Sud

Espace Bizarre

On aime cette boutique épicerie pleine de bonnes choses équitables, à l’accueil parfait. Un tout bon plan du centre de Bruxelles

Le plus difficile chez Graphie Sud, c’est de se concentrer sur ce qu’on est venu chercher : il y a mille et une belles choses. Et pour les fêtes, le temple des bobos regorge de petites idées qui font plaisir.

Un magasin vaste à visiter !

U Rue des Chartreux, 17-19 - 1000 BruxellesVille. Tél. : 02514 52 56 –

Arbre Mandarine Des accessoires en veux-tu en voilà.

Rue des Chartreux, 48/b – 1000 Bruxelles-Ville. Tél. : 02502 35 32 –

Do you speak martien ?

U Rue Plattesteen, 7 – 1000 Bruxelles. Tél. : 02512 82 03.

La Courte Echelle La boutique de la maison de poupée. Un monde à part…

U Rue des Eperonniers, 12 – 1000 Bruxelles.


Une petite boutique de ouf, pleine de gadgets et cadeaux.

Un calendrier, une carte postale, un poster, une carte de vœu, de tout, de rien, de l’exclusif à propos de Bruxelles ? Met pleizier, manneke, c’est ici.

U Place St Géry, 27 – 1000 Bruxelles. Tél : 02540 81 21.

U Rue des Eperonniers, 50 – 1000 Bruxelles.

U Rue Berkendael, 195 – 1050 Ixelles. Tél. : 02344 31 92

Les Inséparables Pour les enfants.

U Rue Franz Merjay, 158 – 1050 Ixelles

Lucia Esteves Attention, du luxueux, du moelleux, de l’exclusif mais aussi du bien trouvé et de l’accessoire à tous les prix !

U Rue Franz Merjay, 131 – 1050 Bruxelles

Diary 10 Cultural Focus

Dans le Pentagone New De Wolf Aucun magasin ne porte mieux le nom de caverne d’Ali Baba que New Dewolf. Pour les cadeaux, la déco de Noël et tant d’autres choses ! On en profite pour se balader dans ce repaire à boutiques cadeaux, du côté des rue Haute/rue Blaes.

U Rue Haute, 91 à Bruxelles

Girbal, le soin du Vin On aime cette boutique qui ressemble plus à un stock pour pro qu’à un magasin trendy d’accessoires pour le vin ! N’empêche, ils savent ce qu’ils font chez Girbal : on trouve tout autour du vin depuis 1866. Et il y en a des choses étonnantes, un univers en soi !

U Rue Van Artevelde, 127-133 - 1000 Bruxelles. Tél. : 02511 45 60.

Cosmeticary Du bio, de belles marques, des collections de produits tendance. Une autre façon d’envisager les soins !

Alice Delice

Des vêtements et des objets vintage à des prix raisonnables.

Cette franchise réunit en un seul lieu près de 3 000 références de produits pratiques et accessoires autour de la cuisine. On n’a qu’un mot : waouh.

U Rue de Flandre, 104 – 1000 Bruxelles-Ville . 02522 40 70 (et ch. de Waterloo, 137 – 1060 Saint-Gilles)

Uccle-De Bue

U Westland Shopping Center

Mam’zelle Violette

La Licorne Une belle librairie chaleureuse et dont on sent la passion des libraires dès qu’on entre. Les livres de poche, cela coûte trois fois rien et cela peut apporter tant de plaisir. Et puis, il y a les petits objets non identifiés à la caisse des libraires…

U La Licorne, chaussée d’Alsemberg, 656 – 1180 Uccle. Tél. : 02344 98 32.

Une petite boutique qui tire bien son épingle du jeu dans la catégorie accessoires et déco. Des vêtements, beaucoup d’attentions pour les enfants et des créations de tout jeunes créateurs et de nombreuses petites babioles bio et familiales dont on raffole ! A Etterbeek, il n’y en a qu’une comme ça.

U Avenue des Celtes, 24 – 1040 Etterbeek. Tél. : 02732 19 16.

De Coninck Vins

Soie Ma Fleur Des fleurs qui ne fanent jamais, de grande qualité et une foule d’accessoires de décoration. Facile d’y trouver son bonheur.

U Rue du Doyenné, 112 – 1180 Uccle. Tél. : 02345 69 56.

Du choix, des prix, des conseils. Le détour à faire pour offrir la bouteille qui vaut le coup…

U Notamment : Av du Pesage, 1 – 1050 Ixelles & avenue Orban, 3 – 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre.

Sol Luna

U Rue Auguste Orts, 11 – 1000 Bruxelles-Ville. Tél. : 02346 89 62

Et au fil de la ville…



U Rue Saint-Boniface, 20 – 1050 Ixelles

Un petit chocolat pour aller avec le café et la tasse… Et puis, c’est somptueusement bon et beau d’offrir des barres de chocolat !

Que ferait-on sans Casse-Noisettes, ce dédale de petites pièces et d’escaliers rempli de jouets jusqu’au trognon. Avec de bons conseils à la clé et plein de petits cadeaux pas chers mais malins.

Comptoir Florian

U Rue du Marché aux Herbes, 15 – 1000 Bruxelles. Tél. : 02 2502 49 07

Alice Gallery&Shop Une boutique à nulle autre pareille, bien connue dans le monde de l’art contemporain et de l’underground bruxellois qui rassemble son lot d’“initiés” mais où tout le monde peut trouver de belles choses originales. On se souvient encore avec émotion de notre rencontre avec un smoking rabbit minuscule à l’air rogue. Hop acheté…

U Rue du pays de Liège, 4 – 1000 Bruxelles

© Bénédicte Maindiaux


U Chaussée d’Alsemberg, 76 – 1060 Saint-Gilles. Tél. : 02537 83 92

Des bijoux et tout un univers où les astres ont tous leurs places.

Un peu de thé ? Oui, d’accord, mais saupoudré de gentillesse et de conseils avisés. Merci Florian, euh, Vincent Perpète.

U Rue Saint-Boniface, 17 – 1050 Ixelles



A manger, à lire, à écouter, il y a tout chez Cook&Book : du livre de cuisine au Prix Renaudot, du livre de jardinage au petit Poche bien trouvé, du livre pour enfants au thriller suédois… Plein d’ambiances différentes et un seul mot d’ordre : liberté pour le client. Super plan…

Bien sûr, il y a les cours de cuisine (une belle idée cadeau en soi) mais il y a aussi les livres de cuisine, les accessoires de cuisine, les produits à cuisiner, les gadgets de cuisine, les indispensables de cuisine. Bref, le père Noël qui est un gourmand, s’y perd chaque année.

U Place du Temps Libre, 1 – 1200 Woluwe-SaintLambert.

U Chaussée de Charleroi, 92 – 1060 Saint-Gilles.



Bienvenue au salon à Schuman


Du lundi au jeudi From Monday till Thursday





Rue de la Loi, 238 1000 Bruxelles Tél. : 02 / 230 26 00 Tous les jeudis et vendredis, nous vous offrons une coupe de champagne et son macaron Every Thursday & Friday, we offer you a glass of champagne and macaroon

The best quality at the best prices

Handmade italian shoes for men & women Chaussée de Charleroi 2e 1050 Bruxelles (proximité place Stéphanie)

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Now imagine where your BU degree will take you. Discover American-style education with a global perspective. Master of Arts in International Relations Master of Science in Leadership Graduate certificates in: Applied Sustainability Human Resources International Relations Management Marketing Project Management

Classes start January 10, 2011. Learn more. Boulevard du Triomphe, 174, Triomflaan B-1160 Brussels +32 (0)2 640 74 74

Diary 12 Cultural Real Estate

Life annuity: a little market protected from the crisis g Little known and at times misunderstood, the life annuity, or viager in France, could be the perfect solution

© Alison Cornford-matheson |

for a seller seeking regular income, or a buyer wishing to bypass bank involvement. The crisis seems to be giving it a certain nudge.

Brief lexicon IT IS OFTEN DEEMED SHADY AS IT SPECULATES, albeit indirectly, on the death of the seller. But the practice of life annuities is centuries old and is mentioned in black and white in the Napoleonic Code of the early 19th century. If anything, this proves that is not confined to that special bond that it creates between seller and buyer. Although the life annuity only accounts for a small percentage of the transactions in Belgium, approximately 1%, Thierry Penasse, manager at Envisager, thinks a «bright future» lies in store. This is especially due to the fact that «the seller improves his retirement, and the buyer funds a pension through real estate capitalisation,» amounting to somewhat of a purchase-investment. There are a few other reasons one might go with a life annuity: the thorny issue of pensions, the increase in flat utility expenses, or the elimination of the hassle of managing a rental. But there’s also the prevailing economic situation: the crisis seems to play a part in the rise in popularity of the life annuity. «Elderly people who would keep capital in the bank would often lose some of their income. Changes in the sector mainly stem from these banking problems, affecting buyer and seller alike. Although not very significant, this increased activity is nonetheless real,» says Jacqueline Jacobs, manager at Viagerim, another enterprise

- Life annuity: a sale through the payment of a life annuity is similar to an ordinary sale: a seller sells his property to a buyer, who agrees to pay a price. Only the method of paying the price differs: instead of paying the price in a lump sum, the buyer pays it in several instalments, usually monthly, until the death of the seller. - «Bouquet»: all of the sales price can be converted into an annuity. The parties may, however, decide to convert only a portion of the price into annuity, and the other part will be paid in cash: this initial lump sum is the «bouquet». - Usufruct (usufruit) and ownership without usufruct (nue-propriété): if the seller wishes to live in his house until his death, he can maintain a usufructury right to its use until that time comes. This represents the vast majority of cases. This affects the method of calculating the annuity: it will only be calculated on the basis of ownership without usufruct. The parties may agree to a dual annuity: one that is lower while the seller lives in his property, and one that is higher after that. Source:

specialised in the life annuity. Generally speaking, the buyer’s monthly annuity payments are lower than in the case of a mortgage obtained from a bank. In addition, the total sum of the cash instalments is normally less than the total value of the property. Is the guessing game as to the duration of the annuity, which ends when the seller dies, the reason for this? «We’ve been in the business for thirty-four years, and the average payment duration is still eight years. This suggests that it is usually a positive operation for all buyers. Moreover, the speculative character is not as significant as it used to be,» says Jacobs. One has to be prudent, though: the life annuity also has its drawbacks from a financial point of view: «It should be noted that, as far as the annuity goes, you no longer have the tax benefits of a mortgage loan,» says Mr. Etienne Beguin, a notary public in Beauraing.


More expensive apartments THE CHANGES IN LEGISLATION that will occur from January 1st will have the effect of increasing by 20,100 Euros in Brussels, 15,600 in Flanders, and 12,600 in Wallonia the purchase price of a new apartment valued at 325,000 Euros, according to L’Echo, based on calculations by Immobel.

©J_L Flemeal

© Marcin Winnicki |

Real Estate

Thorny issue

If the purpose of the sale is for both parties to turn a profit, they may have differing aims. «One of the first impediments of the life annuity option, simply put, is that most owners live in their property until death,» says Mr. Beguin. «In effect, the seller continues to use his property in 90% of cases,» confirms Thierry Penasse. This alone drives away those who wish to live in the property for which they are making monthly payments. It is generally agreed that the seller is rather well protected by the law, particularly as regards the payment of the annuities. «Sometimes, however, this factor creates problems,» recalls Mr. Beguin. «In times of high inflation, as in the early 1980s, the annuity can climb quite abruptly, sometimes posing a real problem for the buyer. This is potentially very dangerous, and there have been several cases in the past in which the payer of the annuity tried to terminate their contract. These attempts were unsuccessful,» he says. The adjustment of the annuity is fixed contractually. It is not mandatory legally speaking, but it is rare for the parties not to make such an agreement. The health index is often used as reference. Works needing to be performed on the property are another potential source of problems. Who should bear the costs of maintenance or structural works? The separation between usufruct and ownership without usufruct makes it a thorny issue. The more detailed the contract, the less interpretations will diverge. Then there is the question of calculating the annuity: it is fixed between the buyer and the agency or notary with whom the seller is managing the sale. «It is impossible to calculate the annuity in a precise, accurate manner,» says Mr. Penasse. One can rely on the main components: the seller’s life expectancy, the value of the property, the rental value, inflation, etc. The list is

Exceptional location in the heart of the European quarter Exceptionally well-situated new apartments between Place Jourdan and Rond-Point Schuman, opposite Parc Léopold. The smart and modern style of “Vallée du Maelbeek” offers an exceptional opportunity to acquire 1-3 bedroom apartments and penthouses in a highly-desirable location a cosy haven inside a friendly and historic neighbourhood.

Trevi, the latest player on the market since July 2010, has its own department wholly devoted to life annuities. A new trade in the real estate activity in the array of services offered by the brokerage agency, the first in Belgium to open such a department. Why now? «There is a growing interest in life annuities among owners. Our ambition is to match this supply with the demand expressed by buyers. We surveyed the market accordingly, and this initial approach has proven successful,» says Jean-François van Maldeghem, recently placed at the head of Trevi’s life annuity department. Again, this speaks to the degree to which the financial crisis has affected the savings of many people and their desire to seek out other solutions... «We think that the life annuity, especially for conventional properties, will be of interest to people wishing to diversify their assets,» he said. What is Trevi’s objective in this marginal sector, in which a few seasoned experts hold the lion’s share of the market? «Initially, we want to start off prudently and perform as well as the market. Approximately 1% of our current volume corresponds to life annuity sales. In the long run, we want to do better than one percent,» he said. He is fully aware of the spotty reputation of life annuities, but this does not put him off. «If we believe that there is potential in this activity, it’s because we are convinced that there is a way to trade in life annuities in a sociallyresponsible way, not just with a calculator.» (O.Sta)

Due to the EU VAT requirements being imposed on Belgium, VAT will fall into the hands of the federal government, while registration duties will be a regional matter. The result is that the buyer of a new home no longer has a tax base on the regional level and can therefore no longer benefit from existing tax cuts in Brussels and Flanders. However, there will be no change in Wallonia, where these tax cuts are not offered. (Belga)

not exhaustive. A life annuity agreement is not concluded without taking into account all of the factors, from inspecting the property to weighing in the different wishes and objects of the different parties. Since «the relationship between the parties is spread out over several years, without exception, greater attention is paid to the contract that in a traditional sale,» adds Ms. Jacobs.

Olivier Standaert


FACE AUX ETANGS – Ravissante maison de

Maître de l’architecte DELUNE contruite en 1893 et ayant gardé tous les éléments décoratifs de l’époque (hauts plafonds, moulures, peintures murales...). Living avec parquet, cheminées décoratives, cour intérieure, cuisine équipée, 5 chambres, 2 salles de bains, salle de douches, parking. 1.290.000 €

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Starting next January 1st, a VAT of 21% – imposed by the EU – will be imposed on the entire invoice as opposed to 21% VAT on bricks with 12% registration duties (10% in Flanders) on the portion of land. This measure will coincide with the elimination of the VAT reduction from 21 to 6% on a EUR 50 000 portion of the purchase invoice for new homes, according to the financial daily.

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Diary 14 Cultural Shopping

Merry Christmas Gifts ! g A moins de dix jours de Noël, pour ne pas être pris au dépourvu face à l’immensité du grand sapin vert, The Brussels Tribune se devait de vous donner un petit coup de pouce shopping et vous propose ses coups de cœur. A offrir ou à s’offrir, pour un réveillon tout en douceur. Par Valérie Pétillon


04 03 02

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Gants en cuir couleur taupe Cassandra. Marberg. 70€. Infos : 02 230 77 28


Coffret Aromathérapie de chez Make My Day. Bongo. 60€. Infos :


Sac en cuir gris chaînette de chez Avril Gau. Cachemire Coton Soie. 360€. Infos : 02 647 09 88 Blouse Ethnic Chic. Bellerose. 199€. Infos : 02 481 53 60 Collier en porcelaine blanche. Les Précieuses. 225€. Infos : 02 343 10 85 Guirlande murale. Habitat. 80€. Infos :


Hanno the Gorilla et Hanno Jr, David Weeks. Areaware. 95€ et 65€ Infos : Petite robe noire. COS. 125€. Infos : 03 231 98 00



Echarpe femme. COS. 59€. Infos : 03 231 98 00 Bougie d’intérieur à la fleur d’oranger. L’antichambre. 45€. Infos : 02 343 55 13 Soutien-gorge et culotte. Implicite Lingerie. 48€ et 34€. Infos :


MUG en porcelaine et titanium. Thabto. 14€. Infos :


Crème hydratante et parfumée pour le corps. Panpuri. 39€. Infos : Sac en cuir pour homme. COS. 150€. Infos : 03 231 98 00 Poivrier et salière. Laguiole. Prix sur demande. Infos : Lampe de table en forme de boucle, 50€ chez Habitat


11 12




5, 50 €

Une relecture complète de l’actualité, le meilleur de “La Libre” dans un magazine classe et épicé.

Diary 16 Cultural Afterwork

Sweeter than sour gBrussels has a new Italian restaurant that deserves a little lingering: the Dolce Amaro. Sincere cuisine and a

warm welcome await you.


It is said that he who has two houses loses his mind This is not the case for Gaëtan Colin, who has never fared so well since he started running both a gastro restaurant and a brasserie. Attesting to this fact are the 16/20 score and «Up and coming» label he received in the Gault&Millau Belgique guide. Not to mention that at the last San Pellegrino Cooking Club he finished 2nd among a panel of 14 chefs from around the world. To be discovered without delay!

U Jaloa, quai aux Briques 4, 1000 Brussels. Closed Saturdays at lunchtime, Sundays and Mondays at lunchtime. Tel: 02513 19 92 U& Brasserie Jaloa, place Sainte-Catherine 5-7, 1000 Brussels. Open every day until 11:00PM. Tel: 0475 02512 18 31

© Bénédicte Maindiaux

Gaëtan Colin, the chef on the rise Regular readers of La Tribune are certainly aware that Italian cooking makes your mouth water. Olive oil, salsiccia, sundried tomatoes, capers... this country of extraordinary products has an irrepressible tendency to make simple and good things. Unfortunately, this spirit and sense of preparation are too often forgotten at the expense of wild imaginings, inappropriate reflections, or the demands of immediate profitability. So much so that we can say that while Italian cuisine is some of the best there is, it is also proportionally the most misrepresented. The end result is that out of every ten Italian restaurants one can expect to find two good ones. What a wasted! Fortunately, here and there, certain Don Quijotes of fine cuisine set out to lead those sheep who are just waiting to graze a quality dish.

© DR

Contemporary The first think that strikes you when walking through the door at Dolce Amaro is the setting. After the restaurant that was previously run there – Eatcetera, the new place has opted for a fabulous decor. Large volumes and contemporary furnishings proffer an atmosphere that is both chic and urbane. One might legitimately prefer a more modest environment in its original state. But you have to acknowledge that Dolce Amaro gives the guest true comfort. We sat at a table for two between the bar and a wall adorned with a large photo of the Piazza del Campo in Siena.

It almost felt like we were there, all the more so since the evening fits the atmosphere like a glove. As for the reception, we were taken care of by an extremely kind waiter from start to finish. He even guided us through the menu. As a starter, we opted for pureed chickpea scampis with rosemary seasoning (€ 15). This unusual preparation – at least in an Italian chain restaurant – creates a change of scenery, taking you to a sunny place. Next, we were thrilled with our orecchiette with broccoli flowers and Spanish anchovies (€ 13). We enjoyed this popular, delicious dish. As for dessert, the chocolate mousse crème à l’orange (€ 6) was a trifle below what one would expect to bring a meal to a close. We chose to overlook the wine – you have to, sometimes – but we did find that the menu and recommendations were promising, particularly with a prosecco di Valdobbiadene from the Le Colture wineries. Michalon

U Dolce Amaro - Chaussée de Charleroi 115, 1060 Saint-Gilles. Open from 12:00 to 2:30PM and from 7:00-10:00PM, closed Saturday at lunch time and on Sundays.

Retrouvez les bons plans restos de Michalon dans La Tribune de Bruxelles et sur



Yummm, tasty organic meals, home delivered... g Rather than scratch your head wondering what kind of healthy,

waist-slimming meal to prepare, Coup de Food can deliver it right to your doorstep every Tuesday evening. Simple, original and affordable.

We must say, with the experience chef Delphine Humblet has accumulated owing to her passion, and self-teaching, her cooking is always extremely creative and tasty... «I’ve always had a passion for cooking. I’ve never taken a course per se, but I’ve travelled extensively, including in Thailand and India. I’ve learned various traditional cuisines in the field, spending time with families.» Her dishes, made with fresh products, take you on a journey around the world, from season-to-season. Take, for example, the Ardennes roasted pork with chestnuts and tarragon, the celeriac quiche with Roquefort and oat cream, or the small meatballs with Asian flavours and sesame seed oil and quinoa raw sauce and red curry, coconut milk and salicornia. Dishes cooked with steam and at low temperature to

© Amikphoto |

Every week, simplify your life on Tuesday evening. Order organic, fresh and healthy meals for home delivery! The concept is very simple: you receive a unique menu by post every Monday composed of three or four dishes (soup, vegetarian, meat or fish and dessert) and place your order the same day by 3:00PM. The next day, Coup de Food delivers it to your home in Brussels and Waterloo.

preserve the products’ quality, but also with the eternal desire to surprise! Delphine Humblet launched “Coup de Food” three years ago. In addition to home delivery, she offers a catering service for birthday parties, private dinners among family or friends, and even cocktail parties with up to 500 seated guests. The menu features a wide variety of fares: Thai, Moroccan, Mexican and seasonal dishes. Delicious tastes that never fail to surprise.... Check it out for yourself!

LDO U Price per person: soup: €6.50 /litre, vegetarian: €10, meat or fish: €12.50, dessert: €5.; Tel.: 0475 95 77 47


La Villa changes management


A year ago, La Villa created the «Dyptique» in response to the changes in their customers’ culinary habits. Today, in dramatic turn of events, the venerable institution is has been taken over by Serge Litvin, a businessman from the agribusiness sector. Good news: he wants to write a sequel to the story relying on the experience of the current team: Patrick Vandecasserie in the kitchen and Jan de Craemer in the dining room. Renovation works are planned.

© DR

U La Villa Lorraine, avenue du Vivier d’Oie 75, 1000 Brussels. Closed Sundays and Mondays. Tel: 02374 31 63

Conseils d’architectes d’intérieur créatifs

2000 m2 d’exposition

18 Expats in Brussels

Bookshops and press / Librairies et presse g International magazines are available in almost all the bigger bookshops. Foreign-language books are


Candide Open everyday from 07.00 to 20.00 / Ouverts tous les jours de 07.00 à 20.00 / English books department, international magazines, regular lectures, authors’ meetings

U Place Brugmann, 1-2 1050 Bruxelles T 02 344 81 94 - (FR)

Cook & Book Unique in Brussels/Unique à Bruxelles 9 areas dedicated to books (one English library), fine arts, music, many restaurants as well as a kids’ area outside, brunch on Sunday. exhibitions, concerts, lectures/conferences. At the moment: Exhibition of Skateboards customized by known artists. / 9 espaces dédiés aux livres (1 librairie anglophone), aux beaux arts, à la musique. Plusieurs restaurants ainsi qu’un espace enfants à l’extérieur. Brunch le dimanche. Expositions, concerts, conférences. Pour le moment : Skateboards customisés par des artistes.

U Place du Temps Libre 1 (avenue Paul Hymans) 1200 Bruxelles - T 02 761 26 00 Schedule and access see / Horaire et accès voir : (FR)

Filigranes One of the most dynamic libraries in Brussels with lectures, exhibition, séances/meetings of dedications, charity evenings …Open 365 days a year ! 1700 sqm of literature, science, travel, practical life, fine arts, books for young people, comics and a famous English department and press department. Also a quite and famous bar space. A place

where to go and to find the free guide “Expats in Brussels” Also a quiet and famous bar. A place to go to find the free guide “Expats in Brussels”. Librairie dynamique : conférences, expos, séances de dédicaces, soirées charitatives …. Ouverte 365 jours sur 365 ! 1700 m2 de littérature, sciences, voyages, vie pratique, beaux arts, librairie jeunesse, BD et département anglophone important. Espace bar. Un endroit où trouver le guide gratuit « Expats in Brussels ».

U Filigranes - Avenue des Arts, 38/39 1040 Bruxelles - T 02 511 90 15 Le Petit Filigranes Parvis Saint Pierre 1180 Bruxelles (FR)

FNAC Books (European department’ with books in all EU languages), music, DVDs, games, software, hardware, TV-HiFi, tickets for entertainment. Also : Events, online purchases, online music downloading. / Livres (Département Européen” avec des livres dans toutes les langues de l’UE), musique, DVD, jeux, software, hardware, TVHiFi, tickets de spectacles. Mais aussi des événements, achats en ligne, téléchargement en ligne.

U La Fnac - City 2 Rue Neuve 123/401 1000 Bruxelles U La Fnac – Toison d’Or- Avenue de la Toison d’Or 17a/20 1050 Bruxelles - T 02 275 11 11 (FR/NL)

Librairie de Rome Literature, fine arts, youth, travellers’ guides, English books and international press. / Littérature, livres d’art, jeunesse, guide de voyage, livres anglais et presse internationale.

U Rue Jean Stas, 16 1060 Bruxelles T 02 511 79 37

Cook & Book

Open every day since 1934 ! From 08.00 to 10.00, Sundays and holidays/de 08.00 to 19.00, dimanche et jours fériés 08.30 à 19.00 (FR)

Libris & Agora Literature, fine arts, history, everyday life, sciences, technical and university books, books for young people. Small English department / Littérature, beaux-arts, vie pratique, sciences, techniques, livres scolaires et universitaires, literature jeunesse. Petite section anglaise.

U Espace Louise - Avenue de La Toison d’or, 40-42 1050 Bruxelles - T 02 511 64 00 U Fort Jaco - Chaussée De Waterloo, 1324 1180 Bruxelles - T 02 372 04 32 Open from Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 18.30/Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 10.00 à 18.30 (F)

Specialised Libraries/ Librairies spécialisées Librairie Européenne Specialised in European Union subjects, sales agent of the office for Official Publications of the EC, distributor of the publications of the Council of Europe. / Spécialiste dans les domains se rapportant à l’UE, bureau de vente de l’office

For more Brussels suggestions and tips join us on or visit / Pour plus de trucs et astuces rejoignez-nous sur Facebook via ou visiter le site

© BM

© CH Bortels

available in a few big bookshops. / Les revues internationales sont disponibles dans presque toutes les grosses librairies. Des livres en langues étrangères sont disponibles dans quelques grandes librairies.

Expats in Brussels 19 Posada Art Books

© BM

Many art books in various languages, including French, German, Spanish, Italian and even Chinese. New and second-hand books. Selected as one of the 10 most beautiful bookstores in the world ! Closed Sunday and Monday. / Beaucoup de livres d’art dans toutes les langues, français, allemand, espagnol, italien... et même chinois! Livres neufs et usagés. On y trouve tout ! Classée parmi les 10 plus belles librairies du monde! Fermée le dimanche et le lundi.

La Piola Libri, librairie spécialisée itelienne & petite restauration. Rue Franklin, 66-68 - 1000 Bruxelles.

U Rue de la Madeleine, 29 1000 Bruxelles T 02 511 08 34 Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00-12.30 à 14.00-18.00/Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 10.00-12.30 à 14.00-18.00 (FR/NL/EN/D)

A French language publisher and bookshop, aiming at promoting cultural heritage and artistic creation in the Brussels-Capital Region. / Une maison d’édition et une librairie de langue française, dont l’objectif est de valoriser le patrimoine culturel et la création artistique en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. © Alexis Haulot

A good address for second-hand books / Une bonne Adresse pour les livres de seconde main : De Slegte

Quartiers Latins Librairie (CFC-Éditions)

Tropismes, Galerie du Roi, 4 - Bruxelles. Tél. : 02 511 56 51

U Place Flagey 29 1050 Bruxelles (Since December 2010) - T 02 511 08 09 Boulevard Anspach 100 1000 Bruxelles (F)

The widest second-hand selection in 3 languages (NL/EN/FR), Comics, DVDs / La plus grande sélection de seconde main en 3 langues (NL/EN/ FR), BD, DVD

U Lievevrouwbroersstraat, 17 - 1000 Bruxelles T 02 511 61 40 (NL)

U Place des Martyrs, 14 1000 Bruxelles T 02 227 34 01 Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 to 18.00/Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 10.00 à 18.00 (F)

Foire du Livre de Bruxelles à Tour & Taxis du 17 au 21 février 2011 Brussels Book fair at Tour & Taxis from 17to 21 February 2011

The Kingdom of the Comics. / La royaume de la BD


Librairie-Galerie Brüsel

des publications officielles des Communautés Européennes, distributeur des publications du Conseil de l’Europe.

U Rue de l’Orme,1 1040 Bruxelles - T 02 231 04 35 Open from 09.00 to 18.00, Saturday 10.00 to 17.30 /Ouvert de 09.00 à 18.00, samedi de 10.00 à 17.30 (FR/EN)


Librairie Saint Hubert The Saint-Hubert Bookstore is a bookstore specialised in fine arts. A new showroom located on the upper floor provides a space where leading artists are invited to present contemporary limited edition prints. / La Librairie Saint-Hubert est spécialisée en livres d’art et à deux pas de la Grand-Place. C’est également une galerie d’art contemporain située à l’étage de la librairie.

U Galerie du Roi, 2 1000 Bruxelles - T 02 511 24 12 Open from 10.00 to 19.00 - Sunday 12.00 > 19.00/Ouvert de 10.00 à 19.00 – dimanche de 12.00 à 19.00 (FR-NL)

Peuples et Continents Everything for travelling, the most beautiful books on all world countries, maps and plans of cities and countries. More than 5000 titles in FR/ NL/EN / Tout pour le voyage, les plus beaux livres sur tous les pays du monde, cartes et plans des villes. Plus de 5000 titres en FR/NL/EN

U Galeries Ravenstein, 17-19 1000 Bruxelles - T 02 511 27 75 Open from Monday to Saturday from 09.00 to 18.00, Saturday 10.00 to 18.00/ Ouvert du lundi au samedi de 09.00 à 18.00 (FR)


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