he: how are u? she: up and down up and down... faster than I can manage and u? he: down and down faster then I can breath she: well the "down" is a long one... the up is whenever I say... to myself: "calm down" he: nop.. there has been said that u are already in down when u think of calming down ...the security is like the clothes to light she: so I guess.. I am all the time down lately.. telling lies to myself that I am up sometimes just to feel better a little he: maybe its not a lie she: maybe not.. but how to move than? cause I feel that I am at one place and cannot move do u know? u know what I mean? he: rock u mean? inanimate? she: yea.. like a stone.. heavy and empty although even stones aren't empty he: question…. who is going to arrive from point a to point b? the one who think he moves but he stand steel or the one who knows for sure that he is staying steel? she: the one who knows that they're staying...cause they realize they have to move to go anywhere? he: cause its all on desire. Those who have desire move, but who move first? the light or the man? She: first there is the intention.. so there is the light to do anything He: so....if the light "thought about u separated from him" ,he did it before u and u now fill is feeling towards u she: something inside is fighting in me.. I feel like being tested...testing he: testing? what do u mean?
she: yea.. like I have to pass "the exam" of the real desire.. and the real intentions.. he: mind she: so I fight inside with my own egoism ...my mind? he: he used the eyes and say nop, nop – nothing - don’t see nothing good here. not in my friends, not in nobody, especially not in me she: yea.... I exactly feel like that.. she: and I fight with that, all my heart he: when he start to speak like that, don’t answer him, and tell him – yep – u are absolutely right, but now I don’t argue with u, cause u will bit me, I will answer u when I will get the secrete mind, and till then I do the words that the wise man told me to do. it is called above reason way. in the reason u will fail, in the reason he is absolutely right and u will loose the fight. give him time, tell him – no no stop. Not now-I am busy. U want to talk to me? Ok. Appointment at 21:00 and don’t talk to him any more till 21:00 she: so I should give up this fight? this is my mistake? above the reason.. blind love and "knowing"... "blind knowing" he: stay on the right line for 23.30 hours a day. it means : “I feel gooood” like in the song... she: yea.. I shall doooooo tthhhaaatt he: its better to be sad but with a smile.. then sad but crying she: and that's what is hard for me lately.. he: smile? she: I always smiled. but last couple of weeks are terrible.. he: yep for me too, maybe its the hot weather she: rriiigghhtt
he: all the face fall down, and the for head...all is melting ................................................. ................. he: a notebook in bora bora...writing poet, I read my poems when I feel gloom. and they bring me up...a very good trick. like auto elevation she: yea I love to do it also... self defense from falling he: but the most of the times I don’t remember what I wanted to say.......mmmm she: that's why I write it down.. he: no I mean...I read my poems but I don’t remember any more the sense that took me there.. I forget it... I need a translation. pity, cause I write very short....and very intense words she: yes.. but that is why you live "the space" for others to think deeply about the meaning and thoughts of the author - u he: but I forgot it myself she: well so maybe there is some "new" space for u too, the various concepts, the thoughts are soo deep and endless that no one can figure out just one conclusion - that's fantastic.. he: I have the tendency to make it short - maybe I am wrong she: almost like quotations - I love quotations.. he: yes.. a slogan. It’s my favorite.. she: I've noticed he: but slogans are like this.....has the tendency to make them short... she: but to give lots of thoughts to others he: u think so? she: off course! he: off course is..............above reason........that we said before
she: yeess off course he: so answer him like this: if he says bla bla bla...u answer... she: bla bla bla he: off course!!!! she: that's a good idea actually he: strange word.....off course.... very strange she: course to off ... like the end of course or the beginning of the new one.... flying thoughts of the butterfly course! he: ye .. like with the butterfly...what’s the name of the creature before the butterfly. the worm, do u know? she: ooohh I know what u mean....but don't know in English he: lets call it a worm, for now she: the previous stage he: "what the worm sees as the end off the world, the master sees a butterfly" she: of the beautiFLY the FLYmind is just a FLYdream for FLYING me... he: when the ugly man said is ugly word and when he took the "off course"...u answer.....I am oncourse 'מם.....don’t bother me she: fly away I am busy he: fly? mad and dust away she: yes. like I see so many birds lately. all the time they getting my attention.. he: because u are in tension of the right intention...on the surrounding attention...of the inside invention she: like in a different dimensions
he: when u mentioned the intention... the attention on the dimension...is really getting big she: :) and growing towards the invention.. changing sides from left to right like I mentioned he: and he mentioned it.... and u say again...don’t mentioned it ..and he mentioned it anyway ..oncourse u answer ....and he mentioned it again....he mentioned the off course she: but the course have changed onto different direction... to select a nonexistent reality in this worm dimensions... he: obviously she: where we could find all what you have mentioned he: appointment at 21:00 she: ok thank you....that was fun he: yeeaapp she: as aaaaalllwwaaayyyss he: even if we fail and lie.....we smile she: and smile .. and smile....ciao he: ciao