Course Australian Geography Australian History Commerce Design and Technology Drama Elective History English French Graphics Technology Ind. Technology-Metal Ind. Technology-Timber Info. & Software Technology Japanese Latin Mathematics Ext 1 Acc. Mathematics (Stage 5.2) Mathematics (Stage 5.3) Music PD/H/PE Photo. and Digital Media Phys. Act. & Sports Studies Religious Education Science Visual Arts
Current topic Contemporary issues in Aust. Geog. Coal seam gas World War II Law and Society Kenji Ashizawa inspired Table Short and Sweet Festival: 2-3 minute monologues World War II in Europe Poetry of Kenneth Slessor Your personality Architecture Machanic's stool Bedside cabinet Software Design &Development using 3 applications Shopping Subjunctive verbs in temporal clauses Algebra, now doing linear functions
Algebra Quadratic equations Jazz Music Aquatic survival Bronze Medallion
Next Topic Case study Murray Darling Basin and commission findings Australia in the Vietnam War era Political Involvement Kenji Ashizawa inspired Table Commedia del'Atre Boudica. "A Night's Tale" City Vs Country life Australian Architecture Scultpural fabrication Bedside Cabinet Web Design Eating Out Indirect commands Trigonometry Trigonometry Data Music for Radio, Film and Television Power Tests
Fact or Faction? Digital photography and video for documentary or fabrication and illusion.
Issues in Sport
Golf skills
Personal & Moral Responsibility
Synoptic Gospel: Mark's Gospel
Newton's Laws of Motion/Chemical reactions Chemical Reactions/Newton's Laws of Motion Structural and subjective responses to Industrial Landscape. Kiefer, Smart, Gascoigne and Bocionni.