DDF November Newsletter 2017

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NEWSLETTER ISSUE 39 NOVEMBER 2017 Gree ngs from Gloria

The Management Commi ee

campaigns for

appropriate ac on

on an ongoing basis for its members, by working together we have proved we become more than the sum of all the parts to the people we serve

Dear Members,

take part in Daventry and a wreath will be placed on behalf of DDF on the cenotaph.

This is an event dear to my heart ‘Lest

beckons, how is it that as one grows older me

we Forget’ all the brave members of our communi es who never had the chance to become over fi y. I am looking

seems to pass more quickly?

forward to our Tea Dance at the Leisure Centre in December,

Autumn is now upon us and Christmas

Nevertheless DDF

has had an even$ul and quite exci ng year and we have successfully reached out to some of

the more rural communi es of Daventry

District. Our Forums held at Moulton and Woodford Halse were quite successful and we managed to gain more members.

this will follow a brief AGM as I know that many members will be keen to get on the dance floor. to thank Emma

In conclusion I would like

Parry and the support from Daventry District

Council and all members of the Management Commi ee who work relessly to support and enable the con nual success of DDF.

Also my thanks go to Futures Housing for their funding

In Moulton we had an informa ve presenta on contribu on and all the organisa ons that contributed to the from Nicky Sellers on Falls Preven on which is ongoing success of DDF by presenta ons and informa on very relevant to some members. One of my old


Well done everyone! Kind Regards Gloria

sayings is “that old bones don’t bounce -

and that preven on is be er than


If you would like

this newsle er via

email, contact eparry@ daventrydc.gov.uk. If you require it in an alternate format, phone 01327 302523. For type talk, prefix with 18001. Or email equali es@

daventrydc.gov.uk. We are grateful for the con nued

support of

Also working with Mary-Jane

Brown from Moulton Parish Council added to the success of the forum proving that linking with the

grass roots of local communi es adds to the success of our work.

An addi onal success for DDF this year has been our partnership working with Elaine O’ Leary from Northants Rural Acre with the Well for Life Roadshows across Daventry District.

Many other

statutory and voluntary organisa ons a ended with informa on stands . This also proved an effec ve form of networking between agencies.

Our links with other agencies are of great importance to DDF and splendid examples of ‘sharing the caring’ in respect of sharing and providing advice

and informa on beneficial to the ever increasing numbers of Over Fi ies across Daventry and District.

We are

also helping to promote Good Neighbour Schemes across the District.

Loneliness and isola on affects many elderly residents especially the housebound and carers. On Remembrance Day we will again

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf


Dates For Your Diary! 2018 Future Public Forum Events 2-4pm Daventry Leisure Centre Wednesday 21st March Wednesday 20th June Thursday 20th September Thursday 6th December

Well for Life Roadshows a success! Residents gained advice and informa on on improving their health and wellbeing when the Well for Life roadshow visited Moulton on Thursday 28 September at the new Community Centre. Daventry District Council has been working in partnership with the Daventry & District Forum and Northamptonshire ACRE to offer the free Well for Life events at venues across the district, others included Ravensthorpe and Everdon. There were a variety of promo onal stands in a endance including Northamptonshire Healthwatch, Bri sh Red Cross, Moulton Back and Body Clinic, NHS Nene Clinical Commissioning Group, local exercise group ‘Work it Out’, Moulton Therapies, Futures Housing, Total Voice Northamptonshire, Northamptonshire Disability Informa on and Resource Centre, The Alzheimer’s Society and Moulton College. Many thanks also goes to MaryJane Brown, Community Connector and her volunteers from the Good Neighbour Scheme for helping with the arrangements for the day and providing a meet and greet service as well as refreshments, partnership working at its best!

Thank you for your con nued support

Being Safe is Key!

Member Biography - Pat McAlister I am married and have two sons and four grandsons. Before coming to Northamptonshire, we lived in Leicestershire for many years. I have always enjoyed

For informa on on free local services please visit our website

voluntary work and have been on several commi ees raising money for chari es. As a member of the WRVS I started the meals on wheels service for Lu erworth and the 15 surrounding villages. I ran the service for 10 years with the help of 4 teams of drivers, all of whom were volunteers like me. I was a Parish Councillor in my previous village and then for 4 years was a Governor at Badby Primary School. For 10 years I

Care & Repair Daventry District

offers fully fi ed, police approved key safes and will organise a contractor to fit it for you.

For further details please phone 01327 871100

worked for a Market Research company and then for

15 years was a Director of a small company expor ng tex le machinery and components worldwide. I enjoy music, reading and travelling and I love living in Badby.


OTAGO Exercise Programme

provides strength and balance classes for Older

People. OTAGO is a 12 week programme prescribed and delivered by qualified OTAGO trained instructors.

Daventry Leisure Centre Wednesdays 12 - 1pm Tel: 01327 871144

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf


Stay Well This Winter

It’s me to get smart on energy use

Cold weather can make you more likely to catch a winter illness that could become very serious. So even if it’s just a cough or cold, seek advice from your pharmacist before it gets more serious.

Free smart meters for gas and electricity are being

Where to go for the right medical care:Call 999 - For life threatening emergencies call 999

and electricity usage and costs in real-

Call 111 - If you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency, call NHS 111 for clinical advice, assessment and for direc on to the most appropriate services for treatment. For less urgent health needs, contact your GP or local pharmacist. You can also access NHS advice at www.nhs.uk Taken from the NHS Stay Well This Winter publica on, November 2017 available from the Campaign Resources Centre at campaignresources.phe.gov.uk or by emailing Public Health England at enquiries@phe.gov.uk

rolled out to all homes in Britain in a process which will be completed by 2020. The meters will be provided and installed by energy suppliers and will replace the old-style meters. You will also be given a portable in-home display unit on which you can monitor your gas

me. You may

have seen the recent television adverts about the smart meter rollout featuring “Gaz and Leccy” (pictured) - two mischievous characters who represent out of control gas and electricity usage without smart meters. Smart meters will also send energy readings to your energy supplier, removing

the need for es mated bills and making the process of billing far simpler for everyone. If accessing your meters to send a reading to your supplier is proving difficult, a smart meter may be beneficial to you. You can say no to a smart meter but if you want to find out more about

their benefits, we are holding an informa on session at Daventry Leisure Centre ahead of the DDF’s AGM and Tea Dance on the 6 December. DDC’s Environmental Improvement Officer and smart meter champion will be

on hand to answer your ques ons and offer advice.

The Comfort and Joy Campaign is back The Community Safety Partnership and The Daventry & District Forum needs your help The Comfort and Joy Campaign aims to provide men, women and

children in refuge this Christmas with a few essen als to help them get by and some luxuries to help make their Christmas a happy one. Many of those who flee domes c abuse do so quickly and may have no personal possessions with them at all, so we are asking for dona ons of items that could fill a parcel to help people staying in refuges across Northamptonshire. Last year hundreds of items were donated by local residents, schools and

businesses. Dona ons are welcome for women's, men's and children's parcels, items can be anything from soap, body wash, shampoo, sanitary products, scarf and gloves, nappies, baby wipes, books, toys to advent calendars, mince pies and Christmas puddings.

Drop off points by 15th December - Daventry Council Offices, Daventry Police Sta on, South Northants Council Offices — FAO Lindsay Checkley, Emma Parry or Gary Crook. Message from DDF Commi ee Member David Hu on “Thank you to everyone who

Q: Why does Santa have three garden plots up at the North Pole? A: That way he can hoe, hoe, hoe!

donated to the RNLI collec on last month, a0er two days fundraising in Daventry we collected £2416, thank you!”

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf


Good Neighbour Scheme goes from strength to strength Crick has become the second village in Daventry District to launch a Good Neighbours scheme. Developed by DDC in partnership with

Northamptonshire ACRE (Ac on with Communi es in Rural England), the scheme aims to offer prac cal help to older people, either through befriending or assis ng


team and all

Volunteers have been awarded

The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service the accolade of


This is the MBE for a Voluntary

with household chores or transport. The first scheme was launched in Moulton

Group and all those who

earlier this year and has proved a big success. Volunteers in Crick are now in the

contribute to make DACT services

process of se5ng a scheme up and held a start-up mee ng earlier this month to

operate. The award of The

elect a commi ee and get the ball rolling. Moulton is hos ng an event next month

Queen’s Award for Voluntary

to promote the benefits of the scheme more widely. Communi es are invited to

Service 2017 represents a tremendous achievement for

hear about the scheme's benefits and find out how they can set one up in their

DACT. Everyone involved, and

village (further details below).

par cularly volunteers, feel

For further informa on please contact

Daventry District Council on 01327 871100 or Northamptonshire ACRE on 01604 765888

immensely proud of the

recogni on that this award represents.

Many thanks go to

everyone who

con nues to support all services.

For further

informa on on

DACT phone 01327 701665

Free Courses to improve and promote posi ve Mental

Health and Wellbeing. Learn2b courses are designed to suit anyone that is experiencing poor mental health; stress, anxiety, anger, poor sleep, depression and low mood over an extended period of


Experience a safe

and welcoming environment with likeminded people and excellent support from our

Do you get unwanted nuisance calls? The Telephone Preference

Service (TPS) is a central opt out register whereby individuals can register their wish not

to receive unsolicited sales and marke ng telephone calls. Please contact 0345 070 0707

tutors. Take some me out to look a0er yourself and book on a course near

Please phone 01604 368023 for enquiries you.

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf

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