Darkfaery Subculture Magazine: Version 11: Volume 1: Issue 4

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4,5,6,7 Arijah Ankh Khalid Zyn 10, 11 for the love of music 12 Goth Subculture and the newbie problem...lady of sorrows 13 The Magic of Sci-Fi Movies ‌ Sredna Nesegleh 14,15 book collection 17 Cutie Carney Variety Circus! 18,19,20,21,22,23 Charles R Bristow- Freelance Fantasy and Pinup artist Cover art by Arijah Ankh Khalid Zyn

Staff Editing, compiling, layout: Duvall Gilchrist-Montgomery


opyright Š 1997-2010 Contents contained within Darkfaery Subculture Magazine are subject to US Copyright Laws and are the property of their respective authors, artists and labels. Commercial use prohibited.

If you would like to submit your work or just contact us: Darkfaery Subculture Magazine 517 NW 95th street Oklahoma city, OK 73114 USA E-mail: duvy.dfsm@gmail.com

Photoshop, yet I am not limited to digital media productions. I also create digital music and various other crafting projects such as wall muI am a Gothic artist. My creations rals. While I use a variety of materiare portals to my innerspace...my als and processes in each project looking glass. My art is both simple my methodology is consistent. Altand complex; a juxtaposition of the hough there may not always be maarcane, unconscious, antiquate and terial similarities in my projects, they the macabre. I create because I am are linked by recurring themes. The seduced by it. I am possessed by subject matter of each piece deterthe spirit of it. I have engaged such mines the materials and the framesubject matter as alchemy, ancient work of the design. cultures and history, the paranormal, death and dying, music, neo-victorian culture and distopian dreamscapes. My art reproduces familiar visual signs, and arranges them into deep psychological and emotional layers which evokes an examination of preconceived notions and beliefs in the viewer. Arijah Ankh Khalid Zyn :.Gothic Artist.:

Often times these themes are combined into installations that feature antique tones, reminiscent of vintage photography. This establishes a surreal a comfortable quality, and suggests notions of memory and simplicity, and then formally unifies the antithetical objects within the piece. I call this "creating a rift", and by doing so, leaves the subject matter open to personal interpretation and introspection.

my every inspiration. ”There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion.” ― Edgar Allan Poe :.Artist Bio.: The artist was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and lived in the Baltimore -Washington metropolitan area for most of her life before retreating to the mountains of Tennessee, where she and her family currently reside. Her work has been featured on several book covers, and albums, and she has produced artwork for magazines and promotional events, and has designed several divinatory card decks. She also composes for her music project "Zyn", has produced four albums, and is currently working on a fifth. Both she and her partner jointly compose music for "Project Archangel". She is the matriarch of Societas Draconis Alchimia, an esoteric society devoted to the study and practice of various esoterica.

She maintains a web presence on her blog "Nevermore" (http:// I'm driven by my sensarijahankhkhalid.blogspot.com), es...everything that I see, feel, where she keeps information and touch, taste and experience. I've access to her various projects and always loved reading the works of memoirs. authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Many of her digital artworks are H.P. Lovecraft and Mary Shelley. In available for licensing, and she is my youth, these authors incited available for commissions. As alsuch excitement and emotion within ways, her music remains...free. me, that deep and transmutational delving within my own soul was inMy main tool is my own imagination evitable. I honor chaos and novelty, which oozes into manifestation via and find these as catalysts within

Ink Dot Boy: The Red Symphony Years This, is the story of Ink Dot Boy. My dreams are awakened; a dark angels toy. My walls are the sins, of the demons won't scream, In this opera for no one, not even a dream, The nightmares see color, on the figure outside, He has stared in the windows, and promised me lies, Now the shadows look blackened, the stars are like blood, For the eyes have been looming, to the empires above. With nothing to hide from, alone with this hate, The seats filled with echoes, and eager debate, When along came the noises, they crept and they crawled, They turned back the shutters, they lived in the walls, The dark days are coming, I know what they hold, The voices of scorning, the demons of old, For this is my story, and readers beware, You may not be well here, in fact you'd be scared, You think may know me, or maybe you don't, But the choice is within you, my minions bring....hope.

http://www.lovelorn.info http://www.facebook.com/lovelorn.music http://www.reverbnation.com/lovelorn http://www.myspace.com/lovelornweb

Roughhausen aka Jeff Stoddard started out playing guitar in local punk rock bands in British Columbia Canada and then relocated to Vancouver. It was during that time he met up with and eventually formed a band, with Rhys Fulber, Chris Peterson and John McRae. That band, Will, released two full length albums on the London based label Third Mind Records. Both albums were well received and spawned the minor club hit, "Father Forgive".

First place in the National Finals of the Marshall Ultimate Band Contest and have amassed well over 20,000 fans worldwide. The band has a vibrant and active internet community surrounding them, meaning that wherever they play they will have support. Their influences are PJ Harvey, Alter Bridge & The Smashing Pumpkins. Lisa (the vocalist) is the face and epic voice of Weak of Wanting. Though she looks sweet and innocent she is known for her powerful vocal range and haunting timbre. She spent a lot of her early singing career in punk bands and since leaving them, has spent many years training and refining her vocal style which is now unique and beautiful. Her writing style is almost sub conscious and is on a very emotional level but despite this she is a very professional musician and remains humble about her looks and rising fame, she speaks directly to her fans all the time and feels very strongly that the band should take the time to thank people for the support whenever they can

Ben (guitarist) has spent almost as long being a sound engineer as he has playing the During this time he also hooked up with leg- guitar and spends a great deal of time conhttp://www.inkdotboy.com/ endary EBM powerhouse Front Line Assem- sidering the shaping of the bands overall bly to play guitar on their seminal L.P, Caus- sound. His original idea was to try and create tic Grip". a lot of dynamic and ambient changes to suit Lisa’s voice and showcase his own abilities, He then moved on to Skinny Puppy's studio knowing they only had two instruments he for 2 years. To write and record the first De- filled there mixes with a mixture of conLovelorn formed cree Album with Chris Peterson. trasting mixture heavy overdubs and miniafter Ladyhell malism to create the dynamic shifts he want(Kristell Lowagie) Now he hammers away at our collective ed as well as a combination of drone notes and Corpus Christi senses with Roughausen. a technocore and open voiced chords to add harmonic (B. Daubresse) met powernoize assault interest for the Road To Consciousness pro- http://www.roughhausen.com Contact Cardinalentertainject in 2009. Their http://www.reverbnation.com/roughhausen ment@hotmail.co.uk love and passion http://www.last.fm/user/Roughhausen http://www.facebook.com/WeakOfWanting for nice melodies brought them to work tohttp://www.myspace.com/weakofwanting gether on a common project. Lovelorn tells http://www.youtube.com/user/ stories about love, all forms of love: passion, WeakOfWanting destruction, hate, motherhood, perversion, ... http://vampirefreaks.com/WeakOfWanting Ladyhell is a female singer, active member http://twitter.com/#!/WeakOfWanting of Eve's Apple (created by Lisa Middelhauve, ex Xandria). She used to sing for Weak Of Wanting Skeptical Minds, then for Valkyre. She made are a new and also some guest vocals for Psy'Aviah. Corquickly rising act pus Christi used to lead the band Free in the alternative Launch. He's the creator of The Road To rock scene, In their Consciousness project, a metal rock opera first year they have (out in Feb 2011). You'll be able to discover already been the rest of the musicians very soon ... ArtMyspace band of work by Gogo Melone (Eve's Apple, Luna the week, are the Obscura). Stay tuned ! highest rated band on Vampirefreaks.com (a leading alternative culture website) came

Phil Barry of CUBANATE is back doing what he does best: heavy guitar riffs, banging beats and squelching acidic synth basslines. With the added twist, this time around, of Phil himself taking on the vocal duties,welcome to Phil Barry’s new band – Be My Enemy. Be My Enemy’s debut album ―This Is The New Wave‖, is 10 tracks of technometal every bit as brutal as the riot-gearclad police that adorn the cover. Analogue rave synth lines and break beats battle with chunky metal guitars to evoke the finest moments of other British dance/rock crossover acts like PITCHSHIFTER and PRODIGY: all topped with the sneering Lydon-esque vocal delivery of Barry.

producer and performer are unified by a distinctive vision, brought to life by creative, textured synth work, imaginative song structures and malevolent beats – all graced with seductive yet dangerous vocals.

00tz 00tz (spelled with zeros & pronounced like the sound of the beat in electronic music, namely Industrial After establishing a foothold in club cirmusic) is an Industricles and on the web under her previous al band that was origproject known as Frightdoll, FD has reinally created in late cently forged a new path into deeper, 2008. 00tz 00tz was darker electro-pop territory. The first full initially an instrumental music project -length album to emerge from this new that was headed by it’s then sole member project was Monsters in the Industry – a Nicky Phoenix. Later with the addition of raw, elegant, and dangerous offering that vocalist and writer Krysta Veronica Buthas garnered some of FD's strongest re- ton, 00tz 00tz has evolved to become the views to date. The track "Enter the Void" musical dynamic driving force behind also led to the launch of Miss FD's first dance floors worldwide. Incorporating official music video. harsh pounding beats, flashy melodic synths, and distorted thought provoking 2011 brought the debut of Love Never vocals, their sound and live performances Dies - the darkest turn in FD's musical are not to be missed. path, and a haunting lyrical exploration of pain and despair. Like its predecessor, http://www.facebook.com/00tz00tz This is punk, rave, metal all put through the album received a wave of positive http://www.nilaihah.com/00tz_00tz.htm the blender and spat out with unadulterat- reviews, declaring it "wonderfully behttp://www.myspace.com/00tz00tz ed venom. In the Autumn of 2012 Be My guiling" and "sheer musical artistry." Enemy will be releasing their second album as well as playing shows in the UK, Building on a strong fanbase both live US, and Europe, as The New Wave is and online, FD's influence continues to well underway! grow as she shares the stage with legendary acts like KMFDM, Seabound, and Be My Enemys debut album entitled Assemblage 23. Her increasing impact on 'This Is The New Wave' is out now and the world of electro-industrial/EBM has available from DeathWatchAsia and Bit- also led to collaborations with other leadriot Records. ing artists, including Empusa, Anguisette, and she recently lent her vocal talents to Fires on the Shore, an EP prohttp://www.bemyenemy.co.uk duced by END: The DJ to benefit victims http://www.myspace.com/ of the BP oil spill. bemyenemymusic http://www.twitter.com/bemyenemy With a haunting yet playfully enchanting http://www.ilike.com/artist/ undercurrent throughout her work, FD's BE+MY+ENEMY infectious, dark melodies create an atmosphere of mischief and mayhem that leaves darkwave and industrial fans craving the output of her next musical incarnation. Based in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Miss FD is http://www.missfd.com rapidly ascending http://www.facebook.com/missfdmusic in the world of http://www.myspace.com/missfd dark electronic music. Her skills as a songwriter,

Goth Subculture and the newbie problem by Lady of Sorrows We all want to be accepted; it’s a fact of life for all human beings. What we share in common in the Goth subculture is that fact that most of us were outcasts while we were growing up and we were often picked on in school. That brings me to one of the biggest ironies in our scene; some of us after having become accepted members forget what it was like to be an outcast, ―the freak‖ or ―the weirdo‖. So in turn we look down upon new arrivals to the Goth scene and we start treating newbies as outcasts. Some of us go as far as to be rude to them and start calling them derogatory names, accusing them of not being ―Goth enough‖ or just plain treating them like they shouldn’t even be around us. Now I do understand that many of us are socially awkward and we do not mean to be unwelcoming to others. We may be shy or not even realize what we are doing is unwelcoming behavior.

ous and be distrustful of the actions of men say ―hi‖ to a new person at a club or Goth who enter the scene solely to ―pick up on social gathering. Let us not get snotty when Goth chicks‖. In that case that would be okay someone new ―gets it all wrong‖. Being Goth to be distrusting. But to treat everybody auto- is not like a ultra secret organization that we matically as having an ulterior motive is have to get initiated into. Be a bit more pafrankly very paranoid and not good for our tient and encouraging with newbies that are in scene. no way being rude or condescending towards us. Does it really hurt to give a little gentle I am aware that we can’t be accepting of eve- instruction? And if it’s been a long time and rybody that shows up at clubs. In doing so, the person who once said something against our scene is now taking an initiative and making strides to be contributing members to our scene – let’s forgive and forget. Why are we hanging on to negative thoughts? Is it truly good for us to do that?

Remember we aren’t all perfect and we definitely aren’t strictly ―Gothic‖ 24/7 no matter how much we claim we are -- seriously! Let us treat others with the same respect as we wish others to treat us as. Let us not be the asshole(s) that ruined it for us back in high school. We are better people than they are. It is truly wonderful to see people grow and become contributing members to the scene. I have been a member of the Orange County Goth Meetup group (located in Southern California) for many But I know that’s not years now. I was welthe case for everyone. comed into the group Some of us like to several years ago deautomatically be disspite having ―some of trusting of others. Or it wrong‖ in the beginning. In turn while atperhaps we automatically despise people that we would lower our standards and our subcultending Meetups regularly, I always made an may at one time have said something that ture will cease to exist because we will effort to extend the same hospitality to others could have been taken as a putdown of our ―become like everybody else‖. *However* that I was given. I hope this has gotten you scene but now they ―dare want to be part of let’s be more welcoming and friendly towards to think. Even if you may/may not disagree the same scene they spoke against‖. This is a people who are clearly making efforts to bewith me ;) very big problem and I believe it needs to be long to our subculture. It doesn’t hurt us to addressed. I know some of you may be nerv-

The Magic of Sci-Fi Movies by: Sredna Nesegleh

you will enjoy.

Gives You a Future Look

When you sit down to enjoy a sci-fi movie, it offers you a look into the future. When you are looking for a movie that is The stories of future life are something both fun and thought provoking, consider that is strangely captivating to ensure that one of the many sci-fi movies. These you are able to enjoy time away from movies offer many benefits, from a look work or your normal home life. The into the future world to a break from your real life and more, sci -fi movies offer all that you want from a movie. Adventure, action, thrills, and fun can all be yours with a science fiction selection. From the earliest of sci-fi movies like 1927's "Metropolis" to the 1977 hit "Star Wars" to the 2009 offering "Moon", there is a wide variety of differ- movies that are available range from "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" ent movies for you to choose from to to "Wall-E" to "The Thing" to make sure help you to have a break from life and enjoy a great movie that is based in sci- that you find a movie that you will truly ence. Why do so many people love sci-fi enjoy. Whether you want to have a movie night or have a few hours in the aftermovies? noon, enjoy a glimpse into the future with sci-fi movies. A Respite from Normal Life

This is one of the reasons why people love sci-fi movies so much.

Science is Part of the Appeal The believability of the sci-fi movies in general is what many people are attracted to. This link to real life science is what is appealing, simply because it gives it a bit of reality in conjunction with the fiction. Even scientists take some inspiration from sci-fi movies, as they try to make reality meet the science fiction with projects and research. The creativity and imagination that is found in sci-fi movies in combination with the science is what makes people love these movies.

When you are in love with science fiction, you want to find movies that you enjoy to relax and recuperate from your normal life. People love sci-fi for many different reasons, but they all can be narrowed down to just a few reasons that are Lets You Enjoy the World of Fan- shared by most people. Whether you are Let's be honest. Most people live a life that is full of to-dos with very little time tasy younger or older, you are sure to find sciset aside from relaxing. A sci-fi movie fi movies that will delight your imaginacan be great fun and it can be an enjoya- There is nothing quite as fun as watching tion and give you the break from life that a movie full of fantasy. When you take ble way for you to get away from real you are looking for. life. For just a few hours, you are able to the time to watch a movie that is based on science, the fantasy can be balanced get involved in something else, rather with the science to create a very appealthan the stress of what you are dealing with at home or at work. It does not mat- ing movie. Millions of people enjoy fantasy movies and the creativity and imagiter if you want to enjoy a movie at the theater or watch one under a blanket on nation that go into science fiction movies allow you to take a break from reality your couch, you will find a movie that and spend some time in fantasy land.

Gothic Charm School: An Essential Guide for Goths and Those Who Love Them An essential, fully illustrated guidebook to day-to-day Goth living There's more to being a Goth than throwing on some black velvet, dyeing your hair, and calling it a day (or a night). How do you dress with morbid flair when going to a job interview? Is there such a thing as growing too old to be a Goth? How do you explain to your grandma that it's not just a phase? Jillian Venters, a.k.a. "the Lady of the Manners," knows how to be strange and unusual without sacrificing politeness and etiquette. In Gothic Charm School, she offers the quintessential guide to dark decorum for all those who have ever searched for beauty in dark, unexpected places, embraced their individuality, and reveled in decadence . . . and for families and friends who just don't understand. Product Details Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks; Original edition (June 23, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0061669164 ISBN-13: 978-0061669163

Goth: Vamps and Dandies Beginning by examining its roots in early Gothic and Romantic literature, Goth: The Dark Subculture presents a decade-by-decade analysis of the pivotal Goth milestones as they occurred. Starting with the form’s emergence as a 1970s counterculture phenomenon, defined by classic clubs like the Batcave, the book moves through Goth's 1980s invasion of the arena-rock scene via bands such as the Cult and the Sisters of Mercy. It then concludes with the subculture's enormous impact on film, music, and television during the 1990s, as epitomized by the creative output of musicians and filmmakers from Marilyn Manson to Tim Burton. Author Gavin Baddeley even gives a glimpse of Goth's ongoing metamorphosis into "Cybergoth." He also documents the widely attended Goth festivals, including Treffen, M’era Luna, Carnival of Souls, and the Whitby Gothic Weekend, examines the exciting evolution of Goth fashions and footwear, and explores the scene’s decadent philosophy of style over substance. All in all, this illuminating book offers a guided tour of one of the world’s most influential and provocative youth subcultures. Product Details Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: Plexus Publishing (March 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 0859654338 ISBN-13: 978-0859654333

What is Goth? Music, Makeup, Attitude, Apparel, Dance, and General Skullduggery What Is Goth? is a humorous, selfdeprecating look at Goth culture from the inside out. Imagine The Preppy Handbook colliding with Charles Addams. Then add a lot more melancholy and a lot more spooky. What Is Goth? dispels the false stereotypes and reinforces the true ones surrounding Goths and Goth culture. "To the mundane," Voltaire writes, "Goths are weird, black-clad freaks who are obsessed with death; they are sad all of the time. Take a closer look at the Goth scene, however, and you will find a rich tapestry of ideas and practices and a menagerie of colorful characters. Oh, dear. I said 'colorful.'" Yes, Goths are pale, wear black clothing, love black makeup (on men and women), mope, listen to real downer music, and perfect the art of living in a perpetual state of ennui and melancholy. But there's so much more to being Goth. Goths come from all walks of life. Many are teenagers who live with their parents; others are doctors, lawyers, musicians, and so on. Most Goths are highly literate and creative, but all real Goths have to dress the part. In other words, "Abandon all hope ye who enter a Goth club in khakis!" Eerily illustrated, What Is Goth? is the perfect book for any Goth, Goth wannabe, or "mundane" who is hopelessly confused by all the gloom. Product Details Hardcover: 96 pages Publisher: Weiser Books (August 1, 2004) Language: English ISBN-10: 1578633222

W T b w s d G e f i e

L d s l s p c p a i t i

P P P t L I I

Steampunk Gear, Gadgets, and Gizmos: A Maker's Guide to Creating Modern Artifacts

Welcome to the wondrous world of Thomas Willeford, aka Lord Archibald "Feathers" Featherstone, in which he shares his closely guarded secrets of Steampunkery. Filled with do-it-yourself projects, Steampunk Gear, Gadgets, and Gizmos: A Maker's Guide to Creating Modern Artifacts shows you how to build exquisite, ingenious contraptions on a budget.

Learn from Lord Featherstone as he distills his wealth of hard-learned skills, describes how to use the readily available tools of the modern mad scientist, and expounds on the art and philosophy of scavenging unique components and raw materials. The perfect companion for the hobbyist and advanced machinist alike, this inventive volume will guide you through the creation of your very own infernal devices.

Product Details Paperback: 240 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics; 1 edition (October 4, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 0071762361 ISBN-13: 978-0071762366

Steampunk: The Art of Victorian Futurism Steampunk is a resurgent art, cult, and lowbrow movement celebrating the romantic elegance of the Victorian era and blending in modern scientific advances—synthesizing imaginative technologies such as steam-driven robots, analog supercomputers, and ultramodern dirigibles. Celebrating the elegant and the strange, the visually arresting steampunk works collected here include sculpture, installations, graphics, bizarre oils, and mindwarping contraptions—from skull cameras to rocket-fueled diving bells. Featured artists include Tom Banwell, Wayne Martin Belger, Greg Brotherton, Frank Buchwald, Chris Conte, Doktor A., Eric Freitas, Dr. Grordbort, Stéphane Halleux, Mike Libby, Pierre Matter, Kevin Mowrer, Kazuhiko Nakamura, James Ng, Sam Van Olffen, Nozomu Shibata, Haru Suekichi, Brian Poor, and Daniel Proulx. Product Details Hardcover: 176 pages Publisher: Korero Books (July 22, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 1907621032 ISBN-13: 978-1907621031

The Burning Sky: Halcyon #1: A Steampunk Fantasy (Volume 1) aziri had a promising career as an airship engineer and inventor until an explosion incinerated the fleet and killed most of the Air Corps. Now, she is the only pilot left to help the marshals hunt down the people responsible for this tragedy before they can strike again. Taziri's investigation ranges across the country on airships, steamships, and racing locomotives, from sprawling cities to ancient tombs. She discovers a vast conspiracy including a traitorous ambassador with an electric touch, an Espani doctor performing horrific experiments, and a Samaritan assassin who prefers Italian daggers over Mazigh guns. And as killers emerge from every shadow and riots erupt on every street corner, Taziri quickly learns to defend herself as only an engineer can with her wits and her tools.

Product Details Paperback: 330 pages Publisher: CreateSpace (April 8, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 1470101254 ISBN-13: 978-1470101251

as well as shows, Chicago and Mulon ~Hexi Lee Voodoo Ladies and Gentlemen! We would like to introduce to you a Rouge. Act wise, they plan to have a Cutie Carney Variety Circus is workwhole well rounded variety of acts new show in town! ing on expanding their roster in hopes including all kinds of sideshow and

Cutie Carney Variety Circus! Cutie Carney Variety Circus (aka C.C.V.C.) is a sideshow & circus infused show featuring the founders of the show, Hexi Lee Voodoo & Darkkitty Quinn. Both ladies have a long past of multi-skills that they plan to bring to the show and will have it all wrapped up in beauty & glamour. The show will showcase everything from traditional sideshow and magic and will also feature actual traditional and conventional circus acts. Other acts to be showcased are everything from comedy, dance, music and more!

magic acts as well as hopes for dance for some more talented folks. Interested in getting involved? CCVC is and musical numbers in the near fuproud to announce their upcoming ture. open auditions on April 25th at 9 p.m. ―It’s always more shocking to the the Crystal Pistol Saloon in Tulsa, crowd to see a glitter eyed glamorous Ok.

―Darkkitty and I make a great team and have some fantastic inspirations for this new project‖ ~Hexi Lee Voodoo ―We can’t wait to get this show built up to something different than any of the current sidecharacter winking and smiling at the shows in the area, if things pan out, crowd and suddenly turn around and we won’t step on any toes‖ do a crazy act‖ ~Darkkitty Quinn ~Darkkitty Quinn Appearance inspirations for the show ―We hope to have the opportunity to be embraced by crowds and to share will be after the movie Burlesque starring Christina Aguilara and Cher stages with other acts very soon‖

No matter your gender or talent, we want to see what YOU can do!

Now Seeking: Jugglers Dancers (Belly dancing, burlesque and more) Stilt Walkers Contortionists Poi Spinners Clowns Stand up comedians Musicians Acrobats Singers Dare Devils and More! More information about this new and upcoming show can be found on facebook under the show name and on the temporary website http:// cutiecarneyvarietyshow.webs.com.

Charles R Bristow- Freelance Fantasy and Pinup artist (aka Captain Frogger) I am a self taught artist born and raised in Pennsylvania. A love of comic books,sexy pinup and fantasy art,hard rock music and movies has fueled my vision and given me a direction. After my high school art courses I focused on the things about my work that made me happiest,and through trial and error began to form my style. I love the beauty of the female form, and all of my girls share the same elements- a sense of flirty fun and a slighty dark and alternative edgeiness. Im not trying to change the world with my work, just make it a little sexier. I create my pieces as 9x12 Mixed media paintings on Bristol Board- a combination of markers,acrylic paints and colored pencils. I currently create custom commission pieces,tattoo designs and sell digital prints of my art. I am active

in the online community and design custom images for use on personal blogs,fanpages and online profiles. I also work with companies that produce rubberstamps,mousepads,cellphone cases among other items. I love what I do and wouldnt be where I am today if not for the love and support of my family,friends and ms.Desiree.

Website : http://cptfroggersrealm.webs.com email: crbristow@yahoo.com Fan Page: www.facebook.com/charlesrbristow Webstore: http://www.zazzle.com/ captfroggersrealms

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