Issue 92
Summer 2017
Race of Champions: Your guide to
Also in this issue...
Update on waste and recycling collections Bumper summer events guide Voting in the General Election
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Contact us
All the latest Council news and information online Keeping in touch with us Daventry District Council provides a wide range of services including waste and recycling collections, street cleaning and grounds maintenance, Council Tax collection and benefits, elections, Homechoice lettings, economic development and regeneration, community safety, planning and development control and environmental health issues such as dealing with food safety, noise, pollution and environmental crimes.
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Scan this image with your Smartphone to take you to DDC’s website – Or visit the Daventry Country Park page at Or the Love Daventry page at Daventry Calling is a quarterly magazine with the next issue due out in the Autumn. We’re always keen to hear what you think about the magazine and any suggestions you have for future editions. Please contact us at or call 01327 871100 You can also read Daventry Calling online at
Daventry Calling is available on request in large print, audiotape or in Braille.
Disclaimer: We care about accuracy and aim to correct any mistake in subsequent issues of Daventry Calling if you let us know where we’ve gone wrong. Every effort is made to ensure articles are accurate and up to date. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies or omissions however caused. Contributed material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Daventry District Council.
Call: 01327 871100 Email: Web: Write to: Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry NN11 4FP
Other useful contacts Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) NCC deals with various services including: roads, paths, street lighting and drainage, potholes, bus passes and bus services, Blue Badges, road gritting, social care, schools admissions, register of births, deaths and marriages, libraries, household waste and recycling centres. Call 0300 126 1000 Your town or parish council Daventry District has 72 parishes and one town council covering services such as allotments, village halls and recreation grounds, grass cutting and street cleaning, cemeteries (outside of Daventry Town). To find out contact details for your parish, visit Northamptonshire Police Call 101 or visit Always dial 999 in an emergency Northamptonshire Credit Union Call 01604 250016
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DC Issue 92 Apr 17.indd 2
Government services and information
03/05/2017 12:56
Leading the way We are blessed in Daventry District with some stunning countryside, featuring rolling hills and country lanes...which are perfect for a spot of cycling!
around the world, so it is an extremely exciting event to be a part of. Not only will it showcase our beautiful district to a wider audience, it has also presented opportunities for local businesses and communities to benefit. Last year’s event saw a record-breaking 80,000 people watch the race in Northamptonshire, generating £1.6m for the local economy with spectators, cyclists and media personnel spending on things like accommodation, food and drink, and merchandise. We have been working hard as a District Council – alongside the race organisers Sweetspot and our partners at Northamptonshire County Council and Everyone Active – to ensure everyone gets maximum benefit from this year’s race.
That’s certainly a view shared by the organisers of the OVO Energy Women’s Tour, who have once again chosen to bring a stage of their race here. This is the fourth year that Northamptonshire has hosted a stage of what is Britain’s leading professional women’s cycle race, and we are delighted that our District will be playing a major role this time around. Daventry will host the start of the Northamptonshire stage on the morning of Wednesday 7 June. This is known as the Grand Depart, as it also marks the beginning of the prestigious five-stage event, which in the days that follow will visit Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Derbyshire before its spectacular finish in London’s Regent Street on Sunday 11 June. Elite cyclists from the top 15 teams in the world will be competing in the race, which will be covered by TV stations
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This has included offering sponsorship packages to local businesses, so that they can profit from the PR opportunities the Tour brings, as well as providing community grants to help local schools and groups put on events and activities to coincide with the event. We have also organised a programme of events around the Grand Depart itself, which we hope will encourage residents of our district to take up cycling or other forms of sport and activity. Last year’s race saw huge crowds lining the roadsides of our District and I would urge people to please turn out again if you can, show your support for these elite riders, and enjoy the carnival spirit the event will bring to Daventry and the wider district. You can find out more about this exciting event in a special feature on pages 7-10. As well as our beautiful countryside, Daventry District is also blessed with a wonderful community spirit, exemplified by the number of great events and activities put on by different local groups throughout the year.
Have a look at our What’s On guide on pages 14 and 15 and you will find a range of events celebrating local music and artistic talent, our history and heritage and our fantastic range of local produce. From open gardens to village shows, days out at our many country estates to family events put on by this Council, there really is something for everyone, and I would encourage residents to get out and about in our district this summer and explore its many treasures. Councillor Chris Millar Leader – Daventry District Council
Contents News: Read a round-up of some of the latest news from Daventry District Council Pages 4-5 Time to have your say: Read our guide to voting in the General Election Page 6 Wheels in motion: Find out everything you need to know about the arrival in Daventry District this summer of The OVO Energy Women’s Tour. Pages 7-10 Summer events guide: Find out what’s on where in Daventry District over the coming months with a special bumper edition of our events guide. Pages 11-15 Meet the Chairman: From his favourite film to his chosen charity, find out more about the Chairman of Daventry District Council for 2017/18. Page 16
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Well for Life roadshows Residents can gain advice and information on improving their health and wellbeing at a series of roadshows across Daventry District in the coming months. Daventry District Council is working in partnership with the Daventry & District Forum, First for Wellbeing and Northamptonshire ACRE to offer the free Well for Life events. They feature a variety of promotional stands offering advice and information on a wide variety of subjects, from adult learning to welfare and health, sports, leisure and relaxation. There are also free gifts, fun activities, refreshments, homemade cakes and a chance to enter a raffle to win a hamper.
They run from 10am to 2pm and will be held on: • Thursday 15 June at Everdon Village Hall • Wednesday 12 July at Clipston Village Hall • Thursday 28 September at Moulton Village Hall Free transport to and from the venues is also available, courtesy of Daventry Area Community Transport and funded by Futures Housing Group. For more information phone 01327 871100 or visit
Develop new interests and skills People in Daventry District can have fun developing new skills with adult learning courses. From creative writing to chocolate making, Spanish language to cake decorating, the courses offered by Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service are a great opportunity to try something new, develop an interest and meet other like-minded people. The Autumn 2017 brochure will be delivered to households in July, with courses planned for the Daventry area including creative writing, watercolour painting, Spanish language, patchwork for beginners, traditional upholstery, chocolate making, digital photography, drawing and painting, dressmaking and cake decorating. People can find out more information in the brochure, by visiting adultlearning or by phoning 0300 126 1000.
Funding Fair a great opportunity for groups to access support Voluntary and community groups in Daventry district have a chance to meet major funders and support agencies during a free event this summer.
Northamptonshire Groundwork, Northamptonshire Community Foundation, Historic Churches Support, DDC, SNC, and many others will have representatives at the fair.
Daventry District Council (DDC) in partnership with South Northamptonshire Council, snvb (formerly the South Northants Volunteer Bureau) and Daventry Volunteer Centre are hosting the Funding Fair at Towcester Racecourse on Tuesday, 6 June.
There will be a chance to speak to Cummins and Milton Keynes Dons FC to find out how to access their armies of volunteers for different community and voluntary projects.
Running from 9.30am to 3pm, the event is an opportunity for groups to speak to more than 20 local, regional and national funders and support agencies about their grant programmes and services. Funders including the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Big Lottery Fund, BBC Children in Need, Grantscape, the London Marathon Charitable Trust,
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There will also be a chance to meet members of the Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service at the Daventry & District Forum event at Daventry Leisure centre on Wednesday 21 June from 2pm to 4pm. A number of the courses offered in Daventry District in recent years have had to be cancelled due to low enrolment, so anyone with suggestions for courses that might be popular to Daventry residents is invited to email al-supportservices with their ideas.
The event will also feature presentations from funders, plus advice for writing grant applications and information on DDC’s new Community Lottery. Entry and parking at the fully accessible venue is free but groups wishing to attend are strongly advised to register in advance by contacting Rob Burton at DDC on 01327 871100 or by emailing
03/05/2017 12:56
Waste and recycling collections set to change across our District Bin collections and other environmental services across Daventry District are changing from June 2018. Daventry District Council (DDC) has agreed to enter into a joint venture with Norse Commercial Services Ltd to deliver those services when the Council’s current environmental services contract with Amey/Enterprise ends on 3 June 2018.
The new service design will involve (1) a weekly food waste collection, (2) a two-weekly recycling collection using a full-size wheelie bin (including glass) and (3) a three-weekly general waste collection.
A separate fortnightly garden waste collection service will be made available at an additional cost for those who want it. Further information about the changes will be communicated District-wide in the coming months.
Norse Commercial Services Ltd is owned by Norfolk County Council and provides services with 12 other local authorities, including Wellingborough. The joint venture will mean shared ownership and control between the Council and Norse of services such as waste and recycling, street cleaning and grass-cutting. The current environmental services depot at Contracts House, High March will also be enhanced to provide a suitable operating base. Last year DDC agreed to replace the present system of waste and recycling collections with a ‘1-2-3’ scheme once the current contract ends. For information about the current waste and recycling collection services, please visit
Carers’ Week event a perfect chance to explore Moulton’s new community hub People living in Moulton and the surrounding area will have a chance to meet their new Community Connector in the village’s new Community Centre this summer. It is among the first events to be held in Moulton’s new Community Centre. Officially opened in May, the Sandy Lane facility promises to provide a real community hub, featuring halls and meeting rooms and incorporating the new village library as well as a café.
Mary-Jane Brown The event, from midday to 3pm on Friday 16 June, will be attended by a range of local organisations, including Northamptonshire Carers, Care and Repair Daventry District, Relate, Northamptonshire Fire Service, First for Wellbeing, and more and is part of the national Carers’ Week campaign.
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The Carers’ Week event at the new Centre has been organised by Mary-Jane Brown, a Community Connector who is working alongside Moulton Parish Council and Moulton Surgery to improve health and wellbeing in Moulton and the surrounding area through organising events and activities that aim to strengthen community networks. Mary-Jane also coordinates the local Good Neighbour Scheme, a project developed by Daventry District Council and Northamptonshire ACRE to support elderly, vulnerable and isolated people.
The scheme recruits local volunteers who are willing to help people in need, either through befriending or assisting with small tasks or transport. To find out more about Mary-Jane’s role or share your thoughts and ideas, please email moultoncommunityconnector@ or phone Moulton Parish Council on 01604 492318 or Moulton Surgery on 01604 644126. More information is available at or moultoncommunityconnector, or The Parish Council website also includes more information about the Moulton Community Centre. For booking enquiries email moultonbookings@ or phone 07484 517086.
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General Election
Nation goes to the polls this summer With a General Election due to be held on Thursday, 8 June, Daventry Calling looks at how to go about making your vote count.
Voting by post The deadline for applying for a postal vote is 5pm on Tuesday, 23 May. A postal vote may be arranged for one election, indefinitely or for a specific period. Once you’ve received your postal vote, mark your vote on the ballot paper and make sure you send it back so that it arrives by close of poll (10pm on election day). If it arrives later than this, your vote won’t be counted.
Voting by proxy
People living in Daventry District will be casting their votes on 8 June to elect an MP for the Daventry constituency, which also includes within its boundary two wards from the borough of Wellingborough (Earls Barton and West) and the South Northamptonshire district wards of Harpole and Grange and Heyfords and Bugbrooke. Polling stations will be open between 7am and 10pm on Thursday, 8 June. The deadline for registering for the General Election is Monday, 22 May. If you have registered before this date, or registered to vote for the local elections on 4 May, then you will be able to vote on 8 June. If you are not sure, please contact Daventry District Council Electoral Services on 01327 871100 or email
Voting in person You can vote in person at your designated polling station, from 7am to 10pm on Thursday, 8 June. You should receive a polling card a few weeks before the election which will tell you the location of your polling station. Sometimes polling stations are reviewed by the Council, so please ensure you check your poll card for the correct address. You will also be able to view a list of locations at uk or phone 01327 871100 for more details. If you lose or forget your poll card you will still be able to vote without it, but it is easier if you have it with you.
Voting by proxy means that you can appoint someone you trust to vote on your behalf if you are unable to get to the polling station, for example if you are working away, on holiday abroad, or fall ill and are unable to get to the polling station. Anyone can be your proxy as long as they are eligible to vote in that type of election and they are willing to vote on your behalf. A proxy cannot vote for more than two people unless they are relatives. To vote by proxy you will need to fill in an application form that can be requested from the number below and then sent to DDC’s Electoral Registration Officer, by 5pm on 31 May, 2017. If an elector falls ill after this date they may be able to apply for a proxy vote up to 5pm on 8 June. To request an application form call 01327 871100, or email electoralservices@ For more information visit
Come along to a committee meeting All the meetings listed right start at 6.15pm and take place at the civic offices, in Lodge Road, Daventry. All meetings are open to the public to attend. For more information visit, email or phone 01327 871100. To listen to an audio recording of a meeting, visit audiorecordings
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Committee Planning Committee Corporate Governance Committee Scrutiny & Improvement Committee Planning Committee Strategy Group Appeals & Standards Committee Planning Committee Council Planning Scrutiny & Improvement Committee Planning Committee Strategy Group
Date of meeting Wednesday 7 June Thursday 22 June Tuesday 27 June Wednesday 28 June Thursday 6 July Tuesday 11 July Wednesday 19 July Thursday 27 July Wednesday 16 August Tuesday 5 September Wednesday 13 September Thursday 14 September
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The Grand Depart
DAVENTRY 7th June 2017
Residents throughout Daventry District are urged to turn out and show their support on Wednesday 7 June as we welcome the return of The OVO Energy Women’s Tour. There will be a carnival atmosphere in Daventry as elite cyclists from the world’s top teams set off from the High Street at 11am for the first stage of what is Britain’s leading professional women’s cycle race. The race will make its way through several villages in Daventry District on its way to the finish line in Kettering. The prestigious Grand Depart traditionally attracts thousands of spectators, and large crowds are expected to line High Street. People are urged to arrive early to get a good spot. The Tour features some of the biggest names in professional women’s cycling and all three previous Tour Champions – Lisa Brennauer, Marianne Vos and Lizzie Deignan (nee Armitstead ) – will be lining up in Daventry. The Northamptonshire race is the first stage of a five-day event, which will also visit Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Derbyshire before it heads to London on Sunday 11 June for a spectacular finish along Regent Street.
Action from the race will be seen by a global audience, with highlights of every stage broadcast daily on ITV4 and made available on demand via the ITV Hub. This will be the fourth time that Northamptonshire has hosted a stage of the Tour, and Daventry District Council has been working with its partners including Northamptonshire County Council, Everyone Active and event organisers Sweetspot on preparations for the event. Councillor Alan Hills, Daventry District Council’s Community, Culture and Leisure Portfolio Holder, said: “We’re delighted and honoured to be hosting the Grand Depart of The Women’s Tour in Daventry, which we hope will bring a real economic boost to our businesses as well as inspiring more people to take up cycling and get active.
“Thousands of people from across our local communities turned out to support the race when it visited our District in 2016. And with our increased role in this year’s event, we are hoping it will prove even more popular. “This is a fabulous opportunity to enjoy a world-class sporting event on our doorstep, so please turn out on Wednesday 7 June and let’s really show our support for these elite cyclists and make the most of this wonderful event.”
Your four-page guide to following the race through Daventry District
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Follow the race thro
Estimated arrival times GRAND DEPART: Daventry town centre
1. Long Buckby
2. West Haddon
3. Guilsborough
4. Hollowell
5. Haselbech (and Queen of the Mountains finish)
6. Naseby
7. Welford
8. Sibbertoft
9. East Farndon
10. Great Oxendon
FINISH: Kettering
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Above, the route through Daventry tow parking arrangements for the Grand De
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hrough our District The riders will set off from the Market Square end of High Street in Daventry at 11am, travelling down High Street and Tavern Lane before turning right towards Ashby Road. They will then make their way up Ashby Road before turning right down Daneholme Avenue and right again down Welton Road, joining Northern Way near the iCon and then heading back to High Street via Abbey Street. After their second visit to High Street and Tavern Lane, the riders turn right again but this time join Eastern Way at the roundabout before heading out of town towards Long Buckby. This is what is known as the ‘neutralised’ section of the stage.
The 91.7-mile race starts once the riders have crossed the A5 at Long Buckby Wharf. High Street, Tavern Lane, Market Square and St John’s Square will all be completely closed to traffic from 4am until 2pm on June 7 but additional parking will be made available on Eastern Way for the day. The town centre promises to be buzzing with activity on the morning and should be a great place to get close to the riders ahead of the race. The race will make its way through several villages in Daventry District on its way to the finish line in Kettering. A team will travel about 15 minutes ahead of the race to implement the rolling roadblock and allow the race to pass safely.
gh Daventry town centre and (right) road and or the Grand Depart
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Great opportunities to get active this summer If the excitement of the Women’s Tour has given you the cycling bug, there are some great opportunities to enjoy sport and other activities in the days before and after the big event.
Sunday, 18 June, Delapre Abbey
Taking place on the New Street Recreation Ground in Daventry on the Sunday before the Grand Depart, Cyclefest promises to be a celebration of all things pedalpowered. Moved from its previous home at Daventry Country Park, this year’s event is on from 11am to 2pm and promises to be bigger and better than ever before. Visitors are sure to be wowed by an array of stunts and tricks performed by the team from Danny Butler’s Extreme Mountain Bike Show. Families can also try blending their own smoothies, playing Scalextric and even
The Tour’s Official Sportive will be taking place at Delapre Abbey in Northampton and gives amateur cyclists the chance to take on one of three routes, including key climbs tackled by the world’s best.
Sunday, 4 June New Street Rec, Daventry running a sound system - all using pedal power. The event, which also features free bike checks, a range of have-a-go toddler cycles, retro and crazy bikes plus stalls and other activities, has been organised by Daventry District Council in partnership with Northamptonshire Highways and Cycle Northants.
Tuesday, 6 June High Street, Daventry
Get into the spirit of things with this celebration of sport and activity on Daventry’s High Street on the eve of the Grand Depart. Organised by Daventry District Council in partnership with Everyone Active, FitFest will feature local sports groups and clubs offering taster sessions on a main stage, along with children’s entertainment and face painting. The event, which will run from 5pm to 8pm, will also feature live music from Danetre & Southbrook Learning Village (DSLV) and Daventry Community Choir.
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The multi-distance sportive consists of a 10-mile Fun Ride, a 40-mile Challenge Route and an 80-mile Pro Route, with both of the longer routes featuring mechanical support and feed stations.
The Fun Ride, meanwhile, is suitable for riders aged 7 and over and runs off-road alongside quiet canal paths. The 80-mile route starts at 8am, followed by the 40-mile route at 8.45am and the 10-mile fun ride at 9.30am. Advance entry to the longer rides cost £30 (or £35 on the day) while the fun ride is £7 on the day or £5 if booking online in advance. Enter the Tour Ride at
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What’s On
With historic houses and award-winning country parks, picture-postcard villages, prime fishing locations and captivating canal cruises, there are hundreds of reasons to Love Daventry District. In this special extended events guide, Daventry Calling looks at the many events and attractions the District has to offer this summer.
Busy programme offers a great way to keep kids entertained in the holidays Finding affordable ways to keep children entertained over the summer holidays can be a tricky business for parents. That’s why Daventry District Council and its leisure partner Everyone Active puts on a range of events each summer that are designed to keep youngsters active without breaking the bank.
have included trampolining, football, netball, basketball, dance, cricket, badminton, tennis, rugby and athletics at venues across Daventry.
Children taking part in the camps can also book a place in the Connections Club, which at a cost of £2.40 per day offers a variety of games and activities from 8.30am to 10am and 3pm to 5pm – before and after the sports camps.
Fun Sports Camps Everyone Active is organising another huge summer programme, with a series of fun sports camps taking place at venues across Daventry. The full details of this year’s activities were still to be confirmed at the time of going to press, but previous programmes
The camps are between two and five days long and cost £14 per day, with reduced rates available for booking the entirety of the camp.
For a full timetable of activities and to make a booking, please phone Daventry Leisure Centre on 01327 871144 or visit
Sports Camps
Mini-Adventures and Wicked Wednesdays DDC’s Mini-Adventures and Wicked Wednesday events offer affordable fun for families with younger children. The Mini-Adventures cost £1.50 per person and feature craft activities as well as wildlife challenges offering a chance to explore the park finding interesting wildlife and learning fun facts.
Wicked Wednesdays
There is no need to book Mini-Adventures – please just turn up wearing clothing and footwear suitable for the outdoors.
Date Activity Tues, July 25 Wildlife trails and crafts Wed, July 26 Water zorbing and inflatables in the pool Tues, Aug 1 Wildlife trails and crafts Wed, Aug 2 Mad Science Workshop Tues, Aug 8 Wildlife trails and crafts Wed, Aug 9 Roller Disco Tues, Aug 15 Wildlife trails and crafts Wed, Aug 16 Water zorbing and inflatables in the pool Tues, Aug 22 Wildlife trails and crafts Wed, Aug 23 Roller Disco
Wicked Wednesdays cost £2.00 per person and also take place throughout the summer holidays, offering a variety of fun weekly sessions at Daventry Leisure Centre for children aged 5 to 12. Wicked Wednesdays are extremely popular and bookings and payment must be made in advance. Bookings open on Monday, 4 July on 01327 871100.
Venue Daventry Country Park Daventry Leisure Centre Daventry Country Park Daventry Leisure Centre Daventry Country Park Daventry Leisure Centre Daventry Country Park Daventry Leisure Centre Daventry Country Park Daventry Leisure Centre
Times 10am-midday 12.30 or 2pm 10am-midday 1pm or 2.30pm 10am-midday 1pm or 2.40pm 10am-midday 12.30 or 2pm 10am-midday 1pm or 2.40pm
Cost £1.50 £2.00 £1.50 £2.00 £1.50 £2.00 £1.50 £2.00 £1.50 £2.00
For the water zorbing, all children aged 7 and under and non-swimmers must be supervised in the pool (one adult to two children). Children aged 8 and over must be supervised by an adult at the poolside. Children must be also accompanied by an adult during the other activities.
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What’s On
Feel the need, the need for speed!
Showcase of talent need. There is also an artistic sign-making contest for allotment holders. Many of the activities and timings were still to be confirmed at the time of going to print, but some dates for your diary include:
Welton Soapbox Derby Saturday July 15 Weltonsoapboxderby Homemade dream-machines race through the streets of Welton fuelled by nothing more than gravity and sheer courage in this fantastic community event. Now in its fourth year, the Welton Soapbox Derby challenges teams to design and build a vehicle to compete against the clock in a downhill race on 500-metre-long track. No engines, pedals, batteries or electrics are allowed, but in terms of design and shape, it’s anything goes: a fire engine, a helicopter, a narrow boat and even a living room have been seen over the years. And while the entries may not look very conventional, spectators needn’t worry about safety – all of the vehicles competing must adhere to safety specifications and pass strict pre-race checks.
Wednesday June 21: Guided Walk & Talk on the history on Borough Hill, followed by star gazing. Daventry Arts Festival June 17-July 1 The annual showcase of artistic talent within the Daventry community returns from 17 June to 1 July with a range of events and activities for all the family. Organised by Daventry Town Council, the festival will feature a community stage at the bandstand at the top of Sheaf Street during its first week, with local acts encouraged to put on a show for shoppers. Munchkins and Monsters theatre group will also be putting on two family friendly performances at Daventry Leisure Centre. Amateur snappers are challenged to get creative for Daventry Photographic Society’s photo competition at the library, while the Trauma Teddies project encourages knitters to make small teddies to comfort those in
Friday June 23: Messy Church activity hosted by Daventry Methodist Church followed by a free Family Film Night at Daventry Leisure Centre from 6.30pm. Saturday June 24: The Daventry Town Show featuring a variety of events including music, market stalls, children’s activities and other shows. Sunday June 25: Stargazing and astronomy workshops in the town centre hosted by Astronomy for Fun. Saturday July 1: Last Night of the Proms hosted by Daventry Choral Society and Daventry Brass concert. Tickets from Saturday July 1: Daventry Museum Transport Exhibition with free entry from 10am to 4pm, followed by Strictly Daventry, featuring an evening of dance inspired by the hit BBC Show.
There are entries across three age groups (8-11, 12-15 and 16+) with first, second and third awarded in each, as well as prizes for the most creative designs. There is free entry for spectators, who can also look forward to a range of stalls, a food and drink court and children’s entertainment alongside the racing. The excitement starts at midday, with the winners announced on a podium at about 5pm.
A magical mystery tour Shambala Festival | August 24-27
enigmatically referred to on the festival’s website.
It is part of the magic and mysticism of this event that the organisers do not reveal its precise location until you have bought a ticket.
Suffice to say if you’re in the north of Daventry District you won’t have far to go, which is good news, as this eco-friendly festival advocates green methods of travel where possible. Festival-goers can expect great music, art, entertainment, food and drink.
It’s not spoiling the surprise too much to say that anyone in the north of the district will recognise the ‘secret country estate’
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What’s On
Waterways festival Braunston Historic Rally & Canal Festival I June 24-25 Historic narrowboats are set to prove a spectacular sight as this popular festival returns to Braunston Marina. The 14th annual event will feature twice-daily parades of more than 80 traditional canal boats accompanied by commentary.
Full steam ahead for show Hollowell Steam & Heavy Horse Show I July 1-2 I This celebration of steam and horse power attracts tens of thousands of people to a 100-acre site near the otherwise quiet village of Hollowell. Visitors to this year’s show can also look forward to some exciting flypasts from the RAF’s Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Conditions permitting (and times to be confirmed) the Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane will fly over on the Saturday, with the Spitfire and the Hurricane returning for the Sunday. On the ground will be parades of more than 40 magnificent steam engines, vintage vehicles and heavy horses pulling a variety of carriages and carts.
The event will also feature a fine selection of food and drink, a fun fair, crafts, equestrian events and trade stands. Started in 1986 by Allen Eaton MBE, the event has raised well over one million pounds for local good causes in its history and is largely run by an army of unpaid volunteers.
One of the biggest waterways festivals of the year, the event, which opens at 10am each day also features trade exhibitors, canal societies, music, fast food and refreshments plus Saturday evening entertainment. Famous actors and canal enthusiasts Timothy West and Prunella Scales will be back to open the rally after they last did so in 2013. Entry is free, with parking priced at £10 a car, with all profits to local good causes.
Even in wet weather the site does not get too muddy, and those who tire of walking around the exhibits can always sit down and enjoy some of the best views in Northamptonshire. Gates open at 9am and close at 5.30pm on both of the days, and dogs are welcome.
Silver screen returns to Country Park 12.50pm. The late screening will begin with Moana at 3pm, followed by Trolls at 4.30pm. To give as many people as possible an opportunity to enjoy the films, people will be given coloured wrist bands on arrival to their chosen screening, allowing them free entry to that screening only. Family Cinema Day I July 22 I Grab a picnic and a blanket and enjoy family films on the big screen at Daventry Country Park this July. Moana (PG) and Trolls (U) will be shown at the free event, on Saturday July 22,
after being chosen by people in a public vote. There will be early and late screenings, with the early screening kicking off with Trolls at 11am, followed by Moana at
Daventry Area Community Transport will be operating a free park and ride service from the car park in Chaucer Way, Daventry, to the Country Park starting from 10.30am. The seventh annual event has been organised by Daventry District Council.
Discover more days out at DC Issue 92 Apr 17.indd 13
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What’s On
Events in Daventry District June 2 to 4
June 11
July 1
FloVibe Festival at Kelmarsh Hall featuring yoga master classes, dance workshops, treatments and musicians with DJs in the evening. Register your free place at
Garage Sale in Barby village from 10am-2pm to raise funds for the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance.
Hellidon Summer Fete & Dog Show from midday including Scruffts Heats, stalls, games, a barbecue, real ale bar and much more.
Mini Festival and Open Gardens in Spratton from 12-5pm featuring live music in St Andrew’s Church from midday, a Pimms bar, pasties from Saul’s of Spratton, afternoon tea, stalls, exhibitions, and gardens to look around.
July 1-2
June 3 Transport exhibition at Daventry Museum from 10am-4pm. Free entry. Mayfield Park Sports Park in Dventry from 11am-4pm with lots of activities, stalls, exhibitors and a pop-up tea room.
June 4 Cyclefest on the New Street Rec in Daventry. See page 10 for details. Creaton in Bloom featuring open gardens from 12-5pm as well as craft and market stalls, live music, classic car displays and refreshments. Entry cost £5 (children go free) with free parking on the playing field. Visit www.facebook. com/creatoninbloom
Cottesbrooke Village Open Gardens from 2-5.30pm with cream teas in the village hall.
June 16 to 18 American Auto Club International Auto Show at Kelmarsh Hall. Find out more and book tickets at
June 17 to July 1 Daventry Arts Festival. See page 12 for details.
June 6
June 17 - 18
FitFest in Daventry town centre. See page 10 for details.
Byfield Open Gardens from 1-5pm each day with tea and cakes at the Holy Cross Church, a wedding exhibition and flower arrangements.
June 7 The Women’s Tour comes to Daventry District. See pages 7-10 for details.
June 18 The Tour Ride Northamptonshire at Delapre Abbey in Northampton. See page 10 for details. Father’s Day Jazz Picnic at Canons Ashby from 1pm to 3pm. The event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue. More at www.
June 10 Daventry Motorcycle Festival returns to Daventry town centre. It starts with a ride-in at 10am and features clubs, exhibitors, a Punch and Judy show, children’s rides, live music and lots of different bikes. More at Afternoon Cream Teas at Overstone Village Hall from 2.30-4.30pm. Tickets cost £4 each from Janice on 01604 670029, Valerie on 645510 or Janet on 491953.
July 7 An evening with Shakespeare at Cottesbrooke Hall with Handlebard’s Production of ‘As You Like It’. Gates open at 5pm for a 7pm start. Buy tickets from or on 01604 505717.
July 8-9 Crick Scarecrow and Music Festival returns with some weird and wonderful scarecrows for visitors, live music, amusements and more. Great British Food Festival at Kelmarsh Hall from 10am featuring more than 70 artisan stalls, demos, workshops, live music and more. Buy tickets from greatbritishfoodfestival. com/kelmarsh-hall
July 15 Welton Soapbox Derby. See page 12 for more information. Daventry Miniature Race Cars family barbecue from 10am to 4pm at Leam House, Bridge Grounds, in Staverton (NN11 6BG). Entry costs £10 (£6 children) which includes unlimited use of the group’s 10 tracks.
Braunston Historic Narrowboat Rally. See Page 13 for details.
Shakespeare in the gardens of Lamport Hall with a live performance of ‘Twelfth Night’. Gates open 5.30pm for a 6.30pm start and tickets are available on 01604 686272.
Arts Weekend at Hellidon Village Hall from Midday until 6pm each day.
July 16
June 24-25 Daventry Motorcycle Festival
Hollowell Steam and Heavy Horse Show. See page 13 for details.
June 25 Preston Capes Golf Croquet Pairs Tournament from 11am. Watch the action for free or enter at a cost of £10 per pair, with profits to the village hall charity. Parking available next to the church and refreshments include a barbecue and real ale. Call 01327 360905 for more.
Trad Jazz in the Gardens of Lamport Hall from 2pm to 5pm with The Tame Valley Stompers. Booking essential on 01604 686272.
July 21-23 The Original Land Rover Show at Kelmarsh Hall with more than 50 exhibitors plus evening entertainment. Phone 01775 768661 or visit
Discover more days out at DC Issue 92 Apr 17.indd 14
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What’s On
August 27-28 Antique and Vintage Fair at Lamport Hall from 10am to 4pm each day. The Hall and gardens will also be open from 2pm to 5pm. Admission costs £4 (seniors £3.50, children go free).
September 2 Braunston show at Braunston Village Hall from 2-4pm. Entry is 50p (children go free). Visit bvgashow Daventry Through the Ages exhibition at Daventry Museum from 10am to 4pm. Free entry.
September 3
Moulton Festival
July 22
August 1
Free Family Cinema Day at Daventry Country Park. See page 13 for details.
Mini-Adventure at Daventry Country Park. See page 11 for details.
Wroxton Family Festival at Bragborough Farm in Welton Road Braunston. Entry costs £3.50 (children £2.50, under 2s go free). Buy tickets from or phone 01327 437010.
August 2
July 23 Long Buckby Open Gardens from midday-6pm featuring 11 beautiful gardens on show. Entry costs £5 per person with a shuttle bus service and refreshments on offer.
Wicked Wednesday at Daventry Leisure Centre. See page 11 for details.
August 5 The Admiral Nelson Music Festival at Braunston featuring a line-up of local bands and tribute acts. Visit Transport exhibition at Daventry Museum from 10am-4pm. Free entry.
Barby Produce Show at Barby Village Hall from 2.30-4pm. Daventry Flower and Produce Show at Daventry Community Centre in association with the Daventry Allotment and Gardening Association. Free admission from 1-4.30pm. Badby & District Horticultural Society’s Annual Show at Badby Village Hall and on the Village Green from 2pm-4.30pm. Dahlia Festival at Kelmarsh Hall featuring a programme of speciallythemed activities from 11am-5pm. Find out more at
August 8 Mini-Adventure at Daventry Country Park. See page 11 for details.
July 24 Storytelling in the Gardens at Kelmarsh Hall. It costs £6 for adults and £3 for children, which includes storytelling and craft activities. Find out more at
July 25 Mini-Adventure at Daventry Country Park. See page 11 for details.
July 26 Wicked Wednesday at Daventry Leisure Centre. See page 11 for details.
July 29-30 Cold Ashby Open Gardens with cream teas in the Village Hall from 2pm-6pm. £3.50 admission.
July 30 Cottesbrooke Garden Fete from 2-5.30pm featuring stalls, bouncy castles, pony rides, cream teas and other amusements. Phone 01604 505178 for more.
August 9 Wicked Wednesday at Daventry Leisure Centre. See page 11 for details.
August 15 Mini-Adventure at Daventry Country Park. See page 11 for details.
August 16 Wicked Wednesday at Daventry Leisure Centre. See page 11 for details.
August 22 Mini-Adventure at Daventry Country Park. See page 11 for details.
August 23 Wicked Wednesday at Daventry Leisure Centre. See page 11 for details.
August 24-27 Shambala Festival. See page 12 for details.
Kelmarsh Hall Garden Tour If you would like to include forthcoming events in the District in Daventry Calling please email Please note that due to distribution schedules, some areas of the district may receive Daventry Calling later than the date of some featured events.
Discover more days out at DC Issue 92 Apr 17.indd 15
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Your Council
Meet the new Council Chairman “I’m most looking forward to getting out and about in the county and meeting old friends and new,” said David. “I’ve been very fortunate that on the odd occasions I deputised for the previous Chairman I met people, some of whom I’ve not seen for nearly 40 years. It’s been very rewarding to share experiences with those people. I’m also looking forward to taking a bit of a back seat in terms of the day-to-day work of a portfolio holder and taking the chair for a change.” Born in Northampton, David has spent most of his life in Northamptonshire and currently lives in Everdon with his wife of 44 years, Janet. The couple have three children and four grand-children. A chartered surveyor, he has enjoyed a long career in the land profession and was first elected to Daventry District Council in 2012, holding his current seat since 2015. The new Chairman of Daventry District is looking forward to meeting old friends and new during his year in office. Councillor David James, a ward member for Abbey North in Daventry who has held both the Strategic Planning and the Economic, Regeneration and Employment portfolios on Daventry District Council, said he hopes his latest role will prove a rewarding one.
The Chairman is a non-political, civic role which involves representing the Council at various events and functions throughout the year, as well as chairing - and ensuring the smooth running of Council meetings. Each Chairman also picks a charity to raise funds for throughout their year in office, with David choosing Macmillan Cancer Support. “Something like 2.5million people in the UK are living
with cancer and that figure is set to rise in future years,” said David. “We are an ageing population and sooner or later most of us will have a brush with cancer – indeed I have myself – but Macmillan can offer a range of support services. “It can be lonely for cancer sufferers but they’re not alone and Macmillan can offer support to them, whether oneto-one or through group sessions. They can also translate some of the technical jargon that the medical profession uses, which is also really helpful. “I see being Chairman as a great opportunity to not only raise the profile of the charity locally, but also to raise some funds too.” To invite the Chairman to your community event contact the Chairman’s Secretary on 01327 871100 or email
Find out more about the Chairman and his chosen charity in our video at
Starter for ten Find out a bit more about the new Chairman as we explore some of David’s likes and dislikes Born: The Barratt Maternity Home in Northampton on the last day of the Second World War – there was a big celebration the day after! Favourite TV Show: Only Fools and Horses Favourite Food: Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding Favourite Film: Cool Hand Luke Favourite Music: Anything by Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys
DC Issue 92 Apr 17.indd 16
Favourite Book: A Fortunate Life, by Albert Facey Likes: Good manners, horse racing, music and golf Dislikes: ‘Me-tooism’ - people jumping on a popular bandwagon, dishonesty, bullies, spicy food Biggest regret: My father died when I was a child so I never got to know him very well Would most like to be remembered for: Kindness, and for being a family man.
03/05/2017 12:56