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Focus Où va la ville ?

Rendez-vous Les journées du patrimoine Distribué en partenariat avec

Supplément à La Tribune de Bruxelles - 26 août 2008




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Edito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Very European Person 4-6 Leisure. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Cultural Diary . . . . . . . 10 Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22

Avant Propos Les Journées du Patrimoine se tournent avec bonheur vers le passé et ouvrent cette année encore des centaines de bâtiments datant de l'Après-Guerre à la curiosité du public. Ce regard dans le rétroviseur architectural attire toujours plus de monde et la 20e édition ne devrait pas déroger au succès. Et il est vrai que c'est passionnant de mieux comprendre rétrospectivement telle ou telle décision d'époque qui ont des répercussions sur la ville d'aujourd'hui. Ainsi de la jonction Nord-Sud de Bruxelles que ces Journées du Patrimoine vont notamment mettre en lumière.

Mais comment va l'avenir ? Où va Bruxelles au fait ? En gardant son caractère singulier de grand village européen, elle doit acquérir dans les plus brefs délais une stature réellement internationale sinon, elle pourrait bien perdre de sa superbe et une partie de son dynamisme. Le plan de développement international est sur les rails, les chantiers d'ampleur se succèdent et le futur passe de toute façon par une harmonisation des niveaux décisionnels et une simplification des arcanes administratives. Entre commune, Région et Fédéral, ça n'est pas simple parfois d'obtenir un feu vert. Et l'on parle ici aux membres de la Commission européenne regroupant 27 pays... Mais heureusement pas 27 niveaux de pouvoir ! Bonne rentrée à tous.

Pleasure . . . . . . . . . 24-27 Moving . . . . . . . . . . 27-28 Dolce Vita . . . . . . . . . . 30

Dossier réalisé par RGP Rue des Francs, 79 - Tél.: Fax: COORDINATRICE : Elodie Weymeels COMMERCIALISATION : Luc Bolsius, Hatim Elmajd, Michaël Cohen et Anne Debischop TEXTES : Renaud Hermal, Ingrid d'Oultremont, Laure d'Oultremont, Elodie Weymeels PHOTOS : Bénédicte Maindiaux, La Tribune de Bruxelles,, Dreamstime, DR, Delphine De Ridder EDITEUR RESPONSABLE : François le Hodey MISE EN PAGE : Daphné de Ridder / Azur Graphic IMPRESSION : Sodimco

Une idée, une suggestion, une réaction ? Voici une adresse mail à votre disposition :





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Photos: BĂŠnĂŠdicte Maindiaux

Two architects in town Brussels is undeniably an international city, but do its buildings come up to scratch ? The opinions of two well-known Brussels architects, who have also worked a lot abroad and in Europe in particular.





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Can Brussels be international city?





Imagery in Brussels is of no interest. What matters is the concept. If the concept is good, the image will follow. Brussels is not perfect, but it has got a trump card - its apparent visual disorder. Unlike other big metropolises and because there are no public authorities which allow it, there are no monumental or glorious buildings. Lack of resources has spared us from certain excesses. Obviously there are the buildings of the European institutions, but these are happily within the realms of what is reasonable.

Philippe Samyn


“A reasonable city, without eccentricity!” Having cut his teeth on large-scale urban projects, this architect and engineer sees Brussels as a city which has escaped the somewhat over-the-top excesses. What characterises an international city? We often forget that a city starts off as a sewer, then pavements. Buildings are only secondary in comparison to these. What we see in big, and even small towns, is that attention is given to the public spaces first: urban furniture through street lights, panels and plantings. As far as buildings are concerned, what’s on the inside is up to their owners. But what affects everyone is their external appearance and their function. These must fit in with the others… but this doesn’t mean that they can’t be individual. What do you believe should be the priorities of a city? You hear a lot of talk today about sustainable development. Well, it’s something holistic. You start with questions of philosophy and finish up with questions of nuts and bolts. I have the impression that more attention is given to questions of nuts and bolts. The old demons of the precedence of image seem to predominate. For example, the buildings for the Olympic Games in Beijing, however impressive and beautiful they might be, are a scandal. The “Bird’s Nest” stadium could have been made with 20, even 40 times fewer materials. If it’s been done like that, it’s purely to create an image. I am very worried about populism in architecture. There is often a tendency to treat architecture like a fashion show.

People often talk about Brussels buildings not being up to scratch. Perhaps, but it’s only a detail. What gives the avenue Franklin Roosevelt its style is, first and foremost, the wide, tree-lined avenue per se, not the buildings. It has to fit in with the city as a whole. There are lots of lovely projects, but which aren’t eccentric high fashion. What, in your opinion, needs to be improved in Brussels ? I think we should get rid of the cars parked in the street. There isn’t enough parking because we wanted to avoid people using their cars to get around in the centre. But it’s not the solution. What is needed in order to limit the number of cars is to reduce the width of the roads, impose an entry tax and, obviously, give drivers somewhere to park. The lack of parking has only encouraged residents to go outside the city. If we give everyone somewhere to park their car, we gain two metres, two and a half metres … And so? If we made the pavements wider, we could put in benches, a flower seller, kiosks, trees, which would reduce the calorific load of the buildings, collect the dust … What’s the point of constructing a beautiful building in a ditch? Better to have a modest house in a beautiful garden.

Philippe Samyn Both a civil engineer and an architect, Philippe Samyn, with his architect’s practice, is responsible for numerous large-scale projects. It is to him that we owe, amongst other things, the Dexia tower in Brussels, the renovation of the Maison de la radio Flagey, the seat of the Council of Europe and the European Union, not to mention numerous projects abroad, including the Princess Elisabeth base in the Antarctic to name but one. In November 2008 the Mercator foundation is publishing a book in five languages about his work. (PUTTEMANS Pierre, Philippe Samyn Constructions, Fonds Mercator, 480 p.)

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Xaveer De Geyter, “City’s lack of ambition” The last person to have made an impression on the Belgian architect was Leopold II. Since then, there hasn’t been anyone, the Brussels architect regrets.

And is it also a lack of resources ? Not at all. The funds are there. Making largescale buildings isn’t any more expensive than constructing mediocre or ugly buildings. What is missing above all is concerted ambition on the part of the government. To some extent it’s due to the fragmentation of the government. Do you see an evolution within the city ?

How would you define an international city ? It’s quite subjective, but I believe that it’s a city which surpasses the regional, first, and then the international. And that’s certainly a feature of Brussels. Many cities are the capital of their countries, but without having an international presence. Can Brussels international ?




Brussels is a small city to be international. Yet it’s surprising that only one tenth of the population lives there, whereas in Paris, 3% of the population live in the capital. I think that there’s an anti-urban attitude in Belgium. The elite don’t live in the centre, unlike in other capitals. It’s thanks to the foreigners, the émigrés that urbanism is developing. It’s a limited driving force. But the main thing Brussels has got going for it is Europe. And it absolutely must exploit it. The problem is that the power which Europe represents is not very clear, nor is how it is represented within Brussels. There is no specific place which represents Europe in Brussels. So people don’t automatically associate themselves with it. Are there lots of large-scale projects ?

Photos: Bénédicte Maindiaux

Xaveer De Geyter After working in Holland for the OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture) for 10 years, Xaveer De Geyter came back to his home country to set up his own practice XDGA. Surrounded by 25 colleagues, he undertakes development projects in Belgium, France and all over the world. 80% of these are the result of competitive tenders. He recently won the project for the Place Rogier and for a mixeduse building in Tirana. He is also well known in the urban development field for the îlot Saint-Maurice in Lille.

6/ VEP

In recent decades there has been a lot of competition between cities, international or not. In some cities, such as Bilbao, architecture has been a very clear way of achieving this status. Brussels has obviously not used it. But that doesn’t mean that its architecture doesn’t stand out. The Palais de Justice, the Cinquantenaire, the big urban areas shape the face of the city. In architectural terms, the last time architecture shone internationally was under Leopold II. Since then, there hasn’t been anything. Why do you think that is ? Because of lack of ambition. There is no strong figure on the scale of Leopold II. And it’s not by using consensuses that Brussels will shine. Another problem is that there’s no political continuity. A cabinet disappears with its politician…

It’s changing. More and more competitive tender processes are being held for public buildings. The situation was very different 20 years ago. Orders were more about who you knew. In ’93, Europe made these competitive tenders compulsory. There is a competitive tender underway at the moment for a project in the rue de la Loi where they want to concentrate all the European services. What do you think is missing in Brussels ? People say that the capacity of a conference centre needs improving. There is apparently a lack of facilities on a larger scale than currently exists or is in the process of being constructed. In terms of public spaces, the qualities are very different. There is no need for conformity but the development of urban spaces is very chaotic. And often, they are badly maintained… And what, do you believe, is its strength? In terms of greenery, Brussels is very well appointed. I find its mixture fascinating. There is great diversity in terms of nationalities. The interweaving of cultures gives it enormous wealth. And that’s perhaps the only criterion which gives it this international status. The architecture is secondary compared to that.




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Les Journées du Patrimoine 2008 " Expo 58 : avant-après. Le patrimoine bruxellois depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale " : un thème vaste marquant le 20e anniversaire de ces journées au grand succès.


’Expo 58 a représenté un moment phare

Le « sexagénaire » Institut royal du Patrimoine

dans l’histoire de l’architecture en


Belgique. La Région a souhaité profiter du

immeuble de la société D’Ieteren ouvriront

cinquantième anniversaire de cet événement

leurs portes, de même que la société AXA ou

pour mettre à l’honneur le patrimoine


bruxellois bâti depuis la Seconde Guerre

d’entreprise mais aussi son club-house.

mondiale qui n'est pas si connu du public.

Écoles maternelles, primaires ou supérieures

61 lieux ou sites construits pendant cette

accueilleront également le public. Du CERIA à

période, qu’il s’agisse d’institutions ou de

l’école Clair-Vivre, en passant par la Haute

sociétés bien identifiées, d’églises, de gares,

École Paul-Henri Spaak, l’Institut supérieur

d’écoles, de lieux de loisirs ou encore de

d’Architecture Saint-Luc ou l’école Peter Pan,

témoins de l’Expo 58 permettront d'aller à la

avec leur conception novatrice.

rencontre de cette période. Au programme notamment : la jonction









Nord-Midi et certains bâtiments ayant vu le

L’après-guerre a également vu naître de

jour suite à sa construction, comme la gare

nouveaux quartiers et, par la même occasion,

Bruxelles-Congrès, la Bibliothèque royale de


Belgique et le Mont des Arts, la Banque

l’architecture traditionnelle à laquelle étaient

nationale de Belgique ou la galerie Ravenstein.

habitués les Bruxellois. Ainsi l’église Saint-




Les lieux de détente et de loisirs se sont eux aussi développés. Cinémas, salles de fête ou centres culturels, bassins de natation, tennis club, complexes sportifs ou encore mini-golf seront accessibles cette année ! Il est à parier que plusieurs d’entre eux vous surprendront !

20 et 21 septembre

Nouveaux quartiers


Julien, l’église de la Résurrection, la Chapelle Notre-Dame Reine des Cieux ou encore les églises Sainte-Alène, Saint-Pie X, Notre-Dame de Stockel ou Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours.


Bruxelles-Capitale. Demandes de brochures, tél : 0800/40 400 et mail :




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EN PRATIQUE Un événement européen Les 20 et 21 septembre 2008, un point d’information, situé dans les Halles Saint-Géry et accessible de 10h à 17h, permettra aux visiteurs de se procurer les brochures gratuites et de se renseigner sur les lieux accessibles et les différentes activités organisées. Une permanence téléphonique aura lieu aux mêmes heures (0800/40 400). Cette année, les dates des Journées du Patrimoine coïncideront avec le Dimanche sans voiture qui se déroulera le dimanche 21 septembre. À cette occasion, les transports en commun bruxellois seront gratuits pour tous. Afin de faciliter les déplacements des visiteurs le samedi 20 septembre, la Direction des Monuments et des Sites offrira gratuitement des cartes de transport STIB d’un jour aux personnes qui en feront la demande par écrit à la Direction des Monuments et des Sites (cartes disponibles dès la fin du mois d’août).

Les Journées du Patrimoine, aujourd’hui organisées dans les 47 pays signataires de la Convention culturelle du Conseil de l’Europe, ont vu le jour, en Belgique, en 1989. En 2008, elles fêtent leur 20e édition, tant en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale que dans les autres Régions. À cette occasion, en complément du programme lié à la thématique annuelle, 20 lieux fort appréciés du public lors des éditions et thématiques précédentes ouvriront également leurs portes. Une nouvelle opportunité de découvrir quelques « bijoux » du patrimoine bruxellois !

Légende photos 1. Ixelles – Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Rectorat, auditorium Q, maisons d’étudiants et Kultuurkaffee), boulevard de la Plaine (entrée 13) ou boulevard du Triomphe (entrée 6) (photo: A. de Ville de Goyet, Direction des Monuments et des Sites) 2. Bruxelles – Galerie Ravenstein (photo : A. de Ville de Goyet, Direction des Monuments et des Sites) 3. Saint-Gilles – Institut supérieur d’Architecture SaintLuc, rue d’Irlande 58 (photo : A. de Ville de Goyet, Direction des Monuments et des Sites) 4. Woluwe-Saint-Lambert – Site de Louvain-en-Woluwe (UCL) (photo : Br. Vander Brugghen, Direction des Monuments et des Sites; arch. Kroll©Sabam, Belgium, 2008) 5. Forest – Église St-Pie X, rue Roosendael 121 (photo : A. de Ville de Goyet, Direction des Monuments et des Sites) 6. Watermael-Boitsfort – AXA, boulevard du Souverain 25 (photo : A. de Ville de Goyet, Direction des Monuments et des Sites) 7. Bruxelles-Extensions – Bibliothèque Solvay, parc Léopold, rue Belliard 137 (photo : A. de Ville de Goyet, Direction des Monuments et des Sites) 8. Bruxelles-Extensions – Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique, parc du Cinquantenaire 1 (photo : A. de Ville de Goyet, Direction des Monuments et des Sites)





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Design September Lancé en 2006 dans le cadre de l'année Mode et Design, le festival Design September rassemble une cinquantaine d'événements portant sur le design.

KlaraFestival 2008 "Forza Musica" 2008 est une double année anniversaire puisque le Festival de Flandre fête ses 50 ans et le Palais des Beaux-Arts ses 80 ans! En étroite collaboration avec la VRT , ces deux institutions ont fondé le KlaraFestival en 2004, seul “broadcast festival” en Belgique à ce jour. Après le KVS en 2007, c’est le Beursschouwburg qui a été choisi comme 4e partenaire du Festival cette année pour la 5e édition du KlaraFestival. Des concerts de midi au Beursschouwburg qui ne peuvent avoir lieu que dans une salle de cette envergure : Poll, Madzar, Wispelwey, Jablonski, Bellucci, Krylov, Aviv Kwartet, Poltera et Tiberghien, Biret et enfin, last but not least, Bockstal et Lenaerts. Des grands noms, mais aussi quelques découvertes dans l’intimité de la Gouden Zaal du Beursschouwburg. Le soir, place aux grands concerts de 20h (Bozar, à noter le Grand Opening avec du Bel Canto, le samedi 30 août à 20h), ainsi qu’aux deuxLate Nights proposant chacune deux prestations (l’une, du classique le plus pur ; l’autre, quasiment de la pop... Bach au luth par Ziv Braha ou le blues aérien de Winter Family). Mais surtout : un investissement – au travers de chefs-d’?uvre classiques – de l’espace public, et ce à une échelle inexplorée jusqu’ici. Personne ne devrait être angoissé à l’idée d’écouter du Bruckner, du Tchaïkovski, du Mahler ou du Beethoven : c’est de la musique, et aussi immuable soit-elle, elle descend de son socle en direction du KlaraFestival. Le 12 septembre, elle débarque même à Bruxelles-National !

Solistes au Domaine Le célèbre concert-promenade fête ses 5 ans à l'abbaye de la Cambre. Billy Paul, Sinead O'Connor, Catherine Lara et le merveilleux José Van Dam seront présents, mêlant chant lyrique et pop dans différents endroits du parc et de l'abbaye, se rejoignant ensuite pour un final d'anthologie ! Le samedi 13 et le dimanche 14 septembre Abbaye de La Cambre Avenue Emile Duray - 1050 Bruxelles. Concerts en boucle de 18h à 23h et concert final à 23h20. Formules de réception :Formule VIP : 165€ tvac; Formule ''Village Gourmand'' : 95€ tvac ;+1 € de frais de gestion et de réservation. Renseignements et réservations, Tél. : 02/ 736 01 29 · Fax : 02/734 25 35.

Design de mobilier, de luminaires, d'objets, industriel, graphique, food design, landscape design : le spectre des applications de cette discipline industrielle est vaste. Et touche un large public. Une foule d'associations, institutions et autres organisations indépendantes ont accordé leurs violons pour proposer, entre le 7 et le 30 septembre 2008, un programme d'une grande diversité : expositions, vernissages, conférences, projections de films, débats, visites d'ateliers de designers, marché aux puces, circuits urbains, pecha kucha... Cette diversité témoigne du dynamisme créatif d'une ville malheureusement dépourvue de musée entièrement consacré au design. Cependant, à l'instar de la plupart des métropoles (Paris, Londres, Milan, Amsterdam, Berlin, Tokyo, Singapour), Bruxelles vibre elle aussi durant un mois au rythme du design. Fédérateur, cet événement annuel offre une caisse de résonance à la création et aux initiatives lancées par des amoureux du design à Bruxelles. Qui peut ainsi enfin prétendre au titre de capitale du design. A noter que le design peut être une surprise pour tous vos sens : la preuve, la Food & Wine Academy, sous la houlette de Christelle Verheyden et Eric Boschman, remet pour la troisième année consécutive le couvert 'design' en variation chocolatée. Qu'il soit blanc, lait ou noir, peu importe, pourvu que ce soit chocolat. Du contenu à la présentation, de l'assiette au dressage de la table, tout est permis... C'est aussi l'occasion de tester des accords mets et vins originaux. Une quinzaine de restaurants proposent donc un menu trois services original sur le thème "tout chocolat". Evénements du 7 au 30 septembre

Du 29 août au 12 septembre

Liste des restaurants sur le site

Infos :

10 / C U L T U R A L D I A R Y




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CONTACT Every month, Day to Day describes a Brussels commune from a practical point of view. Who do you need to approach regarding administrative matters ? How are you welcomed in your commune? What are its pro-European initiatives ? Here you will find all the information you need !

Photos: Bénédicte Maindiaux

Berchem-Sainte-Agathe Once upon a time Berchem and Koekelberg formed a single village.


ore than a century and a half ago, Berchem and Koekelberg separated to form two separate entities. This small district could have been in Flanders. But history had other plans. Just after the war, Berchem-Sainte-Agathe rejoined the BrusselsCapital region, or what was known at the time as the Brussels Agglomeration.


For a long time, Berchem was the only Dutchspeaking district in this Region. Today it is home to a typical Brussels middle class, and almost half of the foreign residents are European. This makes Berchem a Brussels district par excellence. But its affinities, with both Flanders and Wallonia, remain great. Indeed, since last February the district has adopted Symbiose 1082, a label given to cultural cooperation projects aimed at significant public exchange between Dutchand French-speaking institutions. A welcome collaboration in these times of crisis …

The 10 most represented nationalities:

• Number of inhabitants : as at 1.1.2008: 20,974 • Number of European nationals registered : 1,687, excluding Belgian citizens

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Italy : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .394 France : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390 Spain : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323 Poland : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187 Portugal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129 Greece : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Netherlands : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Germany : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 England : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Luxembourg : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Don’t miss

Treasures in the district: • The chapel dedicated to Saint Agatha • The old Van Calck-Vandendriesch pub • The brewer’s house • The villa Trianon - Sans Souci (JeanBaptiste Vandendriesch, 12-14) • The rue de l’Allée Verte and its farmhouses, • The old cemetery and the two British graves • The villa Marie-Mirande (11 av. Selliers) and the old villas of the Bourgeoisie • The old French Hospital (Av. Jose Goffin, 158) • The Cité Moderne and its gardens • The Pirsoul park

12 / CO N TAC T

• 5-7/09 : The annual market opens with an evening market on Friday 5. A first in Brussels! The same weekend, 70 artists will be exhibiting at the Salle des Fêtes. (33, avenue du Roi Albert) • 21/09 : “In Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, mobility is on the move”. This exhibition will show trends in mobility, and in particular as regards the changes to the place Schweitzer… • 21/09 : “BREATHE!”The car-free day is an opportunity to discover the town in a different way. But it’s also an opportunity to remember, based around this educational exhibition, that above all this day is a symbol intended to encourage us to question the way we live. Meeting from 10 am to 5 pm in the Salle des Fêtes at the Maison communale (33, avenue du Roi Albert). • All Saints (date to be confirmed) : After the success of the “Witches”last year, Berchem is preparing an exhibition on “Vampires”. Have your garlic ready!

Practical info Foreigners desk at 33, avenue du Roi Albert, 1082 Berchem-Saint-Agathe. Tel : 02/464.04.13 Opening hours : Mon–Tue–Wed : from 9 am to 2 pm, Thursday : from 9 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm Friday: from 8 am to 1 pm




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Photos: Bénédicte Maindiaux I Delphine De Ridder

14 / Day to Day in Brussels




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Where is the city headed ? The challenge facing Brussels is to join the international ranks as a fast-expanding city, at the same time as ensuring everyone’s quality of life. A bold plan which, according to some people, is not yet living up to its claims.


ithout a doubt, the presence of

Stéphanie Tunnel! These are just a couple of

the European institutions, the

examples among many, but which illustrate



how long things take in Belgium. In contrast,

companies which revolve around them, and

you see cities such as Moscow and Shanghai

NATO, make Brussels an international city.

teeming with thousands of workers day and

The foreign community is vast in terms of

night building tower blocks and offices within

numbers, even more so than what the official

the space of just a few months. Just think,

figures tell us. In fact, many Brussels residents,

over a hundred years ago, the Empire State

whether or not they are linked to the

Building or, closer to home, the Royal

European Union, are not registered for various

Galleries of Saint Hubert, were built in less

reasons. This makes it very difficult, indeed

than eighteen months.


impossible, to carry out a population census. Strengthened by this asset, Brussels must position itself internationally. In September 2007, Charles Picqué, MinisterPresident of the Brussels-Capital Region, laid down an International Development Plan (IDP) for his beloved city. Through this plan, his aim is to extend Brussels’ influence beyond its borders,





international claims through efficient cultural, sporting and economic infrastructures, a bustling cultural life, open public spaces and management




procedures. This extremely ambitious initiative is as vast as they come! Large-scale initiatives, such as the construction of the Square, the future conference centre at the Monts des Arts, the redevelopment of the Tour & Taxis site and the western inner ring, and the upgrading of public squares such as the Place Flagey, Place Rogier, Place Rouppe and Place de la Monnaie, are all making a positive and concrete contribution towards injecting new life into neighbouring districts.

Where’s the continuity policy? “Brussels definitely has huge potential,” admits Maurizio Cohen, architect and professor at La Cambre, “but it suffers on account of the conflict between the Flemish and Walloon regions, as well as the conflict between the Brussels Region and the 19 communes. This city has problems when it comes to good planning. This means that infrastructures are created in an extremely inconsistent way. A lot of energy and resources are fragmented. For example, Brussels is served well by Zaventem. The airport is close to the city and the institutions, and access by both train and car is well organised. However, structural projects at the airport are poorly managed, and there is a lack





communes. During recent highway expansion work, the commune of Zaventem only notified the Flemish communes. This situation is unhealthy and everyone loses out! Take

Slow procedures

Brussels’ expansion. It only makes sense if its

However, Europe’s capital is suffering on

mean extending Brussels’ borders beyond the

account of its slow procedures. It took several

19 communes.” Most Europeans have

years to reach an agreement to upgrade the

difficulty understanding Belgium’s internal

Place Flagey, and that doesn’t include the

quarrels. When you read the European press,

building work, and over a year to restore the

you sense this lack of understanding all the

status is improved which, to my mind, has to





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Photo: Bénédicte Maindiaux

Photo: Delphine De Ridder

more. What do the Flemish want? What’s more, we aren’t seeing a lot of creativity or bold and revolutionary ideas from the French community when it comes to reopening the debate. We see hold ups, but no solutions, which doesn’t help, of course, when it comes to looking at the city’s real problems.” The Place Flagey and its storm drain which, incidentally, has still not been completed, have been talked about for a long time, far too long in fact. This delay is partly due to the lack of agreement between the Region and the commune. “A city has to be managed socially,” continues the Italian architect, who has lived in Brussels for the past 17 years. “The Region is too weak. It has too few resources when it comes to strong management. Each project is the responsibility of one minister, and then when the minister changes, so does the project. There is no continuity when it comes to managing projects. This is extremely limiting for Brussels compared with other European capitals.”

Brussels, bound to its historic memory Since it was first founded, Brussels has seen large projects and large developments, which have almost always taken a very long time. Just think about the construction of the NorthSouth Junction. Started in the mid-19th century, it wasn’t completed until 1952. An entire century to build this highway, which destroyed part of one of the old districts of Brussels and caused profound discontent among the population. Paradoxically, one of the few positive moments, Expo 58, still had its downsides, such as the structural projects involving tunnels and viaducts. “These aren’t masterpieces, far from it, but today, we couldn’t take them away or imagine the city functioning without them!” So it seems that Brussels finds

it difficult to talk about its own history because it realises that there have been a lot of mistakes and not many heroic moments. “Here in Brussels, we’ve built up a misleading vocabulary,” continues Maurizio Cohen. “A new structure has to “integrate”, whereas the notion of integration doesn’t exist either in architecture or in town planning. In fact, a new building “fits” into a landscape. A new development necessarily always involves changing some aspect of what already exists. If you don’t accept the idea of change, then you’re lying to yourself. When you use this word “integration”, it simply hides the fear of change and the authorities’ fear of making decisions. That’s why we’re continuing to see copycat structures being erected in Brussels.” The Anspach project, which will soon house the Casino, next to the Mint, is just one example, among many, of these Brussels structures symbolising this lack of courage. You have to be Belgian to have dreamed up the “glass pyramid” in the Place Rogier...

Photo: Olivier Pirard

16 / Day to Day in Brussels

A heritage which must adapt Heritage conservation is necessary to conserve properties in the right way, but this shouldn’t prevent them being adapted to changing lifestyles. In fact, there is often a contradiction between the policy of the authorities and current requirements. Lifestyles are changing and we have to try to adapt to them. “Today, the issue of heritage, which should play a cultural role, is all too often used as a political lever. It’s not a force which helps to structure the city better, but instead a means used to ease people’s consciences. Conservation means something if you give yourself the means to transform the city. You cannot have an awareness of heritage if there is no forward-looking culture, if you don’t think of the city as a work in progress. What is paradoxical is that the political and administrative authorities are not acting within the framework of a global cultural policy, but selectively or as a knee-jerk




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Photo: Delphine De Ridder

The Canal’s aberrations: the BILC

reaction. There is no cultural policy for outlining a forward-thinking policy.”

Dare to create bold public spaces Public spaces play an essential role in a city’s identity. They are its calling card. “To my mind, one of the ways of helping the city to establish an identity for itself is through building new public spaces. The public space is one of the very best shared places, in that it belongs to the community and has the power to generate urban dynamics. Just think about the debate there is about the Place Rogier for the moment. The ARAU [workshop for urban action and research] is attacking the Region because the cost of the project is higher than anticipated. When you look at their criticism, their real concern is not the cost, but the project itself, because it’s going to change this space radically. This debate is nasty because it uses arguments

which are easily understandable by all to counter what people don’t want to accept culturally. The greater our courage is when it comes to building public spaces, the greater hope there is of seeing Brussels being forward looking, which ultimately means that the city starts to take shape when we decide to make policy. On the other hand, it has no hope if we restrict ourselves to populism.” This was the problem with Flagey. We had to fight to make the politicians do their jobs and take it on. If a new model sets a precedent, what’s going to happen? Do we discredit the initiative (which is often the case) by pointing out its faults or, on the contrary, do everything we can to make sure it works the best it can? Once again, it is through ongoing sustainable management and looking towards the future that Brussels will be able to find the answers to these questions...


Alongside these so-called “sustainable development” revitalisation projects near to the Port of Brussels, a planning application has been made to build an international logistics distribution centre (the BILC) next to the Tour & Taxis site. This centre, which will be at least 50,000 m2, is to house materials. According to the Port, this centre might eventually be linked to the railway (although this link has been removed by the SNCB) and the waterway (by crossing the Avenue du Port). First aberration.According to the logistics centre, this implicitly reduces noise pollution and heavy traffic. Second aberration. At a time when they want to make the area alongside the Canal more pleasant, attract Brussels residents to this new promenade and build residential districts there, the Avenue du Port which runs alongside it would be upgraded, widened and adapted to 60 tonne “very long vehicles” which are 25 metres in length, the most imposing lorries on the market. According to Inter-environnement, together with the TIR, the storage centre which also belongs to the Port of Brussels, the centre would see a flow of up to 1,000 lorries per day. Imagine the ecological and noise pollution less than 2 km away from the Grand-Place! Particularly given the price per m2 and the scarcity of land in Brussels, does a capital really need an international logistics centre right in the middle of the city? Especially since the Port already has the 16,000 m2 TIR, which is also right in the middle of the city, and which is due to be modernised. It is planning to create Carcoke, a multimodal logistics centre, on a 12 hectare site, and is intending to purchase 30 hectares on the Schaerbeek-Formation site. Wouldn’t it be wiser to pool energies?

Photo: © Albo |





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A fortune bound up with the Canal F

ormerly a customs clearance and goods storage complex, today the Tour & Taxis site is a veritable driving force for development. The refurbishment of the Entrepôt Royal and Sheds, carried out with the greatest respect for its heritage, has revitalised the Canal’s left bank. In June 2008, the Europa Nostra organisation awarded its medal for conservation and redevelopment to a site which the public has already adopted. In fact, these two buildings, as well as the plain and its marquis events, currently receive over 700,000 visitors per year. Strengthened by this success, Project T&T, the owner of Tour & Taxis, is forging ahead. The next step is to develop the entire site. In July 2007, a Memorandum of Understanding signed with the City Council and Region of Brussels laid the foundations for the Blueprint, which was approved in July 2008. Alongside this memorandum, an application was made to the City Council in October 2007 to develop a sustainable district. The permit is expected in June 2009.

A town within a town This development project aims to build a new district on the remaining 30 hectares of the site. Tour & Taxis will therefore bring together housing, businesses, offices, services, public facilities and green spaces, all developed around three main themes, i.e. revitalised heritage, sustainable communities and water. The revitalised heritage is characterised by the upgrading of the heritage, with architecture in keeping and the use of modern techniques and sustainable materials adapted to current requirements. The existing buildings will be given a new lease of life and their specific characteristics brought out.

18 / Day to Day in Brussels

Le projet de tour Premium par Atenor (Document Atenor)

Tour & Taxis also aims to create a sustainable community, i.e. a community which offers a pleasant living environment, making it a nice place in which to live and work, with various services, modes of transport and a good quality of life. A community which is well designed, created following an architecture competition, with respect for the environment and the emphasis placed on green transport, i.e. cycling and public transport.

At least 10% of the site will be given over to green spaces, and a large public space is planned. Not forgetting mobility, with public and private transport. In fact, mobility occupies a very important place in the site’s development.




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A new district on the Tour & Taxis site, the upgrading of the western inner ring, the construction of a 140m residential tower block…

Photos: Delphine De Ridder

It’s simply teeming with projects alongside the Canal.

Water at the centre of things Tour & Taxis is taking full advantage of its situation and its waterfront location. In fact, this new district will be part of the development of the Canal which the Region is pushing for. This includes the entire upgrading of the western inner ring, on land covered by both Brussels City Council and the commune of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, between Place Sainctelette and the bend in the Canal level with the Porte de Ninove. A promenade lined with lawned areas and trees alongside the water will connect parks created at either end. The redevelopment also includes a new footbridge, seen almost as a platform, level with the Rue du Comte de Flandres. This will make it easier to get from the tram station to the metro station and vice versa. However, much more than just a crossing point, the project will strengthen the link between the canal, Brussels and Molenbeek. The element of “water” will (finally!) get its rightful place within the city.

itself as a multi-function project. It will, of course, include housing (50,000 m2), offices (30,000 m2) and businesses (1,650 m2), but also a swimming pool, a Spa & Wellness centre, a cinema, a children’s playground and a 6,600 m2 green space. The price for a standard apartment (two bedrooms with a terrace) would be roughly 180,000 Euros, i.e. approximately 2,000 Euros per m2. Rather than a luxury initiative, the developers see it primarily as a high-end project intended to encourage a good mix within the district. Asbestos removal and demolition work has already been carried out, but the permits have not yet been given. Despite criticisms, centred primarily on the height and density of the project, ATENOR hopes to start work in 2009 and complete it in 2013. If the project comes off, the fortune of Brussels will be even more closely bound up with the Willebroek Canal district.

The “Premium”, a hybrid tower block Alongside this revitalisation launched by the Tour & Taxis site, supported by the City Council and the commune of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, with the redevelopment of the quays, the property developer ATENOR has also decided to get involved in this revitalisation. Where the old Delhaize company used to be, the developer is going to build the “Premium”.

© David Hughes |

A few metres away from Tour & Taxis, alongside the Quai des Péniches, this 140m high tower block, which will stretch for 1.25 hectares alongside the Willebroek Canal, primarily sees





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Photos: Bénédicte Maindiaux

Non-exhaustive diary of structural projects in Brussels >> August-September 2008. Redevelopment work on the Louise Bottleneck is due to begin. Changes to expect: double parking will no longer be possible and delivery zones will be integrated into the pavement at the same height and the car parking area taken away. The first step towards a pedestrianised street? In any event, that’s the dream of Pascal Smet, the Minister for Public Works and Mobility.

>> October 2008. Finishing work on the Place Flagey. The Region

20 / Day to Day in Brussels

still has to install the glass canopy for the tram stop and a giant screen. The car park, under the responsibility of the commune, won’t be in operation until next year.

>> End of 2008. Canal: Start of the first phase (MolenbeekSaint-Jean side) of work alongside the canal between the Place Sainctelette and the Avenue de Ninove. This work will take place in two phases, since the project extends over two communes. The second phase (Brussels side) won’t start until the first phase has been completed (estimated end of 2009).

>> End of 2008 – summer of 2009: Start of the three-phase redevelopment of the Avenue du Port (from the Place Sainctelette to the Square de Trooz).

>> End of 2008-2010: Avenue Winston Churchill will lose its chestnut trees, most of which are sick or damaged. They will be replaced by plane trees. The aim is to improve the ease of passage for public transport.




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>> Start of 2009: Work begins in the Place Rogier. This means an end to successive stop-gap improvements. The entire square is to be upgraded. At long last! The programme includes a leafier site which will give it more height overall, with car parks and a conference centre beneath the square. The underground metro station will be partially upgraded, as well as the part of the inner ring which runs alongside the square. As yet, the planning permit hasn’t been given and a call for tenders has to be launched for the contractor. >> February 2009 -2013: Work begins on Premium, the new 140m tower block alongside the Canal. This project by ATENOR aims to build a hybrid complex of housing, offices and businesses (cf. article attached).

>> 09/2009 at 8.09 p.m.: At Mont des Arts, Square, the Conference Centre built for Expo 58 will reveal its new identity. Started in April 2007, the

refurbishment will double the capacity of the halls. Auditoriums will be able to accommodate 1,200, 500 and 300 people.

>> End of 2009: The refurbished Toison d’Or Arcade is due to open its doors, with FNAC as the “star attraction” to increase its commercial visibility.

>> 2010: The Place de la Monnaie gets a facelift to make the space more open and light. The fountain will also be refurbished.




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Schaerbeek-Formation’s highly-coveted 26 hectares A football stadium, a conference centre, a museum of modern art, a shopping centre, housing, offices, etc. Projects abound at the Schaerbeek-Formation site. If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that this will be a hybrid project…


put in writing. Linked directly to the

he Schaerbeek-Formation site in the communes of Schaerbeek and Evere is one of the region’s last properties with potential on this scale. This railway zone measuring some 26 hectares has been much discussed. Some people would like to see the future large football stadium built there rather than at Heysel (2012) in order to hold the World Cup there in 2018. A large-scale conference centre should also be build there. People have also talked about a museum of modern and contemporary art, tourist infrastructures, a shopping centre and residential and office buildings. However, opinions are constantly changing. In any event, what is certain is that a call for proposals has been launched. The site has yet to be cleaned up. The processes are moving slowly.

future Schaerbeek RER station and to the ring










motorway Antwerp, likely


accommodate a hybrid building project, with homes, offices and public facilities. It would be able to accommodate 5,000 people. The







sustainable district, with priority going to soft mobility and green energies. There is still one issue to be resolved. If Schaerbeek-Formation were to become a viable district, some people think it would be necessary to cover the rail tracks completely. Who would finance According to Beliris, two of the three

this mammoth work? The commune?

phases have been carried out, namely soil

The region? It’ll be back to long

analysis and the site allocation plan.

negotiations, and the work won’t be

These various allocations still need to be

starting anytime soon…

© Diademimages |

22 / Day to Day in Brussels




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Le temps du beau Septembre arrive, marquant la fin de la saison véritablement estivale et avec ce mois de la rentrée, un tourbillon d'activités, de bonnes résolutions aussi et de challenges à dépasser. Mais on peut aussi adoucir les angles, en pensant à se faire plaisir tous azimuts...

What time is it ? Du strass, des paillettes, de la couleur sur un bracelet en résine ? A l'heure de la rentrée, on adopte cette montre Guess pour un poignet rock n' roll ! « Trend » by Guess. Boîte et bracelet bangle en résine (argent, noir, mauve) avec strass, 249 €

De doux bruissements de couleurs A l'entrée de l'automne, la merveilleuse Verrière Hermès, sur le boulevard de Waterloo s'offre la poésie discrète mais d'une belle force de Monique Frydman qui travaille la couleur sur des tissus, des draps anciens, des tableaux aux pigments intenses ou sur verre. Pour la Verrière, elle inaugure une installation au calme infini : Elle y a peint les murs en les saturant de subtilités chromatiques puis les a recouverts de feuilles de papier japonais enchevauchées très légèrement. Cette couverture bruisse alors au moindre mouvement en créant de doux mouvements de lumière sur fond de couelur. Emotion directe, étonnement relaxant... Du 26 septembre au 15 novembre (du lundi au samedi de 11 à 18h), boulevard de Waterloo, 50 – 1000 Bruxelles.

24 / P L E A S U R E




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Coupe glam et effets rock, yes !

So Brune Coupe cintrée et lignes fluides pour des

En cet rentrée, c'est l'anti-sophistiqué qui

coupes ultraféminines chez Olivier Strelli,

prime... en toute élégance bien sûr ! La saison

on ne passe pas à côté de cette silhouette

automne-hiver de Jean-Claude Biguine explore

élégantissime qui joue la discrétion en

des coupes glam rock, les cheveux se crêpent,

imposant un style... qu'on veut toutes

ondulentles mèches se libèrent sous total con-

cette hiver !

trôle alors que les tons chauds et épicés du

Jamais sans mon sac, version homme Des sacs chics et pratiques qui se portent en bandoulière ou autour de la taille et qui sont taillés sur mesure pour accueillir



porte-monnaie… tout ce qui

nouveau balayage indien (large mèches rubans

traînait auparavant dans les

sur une base châtain à brun nuancé d'épices)

44 rue A.Dansaert - 1000 Bruxelles.

poches des hommes, elle est pas belle la vie quand

apportent des notes de douceur...

Tél. : 02.512.09.42;

Hedgren s'en préoccupe pour les hommes ?

72 av. Louise -1000 Bruxelles. Jean-Claude Biguine, balayage 65 à 68 €. Infos : 02 644 61 44.

Tél. : 02.512.56.07

Fencing, 135 € et Walkaround, 115 €. Infos points de vente: 03/ 226 26 06.




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Moi, ma mère et La Redoute Le catalogue La Redoute, ma petite madeleine de Proust : en août, ma mère et moi s'asseyions dans le canapé pout feuilleter religieusement le catalogue et commander tranquillement une montagne de choses pour la rentrée. L'esprit de famille n'a jamais déserté les pages de ce catalogue de ventes par correspondance qui se fait de plus en plus fashion avec ses pages créateurs et ses invitées de marque. Cette année c'est Christine Scott-Thomas et sa fille qui ont tout retourné avec élégance et fantaisie et présentent les tendances de l'automne-hiver et les créateurs réinventent la déco, la mode femmes hommes les accessoires. Un pavé de convoitises en tout genre !

Des hits plein la bouche Une brosse à dents « tooth tunes », l'accessoire indispen-

Emmanuel Ungaro

sable pour transformer ce que les jeunes considèrent parfois comme une corvée en un vrai moment de bonne

Avec Ungaro, son nouveau parfum féminin, Emmanuel Ungaro rêve d'une femme à la séduction à l'état pur. Le parfum est composé de notes florales ambrées et épicées, un mariage sensuel entre fleurs de jasmin et les senteurs épicées du safran rehaussées par les accords de l'ambre. Une fragrance en passe de devenir éternelle ! Eau de parfum spray 30 ml 39,50 €; 50 ml 58 € (à partir d'octobre).

humeur. Durant deux minutes de brossage continu,

transforment en sons grâce à la conduction osseuse transférant la musique de l'intérieur de la bouche vers l'oreille interne !. Mieux on brosse, meilleur est le son. Trop fun ! Parmi les chansons : « We will rock you », « Survivor »; « Let's get it started » ou encore « Rock n' roll all night », ça déménage côté marchoire ! Turbo Tooth Tunes de Hasbro, environ 14 € en supermarchés (les chansons seront régulièrement renouvelées).

26 / P L E A S U R E


brosse à dents électrique produit des vibrations qui se




Page 27


Une Fraise givrée pour retenir l'été Non non ! L'été n'est pas fini, on fait durer le plaisir avec

Feu vert pour le permis de conduire

ce thé Kusmi glacé, un pur bonheur à déguster en

En juillet 2008, les éditions De Boeck ont

songeant à ses vacances. On ne présente plus la maison

lancé un tout nouveau site d'apprentis-

Kusmi fondée en 1867 et installée à Paris depuis 1917.

sage au permis de conduire théorique.

Dernière nouveauté de la marque, l’arôme « Fraise est une méthode sur

givrée » qui se prête parfaitement à la préparation de thé

internet qui a fait ses preuves et qui est l'ap-

glacé. Ses infusettes en mousseline de 8 grammes sont

plication directe et plus interactive du livre. Il

extrêmement pratiques.Pour préparer un délicieux thé

consiste en un espace gratuit consultable par

glacé : laissez infuser un sachet de thé pendant à 3 à 4

tous qui résume tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur le

minutes dans un quart de litre d’eau frémissante.Versez

permis et un espace payant sécurisé qui permet véritablement de suivre sa

le thé dans une carafe d’un demi-litre et remplissez-la de

progression et d'avoir un aperçu exhaustif de ce qu'il faut savoir à travers

glaçons. Hmmm, so sweet !

un contenu illustré très convivial.

Disponible en conditionnement de 5 sachets de 8 g,

9,50 euros. Chez Rambagh, rue Haute 64 & 100 – 1000 Bruxelles.

One Stressless® recliner + footstool Mayfair offered in Batick leather Cream, base and trim brown or cherry stained, to the purchase of a 2 or 3 seater Manhattan sofa and a Stressless® recliner + footstool unit in Batick leather Cream, base and trim brown or cherry stained.(1) (1) Offer valid in the limited available stocks at the participating Stressless® dealers participants. Advised retail price TTC Manhattan 3 seater Batick Leather: 2313€ / Manhattan 2 seater Batick Leather: : 1805€/ Recliner + Stressless® footstool Mayfair cuir Batick : 1843€ hors promotion.

Willy Vander Elst your consultant in furniture, bedding and relaxation for more than 85 years. 225-231 chaussée d’Helmet - 1030 Bruxelles - Phone 02/242 35 86 - (near the church)




Page 28


Š Joris Van Ostaeyen |

Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle Having witnessed a lively history, Haut-Koenigsbourg castle stands out today as a benchmark of European heritage at the start of the 20th century. This year is the 100th anniversary of its restoration, and there are plenty of events coming up!


fortress symbolising a region rich in

the Hapsburgs and the Hohenzollerns, and

and most diverse audiences mark this

fortification, 100 years after its

sometimes even to reprobates and, reduced to



evenings, visits and workshops‌





a state of ruin for over two centuries, it was

castle offers a remarkable insight into what a

finally completely rebuilt at the personal wish of

castle was like at the end of the Middle Ages.

the German Kaiser Wilhelm II.



Having witnessed a past of bitter conflicts, it

Koenigsbourg castle is a superb and imposing

has become a symbol of a united and


mass of pink sandstone which, at almost 800

peaceful Europe.

Monday to Friday: tel. +33 (0)3 88 82 50

metres above sea level, dominates the plain of

one which is continuing, since more than

Alsace and the wine road which snakes


around its feet.

foreigners, come to discover it each year.

The moment the visitor steps over the

Until December, Haut-Koenigsbourg castle is

threshold, he is immediately transported to the

celebrating the 100th anniversary of its

universe of the Middle Ages. Everything is

restoration with a special cultural programme.

there, towers and bastions, ramparts, portcullis

The principal event of this special year is the

and battlements, in perfect condition!

"Past at work" exhibition, which is almost a






A surprising destiny, and 40%



Information : Haut-Koenigsbourg castle F-67600

60 – fax +33 (0)3 88 82 50 61


The castle has experienced all the ups and downs of the tumultuous history of this region, it has belonged successively to three great German imperial dynasties, the Hohenstaufens,

28 / M O V I N G

kilometre long with some impressive photos and objects, bearing witness to the history of this monumental project. Numerous other events aimed at the widest




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Working... in public toilets!

The 24th Antiques Biennale in Paris O

rganised by the Syndicat National des Antiquaires (SNA) since the very first event in 1956, the 24th Biennale will open its doors from 11 to 21 September, at the Grand Palais in Paris. An unmissable event for the art market, loved by true connoisseurs from all over the world, the Biennale offers a wide range of specialities presented by internationally renowned professionals in the fields of Antiques, Fine Arts and Jewellery. Since the Grand Palais re-opened in 2006, following completion of work which further enhanced this monument to French architecture, the Biennale is finally back in its original showcase venue.

From 11 to 21 September, from 11 am to 11 pm. Grand Palais, avenue Winston Churchill, 75008 Paris

A survey carried out by Global Market Insite (GMI) for the Regus group, the world leader in providing work spaces, reveals statistics about the difficulties encountered by travelling workers whilst away from the office. This survey was carried out on a representative sample of 1000 travelling workers from the UK and USA who, in the absence of any work space, were forced to set up in some strange places. In Great Britain, 52% of British business travellers spend at least half a day (3 to 5 hours) a week working in a public place. As it becomes a veritable strategy for businesses, integrating mobility into work is also becoming increasingly common in Belgium. Facing the same difficulties as our European neighbours, nomadic workers in our country, too, have the same needs... The survey uncovered some surprising figures about the solutions found by Anglo-Saxon workers on the move, in the absence of anything better : - 65% have had to work in noisy restaurants - 58% in hotel lobbies - 57% in car parks - 51% have had to work in bars - 46% in shopping centres - 35% in parks - and even‌16% have had to work in public toilets. It is in this context of increasing demand that Regus offers workers on the move from these companies calm and professional work spaces, fully equipped and operational immediately, which meet all their needs. Present in 400 cities around the world, these strategic locations offer a series of additional services which simplify mobility, making it easy to print documents, connect to the Internet in seconds or receive clients in a private office.

M O V I N G / 29




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CONCOURS Une bière parfaitement servie. Chaque année depuis 1997, Stella Artois recherche le meilleur serveur de bière belge. A ce titre, les professionnels de l’Horeca doivent prouver leur expertise dans l’art de tirer une Stella Artois au fût, de servir une autre bière en bouteille et d’assurer un service correct à table. Le détenteur du titre de meilleur serveur de bière belge a ensuite l’honneur de défendre nos couleurs au Stella Artois World Draught Master, le Championnat du Monde des meilleurs serveurs de bière, un concours international auquel participent quelque 25 pays. Nous ne pouvons que constater, non sans une certaine fierté, que nos compatriotes se défendent généralement plutôt bien, alignant pas moins de 5 titres de champion du monde.

CHOCOLAT Le plaisir « on the go » Et hop, une perle à déguster discrètement. On est fou des petites nouvelles du maîtrechocolatier Leonidas : ces perles de chocolat s'emmènent partout pour un plaisir immédiat en solo ou à partager ! Les Perles Pures sont disponibles au lait et au chocolat fondant et proposées en deux conditionnements : en sachet en carton de 160g ou dans de mignonnes boîtes métalliques de 37g.

C'est le 20 septembre qu'aura lieu ce championnat National de la Bière Pression, au Bozar.

COUP DE COEUR L'auberge de La Roseraie Déjà, on est charmé par la balade qui nous emmène directement en pleine campagne et nous voici devant cette ancienne ferme tout de blanc vêtue, au détour d'un virage, à deux pas de l'église d'Ohain, en face d'un pré où courent quelques chevaux... L'auberge de la Roseraie se la joue classiquechic, dans des tons neutres et de bon goût et l'on s'y sent bien directement, surtout que l'accueil y est : chaleureux, sympathique. Ce restaurant a été ouvert par un ancien jockey passionné de cuisine qui a peu à peu remis les rênes de la cuisine à son fils. Il y a de la modernité ici et de l'originalité. On adore particulièrement les menus gourmands, chaque mardi et jeudi qui, pour 37 euros vous offre entre, plat et dessert (avec deux choix à chaque fois) sous une thématique spécifique et la sélection du sommelier à discrétion. Et tout ça sans compter la terrasse, magnifique... pour un éventuel été indien. Une vraie bonne adresse qui change de la ville ! L'Auberge de la Roseraie, route de la Marache, 4 1380 Ohain. Tél: 02 633 13 74 Ouvert de 12h à 14h et de 19h à 22h. Fermé dimanche et lundi. Réouverture le 2 septembre.

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LA RECETTE Gratin de moules au beurre aux herbes de Thaïlande Ingrédients 300 g de moules cuites, 4 petits oignons de printemps, 1 petit piment rouge frais, 2 gousses d’ail, 2 cuillers à soupe d’huile (d’olive), 1 cuiller à soupe de jus de limon ou de citron, 2 cuillers à soupe de coriandre finement hachée, sel, 100 g de beurre doux, 50 g de chapelure.

Préparation - Hachez finement les petits oignons, le piment et les gousses d’ail. - Faites revenir le tout dans l’huile, à feu doux pendant 3 minutes. - Ajoutez le jus de limon ou de citron, la coriandre et une pincée de sel. Laissez refroidir. - Faites préchauffer le grill au maximum. Malaxez le beurre et ajoutez la préparation à base d’oignons. Avec le beurre aux herbes, beurrez 4 petits ramequins pouvant aller au four. - Répartissez les moules dans les ramequins, ajoutez le reste du beurre aux herbes et saupoudrez le tout de chapelure.

- Placez les ramequins sous le grill et faites chauffer les moules jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient brunies. Conseil S’accompagne délicieusement du pain indien « Naan » à réchauffer au four. Ce pain est disponible dans le rayon des produits orientaux de votre supermarché. Vin conseillé : Alsace Sylvaner, vin blanc léger, frais et fruité. Trouvez d’autres recettes sur




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