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Our regular bridge column with Paul Mendelson
Hot summer bridge with Darling guru, Paul Mendelson
Lots of players now include Weak Twos in their system. Usually played in just the major suits, an opening of 2H or 2S shows a 6-card suit, with 5-9pts. This is a mini pre-empt and is designed to put the opponents off their stride. However, when the opponents buy the contract, they have been provided with useful distributional information which, if they pay attention, can provide a blueprint to playing the hand successfully.
S J95 H 82 D Q108 C Q10732
S 743 H QJ4 D A543 C A64
S 10 H AK9763 D J72 C J98
South ♦ S AKQ862 H 105 D K96 ♣ C K5
Dealer East N/S Game N E S W
- 2H 2S NB 3S NB 4S
West led 8♥ which, from the bidding, you know to be top of a doubleton. East wins with K♥, cashes A♥ and leads a third heart. As declarer, you know that West is getting ready to trump this trick. Do you trump low, trump high, or think of something else? If you trump low, you will be over-trumped. If you trump with a top trump, you may well (and, here, you do) set up a trump trick for West. Look for an alternative: you are scheduled to lose the third round of diamonds. Instead of trumping the third round of hearts high or low, discard 6♦. West must ruff to avoid dummy’s Q♥ from winning and now, your trump holding protected, whatever West leads, you can win, draw three rounds of trumps and the rest are yours. n aceoftrumps.com ♥ ♣ ♦ ♠
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