Contact Term 3 2012

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School Newsletter—Contact Volume 12 Edition 3 Term 3 September 2012 From the Principal p.1 Year 10 & 11 News p.2, 3 Year 12 News p.4 Dates for the Diary p.5 Languages Report p.5 Dance News p.6 Mount Hotham Ski Trip Report p.8 Italy & Spain Trip Report p.9 Did you know that.. P.11 Model United Nations p.12 Indonesian News & Seniors Week p.13 Student Career Development p.14 SIEU—Inspirational Students p.14 Mathematics News p.15 Work Experience with the RAAF p.16 Shanghai Exchange p.16 AIEW News p.17 Climate Change Challenger p.18 Debating and Public Speaking p.18 Stage 2 Drama—A DYBBUK p19 Sports News p.20

From the Principal Darwin High School provides students with a myriad of opportunities and once again, through this edition of Contact we are proud to share with you some of the wonderful activities our students and teachers have been involved in. Term 3 Reports Term 3 Reports are formative or interim reports and as such, are meant to be indicative of your child’s progress this term. There is still ample time for improvement or consolidation. As always, if you have any queries, please contact the relevant Year Level Coordinator or Subject Teacher to arrange a meeting. It is vital that any problems are dealt with now to ensure the best possible outcomes are achieved. Darwin High School Civic Awards Civic Awards are given to students at Darwin High School who represent the school in the community. We wish to recognise these students and show that the school values their achievements. They may be involved in cultural, sporting, charity, commemorative or civic activities. Students can be nominated by teachers, students or members of the wider community. We would appreciate your assistance in identifying students who deserve these awards. Please email your nominations to or phone on 8999 1222. Staff Success I would like congratulate our Performing Arts teacher Sarah Calver for winning the national award for Services to Education at the National Dance Awards. Sarah’s passion, commitment and dedication to her students is outstanding. Read more about Sarah’s award on page 7. Retirement of Peter Monkhouse Peter has been teaching in the Territory for 27.5 years and joined Darwin High School in 1999. He is a wonderful teacher who is passionate about mathematics. He will be a great loss to the Mathematics Faculty and to the School. His love of 1

mathematics, whimsical personality and great command of the English Language is a positive force in the School. He is admired and highly regarded by all and will be sorely missed We are having a farewell lunch for Peter on 15 October. For details please contact Eileen Bell in the Mathematics Faculty ph 89991251.

ganisations an Expression of Interest form must be completed. These are available as part of the subject selection process or from the VET Coordinator, Janine Watt. All forms, once signed must be returned to the VET Coordinator. Assessments By this time of the year, Year 10 students should be well versed with keeping schedules, diaries and being able to prioritise their workload. They have had sessions in their Mentor Groups to help train them in using these practices to support their learning. To help you support your child from home, assessment schedules are available from the Darwin High School website.

Telephone Calls and Text Messages It is acknowledged that providing a child with a mobile phone gives parents reassurance that they can contact their child if they need to speak to them urgently. Please assist your child to be a responsible and respectful user of their phone by not calling or texting them during class time. Any urgent message will be relayed by the front office staff to your child.

End of Year Plans Year 10 Exams will be held in Week 19 starting on Wednesday 5 December and running for three days. In Week 20, an alternative program will be in operation. Details of this program will be advised later in Term 4. Work Experience is also an option for those students who did not get the opportunity earlier in Term 3. All the required paperwork, regarding Week 20 Work Experience, can be collected from the Careers Faculty.

Update Your Contact Details If you have moved, changed work, email or home telephone numbers, please contact the Darwin High School Front Office on 89991222. It is important that the School has up to date information in case of emergencies. Finally, my thanks to staff and School Council members for their work during Term 3. We all look forward to a busy and productive Term 4. Trevor Read Principal

If your child is enrolled in a Stage 1 subject, Exams will be held in Week 17 and 18. Please ensure your child confirms the date of their exam with their Stage 1 teacher.

Year 10 News Subject Selection Process Early next term the subject selection process for Stage 1 subjects will begin. Once again the students will be completing their subject selection using the Subject Selection Online process. Students will be provided with their user name and password during Mentor group. Information on the different subjects is available from the Stage 1 Subject Descriptors which can be accessed on the Darwin High School web site. We encourage students to speak to the Careers Practitioners about their options.

Next Year – What are Your Plans? If you are moving interstate at the end of the year or changing schools, could you please contact the Home Liaison Officer (HLO) Ms Linda Sanders on 89991205 or email Clothing Please remember that Darwin High School has a dress code, to ensure students are wearing modest clothing that is suitable for a working environment. Please assist us in supporting the school values.

Students who apply for a Certificate II or III course should take note of the days that these courses run. Detailed information about each course is available on the DHS website in the curriculum section. As VET in Schools courses are run outside the school through Registered Training Or-

Patricia Cryer & Annette Pedersen Year 10 Assistant Principal & Coordinator 2

• the influencing factors of crashes

Year 11 News The end of year is fast approaching for Year 11 students with seven more weeks of study at Stage 1 level. Exams will start in Week 17 on Thursday 22 November. Students need to use the break to prepare for the final weeks of the semester and catch up on any outstanding work; ensuring they return to school well rested.

• the cost and consequences of crashes • harm reduction strategies • road rules and road user responsibilities. The workshop was delivered in 4 x 50 minute lessons across three days that were interactive, engaging and focused on positively influencing students’ choices as road users.

Subject Selection Subject Selection for Year 12, 2013 will again be carried out using SSO (Subject Selection Online). This will be available from Monday 15 October. Students will be able to access SSO from the Darwin High School website under ‘Subject Selection’ or from the School’s Intranet. They will need their SACE Registration number and a login password which is ‘DHS’. The Stage 2 Course Descriptor Handbook is also available on the School web page. Once students have selected their subjects online, they should print their selection forms and submit these to the Front Office, by 5 November.

Mental Health Seminars Headspace, Catholic Care and the Darwin High School Counsellors ran Mental Health Sessions for the Year 11 cohort in Term 3 during Mentor time. Headspace presented a seminar on ‘Dealing with Signs of Depression’. Catholic Care

Driving to School A reminder that students who want to drive to school must complete the ‘Permission to Drive to School Form’ so their car details are recorded with the school, parental permission is documented and names of other students who have permission to travel in their car are recorded. Students wanting to be a passenger in another student’s car are also required to have documented parental permission. It is a privilege to be able to park on school grounds and students putting other students at risk may have that privilege revoked.

presented a seminar on ‘Safe Partying and Harm Minimisation’ and the School Counsellors presented a seminar on ‘Healthy Relationships’. All of these sessions were attended by Year 11 students across three mentor lessons.

‘Choices’ Road Safety Program During Term 3, the ‘Choices’ Road Safety Program took place at Darwin High. The Program was a joint road safety educational initiative of the Department of Lands and Planning Road Safety, NT Fire and Rescue Service, NT Police and St John Ambulance and approved by the Department of Education. ‘Choices’ was a combination of workshops aimed at educating learner and provisional drivers at the senior school level on the issues young road users face by facilitating discussion on:

Parent Email List We value all parent contact. If you are not on our Parent Email List, please send an email to so our list can be updated. We use this list to keep you up to date with information such as events within the school, examination details and dates of visits from university and industry related personnel.

Leaving School Grounds Year 11 students are reminded that they may not leave school grounds during the day, without first having parental permission and then signing out through the Front Office.

Marty Isaksen & Wade Davies Year 11 Assistant Principal & Coordinator

• road safety statistics 3

Year 12 News

ing DHS tradition, students will be running the assembly as their farewell to Darwin High School. The Year 12 cohort will be dismissed from the School at approximately 10:00am and will be asked to go home and not return to the school for the rest of the day.

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of Term 3. For our Year 12 students, they have basically completed their courses and will now be preparing for their trial exams, final exams and final assessment tasks for the non-examinable subjects. Students need to ensure they recharge their batteries during the week break as many are starting to show signs that the long hours of study and completing assessment tasks are taking its toll. Then we need to prepare for the final phase. Some classes will be having tutorials during the week break in preparation for the trial exams and final assessment. We wish all our Year 12s all the best for the upcoming examinations.

Week 3 - Study Week: This is a study week for all students and also an opportunity for students to seek assistance from their teachers to prepare for the examinations. Week 4 to 6 – Final Exams: Students will only be required to attend the school to sit their final exams where applicable. Week 7 – Monday 19 November: Year 12 Graduation & Year 12 Formal The Year 12 Graduation Ceremony will be held at the Convention Centre and all are invited. The Year 12 Formal is open only to Year 12 Students. One ticket will be put aside for each student in the current cohort. Students will need to pay $110.00 at the Finance Office.

Arrangements for the Year 12 for Term 4:

Students will not be issued a ticket until they have paid and returned all of their library books, locker keys and laptops. Kevin Northcote & Lisa Knight Week 1 – Trial Exams Classes for examinable subjects will not run in Week 1 as students will need to concentrate on studying for and attending trial exams.

Year 12 Assistant Principal & Coordinator

NTCET Information Accessing Results Online Students can check their final results for their NTCET by logging into Students Online. It is a good idea to check your log in details for this now to ensure that you can access the site. Students Online can be accessed via the SACE Board website at the address shown below:

Classes for non-examinable subjects may run as tutorials. However, students will need to prioritise their time by studying for and attending. Students who have non-examinable classes should endeavour to attend these tutorials once their trial exams are finished . Week 2 – Normal Classes: Classes for Year 12, both examinable and non-examinable subjects will continue as normal. The expectation is that all Year 12 students will attend classes for vital revision work for the examinable subjects, and the finishing of assessment tasks in the non-examinable subjects. and click on Access Students Online. To access the site, you will need to use your SACE Registration Number. This is available on all Darwin High School reports. The default pin number is the first four digits of the your date of birth. For instance the pin number

Week 3 – Monday 22 October: Final Day & Final Assembly. This is the final day for Year 12 students. Follow4

for someone born on 4 April is 0404. You will be prompted to choose a new pin number. You should record this pin number for future use as password resets are unlikely on the day of results release. Contact Details Students should also check their contact details on Students Online. A hard copy of results and the NTCET will be sent to the address recorded here. If this address is incorrect, please notify the school as soon as possible so that this can be changed. Exams All students have received their Trial Exam timetable. The timetable for the external SACE Board exams is available at the following address: students-families/exams This page also contains other useful information on study and managing stress at exams. It is important to note that both trial and external exams start promptly at 8 am if they are in the morning and, at 12.30 pm if they are in the afternoon. Students are not permitted to enter the exam room more than half an hour after the start of an exam except in the event of extenuating circumstances that are beyond the student’s control. The school should be contacted in this event. Should a student be ill on the day of an exam, the school should also be contacted. In the event that the student cannot sit an exam due to illness, medical evidence, must be provided via the school, to the SACE Board. Dress Code A reminder that rules regarding dress code applies during examinations. Students are to ensure they are wearing covered foot wear and respectable clothing. Anne Donnelly NTCET Coordinator

50th Anniversary Darwin High School is celebrating its 50th anniversary at the Bullocky Point site in August 2013. Special events will be held during this time and you will be able to register your interest in attending by logging onto our Facebook page in the near future. In the next twelve months we will be seeking copies or scans of any photos you may have of Darwin High School How running races were started in the 1950’s! and its community. Please email with them. This is a little gem dug up by our resident historian Judy Boland – maybe you know who this chap is?

Dates for the Diary 

Year 12 Trial Exams 8 —12 October, schedule available on DHS Webpage

Year 11 & 12 (2013) Parent Info Night 16 October

Year 10 & 11 Subject Selection 15 October

Final Day for Submission Stage 2 17 October

Year 12 Final Exams commence 29 October

Year 12 Graduation and Formal 19 November

Year 11 Exams commence 22 — 28 November

Year 10 Exams commence 5 — 7 December

Whole School Presentation Night 10 December 5

WA—Dance Exchange In 2012, 20 DHS students were given the privilege to travel to Perth for a unique ten day dance exchange. This interstate dance trip was the second of its kind and it included a five day residency program at the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA), a leading tertiary performing art university. In addition to this a series of half day workshops were conducted with leading WA based dance companies: Buzz Dance, WA Ballet and the Dance Collective. This ten day intensive dance exchange provided us with significant opportunities for: networking; practical skills development via exposure to a team of nationally & internationally recognised youth dance practitioners across a diverse range of genres; skills in choreography; access to information for relevant career paths; and a reason to celebrate cultural diversity and identity through the arts. Each of the nine days was solidly spent grasping every opportunity possible to extend our dance experience with a focus on one day attending WAAPA as a dance student. The dance intensive was dedicated to providing unparalleled learning and performance opportunities for us as emerging young dancers and also dance educators/mentors and local dance practitioners: Sarah Calver, Joannan Noonan and Kathryn Lawrence. The ten days were fun, exhilarating and jam packed with dance of many genres, but each demanded something new from each dancer and the growth of skills was highly evident. Students from DHS were able to meet true dance icons such as Lucette Alders (now 74) who provided us with a DVD of her dancing with Rudolf Nureyev in Don Quixote. This was the first full length ballet some students had witnessed! The next day, when Lucette returned to watch her daughter, Fleour, teach DHS students at WAAPA, she was treated like a movie star and in return gave an impromptu chat on her memories as 6

a lead female dancer with Nureyev. Moments like this were timeless and memorable. Students were truly mesmerized by her storytelling and their respect for dance history, ballet and past dancers grew. The entire WA trip was filled with special moments such as these plus impromptu dancing in the streets for a red bull on the spot campaign, and looking for opportunities to continue to explode with dance. The students gave 110% to everything they did and I commend their dedication, their thirst for new information and their respect given to each and every person they met. In return they won the respect of every dance practitioner they met and it was an honour to share this trip with them. Sarah Calver

Careers Expo

NT Dance Educator receives National Dance Award The celebratory mood of NT’s first Individual Dance Practitioner, Sarah Calver, who received the prestigious award “Service for Dance Education” at the recent National Dance Awards in Perth at the State Theatre on 1 September, is contagious. On her return to Darwin High School many of her past and current students and colleagues have been even more excited than her at this news and joined in the celebrations. The annual Australian Dance Awards recognise and honour professional Australian dance artists who have made an outstanding contribution to Australian dance. The ‘Services to Dance Education’ award acknowledges outstanding service to dance education. Sarah Calver is a respected and established Territory dance practitioner. For 30 years her explorations into dance and how it exists in the Territory context has driven the direction that contemporary dance has taken here. As a dancer, a community dance officer, producer, educator, founding director of Grey Panthers and cofounding director of Tracks Dance, her legacy is sizable. At the awards she was noted for believing that dance is a vital part of education for all children, and for her commitment to fostering creative and artistic activity of students’ and communities’ for over 30 years in the Northern Territory. Sarah Calver says: “Even being nominated for services to dance education is an incredible honour, particularly given the exceptional strength of the field this year. I feel humble, but at the same time incredibly proud as for nearly 30 years the Territory has been my home and its extraordinary breathtaking landscape, its ancient culture and its colourful characters have inspired and informed my creative practice. My journey has shown me that dance is powerful, it is life changing and it contributes significantly to our national identity and pride.”


2012 Darwin High School Mount Hotham Ski Trip On the last weekend of the holidays, Darwin High School students and one Japanese exchange student headed off on a ski trip to Victoria for eight days. Upon arriving at Melbourne airport, we collected our luggage, got on a bus, and drove to Harrietville. We kept ourselves entertained with cards and Facebook. We arrived at our accommodation, got fitted for ski gear, then headed off to bed to rest up for the big first day of skiing. The next day as we headed up the mountain, there was much excitement among the group as many of us had never seen snow before. We had an hour and a half lesson each morning before we headed off to lunch and then another three hours of free time for skiing in the afternoon. The first day was a lot of fun. Many of us were surprised to find how warm we were out on the ski slopes and how clear and sunny it was. Unfortunately this lead us to believe we wouldn't need to bring so many clothes for the next day. Little did we know there was going to be a mild snow storm and it was going to be

about five degrees cooler! I don't think any of us made that mistake again. The following days were just as fun and exciting as the first couple of days. There were a few dramas along the way; the usual loss of gloves, a couple of whacks from the chairlift and a few mild falls but all in all it was a pretty smooth trip. On the second last day we headed back to Melbourne stopping along the way for a spot of shopping. We also watched a ...ummmm..., very exciting game of football. The final score Hawthorn 27/18/180 Essendon 12/14/86. On our final day in Melbourne we had the day to shop, starting off at Victoria Market then heading off to the DFO before heading back home to Darwin, pretty exhausted but with many new amazing memories and even more amazing new friends. Here’s a couple of things some of the other students thought about the trip

Christian Discussion Group The Christian Discussion Group has been part of school activities for at least 12 years. The group meets in room B17 Friday lunchtimes. The Anglican Youth Minister, Rev. Bruce Chapman also comes to the meetings and assists with the programme. Discussion focuses on material in the Bible and issues of interest to the students. The group meets throughout the year and financially sponsors a young girl in India. Donations towards her sponsorship are welcome from anyone at any time. The monthly support is $44. Our school community has students from many different backgrounds and faiths. This group provides a forum for discussion and opportunities for integration with others in the school community. Any questions can be directed via email or in person to

“The friends I made on this trip, and the experience I got from it I will always treasure. To my teacher and my friends, thank you”- Masa Handra “Seeing it snow and having a snow fight were great also." Emily Milikins "My highlight was learning how to ski, making new friends, learning how people act outside of school and just enjoying myself to the max with everything. I loved this trip and the people who came on this trip!" - Erin Barker Emily Greenwell 8

Italy & Spain Study Tour 2012, 12 -30 June At the end of Semester 1, Illaria Tomassi lead a group of 13 students to Spain and Italy ably supported by parent Michael Valastro. It was a fantastic trip and Illaria is planning a similar trip for 2013. Darwin High School would like to acknowledge and thank the Darwin Language Centre and ARB for all their financial support, as well as the parents and students for their assistance during our various fundraising activities

impressive manmade objects I have ever seen, and it was a definite highlight of the trip.

Here is what some of the students had to say about the trip.

Visiting many of the cathedrals and palaces that are still standing from over 1000 years ago was a mesmerising experience . My favourite part was visiting Vatican City and the great St Peters Church within it. I’ve always wanted to visit St Peters and I was able to live a dream of mine that will forever be a cherished memory. Eesha The statue of David, or La Statua Del David as the locals call it, in Florence, has got to be one of the most


Alex Leading up to the trip I didn’t know what to expect. It was not like going to Melbourne or Adelaide where you know exactly what you will be seeing. Once we finally touched down in Madrid Airport reality kicked in: hearing the language, getting our passport stamped, seeing the small cars, and big buildings. The highlight of the whole entire trip was Burano – Venenzia. Iit was what I had been waiting my whole life to see! . If you have the chance, GO ON THIS TRIP! You will not regret it! Gemma

Rome was absolutely wonderful, everything we expected it to be. Overall it was an amazing experience and I’m definitely going back. Jayde Italy was a full-on place with the people and the traffic. We got to try the pizza, the pasta and the gelato, they were all delicious. We had a night watching a Euro Cup Final which was great fun seeing how the locals celebrated after Italy won. Joseph Italy and Spain was such an amazing experience. I couldn’t have asked for a better trip with a funnier bunch of people. Studying Italian for ten years has finally paid off. I used the language every day in Italy, the majority of the time asking questions. I learnt so much whilst on this trip, even some Spanish words, which came in handy. Kaila The Spain and Italy study tour was a lifetime experience. I would have to say seeing and being in the presence of the Statue of David was by far the highlight of the tour. Since I was a little girl I have always wanted to see it and learn more about it and Michelangelo himself. Louise

To begin, I would like to extend my warmest and greatest of thanks to all those organizations and persons who contributed to, not only the funding, but also the organising of this trip. For without these people I feel that I would have missed out on an opportunity of a lifetime. I can now cross the Colosseum off my bucket list, and it isn’t everyday you hear a 15 year old say that. Personally I found Spain to be the ‘highlight country’ for me, most likely because I found it easier to get around, as I knew the language. While on the topic, my language skills were significantly benefited by the involvement of this trip, as I was able to have full -hearted conversations with the public, which was not an experience I could have in the classroom. Morgan The thing I am missing most right now is the pasta in Italy! Yum! It was an unforgettable trip, with breathtaking scenery and memorable moments. Something I would love to do again and will definitely recommend it to other students. Many thanks to the school and teachers (especially Ms Tomassi) for planning the trip, to all the students who came and to all the other people who helped make this trip possible! Teresa Pham


Did you know that ...  50 years ago in August 1962 an Old Scholars’ Association

was formed. Its aim was “to promote continued friendship among old scholars and to contribute to the general welfare of the school”. The headquarters were in Darwin, with branches in Adelaide and Brisbane. Some parents might recognise these names. Kim Lockwood was the Adelaide organiser and Dianne Howard the branch secretary. The Darwin committee was Allan O’Neil (Chairman), Cathie Nickels (Secretary and Treasurer), Dawn Conroy (nee Buck), Grant Tambling, John Kennon, Shirley Hawthorn (nee Richards) and Ernie Chin.  Listed among “past students who have done well in their

walks of life are Elizabeth Cant, Josephine Beatson, Isaac Brown, Elaine Bowie, Billy Dempsey, Alan Hook, Tony Wharton, Robyn Bousted and Robert Masters”.  The demountables, brought in from the East

Arm Leprosarium in 1972 as a temporary measure to house the Nightcliff staff and students whilst they awaited completion of their new buildings have finally been removed after 40 years. The old demountables (bottom, left) have been replaced by newer demountables (right) from the former Nemarluk School in Ludmilla. Judy Boland

SIEU Beginner English Coming to Australia, learning to participate in a new community with a different culture, and learning English in order to move into mainstream classes, work or further training is certainly a huge challenge for any young person. These students are learning English as a Second Language in the Beginner English class in the Secondary Intensive English Unit (SIEU) this semester. The countries of origin include Cambodia, China, Greece and Thailand. We look forward to seeing their achievements as they make progress in their English studies. Stavroula Kokkinomagoulos 11

Darwin High School Model United Nations On the 20 August, over thirty students took part in the first Model United Nations to be run within a school in the Northern Territory. Students from Years 10, 11, and 12 joined together to debate and discuss international issues, and the challenges today’s world faces. A Model United Nations works by assigning students a nation they need to represent, (from the United Kingdom to South Sudan), to debate global issues. On the day, the focus was based around the freedom of the internet, and the right to essential medicines. All students heartily participated. The day was a great success with students developing their public speaking skills, and gaining the confidence to push their countries’ ideas out to their audience. Some comments from the students include ‘The day was great fun, and I really learnt a lot” and “I didn’t know that debating as a country could be as much fun as today was!”. With these responses we hope to run the event next year and hope that even more students are able to benefit from the event. Daniel Hamilton, Convenor

From the Defence Transition Mentor DCO has launched a new updated, expanded and very user-friendly website dco/. It enables families to access a lot of up to date information on DCO services as well as enabling you to download information on coping with absence from home. Defence is conducting its second national survey of Defence families. The survey will canvass how military service affects the quality of life of ADF families, and anyone who participates in the survey can elect to go in the draw for one of five $300 shopping vouchers. The survey is open from 3 September until 21 October 2012 and is available on the defence website: The DCO has streamlined its 'Absent from Home / Deployment Support' procedure. Family members (which includes spouses, partners and member's parents) wishing to access such support should, from now on, phone or e-mail the Defence Family Helpline (rather than their local DCO office). They will be able to ask for the ‘Bear and Book’ packs for children, as well as discuss other ways in which they may wish to be supported (regular phone calls, KIT newsletters, information on activities etc). For more information please contact the DTM. The Defence Family Helpline is operating very smoothly and being used more and more by members. The Helpline is the first point of contact for ADF members, their partners, children and relatives who seek assistance with managing during deployment, posting and relocation, support for partners’ employment and education, transitioning to civilian life and a range of other issues that may affect ADF families. The Helpline will refer members on to the local office if they deem it necessary. The number to call is: 1800 624 608. Paul McConnell 12

Senior’s Week at Darwin High School

Indonesian Dancing Workshop

Darwin High School Student Leaders once again hosted a morning tea and concert for our Senior Territorians as part of Senior’s Week. Our performers were exceptional and the catering from Ms Sketchley’s Home Economics class was scrumptious. On 21 August, a group of professional Indonesian dancers from Nan Jombang Dance Company visited Darwin High School. They had come to Darwin to participate in the Darwin Festival and worked with our Stage One Indonesian Continuers class. They taught us some cultural aspects of Indonesian life such as how to sit properly. Next they taught us some basic dance movements which was quite hard for us to learn in a short amount of time. Once they had finished teaching us, we did a class performance which was really fun. Finally they showed the whole class a glimpse of their performance. Their performance was amazing. I think this dancing workshop was interesting and interactive. Victor Singh Indonesian Independence Day On 17 August it was Indonesian Independence Day. Our class went to the Indonesian Consulate in the city. The place was decorated beautifully with the colours of the Indonesian flag, red and white. A group of students and teachers from the School Band also participated playing the Indonesian Anthem, ‘Indonesia Raya’, and two other songs. The whole service was in Indonesian and we were surprised we could understand some of it. I really enjoyed the experience and it was interesting to see how Indonesian people celebrated their Independence Day. Jayde Hopkins


SIEU Integrated Learning – Work students generally assisted and got involved with this very special school community event. Students had the opportunity to meet mainstream students, community members and meet those with so many stories to tell.

Student Career Development

SIEU (Secondary Intensive English Unit) News:

Term 3 has disappeared in a flash and on reflection one of the reasons is the busy schedule we have had.

Congratulations to Our Inspirational Students Less than three years ago, three young men, twins Muganza and Songa (16 years) and Wapa Yungu (17 years), were living in a refugee camp. They had been separated from family as they fled from the armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo and did not know if anyone else was still alive. In February, 2010, the young men were brought to Darwin through the Red Cross’ Restoring Family Links program to be reunited with their sister.

Students across all three year levels have had opportunities to engage with employers as well as providers of further education. We have had visits from multiple interstate universities; talks from employers looking for apprentices in the mining and allied industries and speakers offering gap year opportunities. Additionally, Meg Davis has delivered workshops to parents on university applications; multiple lunchtime workshops for students to assist with the university admission process; and a workshop on resume writing. This year, all Year 12 students have been offered a one on one interview regarding future choices, the last few interviews are being completed. All Year 11 students are also being interviewed and Year 10 students are interviewed as part of PLP. This allows us to encourage research into pathways and requirements for achieving them, which is very important for Year 10 and 11 students who are about to select subjects for 2013. Recently Year 10 students attended the annual Careers Expo. The Expo gave them an opportunity to learn about different pathways that are open to them. The displays were interactive and staffed by people with first hand experience of a variety of jobs. The feedback from students was very positive and the exhibitors commented on the seriousness with which the students approached the opportunity. Year 10 students have also had a taste of employment with the first Work Experience opportunity for 2012. One hundred and fifty students participated and were visited on site by Darwin High staff. For students who missed out, would like another opportunity, or are seeking a work trial, the last week of the year (December 10 – 14) has been allocated as a second opportunity.

Still affected by trauma and culture shock and, having had severe interruptions to their education, they commenced their schooling in March, 2010, in the Secondary Intensive English Unit (SIEU) at DHS. In a very short period of time, the boys have managed to learn English, complete Stage 1 mainstream subjects and take up a VETiS course. Now, they are independent students, studying and working to pay the rent. Wapa is establishing himself as a skillful tailor in the community. All three are establishing a name for themselves through their membership of the Dream Voice Band – where they sing in five languages, Swahili, French, Lingala, Tchiluba and English, as well as dance and play the drums and guitar. At the end of this year, Wapa will complete his NTCET. Muganza and Songa have just been invited to move to Marrara Christian College where they will continue their VETiS Certificate II in Construction and Engineering, whilst continuing to improve their English and Maths and complete their NTCET. Their achievements in such a short time are amazing and they are an inspiration to all of us. We wish them all the very best. 14

Recent Award Winners Ashley Luxton, Year 11, was recently awarded a Defence Technical Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to students in Year 11 or 12 who are studying a maths and a technical or trade subject and may be interested in Defence as a future career path. Ashley received a cheque for $2000 and will receive a further $3000 for Year 12. Ashley was presented with his certificate and cheque at a whole school assembly. At the recent Northern Territory Training Awards, Jane Alia won the School based Apprentice of the Year category for the NT. Jane is originally from Sudan and arrived in Australia in October 2008. Since then she has applied herself to her goal of becoming a dentist. Jane completed a Certificate III in Dental Assisting with the Department of Health as a first step to achieving her goal. Lastly, regrettably I am announcing that Amanda Fogarty, Year 10 Career Practitioner, is going on maternity leave commencing in Term 4. Amanda has been an amazing asset to the Student Career Development Faculty and Darwin High School. She is an innovator and her enthusiasm has no boundaries. We will miss her but wish her well in her new adventure! Janine Watt

Mathematics News Australian Mathematics Competition

This year 52 students participated in this competition. The results were outstanding with one prize, nine high distinctions, 19 distinctions and 18 credits. The top ten results are: Adam Johnston (10), Patrick Chin (10),Gimin Beach (10), Asim Raz (11), Georgia Chin (11), Sau-Ching Leung (11), Ellis Armitage (12), Xin Li (12), Samuel Newbery (12). Ellis Armitage received the Prudence Prize. The Prudence Score is the number of correct consecutive answers starting at question one. Ellis had a prudence score of 16 which is the highest in the school. Australian Informatics Competition This year 20 students entered this competition and the best results were achieved by Ellis Armitage and Jethro Dickens who both received a distinction. The top ten results are: Klitthapak Viravong (10), Gimin Beach (10),Teja Binti-Solah (10), Jack Coles (11), Chris Robins (11), Ellis Armitage (12), Jethro Dickens (12), Samuel Newbery (12). Certificates for both these competitions have not arrived in the school but when they do, the entrants will receive their certificate from their Mathematics teacher.


Work Experience with the RAAF In the last week of Term 2, a small group of Darwin High School students had the privilege to participate in specialised work experience with the Royal Australian Air Force.

Shanghai Exchange Program The Shanghai Exchange students from High School attached to Shanghai Normal University completed their eight week exchange to Darwin High School, departing Darwin in the early hours of Thursday 13 September. Darwin High School farewelled exchange teacher, Ms Wang Yu Lian, and 4 students, Xu Zi Yue, Feng Han, Zeng Yun and Wang Yichen.

During their stay, the school organised an excursion for the students to Litchfield National Park. They visited BulAs part of the orientation we ey Rock Holes and Wangi Falls. They had a picnic lunch were lectured on the behaviour required of us on base as well as and spent a day exploring, a brief history of the RAAF, safe- relaxing and swimming in this ty briefs and activities to be con- wonderful park. The exchange was a very positive ducted during the week. experience for the students We were all slightly anxious and their accompanying teacher.

about the expectations of the military.

Before we commenced our four day adventure, we had the pleasure of speaking to Chaplain Juste-Constant, who delivered a very motivating and inspiring speech on life and the choices we make. Every day, a compulsory Physical Training (PT) session was conducted. We had promptly adapted and risen to the expectations that our instructor imposed. Not only did PT comprise of the classic

Darwin High School would like to thank Brayden Chin’s family, Cindy Mu’s family and Atlanta Simutanyi’s family for their support and generous hospitality. Without their kindness and contributions, the Exchange could not take place. Three Year 10 Darwin High students; Brayden Chin, Cindy Mu, Atlanta Simutani and teacher Tina Sketchley are going to Shanghai in Term 4. The students will stay with their host families and attend the High School attached to Shanghai Normal University. The students will participate in a twelve day tour of Beijing, Datong, Xian, Guilin and Yangshuo, visiting many famous places such as the Great Wall, Bird Nest of Olympic Games, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors and Dragon’s Backbone Terrace. We wish our students and teacher a safe and wonderful trip. Lily Zhong International Student Coordinator

Continued p17.

Civic Reception to Honour the Young Australian of the Year On Tuesday 28 August, the Young Australian of the Year, Marita Cheng, as part of her Australian Tour, visited Darwin and was afforded a Civic Reception by the Lord Mayor of the City of Darwin, Ms Katrina Fong Lim. Ms Judy Boland, Mallory McGuinness and I attended the reception, to be confronted by an inspiring recount of how Marita overcame the difficulties in her life. Marita’s story illustrated the inner strength that young women can wield to follow career paths that are traditionally male dominated, such as Engineering. From this experience our eyes have been opened to the realism of pursuing an Engineering qualification, or other qualifications that are generally male orientated. Miranda Cowley Year 12 16

press-ups, but we correspondingly played team-orientated sports such as soccer, basketball and touch football. On the first day of PT (the “warm up”), we played a simple game of basketball followed by a short set of press-ups and sit-ups. The shooting simulation at Robertson Barracks was an enjoyable activity for all, with some participants exhibiting virtuous hand-eye coordination. On the third day, participants had the opportunity to visit Air Traffic Control (ATC) and observe the air movements at that time. The elevator ride up to the tower was enthusing, with the tower controllers having a great view of the airfield. We ascertained that the role of a Joint Battlefield Airspace Controller required exceptional organisational skills, a calm attitude and a strong level of motivation. We also payed a visit to the approach controllers downstairs, who are responsible for the safe, efficient and resourceful movement of aircraft within the Darwin airspace. The tour of the Lockheed PC-3 Orion was magnificent which featured an overview of the aircraft including the Airborne Electronics Analysis equipment and an observation of the flight deck. We also had the chance to speak with a RAAF pilot regarding his role in the Air Force and the equipment used on the PC-3 Orion.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander News On Monday 3 September 2012, Year 10 students attended a presentation by Candice Hayes from the Aboriginal Employment Strategy Ltd. The purpose of the visit was to provide information to students regarding school based traineeships that are available and the benefits of participating in them. Mrs. Janine Watt, Teacher and Career Practitioner, were also present to help clarify with students the importance of choosing the right subjects that are aligned with prospect career pathways. The University of Sydney’s 16th Indigenous Australian Engineering Summer School is calling for Expressions of Interest. The objective of the program “is to provide a challenging and exciting week of fun and activities so you can discover how amazing engineering really is. You will participate in design work and other hands on activities that will test your newly acquired engineering skills, visit engineering projects and gain an understanding of the wide range of career opportunities that are available”. All travel, meals and accommodation costs are free of charge. Applications close Monday 22 October 2012. For further information visit: Curtin University is calling for Expression of Interest for their 4th Indigenous Australian Engineering Summer School (IAESS). The program will run from the 13 -19 January 2013 in Perth. The objective of the program is “to provide a forum for students to meet engineering role models and to gain insights into the excitement and opportunities engineering can provide to our communities. The program is sponsored by industry and is free of charge to participants. Travel, accommodation and meals are included at no cost to the student”. Applications close Thursday 25 October 2012. For further information visit:

Over the week each group member had supported and befriended one-another, demonstrating the essential values of teamwork and mateship. Unfortunately, words cannot fully If your child is interested in any of the above prodescribe the treasured experience that everygrams, please let me know and I can assist them with the application. one had undertaken and the bonds formed between the team during that short time. I Barbara Tapsell Aboriginal & Islander Education Worker (AIEW) cherish the opportunity that we had received to undertake a challenge and work towards it to accomplish a goal. I would like to thank Warrant Officer Cameron Blake for his tremendous efforts in supervising the group and giving invaluable insight into a career in the RAAF. I would also like to thank Ms Fogarty for her efforts in organising the work experience. To conclude, I would highly recommend the Defence Work Experience Program to anyone who is either considering a career in the ADF or continuing to find an ideal career. Patrick Coric 17

Climate Change Challenge

English Faculty: Debating and Public Speaking

Congratulations to Chris Zhao, Diana Tam, Michael Cao (all Year 12) and Justin Hurley (Year 10) who won the City of Darwin Climate Change Challenge.

Success at UNYA!

They had to take a ten question quiz on climate change science, prepare a four minute presentation on what they would do to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and come up with a plan to use old car tyres in a unique and useful way rather than have them as landfill. They decided to use car tyres to create sustainable fishing devices to catch fish in a more efficient manner. As a follow on from this, Darwin High School hosted the launch of the new interactive online portal, ‘Sustainability@TheTop’. This was developed by City of Darwin and provides the community with information on living sustainably in Darwin and across the Top End. Please check it out using the link from the City of Darwin website. Shelley Franklyn Manager Climate Change & Environment from City of Darwin was thrilled with the event and impressed with the positive steps Darwin High School has taken to reduce its environmental footprint that includes the installation of a 5.12kW solar power system installed on the top of E Block. Anne Disney

On a Sunday early in September, five teams from Darwin High competed in the regional finals of the Evatt Trophy, Australia's Premier Debating Competition. It was run by the United Nations Youth Association of the Northern Territory which is made up of young men and women who have recently completed Year 12, many of whom are on a GAP year. There were seventeen teams altogether from a range of Darwin schools debating in this contest which was staged as a mock Security Council. In pairs, they represented a country which had been allocated to them, and whose history and politics they had researched, advocating the position of that country as they debated a range of resolutions before the Council. Three teams have been selected to represent the Northern Territory at the national Evatt Trophy to be held in Brisbane in December, and two of those come from Darwin High School: Kaejenn Tchia with Asim Razi, and Myra Hales with Daniel Hamilton. We wish these four students every success in the National Evatt Trophy Competition. Lions Youth of the Year Award 2013 The Club Finals for this Award will be held in late October, and there are so many applicants from Darwin High School that Lions will hold a run-off at the School in Week 11 to select the one or two students who will advance to the Club level. Selection will be difficult for the adjudicators as the four students who have nominated all display excellent leadership and public speaking skills. In this Award, 80% of the evaluation is based on a 45 minute interview where four adjudicators ask the candidate questions based on their interests, achievements and leadership qualities. 20% is based on prepared and impromptu public speaking. The nominees are: Shannon Hunt from Year 10, Kaejenn Tchia and Asim Razi from Year 11 and Daniel Hamilton, the 2012 NT winner, also from Year 11. Susan Cameron Coordinator

Year 12 Investigations Stage 2 Human Biology students have been designing and completing experiments whose report is worth 30% of their grade in this subject. On the day to complete the practical work, the laboratory was quiet and every student was totally absorbed in completing their experiment. Well done to all of you. The photo is a snap-shop of the day when the experimental work was completed. Mrs Rosie Reimers


Stage 2 Drama Production – A Dybbuk The Stage 2 Drama students rehearsed, researched and devised for three months to present the Drama production this term. A Dybbuk is set in late nineteenth century Poland in a Jewish community who is questioning their faith. This production has educated the students in another culture and at times, challenged their own personal views on religion, family and love. The Year 12 Drama students are highly committed and passionate about the craft of acting and it has been an absolute privilege to work with such a mature and respectful group of young adults. Katie Cawthorne

‘Marbles’ is at Brown’s Mart Theatre, 12 Smith St 15-30th November Bookings: Enquiries: 89815522 Continued from p 20

Term 4 Sports Sports for Term 4 are: Golf – Week 2, Monday October 15; Baseball Week 3, Tuesday October 24; Swimming Week 3 Thursday October 26; Beach Volleyball Week 5, Wednesday November 7. To register for any of these sports please email : .


Sports News Orienteering The school will be represented by Emily Milikins, Courtney Buckley and Kelly Bertei .

Pierre De Coubertin Award Cameron McKenzie is Darwin High School recipient of the 2012 Pierre De Coubertin Award for outstanding achievement, sportsmanship and community service in sport. Cameron represented the NT at the U20 National Basketball Championship this year where NT beat Queensland and Tasmania and he was selected as a reserve for the Australian Schools team in 2011. He always displays outstanding sportsmanship and has been a contributor to the development of basketball in Darwin with junior coaching and refereeing. Cameron will receive his award in Darwin late September when members of this year’s Olympic team visit.

NT School Girls U15 Netball With excessive hard work and trainings held every week, a group of 12 girls were selected from right across the Territory for the Northern Territory School Girl’s Netball team. Coached by Bill Adams and Peta Whelan, the excessive hard work paid off when our two game victories saw NT come in 6th position. With tough competition coming from right across Australia to our hometown, Darwin, NT gave them a run for their money. A close game with last year’s finalist, Victoria, saw NT go down by eight. We had both a great attacking and defending line up, on and off the bench, who encouraged and supported each other under all circumstances. With the great effort put in by all the team for the whole week, Rebecca Winch (Darwin High School) was selected for the Australian U15s Netball Team, which will see her go to Auckland, New Zealand in May 2013. Other Darwin High School representatives were Gemma Henderson, Michelle Kerrin and Ella Tilling.

Track and Field Darwin High School placed 2nd in the senior division of the Top End Schools Carnival. Outstanding results were achieved by Nelson Rossingh, Bradley Yuen, Kelly Bertei, Jory Castles, Justin Hurley and Ben Bafwe. Bradley Yuen was joined by Oliver Teale as competitors at the NT Track and Field Championships and both medalled. Oliver won the 100m.

Great friendships and memories were made with girls from all over Australia and among our own team. Scoring, assisting other teams and giving up their own time, 20 students from the Sport and Recreational Year 11 class gave a helping hand over the whole week and conducted themselves with great pride and professionalism. They all did the DHS name incredibly proud.

Table tennis Darwin High School students from Years 10, 11 & 12 recently participated in the City Cluster Table Tennis Competition. By the end of the day our students were joint winners with Darwin Middle School in Division A and outright winners in Division B.

AFL Sam Godden was DHS’s sole representative of NT at this year’s 16 and Under Australian Schools AFL. The Championship was played in Adelaide in late July. Sam played well kicking a goal against Queensland. Continued on p19


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