UNTOUCHED A landscape devoid of human intervention. The world of the assembly line has superceded and dominated the natural world; pre fabricated, artificial, synthetic, mass produced. Mass production has deployed the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the spaces that we live in, and our means of transport it is bound to dominate our way of thought. It has entered our politics, our economics, our religion, and our creativity. Witnessing the forces of nature transforming the ground, sea and sky, prompts the imagination towards an alternative strategy of design.
FORCE Embodied energy expressed visually in the most exaggerated fashion imaginable. The surface of the Earth is constantly in motion, gliding along the mantle, heated by the liquid core. Vast crevaces in the crust release glimpses of this power in fantastic displays of geothermal volcanic activity. Over 4 billion years of eruptions and plate tectonics have shaped the surface of the planet carving massive valleys and erecting towering mountains. These forces are visible before the hand of erosion can sweep them away and bury the origins of the land.
HOT The heat escaping through the crust boils groundwater. The burgundy and yellowish earth is iron oxide and sulfur.
HUMAN The Blue Lagoon Grasping at the Earth’s ultimate show of force, man has worked for centuries to capture this geothermal energy. In the past boiling food, bathing and washing clothes and wool were simple methods of harnessing this power. A rudimentary way to slice off a sliver of energy beneath our feet. Geothermal power plants now use the 100 degree celcius water to spin massive turbines. Technology may unlock new ways still to harness this power.