DDF May newsletter 2017

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Gree ngs from Gloria

promoted by Falls Preven on will be rolled out across health

As I write this report the dry weather persists

and social care venues throughout Northamptonshire.

The Management

Commi ee campaigns for

appropriate ac on

much to the detriment of farmers and gardeners who would welcome a bout of late April showers. However like everyone I am

on an ongoing basis

looking forward to some warmer weather.

for its members


DF has been very ac ve this year reaching out to rural communi es. Our Forum at Moulton was very successful with an emphasis on Falls

If you would like

this newsle er via

County Council, NHS Nene Commissioning Group, Age UK and

Dear Members,

Preven on. The programme included presenta ons from ROSPA, OTAGO strength and balance exercises and the Osteoporosis Society.

I consider DDF supported by DDC has been very proac ve this year and that we con nue to reach out to rural communi es within Daventry District and we look forward to seeing members at our Forum Event in June at Daventry.

Councillors work together to support voluntary agencies at

ground level par cularly in mes of limited funding to the benefit of residents.

My thanks go to Emma Parry and the

hard work done by our management team, partnership agencies, and members who have contributed to ongoing

Members from Daventry were commitment to DDF to the benefit of all concerned.

email, contact transported to the event by DACT and

eparry@ daventrydc.gov.uk.

resul ng in an enjoyable a(ernoon. Emma and I also a*ended the ‘Big Health Checks’ day at Northamptonshire College Daventry

If you require it in which went out live with Helen Brady

an alternate format, phone 01327 302523.

For type talk, prefix with 18001.

Radio Northampton live.

I was asked to

speak and raise the profile of the work DDF does with Northants Rural Acre and other partnership agencies. Deanna, Emma and I also took part in the Well for Life Road show at

Or email

equali es@ daventrydc.gov.uk.


This event was also

a*ended by many partnership agencies and we all worked

collabora vely with other partners in the aim of providing advice,

We are grateful for

the con nued

informa on to rural communi es whilst accruing new members.

I sit on

support of

the Health and Wellbeing Board within

Daventry District

Daventry District Council and I can truly


evidence that DDF

has demonstrated

the ability to turn ‘joined up talking and thinking to joined up doing’ to the benefit of members and the wider community with partnership working.

Nicky Sellers of Falls Preven on asked me if I would speak in a short film on Falls Awareness. Due to my personal experience of the detrimental effects of falling I was happy to do this to help others.

It is

also important that all elected County, District and Parish

Once completed this film

supported by Northamptonshire

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf


The Daventry & District Forum - Enhancing the Quality of Life for the Over Fi ies Dates For Your Diary! 2017 Future Public Forum Events 2-4pm Wednesday 21st June Daventry Leisure Centre

DDF con nually aims to work preventa vely in order to improve the quality of life of our members by providing mely advice and informa on with the help and support of partner agencies.

We have just over 700 members and we strive to

increase this across Daventry District.

Following on from the member ques onnaire DDF is conscious of the need to reach out to all over 50’s in the rural areas, during this coming year our plans are:-

Holding two of the quarterly forum events in Moulton and Woodford Halse

Strengthen links to co-working with Falls Awareness within Forums and

community venues. This preventa ve work can serve to protect older people from falling and the consequences that o en follow. Broken bones and hips o en serve to debilitate elderly people both psychologically and physically and prove costly to families, Health and Social Care. Falls can also result in decreased mobility, lack of self confidence and lower quality of life

Wednesday 20th September Woodford Halse Memorial Hall

and independence

Proac vely work with Northants Rural Acre and on Good Neighbour schemes to prevent loneliness

Con nue to work with all partnership agencies in order to provide advice and informa on to the over 50’s and where possible further promote partnership working

Wednesday 6th December Daventry Leisure Centre

Thank you for your con nued support For informa on on free local services please visit our website

Increase membership across Daventry District so that more over 50’s can

access advice and informa on

Listen construc vely to the comments and feedback of members Engage where possible at community level with key players e.g. Parish and

District Councillors GP Prac ces and Organisa ons with grass roots knowledge

Provide fun ac vi es within Forums and a further Tea Dance’s Secure further funding -albeit we provide a lot on a shoestring

DDF had a promo onal stand at the BBC Radio Northampton’s ‘Helens big health check’ event, and the Moulton Parkinson's event in April, both were really successful where we recruited new members.

Member Biography — Chris Eddon Born in Northern Ireland, lived the first part of my life enjoying farming, then got itchy feet and spent the rest of my life exploring the world. Got married and then

se-led down to spend my me with a home base and toured at home and Europe. Re red and spend my life enjoying myself, enjoyed my me as a Councillor, enjoy playing golf and watching sport in general. I am at the moment Chairman of the

Daventry and District Scout Associa on so hope to keep my hand in helping our youths of today.

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf


DDF Recep on Display From the 10th April to the 7th May we promoted ourselves with a display in Daventry District Council oďŹƒces within

their recep on area.

DDF Falls Preven on Roadshow The Daventry & District Forum were really proud to have been chosen as the ďŹ rst organised event to promote understanding and

implementa on of the Northamptonshire Falls Preven on Framework. The event at Moulton Village Hall on Wednesday 22nd March

included a talk about falls awareness and preven on by Northants County Council, a fun Octago strength and balance demonstra on, presenta on by The Osteoporosis Society and The Royal Society for the Preven on of Accidents (RoSPA) who also funded the event, and live entertainment from

local band Imner. Promo onal stands included First For Wellbeing, Northamptonshire Associa on for the Blind, DDC’s Welfare & Advice Service, Northamptonshire Police, Northamptonshire Fire Service,

Happy@Home Partnership, Northamptonshire ACRE, Daventry Ci zens Advice Bureau, Northamptonshire Age UK, Spire Homes, and Admiral Nursing Direct. Moulton’s Community Connector Mary-Jane Brown and one of her volunteers from the Good Neighbour Scheme helped out with the provision of refreshments. Our next public forum event is on Wednesday 21st June at Daventry Leisure Centre between 2-4pm.

Good Neighbour Schemes Our new strategy to improve the lives of older people living in Daventry District is already paying

dividends with the success of an ini a ve in Moulton. DDC’s Ageing Well in Daventry District Strategy 2017-21 has been developed to help older residents lead

independent, healthy and ac ve lives for as long as possible in their own homes.

One of its aims is to reduce the impact of social

isola on and loneliness, something which is already being tackled in Moulton thanks to the Good Neighbour Scheme.

It is co-ordinated in Moulton by Mary-Jane

Brown, a Community Connector who is working alongside Moulton Parish Council and Moulton Surgery to improve health and wellbeing in the village and its surrounding area.

Addi onal schemes are also being set up in Braunston and Crick, but we would like to spread this right across our District, and I would urge anyone who is keen to set up a scheme in their village to get in touch.

For further informa on contact Emma Parry at Daventry District Council on 01327 871100 or Northamptonshire ACRE on 01604 765888.

For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf


Did you know that Daventry Area Community Transport also operates a

The New Street cafe project, in

Mobility Shop and Mobility Scooter repair service? partnership with Cummins DACT MOBILITY SHOP is a personalised, caring service catering for all your Mobility needs.

Engineering is helping to provide a cafe environment for

MOBILITY SCOOTER & WHEELCHAIR HIRE - Is a service designed to provide a

older people. The project aims

lifeline for people with temporary or permanent mobility problems. Short or long

to provide social ac vi es as

term hire available for travel scooters and wheelchairs. Larger mobility scooters

well as home cooked food, to

can be borrowed on a same-day return basis, around Daventry Town Centre. help reduce loneliness and MOBILITY AIDS SALES- DACT Mobility Shop is run by Volunteers and offers a wide

range of mobility equipment for sale, from smaller items such as walking s cks, incon nence items, cups & grabbers, to larger items such as rollators, tri wheelchairs, mobility scooters, stair li s and lt and recline lounge chairs. We sell

improve the health & wellbeing of older people.


A team of volunteers help in the kitchen with cooking breakfast

it all! at very reasonable prices.

food and monthly hot lunches. CAN’T AFFORD NEW? We take donated mobility items to refurbish and recycle and sell on at very low prices to those in need. Items include crutches, bed

The cafe is open week day mornings : 9.30 - 12pm.

frames & bathroom equipment, even wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters. So check with us first before you buy elsewhere. If you or someone you know has a mobility scooter or other mobility items that are no longer being used and you

For more informa on please call Daventry Volunteer Centre

would like to donate them, we can always arrange to collect if you are unable to drop it off to us.

SERVICE & REPAIR – Do you need a mobility scooter serviced or wheelchair that

needs a-en on? their PITSTOP workshop at very compe ve prices. Collec on can be arranged

Daventry &

We have 10 Volunteer engineers that can carry out all repairs in

District Memory Café

for a small fee. DACT is a registered charity.

For more informa on please call 01327 312555 Open 9.00am - 4.00pm New Street Daventry NN11 4BS. You can find us adjacent to the Bus Sta on in Daventry Town Centre.

Mee ngs are held at the Abbey Centre, Market Square, Daventry NN11 4XG from 1.00pm to 3.00pm.

Mobile Library Dates of Visits June 2017 – November

Tuesdays June 13, July 11, August 8,


September 12 23 June, 28 July, 25 August, 22 September, 27 October, 24 November

Mee ngs are also held at the Icon Centre, Eastern Way,

Sourton Place, Lang Farm



Daventry NN11 0QB from


Village Hall, Kilsby Road



2.00pm to at 3.30pm.


Barby Road/Ashby Road/Chapel Street



Elkington Road






2 3 4




The Village



June 22, July 27, August 24,



The Green



September 28



Church Road



For further informa on on the Mobile Library Service call 0300 126 1000 or visit

For both people with Demen a and carers to enjoy.


For all the latest news from DDF please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ddf

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