Darkfaery Subculture Magazine: February 2011: Version 10: Volume 2: Issue 5

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Editor Duvall GilchristMontgomery Photography Dirk Hooper Nathalia Suellen Rachel Bramall

Writers Maynard BlackOak TristaLou Shadowleaf Christophe Featured Model Amber Deville

Other Credits: Dan Richards, Milton Adams. and Radiant Inc, Legendary Horror Director: Tom Holland- Child's Play, Fright Night , Ashlynn Yennie, Rileah and Adam Green,

If you would like to submit your work or just contact us: Darkfaery Subculture Magazine 517 NW 95th street Oklahoma city, OK 73114 USA E-mail: duvy.dfsm@gmail.com 2 - Darkfaery Subculture Magazine - http://www.darkfaery-subculture.com

4 Dexter Season Five Ends

6,7 Inside the Mind of the Reclusive Ashen Gray 8,7 Featured Model Amber Deville

10,11 Slash N Trash Fashion Show Winner Katie Garbelmen 12,13,14,15,16,17 Photography by PandaFace

18, 19 Reviews Dear Lioness, Social Distortion, Wanda Jackson, The Peculiar Pretzelmen, Trail Dance Film Festival

22,23,24,25 Featured Artist Nathalia Suellen of LadySymphonia.com 26,27,28,29,30,31 The Bloody Best Project


opyright Š 1997-2010 Contents contained within Darkfaery Subculture Magazine are subject to US Copyright Laws and are the property of their respective authors, artists and labels. Commercial use prohibited.

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Dexter Season Five Ends By TristaLou As all Dexter fans know Showtime has aired the Season Finale of one it's best television series of it's time. The Season finale it's self ended rather nicely. It ended with all strings tied up neatly so to speak. We were not put through the shock again that Season Four ended with and I was very grateful for this. This season however was remarkable none the less. It actually managed to keep me on the edge through almost every episode! Not a small feat, but the writers of Dexter proved again that they know what they are doing and did a great job. Even as the season closes praise for it's excellence have already poured in including nominations for 3 Golden Globes and 3 Screen Actors Guild Awards. This season started off with the shock season four had left us with. Rita had just been killed by the killer Dexter had been pursuing in that season. Dexter was heart broken. For a monster with no feelings he seemed to be having them now. Dexter was even blaming himself for Rita's death. But even after her death he wanted to get right back into what he knew and done best, getting rid of all the other monsters. While killing his newest target Dexter sees that he is being watched from a door in the home that leads to the attic. He investigates and is face to face with his targets latest victim, a girl named Lumen (played by Julia Stiles). Now he must figure out what to do with her. Killing her is not possible in his mind, but he can't let her go either. He decides to try to help her and in turn keeps her captive again. Not a good start with someone who has just been captive and tortured. She attempts to escape and he realizes that holding her hostage just won't work so he takes her to the site of the earlier victims of the one who had been hurting her and shows her what could have happened to her. That he had saved her in a sense. Lumen is of course reluctant, but knows that she will have to take a leap of faith and trust Dexter, she really has no other option. Soon the two are creating a bond. A bond that is helping each of them heal from their recent

tragedies, Dexter from the loss of Rita and Lumen from the traumatic rape and torture of her earlier captor. But it was not only the one who Dexter killed that had done such terrible things to her. It also included four other guys.

Dexter. But not the same romantic love she had been feeling. She knows she can not continue to be with him, with what he does. Dexter is again heartbroken. Now he has lost two important people in his life. I loved this season. I loved how Dexter who is supposed to be so unfeeling, a monster of sorts, and we are shown that he really isn't. We see that so many times in this season. One episode really showed this. He has just found out Astor, his step daughter, has been trying to help a friend who is being abused by her mother's boyfriend. Dexter goes after the man and beats him up exactly how the man beat the girl. Showing him that every place he punched the girl to keep the bruises out of site were key points in the body that send off trigger effects through out the body hurting her even more. Dexter tells the man to leave and never come back. He returns to the car to find his father waiting for him. Dexter knows what his father is going to say. "Keep out of it Dexter", "It's not your problem Dexter", but that is not at all what Harry says. He tells Dexter that he was proud of him, that if he had seen this side of Dexter before he might have chosen a different path for him. So sad to think that Dexter could have had the life he wanted, a "Normal" life. This was what bonded him with Rita so well in the first place. They both just simply shared a dream, a dream that one day they would live a nor-

Dexter at first tries to get Lumen to just leave and live her life, forget what has happened to her. She tries, but realizes she can't. She now has the Dark Passenger inside her from the trauma she endured and it's hungry for revenge on the men who done this to her. So she sets off on her own to get her revenge, but calls in Dexter for help when she kills one and realizes she doesn't know what to do after the killing. Reluctantly he helps and soon realizes that he wants to help her. Through the hunt with Lumen and the killings they share, Dexter finds himself in love with Lumen who seems to be feeling the same, but after it's over, all men are dead, and Lumen can feel safe again her Dark Passenger is gone and she is left with feeling gratitude and some love for

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mal life. So where do we go from here? What is now in store for Dexter? Quinn may be done pursuing Dexter, but then again with Liddy just being killed who knows. We will have to see what happens with Deb, she feels like she has faltered in her goal to be a good cop, by letting Lumen and Dexter go (she doesn't know that that is who she let go though). And of course Dexter, he will have to deal with his loss of Rita still and Lumens' rejection of him, and on top of that the thought of he could have been normal. Maybe we will see more of that next season. Maybe he will try and find a way to get back to that, but then again what would the show be like if Dexter is no longer a monster?

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Ashen Gray is a critically acclaimed artist and muralist. His works have garnered many awards and have graced numerous magazines, galleries, art shows, catalogs and have appeared on the David Letterman Show. Gray has fashioned works in Medieval Renaissance, Fantasy, Celtic, Native American, and Gothic styles as well as many other genres. His is a diverse talent that is respected and appealing to many in all facets of society. “What if …? ” says Gray has always fueled his imagination and art since childhood. His desire is to produce paintings that feature fresh subjects and scenarios not seen in every day life.

ture Magazine MB: How long have you been creating art professionally? Ashen Gray: I've been creating art for as long as I can remember, but I began painting professionally in 1991. MB: How has it evolved through time? Ashen Gray: My work has traveled through numerous genres, while employing many media combinations and techniques. The early days of dark fantasy in pencil, pen and ink, then Biblical and Native American surrealism in airbrush and acrylics, renaissance works in watercolor and gouache, Fairy subjects in

Striving for that “Something Special” quality into which the viewer may escape and for a moment be diverted from reality. His unique designs begin with a dream or a vision. Ideas that are often recorded as original writings are then followed by visual interpretations in the form of pencil sketches. The final painting is then masterfully captured on canvas based upon those sketches. Aesthetic questions are meticulously concealed within his paintings to encourage deeper journeys into the mysteries that Gray captures on canvas. He enjoys depicting vivid messages that quite often, materialize from the darkest of pigments, creating a visual paradox: The more that is revealed, the more there is to grasp. Currently, Gray is busy producing Illustrations for two books that feature Fairies and Angels. In spite of his being somewhat of a recluse, he agreed to talk to me and give some insight into his unique talent and extraordinary vision. MB: Greetings Ashen. I appreciate you taking the time from your busy schedule to answer a few questions about your art. How are you this winter‟s day? Ashen Gray: Thank you Sir. It is truly an honor to have this opportunity to visit with you and all the wonderful readers of Darkfaery Subcul-

mixed media , and even some digital work. Through it all, dark fantasy and dark romanticism have been a constant thread running through my creations. The need to experiment insures that my work will continue to evolve, but some things remain the same. Combinations of dark muted colors with black seem to be where I always return. After all, black is my favorite and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Equally important is the time that I have spent in remote desert locations of northern Arizona and southern Utah, These sabbaticals have also had a profound effect on shaping how my art has grown. For the past few years, my paintings have revolved around a hidden book. I composed this original story in my mind, but never wrote it down. I simply carried the tale around in my head for those years. As time went on the subjects of my visual creations were following that

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narrative. The first painting from this series received the Director's Award at the 2006 World Fantasy Art Show. Now, finally, I have written the story down and my goal is to bring the paintings and the words together in the form of a new book. I admit that this process has been unconventional, but most enjoyable. MB: Who or what inspired you to become an artist? Ashen Gray: My interests are very eclectic, therefore my inspirations come from many different directions. I was born with the ability to see hidden images in ordinary objects such as faces within the texture of an adobe wall, a crow hidden in hairline cracks along a sidewalk, or a hooded figure contained in the wrinkles of a cloth napkin. It was rare for me to find anyone who shared that gift, which was the source of my need to sometimes create double images in my work. I was very young and a bit unsure of how to express this in my art. Then I was introduced to the works of two individuals who had mastered the art of double imagery. M.C. Escher and Salvador Dali. I can still remember the first time that I saw an M.C. Escher design. It was life changing for me. The hard edge double imagery and detail of Escher's work demanded my full attention. Also the dreamlike double imagery found in select works of Salvador Dali fueled the fires of my imagination and proved to me that I was not the only one seeing multiple images in a single space. Also, the amazing black and white imagery of motion pictures directed by Orson Welles, have no doubt helped to mold my style. Romantic works of the Pre-Raphaelite masters are an ongoing source of inspiration and awe. Last but not least, the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, for more reasons than I can count. I am very thankful to be living at a point in time which allows me to experience works by such amazing artistic geniuses. MB: How do you describe your art? Ashen Gray: Once a gallery owner asked me to provide him with a written description of my work. As I sat to write a response, these words seemed to appeared to me faster than I could write them. "My writings and paintings are the result of witnessing that rare moment when a dream passes through a seam in darkness and rests with reality. What never was, is transformed into what will always be." Ever since

that day, this has been my official artist's state- MB: Is there an emotion or mood that you find ment. helps you create more than the others? Ashen Gray: I always enjoy painting regardless MB: Where do you get your muse Ashen Gray: Quiet yet powerful. When she speaks I listen intently. Perhaps it would be wise for me to say no more. MB: Do you use models or faces from memory? Ashen Gray: Both models and memory are important. I draw heavily from the countless visions and dreams that visit me. This is where all of my initial concepts are born. If there is a very of my frame of mind, but being in a melanstrong face in a vision, I choose to draw that choly mood seems to be when I have created particular look. some of my most memorable works. Especially Other times, a dream may be very vague, and the dark romanticism subjects. Listening to those are the times when I may choose to work Nightwish, Within Temptation, Dead Can with a model. I feel very blessed to have Dance and other great music can also have a worked with some amazing models from strong effect upon the process. around the world, and I am always interested in working with new talent as well. When I paint, I am a very tight, detail oriented painter. In contrast to that painting style, the spontaneity that can occur during a photo shoot with a model can be a breath of fresh air. The little unexpected surprises can really energize a project. I have learned to just let photo sessions flow. When it is time to begin planning a painting or project, the right model seems to appear. Its a bit spooky, I no longer question this, but rather just appreciate the fact that it happens. MB: Do your emotions and moods influence the finished product? MB: Are there times when a particular piece Ashen Gray: Yes, very much. Most days I feel on which you are working takes itself in a dilike painting dark fantasy because that is who I rection you hadn‟t planned? am. Occasionally, there are times when I feel Ashen Gray: I feel that It is very important for like designing lighter subjects, but regardless, I me to remain as true to my original vision as always follow my moods. To do otherwise I humanly possible. Therefore, in most cases the have found is the mistake. finished creation is very much like the original

concept. There have been times when a work seemed to go its own way, but these exceptions have been rare. MB: What current artists‟ work do you admire? What about their work appeals to you? Ashen Gray: Wow! I don't even know where to begin. So much talent out there. Lately I have been admiring the works of many new emerging artists. They are making a big impression on the art world. One thing that I have noticed is how these young artists are bravely experimenting with new combinations of media, and it is working very well for them. Techniques that have been honored for centuries, are now being twisted, and this is producing some very exciting results. Aside from graphic artist, I also have much admiration for gothic fashion designers such as the great Kambriel. Her elegant works are a true inspiration to me, and I admire how she is able to turn fabric into fine art. Those who enjoy Dark Fantasy, Dark Romanticism, Gothic, Victorian and many other genres are fortunate to have her setting such a high artistic mark in our world. MB: I know you to be busy on the sci-fi, fantasy, horror convention circuit. For those who wish to view or purchase a piece of your art, what Cons do you plan to attend in 2011? Ashen Gray: I'm looking forward to a variety of exciting events and exhibits including WorldCon, World Fantasy, Convergence, etc... There are really too many to list, but www.ashengray.com will have my schedule posted as well as updates on Facebook. MB: Thank you Ashen for your time. In closing, are there any special projects coming up about which you‟d like to let everyone know? Ashen Gray: Creating the final images for my upcoming book is taking much of my time these days. Also I am illustrating a second book which will feature the writings of Raven Sexton. The theme will be Gothic Sentimentalism. I'm very pleased about this collaboration. Raven is a truly amazing writer. In addition, I continue to create original paintings for shows, conventions, and events.

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Born in Jena Louisiana at the age of 3 I was entered in beauty pageants I won my first one at the age of 4. We moved to Dallas Texas when I was 5 years old and it was not in till the age of 15 I was put in Kim Dawson agency after that I decided to take a diff rent route on my modeling I love the alternative, Goth, pin up world for modeling and started doing that type of modeling at the age of 18 and have been doing it ever since. I do all types of modeling from pin up to high fashion to my favorite spooky alternative modeling. I have modeled for clothing designers such as poisoned creations, Torture Couture, Tara to the T , Habitchul designs and Jupiter mono 3, I have also hosted events along side Metal Sanaz and Angela Ryan. I work form Scream TV and I am an official Texas Frightmare weekend interview girl. I have gotten to interview actors such as Doug Bradley (pin head from hell raiser) and Kane Hodder (Jason in Friday the 13th) and so on. I consider myself an artist I do dabble in lots of things I make most of my clothing for most of my shoots. I also started up photography about two years ago now. I have been lucky to work with amazing models. As a model its easier for me to direct the ladies while shooting. I love all types of music but my favorite band is skinny puppy. :-) if you would like more info on me and to see what up coming events I have going on you can go to www.amberdeville.com.

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A few months ago we had the pleasure of sponsoring the Slash and Trash Fashion show put on by 4 Star at the Hidden Castle in Norman, Oklahoma. The night was a great success with lots of people coming out in costume, some handmade, to participate in the fashion show. Only one of the great contestants would go home with the prize and that winner was Katie Garbelman. She came in a lovely steampunk inspired dress. The top bodice was a lovely shimmery wine pink color outlined with feathers with a long black flowing skirt. It was quite a lovely piece and it is no wonder that she won the prize which was an interview with Darkfaery Subculture Magazine, a photo-shoot by Sight Key Studios, and a $100 MAC makeup set provided by Austin Greene.

I decided to start making a steampunk outfit then and enter the contest. My total construction time for the costume was a month and a half.

Cult Riott Rockette. 2. My family and I also spend time in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). We play with Namron which is in Ansteorra. (Translation: We play in Norman which is Texas/Oklahoma.) TristaLou: What is it about your costume you 3. My other hobby would be sewing--mostly chose for the contest that you think could have from necessity! I have to put together my cosset your costume apart from the others? tumes for Bang, Bang, and garb for SCA for my family. So I am always working on an outKatie: I think it was the fact that I made all of fit for one or the other! it (except boots and fishnets) by hand. I even decorated the hat myself. I also think it was because I managed to make the outfit turn out TristaLou: What is your idea of a perfect beautiful despite my lack of training with sew- weekend out? ing--I taught myself. This was actually the first fashion contest I have ever entered, and it was Katie: A perfect weekend vacation for me so much would be to just lay in bed and sleep!!! I would TristaLou: Would you fun!!! also like to just go somewhere and check out like to tell us a little the museums and/or fairs in the daytime, then bit about your cosdress up crazy and go out dancing in the eventume? Now we ing!!. Of course I would need to stay in a hotel would like so I don't have to cook and clean. I also enjoy Katie: I handmade the to know a trying new restaurants. corset from a pattern little with a few alterations about who to suit my body type. I you are..... TristaLou: When not dressing up for contests, used upholstery fabric how would you describe your style? that was a red/pink TristaLou: wine color with gold So can Katie: Hmm, I usually wear either blacks, or accents. I had to order you tell us really bright colors. I try to be cute, but comthe boning online bewhat you fortable. If I'm not comfortable, I get cranky! cause I couldn't find do for any steel boning in the your day area. Adding the feathjob? TristaLou: Is there any celebs that you use as ers to the top and botinspiration when it comes to fashion? tom of the corset come Katie: I to me in a vision while am a re- Katie: Not really. I like to see what Lady Gaga driving down the highceptionist is wearing, but I don't try to dress like her. way in Fort Worth. at All Pets When choosing clothes in the store--if I see The skirt is in 2 piecAnimal something that grabs me, I get it. It usually es. The bustle half is Hospital doesn't have anything to do with what anyone in gold lame and is in Nor- else is wearing. If it's something that I am sewmeant to poof like the man, OK. ing, I really like corsets and tutus!! fashion of the late I have 1800's. The sheer also black skirt is actually worked as TristaLou: Now is there anything else that you 2 sheer fabrics altera veteri- would like to share with us about yourself? nating 10 times. One nary techplain, one sparkly, etc. nician in Katie: Hmm, I love animals! We have 2 cats, I made the belts and necklace from things I the past. I don't do this anymore because I Giselle and Lillian, 2 snakes, Isabel and Brenfound at Hancock Fabric. bring my 2 year old daughter, Anilissia, to del, and a bearded dragon. work with me every day. I'm not fond of daycare centers. I am able to do the job of a recep- -TristaLou TristaLou: What was your inspiration for this tionist while watching a 2 year old, but I can't costume? vet tech while watching a 2 year old. Katie: My inspiration was definitely Steampunk. I had seen lots of steampunk fashion photos online and was excited about going to the Oklahoma Steampunk Exposition in April 2011. I had already decided to design and make an outfit for that, but when I saw the poster for the Slash and Trash Fashion Contest,

TristaLou: Can you tell me some of your hobbies? Katie: 1. My biggest hobby right now is performing in the Bang Bang! Drag/Performance Art/Variety Show at the Hidden Castle in Norman, OK. It is put on by my friends in the Art

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Rachel is a 22 year old amateur Photographer from Sheffield. She has been doing photography little over a year so is still quite new to the industry. In this short time Rachel has worked with a selection of amazing models ,Companies , Make-Up Artists , Bands and Magazines. Her main inspirations comes from Japanese street fashion , Video games , Horror films , Anime/ Manga as well as many other things. Rachel's main goal is to help people with low self esteem to feel better about themselves as much as she can. All money made from shoots is given to charity. http://www.pandafacephotography.co.uk/

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Dear Lioness Visceraline Out of Austin, Texas, comes the debut release by Dear Lioness, “Visceraline” from Dear Lioness Productions. It marks the musical journey of philosopher, author and now musician Solomon Schneider. Beautifully arranged instrumentals, deep thought provoking lyrics, and Schneider‟s gritty (ie Jethro Tull and Voltaire) vocals come together in a ethereal sound that transports the listener on a journey into the wilds of inner self. “Down in the Howling” and “Rora” are just a couple of the standout songs. Both are exceptional, hauntingly striking tunes that are reminiscent of the days when gothic also included the mellifluous side of darkness. While this collection of songs may not be the most dance floor friendly, they are a must have for those in need of gentler music for meditative and introspective objectives. “Visceraline” is currently available for download on Itunes, Myspace music, Thumbplay and Amazon music. The CD is scheduled to be released in March and will be available on www.dearlioness.com. - Maynard Blackoak

Social Distortion Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes Epitaph Records

on vinyl then you get three bonus tracks. Three! How cool is that? The vinyl includes "Take Care of Yourself" and "I Won't Run No www.socialdistortion.com/ More", while the deluxe cd also includes "Down Here (With the Rest It's Social D's first studio album in of Us)". As for my opinions on this over six years, album... Mike Ness and Co. have and it's been once again masterfully blended long anticipatsome down and dirty rock n' roll, ed. I guess I'm their punk roots and some classic here to tell you country gold into an amazing alhow it stacks bum. You surely don't want to miss up. There are this. eleven tracks clocking in at over forty-five - Christophe minutes. We start of with "Road http:// Zombie" a nice little guitar intro HardcoreOkieBoy.blogspot.com that has some great crunchy rhythms and those leads that have become oh so familiar over the years.Then right into the already classic "California (Hustle and Wanda Jackson Flow)" showcasing some Stone's The Party Ain't Over like riffs and nice soulful backing Third Man/Nonesuch Records vocals. "Machine Gun Blues" is the www.wandajackson.com/ first single off the album released two months early to iTunes users. What's to say about Wanda JackIt's classic Social D. from the driv- son? This Oklahoma native has ing rhythm, the street tough lyrics been rockin' her life away and it and those perfect harmonies. They doesn't look like she's about to stop. included a new recording of their The Rockabilcover of Hank Williams' "Alone and ly Queen has Forsaken" a song previously only been making available on bootlegs, promos and music since imports. I have to say this version the mid-fifties. kills the past takes. Finally "Still Busting out Alive" is a great uplifting and rock- rockabilly hits in' way to end an album and leave in the fifties, you wanting more. country and gospel hits in the sixties and sevenUnfortunately I didn't get to review ties. I got to see her a few years either of them, but if you pick up back when some associates threw a this album in the deluxe version or birthday concert for her and she

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killed it. Her age did not show and The Peculiar Pretzelmen she moved and sounded as sexy as Innumerable Seeds Of Calamity ever. Self-Released www.pretzelmen.com/ Her latest disc is produced by Jack White (The White Stripes, The Rac- I received the pleasure of opening onteurs) and featuring a band with for The Peculiar Pretzelmen in Almembers of The Raconteurs, My buquerque, NM at the Orchid Morning Jacket and more... not to Chamber and it was one of the highmention White himself. Eleven cov- lights of my tour. This band is nother tunes selected from the 1900's on ing short of up to 2007 with Amy Winehouse's amazing. "You Know I'm No Good". I don't Dark and even know where to begin... every haunting track on here is amazing. The pro- melodies duction seems to give a feel of the using all old time records and Jackson has kinds of innot lost her edge, purring like a sex struments, kitten and then letting loose with a including some that appear to be cool growl. You won't notice a day cobbled together from junk found has passed since she started out. on the back roads of some small Other songs in the selection include town, odd percussion and banjo's, Hank Williams' "Dust on the Bible", ukuleles, mandolins and more. Johnny Kid & The Pirates' "Shakin' Bringing together a sound that isn't All Over", Eddie Cochran's too unfamiliar to turn you away, but "Nervous Breakdown" and Bob still unique enough to leave you Dylan's "Thunder on the Mountain" wanting more. Dark americana just to name a few. mixed with elements of alternative rock and jazz and an unmistakable - Christophe howl that could only be compared HardcoreOkieBoy.blogspot.com to Tom Waits. This is a ten track CD. It's hard to pick out just a few songs, my personal favorite happens to be "Burn Your House Down", I suggest giving them all a shot. These cats can be found on iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby... So be sure to check them out. - Christophe HardcoreOkieBoy.blogspot.com

Trail Dance Film Festival in Duncan Oklahoma: www.traildancefilmfestival.com/ The Trail Dance Film Festival in Duncan Oklahoma is one awesome three-day event to find many talented filmmakers, writers, and actors! I got a chance to go with our friend Dennis McDonald who is not only a horror writer but has had a film made in one of his stories on his books, ‟13 Nightmares; The Last Trick or Treater‟. In Duncan, Anthony Foreman, the founder, who saw a lot of talented filmmakers from all around and decided to make this event possible by creating this event so filmgoers can meet these people. Trail Dance has been featured in „Movie Maker Magazine‟ and noted as the top 25 festivals for Oklahoma. This festival concludes awards gala along with a reception for those who attend and those who received the Golden Dover Awards. Every film is rated and nominated plus a $2000 scholarship goes to a lucky high school student who wants to full=fill a career in filmmaking. I suggest you keep up with this event because it teaches all of us the arts, creativity, and the hard work put into these films. Shadowleaf~Joyce

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Nathalia Suellen is a digital dark artist, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She discovered her passion for digital art and photography in 2008 and since then she has began her journey as a self taught artist, mainly focused on macabre and dark imagery. At only nineteen, she start-

ed her own business, Lady Symphonia Digital Art and consequently, taking her first clients which allowed her to improve and challenge herself. Her strange and emotional dark vision drew attention from a great public of artists, photographers, clients and admirers worldwide. Nathalia's

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artworks portray a dreamlike world with use of enchanting lighting and dark elements, always capturing the most intense and dramatic part of a story. Her style is characterized by the use of fairytale elements, victorian era, backlight, bokeh, damask, foggy environments and dark for-

ests. Nathalia's client list consists of many bands, publishers, photographers and artists in general. Including Random House, PenguinGroup, Simon&Schuster, Mccann Erickson and others. http://ladysymphonia.com/

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The Bloody Best Project is a group of horror movie lovers that have put all their skills and talents together to form the most interesting and best photos of many of our favorite horror icons of the past and present. Even just saying photos does not do this project justice. The photos they have are always so dark with a richness to them that make them a true art to be hold. If I could share all of their photos I would, but alas I don't think we can fill the pages of this magazine with just these pictures. So who is the team that put this together? The team involves Ama, Autumn, Melissa, and Roger and I had the privilege to do an interview with Ama about this new and exciting project..... TristaLou- Who out of the four of you was the mastermind of such a great idea, or was it more of a joint idea? Ama- It started with Autumn and I. We met on the set of a fashion editorial and started talking about horror movies and how we'd like to do a horror shoot. From there we asked Melissa and Roger to join as the idea came to fruition.

any ideas that come from the hor- www.thebloodybestproject.com ror icon themselves? The Bloody Best Project is a celeAma- Yes absolutely! Like we shot bration of the horror genre and the Tom Holland as a toy maker and people who have shaped it into he's the writer and director of what it is today. We do this by creChild's Play. I usually come up ating high end conceptual images with a huge list of ideas and the of the very people who have scared group narrows them down. It's a us on the silver screen. Never bepretty large process. fore has a project like this been attempted, but our team- Ama, AuTristaLou- Out of all the shots you tumn, Melissa, and Roger take on have worked on is there any from the challenge full force. Our hope the Bloody Best project that you is to bring you a beautiful, twisted, consider your favorite and why? and dark collection of images that will showcase the amazing talent Ama- That's so hard. I am so proud of legendary scream queens, slashof all the images we've created and ers, monsters, directors, FX artists, as the book progresses I love each and of the minds and talent that image more than the last. If I had have created nightmares for decto pick a favorite I'd probably say ades. This project has stemmed out Alex Pardee as an evil santa. of our life long love and enthusiasm for the horror genre and our goal is to channel that passion into TristaLou- Can you give us any this project and bring you art that is hints of who you might be bringing awe inspiring, gut wrenching, and in, in the future? that immortalizes the bloody bestthe legends of the horror industry. Ama- I can't say names but oh my gosh! I wish I could. I'll just say think of all the guys who scared the -TristaLou pants off you when you were a kid and then imagine us taking their picture ha ha.

TristaLou- How has it been work- TristaLou- Who in the horror ing with the horror icons you have world do you hold in high esteem already been able to work with? and it would be your dream to be able to work with? Ama- Incredible! Every person has been a dream to work with. I grew Ama- I would LOVE to work with up idolizing most of our subjects Clive Barker. Not only is he an and it's amazing to get the chance amazing writer but all of his films to create art with them. were the ones that I was sneaking out to see when I was a kid. He's TristaLou- When coming up with a such a multi faceted talent. Yeah, set for each horror icon where does I'd love to get him involved. the inspiration come from? Is there 26 - Darkfaery Subculture Magazine - http://www.darkfaery-subculture.com

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