4 minute read

Shared Toilet Models Appropriate to the Local Context

3.2 Strategies for improving existing facilities and new projects

Both the physical facilities and the management models of shared sanitation service. In practice, the three most common shared toilet types can be implemented across a range of settings or be hybridized between them. For example, a cubicle shared between specific households can be integated into a community toilet block, and a community toilet model can be implemented in a public setting (see Cardone et al, 2018).


Nonetheless, the focus in the planning, implementation and upkeep of these toilet models is in how they encourage use. Therefore, failure of shared toilets can be reduced, and thus curb open defecation or unsafe sanitation practices.

Considering the dense and unplanned condition of peri-urban settlements, the priority should be to improve existing facilties. If new facilties are necesssary, these strategies are just as useful. Improve and optimize existing assets

Lower fees / encourage use

Accountability / Enable regular performance review

Gain recognition by monitoring protocols / incentivize investment

Supporting users (as well as requiring support from users)

Resource • The World Bank Group's Shared and Public Toilets: Championing Delivery Models That Work (Cardone et al., 2018) is an extensive guide to key considerations in providing shared toilets to needy urban and peri-urban areas. The document features checklists, resources and case studies for understanding the local sanitation market, identifying locations for intervention, addressing user needs, and ensuring effective governance.

Shared household toilets

Is it physically possible to provide a shared toilet model for multiple housholds? Y


Ensure there is sufficient land for separate male and female facilities and drainage. Otherwise, consider impermanent/ mobile facilities. Is it possible to provide a bathing / laundry area for tenants?


May limit tenant willingness to pay for toilet. Y

Can the toilet serve ≤5 families or ≤20 people? Y


There is significant risk that the toilet(s) will become undermaintained. Consider community toilets instead.

Explore opportunities to record data on performance to inform planning for enforced expansion of shared household toilets

Are tenants willing to pay more in rent for a shared household toilet and contribute to cleaning/maintenance?


Lower potential for repaying loans or offsetting lost rent from converted house unit. Y Are finance mechanisms available to support investment in the toilet(s)?


Focus efforts first on strengthening municipal governance to support landlords as service providers

3.2 Strategies for improving existing facilities and new projects

Community toilets/ Commercial toilets

Are there existing assets that can be refurbished?


New build: ensure there is sufficient land for separate male and female facilities and drainage. Otherwise, consider impermanent/ mobile facilities. Y Are there existing organizations or private service providers with capacity to manage ≥1 facility? Y


Service authority to play a stronger role in managing service. Otherwise, the community may need to take on the role, or call for subsidies and support. Consider bundling management of multiple facilities into a delivery contract

Is there potential for cross-subsidization by bundling management functions with nearby public toilets?


Seek alternative community locations to meet residents' sanitation and hygiene needs. Pursue value-added services (e.g. bathing, laundry, meeting room, shop) that will add to community's economic and social well-being.

Y Are community members able and willing to pay for the toilet or valueadded service? Y


Reevaluate viability of community toilet model; invest for community who will lend financial input

Fig. 3 Decisions and alternatives for community toilet models. (Source: [Adapted from] : Cardone et al., 2018) Explore use of mobile data for operating efficiency

Are there clear and accessible mechanisms for users, providers, & serivce authorities to esnsure basic service?


Reevaluate viability; invest in more economically viable neighborhood

Public toilets

Are there existing assets that can be refurbished?


New build: ensure there is sufficient land for separate male and female facilities and drainage. Otherwise, consider impermanent/ mobile facilities. Y Are there existing organizations or private service providers with capacity to manage ≥1 facility?


Service authority to play a stronger role in managing service. Otherwise, the community may need to take on the role, or call for subsidies and support. Y Is there potential to increase operating effciency by bundling management functions with nearby public toilets?


Is there space/ potential to offer added-value servcies?

Pursue value-added services (e.g. bathing, laundry, meeting room, shop) that will add to community's economic and social well-being. N

Long-term subsidies may be needed to ensure basic service.

Y Is there potential to generate extra revenue with ad space, billboards, shop, etc.?


Is there a contracting mechanism to allow regular monitoring of service levels? N



Explore opportunities to digitize feedback, and connect performance with financial incentives for service expansion Risk that services may not be maintained over time

Maximize revenue to sustain core sanitation business

High risk of failure. Reevaluate purpose and objectives of public toilet models and how they can be achieved.

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