DDF May Newsletter 2016

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What’s inside:


DDF June Forum Results Member Questionnaire Northamptonshire Carers

EU Referendum Volunteering Danetre & Longlands Happy @ Home New State Pension  


If you would like this newsletter via email, contact eparry@ daventrydc.gov.uk. If you require it in an alternate format, phone 01327 302523. For type talk, prefix with 18001. Or email equalities@ daventrydc.gov.uk. We are grateful for the continued support of Daventry District Council


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Greetings from Gloria

are looking into undertaking pilot schemes across the district to try and address loneliness and isolation in rural areas, and it is not an easy task. Look out for How nice it is to see the sun shine after the recent further updates and information on this later in the very cold weather and hailstorms, we must remain year. optimistic that spring and summer has now finally emerged. I have been feeling sorry for the fledgling Progress is regularly fed back to the Health and blackbirds that have already hatched in my garden Wellbeing Board which I regularly attend. Success will emerging into a very cold world. Nevertheless nature depend heavily on interagency support and the always seems to be able commitment of statutory and voluntary agencies to work together, particularly in a time of funding to compensate. shortages. Parish councils, key players at community On a more formal note I level, are informed and encouraged to help. have attended numerous events on behalf of DDF I am conscious of the fact that DDF covers Daventry since our last newsletter District and as Chair I do not want to appear Daventry including Daventry U3A, centric. As many problems exist in rural areas DDF an Ageing Well welcomes information advice and feedback and Workshop, Get Connect- support from members, parish councils, partnership ed, and the Community Café event at New St Centre organisations, and elected councillors at all levels. Daventry. My thanks go to the Management Team and DDC’s Dear Members,

At the Ageing Well workshop I attended in Daventry, I became aware of the problems some carers were experiencing. With many age-related illnesses the patient may receive treatment from hospitals as far as Oxford, and if the carer does not drive this can make visiting difficult on a regular basis even, with the availability of voluntary transport. Similarities can also exist if older people are placed in Social Care nursing homes some distance from where their family lives.

Emma and Viv for their continuing help, support and guidance. I look forward to seeing you at our next event on Wednesday 22nd June which is being held in conjunction with Daventry Arts Festival. Kindest Regards Gloria Edwards Davidson

Whilst with current funding there is no easy answer to this situation with the increasing elderly population the need for a purpose-built Social Care Nursing Home in Daventry, ideally with respite day care, should be seen as a priority. The feelings of loss and change of families who place their loved ones in a care home are bad enough and if they can’t visit regularly there is an added feeling of guilt perhaps to their isolated former carers left at home. The Ageing Well Workshops that have been held throughout the district featured a presentation given by Northamptonshire ACRE on their Good Neighbour Network Scheme. The scheme stressed that being a good neighbour and talking and listening to neighbours whenever possible was indeed an ideal way of monitoring lonely and elderly people. It was also acknowledged that this isn’t always easy because some people may have private dispositions. The workshops led by Daventry District Council’s Roz Tidman and Emma Parry, supporting officer for DDF,

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf



Member Questionnaire Results

Thank you to all members for completing the DDF Member Questionnaire back in December 2015, which sought your views on our public events, newsletters and webpage. The key findings have been summarised below along with recommendations put forward to the DDF Committee for consideration over the next couple of months. Over 10% of members responded with 92 surveys returned from all over the district. Public Events



69% attended up to 3 public forum events in the last year.

72% have access to the internet but only 23% are aware of the DDF webpage.

72% find out about events and activities for the over 50s from the DDF Newsletter.

88% say the forums are good or excellent and 93% would recommend Out of the 19% who rated the to friends and family. webpage 87% found it good and 93% found it a useful place to find out 79% say transport is a barrier to more information about events and attend events, 59% say time of event, activities for the over 50s. 15% are too busy and 41% have no barriers at all.

96% find the newsletter a useful method to find out information. 82% say the newsletter is good or excellent.

93% would pay a nominal fee for transport and 91% would pay a nominal fee to attend forums. Recommendations:

To look into providing forums within villages throughout the district. To promote the webpage further. To include a local services guide/contacts directory within the newsletter and/or on the website or printable at forum meetings.

Northamptonshire Carers Supporting Carers Countywide Does you caring role make you feel stressed or tense? As part of Northamptonshire’s ongoing commitment to help carers look after their own wellbeing, carers registered with Northamptonshire Carers can be offered a course of Reiki and Relaxation.

Reiki activates the body’s natural ability to heal itself, creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace. Reiki is a simple, safe and natural method self-improvement that anyone can use. This 6/8 week course has an emphasis on relaxation techniques to aid stress relief and a better quality of sleep.

To access this for the first time, a Carers Assessment is now needed along with a Support Plan which details Reiki and Relaxation as a way of meeting an eligible need. To request a Carers Assessment please contact our Support Line on 01933 677907.

If you are concerned about your own wellbeing, please call the Carers Support Line on 01933 677907.

If you have had an assessment and interested in Reiki and Relaxation, please call our General Enquiries line on 01933 677837.

Website: www.northamptonshire-carers.org

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing and well being.

Contact us: General Enquiries: 01933 677837 Email: carers@northamptonshire-carers.org

Daventry Café Drop In meet the 1st Thursday every month 10.30am-12.30pm at The Abbey, Market Square, Daventry, NN11 4BH. For further information telephone Cathie on 01933 677837.

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf

All EU need to know about voting in the Referendum Residents in Daventry District are being reminded about polling arrangements for the European Union (EU) Referendum taking place next month.

Voting by proxy

How to vote

You can also vote by proxy – this is when you appoint a person to vote on your behalf if you are unable to get to a polling station, for example if working away or on holiday abroad. Anyone can act as a proxy provided they are willing and eligible to vote in the relevant election. The deadline for applying for a proxy vote is 5pm on 15 June. If an elector falls ill or is called away on business after the deadline, they may be able to apply for an emergency proxy vote up to 5pm on 23 June.

The deadline to register to vote in the EU Referendum is Tuesday, 7 June. You don’t need to reregister if you were already registered to vote for the May elections.

To register to vote or apply for a postal or proxy vote contact Daventry District Council on 01327 871100 or email electoralservices@daventrydc.gov.uk

At a polling station

After close of poll

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on 23 June and residents should have received a card with details of their local polling station. It is helpful for you to take your polling card with you, but if you don’t have it you can still vote. The only exception to this rule is anonymous electors, who must present their poll cards in order to vote.

Once polling stations close at 10pm on 23 June, all votes cast district-wide will be brought back to the Count Hall at Daventry Leisure Centre, Lodge Road Daventry. DDC’s elections staff will then verify all the ballot papers and then count them. The results will then be submitted to the Regional Counting Centre at Kettering and can then be declared locally.

On Thursday, 23 June, 2016, a Referendum will be held on the United Kingdom’s membership of the EU. For this referendum the question is ‘Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?’ Daventry District Council is organising and staging the Referendum for voters living in the District.

Polling station staff will not be able to give people ballot papers if they arrive at the polling station after 10pm. By post

To view the Referendum result for Daventry District when it is announced, visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ elections or follow us on Twitter at @daventrydc

You can vote by post – the deadline for applying for a postal vote is 5pm on 8 June. Postal votes must be received by the Returning Officer by 10pm on 23 June, 2016. Anyone who has left it too late to post can drop it off at their polling station or at Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP.

Would you like to volunteer? Volunteering can offer you the chance to learn new skills, use your existing skills and expertise, develop new interests, meet people and become active in bringing about social change. The diverse nature of volunteering means everyone can get involved. Northamptonshire & Warwickshire Air Ambulance and Daventry Volunteer Centre are two of the many organisations we have had featured at previous DDF Public Forum Events over the years. If you are looking to become a Community Volunteer please telephone Northamptonshire & Warwickshire Air Ambulance on 08454 130999 or Daventry Volunteer Centre on 01327 300614.

The Happy at Home Partnership is a Big Lottery Funded project helping reduce the feelings of isolation in elderly residents across Daventry and South Northants Districts, and enabling them to remain living independently in their own homes. Volunteers are recruited to visit elderly residents in their own homes and take them information about access to services in their local area. For more information about the project please contact Nicola Toms on 01327 300614.

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf

Dementia Care Provision at Longlands Daventry In respect of Local Dementia provision Longlands Daventry has provision for 5 respite care beds, 13 residential care beds currently funded by Northamptonshire County Council and 12 private beds. Longlands also provides Dementia day care provision from Monday to Saturday. Apparently this provision is underused and although it is means tested it could provide a vital break for family carers. For further details telephone Longlands on 01327 316820.

Danetre Hospital Outpatient consultancy A few years ago as a Non Executive Director of the local Primary Care Trust, I was involved in the planning and reprovision of Danetre Hospital. Danetre is a credit to our community. Whilst there is apparently no current decrease in outpatient provision it is important that the needs of elderly and vulnerable patients, together with young families, are given the opportunity to attend Danetre for outpatient services that are currently provided. Travelling distances for any patients in Daventry District can prove costly and exhausting. Further outpatient provision would be welcomed within the capacity of the hospital. Centralisation of services and excess travelling often serves to detract from the access to provision for elderly patients and affect their general health and wellbeing. Ideally a Minor Injuries Unit would be welcome at Danetre but current cuts in funding aren’t helpful. In respect of general care and palliative care primarily for the elderly, Danetre Care provision is second to none but beds are limited. For further details telephone Danetre Hospital on 01327 708800. Gloria Edwards Davidson 03.05.16

What the new State Pension means for you A new State Pension system was introduced on 6 April 2016.

Dates For Your Diary! Future Public Forum Events 2016/17 at Daventry Leisure Centre 2-4pm:

How is the new State Pension different?     

it has a single weekly amount (however, you may get more or less than the full amount, depending on your individual circumstances) you need at least 35 years National Insurance (NI) contributions or credits to get the full amount you need at least 10 years of contributions to qualify for the new State Pension those who have between 10 and 34 years of contributions will receive a proportion of the pension it is focused on individual entitlements, so in general there will be no special rules for people who are married or in civil partnerships, bereaved or divorced.

Who gets the new State Pension? You will get the new State Pension if you are:  a woman born on or after 6 April 1953  a man born on or after 6 April 1951. How does the new State Pension affect current pensioners? The old State Pension and benefit systems will continue for those who are already pensioners or who reach State Pension age before 6 April 2016. It's the date that you reach State Pension age that's important - not when you start to claim your pension. For more information: Call Age UK Advice: 0800 169 2081

Wednesday 22nd June 2016 Wednesday 21st September 2016 Wednesday 7th December 2016 Wednesday 22nd March 2017

Thank you for your continued support

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf

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