This picture is of a person reading, which represents Article 28: The right to education.
Tuesday, 11 June, 13
This picture is of two parents fighting, and because of that the child is kept up and can’t study. Tuesday, 11 June, 13
This picture shows a person collecting food for a food drive, which will help people who don’t have food.
Tuesday, 11 June, 13
This picture is of a person being bullied, which causes her to have low selfesteem, so she can’t defend herself.
Tuesday, 11 June, 13
The person in this picture is being denied Article 24: The right to good food and a doctor if you’re ill. Tuesday, 11 June, 13
The girls in this picture are privileged, so they can go to a good school, and they have better chances of getting good jobs. Tuesday, 11 June, 13
This picture is of a girl who has access to Article 7: The right to a name and a nationality. Tuesday, 11 June, 13
This picture shows a girl stealing, and because that girl is stealing, another turns her back on her.
Tuesday, 11 June, 13
In this photo, because this girl is a slave, she will not get a proper education, and probably won’t get a chance at a good life.
Tuesday, 11 June, 13
Because this girl is poor, she has nothing to eat, which can lead to malnutrition and death.
Tuesday, 11 June, 13