Resolutions 2018

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Sunday, December 30, 2018 | Visit us at | Resolutions | R1

December 2018 A Special Supplement to

e more & z li ia c o s to w Ho nds make new frie

Develop your network and land a new job

How to make your favorite foods healthier

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5 Simple ways to make more time for family 6 How to make your favorite foods healthier 8 Does vaping make it harder to quit smoking? 9 Screen time tied to health issues 10 Enjoy more time outdoors (even when it’s cold) 12 How to socialize more and make new friends 13 How to get outside more on weeknights 14 Hidden ways you can benefit from having hobbies 15 Looking for a new hobby? Try home brewing 16 Change jobs without burning bridges 17 The traits of good leaders and how you can gain skills for success on the job 17 Did you know? 18 Things to look for in a new job 19 Build your network en route to landing a new job 19 Explore these in-demand professions 20 Why personal training? 21 Fasting for weight loss and better health 23 How to find more time to read

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R4 | Resolutions | Visit us at | Sunday, December 30, 2018


or the majority of working professionals, finding quality time to spend with loved ones can be a delicate balancing act. But working parents do not have to wait until retirement to enjoy being in the company of their families. With some fine tuning, anyone can find ways to spend more time with their children, spouse, extended families, and friends.

Eat dinner together every night. Eating dinner as a family enables everyone to be a part of one another’s day and discuss important issues facing the family. According to The Family Dinner Project, eating as a family can boost kids’ academic performance, lower their risk of substance abuse and provide an opportunity for parents to gauge the emotional and physical well-being of their children. Avoid activities that cut into dinner time and rearrange work schedules to accommodate nightly meals with the family.

Switch work hours. Many employers understand the benefits of flex time. If possible, leave the office at 4 p.m. to make it home for family time, and then log back on remotely at 7 p.m. to finish the day’s work. Working from home also reduces commute time, which can free up more time to spend with loved ones. Put it on the calendar. Many families have to abide by a calendar to stay organized. Family time may fall by the wayside unless it is scheduled. Treat it as any important event so it becomes a priority. Work together. Family time need not be limited to recreation or leisure. Get the entire family involved in a chore or project so you can work together toward a common goal. Landscaping, painting a room in the house or even grocery shopping are some examples of chores that can be turned into family time. Enjoy family media. Instead of retiring to separate corners of the house with tablets or mobile phones in tow, find a TV series everyone can enjoy together.

Spend some binge-worthy hours seeing how stories unfold, taking time to discuss each episode when it ends. Family time is something that takes work, but making it a priority can offer real benefits.

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How to make your

favorite foods healthier


Choose crunchy foods. Those who are prone to snacking can reach for noisy foods. These include crunchy items like apples, carrots and pretzels. Scientists say that when people listen to what they e chew are chewing — called the “crunch ect” — they eat less of that effect” m.

fter the whirlwind of the holiday season, the season of resolutions takes over. Many people to resolve to live healthier, and they may not have to give up their favorite foods to do so. Research from the National Institutes of Health suggests American adults between etwee

the ages of 18 and nd 49 gain an average of one to two pounds every year. Grazing

and overeating tends to increase when the weather cools down. A 2005 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that, in the fall, people tend to consume more calories, total fat and saturated fat. In the spring, people seem to prefer more carbohydrates. In addition, less powerful sunshine in winter coupled with people bundling up

translates into less vitamin D being absorbed by the body. Some researchers believe there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and weight gain as well.

ne down the cream. Delicious Tone dishes like fettuccine alfredo typically are made with lots of butter and cream. Replace cream sauces with a healthier base made of low-fat milk thickened with flour. Increase the flavor with favorite spices.

To ensure that certain foods do not sabotage healthy eating plans, people can employ some easy modifications and make healthier versions of the foods they like to eat.

Fry with care. Use healthy oils like olive or coconut sparingly. Many foods that are traditionally fried also can be lightly coated with cooking spray and baked for a crunchy texture.

Sunday, December 30, 2018 | Visit us at | Resolutions | R7

Choose sodium-free seasonings. The USCA recommends limiting sodium to less than 1 teaspoon of salt per day. Try options like fresh herbs or lemon juice to add some sodium-free flavor. Increase fiber content. Fiber helps one feel fuller longer and can also be helpful for digestion and heart health. Choose the “brown” varieties of rice, pasta and breads. Replace meat with leaner forms of protein. Lean chicken, turkey and pork can replace red meats in many recipes. Some traditional meat dishes, such as burgers, also can be modified using vegetables or seafood. Lean meats dry out quickly, so keep foods moist by watching cooking times. Stock up on yogurt. Greek and other varieties of yogurt can replace sour cream and mayonnaise in many dishes. Resolving to eat healthier can be easy by making some simple swaps when preparing your favorite foods.

R8 | Resolutions | Visit us at | Sunday, December 30, 2018

Does vaping

make it harder to quit smoking?


ore people in the United States are addicted to nicotine than any other drug, states the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smokers become dependent on cigarettes for various reasons, not the least of which is the addictive properties of nicotine.

According to longitudinal data from the National Population Health Survey in Canada, approximately 20 percent of adult daily smokers 18 years and older who had quit in the past two years resumed smoking within the next two years. The CDC says quitting smoking may require several attempts before quitters can successfully put smoking behind them. Factors such as withdrawal symptoms, stress and weight gain compel many people to light up after quitting. Some people may feel that e-cigarettes can help them gradually kick their tobacco habit. And thanks to the variety of avors and styles of vapor-based nicotine delivery systems, it seems more people are vaping because they believe it to be less dangerous than traditional smoking. But the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education at the University of California indicates smokers who vape are 28 percent less likely to ditch traditional cigarettes despite believing they are cessation aids. And they still may be putting their health in grave risk. The American Lung Association says there are hundreds of brands of e-cigarettes on the market and none of them have been evaluated by the FDA for safety.

Because vaping is largely in its infancy, there are no long-term studies of its health implications or its efďŹ cacy in regard to helping smokers quit. However, much of the available evidence suggests that vaping may only be marginally better than using tobacco cigarettes. Analysis from the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco suggests that people who vape every day may double their risk of having a heart attack than those who do not vape or smoke (compared to triple the risk with smoking tobacco). Also, according to the Bloomberg School of Public Health, researchers found that the aerosol particles that vapers breathe contain some of the same toxic metals and metallic elements found in conventional cigarettes, including cadmium and nickel. Potentially unsafe levels of several other dangerous substances, such as arsenic, chromium and manganese, were also found. Another cause for concern is the propensity to abuse e-cigarettes, toking much more than is recommended. Vapers may be consuming very high levels of nicotine per day without realizing how much they are inhaling. A 2014 study showed wide-ranging nicotine levels and inconsistencies between listed and actual nicotine levels, according to the ALA. E-cigarettes are a controversial subject. More research is required to determine their health risks and their potential to help people quit smoking altogether.

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Screen time

tied to health issues


o you feel panicked if you leave home without mobile phone in hand? Do you find it difficult to sit in the house without browsing the internet on your devices? Are your children spending much of their classroom hours on tablets? Screen time has taken over most people’s daily lives, but at what cost?

A 2014 report from Nielsen found that adults log a total of 11 hours of screen time per day.

Delaney Ruston, a physician and creator of the documentary “Screenagers,” which explores young people’s use of digital devices, discovered kids spend an average of 6.5 to eight hours per day looking at screens. All of this time glued to digital devices has profound effects on physical and mental health, and many experts are advising people to cut back on the time they spend on their devices.

Brain damage Multiple studies indicate that spending considerable time on screens can produce atrophy (shrinkage or loss of tissue volume) in gray matter areas of the brain, according to reports in Psychology Today. These are regions of the brain where processing occurs. One of the most affected areas includes the frontal lobe, which governs executive functions like planning, prioritizing, organizing, and impulse control. Another vulnerable area is the insula, which is tied to a person’s capacity to develop empathy and compassion for others. Research also shows that white matter can be compromised, which translates into loss of communication between cognitive and emotional centers within the brain.

Vision problems

Staring into screens for extended periods of time can damage areas of the eyes and result in computer vision syndrome, which is characterized by trained eyes, blurred vision and headaches. The Multi-Ethnic Pediatric Eye Disease Study, conducted by researchers and clinicians from the USC Eye Institute at Keck Medicine in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health, has found that exaggerated screen time and insufficient sunlight exposure has more than doubled incidences of myopia (nearsightedness) among American children in recent years.

Sleep disturbances University of Gothenburg psychologist Sara Thomée, a lead researcher into the effects of screen time on the body, says the blue light from digital devices suppresses the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin, keeping people from having restful sleeps.

Overstimulation Screen time can cause hyperarousal, which may be more notable in children than adults, according to research published in Psychology Today. Regular amounts of screen time can cause the brain to be in a state of chronic stress, which can short circuit the frontal lobe. This may lead to addictive behaviors, rage, inability to recover from minor frustrations, and hyperactivity. Screen time is profound and may be hurting minds and bodies. Many people have set goals to reduce the time they spend on electronics to improve their personal health.

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Enjoy more time outdoors (even (even when it’s cold cold))


he amount of time people spend outdoors has dramatically decreased, as the Environmental Protection Agency now reports the average American spends 87 percent of his or her time in a residence, school building or workplace.

Being outside is linked to better moods, more physical activity and less exposure to contaminants (concentrations of some pollutants are often two to five times higher indoors). Also, people who spend time outside may not come into contact with surface germs or develop various illnesses spread as often as those who spend a lot of time indoors.

A leader in trauma-focused treatment for youth

Cold weather can make the desire to be outside less appealing, but it is important for one’s mental and physical well-being to get outside. The following activities might coax people outside for some crisp air.

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Turn an area of the yard or park into a homemade obstacle course. It’s much more difficult, — and a great workout — to try to jump over snow mounds or run down paths when decked out in warm layers. Engage in lighthearted competitions with friends and family members.

Create snow critters

Build a bonfire

Why do snowmen and women get all of the fanfare this time of year? Just about any living or fictional creature can be molded from snow and embellish landscapes. Use food-grade coloring in spray bottles to added even more creative flair to snow designs.

Children can set off in different directions to gather up firewood to craft a bonfire with adults in a safe location. S’mores taste equally delicious whether it’s warm or cold outside, and in winter they can be accompanied by toasty mugs of cocoa.

Go on a nature hike adno=345370

Certified Teachers

Make an obstacle course

While many plants and animals hibernate in winter, there is still plenty to see. Bring along a sketch book or camera and capture nature in winter. White-washed hills can be beautiful to behold, and many small animals and birds look even more vivid against the white backdrop of snow.

Get sporty Sledding, skating, snowshoeing, and ice hockey are just a few of the winter sports that can get the heart pumping and muscles working outside. These activities are entertaining and also great exercise. When venturing outdoors in winter, dress in layers. This way clothing can be put on or taking off to reduce the likelihood of hypothermia.

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How to socialize more

and make new friends Finding people with the same interests can make it easy to make friends and socialize.


s adults grow older, responsibilities to work and family can make it difficult to stay connected to friends. Over time, social circles may unravel and people may find themselves wondering where those close relationships have gone and how they can make more friends and socialize more.

People who do not routinely socialize, especially those who do not have a spouse or partner, can experience loneliness. When AARP surveyed adults age 45 and older about loneliness, a little over one-third of respondents were categorized as lonely. That’s alarming, as loneliness is considered a significant predictor of poor health. Rates of

loneliness were highest among respondents between the ages of 45 and 49.

Improving social connections, getting out more and making friends are excellent ways to boost one’s mental and physical well-being. Making friends is not about one’s age but one’s situation. It’s easy for school-aged kids to make friends because they see the same classmates for many hours each day. Striking up conversations and finding common ground are a snap. Adults often find there are fewer situations that enable them to preserve existing friendships and make new ones. As a result, many adults seek to replicate circumstances that made making friends so easy when they were young.

find social situations for just about every scenario and can be a way to find friends who share common interests.

Start off by spending more time around people who share similar interests. Attend wine tastings, participate in an adult sports league, volunteer at church, or take an art course. and its accompanying app enables people to

Be optimistic and try new things when people you meet suggest them. Openness to new experiences will help you get closer to people and fill up your social calendar. You don’t have to like everything you try, but finding new

hobbies or interests can pave the way to new friendships. Don’t be afraid to talk to new people. Make a good first impression by being confident and taking the lead. It is fun and healthy to be social and make new friends. New opportunities can be the spice of life.

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more on weeknights








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here are numerous benefits to spending time outdoors. Various studies have indicated that spending time outdoors can, among other things, improve short-term memory, relieve stress and reduce inflammation.

Opportunities to get outside can be hard to come by, especially on weeknights. But the following are a handful of ways that people from all walks of life can spend more time outdoors even after the weekend has come and gone. Walk off your dinner. After eating dinner, resist the temptation to hit the couch. Instead of channel surfing, go for a walk around your neighborhood. Doing so is a great way to get outside on a weeknight, and a 2008 study from researchers in Germany found that people who walked at a slow pace on a treadmill after eating a large meal digested their food more quickly than those who consumed an espresso or an alcoholic digestif after eating. Join a sports league. Recreational sports provide a great opportunity for athletes of all skill levels to spend more time outside. The effects of recreational sports on overall fitness vary depending on a host of factors, including the individual and the sport he or she chooses to play. However, recreational sports provide a great opportunity to increase your social circle and foster

relationships within your community. Having a strong network in your community, and being a strong presence within that network, can get you out of the house more often than you might if you do not participate in recreational sports. Coach or counsel local youths. Today’s youngsters are busier than ever. Sports leagues and organizations catering to active youngsters are always in need of coaches, counselors or adult leaders. Volunteering with such organizations, in particular those that encourage youngsters to spend time outdoors, is a great way for adults to get outside on nights when they would otherwise stay indoors. Dine al fresco. When the weather permits, eat as many meals as possible outdoors. Whether you cook out in the backyard and dine on your patio or patronize a nearby al fresco restaurant, eating meals outside is an effective way to enjoy the great outdoors on weeknights. In addition, dining out away from distractions like television can foster interesting conversations and allow families to stay up-to-date with one another. Spending more time outdoors on weeknights is a great way to reap the many benefits nature and fresh air have to offer.


How to get outside

R14 | Resolutions | Visit us at | Sunday, December 30, 2018

Hidden ways you can

benefit from having hobbies


inding time for hobbies can be difficult. Commitments to work and family take up the bulk of many people’s free time, making it hard to squeeze in a favorite hobby. But hobbies can benefit people in some interesting ways. Understanding those hidden benefits may compel some people to make more time for their favorite downtime activities. Hobbies can improve your efficiency. Penciling more activities into your day planner may not seem like something that will help you create more time for hobbies, but it just might. For example, if you know you have a softball game or choir practice at night, then you might waste less time surfing the internet or talking around the water cooler during the workday. In a

2017 study conducted for the staffing firm OfficeTeam, researchers found that the average office employee spends about five hours per week on his or her mobile phone doing things that have nothing to do with the job. That’s five hours you could be working, opening up more time for hobbies before or after work. Hobbies can foster social connections. In his 2000 book, “Bowling Alone,” political scientist Robert Putnam described a reduction in in-person social intercourse that once enriched Americans’ social lives. By making more time for hobbies, particularly those that promote interaction with other adults, men and women can foster social connections that otherwise might never blossom.

Hobbies can provide health benefits. The American Institute of Stress notes that some hobbies can help people reduce their stress. s. The AIS notes that some 56 million women men in the United States now knit or crochet. That marks a 51 percent increase over the last decade. That revival is attributed to the stress-reducing properties of knitting and crocheting. Men and women coping with stress need not learn how to wield a sewing needle to alleviate their stress. Activities that promote slowing down and induce a relaxation response similar to knitting and crocheting can be equally beneficial. Hobbies can increase quality time with your children. Parents with hobbies can double dip, using the time they would ordinarily spend with their children to teach them some of their favorite hobbies.

s along when you go fishing or teach them how to plant flowers and tend to a garden. This is a great way to increase quality time with your children while also affording you a chance to continue engaging in your favorite hobbies. Hobbies can benefit people in ways they never imagined, making them worthwhile pursuits no matter how much or how little time you may have.

Sunday, December 30, 2018 | Visit us at | Resolutions | R15

Try home brewing


he rise of craft breweries and niche wineries has probably caught the attention of those who like beer or wine.

The Brewers Association says two breweries open per day in America and three-quarters of Americans of legal drinking age live within 10 miles of at least one brewery. Establishments have popped up in neighborhoods across the country, and many inspire a new crop of enthusiasts who want to try crafting their own brews and vintages at home.

Home brewing has been done for centuries. In fact, both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were home brewers. Just a few years ago, home brewing — particularly of beer — started surging across the United States. The American Homebrewers Association reported the number of U.S. homebrew shops peaked at 820 in 2016. As more people discover the ease and creativity involved with brewing their own beer and wine, there’s a strong chance more home brewers will be born.

limited, brewing supplies and advice can be located in abundance online. Retailers such as Northern Brewer, for example, provide items that can be purchased a la carte or in specially designed beginner kits. As individuals become more experienced with brewing, they can vary the ingredients and experiment with their own flavors. Both beer and wine are fermented using yeast. There are many different varieties of yeast that perform well in beers and wines. Temperature and sanitation are very important to the brewing process. To ensure quality beverages, all items need to be thoroughly sanitized to prevent natural yeasts and contaminants from impacting taste. Ambient temperature can influence how fast the product will ferment and the final flavor. Brewing wine or beer at home can be a

Anyone looking to jump into home brewing will find there are many resources at their disposal. Brew shops are now in many towns, and they can provide space, equipment and resources to help novice brewers get on track.

rewarding hobby. People can learn how

For those who find local resources are


to turn ingredients into flavorful alcoholic beverages, socialize with others who share the same interests and produce beverages that align with their individual

R16 | Resolutions | Visit us at | Sunday, December 30, 2018

Change jobs

without burning bridges


new year invites people to reflect on the past and make changes or set goals for the months ahead.

Many people list advancing their careers among their goals at the dawn of a new year. For some, that might require getting a new job.

People look for new jobs for a variety of different reasons. One of the primary motivators to look for a new job is to earn more money. Others are interested in trying a new field. The employment recruiting and networking resource The Balance: Careers indicates that the average person now changes jobs 10 to 15 times in their professional lives. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that most people now spend 4.2 years in a current job, which is down from 4.6 years in 2014.

by addressing the person to whom you directly report. Clearly communicate your intent and future plans, highlighting when changes are expected to take place. Choose the right time. Timing is everything, and some times are better for leaving a job than others. Project Management, a consultant group, says to wait until important projects are finished, rather than bailing out in the middle of crucial work. Keep an open mind. Some employers may be blindsided by an employee’s desire to leave, particularly in cases when said employee never communicated with a supervisor about the desire for more responsibility or to discuss something that may not be working. A boss who respects your work and values you as an asset may make a counter-offer. Hear him or her out and weigh your options.

Although some people may be tempted to leave a job with a bang, they should exit with class and professionalism. No one knows what the future brings, and it’s best to leave a job on solid terms. With this in mind, here’s how a person can change jobs successfully.

Give plenty of notice. While two weeks’ notice is the norm, leaving more time for an employer to find your replacement, and helping to train this individual, is a sure sign of respect for your current employer.

Draft a letter of resignation. Clearly communicate your decision to leave the organization. Follow the proper chain of command and show respect

Changing jobs can be stressful and awkward, but it can be done in a way to ensure good relations with an existing employer for years to come.

Sunday, December 30, 2018 | Visit us at | Resolutions | R17

The traits of good goo g od leaders l d s

and how you

can gain skills for success su succe on for the job


uccessful leaders have the skills skills to guide organizations on the the right right path. Such men and women are are often the first up for promotions, promotions, and and routinely relied on for critical projects. projects. Solidifying your own leadership qualities need to to land land aa can be just what you need great job and start climbing the the corporate corporate ladder.

Good leaders often share a key key array array of of the qualities qualities that that skills. Below are some of the make strong workplace leaders.

Communication Being able to communicate effectively with all of the people in your work environment and beyond is one of the most essential leadership skills you can possess. Honest communication can build trust and being open to feedback can ensure that everyone is working toward a common goal. Effectively communicating means knowing when to speak and when to listen.



It can be challenging to manage or oversee others if you can’t effectively take charge of your own tasks. Being able to self-manage involves gaining control and prioritizing goals and actions. However, it also extends to being able to manage emotions, recognize weaknesses and strengths and focus attention where it’s needed.

Effective leaders have the confidence to make decisions and stand by them. Note that there is a fine line between assertive confidence and being boastful or cocky. It may take a little while to develop the right balance that encourages others to support your efforts.

Integrity Great leaders are trusted by others. Consistently acting with decorum and respect and delivering on your promises will inspire others to trust you. Stick to your core beliefs and values.

Delegation Delegating tasks is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it is a quality consistently found in strong leaders. Being able to delegate means you have the confidence in others to share responsibilities based on their skill sets. Delegating also promotes teamwork and


lets others know you’re not afraid to share success.

Accountability Leaders make mistakes just like everyone else. Owning your mistakes like you own accomplishments is a good trait to have. Placing blame elsewhere when it’s not warranted can diminish others’ trust in you, while taking blame when it’s due will only increase that trust in you. Leadership skills are valued in all walks of life. Honing such skills can benefit professionals as they look to accomplish their goals and advance their careers.

ew Year’s resolutions are made every January, and many people use this tradition as a a chance to declare their intention ention to change g jobs j in the T reasons why The hy people le change h g jobs j b vary, y, yyear ahead. Th

but the h most popular opular l reason to t do d so might i ht surprise i you.

According to a LinkedIn survey of more than 10,000 people who recently changed jobs, 45 percent of respondents indicated they changed jobs due to a lack of opportunities for advancement with their previous employers. The next most popular reason to switch jobs was dissatisfaction with the leadership of senior management. Employers may be surprised to learn that dissatisfaction with compensation was relatively low on the list of why people changed jobs, as just 34 percent of respondents listed that among the top reasons why they left their old jobs. While that may encourage employers to find ways other than pay increases to keep their employees happy, it’s also important to note that the LinkedIn survey found that money was the second most popular reason job switchers, 74 percent of whom received higher salaries at their new jobs, chose their new positions.

R18 | Resolutions | Visit us at at || Sunda Sunday, December 30, 2018


hange plays a big role as people ring in a new year. At the dawn of a new year, some people resolve to live healthier in the months ahead while others might make financial resolutions in an attempt to improve their bottom lines.

Research Institute in Copenhagen found that, with the curious exception of people who work more than 55 hours per week, stress rises accordingly with the numbers of hours worked each week. Keep that in mind if your goal is to find a job that affords you a better work/life balance.

The decision to change jobs is another popular resolution at the dawn of a new year. Professionals change jobs for various reasons. But regardless of what’s behind a career change, many people can benefit by looking for things in a new job that can make them happy both professionally and personally.

Satisfaction: When attempting to achieve a better work/life balance, it can be easy to overlook satisfaction at work in exchange for more time at home. But studies have shown that feeling satisfied by what you do can have a profound impact on your overall happiness. It’s possible to find an engaging career that still affords you time away from work, and such a career can ultimately pave the way toward a happier life.

Salary: Of course everyone would love to earn more money when changing jobs, but there is more to changing jobs than just improving your bottom line. As you begin your job search, consider how much you currently earn and if that allows you to live a life you love. If so, don’t overemphasize finding a new job that pays considerably more than your currently earn. On the flip side, young professionals who want to start a family in the years ahead should consider the costs associated with such a decision and how the salaries they earn at their next jobs may affect what they want down the road. Work/life balance: Before beginning your search for a new job, think about why you want to switch careers or companies. Long hours often leads to burnout. If you’re looking for a new job because you’re burned out, try to find a job that affords you a better work/life balance. A study from the Happiness

Commute: Bending over backwards simply to get to work and then get home from work can have an incredibly negative impact on your life. A study from the Office of National Statistics in the United Kingdom found that commuters, especially those who spend between 60 and 90 minutes commuting to work, have lower life satisfaction and lower levels of happiness compared to people who don’t commute. Before accepting a job offer, estimate your commute time to and from the new office and try to determine the impact of that commute on your quality of life. Many people aspire to find a new job at the dawn of a new year. Job seekers should consider a host of factors before switching jobs to make sure they make the best decisions.

Sunday, December 30, 2018 | Visit us at | Resolutions | R19

Explore these

Build your network en route to landing a new job


new year provides a perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf, and many people commit to doing so by making New Year’s resolutions.

While there are no rules governing resolutions, certain resolutions tend to top the list of the most common year after year. Setting health and fitness goals are very common, but so are resolutions to switch careers. In fact, a 2017 survey from YouGov found that 14 percent of respondents were committed to finding a new job in 2018. Building a strong professional network can help people find a fulfilling job when they are looking to advance their careers. The following tips can help professionals establish such a network. Recognize networking is a two-way street. Networking can be an effective way to find a new job, and it’s also a great way to help other people do the same. While you’re looking for a new job, if you come across opportunities that aren’t a good fit for you but might be for someone in your network, don’t hesitate to contact them. Your efforts will be appreciated, and those you help might do the same for you if they come across job openings that suit your background.

in-demand professions


he days of spending an entire career with one company are a thing of the past. According to data published in The Balance: Careers, the average professional switches jobs 10 to 15 times in his or her lifetime, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the average employee tenure in 2016 was 4.2 years.

Build your online profile. LinkedIn, a social media site for professionals, is a go-to resource for human resources officials, and it’s also a valuable way to stay connected with professional acquaintances. Career services professionals advise adding anyone you have worked with to your LinkedIn network. Continue building your profile as your network grows and you work with more people. When others invite you to join their network, accept those invitations. Update your résumé. Update your résumé as often as you deem necessary. Colleagues you’ve worked with in the past who are within your LinkedIn network may periodically view your profile, and an updated résumé is a great way to keep them abreast of how your career is going. If they can see what you’ve accomplished since you last worked with them, they might be more inclined to reconnect or recommend you for a job opening. Stay in touch. Professional networks are most effective for professionals who keep in touch with their colleagues and acquaintances. Follow up with colleagues you’ve worked with in the past to see if there’s anything you can do for them or to check in on how a project you discussed with them is going. Staying in touch can shed light on job opportunities or open other doors that might facilitate your job search. A strong professional network can help professionals advance their careers and help others looking to do the same.

Understanding which fields have a high rate of growth can ensure men and women make smart choices when switching jobs. The following are the top-rated careers, based on data from the BLS, U.S. News & World Report and Glassdoor. Mathematician: Mathematicians earn an average salary of $106,000 per year. Mathematicians use statistical theories to help companies in various industries make informed decisions. Marketing manager: Marketing managers guide how a particular company or industry presents itself. They also analyze how campaigns and efforts have succeeded or failed to improve market share. A marketing manager earns an average of $85,000. Actuary: These individuals employ mathematics and economics to help corporations predict and manage risk in their organizations. The field is expected to increase by 22.5 percent by 2026. Actuaries earn a median salary of $101,000. DevOps Engineer: Thanks to the ubiquity of digital technology, professionals who can work with software developers and system

operators to oversee code and IT infrastructure are in high demand. These workers command, on average, $105,000, and as computer-based industries only continue to expand, so do the career opportunities. Optometrists: Seeing clearly and maintaining proper visual health is important. Optometrists can earn $106,000 a year. Nurse anesthetist: Several different careers in the medical field are booming, and nurse anesthetist is one of them. These medical professionals administer anesthesia to patients undergoing surgery and monitor vital signs to maintain patient safety. An average salary of $160,000 can entice registered nurses to go through the extra schooling to become anesthetists. UX designer: A UX designer is a graphic designer, interior designer or architect who helps improve the usability, accessibility and enjoyability of tangible and digital products based on user experiences. Salaries vary depending upon the specific niche, but can average $90,000 annually. Physical therapist: These health care workers earn an average of $85,000 and help people decrease physical pain and improve mobility through rehabilitative exercises. When considering changing careers, people may want to consider various professions that are currently booming.

R20 | Resolutions | Visit us at | Sunday, December 30, 2018


ach year on January 1, many people resolve to lose weight and get healthy.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 70

percent of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight, including 35 percent who are considered obese.

After the holiday season, when social schedules ramp up and diets might be ignored, it’s no surprise that many people are ready to start new fitness regimens. While it’s easy to push oneself into the toughest and most intense workouts in order to super-charge weight loss or fitness gains, this could be a mistake that raises the average person’s risk of injury. Instead, people should work with a personal trainer who can guide their workouts. Personal trainers are fitness professionals who are trained to teach others how to exercise. These people are educated in correct posture and technique so that they can instruct how to do exercises correctly and efficiently. Furthermore, personal trainers can help people reach their fitness goals with an understanding of how to exercise safely with various chronic conditions or injuries.

There are many other reasons to work with a personal trainer. Motivation: Personal trainers can offer encouragement to get a person started and continue with a workout routine. Furthermore, knowing someone is there to hold them accountable can ensure the client is consistent in showing up to do the work necessary. Define fitness goals: Personal trainers can help people focus on goals that are specific and realistic to achieve measurable success. Showcase proper form: Understanding how to do exercises properly reduces the risk of injury and increases the efficacy of workouts. Offer variety: Sometimes workouts can become boring, and people become complacent. Personal trainers may alter routines to keep clients interested. Make time work: Experienced personal trainers will know how to maximize the time clients have. This can be advantageous for people who have limited time to exercise. Personal trainers can help fitness fans achieve maximum results, exercise properly and form good habits.

Sunday, December 30, 2018 | Visit us at | Resolutions | R21

R22 | Resolutions | Visit us at | Sunday, December 30, 2018

How to find more time to read led by neuropsychologist and researcher Robert Wilson found that a mentally active lifestyle may make it less likely that the presence of plaques and tangles associated with Alzheimer’s disease will impair mental functioning. So picking up a good book and finding time to read may protect readers from some of the neurological issues associated with aging. If you’re among the masses resolving to spend the year ahead reading more than you have in the past, consider these tips to find more time to cuddle up with a good book.


or many people, few activities are more enjoyable than nestling up with a good book. But even the most devoted bookworms sometimes have trouble finding time to read. In a 2017 survey conducted by the market research firm YouGov that focused on trends regarding New Year’s resolutions,

18 percent of respondents indicated they were committed to reading more books in 2018. That’s a lofty goal, and one that can do more than just provide readers with some daily escapism. Studies have shown that reading can develop neural networks in the brain that can help readers understand more complex thought. In addition, a 2013 study

Turn off your devices. Think of how much time you now spend each day fiddling with your devices. If you’re a parent, the statistics might surprise you. A 2017 survey from Common Sense Media found that parents of children between the ages of eight and 18 spend an average of nine hours and 22 minutes each day in front of various screens (i.e., smartphones, tablets, televisions, etc.). While not all of that is downtime, chances are a good portion of it is. Whether you’re a parent or not, turning off your devices is perhaps the single most effective way to find more time to read.

Schedule time to read. Clear your schedule to read much like you might do to watch a favorite television show. Both books and television are forms of entertainment, so why clear time for one form of escapism but not the other? Turn books into travel buddies. Carry a book with you whenever you leave the house, whether you’re going to a doctor’s appointment or to get work done on your car or even to go to work. Time spent in waiting rooms or commuting via mass transit provide perfecting opportunities to read books. Read first thing in the morning. A recent survey from the global market research firm IDC found that 80 percent of smartphone users check their mobile devices within 15 minutes of waking up in the morning. Instead of scrambling to read your alerts or overnight messages when you get out of bed, spend the first 10 or 15 minutes after waking up immersing yourself in a good book. Reading provides a host of benefits, and resolving to spend more time reading books can pay dividends for years to come.

Sunday, December 30, 2018 | Visit us at | Resolutions | R23

Sunday, December 30, 2018 | Visit us at | Resolutions | R24

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